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Alternative Asbestos Control Method
Pilot Research Project #1

Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority, Fort Smith, Arkansas

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Map of Project Location
The pilot project test site consisted of two to four asbestos-containing buildings at Fort Chaffee. The buildings nearest to the pilot project site are empty. View the Map of Project Location.

Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, was identified as the first site for the testing of the Alternative Asbestos Control Method. Pilot Research Project #1 was carried out as a joint effort of the Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, the United States Department of Energy, and EPA.

The site for Pilot Project #1 was in a remote, secure location, to assure no public exposure during testing. The site had several identical structures with asbestos-containing building materials to facilitate a side-by-side comparison of the Alternative Asbestos Control Method and the current asbestos control method required method required under the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants. The buildings had a clearance of approximately 1,000 feet from the nearest occupied site on the eastern side, and far greater than that in all other directions.

Briefly described, the Alternative Asbestos Control Method requires removal of the most friable asbestos-containing materials before demolition, but allows some asbestos containing materials (primarily wall systems) to remain in place, with emissions to be controlled by the addition of amended water.

The most friable asbestos-containing materials are removed under the requirements of the current asbestos control method, required under the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants, and are disposed of as asbestos-containing wastes. Once the most friable asbestos-containing materials are removed, the demolition proceeds using amended water suppression before, during and after demolition, to trap asbestos fibers and minimize their potential release to the air. Wastewater generated during the demolition is collected, and all contaminated materials are disposed as asbestos-containing waste. In addition, after demolition and removal of demolition materials, a two-inch layer of soil is removed to ensure that no residual asbestos soil contamination remains at the site.

A technical team of EPA scientists and engineers was assembled to conduct a peer review and further refine the project protocol. A site-specific Quality Assurance Project Plan was developed. EPA's Office of Research and Development in conjunction with Region 6 conducted the pilot project. The Office of Science Policy of the Office of Research and Development independently conducted an external peer review of the Quality Assurance Project Plan and obtained peer review and public comment on the final report, in accordance with the Agency's Peer Review Policy.

Additional Site #1 Information

Background Information on Project #1

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