SPECIES NAME: Lutjanus purpureus Poey, 1867



Small ctenoid scales cover most of the head and body, although the top of the head, snout and jaws are naked. A more-or-less isolated broad band of scales extends obliquely on each side of the nape, and each cheek bears 6 (rarely 5 or 7) scale rows. There are 49 to 53 lateral line scales, and these extend onto the caudal fin base, but not to the fin's edge. The longitudinal scale rows below lateral line on each side of the body are usually horizontal, and the number of scales in the rows along the midside are usually 50-51. The number of scales above the lateral line (between the lateral line and the dorsal fin base) ranges from 9 to 11, but is usually 10. The number of scales below the lateral line ranges from 16 to 19. The scales on the sides of the anterior part of the body, below the lateral line, are not conspicuously larger than those on the posterior part of the body; those above the lateral line on the anterior part of the body are smaller than those below. The scale rows above the lateral line rise obliquely. Scaly sheaths are present at the bases of the dorsal and anal fins, especially on the soft portions.


References to Lutjanus purpureus Poey, 1867: Allen 1985: Page 51 (key) - "...lateral line scales 49 to 53, usually 50 or 51; scales above lateral line 9 to 12, usually 10 to 12; scales on sides of anterior part of body, below lateral line, not conspicuously larger than those on posterior part..." Page 52 (key) - "Scales below lateral line 16 to 19; scales above lateral line 9 to 11, usually 10; cheek scale rows 6 rarely 5 or 7; scales above lateral line, on anterior part of side of body, smaller than those below..." Page 110 (text) - "Scale rows on back rising obliquely above lateral line." Robins and Ray 1986: Reference to Lutjanus purpureus: Page 171 (text) - Compared to Lutjanus campechanus, L. purpureus "...has...more scales in row along midside (usually 50-51, not 47-49), and more scales between beginning of dorsal fin and lateral line (usually 10-11, not 8-9)."

References to genus Lutjanus: Jordan and Evermann 1898: Page 1247 (as genus Neomaenis Girard, 1859) - "...head long, naked above, except for a broad oblique band of scales at the nape..." "...soft rays of dorsal and anal scaly at base..." "...top of head naked; a more or less isolated band of scales extending obliquely on each side of nape..." Masuda et al., ed. 1991: Page 169 - "...scale sheath of dorsal and anal fin moderately wide..." "...number lateral line scales 46-54, generally 48-49." Allen 1985: Page 13 (key) - "Base of dorsal and anal fins, especially soft portions, with covering of scales" Page 14 (key) - "...longitudinal scale rows below lateral line usually horizontal (except sloping upward in L. erythropterus and L. gibbus..." Page 33 (text) - "...dorsal and anal fins scaled..."

References to subfamily Lutjaninae: Masuda et al., ed. 1991: Page 168 (text) - "...soft rays of dorsal and anal fins slightly covered with scales..." Allen 1985: Page 3 (text) - "...scaly sheaths at the bases of the dorsal and anal fins..."

Reference to family Lutjanidae: Boschung et al. 1983: Page 603 (text) - "Small ctenoid scales cover the body, except between the mouth and eyes. Lateral line scales extend onto the caudal fin base, but not to its edge." Eschmeyer and Herald 1983: Page 215 (text) - "Snout area aroud eye unscaled; ctenoid scales cover most of head and body." Moyle and Cech 1988: Page 293 (text) - "...fully scaled body..."

Full description for Caribbean Red Snapper (Lutjanus purpureus)
Last updated on 2003-JAN-09 by wss/frf