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READY logoREADY - Real-time Environmental Applications and Display sYstem

READY is a world-wide-web based system that has been developed for accessing and displaying meteorological data and running trajectory and dispersion model products on ARL's web server. This system brings together dispersion models, graphical display programs and textual forecast programs generated over many years at ARL into a form that is easy to use by anyone. Its primary user group, however, is atmospheric scientists.

Use the links at left to navigate to READY. For more information on READY, see our READY informational page.

Examples of READY products.

Meteorological Tools Volcanic Ash Modeling Wildfire Smoke Forecasts Run or download the HYSPLIT Model Run or download the HYSPLIT Model
Modified: September 15, 2008
Dept. of Commerce | NOAA | NOAA Research | ARL