Watch the 13-minute documentary on John McCain and the Financial Crisis
  • Gov. Howard Dean on MSNBC

    Gov. Howard Dean on MSNBC

    Democratic National Committee chairman Gov. Howard Dean appeared on MSNBC this afternoon. Chairman Dean talked about how Joe Biden won Thursday night's vice presidential debate, and how Obama/Biden are the real ticket for change. Watch the video.

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  • John McCain wants to 'turn the page' on the financial crisis as thousands of Americans lose everything

    Dow Plummets to Lowest Point Since 2004

    This weekend, campaign advisers to John McCain say they want to 'turn the page' on the economic crisis and explore new depths of dishonorable and sleazy campaigning. This morning, the Dow Jones sank below 10,000 points for the first time in four years. While millions of Americans lose their life savings or retirement funds, John McCain wants to 'turn the page' on the financial crisis.

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Fmr. U.S. Amb. to Pakistan Disputes McCain's ''Failed State'' Claim

At the first Presidential debate last Friday, John McCain claimed Pakistan was a 'failed state' at the time of the coup that swept General Pervez Musharraf into power. William Milan, the former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan at the time of the coup disputed that claim in an e-mail to Matthew Yglesias.

Former U.S. ambassador disputes McCain's claim that Pakistan was a failed state. read more

More Jobs Lost in September

CNN reported on new figures that showed increased job cuts with the tech and auto industries hit the hardest. September brought the announced layoff total for the third quarter to 287,142 -- the largest number since 2005, according to the report.

Tech and auto industries hit the hardest in September. read more

Hoosiers Fired Up and Ready to Go

Field offices for Senator Barack Obama in Indiana are bustling with volunteer activity. In Lafayette, there are two offices -- on the same block -- and phone banks are frequently filled to capacity.

Obama field offices in Indiana are bustling with volunteer activity as Hoosiers are ready for change. read more

Pew Study on Hispanics

Hispanics view Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic Party in a much more positive light than John McCain and the rest of the Bush/McCain Republicans.

Hispanics report poor economic conditions, view Obama and Democrats more favorably. read more