Table 1.121a
Short-stay nursing home residents who have moderate to severe pain, United States, 2004a
Population groupb Percent Standard error
Total 23.4 0.04
Age 0-64 32.7 0.21
65-74 27.6 0.14
75-84 22.3 0.08
85 and over 17.7 0.08
Gender Male 19.1 0.06
Female 25.6 0.05
Race/ethnicity Non-Hispanic, White 24.3 0.04
Non-Hispanic, Black 17.8 0.11
Non-Hispanic, AI/AN 26.6 0.70
Non-Hispanic, API 15.7 0.34
Hispanic, all races 19.0 0.20

a Full year estimates.

b Age, gender and race/ethnicity categories exclude records with missing values.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; API: Asian or Pacific Islander;

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Minimum Data Set.

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