WWETAC Featured Publications and Reports

Characteristics of Western Juniper Encroachment into Sagebrush Communities in Central Oregon

Report in pdf format

Rowland, M.M.; Suring, L.H.; Tausch, R.J.; Geer, S.; Wisdom, M.J. 2008. Characteristics of western juniper encroachment into sagebrush communities in central Oregon. USDA Forest Service Forestry and Range Sciences Laboratory, La Grande, Oregon 97850, USA. 23 pp.

Vegetation models and climate change workshop results

Report in pdf format prepared for Western Wildlands Environmental Threat Assessment Center by ESSA Technologies Ltd. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Annotated bibliography for forest managers on fire-bark beetle interactions

Report in pdf format prepared for the Western Wildlands Environmental Threats Assessment Center by Martin Simard, Erinn N. Powell, Jacob M. Griffin, Kenneth F. Raffa, and Monica G. Turner, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Threat assessment for western riparian ecosystems: an annotated bibliography

Prepared for the Western Wildlands Environmental Threats Assessment Center by the Rocky Mountain Research Station's Southwest Watershed Science Team

Forests at risk: integrating risk science into fuel management strategies

PDF article by Alan Ager

Modeling wildfire risk to northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) habitat in central Oregon, USA

PDF article by Alan Ager

Season and severity of prescribed burn in ponderosa pine forests: implications for understory native and exotic plants

PDF article by Becky Kerns

Forests, insects and pathogens and climate change: workshop report

PDF report

Risk assessment for biodiversity conservation planning in Pacific Northwest forests

PDF article by Becky Kerns

A wildfire risk modeling system for evaluating landscape fuel treatment strategies

PDF article by Alan Ager

PNW Research Station science findings brief on prescribed fire and season of burn

PDF article by Beck Kerns