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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Genus Carex L.

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Liliopsida – Monocotyledons
Subclass  Commelinidae
Order  Cyperales
Family  Cyperaceae – Sedge family
Genus  Carex L. – sedge P
Contains 579 Species and 693 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Species  Carex ×abitibiana Lepage P
Species  Carex abrupta Mack. – abruptbeak sedge P
Species  Carex abscondita Mack. – thicket sedge P
Species  Carex acutiformis Ehrh. – lesser pond sedge P
Species  Carex adelostoma Krecz. – circumpolar sedge P
Species  Carex adusta Boott – lesser brown sedge P
Species  Carex ×aestivaliformis Mack. P
Species  Carex aestivalis M.A. Curtis ex A. Gray – summer sedge P
Species  Carex aggregata Mack. – glomerate sedge P
Species  Carex agrostoides Mack. – grassleaf sedge P
Species  Carex alata Torr. – broadwing sedge P
Species  Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. – whitetinge sedge P
Variety  Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. var. albicans – whitetinge sedge P
Variety  Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. var. australis (L.H. Bailey) J. Rettig – stellate sedge P
Variety  Carex albicans Willd. ex Spreng. var. emmonsii (Dewey ex Torr.) J. Rettig – Emmons' sedge P
Species  Carex albida L.H. Bailey – white sedge P
Species  Carex albolutescens Schwein. – greenwhite sedge P
Species  Carex albonigra Mack. – blackandwhite sedge P
Species  Carex albursina Sheldon – white bear sedge P
Species  Carex alligata Boott – Hawai'i sedge P
Species  Carex alma L.H. Bailey – sturdy sedge P
Species  Carex alopecoidea Tuck. – foxtail sedge P
Species  Carex amphibola Steud. – eastern narrowleaf sedge P
Species  Carex amplectens Mack. – claspbract sedge P
Species  Carex amplifolia Boott – bigleaf sedge P
Species  Carex angustata Boott – widefruit sedge P
Species  Carex angustisquama Franch. P
Species  Carex annectens (E.P. Bicknell) E.P. Bicknell – yellowfruit sedge P
Species  Carex anthoxanthea J. Presl & C. Presl – grassyslope arctic sedge P
Species  Carex aperta Boott – Columbian sedge P
Species  Carex appalachica J. Webber & P.W. Ball – Appalachian sedge P
Species  Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. – water sedge P
Variety  Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. var. aquatilis – water sedge P
Variety  Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. var. dives (T. Holm) Kük. – Sitka sedge P
Variety  Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. var. stans (Drejer) Boott – water sedge P
Species  Carex arapahoensis Clokey – Arapaho sedge P
Species  Carex arcta Boott – northern cluster sedge P
Species  Carex arctata Boott ex Hook. – drooping woodland sedge P
Species  Carex arctiformis Mack. – polar sedge P
Species  Carex ×arctophila F. Nyl. P
Species  Carex arenaria L. – sand sedge P
Species  Carex argyrantha Tuck. – hay sedge P
Species  Carex arkansana (L.H. Bailey) L.H. Bailey – Arkansas sedge P
Species  Carex assiniboinensis W. Boott – Assiniboia sedge P
Species  Carex atherodes Spreng. – wheat sedge P
Species  Carex athrostachya Olney – slenderbeak sedge P
Species  Carex atlantica L.H. Bailey – prickly bog sedge P
Subspecies  Carex atlantica L.H. Bailey ssp. atlantica – prickly bog sedge P
Subspecies  Carex atlantica L.H. Bailey ssp. capillacea (L.H. Bailey) Reznicek – prickly bog sedge P
Species  Carex atrata L. P
Species  Carex atratiformis Britton – scrabrous black sedge P
Species  Carex atrofusca Schkuhr – darkbrown sedge P
Variety  Carex atrofusca Schkuhr var. atrofusca – darkbrown sedge P
Variety  Carex atrofusca Schkuhr var. major (Boeckeler) Raymond – darkbrown sedge P
Species  Carex atrosquama Mack. – lesser blackscale sedge P
Species  Carex aurea Nutt. – golden sedge P
Species  Carex austrina (Small) Mack. – southern sedge P
Species  Carex austroalpina Bech. P
Species  Carex austrocaroliniana L.H. Bailey – tarheel sedge P
Species  Carex baccans Nees P
Species  Carex backii Boott – Back's sedge P
Species  Carex baileyi Britton – Bailey's sedge P
Species  Carex baltzellii Chapm. ex Dewey – Baltzell's sedge P
Species  Carex barbarae Dewey – Santa Barbara sedge P
Species  Carex barrattii Schwein. & Torr. – Barratt's sedge P
Species  Carex basiantha Steud. – Willdenow's sedge P
Species  Carex bebbii Olney ex Fernald – Bebb's sedge P
Species  Carex bella L.H. Bailey – southwestern showy sedge P
Species  Carex bicknellii Britton – Bicknell's sedge P
Species  Carex bicolor Bellardi ex All. – twocolor sedge P
Species  Carex bigelowii Torr. ex Schwein. – Bigelow's sedge P
Species  Carex biltmoreana Mack. – stiff sedge P
Species  Carex blanda Dewey – eastern woodland sedge P
Species  Carex bolanderi Olney – Bolander's sedge P
Species  Carex bonanzensis Britton – Yukon sedge P
Species  Carex bonplandii Kunth [excluded] P
Species  Carex brainerdii Mack. – Brainerd's sedge P
Species  Carex brevicaulis Mack. – shortstem sedge P
Species  Carex brevior (Dewey) Mack. – shortbeak sedge P
Species  Carex breweri Boott – Brewer's sedge P
Species  Carex bromoides Schkuhr ex Willd. – brome-like sedge P
Subspecies  Carex bromoides Schkuhr ex Willd. ssp. bromoides – brome-like sedge P
Subspecies  Carex bromoides Schkuhr ex Willd. ssp. montana Naczi – brome-like sedge P
Species  Carex brunnea Thunb. – greater brown sedge P
Species  Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. – brownish sedge P
Subspecies  Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. ssp. alaskana Kalela – Alaska brownish sedge P
Subspecies  Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. ssp. brunnescens – brownish sedge P
Subspecies  Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. ssp. pacifica Kalela – Pacific brownish sedge P
Subspecies  Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. ssp. sphaerostachya (Tuck.) Kalela – brownish sedge P
Species  Carex brysonii Naczi – Bryson's sedge P
Species  Carex bulbostylis Mack. – false hair sedge P
Species  Carex bullata Schkuhr ex Willd. – button sedge P
Species  Carex bushii Mack. – Bush's sedge P
Species  Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. – Buxbaum's sedge P
Species  Carex ×caesariensis Mack. (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex ×calderi B. Boivin P
Species  Carex californica L.H. Bailey – California sedge P
Species  Carex canariensis Kük. P
Species  Carex canescens L. – silvery sedge P
Subspecies  Carex canescens L. ssp. canescens – silvery sedge P
Subspecies  Carex canescens L. ssp. disjuncta (Fernald) Toivonen – silvery sedge P
Species  Carex capillaris L. – hair-like sedge P
Species  Carex capitata L. – capitate sedge P
Subspecies  Carex capitata L. ssp. arctogena (Harry Sm.) Hiitonen – capitate sedge P
Subspecies  Carex capitata L. ssp. capitata – capitate sedge P
Species  Carex careyana Torr. ex Dewey – Carey's sedge P
Species  Carex caroliniana Schwein. – Carolina sedge P
Species  Carex caryophyllea Lat. – vernal sedge P
Species  Carex castanea Wahlenb. – chestnut sedge P
Species  Carex cephaloidea (Dewey) Dewey – thinleaf sedge P
Species  Carex cephalophora Muhl. ex Willd. – oval-leaf sedge P
Species  Carex chapmanii Steud. – Chapman's sedge P
Species  Carex cherokeensis Schwein. – Cherokee sedge P
Species  Carex chihuahuensis Mack. – Chihuahuan sedge P
Species  Carex chordorrhiza Ehrh. ex L. f. – creeping sedge P
Species  Carex circinata C.A. Mey. – coiled sedge P
Species  Carex ×clausa Holmb. P
Species  Carex collinsii Nutt. – Collins' sedge P
Species  Carex communis L.H. Bailey – fibrousroot sedge P
Variety  Carex communis L.H. Bailey var. amplisquama (F.J. Herm.) J. Rettig – Dixie sedge P
Variety  Carex communis L.H. Bailey var. communis – fibrousroot sedge P
Species  Carex comosa Boott – longhair sedge P
Species  Carex complanata Torr. & Hook. – hirsute sedge P
Species  Carex concinna R. Br. – low northern sedge P
Species  Carex concinnoides Mack. – northwestern sedge P
Species  Carex congdonii L.H. Bailey – Congdon's sedge P
Species  Carex conjuncta Boott – soft fox sedge P
Species  Carex ×connectens Holmb. – connect sedge P
Species  Carex conoidea Schkuhr ex Willd. – openfield sedge P
Species  Carex constanceana Stacey – Contance's sedge P
Species  Carex cordillerana Saarela & B.A. Ford – Cordilleran sedge P
Species  Carex corrugata Fernald – prune-fruit sedge P
Species  Carex crawei Dewey – Crawe's sedge P
Species  Carex crawfordii Fernald – Crawford's sedge P
Species  Carex crebriflora Wiegand – coastal plain sedge P
Species  Carex crinita Lam. – fringed sedge P
Variety  Carex crinita Lam. var. brevicrinis Fernald – fringed sedge P
Variety  Carex crinita Lam. var. crinita – fringed sedge P
Variety  Carex crinita Lam. var. porteri (Olney) Fernald – Porter's fringed sedge P
Species  Carex ×crinitoides Lepage P
Species  Carex cristatella Britton – crested sedge P
Species  Carex crus-corvi Shuttlw. ex Kunze – ravenfoot sedge P
Species  Carex cryptolepis Mack. – northeastern sedge P
Species  Carex cumberlandensis Naczi, Kral & Bryson – Cumberland sedge P
Species  Carex cumulata (L.H. Bailey) Fernald – clustered sedge P
Species  Carex curatorum Stacey – Kaibab sedge P
Species  Carex cusickii Mack. ex Piper & Beattie – Cusick's sedge P
Species  Carex dasycarpa Muhl. – sandywoods sedge P
Species  Carex davisii Schwein. & Torr. – Davis' sedge P
Species  Carex davyi Mack. – Davy's sedge P
Species  Carex ×deamii F.J. Herm. P
Species  Carex debilis Michx. – white edge sedge P
Variety  Carex debilis Michx. var. debilis – white edge sedge P
Variety  Carex debilis Michx. var. intercursa Fernald – white edge sedge P
Variety  Carex debilis Michx. var. interjecta L.H. Bailey – white edge sedge P
Variety  Carex debilis Michx. var. pubera A. Gray – white edge sedge P
Variety  Carex debilis Michx. var. rudgei L.H. Bailey – white edge sedge P
Variety  Carex debilis Michx. var. strictior L.H. Bailey – white edge sedge P
Species  Carex decomposita Muhl. – cypressknee sedge P
Species  Carex deflexa Hornem. – northern sedge P
Species  Carex densa (L.H. Bailey) L.H. Bailey – dense sedge P
Species  Carex depauperata Curtis ex With. P
Species  Carex deweyana Schwein. – Dewey sedge P
Variety  Carex deweyana Schwein. var. collectanea Fernald – roundfruit sedge P
Variety  Carex deweyana Schwein. var. deweyana – Dewey sedge P
Species  Carex diandra Schrank – lesser panicled sedge P
Species  Carex digitalis Willd. – slender woodland sedge P
Variety  Carex digitalis Willd. var. asymmetrica Fernald P
Variety  Carex digitalis Willd. var. digitalis – slender woodland sedge P
Variety  Carex digitalis Willd. var. macropoda Fernald P
Species  Carex diluta M. Bieb. P
Species  Carex dioica L. [excluded] P
Species  Carex disperma Dewey – softleaf sedge P
Species  Carex distans L. – distant sedge P
Species  Carex distenta Kunze – widow's sedge P
Species  Carex disticha Huds. – tworank sedge P
Species  Carex divisa Huds. – separated sedge P
Species  Carex divulsa Stokes – grassland sedge P
Subspecies  Carex divulsa Stokes ssp. divulsa – grassland sedge P
Subspecies  Carex divulsa Stokes ssp. leersii (Kneuck.) W. Koch P
Species  Carex douglasii Boott – Douglas' sedge P
Species  Carex dudleyi Mack. – Dudley's sedge P
Species  Carex ×dumanii Lepage P
Species  Carex duriuscula C.A. Mey. – needleleaf sedge P
Species  Carex ebenea Rydb. – ebony sedge P
Species  Carex eburnea Boott – bristleleaf sedge P
Species  Carex echinata Murray – star sedge P
Subspecies  Carex echinata Murray ssp. echinata – star sedge P
Subspecies  Carex echinata Murray ssp. phyllomanica (W. Boott) Reznicek – star sedge P
Species  Carex edwardsiana Bridges & Orzell – Edwards Plateau sedge P
Species  Carex egglestonii Mack. – Eggleston's sedge P
Species  Carex eleusinoides Turcz. ex C.A. Mey. – goosegrass sedge P
Species  Carex elliottii Schwein. & Torr. – Elliott's sedge P
Species  Carex elynoides T. Holm – blackroot sedge P
Species  Carex emoryi Dewey – Emory's sedge P
Species  Carex engelmannii L.H. Bailey – Engelmann's sedge P
Species  Carex exilis Dewey – coastal sedge P
Species  Carex ×exsalina Lepage P
Species  Carex exserta Mack. – shorthair sedge P
Species  Carex exsiccata L.H. Bailey – western inflated sedge P
Species  Carex extensa Goodenough – longbract sedge P
Species  Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd. – fescue sedge P
Species  Carex feta L.H. Bailey – greensheath sedge P
Species  Carex filifolia Nutt. – threadleaf sedge P
Species  Carex ×firmior (Norman) Holmb. P
Species  Carex fissa Mack. – hammock sedge P
Variety  Carex fissa Mack. var. aristata F.J. Herm. – hammock sedge P
Variety  Carex fissa Mack. var. fissa – hammock sedge P
Species  Carex fissuricola Mack. – cleft sedge P
Species  Carex flacca Schreb. – heath sedge P
Species  Carex flaccosperma Dewey – thinfruit sedge P
Species  Carex flava L. – yellow sedge P
Species  Carex ×flavicans F. Nyl. P
Species  Carex floridana Schwein. – Florida sedge P
Species  Carex folliculata L. – northern long sedge P
Species  Carex formosa Dewey – handsome sedge P
Species  Carex fracta Mack. – fragile sheath sedge P
Species  Carex frankii Kunth – Frank's sedge P
Species  Carex fuirenoides Gaudich. P
Species  Carex ×fulva Goodenough P
Species  Carex garberi Fernald – elk sedge P
Species  Carex geophila Mack. – White Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex geyeri Boott – Geyer's sedge P
Species  Carex gigantea Rudge – giant sedge P
Species  Carex glacialis Mack. – glacial sedge P
Species  Carex glareosa Schkuhr ex Wahlenb. – lesser saltmarsh sedge P
Subspecies  Carex glareosa Schkuhr ex Wahlenb. ssp. glareosa – lesser saltmarsh sedge P
Variety  Carex glareosa Schkuhr ex Wahlenb. ssp. glareosa var. amphigena Fernald – lesser saltmarsh sedge P
Variety  Carex glareosa Schkuhr ex Wahlenb. ssp. glareosa var. glareosa – lesser saltmarsh sedge P
Subspecies  Carex glareosa Schkuhr ex Wahlenb. ssp. pribylovensis (Macoun) Halliday & Chater – lesser saltmarsh sedge P
Species  Carex glaucescens Elliot – southern waxy sedge P
Species  Carex glaucodea Tuck. ex Olney – blue sedge P
Species  Carex globosa Boott – roundfruit sedge P
Species  Carex gmelinii Hook. & Arn. – Gmelin's sedge P
Species  Carex godfreyi Naczi – Godfrey's sedge P
Species  Carex gracilescens Steud. – slender looseflower sedge P
Species  Carex gracilior Mack. – slender sedge P
Species  Carex gracillima Schwein. – graceful sedge P
Species  Carex ×grantii A. Benn. – Grant's sedge P
Species  Carex granularis Muhl. ex Willd. – limestone meadow sedge P
Species  Carex gravida L.H. Bailey – heavy sedge P
Variety  Carex gravida L.H. Bailey var. gravida – heavy sedge P
Variety  Carex gravida L.H. Bailey var. lunelliana (Mack.) F.J. Herm. – heavy sedge P
Species  Carex grayi Carey – Gray's sedge P
Species  Carex grisea Wahlenb. – inflated narrow-leaf sedge P
Species  Carex ×groenlandica Lange (pro sp.) – Greenland sedge P
Species  Carex gynandra Schwein. – nodding sedge P
Species  Carex gynocrates Wormsk. ex Drejer – northern bog sedge P
Species  Carex gynodynama Olney – Olney's hairy sedge P
Species  Carex ×haematolepis Drejer (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex halliana L.H. Bailey – Hall's sedge P
Species  Carex hallii Olney – deer sedge P
Species  Carex harfordii Mack. – Harford's sedge P
Species  Carex ×hartii Dewey (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex hassei L.H. Bailey – salt sedge P
Species  Carex haydeniana Olney – cloud sedge P
Species  Carex haydenii Dewey – Hayden's sedge P
Species  Carex heleonastes L. f. – Hudson Bay sedge P
Subspecies  Carex heleonastes L. f. ssp. heleonastes – Hudson Bay sedge P
Subspecies  Carex heleonastes L. f. ssp. neurochlaena (T. Holm) Böcher – Hudson Bay sedge P
Species  Carex helleri Mack. – Heller's sedge P
Species  Carex ×helvola Blytt (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex hendersonii L.H. Bailey – Henderson's sedge P
Species  Carex heteroneura W. Boott – different-nerve sedge P
Variety  Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. brevisquama F.J. Herm. – different-nerve sedge P
Variety  Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. chalciolepis (T. Holm) F.J. Herm. – Holm sedge P
Variety  Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. epapillosa (Mack.) F.J. Herm. – different-nerve sedge P
Variety  Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. heteroneura – different-nerve sedge P
Species  Carex heterostachya Bung – different-spike sedge P
Species  Carex hirsutella Mack. – fuzzy wuzzy sedge P
Species  Carex hirta L. – hammer sedge P
Species  Carex hirtifolia Mack. – pubescent sedge P
Species  Carex hirtissima W. Boott – fuzzy sedge P
Species  Carex hitchcockiana Dewey – Hitchcock's sedge P
Species  Carex holostoma Drejer – arctic marsh sedge P
Species  Carex hoodii Boott – Hood's sedge P
Species  Carex hookeriana Dewey – Hooker's sedge P
Species  Carex hordeistichos Vill. P
Species  Carex hormathodes Fernald – marsh straw sedge P
Species  Carex hostiana DC. – host sedge P
Species  Carex houghtoniana Torr. ex Dewey – Houghton's sedge P
Species  Carex houstonii Torr. [excluded] P
Species  Carex hyalina Boott – tissue sedge P
Species  Carex hyalinolepis Steud. – shoreline sedge P
Species  Carex hystericina Muhl. ex Willd. – bottlebrush sedge P
Species  Carex idahoa L.H. Bailey – Idaho sedge P
Species  Carex illota L.H. Bailey – sheep sedge P
Species  Carex impressinervia Bryson, Kral & Manhart – ravine sedge P
Species  Carex incurviformis Mack. – coastal sand sedge P
Variety  Carex incurviformis Mack. var. danaensis (Stacey) F.J. Herm. – coastal sand sedge P
Variety  Carex incurviformis Mack. var. incurviformis – coastal sand sedge P
Species  Carex inops L.H. Bailey – long-stolon sedge P
Subspecies  Carex inops L.H. Bailey ssp. heliophila (Mack.) Crins – sun sedge P
Subspecies  Carex inops L.H. Bailey ssp. inops – long-stolon sedge P
Species  Carex integra Mack. – smoothbeak sedge P
Species  Carex interior L.H. Bailey – inland sedge P
Species  Carex interrupta Boeckeler – greenfruit sedge P
Species  Carex intumescens Rudge – greater bladder sedge P
Species  Carex inversa R. Br. – knob sedge P
Species  Carex jamesii Schwein. – James' sedge P
Species  Carex jonesii L.H. Bailey – Jones' sedge P
Species  Carex joorii L.H. Bailey – cypress swamp sedge P
Species  Carex juniperorum Catling, Reznicek & Crins – juniper sedge P
Species  Carex kauaiensis R.W. Krauss – Kauai sedge P
Species  Carex ×kenaica Lepage P
Species  Carex ×knieskernii Dewey (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex kobomugi Ohwi – Japanese sedge P
Species  Carex krausei Boeckeler – Krause's sedge P
Species  Carex ×kyyhkynenii Hidén (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex lachenalii Schkuhr – twotipped sedge P
Species  Carex lacustris Willd. – hairy sedge P
Species  Carex laeviconica Dewey – smoothcone sedge P
Species  Carex laeviculmis Meinsh. – smoothstem sedge P
Species  Carex laevivaginata (Kük.) Mack. – smoothsheath sedge P
Species  Carex ×langeana Fernald (pro sp.) – Lange's sedge P
Species  Carex lapponica O.F. Lang – Lapland sedge P
Species  Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. – woollyfruit sedge P
Variety  Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fernald – American woollyfruit sedge P
Species  Carex latebracteata Waterf. – Waterfall's sedge P
Species  Carex lativena S.D. Jones & G.D. Jones – broadvein sedge P
Species  Carex laxa Wahlenb. – weak sedge P
Species  Carex laxiculmis Schwein. – spreading sedge P
Variety  Carex laxiculmis Schwein. var. copulata (L.H. Bailey) Fernald – spreading sedge P
Variety  Carex laxiculmis Schwein. var. laxiculmis – spreading sedge P
Species  Carex laxiflora Lam. – broad looseflower sedge P
Variety  Carex laxiflora Lam. var. laxiflora – broad looseflower sedge P
Variety  Carex laxiflora Lam. var. serrulata F.J. Herm. – broad looseflower sedge P
Species  Carex leavenworthii Dewey – Leavenworth's sedge P
Species  Carex lemmonii W. Boott – Lemmon's sedge P
Species  Carex lenticularis Michx. – lakeshore sedge P
Variety  Carex lenticularis Michx. var. dolia (M.E. Jones) L.A. Standl. – Enander's sedge P
Variety  Carex lenticularis Michx. var. impressa (L.H. Bailey) L.A. Standl. – lakeshore sedge P
Variety  Carex lenticularis Michx. var. lenticularis – lakeshore sedge P
Variety  Carex lenticularis Michx. var. limnophila (T. Holm) Cronquist – lakeshore sedge P
Variety  Carex lenticularis Michx. var. lipocarpa (T. Holm) L.A. Standl. – Kellogg's sedge P
Species  Carex leporinella Mack. – Sierra hare sedge P
Species  Carex leptalea Wahlenb. – bristlystalked sedge P
Subspecies  Carex leptalea Wahlenb. ssp. harperi (Fernald) W. Stone – Harper's sedge P
Subspecies  Carex leptalea Wahlenb. ssp. leptalea – bristlystalked sedge P
Subspecies  Carex leptalea Wahlenb. ssp. pacifica Calder & Roy L. Taylor – Pacific bristlystalked sedge P
Species  Carex leptonervia (Fernald) Fernald – nerveless woodland sedge P
Species  Carex leptopoda Mack. – taperfruit shortscale sedge P
Species  Carex leucodonta T. Holm – Huachuca Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex limosa L. – mud sedge P
Species  Carex ×limosoides J. Cay. P
Species  Carex ×limula Th. Fr. (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex liparocarpos Gaudin P
Subspecies  Carex liparocarpos Gaudin ssp. bordzilowskii (V.I. Krecz.) T.V. Egorova P
Species  Carex livida (Wahlenb.) Willd. – livid sedge P
Variety  Carex livida (Wahlenb.) Willd. var. radicaulis Paine – livid sedge P
Species  Carex loliacea L. – ryegrass sedge P
Species  Carex lonchocarpa Willd. – southern long sedge P
Species  Carex longii Mack. – Long's sedge P
Species  Carex louisianica L.H. Bailey – Louisiana sedge P
Species  Carex lucorum Willd. ex Link – Blue Ridge sedge P
Variety  Carex lucorum Willd. ex Link var. austrolucorum J. Rettig – Blue Ridge sedge P
Variety  Carex lucorum Willd. ex Link var. lucorum – Blue Ridge sedge P
Species  Carex lugens T. Holm – spruce muskeg sedge P
Species  Carex lupuliformis Sartwell ex Dewey – false hop sedge P
Species  Carex lupulina Muhl. ex Willd. – hop sedge P
Species  Carex lurida Wahlenb. – shallow sedge P
Species  Carex lutea LeBlond – sulphur sedge P
Species  Carex luzulifolia W. Boott – littleleaf sedge P
Species  Carex luzulina Olney – woodrush sedge P
Variety  Carex luzulina Olney var. ablata (L.H. Bailey) F.J. Herm. – woodrush sedge P
Variety  Carex luzulina Olney var. atropurpurea Dorn – woodrush sedge P
Variety  Carex luzulina Olney var. luzulina – woodrush sedge P
Species  Carex lyngbyei Hornem. – Lyngbye's sedge P
Species  Carex mackenziei Krecz. – Mackenzie's sedge P
Species  Carex macloviana d'Urv. – thickhead sedge P
Species  Carex macrocephala Willd. ex Spreng. – largehead sedge P
Variety  Carex macrocephala Willd. ex Spreng. var. bracteata T. Holm – largehead sedge P
Variety  Carex macrocephala Willd. ex Spreng. var. macrocephala – largehead sedge P
Species  Carex macrochaeta C.A. Mey. – longawn sedge P
Species  Carex macrostachys Bertol. – largespike sedge P
Species  Carex magellanica Lam. – boreal bog sedge P
Subspecies  Carex magellanica Lam. ssp. irrigua (Wahlenb.) Hultén – boreal bog sedge P
Subspecies  Carex magellanica Lam. ssp. magellanica Lam. [excluded] – boreal bog sedge P
Species  Carex manhartii Bryson – Manhart's sedge P
Species  Carex marina Dewey – sea sedge P
Subspecies  Carex marina Dewey ssp. marina – sea sedge P
Species  Carex mariposana L.H. Bailey ex Mack. – Mariposa sedge P
Species  Carex maritima Gunnerus – curved sedge P
Species  Carex ×massonii Cay. & Lepage P
Species  Carex mckittrickensis P.W. Ball – Guadalupe Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex meadii Dewey – Mead's sedge P
Species  Carex melanocarpa Cham. ex Trautv. [excluded] P
Species  Carex melanostachya M. Bieb. ex Willd. – Great Plains sedge P
Species  Carex membranacea Hook. – fragile sedge P
Species  Carex ×mendica Lepage P
Species  Carex mendocinensis Olney – Mendocino sedge P
Species  Carex merritt-fernaldii Mack. – Fernald's sedge P
Species  Carex mertensii Prescott ex Bong. – Mertens' sedge P
Species  Carex mesochorea Mack. – midland sedge P
Species  Carex meyenii Nees – Meyen's sedge P
Species  Carex michauxiana Boeckeler – Michaux's sedge P
Species  Carex michelii Host P
Species  Carex microchaeta T. Holm – smallawned sedge P
Subspecies  Carex microchaeta T. Holm ssp. microchaeta – smallawned sedge P
Subspecies  Carex microchaeta T. Holm ssp. nesophila (T. Holm) E. Murray – Bering Sea sedge P
Species  Carex microdonta Torr. & Hook. – littletooth sedge P
Species  Carex microglochin Wahlenb. – fewseeded bog sedge P
Species  Carex microptera Mack. – smallwing sedge P
Species  Carex microrhyncha Mack. – littlesnout sedge P
Species  Carex ×mirata Dewey (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex misandra R. Br. – shortleaved sedge P
Species  Carex misera Buckley – wretched sedge P
Species  Carex missouriensis P. Rothr. & Reznicek – Missouri sedge P
Species  Carex mitchelliana M.A. Curtis – Mitchell's sedge P
Species  Carex molesta Mack. ex Bright – troublesome sedge P
Species  Carex molestiformis Reznicek & P. Rothr. – frightful sedge P
Species  Carex montis-eeka Hillebr. – Molokai sedge P
Species  Carex morrowii Boott P
Species  Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. – Muhlenberg's sedge P
Variety  Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. var. enervis Boott – Muhlenberg's sedge P
Variety  Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd. var. muehlenbergii – Muhlenberg's sedge P
Species  Carex multicaulis L.H. Bailey – manystem sedge P
Species  Carex multicostata Mack. – manyrib sedge P
Species  Carex muricata L. – rough sedge P
Species  Carex muriculata F.J. Herm. – Schiede's sedge P
Species  Carex muskingumensis Schwein. – Muskingum sedge P
Species  Carex nardina Fr. – spike sedge P
Variety  Carex nardina Fr. var. hepburnii (Boott) Kük. – Hepburn's sedge P
Variety  Carex nardina Fr. var. nardina – spike sedge P
Species  Carex nebrascensis Dewey – Nebraska sedge P
Species  Carex nelsonii Mack. – Nelson's sedge P
Species  Carex ×neobigelowii Lepage P
Species  Carex ×neofilipendula Lepage P
Species  Carex ×neomiliaris Lepage P
Species  Carex ×neorigida Lepage P
Species  Carex nervina L.H. Bailey – Sierra sedge P
Species  Carex neurophora Mack. – alpine nerve sedge P
Species  Carex nigra (L.) Reichard – smooth black sedge P
Species  Carex nigricans C.A. Mey. – black alpine sedge P
Species  Carex nigromarginata Schwein. – black edge sedge P
Species  Carex normalis Mack. – greater straw sedge P
Species  Carex norvegica Retz. – Norway sedge P
Subspecies  Carex norvegica Retz. ssp. inferalpina (Wahlenb.) Hultén – closedhead sedge P
Subspecies  Carex norvegica Retz. ssp. norvegica – Norway sedge P
Subspecies  Carex norvegica Retz. ssp. stevenii (T. Holm) E. Murray – Steven's sedge P
Species  Carex nova L.H. Bailey – black sedge P
Species  Carex novae-angliae Schwein. – New England sedge P
Species  Carex nudata W. Boott – naked sedge P
Species  Carex obispoensis Stacey – San Luis Obispo sedge P
Species  Carex obnupta L.H. Bailey – slough sedge P
Species  Carex obtusata Lilj. – obtuse sedge P
Species  Carex occidentalis L.H. Bailey – western sedge P
Species  Carex oklahomensis Mack. – Oklahoma sedge P
Species  Carex oligocarpa Schkuhr ex Willd. – richwoods sedge P
Species  Carex oligosperma Michx. – fewseed sedge P
Variety  Carex oligosperma Michx. var. oligosperma – fewseed sedge P
Species  Carex ×olneyi Boott P
Species  Carex ×oneillii Lepage P
Species  Carex onusta Mack. – storm sedge P
Species  Carex opaca (F.J. Herm.) P. Rothr. & Reznicek – Bicknell's sedge P
Species  Carex oreocharis T. Holm – grassyslope sedge P
Species  Carex ormostachya Wiegand – necklace spike sedge P
Species  Carex oronensis Fernald – Orono sedge P
Species  Carex otrubae Podp. P
Species  Carex ouachitana Kral, Manhart & Bryson – Ouachita Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex ovalis Goodenough – eggbract sedge P
Species  Carex oxylepis Torr. & Hook. – sharpscale sedge P
Variety  Carex oxylepis Torr. & Hook. var. oxylepis – sharpscale sedge P
Variety  Carex oxylepis Torr. & Hook. var. pubescens J.K. Underw. – sharpscale sedge P
Species  Carex ozarkana P. Rothr. & Reznicek – Ozark sedge P
Species  Carex pachystachya Cham. ex Steud. – chamisso sedge P
Species  Carex pachystylis J. Gay P
Species  Carex paleacea Schreb. ex Wahlenb. – chaffy sedge P
Species  Carex pallescens L. – pale sedge P
Species  Carex ×paludivagans Drury (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex panicea L. – grass-like sedge P
Species  Carex paniculata L. P
Species  Carex ×pannewitziana Figert – Pannewitz's sedge P
Species  Carex pansa L.H. Bailey – sanddune sedge P
Species  Carex parallela (Laest.) Sommerf. – parallel sedge P
Subspecies  Carex parallela (Laest.) Sommerf. ssp. parallela – parallel sedge P
Species  Carex parryana Dewey – Parry's sedge P
Variety  Carex parryana Dewey var. brevisquama F.J. Herm. – Parry's sedge P
Variety  Carex parryana Dewey var. parryana – Parry's sedge P
Species  Carex ×patuensis Lepage P
Species  Carex pauciflora Lightf. – fewflower sedge P
Species  Carex paysonis Clokey – Payson's sedge P
Species  Carex peckii Howe – Peck's sedge P
Species  Carex pedunculata Muhl. ex Willd. – longstalk sedge P
Species  Carex pellita Muhl. ex Willd. – woolly sedge P
Species  Carex pelocarpa F.J. Herm. – duskyseed sedge P
Species  Carex pendula Huds. – hanging sedge P
Species  Carex pensylvanica Lam. – Pennsylvania sedge P
Species  Carex perdentata S.D. Jones – sand sedge P
Species  Carex perglobosa Mack. – globe sedge P
Species  Carex ×persalina Lepage P
Species  Carex petasata Dewey – Liddon sedge P
Species  Carex petricosa Dewey – rockdwelling sedge P
Variety  Carex petricosa Dewey var. misandroides (Fernald) B. Boivin P
Variety  Carex petricosa Dewey var. petricosa – rock-dwelling sedge P
Species  Carex phaeocephala Piper – dunhead sedge P
Species  Carex ×physocarpioides Lepage P
Species  Carex picta Steud. – Boott's sedge P
Species  Carex ×pieperiana P. Junge P
Species  Carex pigra Naczi – Tarheel sedge P
Species  Carex pilulifera L. P
Species  Carex piperi Mack. – Piper's sedge P
Species  Carex pityophila Mack. – loving sedge P
Species  Carex planispicata Naczi – flat-spiked sedge P
Species  Carex planostachys Kunze – cedar sedge P
Species  Carex plantaginea Lam. – plantainleaf sedge P
Species  Carex platylepis Mack. – broadscale sedge P
Species  Carex platyphylla Carey – broadleaf sedge P
Species  Carex pluriflora Hultén – manyflower sedge P
Species  Carex podocarpa R. Br. – shortstalk sedge P
Species  Carex polymorpha Muhl. – variable sedge P
Species  Carex polystachya Sw. ex Wahlenb. – Caribbean sedge P
Species  Carex praeceptorum Mack. – early sedge P
Species  Carex praegracilis W. Boott – clustered field sedge P
Species  Carex prairea Dewey ex Alph. Wood – prairie sedge P
Species  Carex prasina Wahlenb. – drooping sedge P
Species  Carex praticola Rydb. – meadow sedge P
Species  Carex preslii Steud. – Presl's sedge P
Species  Carex projecta Mack. – necklace sedge P
Species  Carex proposita Mack. – Great Smoky Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex pseudocyperus L. – cypress-like sedge P
Species  Carex ×pseudohelvola Kihlm. (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex pulicaris L. P
Species  Carex pumila Thunb. – dwarf sedge P
Species  Carex purpurifera Mack. – purple sedge P
Species  Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb. – Pyrenean sedge P
Subspecies  Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb. ssp. micropoda (C.A. Mey.) Hultén – Pyrenean sedge P
Subspecies  Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb. ssp. pyrenaica – Pyrenean sedge P
Species  Carex ×quebecensis Lepage – Quebec sedge P
Species  Carex ×quirponensis Fernald P
Species  Carex radfordii Gaddy – Radford's sedge P
Species  Carex radiata (Wahlenb.) Small – eastern star sedge P
Species  Carex ramenskii Kom. – Ramensk's sedge P
Species  Carex rariflora (Wahlenb.) Sm. – looseflower alpine sedge P
Variety  Carex rariflora (Wahlenb.) Sm. var. rariflora – looseflower alpine sedge P
Species  Carex raymondii Calder – Raymond's sedge P
Species  Carex raynoldsii Dewey – Raynolds' sedge P
Species  Carex recta Boott – estuary sedge P
Species  Carex ×reducta S. Drejer (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex remota L. [excluded] P
Species  Carex reniformis (L.H. Bailey) Small – kidneyshape sedge P
Species  Carex retroflexa Muhl. ex Willd. – reflexed sedge P
Species  Carex retrorsa Schwein. – knotsheath sedge P
Species  Carex richardsonii R. Br. – Richardson's sedge P
Species  Carex roanensis F.J. Herm. – Roan Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex ×rollandii Lepage – Rolland's sedge P
Species  Carex rosea Schkuhr ex Willd. – rosy sedge P
Species  Carex rossii Boott – Ross' sedge P
Species  Carex rostrata Stokes – beaked sedge P
Species  Carex rotundata Wahlenb. – round sedge P
Species  Carex rufina Drejer – snowbed sedge P
Species  Carex rupestris All. – curly sedge P
Variety  Carex rupestris All. var. drummondiana (Dewey) L.H. Bailey – Drummond's sedge P
Variety  Carex rupestris All. var. rupestris – curly sedge P
Species  Carex ruthii Mack. – Ruth's sedge P
Species  Carex sabulosa Turcz. ex Kunth – Baikal sedge P
Species  Carex saliniformis Mack. – Santa Cruz sedge P
Species  Carex ×sardloqensis E. Dahl. (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex sartwelliana Olney – Yosemite sedge P
Species  Carex sartwellii Dewey – Sartwell's sedge P
Variety  Carex sartwellii Dewey var. sartwellii – Sartwell's sedge P
Variety  Carex sartwellii Dewey var. stenorrhyncha F.J. Herm. – Sartwell's sedge P
Species  Carex saxatilis L. – rock sedge P
Species  Carex ×saxenii Raymond – Saxen's sedge P
Species  Carex saximontana Mack. – Rocky Mountain sedge P
Species  Carex scabrata Schwein. – eastern rough sedge P
Species  Carex scabriuscula Mack. – Siskiyou sedge P
Species  Carex scaposa C.B. Clarke P
Species  Carex ×schatzii Kneucker P
Species  Carex schiedeana Kunze [excluded] P
Species  Carex schottii Dewey – Schott's sedge P
Species  Carex schweinitzii Dewey ex Schwein. – Schweinitz's sedge P
Species  Carex scirpoidea Michx. – northern singlespike sedge P
Subspecies  Carex scirpoidea Michx. ssp. convoluta (Kük.) Dunlop P
Subspecies  Carex scirpoidea Michx. ssp. pseudoscirpoidea (Rydb.) Dunlop – western singlespike sedge P
Subspecies  Carex scirpoidea Michx. ssp. scirpoidea – northern singlespike sedge P
Subspecies  Carex scirpoidea Michx. ssp. stenochlaena (T. Holm) A. Löve & D. Löve P
Species  Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. – broom sedge P
Variety  Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. var. scoparia – broom sedge P
Variety  Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. var. tessellata Fernald & Wiegand – broom sedge P
Species  Carex scopulorum T. Holm – mountain sedge P
Variety  Carex scopulorum T. Holm var. bracteosa (L.H. Bailey) F.J. Herm. – mountain sedge P
Variety  Carex scopulorum T. Holm var. prionophylla (T. Holm) L.A. Standl. – firethread sedge P
Variety  Carex scopulorum T. Holm var. scopulorum – mountain sedge P
Species  Carex sempervirens Vill. P
Species  Carex senta Boott – swamp carex P
Species  Carex seorsa Howe – weak stellate sedge P
Species  Carex serpenticola P. Zika – serpentine sedge P
Species  Carex serratodens W. Boott – twotooth sedge P
Species  Carex sheldonii Mack. – Sheldon's sedge P
Species  Carex shinnersii P. Rothr. & Reznicek – Shinner's sedge P
Species  Carex shortiana Dewey – Short's sedge P
Species  Carex siccata Dewey – dryspike sedge P
Species  Carex silicea Olney – beach sedge P
Species  Carex simulata Mack. – analogue sedge P
Species  Carex socialis Mohlenbr. & Schwegm. – low woodland sedge P
Species  Carex ×soerensenii Lepage – Soerensen's sedge P
Species  Carex sonomensis Stacey – sedge P
Species  Carex sparganioides Muhl. ex Willd. – bur-reed sedge P
Species  Carex specifica L.H. Bailey – narrowfruit sedge P
Species  Carex spectabilis Dewey – showy sedge P
Species  Carex specuicola J.T. Howell – Navajo sedge P
Species  Carex spicata Huds. – prickly sedge P
Species  Carex ×spiculosa Fr. (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex spissa L.H. Bailey – San Diego sedge P
Species  Carex sprengelii Dewey ex Spreng. – Sprengel's sedge P
Species  Carex squarrosa L. – squarrose sedge P
Species  Carex stellata Mack. [excluded] P
Species  Carex stenocarpa Turcz. ex Krecz. [excluded] P
Species  Carex ×stenolepis Less. P
Species  Carex stenoptila F.J. Herm. – riverbank sedge P
Species  Carex sterilis Willd. – dioecious sedge P
Species  Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. – awlfruit sedge P
Variety  Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. var. maxima Chapm. – stalkgrain sedge P
Variety  Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. var. stipata – owlfruit sedge P
Species  Carex straminea Willd. ex Schkuhr – eastern straw sedge P
Species  Carex straminiformis L.H. Bailey – Shasta sedge P
Species  Carex striata Michx. – Walter's sedge P
Variety  Carex striata Michx. var. brevis L.H. Bailey – Walter's sedge P
Variety  Carex striata Michx. var. striata – Walter's sedge P
Species  Carex striatula Michx. – lined sedge P
Species  Carex stricta Lam. – upright sedge P
Species  Carex styloflexa Buckley – bent sedge P
Species  Carex stylosa C.A. Mey. – variegated sedge P
Species  Carex subbracteata Mack. – smallbract sedge P
Species  Carex suberecta (Olney) Britton – prairie straw sedge P
Species  Carex subfusca W. Boott – brown sedge P
Species  Carex ×subimpressa Clokey (pro sp.) P
Species  Carex subnigricans Stacey – nearlyblack sedge P
Species  Carex ×subpaleacea J. Cay. P
Species  Carex ×subrecta J. Cay. P
Species  Carex ×subreducta Lepage P
Species  Carex ×subsalina Lepage P
Species  Carex subspathacea Wormsk. ex Hornem. – Hoppner's sedge P
Species  Carex ×subviridula Fernald P
Species  Carex ×sullivantii Boott P
Species  Carex superata Naczi, Reznicek & B.A. Ford – Willdenow's sedge P
Species  Carex supina Willd. ex Wahlenb. – weak arctic sedge P
Variety  Carex supina Willd. ex Wahlenb. var. spaniocarpa (Steud.) B. Boivin – weak arctic sedge P
Species  Carex swanii (Fernald) Mack. – Swan's sedge P
Species  Carex sychnocephala Carey – manyhead sedge P
Species  Carex sylvatica Huds. – European woodland sedge P
Species  Carex tahoensis Smiley – Tahoe sedge P
Species  Carex tenax Chapm. – wire sedge P
Species  Carex tenera Dewey – quill sedge P
Species  Carex teneriformis Mack. – Sierra slender sedge P
Species  Carex tenuiflora Wahlenb. – sparseflower sedge P
Species  Carex tetanica Schkuhr – rigid sedge P
Species  Carex tetrastachya Scheele – Britton's sedge P
Species  Carex texensis (Torr.) L.H. Bailey – Texas sedge P
Species  Carex thunbergii Steud. – Maui sedge P
Species  Carex thurberi Dewey – Thurber's sedge P
Species  Carex timida Naczi & B.A. Ford P
Species  Carex tincta (Fernald) Fernald – tinged sedge P
Species  Carex tiogana D.W. Taylor & J.D. Mastrog. – Tioga Pass sedge P
Species  Carex tomentosa L. P
Species  Carex tompkinsii J.T. Howell – Thompkins' sedge P
Species  Carex tonsa (Fernald) E.P. Bicknell – shaved sedge P
Variety  Carex tonsa (Fernald) E.P. Bicknell var. rugosperma (Mack.) Crins – parachute sedge P
Variety  Carex tonsa (Fernald) E.P. Bicknell var. tonsa – shaved sedge P
Species  Carex torreyi Tuck. – Torrey's sedge P
Species  Carex torta Boott ex Tuck. – twisted sedge P
Species  Carex triangularis Boeckeler – eastern fox sedge P
Species  Carex tribuloides Wahlenb. – blunt broom sedge P
Variety  Carex tribuloides Wahlenb. var. sangamonensis Clokey – blunt broom sedge P
Variety  Carex tribuloides Wahlenb. var. tribuloides – blunt broom sedge P
Species  Carex ×trichina Fernald P
Species  Carex trichocarpa Muhl. ex Willd. – hairyfruit sedge P
Species  Carex triquetra Boott – triangularfruit sedge P
Species  Carex trisperma Dewey – threeseeded sedge P
Variety  Carex trisperma Dewey var. billingsii Knight – Billings' sedge P
Variety  Carex trisperma Dewey var. trisperma – threeseeded sedge P
Species  Carex tuckermanii Dewey – Tuckerman's sedge P
Species  Carex tumulicola Mack. – splitawn sedge P
Species  Carex turbinata Liebm. – turban sedge P
Species  Carex turgescens Torr. – pine barren sedge P
Species  Carex typhina Michx. – cattail sedge P
Species  Carex ultra L.H. Bailey – Cochise sedge P
Species  Carex umbellata Schkuhr ex Willd. – parasol sedge P
Species  Carex unilateralis Mack. – lateral sedge P
Species  Carex ursina Dewey – bear sedge P
Species  Carex utriculata Boott – Northwest Territory sedge P
Species  Carex vacillans Drejer ex Hartm. P
Species  Carex vaginata Tausch – sheathed sedge P
Species  Carex vallicola Dewey – valley sedge P
Variety  Carex vallicola Dewey var. rusbyi (Mack.) F.J. Herm. – Rusby's sedge P
Variety  Carex vallicola Dewey var. vallicola – valley sedge P
Species  Carex venusta Dewey – darkgreen sedge P
Variety  Carex venusta Dewey var. minor Boeckeler – darkgreen sedge P
Variety  Carex venusta Dewey var. venusta – darkgreen sedge P
Species  Carex vernacula L.H. Bailey – native sedge P
Species  Carex verrucosa Muhl. – warty sedge P
Species  Carex vesicaria L. – blister sedge P
Variety  Carex vesicaria L. var. distenta Fr. – blister sedge P
Variety  Carex vesicaria L. var. jejuna Fernald – blister sedge P
Variety  Carex vesicaria L. var. laurentiana Fernald – Laurent's sedge P
Variety  Carex vesicaria L. var. monile (Tuck.) Fernald – blister sedge P
Variety  Carex vesicaria L. var. raeana (Boott) Fernald – blister sedge P
Variety  Carex vesicaria L. var. vesicaria – blister sedge P
Species  Carex vestita Willd. – velvet sedge P
Species  Carex vexans F.J. Herm. – Florida hammock sedge P
Species  Carex vicaria L.H. Bailey – western fox sedge P
Species  Carex virescens Muhl. ex Willd. – ribbed sedge P
Species  Carex viridula Michx. – little green sedge P
Subspecies  Carex viridula Michx. ssp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B. Schmid – little green sedge P
Variety  Carex viridula Michx. ssp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B. Schmid var. elatior (Schltdl.) Crins – little green sedge P
Variety  Carex viridula Michx. ssp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B. Schmid var. saxilittoralis (Robertson) Crins P
Subspecies  Carex viridula Michx. ssp. oedocarpa (Andersson) B. Schmid – little green sedge P
Subspecies  Carex viridula Michx. ssp. viridula – little green sedge P
Species  Carex vulpina L. P
Species  Carex vulpinoidea Michx. – fox sedge P
Variety  Carex vulpinoidea Michx. var. pycnocephala F.J. Herm. – fox sedge P
Variety  Carex vulpinoidea Michx. var. vulpinoidea – fox sedge P
Species  Carex wahuensis C.A. Mey. – Oahu sedge P
Subspecies  Carex wahuensis C.A. Mey. ssp. herbstii T. Koyama – Herbst's sedge P
Subspecies  Carex wahuensis C.A. Mey. ssp. rubiginosa (R.W. Krauss) T. Koyama – Oahu sedge P
Subspecies  Carex wahuensis C.A. Mey. ssp. wahuensis – Oahu sedge P
Species  Carex whitneyi Olney – Whitney's sedge P
Species  Carex wiegandii Mack. – Wiegand's sedge P
Species  Carex willdenowii Schkuhr ex Willd. – Willdenow's sedge P
Species  Carex williamsii Britton – Williams' sedge P
Species  Carex woodii Dewey – pretty sedge P
Species  Carex wootonii Mack. – Wooton's sedge P
Species  Carex ×xanthocarpa Degland ex Loiseleur P
Species  Carex xerantica L.H. Bailey – whitescale sedge P
Species  Carex ×zahnii Kneucker P

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