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TVA Takes Top Spot on Business Facilities Magazine Honor Roll

January 10, 2006

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – TVA’s economic development efforts to attract jobs to the Tennessee Valley ranked No. 1 among utilities in a national business trade magazine’s annual report card on economic development.

Business Facilities magazine, a leading publication in the global economic development business, also ranked TVA third among utilities in amount of investment that was leveraged by economic development efforts.

“We are very excited about these high marks on this prominent economic development report card, “said John Bradley TVA senior vice president of economic development. “TVA economic development staff, working with power distributors, regional, state and local partners, will continue our mission to create and sustain quality jobs in order to make the Valley a better place to live, work and succeed.”

By creating 5.1 new jobs per 1,000 customers served, TVA not only led all other utilities, but also nearly doubled the rate of Hoosier Energy, which ranked second with 2.7 jobs per 1,000 residents. The total investment by newly landed industries amounted to $233 per resident, giving TVA third place in that category.

The magazine cited the comprehensive nature of TVA’s economic development offerings.

“TVA’s economic development motto is ‘One Source. Seven States,” Business Facilities wrote. “Indeed, TVA claims to be the proverbial one-stop shop for all your business needs, and there is little reason to doubt them. It offers selection, relocation, development, and recruitment information through several media, including a comprehensive GIS-based site and building database at”

In Fiscal Year 2005, TVA worked in partnership with various economic development organizations to attract or retain 57,000 jobs and leverage $3.6 billion in capital investment. For more information, visit

TVA is the nation’s largest public power provider and is completely self-financed. TVA provides power to large industries and 158 power distributors that serve approximately 8.6 million consumers in seven southeastern states.

Media Contact

Amy Tate, Tupelo, (662) 690-3403
TVA News Bureau, Knoxville, (865) 632-6000

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