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Officers Injured Responding to Inmate Fight
For Immediate Release April 2, 2000
Officers Injured Responding to Inmate Fight
A correctional officer and correctional sergeant were injured Sunday morning while responding to an inmate-to-inmate fight in a prison recreation yard in Ontario.
At approximately 10 a.m. MDT, a fight broke out between four inmates (three-on-one) on the yard at Snake River Correctional Institution. Three officers entered the Complex 3 Yard to assist two officers normally stationed on the yard. Before they could break up the fighting inmates, other inmates began fighting and assaulted the officers. A warning shot fired into the ground by a tower officer had the desired effect of breaking up the fights.
Two injured officers were taken to Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario. Officer Dustyne Froshiesar suffered facial injuries and Sergeant Robert Real has a broken ankle. The extent of injuries are being evaluated.
Thirteen inmates involved in the fighting were placed in disciplinary segregation. No inmates needed immediate medical attention.
As a result of today´s incident, Complex 3 is locked down and recreation is suspended in the entire prison. The Department of Corrections will evaluate the number of inmates permitted on the yard at one time.
Snake River Correctional Institution houses up to 3000 inmates. Today´s census is 2860. Complex 3 holds approximately 800 inmates. Approximately 150 inmates were on the yard when this morning´s incident occurred.
last revision 4-3-2000pdamon

Page updated: February 28, 2008

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