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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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American and Korean officials sign document at table with flags in background. Click for larger image.

Commerce Deputy Secretary and Korean Minister Witness MOU Signing to Boost Bilateral Cooperation

Washington (April 17)—U.S. Commerce Deputy Secretary John J. Sullivan and Korean Minister Youn-Ho Lee today witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Lucent Bell Labs and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute. The MOU will help further grow bilateral trade and support technological development between the two countries. Korea is a $1 trillion economy and the 7th largest U.S. trading partner.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Claeys at podium.

ITA Deputy Assistant Secretary Addresses Applying Countervailing Duty Law to China

Washington (April 17)—International Trade Administration (ITA) Deputy Assistant Secretary Stephen Claeys discussed the practice of applying countervailing duty law to China at the U.S. China Peoples Friendship Association's Washington Seminar 2008. Unfair foreign pricing and government subsidies distort the free flow of goods and adversely affect American business in the global marketplace. ITA enforces trade laws and agreements to prevent unfairly traded imports and to safeguard jobs and the competitive strength of American industry. (More)

USPTO seal.

USPTO Encourages Student Creativity and Respect of Intellectual Property

Alexandria, Va. (April 17)—The Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) announced the launch of a new, dynamic curriculum that inspires students to be creative and teaches them about the value of patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as the importance of respecting other’s intellectual property. The i-©®eaTM curriculum, developed by the USPTO in collaboration with i-SAFE—a leader in Internet safety education—is an interactive and age appropriate unit of instruction designed for upper-elementary, middle, and high school students. (More)

Gutierrez at podium delivering remarks at Korea Society dinner.

Gutierrez Highlights Importance of U.S.-Korea Partnership at Dinner Honoring New Korean President

New York City (April 15)—U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez participated in the Korea Society 2008 Annual Dinner in honor of new Korean President Lee Myung-Bak. Gutierrez highlighted the pending free trade agreement between the United States and Korea saying, “The U.S.-Korea FTA will take our relationship to new heights. Within the FTA, American workers, farmers, innovators, manufacturers and service providers will benefit from improved access to Korea’s nearly trillion-dollar economy. And Korea will have access to the largest economy in the world.” (Remarks)

Gutierrez gestures while seated at hearing.

File Photo

Gutierrez Updates Senate on Progress Toward Addressing Challenges with 2010 Census

Washington (April 15)—Before the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez provided an update on progress toward addressing the challenges facing the 2010 Census. “The goals of the Department of Commerce are far-reaching, from increasing American competitiveness to growing American exports and protecting America’s environment,” said Gutierrez. Measuring American life is also a mission-critical objective, which comes into sharper focus every 10 years with the decennial census.” (Prepared Testimony)

Colorized micrograph of a NIST chip combining four microrefrigerators (circled in red) with a superconducting sensor (large orange square in the middle). Click for larger image.

NIST Micro Sensor and Micro Fridge Make Cool Pair

Boulder, Colo. (April 15)—Researchers at Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have combined two of their tiny but powerful inventions on a single microchip, a cryogenic sensor and a microrefrigerator. The combination offers the possibility of cheaper, simpler and faster analysis of materials from semiconductors to stardust. The work was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (More)

Cartoon image of a fish painting a fish.

NOAA Sponsors Nation-Wide Art Contest to Enhance Ocean Literacy

Washington (April 15)—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has joined Coastal America in sponsoring a nation-wide ocean art contest open to students in grades K-12 and college and university students. The purpose of the contest is to enhance public awareness of the importance of the ocean through visual expression and incorporating one of the principles of ocean literacy. The winning artwork will be displayed at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. (More)

The President and Cabinet members seated at meeting table. Click for larger image.

President Bush Meets with Cabinet, Discusses Economy, Colombia Free Trade Agreement

Washington (April 14)—Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez joined Cabinet members for a meeting with President Bush at the White House. A top agenda item was the Colombia free trade agreement. “This free trade agreement is good for American workers and it's good for American consumers,” said Bush. “And this free trade agreement is in our national interests. Yet that bill is dead unless the Speaker schedules a definite vote.” (Transcript) (Charting Colombia’s Progress)

Virtual Tour of the National Hurricane Center Available

Miami, Fla. (April 14)—A virtual tour of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center is now available online. The Web site provides panoramic views of different areas of the facility, accompanied by audio and text descriptions. “This is an especially useful tool for students who are learning about tropical cyclones and weather forecasting,” said Bill Reed, director of the National Hurricane Center. “It also shows how the different branches of our facility work together for the best possible forecasts.” (Virtual Tour)

Map of Colombia

Gutierrez: Colombia Deserves a Vote Now

Dallas (April 10)—Following the House vote to change trade procedures, Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez issued the following statement: “For 16 months, the Democratic congressional leadership has avoided dealing with the Colombia FTA, and changing the rules of the game today continues their avoidance. At a time when exports are driving America’s economic growth, we should be doing everything we can to open more markets, especially those in our own hemisphere.” (More)