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                                      Adopted:  December 18, 2002
                                     Released:  December 19, 2002

Mark C. Rosenblum, Esq.
AT&T Corporation
295 North Maple Ave.
Basking Ridge, NJ  07920

RE:  December 16, 2002 Request for Extension of Time

Dear Mr. Rosenblum:

     The Enforcement Bureau (``Bureau'') is in receipt of AT&T's 
December 16, 2002 motion requesting a 30-day extension of time 
for filing comments to the SBC section 272(d) audit report.1  
Comments on the audit report are due on December 30, 2002.  AT&T 
requests an extension of time due to an outstanding request for 
the General Standards and Procedures used in the audit and the 
fact that the date for comments follows a holiday and many 
employees will not be available to assist in preparing the 

     We hereby grant AT&T's request for extension of time.  The 
Commission's policy is that extensions of time are not routinely 
granted.2  We find, however, that AT&T has shown good cause for 
an extension of the deadline for filing comments.  AT&T observes 
that the comments are due shortly after the Christmas holiday and 
that many personnel with expertise necessary to address the 
issues will be unavailable the week before the comments are due.  
We find that a thirty-day extension of time for the filing of 
comments would allow the commenting parties to develop a better 
record for the Bureau's decision without prejudicing the 
interests of any parties.  Accordingly, we grant a limited 
extension of time so that all interested parties may file 
comments on January 29, 2003.  

     If you have any questions, please contact Hugh L. Boyle at 
(202) 418-7147 or Mika Savir at (202) 418-0384.


                              Maureen F. Del Duca
                              Deputy Chief
                              Investigations and Hearings 
                              Enforcement Bureau


1    See Public Notice, ``Enforcement Bureau Seeks Comments on 
SBC Communications Section 272 Compliance Biennial Audit Report 
in CC Docket No. 96-150,'' DA 02-2925, rel. Oct. 31, 2002.

2    47 C.F.R. ยง 1.46(a).