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FY2004 Budget Summary

(Dollars in thousands)
FTE Amount
2002 Obligations 12 7 $116,706
     Transfer of associated costs to Department of Homeland Security * ... ... -44,000
     Transfer of associated costs from Department of Treasury (ATF) * ... ... 3,000
2002 Obligations - as adjusted 12 7 75,706
2003 President's Budget Request 12 12 149,254
     Transfer of associated costs to Department of Homeland Security * ... ... -44,000
     Transfer of associated costs from Department of Treasury (ATF) * ... ... 3,000
2003 President's Budget Request - as adjusted 12 12 108,254
Adjustments to base:
     Increases (see page 27) ... ... 30
     Decreases (see page 27) ... ... -199
2004 Current Services 12 12 108,085
     Program Improvements (detailed below) ... ... 32,000
     Program Offsets (detailed below) ... ... -2
2004 Request 12 12 140,083

  2003 President's Budget Request 2004 Current Services 2004 Request Program Improvements
Comparison by activity and program Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount Perm
FTE Amount
     Narrowband Communications 12 12 $108,254 12 12 $108,085 12 12 $140,083 ... ... $31,998
     * Included for comparability purposes. Transfer from Treasury is not proposed until 2004.

Program Improvements Perm
FTE Amount
Narrowband Investment ... ... $32,000
This appropriation continues the implementation of the Integrated Wireless Network, a joint initiative with the Department of the Treasury, and with Justice and Treasury agencies transferring to the new Department of Homeland Security. The program improvements reflect an increase of $32,000,000, which will be devoted to new narrowband infrastructure and radio investments principally along the Northern/Southern land borders, and in key operational areas such as New York City.
Program Offsets      
Crosscutting Efficiencies ... ... -$2
The Department continues to evaluate its programs and operations with the goal of achieving across-the-board economies of scale that result in increased efficiencies, reduced duplication of effort, and cost savings. The crosscutting savings identified impact the majority of the components in the Department, and are the result of improving business practices in the following ways: consolidation of facility management, including optimization of work space standards and the consolidation/collocation of field space; improved deployment of human resources personnel across Department components; the consolidation of duplicative IT support functions and services performed by components using the JCN WAN; and centralized procurement for relocation of services, including household storage/shipment and residence contracts.
Total Program Improvements/Offsets, Narrowband Communications ... ... $31,998

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