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TVA Board Approves Reservoir Operations Study Preferred Alternative

May 19, 2004

OXFORD, Miss. -- The TVA Board today approved the preferred alternative in the Reservoir Operations Study Final Environmental Impact Statement and directed TVA staff to begin implementing the new operating policy for the Tennessee River and tributary system on June 1.

The new operating policy maintains TVA’s ability to meet fundamental responsibilities for flood control, commercial navigation, and power production, while protecting water quality and accommodating increased demands created by recreational and residential growth. It shifts the focus of TVA reservoir operations from achieving specific summer pool elevations on TVA-managed reservoirs to managing the flow of water through the river system.

Highlights of the new operating policy include leaving reservoir levels higher through Labor Day and continuing to ensure areas prone to flooding will not have an increased flooding risk as a result of changes in the operating policy.

Managing the flow of water in the reservoir system will allow water to be drawn from tributary reservoirs equitably. When water must be released from the reservoirs during the summer to meet downstream flow requirements, a fair share of water will be drawn from each reservoir.

Winter levels on Wheeler Reservoir in North Alabama will be higher to provide a greater depth for navigation, and continuous minimum flows of 25,000 cubic feet per second will provide a 12-foot-navigation channel in Kentucky Reservoir.

“We are pleased that this comprehensive study has shown that reservoir levels can be extended for a longer period during the summer and that levels can remain higher in the winter,” said TVA Chairman Glenn McCullough Jr. “As long as we have sufficient rainfall in the Valley, TVA can provide these added benefits throughout the reservoir system.”

The Reservoir Operations Study began in October 2001 to determine if changes in reservoir operations would produce greater overall public value.

“This comprehensive study included more extensive technical analysis and public input than any previous review of river operations,” said TVA Director Skila Harris. “These changes will meet objectives identified by the public and state and federal agencies of enhancing recreation, protecting water quality and increasing economic development.”

Other changes include allowing the spring fill of reservoirs to occur more gradually on Tellico, Fort Loudoun, Watts Bar, and Chickamauga reservoirs to enhance flood risk protection for these reservoirs and at Chattanooga and other downstream areas. Half the normal spring fill will take place during the first week of April with the second half of the fill being completed by mid-May.

“TVA will continue monitoring the reservoir system to ensure changes we have made to our operating policies do not adversely impact the environment,” said TVA Director Bill Baxter. “Ongoing monitoring will help TVA adapt operations to address the effects of these changes.”

TVA is the nation’s largest public power provider and is completely self-financed. TVA provides power to large industries and 158 power distributors that serve approximately 8.5 million consumers in seven southeastern states. TVA also manages the Tennessee River and its tributaries to provide multiple benefits including flood control, navigation, water quality, and recreation.

Media Contact:

Barbara Martocci, Knoxville, (865) 632-8632
TVA News Bureau, Knoxville, (865) 632-6000

TVA Newsroom

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TVA Board Approval Fact Sheet

This fact sheet (PDF, 36 kb) outlines the approved changes for the Tennessee River and reservoir system operations and the rationale for the TVA Board’s decision.