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Global Climate Change: Policies & Programs

Photo of Frog in Cloud Forest in Nicaragua photo credit, Jerry Bauer
Frog in Cloud Forest in Nicaragua
U.S. Administration

Current U.S. climate change policy focuses on increased funding for research, technology and science to address climate change, tax incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and initiation of multiple bilateral and multilateral international partnerships focused on climate change.


Managed by the Office of Environment and Science Policy of USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, the Global Climate Change Program is a presidential initiative. President Bush's February 2002 statement on U.S. climate policy made it clear that USAID, with a robust and increased portfolio of climate-related activities, would continue to play a key leadership role on climate change issues. The U.S. policy states: “USAID serves as a primary vehicle for transferring American energy and sequestration technologies to developing countries to promote sustainable development and minimize their GHG emissions growth.”

To help countries address domestic and international climate change priorities, USAID’s Global Climate Change (GCC) Program dedicates about $180 million a year to promote:

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Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:25:24 -0500