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Istanbul - CRIC7

17 juin
CRIC 7, Istanbul, Turkey
3-14 November 2008
The seventh session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 7) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey back to back with the First Special Session of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST). more..

On the run? Desertification and Migration

The link between environmental change and migration has been drawing much public and scientific attention lately as it becomes a recognized threat to human security. However, the international protection of “environmental refugees” or “environmental migrants” is not sufficient in view of addressing the root causes of environmental migration. more..

8 October: International Day for Disaster Reduction

On this important Day that reminds us of the serious risk of natural hazards, affecting millions of lives around the world, I am joining the voice of calling a global partnership towards the effective disaster reduction more..

Focus on both Land and Climate

Climate change affects land potentials through drought, flooding and other impacts. Yet when the land is degraded, it emits more greenhouse gases and in turn worsens climate change. What is the role of soil in climate change mitigation and adaptation? more...

High-level Policy Dialogue

The High-level Policy Dialogue took place on 27 May 2008 in Bonn, Germany. High rank officials met to identify conditions required and political commitment necessary for the implementation of the Ten-Strategic plan and framework to enhance the implementation of the Convention in the context of current global emerging issue more..

'If You Feed the Land, It Will Feed You Back'

In an extensive interview with IPS European director Ramesh Jaura, Mr. Gnacadja highlights the global framework offered by the UNCCD which could serve as “a platform to address the important issue of climate change and soil.” more..

International Congress “Oasis and Sustainable Tourism”
8 to 10 August. Water Tribune. EXPO Water 2008 more..


The beauty of the Deserts the challenge of Desertification.
Deserts of the Earth by Michael Martin more..

Latest documents

»  Report of the COP 8 Bureau meeting

»  Human rights and desertification: Exploring the Complementarity of International Human Rights Law and the UNCCD

»  Rio Conventions Calendar 2008

»  COP 8: Final Report

»  Status of Contributions to the Core Budget

»  Newsletter: Down to Earth

»  MEA: Manual for NGOs

  What's on

Regional initiative on financial resource mobilization for strengthening the implementation of the UNCCD in Central and Eastern Europe more..

The UNCCD Executive Secretary made a commentary statement during Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV), 28 to 30 May 2008 more..

Statement by the UNCCD Executive Secretary on the occasion of the World Meteorological Day, 23 March 2008 more..

OSS - 3rd General Assembly and 10th Executive Board meeting Tripoli, Lybia 29 - 31 March 2008

Development of Rural Livelihoods in Semi-Arid Africa Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 29-30 April 2008

iSeek interviews Mr. Luc Gnacadja.Mr. Gnacadja pointed out the extent of the desertification problem worldwide, more..

UNCCD Photobank
Visit the UNCCD photo gallery for images on desertification.


Desert nights: Tales from the desert.
International Film Festival, Rome, 1-7 December 2006. more..

 Meetings and Events

UNCCD towards new decade

UNCCD Secretariat's operational clusters

New structure of the secretariat

Selected Consortium

Selected Consortium following the Call for Expression of Interest for Partners to Organise Jointly a Scientific Conference for the Committee on Science and Technology of the UNCCD - 2009

Resource mobilization workshop

Regional initiative on financial resource mobilization for strengthening the implementation of the UNCCD in Central and Eastern Europe
 Press releases
»  High Level Policy Dialogue
»  Side Event on “Building partnerships to reduce risk to drought and desertification”, during CSD16
»  Side Event on “Right to Food and Water imply a duty to conserve land, during CSD16

»  Focus on Agriculture, Rural development, Land, Drought, Desertification, and Africa
 Quick facts
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 Rio conventions

 the linkages
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The Millennium Campaign

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