CF NR 8/23/96 NR SUPP TBL9 ACT X EVE Table 9. Fatal occupational injuries by worker activity at the time of the incident and event, 1995 Fatalities Event or exposure(1) (percent) Exposure Worker activity Contact to Trans- Assaults with harmful Fires and Number Percent Total portation and objects Falls sub- explosio- in- violent and stances ns cidents acts equipment or environ- ments Total............... 6,210 100.0 100 41.2 20.3 14.7 10.4 9.6 3.3 Vehicular and transportation operations......... 2,421 39.0 100 91.2 4.4 2.2 .8 1.2 - Driving, operating.. 1,606 25.9 100 92.5 5.2 1.3 - .8 - Automobile........ 449 7.2 100 82.9 15.8 - - - - Airplane.......... 156 2.5 100 99.4 - - - - - Truck............. 716 11.5 100 97.1 1.1 1.3 - - - Industrial or construction vehicle........ 97 1.6 100 86.6 - 9.3 - - - Boat.............. 17 .3 100 88.2 - - - - - Train............. 8 .1 100 100.0 - - - - - Bus............... 10 .2 100 80.0 - - - - - Bicycle, motorcycle..... 21 .3 100 95.2 - - - - - Riding in, on....... 387 6.2 100 92.0 1.8 1.8 2.3 1.8 - Automobile........ 40 .6 100 92.5 - - - - - Airplane.......... 115 1.9 100 99.1 - - - - - Truck............. 115 1.9 100 95.7 - - - - - Industrial/constr- uction vehicle. 15 .2 100 80.0 - - - - - Boat.............. 52 .8 100 82.7 - - - 7.7 - Train............. 12 .2 100 100.0 - - - - - Horse............. 9 .1 100 - - - 55.6 - - Boarding, alighting. 47 .8 100 53.2 19.1 - 10.6 12.8 - Directing, flagging traffic.......... 34 .5 100 94.1 - - - - - Walking in or near roadway, etc., n.e.c............ 87 1.4 100 89.7 - - - - - Vehicular and transportation operations, n.e.c............ 240 3.9 100 88.8 - 7.5 - - - Driving, operating farm vehicle... 185 3.0 100 91.9 - 5.9 - - - Riding in, on farm vehicle........ 24 .4 100 83.3 - 16.7 - - - Boarding, alighting farm vehicle........ 4 .1 100 100.0 - - - - - Using or operating tools, machinery... 571 9.2 100 17.2 1.4 53.2 8.8 10.7 8.8 Operating heavy equipment........ 213 3.4 100 39.9 - 48.4 2.3 7.5 1.9 Hydraulic equipment...... 10 .2 100 - - 60.0 - - - Crane............. 20 .3 100 - - 50.0 - 25.0 - Farm machinery.... 68 1.1 100 47.1 - 48.5 - - - Mine machinery.... 18 .3 100 - - 88.9 - - - Earth moving machinery...... 38 .6 100 68.4 - 28.9 - - - Materials handling machinery...... 22 .4 100 40.9 - 50.0 - - - Operating machinery. 74 1.2 100 - - 71.6 5.4 5.4 10.8 Using power tools... 43 .7 100 - - 39.5 16.3 18.6 18.6 Using nonpowered hand tools....... 20 .3 100 - - 30.0 30.0 20.0 - Operating or reading gauges, valves, switches......... 21 .3 100 - - - - 33.3 33.3 Welding............. 37 .6 100 - - 16.2 16.2 18.9 45.9 Logging, trimming, pruning ......... 133 2.1 100 - - 77.4 13.5 7.5 - Using or operating tools, machinery, gauges, n.e.c.... 14 .2 100 - - 42.9 - 28.6 - Constructing, repairing, cleaning 1,174 18.9 100 6.6 2.9 26.4 32.2 26.1 5.6 Construction, assembling, dismantling...... 466 7.5 100 5.4 - 21.7 44.2 25.5 2.6 Constructing, assembling..... 141 2.3 100 2.8 - 21.3 56.0 16.3 3.5 Installing........ 131 2.1 100 - - 20.6 33.6 41.2 3.1 Dismantling, removing....... 72 1.2 100 - - 27.8 41.7 25.0 - Repair, maintenance. 425 6.8 100 8.2 2.6 36.0 17.9 27.3 7.8 Repairing......... 208 3.3 100 9.6 2.9 34.6 19.7 27.4 5.8 Maintenance....... 54 .9 100 7.4 - 37.0 20.4 29.6 - Adjusting......... 16 .3 100 - - 56.2 - - - Unjamming......... 24 .4 100 - - 62.5 - 16.7 - Inspecting or checking......... 56 .9 100 12.5 7.1 26.8 12.5 30.4 8.9 Cleaning, washing... 86 1.4 100 - 12.8 30.2 26.7 22.1 4.7 Clearing, spraying.. 17 .3 100 - - 29.4 - - 23.5 Painting, etc....... 46 .7 100 - - - 45.7 32.6 15.2 Constructing, repairing, cleaning, n.e.c.. 13 .2 100 - - - 30.8 - - Protective service activities......... 204 3.3 100 7.8 66.2 2.5 - 9.3 11.8 Fighting a fire..... 22 .4 100 - - - - - 86.4 Apprehending, breaking up fight, chasing... 42 .7 100 - 90.5 - - - - Rescuing or evacuating....... 18 .3 100 - - - - 61.1 - Materials handling operations......... 263 4.2 100 11.8 6.1 39.2 14.4 19.4 8.4 Lifting materials... 8 .1 100 - - - - 75.0 - Carrying materials.. 11 .2 100 - - - 63.6 - - Holding materials... 6 .1 100 - - - - 66.7 - Loading, unloading (packing, unpacking) materials........ 129 2.1 100 17.8 7.8 51.2 10.1 10.9 - Working with chemicals (except cleaning)........ 18 .3 100 - - - - 38.9 50.0 Retrieving objects.. 9 .1 100 - - - - 44.4 - Materials handling, n.e.c............ 57 .9 100 7.0 - 43.9 21.1 14.0 8.8 Physical activity(2), n.e.c.............. 294 4.7 100 24.1 17.3 14.3 28.2 12.2 2.7 All other activities.. 1,282 20.6 100 4.5 71.1 7.6 5.5 7.5 2.8 Tending a retail establishment.... 410 6.6 100 - 96.6 1.2 1.0 - - Office work......... 75 1.2 100 - 88.0 - - - - Health care and social services activities....... 19 .3 100 - 36.8 - - 21.1 - Animal care and tending.......... 27 .4 100 - 59.3 22.2 - - - Legal service activities....... 7 .1 100 - 71.4 - - - - Activity, n.e.c..... 735 11.8 100 7.6 56.7 11.0 7.9 10.9 4.5 1 Based on the 1992 BLS Occupational Injury and Illness Classification Structures. Includes other events and exposures, such as bodily reaction, in addition to those shown separately. 2 Includes walking, sitting, running, and climbing ladders or stairs. n.e.c. = not elsewhere classified. NOTE: Totals for major categories may include subcategories not shown separately. Percentages may not add to totals because of rounding. Dashes indicate no data reported or data that do not meet publication criteria. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, in cooperation with State and Federal agencies, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1995.