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Child Support Hearings

Document Actions

The OCSH conducts administrative hearings where parents or parties have the opportunity to present evidence regarding a proposed action involving their child support.  Proposed actions include:

    • Establishment of child support
    • Modification of child support
    • Termination of child support
    • Establishing or enforcing past due child support
    • Medical Insurance Coverage
    • Order for Income Withholding
    • Tax Refund Intercept
    • Credit Bureau Reporting
    • License Suspension

At the hearing, both parents have the opportunity to present evidence in support of their position.  Evidence can be documents (written) or testimony (spoken).  The hearing officer reviews the evidence presented and issues a decision based upon the laws, rules, and the Child Support Guidelines that govern child support.  These laws and rules may involve government programs and benefits such as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), foster care, social security, medical disability, unemployment insurance, workers compensation and paternity.  The hearings officer’s decision has the same force and effect as a Family Court Order due to the concurrent jurisdiction of OCSH and Family Court for child support matters.
Parties have thirty days after they receive the filed administrative order to file an appeal with the Family Court where the order was filed if they wish to appeal.

Last modified 2005-08-09 09:07 AM