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NOTE: Several links take you to other sites, you may have to back up or close the new window to return to this page. Many of the guidance documents, permits, etc. available on-line are in PDF format and you will need the free Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

NEW: Proposed Construction General Permit Published for Public Comment

NEW: Mark Your Calendars, the 10th Annual EPA Region 6 MS4 Operators Conference will be in Waco, TX the week of July 14th, 2008

NEW: Center for Watershed Protection's Urban Stormwater Retrofit Practices Manual Available for Download

NEW: EPA's December 2007 Report on Reducing Stormwater Costs through Low Impact Development (LID) Strategies and Practices

NEW: Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Sites

NEW: Want to Know More about Green Infrastructure and its Benefits?

General Permit for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (sMS4s) in New Mexico and Indian Country in New Mexico and Oklahoma issued.

Final Amendments to the NPDES Regulations for Construction Stormwater Discharges Associated with Oil and Gas Exploration, Production, Processing, or Treatment Operations, or Transmission Facilities - published in Federal Register on June 12, 2006

New Multi-Sector General Permit Proposed December 1, 2005.

Guidance on Urban Runoff Controls released December 6, 2005.

eNOI web-based Notice of Intent system now available for BOTH the Multi-Sector General Permit AND the Construction General Permit (also for Notices of Termination)

Reissuance of MSGP Proposed: On December 1, 2005, EPA proposed an NPDES Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities (MSGP). This proposed permit will replace the MSGP-2000 that expired on October 30, 2005. Copies of the draft permit documents on the proposed MSGP-2006 - and guidance on what to do until the permit is reissued - can be found on the MSGP web page.

Guidance on Urban Runoff Controls:  On December 6, 2005, EPA released the National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Areas. This comprehensive document will help local governments and others protect water resources from polluted runoff that can result from everyday activities and urban development. The guidance will also help municipalities and other regulated entities implement their Phase I and Phase II NPDES Stormwater programs. This publication includes voluntary guidance on 12 management measures designed to prevent and control runoff pollutants from urban and suburban lands. The management measures cover topics such as watershed assessment and protection runoff from new and existing development, road networks, and construction sites septic system impacts pollution prevention and inspection and maintenance of urban runoff management practices. This new guidance document is available at www.epa.gov/owow/nps/urbanmm.

eNOI System Now Available for BOTH the MSGP and the CGP: You may now enter Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP: industrial storm water) as well as Construction General Permit (CGP) Notice of Intents (NOIs) and Notice of Terminations (NOTs) online via the eNOI system. You may also search the NOI database online for both MSGP and CGP permittees.

Proposed Construction General Permit: On May 16, 2008 (96 FR 28457), EPA Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 proposed for public comment the issuance of their 2008 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permits for stormwater discharges from new dischargers engaged in large and small construction activities (2008 CGP).   This draft 2008 CGP contains the same limits and conditions as the Agency’s 2003 CGP with the exception of a few minor modifications which are detailed in the draft permit documents. As proposed, EPA is issuing this CGP for a period not to exceed two (2) years and will make the permit available to new construction activities and unpermitted ongoing activities only.

            EPA is currently developing new Construction & Development (C&D) effluent guidelines that would affect all future construction general permits, and therefore proposes a maximum two-year duration for this permit to coincide with the court-ordered deadlines for the C&D rule. Following finalization of the new C&D rule, EPA anticipates proposing a replacement five-year CGP incorporating the new guidelines.

            In addition to proposing this draft CGP, EPA is also requesting comments on the criteria to be used by the Agency to incorporate, by reference, ‘‘qualifying local program requirements’’ for erosion and sediment control as provided for in EPA’s regulations. A construction site operator with construction activities within the jurisdiction of the qualifying local program can follow local erosion and sediment control requirements in lieu of complying with comparable erosion and sediment control requirements in EPA’s CGP.

            The EPA Region 6 permits will cover discharges under EPA authority in the States of  New Mexico, Texas (e.g., construction related to oil and gas exploration and production) and Oklahoma (e.g., construction related to oil and gas exploration and production and certain agriculture industry facilities) and on Indian Country lands located in the States of Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma.  EPA Region 6 is requesting certification of the appropriate permit or permit area under section 401 of the Clean Water Act from State and Tribal agencies with section 401 certification authority in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.  Any comments regarding a State or Tribal Section 401 certification would need to be directed to the applicable State or Tribal agency.

            Copies of the draft permit package and Federal Register notice (which includes information on how to submit comments by the June 16, 2008, deadline) are available on the Internet via http://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/construction

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