Consumer Tips

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Tips for Consumers

Welcome to our Consumer Tips Section. Click on any of the links below to avoid common consumer mistakes.

Tips for Seniors

If you are a senior citizen, please be sure to read our "Tips for Seniors" document.

Mail Fraud

Be wary of mail fraud and scams. Listed below are a few scams to watch for and be wary of.

Internet Fraud

There is a lot of fraud on the internet. Check out the site below or call the toll-free number to find out more about it.


Internet Fraud Watch
Tips for Avoiding Fraud on the internet.

Consumer Sentinel

Check out this site to:
  • get facts on consumer frauds from internet cons, prize promotions, work-at-home schemes, and telemarketing scams to identity theft.
  • report your fraud complaints so they can be shared with law enforcement officials across the U.S. and around the world.
  • learn how U.S., Canadian, and Australian law enforcers work together with private sector companies and consumer organizations to combat fraud.
  • see trends and the types of complaints consumer file.


Hawaii Sales and General Excise Tax

Do you know about the taxes that you pay in Hawaii? Click on the link below to read about the difference between Sales Tax and the Hawaii General Excise Tax.

Page last modified 07-28-2008 09:34 AM