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Comments on NYSE Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Relating to Section 802.01E of the Listed Company Manual

(Release No. 34-52760; File No. SR-NYSE-2005-75)

Dec. 14, 2005 Mary Yeager, Assistant Secretary, New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
Dec. 7, 2005 Mark Patterson, Managing Director, NWQ Investment Management, LLC
Dec. 7, 2005 Edward S. Knight, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., New York, New York
Dec. 6, 2005 Steve Berman, SRIC-Atlantic Trust
Dec. 5, 2005 James J. Angel, Ph.D., CFA, Associate Professor of Finance, Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia

Modified: 07/31/2006