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OPA News Release: [08/15/2005]
Contact Name: Stephanie Cathcart
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676
Release Number: 05-1555-CHI

U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao Visits Cleveland to Highlight 70th Anniversary of Social Security and Need For Reform

CLEVELAND—In remarks today to workers and community leaders in Cleveland, U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao hailed the Social Security system's 70th anniversary and the need to strengthen it for the future. Secretary Chao, a member of the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, outlined the President's reform plan and took questions from the audience.

“Social Security has provided generations of seniors a better quality of life and today's young Americans deserve no less from the system they pay into,” said Chao. “That is why President Bush is working so hard to strengthen the program so that 70 years from now Americans can still celebrate Social Security for enabling our seniors to live with dignity and peace of mind.”

Chao noted that the current system is making promises that will be unaffordable for taxpayers in the future to keep. In the coming decades, population trends will undermine Social Security and by 2041, when the current system is expected to be bankrupt, there will be only two workers supporting each retiree through the Social Security payroll tax. In 1950, there were 16 workers paying Social Security taxes for every person receiving benefits. In 2017, benefits paid out will begin exceeding payroll taxes coming in.

The President has outlined three goals in strengthening Social Security: guarantee that future generations receive benefits at least equal to today's; make Social Security better for those who need it most; and replace the empty promises being made to younger workers with real money. He has pointed out that most of the challenge of getting Social Security on solid financial footing can be met by indexing benefits for wealthier recipients to the rate of inflation, while having benefits grow faster than inflation for lower income workers. Everyone would be assured of getting at least what today's retirees are receiving and lower income seniors would do better than under the current system.

The President has also proposed an innovation called “Voluntary Personal Retirement Accounts.” These accounts would be voluntary and empower workers by allowing them to invest a small portion of their Social Security taxes in a conservative mix of bonds and stocks or a risk-free Treasury bond account. Workers would own these accounts and could leave them to their spouses and children, a tremendous improvement over the current system which they can pay into their entire working life and get nothing in return.

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