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Links to State Forestry Pages

These are not the only States with FEPP programs, but they are the only ones with FEPP or related web pages.


Alaska - The Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) Program provides equipment and supplies for wildland fire fighting in Alaska.

Arizona - The Fire Management Division has worked with federal excess property since our establishment This program allows the division to acquire excess property from the federal government for use in Cooperative Fire Programs. This forestry program has developed into a major program that continues to assist the Division as well as Arizona fire departments.

Arkansas - The Rural Fire Protection of the Arkansas Forestry Commission, established in 1979, is designed to help communities organize, equip, and train volunteer fire departments.

California - CAL FIRE acquisitions have exceeded over $200 million since 1978. FEPP is used to support Department units and programs statewide.

Florida - The Division of Forestry has over 500 trucks and 100 trailers on active leases. There is no direct charge for FEPP. The State Forester normally bears the cost of transportation and the fire department bears the cost of conversion, painting, storage, and maintenance.

Georgia - Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) is authorized to acquire excess Federal Government property for assistance in all phases of fire control for communities with populations of less than 10,000.

Hawaii - The program is used by DOFAW in acquiring federal excess property for firefighting. Equipment acquisition is wide and varied. Acquisition have included flight helmets, trucks, water tenders, and dozers.

Indiana - FEPP and VFA program's goal is to provide financial assistance to organize, train and equip fire departments in rural areas and communities to prevent and suppress fires.

Iowa - Equipment and vehicles are aquired to loan to Fire Departments for use in wildland fire protection.

Kansas - The Kansas Forest Service (KFS) obtains excess military property, generally limited to vehicles and fire equipment, and lends it to fire districts.

Kentucky - The program provides low-cost fire protection equipment, tools and supplies for rural Kentucky fire departments. Items loaned through this program may be used for fire protection purposes only.

Louisiana - FEPP equipment is made available, at NO COST, to qualified departments. The majority of the equipment may require small monetary spending to ready the equipment for fire fighting purposes.

Maine - The Maine Forest Service acquires Federal Excess Property at little or no cost. Some of this property (such as a vehicle, generator, pump or trailer) is loaned to municipalities for forest fire suppression purposes.

Minnesota - The FEPP program has provided more than 1,000 vehicles to rural community fire departments throughout Minnesota and it has distributed annually between $3 - $5 million in federal excess property.

Mississippi - The Mississippi Forestry Commission works very closely with the County Fire Coordinators to get the equipment to the VFD's with the most need.

Missouri - Equipment is processed at the Rural Forest Fire Equipment Center in Lebanon and redistributed to rural fire departments. Each year, the equipment center processes several thousand requests for fire-fighting vehicles and equipment. Equipment valued at about $4 million is distributed annually to fire departments.


Montana - Since 1967 to present, the Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) program has developed into a major program that continues to assist the Division of Forestry and local fire agencies and departments.

Nebraska - We acquire, recondition and assign firefighting equipment and vehicles which have become excess to the needs of the federal government.

New Hampshire - The FEPP Program enables the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands to acquire “on loan” from the federal government, property that assists the Division and fire departments in fulfilling their emergency response mission.

New Mexico - The New Mexico Forestry Division has been involved with acquiring federal excess property since our establishment as an agency.

North Carolina - Items available under the FEPP program include 4X4 trucks for brush units, fire engines, fire tankers, SCBA's, generators, fire hose, and fire appliances.

North Dakota - The Federal Excess Personal Property Program loans surplus federal equipment to departments for enhancing fire fighting capabilities.

Ohio - The Ohio Division of Forestry has the authority to acquire excess federal equipment and assign the equipment to rural fire departments for use in fire suppression operations.

Oklahoma - Since 1959, Oklahoma Forestry Services has been acquiring and placing FEPP with Fire Departments in Oklahoma. Rural fire coordinators have used FEPP as a foundation to more than double the number of volunteer fire departments in our state over this time period.

Oregon - This site contains the Departments Standards, Guidelines, Policies, procedures and other information relating to equipment (FEPP).

Pennsylvania - The DCNR Bureau of Forestry has the authority to acquire excess Federal equipment and assign the equipment to rural fire departments.

South Carolina - More than 1,000 pieces of federal excess equipment have been distributed to SC fire departments.

South Dakota - The Fire Equipment Shop refurbishes property into fire equipment that is then cost-shared to the various fire departments across the state.

Texas - The Texas Forest Service has the authority to acquire excess military equipment and assign the equipment to rural fire departments.

Virginia - The Virginia Department of Forestry permits the no-cost LOAN of equipment to rural Volunteer Fire Departments (VFDs).

Washington - Since 1991 DNR has loaned more than 3,100 pieces of equipment to Fire Protection Districts.

Wyoming - Wyoming currently has over 400 vehicles valued at $17,000,000 on loan to Wyoming’s 23 counties. Wyoming State Forestry continues a nationally recognized maintenance and parts procurement program to support the vehicles sub-loaned to local fire departments.