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  • May 5, 2008 - 2008 HYSPLIT Training Documents Made Available -

    The training materials from the recent HYSPLIT Training Workshop held in Silver Spring, Maryland, are now available on the HYSPLIT webpage under the link to PC HYSPLIT Training Workshops or go to this address:
  • October 19, 2007 - PDF Output Option -

    Added an option in most READY programs to add a link to a PDF file of the graphics.

  • October 18, 2007 - New Meteorological Mapping Tool -

    A new meteorological mapping program that performs most of the functions of the current Interactive Map program has been made available for testing on the Current and Archived Meteorology pages of READY. This version does not rely on the NCAR Graphics software, but makes use of the freely available PSPLOT fortran routines, which creates PostScript output. The graphics are converted from PostScript to gif for smaller file sizes. At some point in the future we will be removing the Interactive Map program and the Java-Based Interactive Map program as we cannot support NCAR Graphics.

  • September 28, 2006 - READY Meteorological Programs Updated -

    The meteorogram, profile, stability, windgram and windrose programs have all been converted from NCAR Graphics to the freely available PSPLOT fortran routines. Graphics are converted from Postscript to gif.

  • September 21, 2006 - HYSPLIT Web-Version Update

    Many additional features were recently added to the registered users web version of HYSPLIT trajectories.
    • GFS Forecast Data

      An option has been added to the forecast trajectories to enable trajectories that run off the chosen meteorology grid (in time or space) to continue running with the current Global Forecast System (GFS) meteorological data if the date range is available. The current GFS forecast dataset contains 48 hours of analysis and 84 hours of forecast data. CAUTION: the initialization times of the chosen meteorological dataset and the GFS may be different depending on the time of day.

    • 3 Source Locations

      Users now can enter up to 3 different trajectory source locations instead of just one. All trajectories will be calculated for all specified levels (1, 2 or 3) for a total of up to 9 trajectories per run.

    • Trajectory Matrix Option

      A trajectory matrix option will produce a grid of trajectories bounded by the first 2 entered source locations (trajectory 1 is the lower left grid point and trajectory 2 is the upper right grid point) and evenly spaced with a grid increment given by the distance between the lower left grid point (trajectory 2) and trajectory 3. Only one height is allowed.

    • Trajectory Ensemble Option

      A trajectory ensemble option will produce multiple trajectories from the first user-selected starting location. Each member of the trajectory ensemble is calculated by offsetting the meteorological data by a fixed grid factor (one grid meteorological grid point in the horizontal and 0.01 sigma units in the vertical). This results in 27 members for all-possible offsets in X,Y, and Z. Note: the starting height should be greater than 250 m for optimal configuration of the ensemble.

    • Source Location Symbol

      An option has been added to allow users to turn on or off the source location symbol on the trajectory map. This is useful for the trajectory matrix display.

    • Rerun the model using user-defined defaults

      A much needed option has been implemented to allow users to rerun a trajectory calculation by modifying the user entered defaults of that particular run to produce a new calculation with its own Job ID number.

  • July 12, 2006 - HYSPLIT and Google Earth -

    Google Earth output is now available to all READY HYSPLIT users (see May 15, 2006 below for details).

  • May 19, 2006 - HYSPLIT Training Documents Made Available -

    The training materials from the recent HYSPLIT Training Workshop held in Silver Spring, Maryland, are now available on the HYSPLIT webpage under the link to PC HYSPLIT Training Workshops or go to this address:

    The updated HYSPLIT model executables for this training workshop are not yet publicly available, but should be made available in late June or July.

  • May 15, 2006 - HYSPLIT and Google Earth -

    HYSPLIT is now capable of exporting trajectories, air concentrations and deposition into the Google Earth software application. Google Earth, a free program to display layers of information on a three dimensional map of the earth, is available from:

    Programs were developed at ARL to convert the trajectory endpoints and contours of concentration and deposition generated by HYSPLIT into Google Earth files. Google Earth provides the user with a method of overlaying a seemingly endless amount of free geo-referenced information onto the HYSPLIT output and providing the user with a tool to move about and within the model results. This capability is now available to registered users of HYSPLIT, both on the PC and the ARL web server. After a period of testing by registered users, the product will be made available to non-registered users of the web version as well.

  • January 25, 2006 - Date format change to profile output -

    The header for the profile text listing has been reformatted to include a 2 digit month, day and hour and a 4 digit year.

  • January 18, 2006 - NAM 45 km Alaska grid data added to READY -

    NAM 45 km horizontal resolution, 3 hourly, 36 hour forecast data is now available for use by HYSPLIT and meteorological display programs on the READY website.