Subject: File No. S7-06-04
From: Deena K Dean

March 4, 2004

The proposed Mutual Fund Disclosure Forms introduction indicates that these two forms are designed to provide you with information at two points in time - either orally or in writing immediately before your broker places the order... I would like to suggest that this information be provided orally and in writing. I recall as a new investor that there was so much information being provided at the point of sale that it was difficult to keep it all straight. Having information in writing would aid in the clarity of the explanation and decrease the possibility of claims against the broker later that the information was not provided to the customer.

Also, based on my experience as a new investor, I would like to suggest that the Explanations and Definitions page is first rather than last to insure that the customer has knowledge of the brokers terminology.

On Attachments 1, 2, and 3, I like that Industry Norms are provided and hope that this will remain.

On Attachments 4 and 5 Point of Sale examples, I would suggest using the name of the brokers firm instead of the words we and us so that there is no confusion for the consumer e.g. believing that we means the consumer and the financial advisor as a team, or us means the husband and wife present at the sales pitch.