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Risk Communication Advisory Committee Roster

Applying for Membership on FDA Advisory Committees

As part of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) ongoing efforts to recruit qualified experts with minimal conflicts of interest who are interested in serving on FDA advisory committees, FDA is requesting nominations for members to serve on its advisory committees.

Current Number of Vacancies   0
Note, one or more vacancies may be in the nomination process or a final appointment may have been made.

Baruch Fischhoff, Ph.D.
Expertise: Risk Perception and Communication, Decision Analysis
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2011
Howard Heinz University Professor
Department of Social and Decision Sciences
Department of Engineering and Public Policy
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890

Executive Secretary (acting)
Lee Zwanziger

Office of Planning
Office of the Commissioner
Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane, HFP-60
Rockville, MD 20857
Tel 301-827-2895
Fax 301-827-5340

Christine M. Bruhn, Ph.D.
Expertise: Food Safety Communication, Risk Perception
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2011
Consumer Marketing Specialist
Director, Center for Consumer Research
University of California, Davis
Department of Food Science and Technology
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Jacob DeLaRosa, M.D.
Expertise: Surgical Devices, Risk Communication to Patients
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2011
Assistant Professor Idaho State University
Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Portneuf Medical Center
777 Hospital Way
Pocatello, ID 83201

AnnaMaria DeSalva
Expertise: Public Relations, Risk/Crisis Communication, Trust Building
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2009
Worldwide Director of Healthcare
Hill and Knowlton
New York, NY 10022

Michael Goldstein, M.D.
Expertise: Behavioral Medicine, Risk and Health Communication
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2010
Associate Director
Institute for Healthcare Communication
555 Long Wharf Drive, 13th Floor
New Haven, CT 06511

Sally Greenberg
Expertise: Consumer Advocacy
Term: Immediately – 09/30/2011
Executive Director
National Consumers League
1701 K. St. NW
Washington, DC 20006

Prerna Mona Khanna, M.D., M.P.H.
Expertise: Medical Broadcast Journalism, Disaster Support
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2009
Physician Consultant, ICYou.com
Adjunct Associate Professor, University of North Texas - Health Science Center
Lieutenant Colonel, Texas Medical Rangers
1618 Fairfax Lane
Chicago, IL 60181

Madeline Y. Lawson, M.A.
Expertise: Advocacy, Minority Health
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2010
Executive Vice President
Institute for the Advancement of Multicultural and Minority Medicine
1701 Q Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009

Musa Mayer, M.S., M.F.A.
Expertise: Patient Advocacy, Counseling, Journalism
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2010
250 West 82nd Street
New York, NY 10024

David P. Moxley, M.S.W., Ph.D., D.P.A.
Expertise: Social Work, Risk/Behavior Communication
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2008
Oklahoma Healthcare Authority Medicaid Endowed Professor of Health and Public Health
Professor of Social Work
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73072

Linda Neuhauser, Dr.P.H., M.P.H.
Expertise: Health Literacy, Health Communications in State Government
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2008
Clinical Professor of Community Health and Human Development
Health Research for Action Center
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
140 Warren Hall, MC 7360
Berkeley, CA 94720-7360

John E. Paling, Ph.D.
Expertise: Risk Communication, Broadcast Media, Risk Perception
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2009
Founder & Research Director
The Risk Communication Institute
5822 NW 91st Blvd
Gainesville, FL 32653

Ellen M. Peters, Ph.D.
Expertise: Numeracy, Risk Perception, Decision Analysis
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2009
Senior Research Scientist
Decision Research
1201 Oak Street, Suite 200
Eugene, OR 97401

Betsy Lynn Sleath, Ph.D.
Expertise: Pharmacy, Sociology, Health Literacy, Health Communication
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2010
Professor of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy
University of North Carolina School of Pharmacy
Kerr Hall, Room 2214, CB# 7360
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7360

Marielos L. Vega, B.S.N., R.N.
Expertise: Health Communication
Term: 10/01/2007 – 09/30/2008
University of Medicine and Dentistry
New Jersey Medical School
Department of Family Medicine
183 South Orange Avenue,
BHSB-E Level, Room E 1542
Newark, NJ 07103


* As described in the charter for this committee, the membership includes no single designated consumer representative, but several voting members with experiential knowledge of risk communication including patient and consumer perspectives. Also as described in the charter, the membership includes no single designated industry representative, but depending on the meeting topic(s), at least one nonvoting member identified with relevant industry interests may be invited from existing members of other FDA Advisory Committees.

Updated June 18, 2008

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