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Petroglyph National Monumentimage of volcanoes and flowers
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Petroglyph National Monument

The following rules and regulations have been established in order to provide for the safety of our visitors and to best protect the many cultural and natural resources of Petroglyph National Monument. As a young unit of the National Park System, Petroglyph National Monument is still developing many of the facilities (trails, contact stations, etc.) commonly found in other park units. Nonetheless, all lands and resources within the monument are protected by federal, state and local laws and regulations. Please direct any questions you may have to the Chief Ranger at 505-899-0205.

  • Enter the monument only through established access points and stay on existing roads and trails.
    • The sandy soils of Petroglyph National Monument can easily erode. Walking off the trails can damage the fragile desert vegetation and increase erosion from wind and rain.
    • Any existing dirt road or trail may be used as a foot/bike/horse trail, unless otherwise marked, until the completion of the Official Trail Plan for the monument.
      • Boca Negra and Rinconada Canyon trails are open ONLY to foot traffic.
      • NO ATV's, dirt bikes, or other motorized off-road vehicles are allowed anywhere inside the monument
  • Help protect your park for future generations. Do not remove or add, alter, damage, or deface any natural or cultural objects.
    • Everything is protected in National Park units. If you witness vandalism or theft of natural or cultural items, please report it to the number listed above.
    • Natural items include soils, rocks, plants, animals (including insects), etc. Cultural items include, but are not limited to, petroglyphs, archeological sites and historic objects.
      • Portions of Petroglyph National Monument were included in an historic military test range. There may be unexploded ordnance (fuses and or other bomb parts) within or adjacent to parts of the monument. If you see anything that might be part of such a device DO NOT TOUCH IT. For your safety and the safety of others, report it to Open Space Dispatch at 505-873-6632 or to a Park Ranger at Las Imágenes Visitor Center. Please provide an exact location of where you found the item and a good description.
  • Pets are welcome on most trails as long as they are kept on a leash 6 feet or less in length and under the physical control of a handler at all times. Pets are not allowed anywhere in Boca Negra Canyon. Please pick up after your pet and dispose of pet waste in an appropriate trash receptacle.
    • Most National Parks do not allow dogs on any trails. As an urban unit, we currently allow dogs on most trails under these conditions:
      1. Keep your pet on a short (6 foot or shorter) leash and under your physical control at all times.
      2. Pick up your pet's excrement and dispose of it properly.
      3. Your pet may not chase or harass any wildlife (lizards included).
      4. Do not allow your dog to dig, maul, or otherwise disturb any park feature.
    • Following these guidelines protects your pet, as well as park wildlife, from potentially harmful situations and is courteous to other visitors. Some people are uncomfortable or scared of dogs and do not like to be approached.
    • Canine Fecal Coliform is one of the largest problems facing Albuquerque's water supply. Collecting your pet's waste and disposing of it properly will keep these bacteria from being washed into our arroyos (washes) and eventually into the aquifer.

Note that some unrestrained pets have died of heat stroke, been bit by snakes, or had fatal encounters with coyotes, both of which are native wildlife.

  • Deposit all refuse in an appropriate receptacle. Trash cans are provided for your convenience in many areas of the monument. Help us keep your monument clean and litter free.
  • Target practicing, hunting or sport shooting is strictly prohibited within the city limit of Albuquerque, which includes all lands within the monument. Carrying or using a firearm or other weapons or traps is prohibited on federal lands (see Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations). Public and Private shooting range facilities are available locally for such purposes.
  • No camping is allowed within the monument boundary. Camping is available at numerous commercial campgrounds within the Albuquerque area as well as other public lands throughout the state. Some useful links are:

    State Parks information -
    Forest Service in NM -
    General Public Lands Info -

  • Hot Air balloons, para-gliders, ultralights, planes and any other device used for human flight, may not land, takeoff, or fly over at less than 500' within the monument.
    • The entire monument is designated a "no-land" zone. Any landing will be considered an emergency landing. Landings will result in an official report documenting the balloon, owner, and pilot, which will be forwarded to the FAA.
    • Landings resulting in damage to natural or cultural items can result in criminal charges and restitution for assessments and rehabilitation of any affected areas.
    • Monument staff is NOT provided to physically assist in the removal of balloons and associated equipment. Removal MUST be done by the balloon pilot and crew. If monument staff or equipment is required to complete removal, services will be charged back to the operator/owner.
  • Motor Vehicle operation is authorized on established park roads and parking areas that are paved or rocked (graveled) for vehicle use only. Off road travel by any motorized vehicle including ATV's, dirt bikes, dune buggies, etc. is prohibited within the monument to protect natural and cultural features for future generations. The monument is fenced to protect these features; please help by reporting any off road vehicle intrusions or fence cuts.

    Intrusions resulting in damage to natural or cultural items can result in criminal charges and restitution for assessments and rehabilitation of any affected areas.
  • Personal photography and filming is allowed, however, any commercial photography or filming requires a special use permit issued by the Superintendent. Contact the National Park Service Chief Ranger at 505-899-0205 x233 for information regarding permit requirements. (Please notify us a minimum of 2 weeks prior to desired date for permit processing.)

Other Regulations apply. Park specific regulations are contained in the Superintendents Compendium. For a copy of the compendium or if you have any questions concerning park regulations, call the Chief Ranger at 505-899-0205 x233.

Violations of Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations are generally punishable by fines up to $5000 and/or imprisonment of up to 6 months. Certain natural and cultural resource violations such as damaging or removing petroglyphs, may be felonies punishable by fines up to $20,000 and/or imprisonment up to 2 years in addition to civil penalties.

Link to Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations
Link to United States Code through the "Legal Information Institute" at Cornell University (Titles 16, 18 and 21 apply)

Please help us protect and preserve our natural and cultural heritage for future generations. For further information or to report a violation, call:

  • National Park Service Law Enforcement at 505-899-0205
  • City of Albuquerque Open Space Division Dispatch 505-873-6632
Did You Know?  

Did You Know?
Unlike most other birds, which have three front toes and one back toe, the roadrunner has two front and two back toes, allowing it to run down its prey. Look for its distinct X-shaped tracks on the white sands.

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:23 EST