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Air Resources Laboratory

Atmospheric Dispersion link - factory smoke, photo courtesy of U.S.EPA
Volcanic Ash Modeling link - photo of Mt. Augustine volcano eruption
Wildfire Smoke Forecasting link - photo of forest fire and smoke
HYSPLIT model link - image of HYSPLIT plume above Baltimore, MD

The Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) conducts research and development in the fields of air quality, atmospheric dispersion, and climate. Key activities include the development, evaluation, and application of air quality models; improvement of approaches for predicting atmospheric dispersion of hazardous materials; and the generation of new insights into air-surface exchange and climate variability and trends.

The goal of our work is to improve the Nation's ability to protect human and ecosystem health while also maintaining a vibrant economy.

Research Highlight

ARL to Conduct Roadside Tracer Study for Regulatory Model Improvements

Scientists from ARL's Field Research Division are preparing to conduct a roadside barrier tracer study, anticipated to begin October 6 at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory.


Air Quality link - photo of smog over Los Angeles, CA
Climate Reference Network link - photo of measurement equipment near Lander, WY
Atmospheric Mercury link - image of mercury cycle
Modified: September 25, 2008
Dept. of Commerce | NOAA | NOAA Research | ARL