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Comments on NYSE Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Amending Audit Committee Requirements of Listed Companies

(Release No. 34-41980; File No. SR-NYSE-99-39)

  • Comments of Guy P. Lander, Chairman, Committee on Securities Regulations, Business Law of New York State Bar Association, December 7, 1999. (File name: lander1.htm)

  • Comments of Stanley Keller, Chairman, Committee on Federal Regulations of Securities, and Richard Rowe, Chairman, Committee on Law and Accounting, Section of Business Law of American Bar Association, December 7, 1999. (File name: rowe1.htm)

  • Comments of Robert T. Merritt, Chairman, Brian T. Borders, President, Association of Publicly Traded Companies, December 6, 1999. (File name: merritt1.htm)

  • Comments of Margaret M. Foran, Chair, Securities Law Committee of the American Society of Corporate Secretaries, Michael J. Holliday, Co-Chair, Corporate Audit Committee Task Force, and Kathleen A. Weigand, Co-Chair, Corporate Audit Committee Task Force, November 30, 1999. (File name: foran2.htm)

  • Comments of William T. Poorvu, et al., Massachusetts Financial Services Co., November 22, 1999. (File name: poorvu1.htm)

  • Comments of Brian T. Borders for the National Venture Capital Association, November 12, 1999. (File name: borders1.htm)

  • Comments of James E. Kelly, General Counsel, Dime Bancorp, Inc., November 3, 1999. (File name: kelly1.htm)

  • Comments of Margaret M. Foran, Chair, Securities Law Committee of the American Society of Corporate Secretaries, Michael J. Holliday, Co-Chair, Corporate Audit Committee Task Force, and Kathleen A. Weigand, Co-Chair, Corporate Audit Committee Task Force, November 3, 1999. (File name: foran1.htm)

Modified: 07/31/2000