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Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities

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Region 6 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP-2000)
(includes links to guidance on pollution prevention plants, NOIs, NOTs, etc.)

Under Phase I of the Storm Water Program, permits for discharge of storm water from industrial activity have been required since October 1, 1992. Most of the industrial activities are defined using Standard Industrial Activity (SIC) codes, which were the precursor to the newer North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). For help finding a SIC code, visit:

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes - 1987 OMB Exit EPA Disclaimer
North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Industrial activities owned or operated by municipalities with a population under 100,000 (except airports, power plants, and uncontrolled sanitary landfills) were given a later date to start complying (see discussion on ISTEA temporary exemption on EPA's national web site). The date for small municipalities to start getting storm water permits for industrial activities covered by the ISTEA exemption is March 10, 2003.

The EPA Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for storm water associated with industrial activities was issued October 30, 2001. This general permit is available for facilities in New Mexico, Texas, oil & gas facilities in Oklahoma and Texas, and facilities in Indian Country Land in Louisiana, New Mexico (except Navajo and Ute Mountain Ute reservations (see Part 1.1.6 of permit for complete list of Region 6 coverage).

In order to fill out the Notice of Intent for Permit Coverage, you will need to determine whether endangered species are in the vicinity of your facility and certify you meet one of five eligibility options. You must use the procedure in Addendum A of the permit to determine your eligibility. EPA maintains a list of endangered species by county for use with Addendum A.

For the Notice of Intent, you will also need to certify, based on instructions in Addendum B, whether you have met the eligibility conditions of the permit related to protection of historic properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Exit EPA Disclaimer

The MSGP-2000 does not authorize storm water discharges associated with "regulated" construction activities at a facility (see Part Today, this restriction applies to construction projects disturbing 5 or more acres, and small projects that are part of a larger common pan of development or sale that cumulatively disturbs 5 or more acres. Starting March 10, 2003, this restriction will also apply to "small" construction activities in the 1-5 acre range regulated under Phase II of the storm water program. You will need a separate construction storm water permit if you have a regulated construction activity at your facility.
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State-issued Industrial Activity General Permits

Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality General Permits. Exit EPA Disclaimer

Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality General Permit. Exit EPA Disclaimer

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality General Permit.Exit EPA Disclaimer

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Exit EPA Disclaimer


To file an NOI or NOT electronically, visit the eNOI web site. To file a hard copy NOI or NOT, the current addresses for the NOI Processing Center are:


Storm Water Notice of [Intent/Termination] (4203M)
US EPA - Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460

However, the physical address is different in case you send the package via an express messaging service:


Storm Water Notice of [Intent/Termination]
US EPA - ICC Building, Room 7329
1201 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20004

If you need to check on the status of your NOI/NOT or need a copy of your permit coverage confirmation letter, please contact the NOI Processing Center at: 1-866-352-7755. You can also check on your NOI and print out a copy of the NOI information online at the eNOI database search web site.

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