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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 20  

Employees' Benefits


Chapter V  

Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor



Part 652  

Establishment and Functioning of State Employment Services




Subpart A  

Employment Service Planning and Operations

20 CFR 652.8 - Administrative provisions.

  • Section Number: 652.8
  • Section Name: Administrative provisions.

    (a) Administrative Requirements. The Employment Security Manual 

shall not be applicable to funds appropriated under the Wagner-Peyser 

Act. Except as provided for in paragraph (f) of this section, 

administrative requirements and cost principles applicable to grants 

under this part 652 are as specified in 41 CFR part 29-70 and 41 CFR 

part 1-15.7.

    (b) Management systems, reporting and recordkeeping. (1) The State 

shall ensure that financial systems provide fiscal control and 

accounting procedures sufficient to permit preparation of required 

reports, and the tracing of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to 

establish that funds have not been expended in violation of the 

restrictions on the use of such funds (section 10(a)).

    (2) The financial management system and the program information 

system shall provide federally required records and reports that are 

uniform in definition, accessible to authorized Federal and State staff, 

and verifiable for monitoring, reporting, audit and evaluation purposes 

(section 10(c)).

    (c) Reports Required. (1) Each State shall make reports pursuant to 

instructions issued by the Secretary and in such format as the Secretary 

shall prescribe.

    (2) The Secretary is authorized to monitor and investigate pursuant 

to section 10 of the Act.

    (d) Special Administrative and Cost Provisions. (1) Neither the 

Department nor the State is a guarantor of the accuracy or truthfulness 

of information obtained from employers or applicants in the process of 

operating a labor exchange activity.

    (2) Prior approval authority, as described in various sections of 41 

CFR part 29-70 and 41 CFR 1-15.7, is delegated to the State except that 

the Secretary reserves the right to require transfer of title on 

nonexpendable Automated Data Processing Equipment (ADPE), in accordance 

with provisions contained in 41 CFR 29-70.215. The Secretary reserves 

the right to exercise prior approval authority in other areas, after 

providing advance notice to the State.

    (3) Application for financial assistance and modification 

requirements shall be as specified under this part.

    (4) Cost of promotional and informational activities consistent with 

the provisions of the Act, describing services offered by employment 

security agencies, job openings, labor market information, and similar 

items are allowable.

    (5) Each State shall retain basic documents for the minimum period 

specified below:

    (i) Work Application: One year.

    (ii) Job Order: One Year.

    (6) Costs of employer contributions and expenses incurred for State 

agency fringe benefit plans that do not meet the requirements in 41 CFR 

1-15.711-13 and 711-10 are allowable, provided that:

    (i) For retirement plans, on behalf of individuals employed before 

the effective date of this part, the plan is authorized by State law and 

previously approved by the Secretary; the plan is insured by a private 

insurance carrier which is licensed to operate this type of plan; and 

any dividends or similar credits due to participation in the plan are 

credited against the next premium falling due under the contract;

    (ii) For retirement plans on behalf of individuals employed after 

the effective date of this part, and for fringe benefit plans other than 

retirement, the Secretary grants a time extension to cover an interim 

period if State legislative action is required for such employees to be 

covered by plans which meet the requirements of 41 CFR 1-15.711-13 and 

711-10. During this interim period, State agency employees may be 

enrolled in plans open to State agency employees only. No such extension 

may continue beyond the 60th day following the completion of the next 

full session of the State legislature which begins after the effective 

date of this part;

    (iii) For fringe benefit plans other than retirement, the Secretary 

grants a time extension which may continue until such time as they are 

comparable in cost to those fringe benefit plans available to other 

similarly employed employees of the State on the condition that there 

are no benefit improvements. The Secretary may grant this time extension 

if the State agency can demonstrate that the extension is necessary to 

prevent loss of benefits to current States agency employees,

retireees and/or their fringe benefit plan beneficiaries, or that it is 

necessary to avoid unreasonable expenditures on behalf of the employee 

or employer to maintain such fringe benefits for current employees and 

retirees. At such time as the cost of these fringe benefit plans becomes 

equitable with those available to other similarly employed State 

employees, the time extension will cease and the requirements of 41 CFR 

1-15.711-13 and 1-15.711-10 will apply;

    (iv) Requests for time extensions under this section will include an 

opinion of the State Attorney General, that either legislative action is 

required to accomplish compliance with 41 CFR 1-15.711-13 and 1-15.711-

10 or, for (d)(6)(iii) of this section that such compliance would result 

in either loss of current benefits to State agency employees and 

retirees or unreasonable expenditures to maintain these benefits. Such 

requests will be filed with the Secretary no later than 30 days after 

the effective date of this part; and

    (v) Time extensions granted relative to (d)(6)(iii) of this section 

require a signed statement by the State agency Administrator, that no 

improvements have been made to fringe benefits under the extension and 

that the plan(s) is (are) not consistent with those available to other 

similarly employed State employees, for each year of the extension. 

Documentation supporting the affidavit shall be maintained for audit 


    (7) Payments from the State's Wagner-Peyser allotment made into a 

State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund for the purpose of 

reducing charges against Reed Act funds (section 903(c) of the Social 

Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1103(c)) are allowable costs, 

provided that:

    (i) The charges against Reed Act funds were for amounts 

appropriated, obligated, and expended for the acquisition of automatic 

data processing installations or for the acquisition or major renovation 

of State owned office building; and

    (ii) With respect to each acquisition of improvement of property 

pursuant to paragraph (d)(7)(i) of this section, the payments are 

accounted for in the State's records as credits against equivalent 

amounts of Reed Act Funds used for administrative expenditures.

    (e) Disclosure of Information. (1) The State shall assure the proper 

disclosure of information pursuant to section 3(b) of the Act.

    (2) The information specified in section 3(b) and other sections of 

the Act, shall also be provided to officers or any employee of the 

Federal Government of a State government lawfully charged with 

administration of unemployment compensation laws, employment service 

activities under the Act or other related legislation, but only for 

purposes reasonably necessary for the proper administration of such 


    (f) Audits, (1) At least once every 2 years, the State shall prepare 

or have prepared an independent financial and compliance audit covering 

each full program year not covered in the previous audit, except that 

funds expended pursuant to section 7(b) of the Act shall be audited 


    (2) The Comptroller General and the Inspector General of the 

Department shall have the authority to conduct audits, evaluations or 

investigations necessary to meet their responsibilities under sections 

9(b)(1) and 9(b)(2), respectively, of the Act.

    (3) The audit, conducted pursuant to paragraph (f)(1) or (f)(2) of 

this section, shall be submitted to the Secretary who shall make an 

initial determination. Such determinations shall be based on the 

requirements of the Act, regulations, and State plan.

    (i) The initial determination shall identify the audit findings, 

state the Secretary's proposed determination of the allowability of 

questioned costs and activities, and provide for informal resolution of 

those matters in controversy contained in the initial determination.

    (ii) The Secretary shall not impose sanctions and corrective actions 

without first providing the State with an opportunity to present 

documentation or arguments to resolve informally those matters in 

controversy contained in the Secretary's initial determination. The 

informal resolution period shall be at least 60 days from issuance of 

the initial determination and no more that 170 days from the receipt by 

the Secretary of the final approved

audit report. If the matters are resolved informally, the Secretary 

shall issue a final determination pursuant to paragraph (f)(3)(iii) of 

this section which notifies the parties in writing of the nature of the 

resolution and may close the file.

    (iii) If the matter is not resolved informally, the Secretary shall 

provide each party with a final written determination by certified mail, 

return receipt requested. In the case of audits, the final determination 

shall be issued not later than 180 days after the receipt by the 

Secretary of the final approved audit report. The final determination 


    (A) Indicate that efforts to resolve informally matters contained in 

the initial determination have been unsuccessful;

    (B) List those matters upon which the parties continue to disagree;

    (C) List any modifications to the factual findings and conclusions 

set forth in the initial determination;

    (D) Establish a debt if appropriate;

    (E) Determine liability, method of restitution of funds and 


    (F) Offer an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with 20 CFR 

658.707 through 658.711 in the case of a final determination imposing a 

sanction or corrective action; and

    (G) Constitute final agency action unless a hearing is requested.

    (g) Sanctions for Violation of the Act. (1) The Secretary may impose 

appropriate sanctions and corrective actions for violation of the Act, 

regulations, or State plan, including the following:

    (i) Requiring repayment, for debts owed the Government under the 

grant, from non-Federal funds;

    (ii) Offsetting debts arising from the misexpenditure of grant 

funds, against amounts to which the State is or may be entitled under 

the Act, provided that debts arising from gross negligence or willful 

misuse of funds shall not be offset against future grants. When the 

Secretary reduces amounts allotted to the State by the amount of the 

misexpenditure, the debt shall be fully satisfied;

    (iii) Determining the amount of Federal cash maintained by the State 

or a subrecipient in excess of reasonable grant needs, establishing a 

debt for the amount of such excessive cash, and charging interest on 

that debt;

    (iv) Imposing other appropriate sanctions or corrective actions, 

except where specifically prohibited by the Act or regulations.

    (2) To impose a sanction or corrective action, the Secretary shall 

utilize the initial and final determination procedures outlined in 

(f)(3) of this section.

    (h) Other violations. Violations or alleged violations of the Act, 

regulations, or grant terms and conditions except those pertaining to 

audits or discrimination shall be determined and handled in accordance 

with 20 CFR part 658, subpart H.

    (i) Fraud and abuse. Any persons having knowledge of fraud, criminal 

activity or other abuse shall report such information directly and 

immediately to the Secretary. Similarly, all complaints involving such 

matters should also be reported to the Secretary directly and 


    (j) Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Requirements. States 


    (1) Assure that no individual be excluded from participation in, 

denied the benefits of, subjected to discrimination under, or denied 

employment in the administration of or in connection with any services 

or activities authorized under the Act because of age, race, sex, color, 

religion, national origin, handicap, political affiliation or belief. 

All complaints alleging discrimination shall be filed and processed 

according to the procedures in the applicable DOL 

nondiscrimination regulations;

    (2) Assure that discriminatory job orders will not be accepted, 

except where the stated requirement is a bona fide occupational 

qualification (BFOQ). See, generally, 42 U.S.C. 2000(e)-2(e), 29 CFR 

parts 1604, 1606, 1625.

    (3) Assure that employers' valid affirmative action requests will be 

accepted and a significant number of qualified applicants from the 

target group(s) will be included to enable the employer to meet its 

affirmative action obligations.

    (4) Assure that employment testing programs will comply with 41 CFR 

part 60-3 and 29 CFR parts 1627 and 32.

    (5) Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements and 

procedures, including complaint processing

and compliance reviews, will be governed by the provisions of the 

applicable DOL nondiscrimination regulations.

[64 CFR 18693, Apr. 15, 1999]
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