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DATEM - Data Archive of Tracer Experiments and Meteorology

DATEM - Data Archive of Tracer Experiments and Meteorology

Project Overview

The availability of meteorological re-analysis archives at several international centers, provides an opportunity to link high quality modern meteorological data with the data from many older long-range tracer experiments. This web site has been created to contain the experimental data, relevant reports, meteorological data, statistical analysis, and display software, all in a common format for PC or UNIX applications. This data base permits the atmospheric transport modeling community to conduct various verification and sensitivity studies and compare model results with each other on a common basis. Currently, only longer range (10's to 1000's of km downwind) experimental data are considered, consistent with the spatial and temporal resolution of the meteorological re-analysis data. User's of the data base are encouraged to share any additional analysis software that they might develop and prepare and submit additional experimental data to the archive.

For more detailed information on the DATEM archive read the following paper available in Adobe PDF format.

Sponsoring Organizations

The following organizations have prepared experimental data in the DATEM format:

Data Access

This pilot study incorporated data from five long-range dispersion experiments (described in more detail in the paper mentioned above), which represent a collection of more than 19,000 air concentration samples, re-analysis fields from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) / National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) re-analysis project, and statistical analysis programs based upon the ATMES-II evaluation of ETEX. All the emissions and sampling data are in space delimited text files, easily used by Fortran programs or imported into any spreadsheet. Meteorological data fields have been reformatted for use by HYSPLIT and are available for download through the links provided below. The statistical programs are all written in Fortran and include PC executables with the source code so that they can be compiled on other platforms.

Downloading Data

Individual data files can be downloaded directly using these links.

Meteorological data can be downloaded in the HYSPLIT compatible (arl) format:

Meteorological data in their orignal format format:

User Contributions

Users of the data base are encouraged to use the link below to share any additional analysis software they may develop or their own experimental data.

Verification Results

Statistical results from running HYSPLIT for each of the tracer experiments in the DATEM archive are made available in the following link.

Modified: September 23, 2008
Dept. of Commerce | NOAA | NOAA Research | ARL