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Envelope Contact Global Health

Contraceptive Security

Contraceptive security exists when every person is able to choose, obtain, and use quality contraceptives and condoms for family planning and for HIV/AIDS prevention. USAID strives to ensure clients have long-term access to a range of high quality contraceptives, condoms, and other essential health supplies in several ways. We invest resources to improve distribution and availability, to promote quality in product, and to support commodities distribution across all sectors - public, private, and non-governmental - in the countries where we work.

Learn about USAID's efforts to assist developing countries with contraceptive security

Contraceptive Security Lessons

Many countries face the challenge of meeting people's needs for contraceptives and condoms on a sustainable basis. Contraceptive Security: Ready Lessons suggests some practical steps USAID Missions and their partners can take to promote and support country-led programs for contraceptive security.

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Mon, 28 Jul 2008 10:31:34 -0500