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Fall 2008 Meeting: "SAFE and CLEAN WATER"

DRAFT Agenda

October 29–31, 2008

Crowne Plaza National Airport at Crystal City
1480 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
Hotel Tel. (703) 416-1600

The teleconference number for this meeting is 866-299-3188 with the access code: 2025661087.

DAY ONE: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Time Activity
9:00 AM Introductions: Ambika Bathija, HECD/EPA
9:15 Welcome from Edward Ohanian, Director HECD/EPA
EPA Updates
9:30 OST/HECD Updates: Elizabeth Doyle, William Swietlik, and Joe Beaman, HECD/EPA
10:30 BREAK
10:45 Mutagenic Mode of Action: Rita Schoeny, OST/EPA
11:15 Climate Change Impacts on Water: Robert Cantilli, OST/EPA
11:45 Risk Assessment Forum (RAF) and Science Policy Council (SPC) Updates: Lee Hoffman, ORD/EPA
12:15 PM LUNCH
1:30 National Water Program Research Needs and Management Strategy: Mary Reiley, HECD/EPA
2:00 Update – CCL3: Joyce Donohue, HECD/EPA
2:20 Update – 6-Year Review: Amal Mahfouz, HECD/EPA
2:40 Update – Inorganic Arsenic Risk Assessment: Santhini Ramasamy, HECD/EPA
3:00 BREAK
3:10 Background: Bob Howd, OEHHA, CA
3:20 Overview: Jeanne Briskin, OGWDW/EPA and Ambika Bathija, OST/EPA
3:50 Chloramines in California: June Weintraub, UCSF
4:10 Choramines – Public Health Questions: Lorraine Backer, CDC
4:40 Round Table Discussion

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DAY Two: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM
Time Activity
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water: Unique Challenges and Current Actions
8:00 AM Overview: Scott Stoner, NYS DEC
8:10 EPA Actions Regarding PPCPs: Octavia Conerly, HECD/EPA
8:30 AM International Actions Regarding PPCPs: Edward Ohanian, HECD/EPA
8:50 U.S. Disposal Issues and Actions Regarding Pharmaceuticals: Chen Wen, OPPTS/EPA
9:20 State Actions to Address PPCPs: Scott Stoner, NYS DEC
9:50 Interstate Actions to Address PPCPs: Rebecca Weidman, NEIWPCC and Eric Emery, ORSANCO
10:20 BREAK
10:30 Approaches to Prioritization of Pharmaceuticals: Elizabeth Doyle, HECD/EPA
11:00 Title TBD: Joe Beaman, HECD/EPA
11:30 Round Table Discussion: Next Steps to Meeting the Challenge
12:30 PM LUNCH
"Other" Ingredients in Pesticides
1:30 Bio-pesticides: TBD, OPPTS/EPA
2:00 Development of Toxicity Summaries for "Other" Ingredients: Bob Howd, OEHHA, CA
2:20 Surfactants in Pesticides - Special Reviews for Sensitive Areas: Mike Hutcheson, MA DEP
2:40 BREAK
3:00 Pesticides - Methods to Characterize Use of Ingredients: Joe Zachmann, MN DA
3:20 Overview of EPA's "Other" Ingredient Regulatory Evaluation Process: PV Shah or Kerry Leifer, OPPTS/EPA
4:10 Round Table Discussion

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DAY Three: Friday, October 31, 2008, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Time Activity
Providing Advice in Absence of Toxicity Data
8:00 AM Introduction Helen Goeden, MN DOH
8:10 New Jersey's Health-Based Guidance in Absence of Toxicity Data: Gloria Post, NJ DEP
8:20 New York's Criteria for Drinking Water and Ambient Water: Scott Stoner NYS DEC and Ken Bogdan, NYS DOH
8:30 Overview of OPPTS' QSAR and Expert System Tools for Predicting Toxicity: Tala Henry, OPPTS/EPA
9:00 Toxicological Threshold of Concern Approach: Margaret Whittaker, Tox Services, LLC
9:30 Aquatic Community-Level Benchmarks for Pesticides: Angela Preimesberger, MN/PCA, Phil Monson, MN/PCA and Joe Zachmann, MN/DA
10:00 Round Table Discussion (Potential Use of These Tools/Approaches for Developing Advice and Interest in Obtaining Training)
Coordination Among States and Between States and EPA
10:30 Overview of EPA's New Chemical Assessment and Management Program (ChAMP) and EPA's Efforts Under ChAMP: Tala Henry, OPPTS/EPA
11:00 ATSDR's Chemical Prioritization and Toxicity Review Process - Opportunities for States-ATSDR Interaction: ATSDR Representative
11:30 Compilation of State Drinking Water Standards and Guidelines on HSDB/TOXNET: Gloria Post, NJ DEP and Frank Bell, EPA
11:45 Hot Topics
12:15 PM Feedback, Planning for Next Meeting

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If you have questions, please contact Susan Lanberg at:

Tetra Tech
10306 Eaton Place, Suite 340
Fairfax, VA 22030
Fax: 703.385.6007

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