Audit of Final Voucher


August 2000

Reference Number: 2000-1C-133

August 28, 2000




FROM: Pamela J. Gardiner /s/ Pamela J. Gardiner

Deputy Inspector General for Audit

SUBJECT: Audit of Final Voucher TIR-94-0042

In response to your request, the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) examined the final voucher to determine the allowable cost and fee under the contract. The DCAA reviewed the accounting records and financial operating procedures to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the data and records are free of material misstatement.

In summary, the DCAA report indicated that the final voucher is acceptable for processing. The costs on the final voucher are considered allowable.

The information in this report should not be used for purposes other than that intended without prior consultation with the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration regarding its applicability.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (202) 622-6510, or your staff may call Maurice S. Moody, Associate Inspector General for Audit (Headquarters Operations and Exempt Organizations Programs), at (202) 622-8500.


The Office of Inspector General for Tax Administration has no objection to the release of this report, at the discretion of the contracting officer, to duly authorized representatives of the contractor.

The contractor information contained in this report is proprietary information. The restrictions of 18 USC 1905 must be followed in releasing any information to the public.

This report may not be released without the approval of this office, except to an agency requesting the report for use in negotiating or administering a contract with the contractor.

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