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CAMEO Troubleshooter

Here are suggested solutions to try if you're having trouble with CAMEO, ALOHA, MARPLOT, or the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet. Please help us to help you by trying the suggestions in the order we've presented them.

If you're having trouble...

...getting a copy of the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet,

...installing CAMEO, ALOHA, MARPLOT, or the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet,

...running CAMEO or understanding the data it provides,

  1. First, check your CAMEO manual.
  2. Next, check the CAMEO Problem-Solver Page.
  3. Next, check with your regional EPA CAMEO representative.
  4. If all else fails (please try our other suggestions first), email a detailed description of your problem to us at userrmp.usersupport@csc.com, or call us at 301-429-5018.
  5. You also may wish to check with third-party, fee-for-service technical support providers.

...running ALOHA or understanding how it works,

  1. First, check your ALOHA manual (check out the Troubleshooting chapter).
  2. Next, check the ALOHA Problem-Solver Page.
  3. Next, check with your regional EPA CAMEO representative.
  4. If all else fails (please try our other suggestions first), email a detailed description of your problem to us at userrmp.usersupport@csc.com, or call us at 301-429-5018.
  5. You also may wish to check with third-party, fee-for-service technical support providers.

...running MARPLOT or understanding how electronic mapping works,

  1. First, check your MARPLOT manual (check out the Troubleshooting chapter).
  2. Next, check the MARPLOT Problem-Solver Page.
  3. Next, check with your regional EPA CAMEO representative.
  4. If all else fails (please try our other suggestions first), email a detailed description of your problem to us at userrmp.usersupport@csc.com, or call us at 301-429-5018.
  5. You also may wish to check with third-party, fee-for-service technical support providers.
...running the Chemical Reactivity Worksheet or understanding how it works,
  1. First, check the Reactivity Worksheet Page (NOAA) , where you'll find training materials.
  2. Next, check the Reactivity FAQ Page (NOAA) for the answer to your question.
  3. If all else fails (please try our other suggestions first), send your question by email to ReactivityMail@hazmat.noaa.gov.

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