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Assistance for Rehabilitation Researchers & Grantseekers


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Welcome to RehabNet~West!
Visit our home page regularly to learn more about new opportunities and advances in rehabilitation research.

NCMRR Biennial Training Workshop
Doubletree Hotel, Rockville, MD- December 5-6, 2005

Two days of research highlights, career development, networking, grantsmanship, NIH funding opportunities and peer review, and clinical trials. Workshop slides and background material from previous meetings are available at http://www.nichd.nih.gov/about/ncmrr/training_workshop.htm. To register send your name, address, phone and Email to Janice Wahlmann at wahlmanj@mail.nih.gov.


NIH Interdisciplinary Research Funding Opportunity
NIH has funded 21 Exploratory Centers for Interdisciplinary Research. In December 2005, two notices will be published in the NIH Guide describing the two-stage application procedure for Interdisciplanary Consortia applications. Summaries of proposed programs will be due in late April 2006, with some applicants to be invited to submit full applications due in December 2006. For more information go to http://www.ncrr.nih.gov/roadmapnewsecir.asp


ACRM Presentations
Several of our faculty members will be making presentations at the 2005 ACRM Conference in Chicago on September 28 - October 2, 2005. Look for presentations by Dagmar Amtmann, Bruce Dobkin, Jodie Haselkorn, and Kurt Johnson by following the link to the preliminary conference schedule above.


Live Meeting Training Sessions
Archived versions of our three interactive, web-based training sessions are now available online.


Streaming Video Version of the Multi-site Clinical Trial in Rehabilitation Medicine
The archived video version of our Fall 2004 conference is available online.

HIPAA Privacy Rule: Information for Researchers from NIH

NIH is providing information and guidance regarding the HIPAA Privacy Rule and its impact upon research. An NIH website has been developed to provide the research community with information and resources. For instance, HHS had developed sample language that covered entities may wish to consider when developing an authorization for use and disclosure of protected health information for research. A booklet, entitled Protecting Personal Health Information in Research: Understanding the HIPAA Privacy Rule, is now available (see website for details).

Project LASER

Project LASER, funded through the US Dept of Education's Office of Special Education Programs, will award Research Associate grants of $10,000 to increase the capacity of faculty and graduate students at predominant and other minority institutions to conduct, sustain, and disseminate research centered on children with or suspected of having disabilities in urban or high-poverty areas. For information contact Dr. Sims at asims@tempest.coedu.usf.edu or  813-974-3195, or Dr. Brenda L. Townsend at btownsen@tempest.coedu.usf.edu or 813-974-1385. 

Regional Rehabilitation Centers

Find out more about other rehabilitation centers and programs in the Western United States.

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RehabNet~West is a non-profit research support network funded by
The National Institutes of Health
Administrative support from University of Washington, Seattle