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National Volunteer Program Manager
Bridget Harris
1400 Independence Avenue
Washington, DC 20250

(202) 205-4988

You are here: Volunteer Home / Partnerships
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When individuals and organizations voluntarily work together toward a mutual goal with the Forest Service, a partnership is created.

In these times when traditional funding is decreasing while demands on the national forests are increasing, partnerships play a critical role in the Forest Service's mission of "Caring for the Land and Serving People".

Partnerships allow the Forest Service to accomplish more work plus participants are given a chance to get involved and make a difference. Please follow the links below for more information.

Partnership Resource Center

The Partnership Resource Center (PRC) Web site, hosted by the National Forest Foundation (NFF), encompasses a collaborative vision formed by the Forest Service (FS) and the NFF. As a portal to vast areas of information, the PRC web site provides partners and FS staff with boundaryless information and access they need for enhanced working relationships. By increasing joint stewardship capacity and connecting people to people, the needs of natural resources can be met.

National Forest Foundation

The National Forest Foundation (NFF) is the congressionally-chartered nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service.

The NFF and its grassroots partners address key challenges to the health of our National Forests and Grasslands. Together, we work on solutions in community-based forestry, recreation, watershed restoration, and wildlife habitat.

Last Modified: 08/19/2008