Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2003 / Aug / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help

Click here for graphic showing U.S. Department of Commerce logo and link to site Climate of 2003 - August
Oklahoma Drought

National Climatic Data Center, 12 September 2003

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Very heavy rains fell on the last two days of the month, resulting in a wet August 2003 rank (13th wettest) for the state. However, much of the last two months (July-August) was extremely dry. July 2003 ranked as the 11th driest July in the 109-year record, and much of the state had well below normal rainfall for July 30-August 28. Satellite observations of August surface wetness and end-of-month vegetative health showed overall dry, stressed conditions, especially in the west. August 31 USDA reports indicated 74% of the state's topsoil moisture was rated "poor" to "very poor" and 43% of the state's pasture and range land was in "poor" to "very poor" condition.

As noted by the Oklahoma Climatological Survey (Derek Arndt), most farm ponds in western Oklahoma were completely dry, and the rest were down.

Statewide Precipitation Ranks
for Oklahoma , 2002-2003
Period Rank
Aug 13th wettest
( 97th driest)
Jul-Aug 48th wettest
( 62nd driest)
Jun-Aug 32nd wettest
( 78th driest)
May-Aug 43rd wettest
( 67th driest)
Apr-Aug 45th driest
Mar-Aug 42nd driest
Feb-Aug 43rd driest
Jan-Aug 32nd driest
Dec-Aug 43rd driest
Nov-Aug 33rd driest
Oct-Aug 53rd wettest
( 56th driest)
Sep-Aug 46th driest
Click here for graphic showing  precipitation departures, January 1998 - present
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Click here for graphic showing  Palmer Z Index, January 1998 - present
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Click here for graphic showing  precipitation, August    1895-2003
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Click here for graphic showing  Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, January 1900 - August    2003
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Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2003 / Aug / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help
Downloaded Saturday, 04-Oct-2008 10:31:04 EDT
Last Updated Friday, 18-Nov-2005 14:11:46 EST by
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