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Publications Online

Publication Number Title Revision Date or Tax Year
Publication 1
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Publication 1 (12/1998), Your Rights as a Taxpayer 12/1998
Publication 3
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Publication 3 (2007), Armed Forces' Tax Guide 2007
Publication 15
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Publication 15 (2008), (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide 2008
Publication 15-A
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Publication 15-A (2008), Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide 2008
Publication 15-B
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Publication 15-B (2008), Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits 2008
Publication 17
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Publication 17 (2007), Your Federal Income Tax 2007
Publication 51
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Publication 51 (2008), (Circular A), Agricultural Employer's Tax Guide 2008
Publication 54
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Publication 54 (2007), Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad 2007
Publication 80
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Publication 80 (2008), (Circular SS), 2008
Publicación 179
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Publicación 179 (2/2008), Circular PR, 2/2008
Publication 225
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Publication 225 (2007), Farmer's Tax Guide 2007
Publication 334
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Publication 334 (2007), Tax Guide for Small Business 2007
Publication 463
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Publication 463 (2007), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses 2007
Publication 501
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Publication 501 (2007), Exemptions, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information 2007
Publication 502
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Publication 502 (2007), Medical and Dental Expenses 2007
Publication 503
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Publication 503 (2007), Child and Dependent Care Expenses 2007
Publication 504
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Publication 504 (2007), Divorced or Separated Individuals 2007
Publication 505
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Publication 505 (2/2008), Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax 2/2008
Publication 509
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Publication 509 (10/2007), Tax Calendars for 2008 10/2007
Publication 510
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Publication 510 (2008), Excise Taxes 2008
Publication 513
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Publication 513 (1/2008), Tax Information for Visitors to the United States 1/2008
Publication 514
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Publication 514 (2007), Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals 2007
Publication 515
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Publication 515 (3/2008), Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Entities   3/2008
Publication 516
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Publication 516 (4/2005), U.S. Government Civilian Employees Stationed Abroad 4/2005
Publication 517
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Publication 517 (2007), Social Security and Other Information for Members of the Clergy and Religious Workers 2007
Publication 519
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Publication 519 (2007), U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens 2007
Publication 521
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Publication 521 (2007), Moving Expenses 2007
Publication 523
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Publication 523 (2007), Selling Your Home 2007
Publication 524
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Publication 524 (2007), Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled 2007
Publication 525
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Publication 525 (2007), Taxable and Nontaxable Income 2007
Publication 526
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Publication 526 (2007), Charitable Contributions 2007
Publication 527
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Publication 527 (2007), Residential Rental Property 2007
Publication 529
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Publication 529 (2007), Miscellaneous Deductions 2007
Publication 530
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Publication 530 (2007), Tax Information for First-Time Homeowners 2007
Publication 531
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Publication 531 (2007), Reporting Tip Income 2007
Publication 534
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Publication 534 (11/1995), Depreciating Property Placed in Service Before 1987 11/1995
Publication 535
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Publication 535 (2007), Business Expenses 2007
Publication 536
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Publication 536 (2007), Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts 2007
Publication 537
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Publication 537 (2007), Installment Sales 2007
Publication 538
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Publication 538 (3/2008), Accounting Periods and Methods 3/2008
Publication 541
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Publication 541 (04/2008), Partnerships 04/2008
Publication 542
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Publication 542 (2/2006), Corporations 2/2006
Publication 544
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Publication 544 (2007), Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets 2007
Publication 547
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Publication 547 (2007), Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts 2007
Publicación 547(SP)
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Publicación 547(SP) (2007), Hechos Fortuitos, Desastres y Robos 2007
Publication 550
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Publication 550 (2007), Investment Income and Expenses 2007
Publication 551
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Publication 551 (5/2002), Basis of Assets 5/2002
Publication 552
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Publication 552 (4/2005), Recordkeeping for Individuals 4/2005
Publication 553
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Publication 553 (4/2008), Highlights of 2007 Tax Changes 4/2008
Publication 554
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Publication 554 (2007), Tax Guide for Seniors 2007
Publication 555
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Publication 555 (5/2007), Community Property 5/2007
Publication 556
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Publication 556 (5/2008), Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, and Claims for Refund 5/2008
Publication 557
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Publication 557 (06/2008), Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization 06/2008
Publication 559
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Publication 559 (2007), Survivors, Executors, and Administrators 2007
Publication 560
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Publication 560 (2007), Retirement Plans for Small Business 2007
Publication 561
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Publication 561 (4/2007), Determining the Value of Donated Property 4/2007
Publication 564
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Publication 564 (2007), Mutual Fund Distributions 2007
Publication 570
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Publication 570 (2007), Tax Guide for Individuals With Income From U.S. Possessions 2007
Publication 571
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Publication 571 (3/2008), Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b) Plans) 3/2008
Publication 575
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Publication 575 (2007), Pension and Annuity Income 2007
Publicación 579(SP)
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Publicación 579(SP) (2007), Cómo Preparar la Declaración de Impuesto Federal 2007
Publication 583
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Publication 583 (1/2007), Starting a Business and Keeping Records 1/2007
Publication 584
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Publication 584 (12/2007), Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook 12/2007
Publication 584-B
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Publication 584-B (12/2007), Business Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Loss Workbook 12/2007
Publicación 584SP
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Publicación 584SP (4/2008), Registro de Pérdidas por Hechos Fortuitos (Imprevistos), Desastres y Robos (Propiedad de Uso Personal) 4/2008
Publication 587
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Publication 587 (2007), Business Use of Your Home 2007
Publication 590
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Publication 590 (2007), Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) 2007
Publication 593
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Publication 593 (01/2008), Tax Highlights for U.S. Citizens and Residents Going Abroad 01/2008
Publication 595
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Publication 595 (2/2006), Capital Construction Fund for Commercial Fishermen 2/2006
Publication 596
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Publication 596 (2007), Earned Income Credit (EIC) 2007
Publicación 596SP
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Publicación 596SP (2007), Crédito por Ingreso del Trabajo 2007
Publication 597
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Publication 597 (2/2006), Information on the United States-Canada Income Tax Treaty 2/2006
Publication 598
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Publication 598 (11/2007), Tax on Unrelated Business Income of Exempt Organizations 11/2007
Publication 600
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Publication 600 (2006), State and Local General Sales Taxes 2006
Publication 721
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Publication 721 (2007), Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits 2007
Publicación 850
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Publicación 850 (12/2003), English-Spanish Glossary of Words and Phrases 12/2003
Publication 901
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Publication 901 (4/2008), U.S. Tax Treaties 4/2008
Publication 907
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Publication 907 (2007), Tax Highlights for Persons with Disabilities 2007
Publication 908
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Publication 908 (7/1996), Bankruptcy Tax Guide 7/1996
Publication 915
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Publication 915 (2007), Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits 2007
Publication 919
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Publication 919 (2008), How Do I Adjust My Tax Withholding? 2008
Publication 925
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Publication 925 (2007), Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules 2007
Publication 926
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Publication 926 (2008), Household Employer's Tax Guide 2008
Publication 929
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Publication 929 (2007), Tax Rules for Children and Dependents 2007
Publication 936
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Publication 936 (2007), Home Mortgage Interest Deduction 2007
Publication 938
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Publication 938 (06/2008), Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs) Reporting Information 06/2008
Publication 939
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Publication 939 (04/2003), General Rule for Pensions and Annuities 04/2003
Publication 946
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Publication 946 (2007), How To Depreciate Property 2007
Publication 947
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Publication 947 (5/2004), Practice Before the IRS and Power of Attorney 5/2004
Publication 950
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Publication 950 (9/2008), Introduction to Estate and Gift Taxes 9/2008
Publication 954
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Publication 954 (1/2004), Tax Incentives for Distressed Communities 1/2004
Publication 957
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Publication 957 (6/2005), Reporting Back Pay and Special Wage Payments to the Social Security Administration 6/2005
Publication 967
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Publication 967 (2007), The IRS Will Figure Your Tax 2007
Publication 969
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Publication 969 (2007), Health Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Favored Health Plans 2007
Publication 970
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Publication 970 (2007), Tax Benefits for Education 2007
Publication 971
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Publication 971 (4/2008), Innocent Spouse Relief 4/2008
Publication 972
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Publication 972 (2007), Child Tax Credit 2007
Publication 1212
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Publication 1212 (12/2006), Guide to Original Issue Discount (OID) Instruments 12/2006
Publication 1542
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Publication 1542 (3/2008), Per Diem Rates 3/2008
Publication 1544
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Publication 1544 (6/2007), Reporting Cash Payments of Over $10,000 6/2007
Publicación 1544(SP)
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Publicación 1544(SP) (6/2007), Informe de Pagos en Efectivo en Exceso de $10,000 6/2007
Publication 3920
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Publication 3920 (2/2002), Tax Relief for Victims of Terrorist Attacks 2/2002
Publication 3991
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Publication 3991 (5/2002), Highlights of the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 5/2002
Publication 4492
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Publication 4492 (1/2006), Information for Taxpayers Affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma 1/2006
Publication 4492-A
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Publication 4492-A (7/2008), Information for Taxpayers Affected by the May 4, 2007, Kansas Storms and Tornadoes 7/2008
Publicación 4492(SP)
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Publicación 4492(SP) (3/2006), Información para los Contribuyentes Afectados por los Huracanes Katrina, Rita y Wilma 3/2006
Publication 4655
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Publication 4655 (1/2008), Supplemental Instructions for 2007 Form 1040 and Form 1040NR 1/2008
Publication 4681
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Publication 4681 (2007), Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments 2007