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This is the website for Wyandotte County Kansas Community Emergency Response Team. WYCO CERT is under the direction of the Kansas City KS / Wyandotte County Department of Emergency Management.  Team activations will be done through the Emergency Management Department and members must be able to sustain themselves for 72 hour operational deployments. 
Each year communities across Kansas fall victim to some type of disaster whether it be in the form of severe wind and thunderstorms, tornados, blizzards, floods, droughts, heat waves or man made and technological disasters. The damage caused by disasters effects all elements of society and government.

Catastrophic events severely restrict and often overwhelm emergency response resources, communications, transportation and utilities. In addition, they leave many individuals and neighborhoods cut off from outside support. When we hear about this or see it on the news, it always seems to be happening to someone else, but what if this happened to you are you prepared and ready to respond. 

Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are trained to help communities mitigate disasters during the first minutes and up to 72 hours or in some cases weeks following a disaster when damaged roads, disrupted communications, high call volume, etc., may restrict access by local police, fire and emergency medical services. The purpose of CERT training is to provide citizens with the basic skills that they will need to handle their own needs and then to respond to their communities’ needs in the aftermath of a disaster.
What does the course involve?  The basic CERT course consists of 24 - 27 hours of training, usually conducted over 9 weeks, one night a week for 3 hours. Classes are taught by trained emergency personnel, including firefighters, law enforcement officers, paramedics and Emergency Management individuals.


Becoming a Member

Any individual, who desires to voluntarily serve the community in response to emergencies and disasters may serve on CERT Team as long as they do so under the Emergency Management Department, and agree to follow the program guidelines provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Division of Emergency Services and Homeland Security.  Team membership in Wyandotte County is contingent upon satisfactory completion of all training sessions, live or work in Wyandotte County, pass a law enforcement background check, attend advanced training classes, exercises and respond to callouts by the Office of Emergency Management.  Team members will not self-activate themselves.  Activation phone calls will come from emergency management.

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

EMail: Mike Baughman, CERT Coordinator Emergency Management Department

EMail: Ed Rust Volunteer CERT Team Leader

Mailing Address:
Unified Government of Wyandotte County / Kansas City KS
Emergency Management Department
701 North 7th Street, Room B-20
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone:  913 573-6300
Fax:  913 573-6363