Table 1.18
Percent of adults age 40 and over with diabetes who reported receiving a lipid profile in the past 2 years, United States, 2000 and 2003
    2003 2000
Population group Total population (in thousands)g Percenth Standard error Total population (in thousands)g Percenth Standard error
Total 13,106 97.0 0.6 11,133 93.9 0.9
Racea White only 10,019 97.2 0.7 -- -- --
Black only 2,109 96.3 1.1 -- -- --
AI/AN only DSU DSU DSU -- -- --
Asian only DSU DSU DSU -- -- --
NHOPI only DSU DSU DSU -- -- --
Multiple races DSU DSU DSU -- -- --
Ethnicityb Hispanic, all races 1,490 92.6 2.0 1,306 88.4 2.4
Non-Hispanic, all races 11,616 97.6 0.6 9,826 94.8 1.0
Non-Hispanic, White 8,587 98.2 0.7 7,626 94.6 1.0
Non-Hispanic, Black 2,085 96.2 1.1 1,724 95.3 1.6
Non-Hispanic, others DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU
Gender Male 6,298 96.6 0.8 5,101 94.2 1.2
Female 6,808 97.3 0.7 6,032 93.6 1.3
Age, not adjusted 40-59 5,656 96.3 0.8 4,660 92.4 1.4
60 and over 7,450 98.0 0.5 6,472 96.4 1.0
Educationc Less than high school 4,110 96.4 0.9 3,771 90.9 2.2
High school graduate 4,584 96.5 1.1 3,563 95.0 1.4
At least some college 4,325 97.9 0.8 3,667 95.8 1.2
Employment statusd Employed 4,570 97.0 0.8 3,625 95.2 1.0
Not employed 2,778 96.9 0.8 2,278 92.8 2.1
Health insurance, age 40-64 Any private 5,157 98.5 0.5 4,211 96.2 0.9
Public only 1,468 97.1 1.0 1,017 92.4 2.8
Uninsured 724 83.3 4.7 DSU DSU DSU
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 1,661 97.3 1.2 1,692 94.5 1.9
Medicare and private 3,055 99.5 0.3 2,637 98.1 0.9
Medicare and other public 971 96.5 1.6 DSU DSU DSU
Family incomee Negative/poor 1,709 95.4 1.4 1,348 89.1 2.9
Near poor/low income 3,164 93.7 1.9 2,779 92.3 2.1
Middle income 3,857 97.1 1.0 3,505 92.4 1.7
High income 4,376 99.2 0.4 3,500 97.4 1.1
Residence locationf Metropolitan-large 6,537 97.4 0.6 5,581 94.1 1.3
Metropolitan-small 3,963 96.5 1.1 3,015 96.0 1.6
Micropolitan 1,605 94.7 3.0 1,493 89.5 2.8
Noncore 1,000 98.9 0.8 DSU DSU DSU
Perceived health status Excellent/very good/good 7,564 96.9 0.7 6,496 94.7 1.1
Fair/poor 5,542 97.0 1.0 4,636 92.9 1.5

a Prior to 2002, racial categories were not directly comparable to those used for 2002 and later years' data; thus, race data for 2000 are not shown.

b Beginning in 2002, individuals could report multiple races. For 2002 and later years, Non-Hispanic categories exclude multiple race individuals and are not directly comparable to data from previous years.

c Less than high school graduate refers to fewer than 12 years of education; high school graduate, 12 years of education; and at least some college, more than 12 years of education. Number of persons does not add to overall total because data on this variable were not available for some sample persons.

d Employment status for persons age 40-64 only.

e Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, over the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.

f See the MEPS entry in the Data Sources section of the Measure Specifications Appendix for more information.

g Adult diabetes population, age 40 and over, weighted with the person-level weight. Numbers may not add to total due to missing or rounding.

h Estimates are age adjusted to the 2000 standard population with 2 age-groups: 40-59, 60 and over, except where indicated. Denominator excludes missing values.

-- Data not shown. See footnote a.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.

Source:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Financing, Access and Cost Trends, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

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