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wind turbines and bird

Toward Wildlife-Friendly Wind Power:
A Focus on the Great Lakes

Toledo, Ohio
June 27-29, 2006

Government agencies, nongovernment organizations, scientists and wind industry representatives gathered June 27-29, 2006, in Toledo, Ohio, to explore opportunities for minimizing wind power effects on wildlife, share resources and develop consistent management approaches, with a focus on the Great Lakes basin.

Conference Notes, Papers and Presentations

Final conference agenda (pdf-139Kb)

Toward Wildlife-Friendly Wind Power: Conference Overview, Charge and Next Steps (ppt-638Kb)

Conference announcement:
.pdf file (79 Kb)
PowerPoint slide (109Kb)

Keynote speaker: Dr. Chandler Robbins
Chan Robbins is perhaps best known as the lead author of Birds of North America: A Guide to Field Identification, which has sold over 8 million copies, and has been a favorite for many birders in North America. Dr. Robbins will speak at a special dinner session on Tuesday evening, June 27. If you have a copy of one of the many editions of his field guide, be sure to bring it with you and Dr. Robbins will sign it.
Dr. Robbins is also known for many other accomplishments and contributions during his professional life. To view a website dedicated to Chandler Robbins and his 60 years of public service go to: http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/whatsnew/events/robbins/

Other Great Lakes Wind Power Links:

"Toward Wildlife-Friendly Wind Power" Web site

USFWS Midwest Region Wind Power Web Site

USFWS National Wind Energy Web site

Conference funded by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-Great Lakes National Program Office

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency logo


Conference organized by EPA-Great Lakes National Program Office and:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service logoU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Team

Illinois Natural History Survey logo llinois Natural History Survey

U.S. Geological Survey logo U.S. Geological Survey


Our proud partners:

National Wildlife FederationNational Wildlife Federation Great Lakes Natural Resource Center

US Forest Service logo U.S. Forest Service Eastern Region

Ducks Unlimited logo Ducks Unlimited Great Lakes/Atlantic Regional Office



site updated Dec. 13, 2006

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