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HYSPLIT Model Updates

Highlights of Recent Updates

February 08 Revision (4.8)

  • new concentration grid plot color fill program and added to GUI
  • revised conprob files (and GUI) to be consistent with box plots
  • new GUI for box plots for ensemble simulation results
  • UNIX testing script for version control
  • emitimes permits multiple species on one particle when maxdim>1
  • improved puff split-merge algorithm and added new namelist options
  • removed FTP of NCEP GRIB-1 files from GUI menus
  • added additional download options for HYSPLIT compatible data files

November 07 Revision (4.8)

  • Plotting routines were modified in terms of centering, colors, and clipping
  • Units were changed in the source-attribution code for consistency
  • The internal vertical grid structure was corrected for high resolution input data
  • Emissions were corrected to handle releases shorter than the model's time step
  • The termination message shows if points fall outside the domain in terms of space or time
  • Additional puff split-merge factors were moved from the constants to the namelist input
  • A multi-trajectory geo-location option based upon measurment data was added to the GUI menu
  • Cluster number labels were added to the trajectory plotting program
  • A new GUI tab can be used to install model updates when they become available

August 2007 Revision (4.8)

  • Mixed layer depth computed from minimum temperature
  • Default short-range turbulence from profiles rather than fluxes
  • Terrain correction for starting heights above mean sea level
  • Automated source attribution configuration from measured data
  • Integrated solution of the source-receptor matrix
  • Modified meteorological data input algorithm for sfc obs

March 2007 Revision (4.8)

  • Options to set the day/night anisotropy when using TKE fields
  • Automatic selection of the most recent forecast data file
  • New options to compute maximum and maximum average concentrations
  • Updated namelist configuration menus with more information
  • New map projections and latitude-longitude labeling options
  • More flexible data FTP with server selection and progress widget
Modified: September 15, 2008
Dept. of Commerce | NOAA | NOAA Research | ARL