FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION














                       Wednesday, March, 17, 2004


                               8:00 a.m.




                           5630 Fishers Lane

                      First Floor Conference Room

                          Rockville, Maryland







         Donna Przepiorka, MD., Ph.D., Chair, ODAC

         Johanna Clifford, M.S., RN, BSN


         Pamela J. Haylock, RN,

           Consumer Representative, ODAC




         Victor Santana, M.D., Chair

         Peter Adamson, M.D.

         Alice Ettinger, M.S., RN

         Peter Houghton, Ph.D.

         Eric Kodish, M.D.

         C. Patrick Reynolds, M.D., Ph.D.

         Susan Weiner, Ph.D.

         Ruth Hoffman, Patient Representative

         Barry Anderson, M.D., Ph.D.

         Lee J. Helman, M.D.

         Malcolm Smith, M.D., Ph.D.

         Paul Meltzer, M.D.

         Chand Khanna, DVM, Ph.D., DACVIM

         Kenneth Hastings, Ph.D.



         Antonio Grillo-Lopez, M.D.,


      FDA STAFF:


         Susan Ellenberg, Ph.D.

         Steven Hirschfeld, M.D., Ph.D.

         Ramzi Dagher, M.D.

         Richard Pazdur, M.D.

         Patricia Keegan, M.D.

         Pat Dinndorf, M.D.

         Grant Williams, M.D.




                            C O N T E N T S




      Call to Order, Victor Santana, M.D., Chair                 5


      Introductions                                              5


      Conflict of Interest Statement,

         Johanna Clifford, M.S., RN, BSN                         7


      Safety Monitoring in Clinical Studies Enrolling

      Children with Cancer:


      Opening Remarks, Richard Pazdur, Director,

         Division of Oncology Drug Products, FDA                10


      Introduction of Issues and Agenda,

         Steven Hirschfeld, M.D., Ph.D., Office

         of Cellular and Gene Therapy, FDA                      11


      Protecting Children in Cancer Research: What Really

         Matters, Eric Kodish, M.D., Director, Rainbow

         Center for Pediatric Ethics                            23


      Legal Responsibilities for HHS Supported Studies,

         Michael Carome, M.D., Office for Human Research

         Protection, HHS                                        49


      Legal Responsibilities for Studies with FDA

         Regulated Products, Steven Hirschfeld, M.D.,

         Ph.D., Office of Cellular and Gene Therapy,

         CBER, FDA                                              61


      Enrollment and Monitoring Procedures for NCI Funded

         Studies, Barry Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., Cancer

         Treatment Evaluation Program, NCI                      70


      Open Public Hearing:

         Wayne Rakoff, Johnson & Johnson                        87


      Monitoring Procedures in a Private

         Children's Hospital,

         Victor Santana, M.D., St. Jude

           Children's Hospital                                  88


      Committee Discussion                                     116


      Questions for Discussion                                 154




                      C O N T E N T S (Continued)



      Use of Nonclinical Data to Complement Clinical Data

      for Pediatric Oncology:


      What are Microarrays and How Can They Help Us

         with Clinical Studies in Pediatric Oncology,

         Paul Meltzer, National Human Genome Research

         Institute, NIH                                        198


      Advantages and Limitations of Cell Culture Models

         in Pediatric Drug Developments,

         Peter Adamson, M.D., Children's Hospital

         of Philadelphia                                       210


      Human Cell-Animal Xenografts: The Current Status,

         Potential and Limits of Informing Us About

         Clinical Studies, Peter Houghton, Ph.D., St.

         Jude Children's Research Hospital                     229


      An Integrated and Comparative Approach to

         Preclinical/Clinical Drug Development,

         Chand Khanna, DVM, Ph.D.,

         Tumor and Metastasis Biology Section, NIH             248


      What Can be Learned About Safety,

         Kenneth Hastings, Ph.D., CDER, FDA                    263


      Assessing Anti-Tumor Activity in Nonclinical Models

         of Childhood Cancer, Malcolm Smith, M.D., Ph.D.,

         Treatment Evaluation Program, National Cancer

         Institutes, NIH                                       280


      Committee Discussion                                     294


      Questions for Discussion                                 306




  1                      P R O C E E D I N G S


  2                          Call to Order


  3             DR. SANTANA:  Good morning to everyone.  I


  4   know Dr. Kodish is on the line so good morning to


  5   you too, Eric.  I hope you can hear us well.


  6             DR. KODISH:  Good morning, Victor.


  7             DR. SANTANA:  This is a meeting of the


  8   Pediatric Oncology Subcommittee of the Oncology


  9   Drugs Advisory Committee and we are here today to


 10   advise the agency on two issues.  In the morning we


 11   will deal with the issue of safety monitoring in


 12   clinical studies enrolling pediatric oncology


 13   patients.  Then, in the afternoon we will address


 14   issues related to the use of nonclinical data to


 15   complement clinical data for proposed pediatric


 16   oncology studies.  So, we have quite a busy agenda


 17   and I think we will go ahead and get started with


 18   the introductions, and I am feeling so sorry for


 19   Dr. Anderson who is sitting all by himself over


 20   there, but we will go ahead and get started with


 21   him and then move around.


 22                          Introductions


 23             DR. ANDERSON:  Barry Anderson, from NCI


 24   CTEP.


 25             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Antonio Grillo-Lopez,




  1   Neoplastic and Autoimmune Diseases Disorders


  2   Research Institute.


  3             DR. WEINER:  I am Susan Weiner, from The


  4   Children's Cause, a patient advocate.


  5             MS. HOFFMAN:  Ruth Hoffman, patient


  6   advocate.


  7             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Donna Przepiorka,


  8   University of Tennessee, Memphis.


  9             MS. CLIFFORD:  Johanna Clifford, executive


 10   secretary to this meeting.


 11             DR. SANTANA:  Victor Santana, pediatric


 12   oncologist at St. Jude Children's Research


 13   Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee.


 14             DR. REYNOLDS:  Dr. Reynolds, Children's


 15   Hospital of Los Angeles.


 16             MS. ETTINGER:  Alice Ettinger, pediatric


 17   nurse practitioner, St. Peter's University Hospital


 18   in New Jersey.


 19             DR. PAZDUR:  This is Susan Ellenberg, who


 20   has laryngitis.  She is a statistician.  I am


 21   Richard Pazdur.


 22             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Steven Hirschfeld, FDA.


 23             DR. DINNDORF:  Patricia Dinndorf, FDA.


 24             DR. DAGHER:  Ramzi Dagher, FDA.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Eric, will you go ahead and




  1   announce your name and affiliation for the record?


  2             DR. KODISH:  I am Eric Kodish, from


  3   Cleveland, Ohio, Rainbow Babies & Children's


  4   Hospital.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Eric.  With that,


  6   we will go ahead and have Ms. Clifford read us the


  7   conflict of interest statement.


  8                  Conflict of Interest Statement


  9             MS. CLIFFORD:  Thank you.  The following


 10   announcement addresses conflict of interest issues


 11   associated with this meeting and is made a part of


 12   the record to preclude even the appearance of such


 13   at this meeting.


 14             Based on the agenda, it has been


 15   determined that the topics of today's meeting are


 16   issues of broad applicability and there are no


 17   products being approved at this meeting.  Unlike


 18   issues before a committee in which a particular


 19   product is discussed, issues of broader


 20   applicability involve many industrial sponsors and


 21   academic institutions.


 22             All special government employees have been


 23   screened for their financial interests as they may


 24   apply to the general topics at hand.  To determine


 25   if any conflict of interest existed, the agency has




  1   reviewed the agenda and all relevant financial


  2   interests reported by the meeting participants.


  3   The Food and Drug Administration has granted


  4   general matters waivers to the special government


  5   employees participating in this meeting who require


  6   a waiver under Title 18, United States Code,


  7   Section 208.


  8             A copy of the waiver statements may be


  9   obtained by submitting a written request to the


 10   agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


 11   of the Parklawn Building.


 12             Because general topics impact so many


 13   entities, it is not prudent to recite all potential


 14   conflicts of interest as they apply to each member


 15   and consultant and guest speaker.  FDA acknowledges


 16   that there may be potential conflicts of interest


 17   but, because of the general nature of the


 18   discussion before the committee, these potential


 19   conflicts are mitigated.


 20             With respect to FDA's invited industry


 21   representative, we would like to disclose that Dr.


 22   Antonio Grillo-Lopez is participating in this


 23   meeting as an acting industry representative,


 24   acting on behalf of regulated industry.  Dr.


 25   Grillo-Lopez is employed by Neoplastic and




  1   Autoimmune Diseases Research.


  2             In the event that the discussions involve


  3   any other products or firms not already on the


  4   agenda for which FDA participants have a financial


  5   interest, the participants' involvement and their


  6   exclusion will be noted for the record.


  7             With respect to all other participants, we


  8   ask in the interest of fairness that they address


  9   any current or previous financial involvement with


 10   any firm whose product they may with to comment


 11   upon.  Thank you.


 12             DR. SANTANA:  Thanks, Johanna.  Anybody


 13   else sitting at the table that wants to disclose


 14   anything publicly?  No?  Dr. Adamson just joined


 15   the group.  Do you want to introduce yourself,


 16   Peter, please?


 17             DR. ADAMSON:  Peter Adamson, from


 18   Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  Thanks, Peter.  Peter, do


 20   you want to introduce yourself?


 21             DR. HOUGHTON:  Peter Houghton, St. Jude


 22   Children's Research Hospital.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  With that, I will pass it


 24   over to Dr. Pazdur for his opening remarks.


 25                         Opening Remarks




  1             DR. PAZDUR:  Well, I would like to


  2   disclose something publicly, my disappointment with


  3   Victor and Johanna for not mentioning this but the


  4   disclosure is happy St. Patrick's Day.


  5             [Laughter]


  6             As you can see, we in the government have


  7   provided you with green folders for the day and,


  8   obviously, I am dressed in green but I would like


  9   to remind you Pazdur is not an Irish name.  The


 10   other thing I would like to just emphasize is that


 11   Donna and I, as compatriots from Chicago's Polish


 12   community, would like to emphasize that St.


 13   Patrick's Day is just a warm-up for St. Joseph's


 14   Day.  Okay?


 15             [Laughter]


 16             DR. SANTANA:  Which is Friday, March 19th.


 17             DR. PAZDUR:  Thanks for pointing that out.


 18             In all seriousness, I would like to go


 19   back to why we are here today, and that is for the


 20   subcommittee to discuss two important areas today,


 21   one in the morning discussing safety monitoring in


 22   clinical studies enrolling children with cancer and


 23   then, in the afternoon, discussing nonclinical data


 24   to complement clinical data for pediatric oncology.


 25             We look at these as very important




  1   thematic discussions to have.  How these areas


  2   impact on oncology drug development I think is very


  3   important.  One thing that I would ask the


  4   committee to do specifically is to concentrate


  5   really on the pediatric aspect of these.  I know


  6   that these areas have some tentacles to adult


  7   oncology and to other areas of oncology but I would


  8   like to remind you that the purpose of this


  9   subcommittee is to focus on the pediatric


 10   specificity of these issues and special


 11   considerations of these broad issues in pediatric


 12   oncology.


 13             I would like to thank everyone for being


 14   here.  I asked Steve what number meeting this is


 15   and we think it is the eighth.  We may be wrong but


 16   we are happy that the committee is meeting on a


 17   regular basis.  We intend to have the committee


 18   meet on a regular basis here and to continue this


 19   dialogue with the community.  So, Steve, I will


 20   turn it over to you.


 21                Introduction of Issues and Agenda


 22             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Thank you.  It is


 23   customary at the end of remarks to give the


 24   acknowledgments but I wanted to give two


 25   acknowledgments initially.  The first one is to




  1   someone who is in the room right now and I am


  2   looking at her, and that is Johanna Clifford who


  3   has done I think a marvelous job in helping to


  4   organize this meeting, and we have had a number of


  5   challenges to overcome along the way, so many


  6   challenges that for a period of time we thought we


  7   were working under a curse, but Johanna has been


  8   steadfast, good humored, competent, rapid in her


  9   responses and has been I think a driving force in


 10   terms of having the meeting occur as it is and as


 11   well organized as it is today.  So, thank you,


 12   Johanna.


 13             I would also like to acknowledge someone


 14   who is in this room, although not physically, but


 15   someone who has had enormous influence on our


 16   thinking and on our policies toward patients


 17   enrollment in studies and in particular children


 18   enrolling in studies, and that is Bonnie Lee who


 19   has been with the FDA for many years and was


 20   associated with the initial hearings of the


 21   committee, which was mandated by Congress in the


 22   1970s, to examine the role of children in clinical


 23   research.  Bonnie has been a particular guide and


 24   inspiration for me and also a source of information


 25   and direction, which I think has been an asset not




  1   only to the agency but to the country and to all


  2   patients.  And, I wanted to dedicate the discussion


  3   this morning in her honor.  So, thank you, Bonnie.


  4             As Dr. Pazdur pointed out, we are going to


  5   be discussing the themes of safety and


  6   extrapolation.  Clinical research, which we have


  7   discussed in some detail in this forum over several


  8   of the meetings, has been recorded for at least


  9   2,400 years.  Children were often the first


 10   patients for new procedures and interventions.


 11   Part of this evolved from the concept that children


 12   were the property of parents so it was rather easy


 13   for parents to donate their children for whatever


 14   questions might be asked.  But along the way there


 15   were some founding principles because,


 16   unfortunately, children have also been the victims


 17   of clinical research.


 18             The founding principles of modern Food and


 19   Drug Administration regulation were, in large part,


 20   established for the purpose of protecting children


 21   and, yet, pediatric therapeutic development has


 22   never been as thorough and robust as adult


 23   therapeutic development, and most of the people in


 24   this room have been part of that process and


 25   witness to these inequities.  Many therapies are




  1   administered to children without adequate studies


  2   and, furthermore, many therapies are not made


  3   available for pediatric study until after adult


  4   marketing studies are completed and this is


  5   particularly true in oncology.  So, we have been


  6   working to overcome some of these barriers and


  7   challenges.  And, the challenges are to assemble


  8   sufficient data to establish efficacy and safety in


  9   the relevant population.  The relevant population


 10   may be sufficiently rare that confirmatory studies


 11   are not feasible, which is particularly the case


 12   for many of the childhood malignancies.


 13             There are concerns regarding the


 14   implications of adverse events in children and this


 15   has been a barrier to the further clinical


 16   development of some products because of these


 17   concerns.  It is also important that there is the


 18   establishment and maintenance of a framework that


 19   would support systematic clinical investigations


 20   for the relevant population.  This has been the


 21   case historically in pediatric oncology but that


 22   framework has always been challenged and is always


 23   competing with other priorities.  So, it is


 24   incumbent on us to make sure that that pediatric


 25   research framework has the best resources, and the




  1   best advice, and the best support, and the best


  2   regulatory environment to do its job.


  3             The particular issues regarding the safety


  4   monitoring in pediatric oncology clinical


  5   investigations are an acknowledgment that children


  6   require special protections.  Yet, on the other


  7   hand, there is also an acknowledgment that risk


  8   tolerance is higher in oncology therapeutics than


  9   in other therapeutic areas.  This sets up a


 10   potential tension.  Furthermore, there are no


 11   detailed consensus standards on study monitoring


 12   despite numerous international documents describing


 13   what could be termed good clinical practice.  We


 14   will examine those in some detail during the course


 15   of the morning.  So, the charge to the committee is


 16   to suggest ways to incorporate the fundamental


 17   ethical and scientific principles in protecting


 18   patients enrolled in clinical studies for pediatric


 19   malignancies while providing clear guidance and


 20   minimizing the resource burden.


 21             We have a series of questions directed


 22   toward the committee to help focus the discussion.


 23   These are questions which are meant to stimulate


 24   what we hope will be an informative exchange and do


 25   not have a yes/no or a definitive answer.




  1             The first questions revolves around the


  2   principles, what are the principles that should be


  3   addressed in safety monitoring of clinical studies


  4   that enroll children with cancer?  Dr. Kodish is


  5   going to provide us with some background on that


  6   particular topic.  If the principles are adequately


  7   stated in existing documents. statutes or


  8   regulations, please identify the relevant documents


  9   and sections.


 10             The second set of questions deals with the


 11   practice.  Recognizing that particular populations,


 12   disease settings and products may have specific


 13   requirements, what general parameters should be


 14   monitored for safety in all clinical studies?  Or,


 15   to rephrase that, what should the default position


 16   be for safety monitoring?


 17             Based on the response to the previous


 18   question, how often should these parameters be


 19   monitored?  Again, just giving a framework or


 20   guidelines.


 21             Based on the responses to the previous


 22   questions, who should do the monitoring?  Is it


 23   adequate to have the personnel involved in the


 24   study be responsible for safety monitoring?  When


 25   we discuss this in detail we may parse this out




  1   into the type of study, whether it is early


  2   development or later development or the type of


  3   disease or other risk factors.


  4             What circumstances would benefit from a


  5   data monitoring committee?  And, are there


  6   additional recommendations for safety monitoring?


  7             The afternoon will be devoted to a


  8   question which can be traced back to the principle


  9   of extrapolation.  Extrapolation has been a topic


 10   of interest within the Food and Drug Administration


 11   for many years.  In recent years there has been an


 12   FDA working group on pediatric extrapolation that


 13   has identified four domains that may provide a


 14   basis for extrapolation of adult data to the


 15   pediatric population.  These are nonclinical data,


 16   pathophysiology, natural history of the disease or


 17   condition, and response to therapy.


 18             When our group, noted at the bottom of the


 19   slide and some of the members are present here in


 20   the audience, asked ourselves the question how can


 21   we use nonclinical data to inform us about


 22   pediatric clinical studies, and in particular


 23   pediatric studies in clinical oncology, we realized


 24   we needed further background and further discussion


 25   before we could have an informed approach to it.




  1             We recognize that the absence of


  2   predictive or explanatory nonclinical models in


  3   pediatric oncology is today's status quo.  We know


  4   that safety prediction based on animal studies is


  5   estimated at approximately 65-70 percent for


  6   cytotoxic compounds and it is unknown for other


  7   classes of compounds, particularly the new biologic


  8   therapies, gene therapies, immunotherapy, and


  9   cellular-based therapies.  Efficacy prediction is


 10   unknown but low at best.  The findings in clinical


 11   studies, particularly negative studies, often


 12   remain unexplained.


 13             Therefore, further clinical studies that


 14   entail resources and risks are undertaken to


 15   further the field, and we are posing the paradigm


 16   is there a mechanism by which we can use


 17   nonclinical data to inform us and improve the


 18   clinical research in pediatric oncology.  There are


 19   potential advantages of using the nonclinical data:


 20   a lesser resource burden; the ability to answer


 21   questions not amenable to available clinical


 22   techniques.  There might be ethical or, in fact,


 23   legal considerations involved too; possibly a


 24   faster time frame to generate data; a dynamic


 25   interaction between clinical and nonclinical




  1   findings that can enhance understanding and


  2   confidence in results.  When we only have a


  3   sufficient population to do one definitive study,


  4   and that study takes three to five years and it is


  5   not feasible to do a confirmatory study, having


  6   confidence in those results is critical.  The


  7   avoidance of non-informative and minimization of


  8   negative outcome studies could be another outgrowth


  9   and an opportunity for new study designs.


 10             So, the charge to the committee for this


 11   afternoon is to provide advice on what types of


 12   nonclinical data are considered informative to


 13   complement or supplement clinical results.  What


 14   should the characteristics or properties of


 15   nonclinical models and data be to effectively add


 16   to the clinical results?


 17             If there are no satisfactory models that


 18   exist currently, and we will hear some discussion


 19   on approaches, what characteristics should a


 20   nonclinical model have to confirm, extend or


 21   substitute for clinical results?


 22             Lastly, is there a set of postulates that


 23   can be identified, or should a set be developed to


 24   help us make the transition for data extrapolation?


 25   So, the questions we are asking are what types of




  1   questions that are of potential clinical relevance


  2   but are not feasible or acceptable to answer in a


  3   clinical study could be addressed by nonclinical


  4   studies.


  5             Examples may include the need for repeated


  6   tissue sampling, always a contentious issue,


  7   particularly in children; the assessment of


  8   long-term effects of treatment; effects on


  9   reproduction; access to critical anatomic


 10   structures, and this is a consideration again


 11   particularly for some of the pediatric brain


 12   tumors; exposure to toxic reagents; evaluation of


 13   non-monitorable or irreversible toxicities;


 14   identification of biomarkers for clinical


 15   monitoring; and many others which I am sure will


 16   come up when we have our learned and motivated


 17   panel discuss the issue.


 18             What type of evidence and data would be


 19   recommended in each of the following domains to


 20   allow extrapolation from nonclinical data and be


 21   informative for a clinical condition?  There are


 22   listed here a few but there may be others.  These


 23   include, but are not limited to pharmacology and


 24   pharmacokinetics, safety, efficacy, behavior,


 25   long-term effects, developmental aspects and others




  1   which I am sure will come up.


  2             Are there additional recommendations for


  3   the effective use of nonclinical data?  For


  4   example, will open literature reports be generally


  5   acceptable?  Is documentation of compliance with


  6   Good Laboratory Practice necessary to evaluate


  7   animal data?  Should nonclinical data be submitted


  8   as an independent report with a presentation of


  9   primary data sufficient for verification and


 10   review?  These are all practical questions and we


 11   are looking for specific advice.


 12             So, with this charge and these questions


 13   before you, I would like to thank all the committee


 14   members and our speakers and guests, and everyone


 15   who has shown an interest here for participating in


 16   this discussion, and I will turn now the further


 17   presentation over to Dr. Eric Kodish, who will


 18   discuss the fundamental principles involved in


 19   clinical research and some of the issues of


 20   enrolling children.


 21             Dr. Santana, I think perhaps before we


 22   have Dr. Kodish speak--we have some more members of


 23   the panel that should be introduced.


 24             DR. SANTANA:  Yes.  Anybody that joined us


 25   a little bit late, could you please identify




  1   yourself into the microphone by name and


  2   affiliation, and any potential conflicts that may


  3   have arisen since we started?


  4             MS. HAYLOCK:  I am Pam Haylock.  I am an


  5   oncology nurse and I am at the University of Texas


  6   Medical Branch, in Galveston.


  7             DR. SMITH:  I am Malcolm Smith, pediatric


  8   oncologist at the Cancer Therapy Evaluation


  9   Program, NCI.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo, you had your


 11   hand up?


 12             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Yes, a point of


 13   clarification that I would like to propose to Dr.


 14   Hirschfeld.  On his first slide on the charge to


 15   the committee, which addresses the morning session,


 16   you used the phrase "providing clear guidance and


 17   minimizing the resource burden" which clearly


 18   applies to human resources and financial resources


 19   but perhaps doesn't quite stress time.  I would


 20   suggest that part of your charge to the committee


 21   should be that whatever recommendations we propose,


 22   and however the FDA understands and decides to


 23   apply those recommendations, should not affect the


 24   time lines for cancer drug development which today


 25   are already intolerably long, and we should be




  1   concerned that the cancer patient in general should


  2   not be subject to those too long time lines and


  3   that anything we do should, in fact, try to reduce


  4   the time lines for approval of new therapies.


  5             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Thank you for your


  6   comments, Dr. Grillo-Lopez.  I think you touched on


  7   one of the themes which is implied.  I personally


  8   have always incorporated in the concept resource of


  9   time because time is, in fact, probably the most


 10   precious resource and, if one looks at biology as a


 11   broad spectrum, time is something which evolution


 12   and biologic processes look to, to conserve in many


 13   ways too.  So, I thank you for calling attention to


 14   the issue of time, and it is incorporated in that


 15   specific charge.


 16             DR. SANTANA:  One of the philosophic


 17   principles of stewardship is that it involves time,


 18   people and money resources.  So, I think those are


 19   all encompassed in your comments.


 20             With that, Eric, are you on line now?  Can


 21   we proceed with you?


 22             DR. KODISH:  I am on line, Victor.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Good.  Go ahead, Eric.


 24             Protecting Children in Cancer Research:


 25                       What Really Matters




  1             DR. KODISH:  Good morning.  It is good to


  2   be with you virtually, if not physically.  I


  3   apologize for the inability to get to Washington.


  4   We have, hopefully, completed our last big


  5   snowstorm of the winter in Cleveland.


  6             I am going to be speaking this morning


  7   over the telephone and looking at a Webcast of the


  8   slides and this is a work in progress so, please,


  9   interrupt me if it is not going well and I will


 10   switch to my Power Point presentation. I am looking


 11   at the Webcast now and I don't see my Power Point


 12   slides yet.  What I plan to do is ask Johanna to


 13   put on the next slide before I move through them.


 14   So, let's give it a moment for me to see the first


 15   slide.


 16             I can introduce the talk by saying that I


 17   have always thought I had a face for radio and this


 18   is an example of that perhaps--


 19             [Laughter]


 20              I see my first slide.  the title of this


 21   presentation is "Protecting Children in Cancer


 22   Research: What Really Matters."


 23             Can I ask that we have the next slide,


 24   please?


 25             MS. CLIFFORD:  You know what, Dr. Kodish,




  1   if you just want to move on through your


  2   presentation--


  3             DR. KODISH:  I have it now.  Should I go


  4   to the Power Point instead?


  5             MS. CLIFFORD:  Yes, that would be great.


  6             DR. KODISH:  All right, the Webcast didn't


  7   work well and I will look forward to joining you on


  8   the Webcast after I have done my talk.


  9             MS. CLIFFORD:  Okay, there just seems to


 10   be a delay.


 11             DR. KODISH:  I figured that might happen.


 12   The Belmont report I think articulates the key


 13   principles of research involving human subjects.


 14   My purpose today is to respond to the charge that


 15   has been given to the committee and to paint in


 16   broad strokes what the key principles are for


 17   protection of children involved in cancer research.


 18   I think it starts with the Belmont report and the


 19   three key principles that are articulated there are


 20   beneficence, respect for persons and justice.


 21             The next slide, please.  This slide shows


 22   a concept of principles that move into practice.  I


 23   thought it was quite appropriate that the charge


 24   for the first half of the meeting talked about both


 25   principles and practice.  I view the regulations




  1   and their interpretation as a conduit, as a


  2   mechanism by which we move from principles to


  3   practice.  I want to emphasize the word


  4   "interpretation" here.  I think that the current


  5   set of regulations is subject to wide


  6   interpretation, as has been pointed out over and


  7   over again in the literature.  I don't view this as


  8   a negative.  I think that it allows for thoughtful


  9   IRBs, investigators, parents and others involved in


 10   the research process to move from principles to


 11   practice in an appropriate manner, and that


 12   interpretation is really the key step.


 13             The next slide, please.  This slide should


 14   show a triangle which points out that we are


 15   talking today about pediatric research ethics and


 16   that this is a more complicated system because of


 17   the involvement of a child.  The geometry of


 18   pediatric research ethics involves parents, on your


 19   lower left; the investigator, on your lower right;


 20   and the child at the top of the triangle.  If we


 21   keep the best interests of the child in mind at all


 22   points, I think we will be responding to perhaps


 23   the most fundamental issue in research involving


 24   children.


 25             The next slide, please.  This slide shows




  1   a recapitulation of the Belmont principles with an


  2   emphasis on beneficence in pediatric ethics.


  3   Respect for persons and justice remain important in


  4   pediatric ethics but it is my feeling that there is


  5   a special place for beneficence when we are talking


  6   about children, whether it is research involving


  7   children or in clinical ethics regarding children.


  8   In fact, more broadly in social policy regarding


  9   children it is important to remember that children


 10   are not able to vote; don't have economic


 11   resources; and we owe an advocacy role I think on


 12   behalf of children.  It is very important and, to


 13   me, prioritizes that beneficence as a concept for


 14   pediatric ethics.


 15             Can I have the next slide, please?  The


 16   principles of medical ethics then are different for


 17   children compared with adults.  I would say that


 18   respect for persons, for good or for bad, has


 19   become the dominant principle for adult ethics and


 20   this is seen in research ethics where there is a


 21   tremendous emphasis on informed consent, and this


 22   is out of the derivative concept of autonomy which


 23   comes from that principle of respect for persons.


 24   By contrast, as I said, I think the best interest


 25   of children has to dominate pediatric ethics and




  1   justifies an population that takes beneficence as


  2   the most important principles.


  3             I don't want you to move slides back but,


  4   if you recall a few slides ago, the slide that


  5   shows moving principles into practice, I think


  6   beneficence has to be the principle that drives our


  7   interpretation of the regulations and our actual


  8   practices.


  9             The next slide, please.  This slide


 10   dissects out some text from the Belmont report.


 11   The document itself talks about beneficence as an


 12   obligation with two general rules.  These are very


 13   interesting.  It had been sometime since I have


 14   looked at them and in preparing for this


 15   presentation I found the two general rules cited by


 16   Belmont are do not harm and, secondly, maximize


 17   possible benefits and minimize possible harms.


 18             On the face of it, these two general rules


 19   can be read as conflicting with one another.  That


 20   is, the charge do not harm is an absolute standard,


 21   whereas in the second rule of minimizing possible


 22   harms and maximizing possible benefits it is a


 23   relative standard and it calls for a weighing of


 24   benefit against harm.  Again, to put interpretation


 25   into play, I think it is the second rule that is




  1   most appropriate for pediatric oncology studies.


  2   That is to say, if one is talking about research


  3   involving healthy children with no prospect of


  4   benefit to that child, the first rule might be more


  5   appropriate to apply, do not harm, period.  But we


  6   are talking about a balance in pediatric oncology


  7   and I think the second general rule is more


  8   appropriate.


  9             Can I have the next slide, please?  If we


 10   are on the same page, this slide should continue to


 11   cite the Belmont report which says that beneficence


 12   is not always so unambiguous and goes on to say


 13   that prohibiting research that presents more than


 14   minimal risk without the immediate prospect of


 15   direct benefit to the children involved limits


 16   potential for great benefit to children in the


 17   future.


 18             This became, in some sense, the foundation


 19   for the different categories of research in subpart


 20   D that IRBs are able to approve and points out the


 21   key ethical dilemma, as far as I am concerned,


 22   which has to do with how we weigh benefits or which


 23   benefits count when we are weighing risk and


 24   benefit.


 25             The next slide, please.  The subtitle of




  1   my talk today is "What Really Matters" and as I


  2   thought about a way of presenting this I decided


  3   that it could be divided in three phases, what


  4   matters before a clinical trial begins; what


  5   matters during the conduct of the trial; and what


  6   matters after a trial has closed.


  7             One of the members of the panel pointed


  8   out the importance of time prior to the beginning


  9   of my talk, and I guess this is another way of


 10   looking at time as a divider for where the


 11   different ethical obligations come in.


 12             Speaking of time, I wanted to get some


 13   validation from Johanna.  Is the timing going


 14   better now with the slides?


 15             MS. CLIFFORD:  It is fine, Dr. Kodish.


 16             DR. KODISH:  Going fine?  Great!  So, I


 17   would like to now talk about what matters before a


 18   trial begins and I could think of at least three


 19   important issues.  The first is that it be


 20   significant science.  Again, interpretation is a


 21   key here.  My view of significant science is that


 22   it has the potential to help children with cancer.


 23   I think it is important that I am very specific


 24   about that.  I think that if there are going to be


 25   exposures of risk to children with cancer the




  1   potential to help children with cystic fibrosis,


  2   for example, may not be considered significant


  3   science by this test.  The potential to help adults


  4   with Alzheimer's disease may not be significant


  5   science by this test.


  6             I think that we need to be cognizant of


  7   the fact that research involving children with


  8   cancer needs to resound back to help children with


  9   cancer and that one should look for other avenues


 10   to study other important diseases.  It is difficult


 11   to think of children with cancer as a resource, but


 12   I think in some sense this really forces us to do


 13   that and, by limiting the risk of exposure to


 14   children to that which will come back to help


 15   children--and I know that scientifically it is


 16   often very difficult to predict in which direction


 17   the work will go and how the results will, in fact,


 18   play--ut but at the outset one can try to predict


 19   and think about a definition of significant as


 20   being that which has the potential to help children


 21   with cancer.


 22             The second thing that really matters


 23   before a clinical trial begins is a risk/benefit


 24   assessment.  I think in the next several slides I


 25   will talk more about what counts as risk and what




  1   counts as benefit.


  2             Finally, it is a study design that will


  3   answer the question and that also does not


  4   subjugate the interests of any single subject to


  5   the overall needs of the research.  Again, embedded


  6   there are a couple of important ethical principles


  7   that I think are perhaps specific--at least the


  8   second one under study design--specific to research


  9   with a vulnerable population and, as Dr. Hirschfeld


 10   said, children certainly are considered and should


 11   be considered.


 12             The next slide, please.  This slide shows


 13   the criteria for the 405 category.  As I think


 14   everybody is aware, there are four categories of


 15   research that can be approved by IRBs under subpart


 16   D.  Almost all cancer research I think is approved


 17   under 405, that is, pediatric cancer research.  It


 18   is research that involves more than minimal risk


 19   but presents the prospect of direct benefit to the


 20   individual subject if the risk is justified by the


 21   anticipated benefit to the subject; if the


 22   risk/benefit ratio is less than or equal to the


 23   alternatives; and if parental permission and assent


 24   are obtained.


 25             The next slide, please.  As we weigh risk




  1   and benefit in research ethics, it is important to


  2   remember that risk means risk to the subject but


  3   benefit may include benefits to the subject,


  4   benefits to other patients, benefits to society or


  5   benefits to an investigator or a sponsor.  I think


  6   what we are aiming for in research involving


  7   children in some sense is limiting the benefits


  8   that we think about in a risk/benefit analysis so


  9   that the benefits that come to the subject are the


 10   ones that we are thinking about as we weigh risk to


 11   the subject, and that we avoid a situation where


 12   children are used as a means to an end.  To go back


 13   to Emmanuel Kant and the idea that children are


 14   valued and protected, I think it is inherent in


 15   this sort of balancing.


 16             The next slide, please.  This is a slide


 17   that looks at some of the issues in early drug


 18   development involving children with cancer.  There


 19   has been a controversy over, what I have put in


 20   quotes here, therapeutic intent.  The point here is


 21   that the prospect of direct benefit is the key


 22   ethical and regulatory issue and, in my view, a


 23   percentage view of what that potential for


 24   therapeutic intent might be isn't that important.


 25   That is, I think even a very low chance of




  1   therapeutic benefit for the child should count as a


  2   prospect of direct benefit to the child.  Again, my


  3   interpretation of the word prospect is a very broad


  4   one, admittedly, but this is where the issue of


  5   interpretation comes in.  As the discussion goes


  6   on, we can talk about how prospect ought to be


  7   interpreted.


  8             The second bullet point you see on this


  9   slide has, in parentheses, the potential for 405


 10   creep, that is, moving this issue of commensurate


 11   experience that children with cancer have already


 12   been through a lot so that it is okay to put them


 13   through one more thing.  This doesn't stand up in


 14   my view as a valid justification for exposing


 15   children with cancer to risk.


 16             The alternatives is another key issue that


 17   is discussed, if you recall, in the 405 criteria.


 18   There needs to be favorable outcome for the child


 19   compared to the alternatives.


 20             The next slide, please.  If we are on the


 21   same page, this should be a slide that says options


 22   on top.  It has at least three different pathways


 23   that families and children can seek out when a


 24   child has refractory, untreatable cancer.  On your


 25   left is a Phase I study; in the middle is




  1   alternative medicine and on the right is hospice


  2   philosophy care.


  3             The next slide shows further


  4   considerations regarding Phase I oncology research


  5   in children.  The first is to point out that


  6   subject selection is not a major controversy in


  7   this realm, that is to say, Phase I studies are


  8   done involving healthy children but it is not an


  9   issue of wanting to do Phase I cancer research on


 10   healthy children.  That, to my knowledge, is not a


 11   controversy but I put it here because it is


 12   important to try to contextualize pediatric cancer


 13   research in the broader picture of research


 14   involving children.  As I said before, I think that


 15   Phase I research qualifies, in my mind, as research


 16   with the prospect or direct benefit.


 17             Most importantly on this slide, is that


 18   potential for benefit mitigates but does not


 19   eliminate the need for protection from research


 20   risk.  To be more clear about that, it is the


 21   potential for benefit that is balanced against the


 22   risk that mitigates it, but I think the charge to


 23   the committee and the work we are going to do this


 24   morning is still extremely important.  The need for


 25   protection from research risk is not eliminated by




  1   the potential for benefit.


  2             The next slide, please.  This points out


  3   some issues around alternative medicine.  The


  4   reason that I put this here is that I think there


  5   is a yardstick of fairness that we need to keep in


  6   mind.  It is often the case that when research is


  7   being done it is held to a higher standard or a


  8   different standard than what is happening in the


  9   non-research world, and it is very important I


 10   think to the families and the children involved


 11   that we try to put this in the lens that they are


 12   viewing this off from, and to make it difficult to


 13   access research or to have children participate in


 14   well-designed, safely monitored research, in some


 15   ways, runs the risk of shunting them to alternative


 16   medicine where there are vulnerability concerns.


 17   It is very prevalent phenomena for children with


 18   refractory cancer.  I think there are major ethical


 19   differences when it comes to children getting


 20   alternative therapy compared to adults who can make


 21   their own decision.  I think we have a very


 22   important obligation to prevent harm when it comes


 23   to children who are getting alternative medicine,


 24   and I think it is extremely important that


 25   alternative medicine possibilities be studied in a




  1   rigorous and careful way.  But the bottom line is


  2   that we need to communicate with families and


  3   children.  The ones that the research community


  4   encounters may also be taking alternative medicine


  5   and if we don't know what medications are being


  6   taken, then we won't have the ability to study drug


  7   interaction with alternative medications and the


  8   experimental agent, for example.  I just think that


  9   it is very important that we keep alternative


 10   medicine in mind as something that is out there and


 11   we shouldn't be blind to it.


 12             The next slide, please.  This slide has a


 13   few words about hospice care for children who have


 14   refractory disease.  Now, some people I think have


 15   the experience that those who come to Phase I


 16   studies are self-referred, not interested in


 17   hospice philosophy care, wanting to continue to


 18   pursue anti-neoplastic therapy but, in my


 19   experience, that is not the case.  In fact, many


 20   families who seek Phase I studies also are amenable


 21   to having their child get hospice philosophy care.


 22   So, the two are not incompatible.  I think it is an


 23   under-developed approach in children.  It is not


 24   the main focus of what we are here about today but


 25   I felt that it would be incomplete to give this




  1   talk without mentioning that hospice philosophy


  2   care should be part of the consent process for


  3   Phase I studies.


  4             The next slide, please.  This moves from


  5   what really matters before the conduct of the trial


  6   to during the conduct of the trial.  The three


  7   items that really matter during the conduct of the


  8   trial are informed consent which, in my view, is a


  9   communication process in addition to the


 10   documentation that happens; ongoing monitoring via


 11   a data safety monitoring board, if appropriate, and


 12   I understand that much of the discussion later on


 13   will have to do with when it is appropriate and


 14   when it is not necessary; and ethical action to


 15   suspend or stop a study at the right time.  It is


 16   easier said than done but in parentheses I thought


 17   I would say not too soon but not too late either.


 18   So, the question of when a study should be


 19   suspended or stopped is a key ethical question that


 20   happens during the conduct of a study and whether a


 21   study needs to be stopped at all.  I guess in most


 22   cases there is no need to stop it but that question


 23   needs to be always asked in the same way house


 24   officers always need to ask themselves does this


 25   child need a spinal tap.  It is a question that is




  1   part of the monitoring process as an embedded


  2   function.


  3             The next slide shows the Nuremberg code.


  4   This is a quick bit about informed consent.  The


  5   Nuremberg code said that the voluntary consent of


  6   the human subject is absolutely essential.  These


  7   are slides that I have shown at previous meetings


  8   so I think we can go fairly quickly through them.


  9             The next slide asks the rhetorical


 10   question of whether we can do any pediatric


 11   research at all, and just points out that if the


 12   answer is no, that is, if we have to adhere to


 13   strict interpretation of the Nuremberg or literal


 14   rather than in the spirit of the law


 15   interpretation, children as a group will suffer.


 16   You saw in the Belmont quotation earlier that there


 17   is a clear recognition that there needs to be some


 18   research involving children so that we can both


 19   protect children adequately but be sure that we


 20   make progress in childhood disease.


 21             The next slide talks about three ways of


 22   respecting Nuremberg and still doing pediatric


 23   research by using parents as surrogates and


 24   obtaining parental permission; by involving


 25   children when appropriate and obtaining their




  1   assent; and by providing societal protection with


  2   IRB approval as the most obvious but also meetings,


  3   similar to what we are doing this morning,


  4   investigator integrity and other things that


  5   provide societal protection for children, we can, I


  6   think, ethically do pediatric research.


  7             The next slide shows the difference


  8   between parental permission and informed consent


  9   and, again, says that the autonomous authorization


 10   of an adult--the difference between adult and


 11   pediatric ethics is more robust than a proxy


 12   decision and points out, from the Academy of


 13   Pediatrics, that the responsibilities of a


 14   pediatrician to his or her patient exist


 15   independent of parental desires or proxy consent.


 16   I think that there is a congruent statement that


 17   one could make here that says that an


 18   investigator's responsibility to his or her subject


 19   exists independent of parental desires or proxy


 20   consent.


 21             The next slide shows that parental


 22   permission is not the oral equivalent of informed


 23   consent, and that surrogate decision-making is


 24   necessarily less authentic.  I am going to skip


 25   past the next slide which shows proxy consent,




  1   substituted judgment and best interests, because I


  2   think this is familiar ground for most people and


  3   we have already emphasized best interests.


  4             I will go to a slide that says informed


  5   consent in pediatrics equals parental permission


  6   and the assent of the child.  Here I want to say


  7   that the combination of those two can potentially


  8   be more powerful, if done right, than an


  9   individual.  This has to do with family centered


 10   ethics that really seek to care for and do


 11   effective communication with a family, which is a


 12   dynamic and challenging process, admittedly.  But I


 13   think both of these issues are very important.


 14             The next slide, please.  This provides the


 15   regulatory definition of assent, which is a child's


 16   affirmative agreement to participate in research.


 17   The key point here is that mere failure to object


 18   should not be construed as assent.  That is, the


 19   silence of an older child for research


 20   participation can't be interpreted as their assent.


 21   Again, there is room for regulatory interpretation


 22   here.  There is a great deal of controversy around


 23   assent and requirements for assent, and I think


 24   there is likely to be a fair amount of variability


 25   across IRBs with regard to this issue and I would




  1   be happy to discuss this further during our


  2   discussion.


  3             The next slide, please.  This slide shows


  4   some differences between assent in the clinical and


  5   research context, and points out the fact that


  6   research is supererogatory, that is, as opposed to


  7   a clinical context where there is a strong best


  8   interests argument to be made.  Generally speaking,


  9   in research the decision is more voluntary and, for


 10   that reason, assent is more powerful phenomenon, in


 11   my view, ethically speaking in research than it


 12   would be in the clinical context.


 13             The bottom bullet point here is also


 14   important I think as a principle perhaps for us to


 15   consider, and that is the older the child, the more


 16   assent contributes to the ethical justification for


 17   the study.  This is a problem for diseases that


 18   happen in younger children certainly but, all


 19   things being equal, an older child I think who can


 20   participate in the decision gives us more ethical


 21   justification for proceeding in research endeavors.


 22             The next slide just points out a piece of


 23   data.  This is a scale that we did in our study of


 24   informed consent about decision-making preference.


 25   It shows everything from, number one, a parent who




  1   wants to leave all decisions to the doctor and


  2   perhaps to an investigator, and then a continuum to


  3   number five, a parent who wants to make final


  4   selection about which treatment their child will


  5   receive.


  6             The next slide shows a sample of 108


  7   parents.  The reason that I included it this


  8   morning is to point out the variability among


  9   parents and families when it comes to how they want


 10   to make decisions.  You see in this slide a large


 11   number of parents in the middle, within the green,


 12   red and grey columns, who fit into a shared


 13   decision-making model.  In my view, this is why


 14   informed consent is important during the conduct of


 15   research.  Most people want a shared


 16   decision-making approach whether it comes to


 17   treatment or research participation and


 18   communication.  Effective communication is really


 19   the key issue for informed consent.


 20             The next slide.  As I wind down the talk


 21   and get to the conclusion, I want to make the point


 22   that the over-interpretation of regulatory concerns


 23   can prevent the ethically meaningful participation


 24   of children in research.


 25             Can you still hear me?




  1             MS. CLIFFORD:  We can still hear you.


  2             DR. KODISH:  Great!  I heard a beep on the


  3   phone.  I am going to tell a quick story to


  4   illustrate this point.  Heather K was diagnosed


  5   with a vaginal rhabdomyosarcoma at a children's


  6   hospital in the Midwest within the past few months.


  7   At diagnosis, Heather had a tumor that was causing


  8   intestinal compression.  Her pediatric oncologist


  9   talked to the family about the diagnosis and then


 10   subsequently discussed a Phase III non-randomized


 11   study sponsored by the IRS/COG.  The family


 12   provided informed consent and signed a document at


 13   6:05 p.m.  The plan was to begin chemotherapy the


 14   following day but the patient developed a bowel


 15   obstruction at 11:00 p.m. and chemotherapy was


 16   emergently started.  At midnight nothing happened


 17   that was ethically significant.  Clinically, the


 18   patient was continuing to get her chemotherapy.


 19   But the next morning, when the CRA, the data


 20   person, came to enroll Heather in this Phase III


 21   study, the RDE, or the remote data entry system,


 22   made enrollment impossible.  The reason that


 23   enrollment was impossible was that the date


 24   chemotherapy was started was the previous date and


 25   the form would not permit enrollment to happen if




  1   chemotherapy had already been started.


  2             So, what was a well-intentioned regulation


  3   system designed to prevent people from being


  4   entered on study if consent had not yet been


  5   obtained--in fact, in this case everything went


  6   perfectly from an ethical perspective but the


  7   patient was not allowed to be entered on study.  I


  8   think that this is a cautionary tale and I wanted


  9   to bring it to the attention of the panel today.


 10             Next slide, please.  We see many


 11   well-intentioned regulatory protections and it is


 12   important to realize that they can paradoxically


 13   prevent the ethical participation of children in


 14   cancer research and Heather's story is one example


 15   of that.  The physician then needed to go back to


 16   the family and explain that, unfortunately, we


 17   weren't able to include her as a subject in the


 18   research.  It wasn't going to change her treatment


 19   at all but the future treatment of children with


 20   rhabdomyosarcoma in some ways is harmed by the fact


 21   that this regulatory mechanism prevented Heather


 22   from being a subject in the study.  The only


 23   alternative would have been for the person doing


 24   remote data entry to fabricate and to say that the


 25   date chemotherapy was started was the day that she




  1   was being entered on study, and that would have,


  2   number one, been an unethical lie and, number two,


  3   would have been picked up on an audit if the


  4   subject had been audited subsequently though it may


  5   have been, in fact, the ethical thing to do because


  6   consent was obtained in an appropriate way, it is


  7   an important study, and all of the things that we


  8   have bee talking about, but the regulatory


  9   apparatus prevented an ethical action from taking


 10   place and I think it is a disturbing story.


 11             The next slide shows a synergistic


 12   approach.  The protection of human subjects has


 13   been done both through education and regulation and


 14   we need to be concerned about developing too much


 15   regulation at the expense of education and the


 16   expense of thoughtful ethical action.


 17             The next slide just has a few quick points


 18   about what matters after a trial is closed.


 19   Monitoring for late effects of therapy is an


 20   important ethical issue after a trial has closed.


 21   The publication of results and dissemination of


 22   findings is ethically important.  If the science


 23   isn't disseminated, then it is like a tree falling


 24   in a forest that nobody hears.  Finally, the return


 25   of results to the subjects who participated is an




  1   ethically under-looked and I think very important


  2   issue that symbolizes the partnership that we have


  3   with subjects and their families, and I think we


  4   need to do a better job than we are doing currently


  5   after a trial has closed in getting results back to


  6   the subjects.


  7             The next slide shows conceptually the main


  8   balance as a point of conclusion in pediatric


  9   research ethics, that the best interests of the


 10   child-subject are, in fact, balanced against


 11   science to benefit others and we need to be


 12   cognizant of that balance at all times and be sure


 13   that the best interests of the child are not


 14   subjugated.


 15             The next slide shows a couple of


 16   conclusions.  The first is that beneficence, as


 17   described in the Belmont report, is the key ethical


 18   principle that I believe should guide monitoring of


 19   patients in studies.  Also, a risk/benefit


 20   assessment by the investigator, by the IRB and by


 21   others perhaps is more important than informed


 22   consent, and that is because I don't think informed


 23   consent has the ethical importance in pediatrics


 24   that it does in adult medicine, and also because of


 25   the relatively ineffective communication process




  1   that is currently happening with informed consent.


  2   I would be happy to talk more about that in the


  3   discussion.


  4             The next slide shows that the protection


  5   of children from research risk and the imperative


  6   to improve childhood cancer treatment are both


  7   ethically important.  The bottom point here is that


  8   regulatory fervor intended to protect children


  9   currently threatens the ethical conduct of


 10   pediatric cancer research, as I tried to illustrate


 11   in Heather's story, and we need to remember, I


 12   think, that there is an ethical imperative to do


 13   work in childhood cancer to improve the care of


 14   children with cancer.


 15             The final slide points out that children


 16   are both vulnerable subjects who need protection


 17   from research risk and a neglected class--and they


 18   continue to be a neglected class despite our best


 19   efforts--that need better access to the benefits of


 20   research.


 21             I thank you all for tolerating the virtual


 22   reality nature of this talk and hope that I have


 23   been able to make a contribution.  Thank you.


 24             DR. SANTANA:  Thanks, Eric.  Eric, are you


 25   planning to stay on line for the rest of the




  1   morning?


  2             DR. KODISH:  I am.  The only question is


  3   whether I should do it by phone or by Webcast.


  4             DR. SANTANA:  Okay, because if you are


  5   going to stay, then we will just hold the questions


  6   for the general discussion, if that is okay with


  7   you.


  8             DR. KODISH:  That is fine.


  9             DR. SANTANA:  But I do want you to stay on


 10   the phone line, if at all possible, for the


 11   discussion because I think we can communicate


 12   better that way.


 13             DR. KODISH:  Okay, what I will try to do


 14   is watch but mute the sound.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  That is fine.


 16             DR. KODISH:  Thank you, Victor.


 17             DR. SANTANA:  Okay, good.  I also want to


 18   thank John for advancing your slides on your


 19   behalf.  Dr. Carome, you are next.


 20         Legal Responsibilities for HHS Supported Studies


 21             DR. CAROME:  Good morning.  I would like


 22   to thank the subcommittee members for inviting me


 23   to give a brief presentation on legal


 24   responsibilities for studies conducted and


 25   supported I think originally by the federal




  1   government and since I speak on behalf of HHS, I


  2   have limited it to HHS, the Department of Health


  3   and Human Services.


  4             What I am quickly going to do is go over,


  5   first of all, the applicability of our regulations.


  6   Then I am going to talk very quickly about the


  7   major requirements of 45 CFR Part 46, Subpart A,


  8   which are the general protections for human subject


  9   research.  Then I am going to finish up by talking


 10   about the major requirements of 45 CFR, part 46,


 11   Subpart D, which are the additional protections for


 12   children involved as subjects in research.


 13             Again, the regulations I am referencing,


 14   45 CFR Part 46, are the HHS regulations for the


 15   protection of human subjects.  They have four


 16   subparts.  The regulations were last revised in


 17   2001.  One of the subparts, Subpart B, was revised


 18   at that point but most of the regulations remain


 19   the same as when they were promulgated more than


 20   two decades ago.


 21             So, what is the applicability of these


 22   regulations?  Our regulations apply in two


 23   circumstances.  The most common is research


 24   conducted or supported by the Department that are


 25   not otherwise exempt.  That includes clinical




  1   trials conducted intramurally by the NIH or funded


  2   by the NIH, as well as many other agencies within


  3   the Ddpartment.  A second way in which research can


  4   be covered by these regulations is research that is


  5   conducted at an institution holding an applicable


  6   assurance of compliance approved by our office.


  7   So, any institution that receives funding from our


  8   Department to conduct human subject research must


  9   execute a written agreement in which the


 10   institution pledges to comply with our regulations,


 11   and in that document many institutions voluntarily


 12   extend the same regulations to all research


 13   regardless of sponsorship.  In doing so, the


 14   assurance comes to cover privately sponsored


 15   research.


 16             This slide demonstrates the relationship


 17   and the overlap between the applicability of our


 18   regulations and the FDA regulations.  You can see


 19   that there is in the middle an overlap.  The


 20   overlap may occur in two circumstances.  One is


 21   where NIH sponsors a clinical trial or other


 22   clinical research, or any research, that involves


 23   an FDA-regulated test article.  Another


 24   circumstance is where an institution, holding an


 25   assurance with our office in which they voluntarily




  1   agreed to extend that assurance to all research, is


  2   engaged in an industry, privately sponsored


  3   research, project involving an FDA-regulated test


  4   article.


  5             Very quickly, what are the major


  6   provisions of Subpart A?  As was previously noted,


  7   the regulations, we believe, are clearly founded


  8   upon an ethical framework that was articulated in


  9   the Belmont report.  Its three basic ethical


 10   principles, and the fundamental provisions of the


 11   regulations can be divided in three groups.  One is


 12   the provisions related to and assurance of


 13   compliance.  The second is those related to the IRB


 14   requirements, institutional review boards, and the


 15   third is those requirements related to legally


 16   effective informed consent.


 17             With respect to assurances, the


 18   regulations stipulate that each institution engaged


 19   in research covered by the regulations and which is


 20   conducted or supported by the Department shall


 21   provide assurance satisfactory to the HHS Secretary


 22   that it will comply with the requirements set forth


 23   in the regulations.


 24             The regulations further stipulate specific


 25   elements that must be part of an assurance.  There




  1   must be a statement of principles governing the


  2   institution in the discharge of its


  3   responsibilities for protecting the rights and


  4   welfare of human subjects.  And, the regulations


  5   state that those principles must apply to all


  6   research regardless of whether or not it is covered


  7   by the assurance.


  8             The assurance must designate at least one,


  9   and many institutions designate more than one,


 10   institutional review board and that must include a


 11   list of the IRB members and their relative


 12   capacities, and there must be a reference to


 13   written IRB procedures.  There are requirements


 14   related to the IRB and they include specification


 15   of what the IRB membership must include, such as at


 16   least one person whose primary interests are in the


 17   scientific area and at least one member whose


 18   primary interests are in a non-scientific area, and


 19   at least one member who is not otherwise affiliated


 20   with the institution or a member of a family


 21   affiliated with the institution.


 22             The regulations have specific provisions


 23   related to how the IRB should function and operate;


 24   when it must conduct review in terms of initial and


 25   continuing review.  Then there are provisions




  1   related to expedited review for certain categories


  2   of minimal risk research and there are detailed


  3   lists of specific criteria an IRB must find in


  4   order to approve research.  For example, the


  5   regulations state that in order to approve research


  6   an IRB must find that the risks to the subjects are


  7   minimized and reasonable in relationship to the


  8   anticipated benefits, if any, to the subjects and


  9   the knowledge that is to be gained.  Then, there


 10   are other provisions for the records that an IRB


 11   must maintain.


 12             The last set or provisions in Subpart A


 13   deal with legally effective informed consent.  They


 14   include an introductory paragraph that talks about


 15   the general requirements.  For instance, no


 16   investigator may involve a human subject in


 17   research unless the informed consent of the subject


 18   or a legally authorized representative of the


 19   subject has been obtained, except in certain


 20   limited circumstances in which informed consent can


 21   be waived.


 22             The regulations go on to stipulate basic


 23   elements that I think most people are familiar


 24   with: the nature of the research; the reasonably


 25   foreseeable risks; the reasonably foreseeable




  1   benefits, if any, to the subject; and others, such


  2   as alternatives that a subject may choose instead


  3   of entering the research.  The regulations


  4   stipulate that consent must generally be


  5   documented, except in some limited circumstances.


  6   Then, there are waiver provisions both for


  7   obtaining informed consent at all or for documented


  8   informed consent, and I won't go into those in


  9   detail.


 10             Let's turn finally to the provisions for


 11   research involving children under Subpart D, the


 12   additional protections for children.  Again, this


 13   is a subpart that is unique to the Department of


 14   Health and Human Services.  Whereas all the Subpart


 15   A provisions that I just went over have been


 16   adopted by other departments and agencies, Subpart


 17   D has only been adopted by the Department of


 18   Education in addition to our department.


 19             Subpart D applies to all research


 20   involving children as subjects conducted or


 21   supported by our department.  It is important to


 22   note that there is a specific definition of


 23   children in the regulations, and they are persons


 24   who have not attained the legal age for consent to


 25   treatments or procedures involved in the research




  1   under the applicable law of the jurisdiction in


  2   which the research will be conducted.  It is


  3   important to note that in order to then understand


  4   who a child is with respect to the research


  5   regulations, you must understand state and local


  6   law that defines who can consent to what and at


  7   what age.  Therefore, a child in one state might


  8   not be a child in another state for the purposes of


  9   these regulations.


 10             The Subpart D requirements in


 11   general--first of all, you have to satisfy all the


 12   requirements of Subpart A.  So, if a research


 13   project involving children doesn't satisfy some


 14   provision of Subpart A, then it is moot about the


 15   additional provisions.  The research would not be


 16   approvable.  But if the research is approvable


 17   under Subpart A, there are additional requirements


 18   of Subpart D which must be fulfilled and satisfied.


 19             As Eric referenced, there are four


 20   categories of research that are approvable under


 21   Subpart D under our regulations.  These are


 22   primarily scaled to risk versus benefit as you walk


 23   through each of these categories, and I am going to


 24   do that very quickly.


 25             The first category, 404, is research not




  1   involving greater than minimal risk, and minimal


  2   risk is defined in Subpart A.  In order for this


  3   research to be approved under this category, an IRB


  4   must make one general finding.  It must find that


  5   there are adequate provisions for soliciting the


  6   assent of the child and permission of the parents


  7   or guardians, as set forth in Section 408.


  8             The next category, Section 405, which Eric


  9   went into more detail, is research involving


 10   greater than minimal risk but presenting the


 11   prospect of direct benefit to the individual


 12   subjects.  So, the benefit has to be tied to the


 13   subjects as opposed to society in general and the


 14   knowledge to be gained.  Here, the IRB must make


 15   three specific findings.  The IRB must find that


 16   the risk is justified by the anticipated benefits


 17   to the subject; the relationship of the anticipated


 18   benefit to the risk is at least as favorable to the


 19   subjects as that presented by available


 20   alternatives outside the research context; and,


 21   again, the same provisions for assent and


 22   permission apply throughout these four categories.


 23             The next category, 406, involves greater


 24   than minimal risk and no prospect of direct benefit


 25   to the individual subjects, but likely to yield




  1   generalizable knowledge about the subject's


  2   disorder or condition.  For this category there are


  3   four criteria that an IRB must find.  They must


  4   find that, first, that the risk represents a minor


  5   increase over minimal risk.  Whereas minimal risk


  6   is defined in the regulations, what a minor


  7   increase means is not defined so that is left up to


  8   the judgment of the IRBs.


  9             Next, the IRB must find that the


 10   intervention or procedure within the research


 11   presents experiences to the subjects that are


 12   reasonably commensurate with those inherent in the


 13   actual or expected medical, dental, psychological,


 14   social or educational situation of the child.


 15   Commensurability is one of the factors that Eric


 16   touched on but applies only in this category, 406.


 17             The next two provisions--the IRB must find


 18   under 406 that the intervention or procedure is


 19   likely to yield generalizable knowledge about the


 20   subject's disorder or condition which is of vital


 21   importance for the understanding or amelioration of


 22   the subject's disorder or condition.  I think the


 23   key words here are that you have to understand that


 24   the child must have a disorder or condition, two


 25   terms that are not otherwise defined in the




  1   regulation and are of vital importance.  So, it is


  2   sort of a higher standard than the usual


  3   generalizable knowledge standard that probably


  4   applies to research under Subpart A only.  Lastly


  5   is the assent or permission provisions.


  6             The fourth category and final category is


  7   research that is not otherwise approvable under one


  8   of these four categories which presents a


  9   reasonable opportunity to understand, prevent or


 10   alleviate a serious problem affecting the health or


 11   welfare of children.  For this, the IRB still must


 12   review and assess the research with respect to


 13   Subpart A and D, and must find that the research


 14   presents a reasonable opportunity to further the


 15   understanding, prevention or alleviation of a


 16   serious health problem affecting the health or


 17   welfare of children.


 18             The project is then forwarded to the


 19   Department.  They come through our office and we


 20   act on behalf of the Secretary to process these.


 21   In order for the research then to be approved, the


 22   Secretary, after consultation with a panel of


 23   experts in pertinent disciplines and following an


 24   opportunity for public review and comment, must


 25   determine either that the research in fact




  1   satisfies one of the other three categories, 404,


  2   405 or 406 or, if not, three things must be met:


  3   that research presents a reasonable opportunity


  4   standard that I previously went over; that the


  5   research will be conducted in accordance with sound


  6   ethical principles, and hopefully that is something


  7   that applies to all research conducted; and


  8   adequate provisions for the assent of the child and


  9   parental permission.


 10             Finally, there are some additional


 11   provisions of Subpart D that are provisions related


 12   to soliciting assent, and assent is not always


 13   required and an IRB may determine it is not


 14   warranted, particularly under category 405.  There


 15   are provisions for soliciting permission of


 16   parents, and the regulations speak to whether you


 17   need both parents' permission.  If the category is


 18   405 one parent's permission is sufficient but for


 19   406 or 407 two parents are required, except in very


 20   limited circumstances.


 21             It is important to note that there are


 22   provisions for waiving parental permission or


 23   guardian permission.  Just like informed consent


 24   can be waived under Subpart A for research


 25   involving adults, parental permission can be waived




  1   in certain circumstances and this is I think unique


  2   to our regulations and not found in the parallel


  3   regulations within the FDA.


  4             Finally, there are specific protections


  5   for subjects who are wards of the state or any


  6   other agency, institution or entity for research


  7   approved under 406 or 407.  Among those


  8   requirements, there must be a specific advocate


  9   appointed for each child who is participating in


 10   such research who is a ward.


 11             In summary, I have quickly tried to go


 12   over the applicability of our regulations and


 13   contrasted that with the FDA regulations


 14   applicability.  I have gone over the major


 15   requirements of Subpart A of our regulations and


 16   finished up with a discussion of Subpart D, and I


 17   thank you for your attention.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  Thanks, Dr. Carome.  Dr.


 19   Hirschfeld?


 20             Legal Responsibilities for Studies with


 21                      FDA Regulated Products


 22             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I would also like to


 23   thank Dr. Carome and note that when he was wearing


 24   a uniform which was a color more consistent with


 25   the theme of the day, he was the head of the IRB at




  1   Walter Reed Army Medical Center.  I also want to


  2   thank him for his efforts on clarification of the


  3   regulations in ongoing discussions as they apply to


  4   pediatric oncology, and he has taken a leadership


  5   role in the Office for Human Research Protection in


  6   that regard.


  7             I am going to even more quickly, I hope,


  8   go through the FDA regulations.  One might ask what


  9   is a pediatric oncologist doing talking about FDA


 10   regulations, but that is one of the strengths of


 11   the FDA, that there are wonderful opportunities to


 12   be involved in many aspects or research in clinical


 13   medicine, including the development of regulations.


 14   I was on the working group that developed the


 15   Subpart D and, in fact, wrote the first draft of


 16   that document.


 17             As Dr. Carome pointed out, there is some


 18   overlap, and these slides have a lot of data which


 19   is intended for reference and I will not go through


 20   all the aspects of all the slides, but just to note


 21   that there are laws synonymous with an act or


 22   statute which are developed and passed by the


 23   Legislative Branch and signed by the President and


 24   these are published in the United States Code.


 25   Then there are regulations synonymous with rule,




  1   and these are developed and published by the


  2   Executive Branch, the various departments and


  3   agencies within the Executive Branch doing the


  4   detailed work, and these are published in the Code


  5   of Federal Regulations, which is referred to as the


  6   CFR.


  7             The FDA authority is derived from multiple


  8   laws and regulations, and the focus is on product


  9   and product use.  There are a number of applicable


 10   regulations for good clinical practice in the


 11   research setting, and these include the human


 12   subject protection, which is in 21 CFR, Part 50;


 13   financial disclosures, which is in Part 54;


 14   institutional review boards, which is in Part 56;


 15   and investigational new drugs, which is in part


 16   312.


 17             Part 50 has actually three sections to it.


 18   One is reserved for future use and Part D, you will


 19   notice, is the additional safeguards for children


 20   in clinical investigations, which is the focus of


 21   the discussion now.


 22   This is a catalog of all the various sections


 23   within Subpart D of 21 CFR, 50.  You will see that


 24   there is mapping and harmonization between the


 25   relevant sections of the HHS regulations.




  1             Now, the relationship--and this is just a


  2   textual representation of the schematic that Dr.


  3   Carome presented--is that FDA regulations apply to


  4   all research using FDA-regulated products.  In


  5   contrast, the HHS regulations apply to all research


  6   that is supported by HHS.  Research that is


  7   supported by HHS using FDA-regulated products is


  8   subject to both sets of regulations, and the


  9   regulations are harmonized although there are some


 10   differences which Dr. Carome elaborated on earlier.


 11   The definitions, you will see, parallel those


 12   definitions in the HHS regulations and put the onus


 13   of interpretation on the local jurisdiction and on


 14   the local IRBs, and that is the theme that persists


 15   throughout these regulations.  So, these


 16   definitions are included here to show that there is


 17   harmonization and in some cases, we believe, some


 18   clarification because the scope of FDA-regulated


 19   research is, in many ways, different and can apply


 20   to domains where HHS research is not applicable.


 21   So, it was important to have not only clarity on


 22   the definitions but consistency and, therefore,


 23   there are definitions that are included here so


 24   that there is not, we hope, much ambiguity in terms


 25   of how to apply and interpret these regulations at




  1   the local IRB level.


  2             Here, again, there is an emphasis on the


  3   concept that Eric Kodish developed for us a little


  4   earlier this morning, and that is children do not


  5   actually engage in a consent process.  Their


  6   parents provide permission for them to participate


  7   in the research.  Then, there is the same emphasis


  8   as in the HHS regulations that the child must at


  9   least be approached for assent.


 10             So, in addition to the other


 11   responsibilities assigned to IRBs, the FDA


 12   regulations ask that the IRB review clinical


 13   investigations involving children as subjects


 14   covered by Subpart D and approve only clinical


 15   investigations that satisfy the criteria which are


 16   described in Subpart 51, 52, 53 and the conditions


 17   of all other applicable sections of Subpart D.


 18             These are again mapped to the four risk


 19   categories which were developed in the 1970s and


 20   which, because of their serviceability and their


 21   flexibility, have been maintained to this date.


 22   These, again, discuss the concept of minimal risk


 23   here with specific examples of how it applies to


 24   pediatric research.


 25             Since the IRBs are a conduit through which




  1   research occurs, there are specific instructions on


  2   when IRBs may approve clinical investigations, and


  3   these are divided into the specific risk


  4   categories.  So, there is greater than minimal risk


  5   under 50.51.  In 50.52 there is greater than


  6   minimal risk presenting the prospect of direct


  7   benefit and the conditions, again, are analogous to


  8   the HHS regulations; and 50.53 shows that the IRBs


  9   can approve clinical investigations involving


 10   greater than minimal risk and no prospect of direct


 11   benefit but likely to yield generalizable knowledge


 12   about the subject's disorder or condition, and the


 13   same caveats about having a disorder or condition


 14   and having the prospect of generalizable knowledge


 15   apply, and these are addressed in some detail.


 16             In addition, there are IRB approval


 17   criteria which are explicitly stated and these


 18   include not only minimization of risk and that the


 19   risks are anticipated in relation to the benefit,


 20   but that the informed consent process is adequate


 21   and appropriately documented and looking for


 22   safeguards.  That is going to be theme which we are


 23   going to look at in detail, what safeguards can be


 24   and ought to be implemented.


 25             Subpart D addresses this explicitly. 




  1   There is a paragraph devoted to monitoring which I


  2   will quote briefly:  While the level of risk in a


  3   clinical investigation may change during the course


  4   of a study, appropriate strategies may be included


  5   in the study design that may mitigate risks.  These


  6   might include exit strategies in the case of


  7   adverse events or a lack of efficacy, or


  8   establishing a data monitoring committee to review


  9   ongoing data collection and recommend study


 10   changes, including stopping a trial on the basis of


 11   safety information.


 12             Part 56 addresses institutional review


 13   boards, and the general provisions and organization


 14   are discussed in the first part; IRB functions and


 15   operations in the second part; records and


 16   reporting in the fourth part; and the


 17   administrative actions for non-compliance in the


 18   fifth part.


 19             Now we come to the IND regulations, 312


 20   Subpart A, which are the general provisions which


 21   are outlined here.


 22             Subpart B, which are in essence the


 23   mechanics of an investigational new drug


 24   application and the obligations under those


 25   sections.




  1             Subpart C, which discusses the


  2   administrative actions, and Subpart D which goes


  3   into detail of the responsibilities of the sponsors


  4   and investigators.


  5             There is a Subpart E, which doesn't map


  6   explicitly to other HHS regulations, which


  7   addresses the drugs intended to treat


  8   life-threatening and severely debilitating


  9   illnesses which apply to pediatric oncology


 10   studies.  You will notice in the various paragraphs


 11   here that in 312.87 there is a requirement for


 12   active monitoring of conduct and evaluation of


 13   clinical trials.  It reads, for drugs covered under


 14   this section, the Commissioner and other agency


 15   officials will monitor the progress of the conduct


 16   and evaluation of clinical trials and be involved


 17   in facilitating their appropriate progress.  So,


 18   this places an FDA role in a dynamic way in the


 19   research being conducted in the realm of


 20   life-threatening illnesses.


 21             In addition, 312.88 has specific


 22   safeguards for patient safety which refer back to


 23   the other sections that were discussed, Parts 50,


 24   56, 312.  We didn't discuss 314 which is the NDA


 25   regulations and 600 which apply to the biologics




  1   but there are analogous regulations in these areas.


  2             I will just abstract from here that this


  3   includes the requirements for informed consent and


  4   institutional review boards, and that these


  5   safeguards further include the review of animal


  6   studies prior to initial human testing; the


  7   monitoring of adverse drug experience through the


  8   requirements of IND safety reports; safety update


  9   reports for marketing and postmarketing.


 10             So, our conclusions from this section are


 11   that the FDA has authority to regulate clinical


 12   studies using FDA-regulated products; that FDA


 13   regulations incorporate both IRB and FDA oversight


 14   of studies; that regulations exist for studies


 15   using products intended to treat life-threatening


 16   illnesses; and that regulations exist for providing


 17   additional safeguards for children enrolled in


 18   clinical investigations; and, as noted, HHS and FDA


 19   regulations are intended to be harmonized.  Thank


 20   you.


 21             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Dr. Hirschfeld.


 22   I think we will hold our questions until we


 23   reconvene at the point for discussion.  I think we


 24   are just a few minutes behind time.  We will take a


 25   15-minute break--Dr. Hirschfeld wants a 10-minute




  1   break.  We will take a 10-minute break and try to


  2   reconvene at almost 9:45.  Thank you.


  3             [Brief recess]


  4             DR. SANTANA:  We will go ahead and get


  5   started with the second part of the morning


  6   presentations.  To initiate that, Dr. Anderson,


  7   from CTEP, will be our next speaker.  Barry?  Eric,


  8   are you back on board?


  9             DR. KODISH:  I am here.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Eric.


 11             Enrollment and Monitoring Procedures for


 12                        NCI Funded Studies


 13             DR. ANDERSON:  I am Barry Anderson, from


 14   NCI CTEP, and I want to thank the FDA and Steven


 15   for inviting us to provide information about the


 16   enrollment and monitoring procedures for


 17   NCI-supported clinical trials.


 18             For pediatric cancer clinical trials, the


 19   appropriate enrollment of the individual patient,


 20   the child who is going to come onto the trial, as


 21   well as the monitoring of that individual patient's


 22   experience during the trial and the cumulative


 23   experience of all children who are involved in a


 24   clinical trial I think are necessary components in


 25   terms of trying to enhance the patient safety and




  1   the scientific validity of the trial itself.


  2             So, at the onset, from NCI's point of


  3   view, it is important to work to assure that each


  4   child accrued to a trial is receiving the


  5   appropriate treatment within the clinical trial


  6   itself, and that monitoring that is associated with


  7   the trial monitors the toxicity and effectiveness


  8   of the treatment intervention within each clinical


  9   trial both for that individual child, as well as


 10   for the trial overall.


 11             The words "safe" and "effective" can be


 12   applied to many of the standard treatments we use


 13   in pediatric oncology to treat various childhood


 14   cancers.  These words have special meaning in


 15   pediatric oncology.  As Dr. Kodish mentioned, there


 16   is a special sort of risk/benefit ratio that we


 17   always consider because, while therapy for


 18   childhood cancer is often successful and that is


 19   something that differs from much of medical


 20   oncology, the therapies that we use are always


 21   toxic in pediatric oncology and they always carry a


 22   risk of treatment-related morbidity and perhaps


 23   even death in many cases.


 24             So, selecting the proper treatment I think


 25   is essential because compared with other serious




  1   childhood diseases, such as asthma or cystic


  2   fibrosis, childhood cancer includes many distinct


  3   histologic diagnoses, and each tumor histology


  4   requires a distinct treatment appropriate with its


  5   own risks and benefits.  The chances of cure also


  6   diminish quickly if the proper therapy is not used


  7   at the outset.  That differs, I think, from some of


  8   the other more chronic diseases that are serious


  9   within childhood diseases but can have chances to


 10   change the therapeutic approach over time.


 11             In regards to enrollment, a question for


 12   the clinical trials done in pediatric oncology is


 13   who should be enrolled.  Pediatric oncology has


 14   evolved an approach of risk stratified treatment


 15   regimens and within each tumor histology the


 16   patient characteristics and the tumor


 17   characteristics establish a risk of relapse.  This


 18   risk of relapse then is used to stratify the


 19   treatment assignment for each child in terms of the


 20   type of clinical trial or the specific clinical


 21   trial they would be appropriate for.  Using this


 22   risk of relapse the intensity of the treatment that


 23   the child receives--and for intensity you can also


 24   say increased toxicity--is then set to best fit the


 25   child's cancer.  So, it is vital to treat the




  1   child, as best we can ascertain at the time they


  2   first present, according to the appropriate


  3   treatment regimen.


  4             By following this treatment stratification


  5   approach, the goal in pediatric oncology is to


  6   minimize the exposure to highly toxic therapies for


  7   those children who don't need that much treatment,


  8   in a relative sense, and also for the oncologists


  9   to have some comfort in knowing that another child


 10   who has a high-risk chance of relapse, that they


 11   will in fact potentially benefit from using a more


 12   intensive and more toxic treatment regimen.


 13             To apply this treatment stratification


 14   approach across an entire clinical trial, it is


 15   important that the eligibility criteria within the


 16   protocol by which all the patients are brought into


 17   the trial--that those protocol eligibility criteria


 18   are clear in regards to the clinical


 19   characteristics of the patient and the pathologic


 20   and biologic characteristics of the tumor--that all


 21   these characteristics are clear and easy to


 22   understand.


 23             The pediatric oncologists that are


 24   involved in the trial and who would be enrolling


 25   patients must be properly informed on how to apply




  1   the eligibility criteria that are presented in the


  2   eligibility section of the protocol itself.  If


  3   anyone has ever had experience in trying to bring a


  4   patient with rhabdomyosarcoma into a sarcoma trial,


  5   it can be a be very complicated endeavor and many


  6   mechanisms have been put in place to assist the


  7   pediatric oncologist to make sure that the proper


  8   decision is made in terms of treatment.


  9             As technology has advanced, eligibility


 10   criteria have moved beyond what they have been in


 11   the past, just being tumor histology and perhaps


 12   the staging of the patient.  As histologic and


 13   biologic characteristics of tumors are better


 14   defined and refined, we also are incorporating in


 15   many cases in pediatric oncology central input on


 16   the pathology and biology, such that central review


 17   of the patient's tumor pathology and diagnostic


 18   biology assays are used to improve the likelihood


 19   that a child receives the best available therapy


 20   for their specific tumor pathology and for their


 21   risk of relapse.


 22             This has been used in a variety of tumors


 23   in pediatric oncology in the recent past.  With


 24   rhabdomyosarcoma there is central review of


 25   alveolar versus embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma




  1   pathology that is used basically in real time so as


  2   to assure that the patient goes on the proper


  3   risk-stratified treatment regimen.  For


  4   neuroblastoma there are a variety of biologic


  5   characteristics that make amplification and other


  6   genetic changes that are characteristic to each


  7   tumor, and that is also looked at in real time.


  8   For Wilms tumor there has been a central review of


  9   that tumor histology for favorable histology versus


 10   focal or diffuse anaplasia that all distinguish


 11   patients for their appropriate trial, and there are


 12   a variety of genetic studies that are done, both


 13   centrally and locally, to establish the appropriate


 14   treatment for children with acute lymphoblastic


 15   leukemia, the most common diagnosis in childhood


 16   cancer.


 17             Phase I and pilot studies also have


 18   specific eligibility criteria.  In these cases, it


 19   may not necessarily be the case that you need to be


 20   concerned about the tumor histology so much,


 21   especially in Phase I where a child has already


 22   received treatment, but it is important to ensure


 23   that those patients who are enrolled in a trial


 24   have no other treatments that provide a reasonable


 25   potential for cure or substantial clinical benefit. 




  1   For patients who have newly diagnosed tumors but


  2   have a type of tumor that historically has a poor


  3   response to therapeutic interventions, we want to


  4   make sure that any sort of pilot treatment


  5   interventions that have been tried balance


  6   appropriately the benefits and likely risks in the


  7   child's prognosis.  So, before considering trial


  8   monitoring we consider that getting the right


  9   patient on the right trial is vital given the


 10   stratified approach we have to treatment in


 11   pediatric oncology.


 12             NCI supports a variety of investigator


 13   groups to do clinical trials in children with


 14   cancer.  The largest is the Children's Oncology


 15   Group, which pretty much every pediatric oncologist


 16   in North America is a member of.  That is the group


 17   that does the Phase III studies primarily as well


 18   as Phase II studies and pilot studies.  There is


 19   the COG Phase I Pilot Consortium that is a smaller


 20   group, about 20 institutions, that is assigned to


 21   do Phase I studies.  The Pediatric Brain Tumor


 22   Consortium I think is around 10 institutions as


 23   well.  Their focus is on newer therapies for brain


 24   tumors in children.  The new approaches to


 25   neuroblastoma therapy is a program project grant




  1   that NCI supports that is now 12 or 14 institutions


  2   I think, focused on early phase studies for


  3   children with neuroblastoma, high risk


  4   neuroblastoma.  There are also individual grants to


  5   investigators that may include clinical trial


  6   research.


  7             All these, because of the nature of


  8   pediatric oncology and the relative lack of number


  9   of patients, are usually multi-institutional.


 10   Given that they are multi-institutional, that


 11   brings on special responsibilities in terms of


 12   trying to conduct a trial at multiple sites


 13   simultaneously and trying to have all the


 14   investigators that are enrolling new patients and


 15   treating ongoing patients aware of what is going on


 16   with the trial.  So, the NCI has worked with these


 17   various groups that we support to facilitate this


 18   sort of intake of information and distribution of


 19   information.


 20             The investigators that are part of these


 21   various groups are committed to report toxicities,


 22   the regimen delivery and the ability to deliver the


 23   regimen as defined in the protocol and the response


 24   data in a timely fashion.  Some things such as


 25   remote data entry have been put in place now to




  1   help facilitate that.  There is a data center


  2   assigned with each of these groups that we support


  3   that is capable of readily receiving the data,


  4   analyzing the data and then reporting important


  5   data trends to the investigators, be it the study


  6   committee and perhaps beyond if necessary.  There


  7   is an operations office component.  They are able


  8   to communicate with investigators continuously


  9   throughout the clinical trial by email, by web


 10   site, by the phone, etc.  There is sort of this


 11   continuous back and forth going on between the


 12   investigators at the local institutions and a more


 13   centralized body that is helping to run the trial.


 14             In terms of monitoring, again it starts, I


 15   think just like enrollment, at the individual child


 16   level where there, is within the protocol, guidance


 17   provided to the local institutional clinicians as


 18   to what sort of laboratory results for


 19   tumor-related or treatment-related abnormalities


 20   need to be done and at what interval.  There are


 21   radiologic characterizations of the tumor and the


 22   consequent organ dysfunction that are also asked


 23   for in terms of the initial diagnosis of the child


 24   and then subsequently during their course of


 25   treatment.  Then there are interval evaluations to




  1   establish the tumor response to the treatment


  2   interventions that are being conducted during the


  3   study.


  4             The protocol--and we look for this at NCI


  5   when we review the protocols that come to us--must


  6   provide sort of a consistent and uniform approach


  7   to all these aspects of monitoring of the


  8   individual patient.  The frequency by which these


  9   studies are performed would be consistent with or


 10   greater than good clinical practice.  Because the


 11   children are on a clinical study, oftentimes they


 12   get more frequent monitoring of some of these


 13   aspects than they would if they received standard


 14   of care treatment off the protocol.  But, again, it


 15   depends on the intervention that is being


 16   undertaken and the specific tumor diagnosis under


 17   consideration.


 18             When you accumulate all this information,


 19   the monitoring and the clinical trial itself, that


 20   is where some of the infrastructure that NCI


 21   supports comes into play because, as I mentioned


 22   before, it is very important that patient data is


 23   submitted at protocol-defined intervals; that the


 24   data is accumulated, analyzed and then reported;


 25   and then that the significance of this data, be it




  1   the toxicity data or the effectiveness data, is


  2   interpreted so that appropriate patients are being


  3   accrued to the study; that treatment toxicity is


  4   acceptable and that there is some efficacy of the


  5   treatment interventions as defined in the protocol


  6   beforehand.


  7             There is some debate and discussion and


  8   variability in terms of who and how often this data


  9   that is accumulated and reported on is reviewed.


 10   Within NCI, we work with the guidelines established


 11   by NIH for data and safety monitoring and these


 12   requirements call for the oversight and monitoring


 13   of all human intervention studies to ensure the


 14   patient safety and the validity and integrity of


 15   the data itself for the study.  The monitoring in


 16   the study is to be done at sort of a level that is


 17   commensurate with the risks and size and complexity


 18   of the clinical trial.


 19             The oversight monitoring under Phase III


 20   clinical trials, which many of the pediatric


 21   oncology trials are, calls for the establishment of


 22   a DSMB.  The DSMB, according to NIH, is also


 23   appropriate for Phase I and Phase II clinical


 24   trials if the studies have such things as multiple


 25   clinical sites, are blinded or masked or employ




  1   particularly high-risk vulnerable patient


  2   populations.  In pediatric oncology we sort of hit


  3   throughout this so we call for sort of the default


  4   to be towards some sort of formalized monitoring


  5   committee for most of the studies that we do.


  6             The NCI, in response to NIH sort of


  7   formalizing its approach to data and safety


  8   monitoring, in the not too distant past has


  9   finished reviewing all the data and safety


 10   monitoring plans for the cancer centers that NCI


 11   supports across the country.  That was I think an


 12   education for both NCI as well as for the cancer


 13   centers, for them to really kind of fess up and


 14   look at what they actually do in terms of the


 15   monitoring; what goes on in their human subject


 16   clinical trials within their cancer centers.  But


 17   they all submitted them and they were all reviewed.


 18             Some of the key, essential elements for


 19   these monitoring plans that we had to consider, and


 20   that then subsequently have also been extended to


 21   some pediatric groups, are the monitoring and


 22   progress of the trials and safety of the


 23   participants; the plans for assuring compliance


 24   with adverse event reporting; and plans for


 25   assuring that data accuracy and protocol compliance




  1   are performed.


  2             As I mentioned, while in pediatric


  3   oncology basically we don't work from a cancer


  4   center model, we work more in a multi-institutional


  5   approach so it is a more distributed coverage in


  6   terms of who is performing the trials.


  7   Nevertheless, these particular essential elements


  8   were taken on by pretty much all the groups that we


  9   have that I mentioned earlier that NCI supports in


 10   one form or another, again, moving to the default


 11   of having some sort of more formalized data


 12   monitoring committees for all the trials.


 13             The composition of the DSMB and the


 14   various data monitoring committees may differ


 15   between the different groups that I mentioned that


 16   NCI supports for pediatric oncology but the goal is


 17   the same, and it is to have capable and informed


 18   observers be responsible for the oversight of the


 19   trial.  The reviewers are people that are outside


 20   of, and in addition to the study committee, and


 21   they evaluate the trial data at regular intervals


 22   to monitor the treatment toxicity and the


 23   effectiveness of the treatments that are being


 24   used.  Then, the review determines whether the


 25   continued accrual to the trial is safe and




  1   appropriate.  COG itself has two DSMBs, one for


  2   solid tumors and one for the leukemia and lymphoma


  3   studies, and they meet twice a year, each one of


  4   those DSMBs, to go over the studies.  Actually we


  5   go over pilot, Phase II and Phase III studies in


  6   those sessions.  The Phase I Consortia also has a


  7   DSMB that meets twice a year to go over all those


  8   Phase I studies.  In addition to the Phase I


  9   Consortia, the PBTC and the NANT, all of which have


 10   a DSMB type of component, have more frequent


 11   discussions with the groups that are beyond just


 12   the study investigator and any sort of data


 13   personnel or statistician directly involved.  They


 14   have a discussion of their studies sometimes on a


 15   weekly basis, sometimes on a monthly basis, and


 16   sometimes it also includes people from outside the


 17   group itself to overlook what is going on with


 18   their particular studies.


 19             In terms of compliance with adverse event


 20   reporting, another one of the essential elements


 21   that NCI has, NCI-funded studies use the adverse


 22   event expedited reporting system, or the AdEERS


 23   system to report toxicities.  This is a


 24   computerized system that is available now to all


 25   the funded groups with which they can fairly easily




  1   report adverse events that occur during their


  2   clinical trials.  That data can then be accumulated


  3   easily within their group, but also important


  4   things can be sent off to the FDA or to drug


  5   sponsors or the NCI as appropriate, especially for


  6   studies that involve IND agents.


  7             Then, it is the institutional principal


  8   investigator that is ultimately responsible to


  9   assure that the AEs are reported in a timely


 10   manner.  Whenever we review the cancer center


 11   approaches, they list out that sort of the CRA


 12   should submit this and then there is a nurse


 13   practitioner or someone that is behind the CR to


 14   make sure it gets submitted, and at some interval


 15   the principal investigator locally is responsible


 16   to make sure that all the AEs that may have


 17   occurred had been properly reported.


 18             Finally, for assuring data accuracy and


 19   protocol compliance, the cooperative groups and


 20   these consortia practice ongoing quality control


 21   and interval quality assessments such as by using


 22   institutional audits.  This has been something that


 23   has been ongoing throughout the creation of each of


 24   these groups.


 25             In summary, NCI has worked to establish a




  1   framework to allow appropriate monitoring and


  2   oversight of pediatric oncology clinical trials.


  3   To address some of the issues that Steven had


  4   brought up before in terms of the general


  5   parameters that we look at, we first want to make


  6   sure that the enrollment of patients is appropriate


  7   to the diagnosis and risk of relapse for the


  8   patient or the availability of standard treatments


  9   for recurrent and relapsed disease, and that


 10   laboratory and radiologic monitoring for toxicity


 11   and response to treatments is established within


 12   the protocol before any patients are accrued.


 13             The frequency of monitoring would be equal


 14   to or greater than standard of care for the


 15   individual patient that is enrolled on a clinical


 16   study, and there would be continuous protocol


 17   monitoring by the study committee because they


 18   receive this data on a daily basis.  There would be


 19   interval protocol monitoring on a monthly to


 20   biannual basis, depending on the risk and specifics


 21   of the trial, by a group outside of the study


 22   committee itself.


 23             Who does the monitoring?  The daily


 24   monitoring is by the study committee itself.  The


 25   interval monitoring usually involves concentrations




  1   and statisticians that are not directly involved in


  2   the trial.


  3             When is a data monitoring committee


  4   needed?  For Phase III studies you need a DSMB.


  5   For multi-institutional trials you need to have a


  6   monitoring committee for high-risk populations.


  7   You need to have a monitoring committee for complex


  8   treatment.  For studies with early stopping rules,


  9   which many pediatric studies have, you have to have


 10   a monitoring committee.  With conflicts of


 11   interest, which may not be as much of a case in


 12   pediatrics as it might be in medical oncology, you


 13   need to have a monitoring committee.


 14             I think that with pediatric oncology


 15   trials we hit many of the points that are brought


 16   up by various agencies of situations where a


 17   monitoring committee is required so that virtually


 18   always in pediatric oncology some sort of


 19   monitoring committee is involved in the oversight


 20   of the practices of the group, as well as the


 21   conduct of individual clinical trials.  Thank you.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Thanks, Barry.  Before I


 23   stand up to give the last presentation of the


 24   morning, we have an opportunity for an open public


 25   hearing.  So, if there is anybody in the audience




  1   that wishes to address the committee, this is the


  2   opportunity to do so.  I would ask that if you are


  3   going to do that you come to the front of the room


  4   to the podium and identify yourself by name and


  5   affiliation.


  6                       Open Public Hearing


  7             MR. RAKOFF:  Wayne Rakoff, Johnson &


  8   Johnson.  Just a quick question, that came up this


  9   morning that I would like to hear discussed during


 10   the discussion, is with regard to the FDA guidance


 11   on data reduction in oncology trials.  It would be


 12   important to us to know if there are any variances


 13   in that with regard to pediatric studies.


 14             DR. SANTANA:  Steve or Rick, do you want


 15   to address that now or do you want to address it


 16   during the discussion period?


 17             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  We can address it in a


 18   little more detail but, in brief, that is a global


 19   commentary and there isn't a specific pediatric


 20   component to it.  I think that is a good suggestion


 21   that maybe we should consider in the future, a


 22   pediatric specific component.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Any other comments from the


 24   audience?


 25             [No response]




  1                Monitoring Procedures at a Private


  2                       Children's Hospital


  3             DR. SANTANA:  First of all, I want to


  4   thank Steve, Richard and the rest of the FDA for


  5   always bringing the pediatric oncologists to set


  6   examples in these initiatives.  I am personally


  7   very appreciative of all the efforts that we have


  8   had on behalf of the issues that we deal with in


  9   pediatric oncology.


 10             My task this morning, as I was charged to


 11   do, is to bring a perspective from a private


 12   institution with the caveat that St. Jude really is


 13   an NCI cancer designated center so a lot of what we


 14   do in terms of our own monitoring is reflective of


 15   what we have to do to comply with the NCI


 16   regulations.


 17             What I would like to do over the next 20


 18   minutes or 25 minutes or so is talk to you about


 19   two issues.  One is how we set forth monitoring of


 20   our St. Jude studies--not the cooperative group


 21   studies for which we still have to comply with COG,


 22   but our own intra-institutional studies that follow


 23   a parallel system to the NCI monitoring plan, and


 24   what that monitoring plan involves and what


 25   parameters we have designated for monitoring. 




  1   Then, a bigger part of my talk will be on a project


  2   that Don Workman and I worked on in terms of trying


  3   to handle adverse event reporting within the


  4   institution and tried to develop an interactive


  5   web-based model to try to get a handle on that.


  6             With that, I will go ahead and get


  7   started.  As Barry has already said, monitoring of


  8   trials is really an ongoing, continuous review of


  9   the conduct of the trial.  For the purpose of


 10   distinction, I will make the note that to me


 11   monitoring occurs while the study is ongoing.


 12   Whereas a lot of people use the word auditing, to


 13   me auditing is a post facto thing that happens


 14   after the study has been completed.  Then you go


 15   back and see if the study was conducted the way it


 16   was supposed to be; if the data is good enough; if


 17   there is quality in the data; and if there have


 18   been any other issues that occurred during that


 19   post facto process.  So, to me, monitoring occurs


 20   real time whereas auditing occurs after the study


 21   has been completed.


 22             Monitoring is really a shared


 23   responsibility of many individuals.  We always talk


 24   about monitoring being the responsibility of maybe


 25   one particular group but at St. Jude we have the




  1   notion that this is really the responsibility of


  2   the research team.  We always talk about the


  3   principal investigator but it is really the


  4   research team.  The research team has many


  5   components to it of which, hopefully, the principal


  6   investigator is the lead person but there are


  7   research nurses, there are CRAs, there are other


  8   members of the study team who also have


  9   responsibility for this process.


 10             Institutional officials have a major role


 11   in this, not only in terms or providing


 12   infrastructure resources to conduct some of this


 13   monitoring, but also to set a culture and example


 14   that is transparent to make sure that things occur


 15   very openly and that everybody is knowledgeable


 16   about what is happening.  Then, the oversight


 17   committee--you heard a little bit about DSMBs which


 18   I won't talk about and IRBs and other committees


 19   that may be involved in this process.


 20             Eric had a little figure this morning of a


 21   triangle.  I didn't know he had a triangle so I


 22   brought a triangle too, but my triangle is a little


 23   bit different.  It makes a different point.  The


 24   point of this triangle is that in the center of the


 25   process are the participant in the research but




  1   there are many other people involved in this whole


  2   process in which, as I mentioned to you earlier,


  3   the partnership includes the investigator, the


  4   research team, the IRB, other oversight committees


  5   and then institutional officials.  So, I view this


  6   more as a partnership, not just the responsibility


  7   of one individual.


  8             One of the things I want to cover is point


  9   number one and point number three on this slide,


 10   which is how can we systematically approach some of


 11   these problems in terms of monitoring and adverse


 12   event reporting.


 13             So, I think the first step whenever you


 14   deal with a promise to define a problem in this


 15   case is what needs to be monitored and what needs


 16   to be reported.  I think that is a good point to


 17   start and I will talk about that in a minute; then,


 18   dividing the role, the different committees that


 19   provide some of this oversight and I really won't


 20   go into detail on that although I could during the


 21   discussion if anybody has any questions; and,


 22   lastly, developing an infrastructure to allow this


 23   to happen so that the reporting occurs, that there


 24   is a process of evaluating the reports, and then a


 25   process of acting in a timely manner when there are




  1   concerns.  So, that will be the latter part of my


  2   talk.


  3             As I mentioned to you, we are an NCI


  4   cancer designated center so we also had to comply


  5   and submit an institutional data safety monitoring


  6   plan to the NCI a few years back that was reviewed,


  7   approved, etc., etc., and now we provide our


  8   monitoring under the umbrella of what that plan


  9   says.


 10             So, the first thing was to define what


 11   elements we were going to monitor.  So, we have


 12   kind of followed the parallel system that the NCI


 13   designated in the clinical data update system of


 14   what data should be collected.  We look at patient


 15   specific data, the demographics, date of birth,


 16   gender, those things that we have to collect; the


 17   date of entry into the study; the treatment status,


 18   if the patient has been previously treated, on what


 19   protocols and what therapy the patient was on; and,


 20   if they were off therapy, for what reasons.  All


 21   that gets captured as part of the monitoring of the


 22   patient on the study.


 23             Then, there are subgroup data elements


 24   that are also captured.  Barry mentioned, very


 25   appropriately in his talk, the issue of eligibility




  1   and determining that the right patients go on the


  2   right studies.  One of the things we have done at


  3   St. Jude in the last ten years is we have


  4   established a separate office, which is called the


  5   protocol office which is actually an office that


  6   provides the infrastructure to help investigators


  7   deal with many of these issues.  The protocol


  8   office, obviously, is manned by a group of people


  9   and one of the responsibilities, for example, is


 10   that when an investigator enrolls a patient on a


 11   study we have to fill out electronically an


 12   eligibility check list.  The eligibility check list


 13   gets faxed to that office and a patient-specific


 14   consent is generated for that patient on that


 15   study.  So, right at the beginning there are some


 16   checks and balances in terms of the eligibility of


 17   the patient so that the right patient is put on the


 18   right study and the correct consent is used for


 19   that patient.  So, that is an ongoing process that


 20   occurs early on during the trial and the patient


 21   enrollment of the trial.


 22             Once the patient receives the therapy,


 23   they monitor the cycle or the course of therapy.


 24   If is a Phase I study, what dose level the patient


 25   is currently being treated with; the start date;




  1   some other parameters like BSA and weight.  They


  2   monitor, particularly in Phase I studies, the


  3   agent; the dose of the agent; if there have been


  4   any modifications, why there have been


  5   modifications.  We will talk a little bit about


  6   adverse event reporting later on.  Then, as part of


  7   the monitoring during certain periods of the trial,


  8   the patients will be monitored in terms of response


  9   because the trials will have stopping rules based


 10   on response, not only in terms of toxicity but also


 11   in terms of response so a Phase II trial that has


 12   some response built-in stopping rules will be


 13   stopped at the right point once the monitoring is


 14   occurring in terms of the response that has been


 15   achieved.


 16             I tried to summarize this in two or three


 17   slides.  This is kind of how we do it at St. Jude


 18   in terms of our own institutional Phase I/Phase II.


 19   We don't do many Phase III but we do have an


 20   auditing plan for Phase III studies and for some


 21   studies in which we hold the IND.


 22             So, for Phase I studies the central


 23   elements in terms of demographics, eligibility and


 24   informed consent, that is monitored continuously.


 25   It is monitored continuously because I told you




  1   that there is a check at the beginning in terms of


  2   eligibility and in terms of informed consent that


  3   occurs in real time when the patient gets


  4   registered.  So, that is done continuously as the


  5   patients go on a study in a Phase I study.


  6             The protocol office also is monitoring the


  7   study in terms of the data elements for the study


  8   so there are templates very similar to the RDE


  9   system that is developed by COG, templates of data


 10   capture forms.  Those data capture forms are


 11   electronic and the monitor on a monthly basis that


 12   he or she is assigned will go through those and


 13   will see if there is data that is missing.  If


 14   there is data that is missing, a report is


 15   generated to the principal investigator that data


 16   is missing on a monthly basis.  So, it is a good


 17   system in terms that it keeps the research team


 18   kind of continuously on top of making sure the data


 19   is being collected.


 20             On a quarterly basis for a Phase I study


 21   there is a report that is generated.  I will show


 22   you in a minute where the reports go but, in a


 23   nutshell, it goes, obviously, to the principal


 24   investigator and to the research team, and then it


 25   goes to the subcommittee of the scientific review




  1   committee that also oversees monitoring to make


  2   sure that they are separate from the protocol


  3   office and from the investigator looking at this


  4   data.


  5             Then, for every Phase I study that we are


  6   the primary sponsor of at St. Jude, the first three


  7   patients enrolled in the study are monitored.


  8   Then, once the first three patients are monitored,


  9   one additional patient per dose level is monitored


 10   in real time.  The idea of doing the first three


 11   patients is that in many studies usually within the


 12   first three patients you know if your systems are


 13   in the right checks and balances so that you want


 14   to monitor those first three patients very acutely


 15   so if there is a problem with the system, with the


 16   templates, with potentially things not going right,


 17   you can pick it up very quickly and make the right


 18   adjustment so that for the subsequent dose levels,


 19   if you monitor one patient in real time, you should


 20   have resolved all of that.


 21             We do a lot of Phase II studies at St.


 22   Jude and we also do the eligibility, essential


 23   elements and consents as outlined here.  We also do


 24   missing data reports on a quarterly basis.


 25   Obviously, in Phase II, just like in Phase I, you




  1   are interested in adverse events and those are


  2   reported quarterly.  Then, on a semiannual basis


  3   the monitors will verify the coding of response so


  4   that the studies can be stopped if the response


  5   criteria for stopping rules have been met.  There


  6   are reports semiannually or more frequently or less


  7   frequently, as defined by the protocol, in terms of


  8   the individual monitoring plan that the protocol


  9   may have.


 10             In Phase II we always monitor the first


 11   two patients plus at least--and the clever word


 12   here is "at least" ten percent of the total


 13   patients that are being accrued.  It could be


 14   greater than ten percent.  It depends obviously on


 15   the resources that you have available and the


 16   workload that the specific monitor may have but at


 17   a minimum ten percent of the patients on any Phase


 18   II study at any given time should be under active


 19   monitoring.


 20             We don't do many Phase III studies at St.


 21   Jude but we do have a marching plan in the event


 22   that there is a Phase III study and it parallels


 23   the Phase II monitoring plan, with the exception


 24   that there may be other primary objectives in the


 25   Phase III trials that also require some monitoring.




  1             St. Jude holds INDs or IDEs for a few


  2   products so under those circumstances, they could


  3   be Phase I or Phase II trials or whatever, but


  4   separately from those, if there is a particular IND


  5   or IDE for which St. Jude is the "sponsor" then


  6   there is a specific monitoring plan that is


  7   assigned to that study, and it will depend on the


  8   risk, what is known about the IND drug, what is


  9   known about the device, etc., etc., and may be more


 10   strict but at least it will be just like Phase I or


 11   Phase II studies I described to you before.


 12   Usually, under some circumstances like some novel


 13   therapy, it may be a little bit stricter in that


 14   the studies are being monitored a little bit more


 15   aggressively.


 16             So, this is kind of in a nutshell how we


 17   kind of agree with the NCI in our data safety


 18   monitoring plan and how we would monitor our


 19   studies.  Having said that, there is also auditing


 20   that occurs.  So, there is a different auditing


 21   plan that I am going to give a lot of detail about,


 22   but for most auditing plans the monitors, once the


 23   study is done, will make sure that at least 20


 24   percent of the patients have had a full audit of


 25   their records.  But that is after the study is done




  1   and that occurs over a long period of time.  It is


  2   not as active as the actual monitoring which is


  3   occurring in real time.


  4             I want to switch now and talk a little bit


  5   about the issue of adverse event reporting which


  6   has to do with monitoring and safety.  We, at St.


  7   Jude, also have struggled with this issue and we


  8   struggle because there are a lot of problems in


  9   reporting.  There tends to be a lot of


 10   over-reporting.  That is, anticipated adverse


 11   events that are known in the investigator's


 12   brochure or known from other clinical trials are


 13   being reported on a continuous basis and that


 14   creates a big backlog of data that is important but


 15   not important in real time in terms of monitoring.


 16             As you all know, there is increased


 17   research in new drugs and biologics.  There is more


 18   oversight and scrutiny by federal agencies.  Just


 19   like in many other places, we tend to get


 20   saturation effects.  There comes a point where you


 21   see so many reports that it doesn't ring a bell; it


 22   doesn't ring any whistles or anything like that.


 23   So, we have to be careful that we don't over-report


 24   because then it gets us into the saturation effect


 25   and we don't react appropriately when there are red




  1   flags that we should be paying attention to.


  2             But one of the problems we have at St.


  3   Jude, which is very common for pediatric


  4   institutions, is that there are no denominators for


  5   how to make any sense of this; what constitutes a


  6   red flag?  Where do you cut the line to say this is


  7   important or this is not important?  There is no


  8   normative data for each of the populations that we


  9   have to deal with for Phase I studies, for Phase II


 10   studies and for the studies I mentioned to you.


 11   So, trying to approach this problem, we have tried


 12   to deal with this I think in a prospective way.


 13             In terms of review, there are a lot of


 14   external events that we get from study sponsors.


 15   If there happens to be a drug that we are doing a


 16   study with but the drug is being used in adult


 17   studies or in other institutions, you know, the


 18   sponsors package a lot AEs and send them to you and


 19   we have to deal with those too.  The problem with


 20   those is that sometimes the information is very


 21   sketchy and there is no opportunity for


 22   clarifications or for questions so that then you


 23   can put that in the context of your own experience


 24   with your own patients at your own institution.


 25             The other thing is that the IRB is not a




  1   DSMB.  A DSMB has a very specific role; the IRB has


  2   to deal with a lot of other issues.  They have to


  3   deal with adverse events and they should be looking


  4   at them and they should be judging them, but it is


  5   clearly in the context of the whole package of the


  6   research, whereas the DSMB has very specific roles


  7   and responsibilities.


  8             The IRB is not the FDA who holds the IND


  9   file for the drug and knows everything.  So, the


 10   IRB over here is getting little pieces of


 11   information and trying to make sense out of it in a


 12   more global sense.  Then, the IRB also needs to


 13   rely on the local investigators to interpret the


 14   meaning of the adverse events that they are


 15   receiving from the outside, from the sponsors,


 16   because clearly the IRB doesn't have the expertise


 17   or the knowledge to put that in contextual features


 18   in terms of the study as it is being conducted at


 19   other institutions.


 20             So, at St. Jude we decided to approach


 21   this problem first by doing quality improvement


 22   projects, trying to figure out where the problems


 23   were and where we could attach the problems.  One


 24   of the first issues that we addressed is that at


 25   the beginning the PI or the research team needs to




  1   report and categorize the events, but there was no


  2   systematic way of doing that.  I mean, it was being


  3   done in paper form; there were different versions


  4   of that paper form.


  5             One of the things that Don Workman and I


  6   recognized is that at least if at the beginning we


  7   could make this a standardized way and force


  8   everybody to do it the same way, then five, ten


  9   years later we actually would have a system in


 10   place that would provide a lot of the normative


 11   data that we would need in order then to do some


 12   process improvement.


 13             So, the first thing that we did is to


 14   create this electronic submission that I will


 15   describe to you in a few minutes.  This electronic


 16   submission is pretty neat I think, to use words of


 17   my nephew--it is pretty neat because it allows you


 18   then to disseminate that information very quickly


 19   to all the key players in the field and then they


 20   can do their own assessment the same time that the


 21   IRB is doing their assessment.  So, the IRB will


 22   get a copy of this electronic adverse event and the


 23   IRB will do their own assessment of the adverse


 24   event and certainly give feedback and follow-up to


 25   the investigator.  At the same time that it goes to




  1   the IRB, it goes to our office of regulatory


  2   affairs which is also charged with making sure that


  3   agencies that have to be notified about these


  4   adverse events are also notified.  So, it kind of


  5   takes the IRB and the investigator away from that


  6   responsibility of having do to that paperwork but


  7   it goes to a central office that then now deals


  8   with all the external agencies that have to look at


  9   this data.


 10             Internally, it goes in a different


 11   direction.  It goes to the vice president of


 12   clinical trials for internal reporting and internal


 13   processing so that the St. Jude DSMB or what we


 14   call our scientific review council which is called


 15   the CPSRMC, the clinical protocol scientific review


 16   monitoring committee, is really the scientific


 17   council which also has a function in terms of the


 18   cancer center doing monitoring.  They also get a


 19   copy of the report and then they deal with it


 20   internally and then they can give also feedback to


 21   the principal investigator.


 22             Don and I were very concerned with the


 23   first step in this process to try and make it


 24   uniform and to try to make it normative so that we


 25   could then create a system that, hopefully, would




  1   help us in retrospect.  So, we started this about


  2   18 months ago.  The first thing we did is we said


  3   let's create a form that is standardized.  We can


  4   then make sure that people understand what is


  5   important in that form before we convert it into an


  6   electronic format.  Then we were able, as we


  7   designed the form, to start thinking prospectively


  8   of how that same data could be captured


  9   electronically.


 10             Then we developed a flow diagram as a


 11   quality improvement project of where this web-based


 12   report could go, which is a little bit of what I


 13   just showed you.  We had to deal with some issues


 14   of security access and then we also had to deal


 15   with some issues of electronic signature that we


 16   eventually resolved.


 17             One of the key features of this, which is


 18   a recurrent problem in adverse event reporting, is


 19   that there are databases and the databases don't


 20   talk to each other.  So, one of the key features


 21   that we wanted to cover in this was to make sure


 22   that this adverse event electronic reporter was


 23   talking to the other databases in the hospital and


 24   was capturing information from the protocol office


 25   in terms of the protocol that the patient was




  1   registered on and the additional protocols was that


  2   the patient was registered on because there could


  3   be some cross-talk between adverse events on


  4   different protocols or different PIs.  I will show


  5   you an example at the end.


  6             We also wanted to make this user friendly


  7   and make sure that anybody who is part of the


  8   research team could do this at any place in the


  9   hospital.  Through a security pass they could


 10   access this web site and could potentially feed in


 11   the information in a very quick manner, without


 12   having to go to a dark office somewhere and grab


 13   papers and try to do it.  So, there were some


 14   security access issues that got resolved but it was


 15   made available to anybody on the research team


 16   electronically.


 17             We then tried to address the issue of


 18   internal reporting, that is studies in which


 19   adverse events are occurring in our patients at our


 20   institution versus the information of adverse


 21   events that are occurring at other sites that are


 22   being fed into our protocols in terms of the


 23   cooperative group studies, and so on and so forth.


 24   So, one of the things that we had to address is how


 25   we could link protocols so that the information




  1   could be identified very easily.  If a patient was


  2   registered on one protocol and the adverse event


  3   occurred on that protocol, we wanted to know what


  4   additional studies that patient was enrolled on so


  5   that when the IRB or the subcommittees reviewed


  6   this they could begin to get trends if there were


  7   complementary adverse events that were occurring


  8   from complementary studies and there could have


  9   been a red flag there that we needed to address.


 10             In addition, we could share the


 11   information with the PIs of the other studies


 12   because they also have to be kept in the loop in


 13   terms of what is happening to patients that


 14   potentially may also be enrolled in their own


 15   studies concomitantly, for example therapeutic


 16   versus non-therapeutic studies.


 17             Then, for external reports we wanted the


 18   investigators to help us sort that out because we


 19   couldn't sort it out.  So, the investigators had to


 20   invest some time at the beginning sorting out


 21   external reports before they submitted them to us


 22   so that they would be more meaningful to us.


 23             Then, the functional outcomes would be


 24   that there would be real-time reporting and that


 25   the IRB would acknowledge that through some




  1   electronic time stamping mechanism.  There are


  2   forced choices so that everybody has to do it the


  3   same way; no incomplete data submissions so we


  4   wouldn't have to address the issue of going back


  5   and asking for more clarification and more


  6   questions; easy access so it would be friendly;


  7   ability to generate single incident reports;


  8   ability to generate reports in a given time period.


  9   If you were noting a trend that something was


 10   occurring in a particular study over some period of


 11   time, you could capture that and, as you will see


 12   in the end, provide cumulative data that you could


 13   sort out to look at trends that potentially could


 14   be occurring.  Quicker reporting times; ability for


 15   the IRB office to generate reports based on


 16   protocols; specific events across subjects, across


 17   protocols to give us some functionality at the IRB


 18   level to look at the data in different ways;


 19   generate internal denominators of trends that we


 20   wanted to look at; use standardized NCI toxicity


 21   tables for the oncology trials; and be able to


 22   record the IRB actions and updates from


 23   investigators onto previous reports.  So, it wasn't


 24   a dead system.  It was a system that the


 25   investigator could go back and add more information




  1   or, when the IRB reviewed it, could add more


  2   information so it became a living document as the


  3   report was being done.


  4             Let me give you an example of how this


  5   works.  I couldn't get it electronically.  It was


  6   going to cost me money to be able to do this


  7   electronically so I did some snapshots of what it


  8   looks like.


  9             So, this page is accessible to anybody who


 10   is identified at St. Jude as a principal


 11   investigator or a member of a research team.  So,


 12   if you are listed on the protocol as the nurse for


 13   that study, as the statistician for that study, as


 14   a pharmacist for that study, automatically you get


 15   access to this through a user ID and your own


 16   password.  So, it is available to anybody who is


 17   part of the research team.


 18             This is how you log in.  Here I logged in


 19   and it says, "welcome, Victor Santana."  Then it


 20   gives a listing of all the events that have


 21   accumulated during a particular period of time.  It


 22   gives the event ID which is an internal working


 23   number.  It gives the event date.  It gives an


 24   identifier that I have erased here for a particular


 25   patient.  It is usually a numerical number.  If it




  1   is an external event, then there is a way to code


  2   that to an external number.  Sometimes you get an


  3   event from a sponsor and it is coded ABXY235, well,


  4   there is a way that you can code that the same way


  5   here so you can track it and use the same codifier


  6   if you ever have to go back to the data.


  7             The status tells me, as an investigator,


  8   whether I have reviewed this or not.  So, when I


  9   copied this the other day I only had one adverse


 10   event that I had yet to review that somebody sent


 11   to me for comment.  Then, it tells me the date that


 12   the event was reviewed by me or that I modified it


 13   or I did anything to it.


 14             Very quickly, it goes through a couple of


 15   screens that provide some general information.  It


 16   tells you whether it is a St. Jude patient or not


 17   because if it is not, it throws you in a different


 18   direction in terms of the data that you need to


 19   capture because, clearly, the data is being


 20   captured for external adverse events a little bit


 21   differently than it is for internal.  There is some


 22   information here in terms of the patient.


 23             Then, it begins to do its own internal


 24   processing once it identifies the patient.  It


 25   tells us, as you see at the top of the screen, all




  1   the protocols that this patient is registered on.


  2   So, it goes back and talks to the data warehouse.


  3   If this patient is enrolled on ten studies, it will


  4   pull and identify all those ten studies.  Then it


  5   will ask me, as the person putting in the


  6   information, under what study am I following this


  7   report.  So, it identifies primarily the study and


  8   the adverse event, but it also tells me all the


  9   other studies the patient is on, and this is


 10   critical because this report will go to the PIs of


 11   all those other studies too.  You will see it at


 12   the end for their comments.  So, it provides a


 13   little bit of a cross-talk among studies.


 14             Then, it clearly identifies the type of


 15   adverse event that is being reported.  You have all


 16   seen this in different variations.  For adverse


 17   events that require a CTC code it takes you to the


 18   CTC code so there is a link too so you don't have


 19   to scramble through 50 books looking for those


 20   codes but automatically it links you to those


 21   codes.  Then, it allows you to put the descriptor,


 22   etc., etc.  So, it is all being captured in a


 23   uniform language.


 24             Then it goes to a page that allows the


 25   person who is submitting the information to do some




  1   attribution on the adverse event.  It is a click


  2   system but it reminds people, because we all tend


  3   to forget, what each one of those words means.  So,


  4   it reminds me that I need to read when something is


  5   serious; when something is unexpected.  It defines


  6   it very clearly because there are always a lot of


  7   questions from members of the research team what


  8   constitutes something that is unexpected versus


  9   expected.  Well, there it is.  It is, hopefully,


 10   black and white and then you select, based on your


 11   interpretation.  It allows you to do one selection


 12   across lines horizontally for each one of those.


 13             Then, there is a page that allows you to


 14   provide more information.  One of the problems


 15   always with electronic information is that


 16   sometimes you can't capture everything in a unique


 17   format.  So, there is a page that allows you to do


 18   a little more narrative form of how this all


 19   happened, and so on and so forth, so it can give


 20   you some additional data that you can comment on.


 21             Then it asks you do you think, based on


 22   your interpretation of what has happened with the


 23   adverse event, that there is a follow-up that is


 24   needed.  If you say there is a follow-up needed,


 25   then it links back to a reminder within 30 days




  1   that you owe us a follow-up.  The IRB reviews it


  2   and they also communicate directly.  But if you


  3   think you have enough information and you want to


  4   submit a follow-up, within 30 days you will get a


  5   reminder that you owe us a follow-up.


  6             Then it tells you something about what


  7   happened to the patient based on that adverse


  8   event.  Then it asks the investigator or the


  9   research team to make some judgments based on the


 10   information that they have on that particular


 11   adverse event, and in terms of what they know is


 12   going on in the study does this alter the


 13   risk/benefit ratio for the other participants.


 14   Does this require modifications to the protocol or


 15   to the consent?  And, does this provide additional


 16   information that we should be sharing with other


 17   people that are participating in the study?  So, we


 18   ask the investigator to specifically address these


 19   issues with each adverse event.


 20             This is an example of a summary page.  All


 21   that data is generated in the end into a summary


 22   page.  Obviously, I have whited out a lot of stuff.


 23   There is a doctor that is called "Dr. Teddy Bear."


 24   That is a famous doctor at St. Jude that we always


 25   use whenever we do electronic examples of things. 




  1   But it gives you a nice summary of who is doing


  2   this; who reported it; the protocol which was


  3   reported; the PI of that study; the date it was


  4   reported; when the adverse event started.  It will


  5   list all the studies, based on that warehouse


  6   capture of data, that the patient was on.  It will


  7   quickly generate all that data into specifically


  8   designated toxicities that were reported as part of


  9   the adverse event.  The attribution and nature that


 10   you selected gets summarized; additional medical


 11   history; treatment prognosis; patient outcome.


 12             Then it tells us at the end--this all goes


 13   to the IRB--it tells us at the end how the


 14   principal investigator judged this in terms of his


 15   own interpretation, that it doesn't alter the


 16   risk/benefit ratio; does not require modification,


 17   and so on and so forth.


 18             So, it goes electronically--only focusing


 19   on the IRB part of this, it goes electronically to


 20   the IRB and there is a designated person in the IRB


 21   office who will certify that he or she has received


 22   this report, and will certify it electronically


 23   down here with the date.  Then it allows, at the


 24   end, to add additional information when the IRB


 25   actually reviewed it.  So, the IRB will come back




  1   at the end of the meeting and put in there the date


  2   that it was reviewed by the IRB so it provides a


  3   tracking record of when the IRB looked at it.


  4             Another very neat thing I think, and I


  5   like to use that word, with this project was that


  6   it allowed cross-communication among investigators.


  7   In that example I gave you, the message that there


  8   was an adverse event reported in August, '99 will


  9   also go to all these other studies that that


 10   patient was enrolled on.  So, the PI of the SD/01


 11   protocol will also get the message and will get the


 12   summary report, and the PI of that study has to pay


 13   attention to that report and then make a decision


 14   whether he or she thinks it may or may not be


 15   related to his study too because there could be


 16   complementary toxicities and they are the only ones


 17   who are going to know that, not the IRB unless it


 18   gets reported through a different mechanism.


 19             So, it forces all the PIs of all the


 20   studies that the patient is enrolled on to also


 21   critically review the adverse event and make some


 22   judgment about whether it is related or not related


 23   to their own research.  If it is, then it takes


 24   them back to make some comments to the original


 25   report that I submitted on my study.  So, there is




  1   a page that allows the other PIs to come back in


  2   and give additional information.


  3             This doesn't project very well and I


  4   apologize, but all this data then can be captured


  5   in different ways.  In this particular page there


  6   is data on one study and all the adverse events


  7   that have been reported on that study within, I


  8   think, a six-month period.  Each one of those cells


  9   can be manipulated to provide you different ways of


 10   looking at the data.  So, you could ask the data to


 11   be cut only at grade 3 or grade 4 or only deaths on


 12   that particular study.  You can ask the system to


 13   report all deaths on all patients across three


 14   studies to see if there are complementary problems,


 15   and things like that.


 16             So, this is where we are right now.  We


 17   established this about 18 months ago.  The next


 18   phase of this project is actually now beginning to


 19   mine the data so that we can create some normative


 20   rules of when we should be setting lines that raise


 21   red flags that we should pay more attention to.


 22   So, I think that is the strength of this, that now


 23   it unifies it in a certain way so that now we can


 24   go back and make some sense of all the data, and I


 25   think with that I will stop.  Thank you.




  1             Oh, obviously I didn't thank everybody


  2   that was part of the team.  Don Workman, our IRB


  3   administrator, was very involved with this.  Donna


  4   Hogan, from the IRB office, is in charge of the AE


  5   reporter.  Then, two individuals from clinical


  6   informatics were the ones who put all these ideas


  7   to work.  Thanks.


  8             Now I think we have some time for


  9   questions before we go into the discussion.


 10                       Committee Discussion


 11             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I have a question for Dr.


 12   Anderson.  Dr. Santana discussed the goal of the


 13   project at St. Jude to get some normative data on


 14   what types of events one can expect and, perhaps by


 15   implication, what needs to be monitored and what


 16   doesn't need to be monitored, and when things do


 17   occur how serious they are.  Does the NCI have such


 18   a program?  If it does, are there any analyses that


 19   you are able to share?  Or Dr. Smith could answer


 20   the question.


 21             DR. ANDERSON:  I am not aware of a


 22   specific program for pediatric oncology, you know,


 23   with the AdEERS system for bringing in information.


 24   There is data trial by trial, especially for IND


 25   agents.  That sort of information is accumulated. 




  1   But to provide sort of a baseline level of here is


  2   what to look for over time, I don't know that that


  3   is a specific project that is under way right now.


  4             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, in fairness to the


  5   question, we are not doing that right now.  We have


  6   the capability based on this project after we have


  7   been into it 18 months because we thought about


  8   that when we tried to build the electronic format.


  9   We now have the ability to do that but, in fairness


 10   to the question, we have not done that.  We are


 11   just establishing the data and, hopefully, at some


 12   point we will begin to analyze it once we have


 13   enough data to make some sense out of it.  We are


 14   really only, particularly right now, focusing on


 15   the St. Jude studies, studies where we are the


 16   primary sponsor.


 17             DR. SMITH:  Steve, as Barry said, we do


 18   have the AdEERS system that is an electronic


 19   reporting system.  So, you know, there is the


 20   capability if there is a question about cardiac


 21   toxicity or other organ toxicity to pull up all of


 22   those reports for a particular toxicity.  But in


 23   terms of what to look for, you know, if the


 24   question is what toxicities are occurring in what


 25   types of trials, then the Phase I and Phase II




  1   databases of the Phase I Consortium and the


  2   Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium are more relevant


  3   because if the AE reporting is being done


  4   correctly, then it is the unexpected events.  You


  5   know, what you would really be interested in is the


  6   whole universe of events and, as well, the


  7   denominator of how many patients were in those


  8   trials.  So, I think I would approach one of the


  9   consortia for early phase trials or COG for later


 10   phase trials if the question was what type of


 11   events are occurring, how frequently they are


 12   occurring, etc.


 13             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Przepiorka?


 14             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Back to Steve, if I could


 15   turn the question right back to you, does the FDA


 16   have enough information or a database on SAEs in


 17   pediatric trials to actually do that same study?


 18             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Short answer?  No.  We


 19   would like to but we don't have a database that


 20   captures premarketing adverse events.  We only have


 21   a database for postmarketing adverse events.  That


 22   is mined in a fairly rigorous and maybe even


 23   imaginative way to look at frequencies of what one


 24   can expect but, again, it hasn't been examined


 25   sufficiently on the basis of pediatrics and, even




  1   more specifically, on pediatric oncology.  So, we


  2   don't have the data and that is one of the issues


  3   and one of the reasons for having this discussion


  4   this morning.


  5             DR. DAGHER:  Dr. Santana, another question


  6   about your presentation which also may impact on


  7   the NCI perspective, one of the challenges you


  8   identified was the situation where a patient is


  9   enrolled on several studies at the same time.  I am


 10   curious to know how often that happens and whether


 11   that is somewhat unique to St. Jude, or is that


 12   something that you also see across pediatric


 13   studies that NCI supports?


 14             DR. SANTANA:  The way the system is


 15   designed is that it will pick any protocol that the


 16   patient is still currently enrolled on.  It doesn't


 17   mean the patient is on active therapy on those


 18   other studies; it may be that they are in follow-up


 19   for those other studies for example but the patient


 20   has not been taken off those additional studies.


 21   We did that on purpose in terms of thinking outside


 22   the box, that if there were long-term issues with


 23   patients that had been enrolled on other studies


 24   and then you began to see trends that were


 25   complementary to a group of studies that together




  1   created something in the future, we could go back


  2   and capture that.


  3             So, your point is well taken.  The primary


  4   study that is generating the adverse events is many


  5   times the active study that the patient is being


  6   treated on.  But we also wanted to make sure that


  7   we were able to capture data on studies where the


  8   patient was not actively receiving therapy but was


  9   still technically enrolled on that study.


 10             Having said that, we also wanted to


 11   capture non-therapeutic trials so it will list any


 12   trial.  It won't make any distinction whether it is


 13   therapeutic or non-therapeutic up front.


 14             DR. DAGHER:  Supportive care--


 15             DR. SANTANA:  Yes.  On the last page there


 16   was one trial which was a behavioral medicine trial


 17   on which the patient had been enrolled that had


 18   nothing to do with the primary therapeutic trial,


 19   and that showed up too.


 20             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  May I ask for just one


 21   more clarification on your presentation, Dr.


 22   Santana?  You said that the system in use at St.


 23   Jude will bring up the relevant definitions for a


 24   serious adverse event, unexpected, etc.  What is


 25   the source of those definitions?  There are several




  1   places that are source documents, including ICH


  2   documents.


  3             DR. SANTANA:  I think what we did was an


  4   amalgam of the different definitions and tried to


  5   make it into a definition that people could


  6   understand without having to pick up a dictionary


  7   or call the IRB administrator.  So, it was really


  8   looking at all those documents and coming up with


  9   some definitions that were kind of a semi-practical


 10   way that people could relate to and then choose the


 11   right box.  Dr. Grillo-Lopez?


 12             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I have a suggestion for


 13   future meetings on this subject, and that is to


 14   invite a representative from the pharmaceutical


 15   industry to make a presentation because although


 16   you might argue that the FDA knows very well how


 17   the pharmaceutical industry functions in terms of


 18   monitoring adverse event reporting, on the other


 19   hand, others around this table and others


 20   participating in the Webcast or viewing the tapes


 21   later on might not.  The fact is that there is


 22   extensive experience with clinical trial monitoring


 23   in the pharmaceutical industry and, likewise, with


 24   adverse event reporting.  Although I see a great


 25   parallel and even consistency in terms of the




  1   procedures and methods that are used in your


  2   institution representing an academic experience,


  3   and at the NCI particularly with the cooperative


  4   groups, there are some points that are different


  5   and that would merit discussing and presenting


  6   because they might present opportunities for


  7   improvement.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Are you in a position to


  9   highlight some of those points?


 10             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Well, one thing that


 11   just came up in the discussion was the subject of


 12   denominators.  Certainly, when you are conducting


 13   research with a new therapeutic agent the database


 14   at that pharmaceutical company contains the most


 15   information regarding the safety experience with


 16   that agent at any given point in time.  Of course,


 17   all of that database is transferred to the FDA as


 18   required.  But investigators participating in


 19   multicenter trials could certainly call the project


 20   clinician who would have access, through his


 21   biometrics group, to that database and would be


 22   able to provide information about what the


 23   experience has been with other events of that


 24   nature.


 25             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Dr. Santana, if I may




  1   just respond to the initial suggestion, and I want


  2   to thank Dr. Grillo-Lopez, one of the reasons you


  3   are at the table is to provide that.  Previously at


  4   the meetings of this committee we had multiple


  5   representatives from the pharmaceutical industry


  6   and had routinely asked for presentations but there


  7   was a policy decision made outside the group that


  8   you see here today to restrict that.  So, since you


  9   are new to the process--had you been involved


 10   earlier you would have seen what you are


 11   suggesting--maybe you can help us restore that


 12   previous mode of interaction because we found it


 13   helpful also.


 14             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Yes, that was an


 15   unfortunate decision and I, of course, didn't know


 16   about that.  I think it is a three-legged stool or


 17   a triangle, as you were saying, with the


 18   participation, on the one hand, of the NCI and


 19   cooperative groups particularly, individual


 20   academic institutions and the pharmaceutical


 21   industry as sponsors in conducting research.  We


 22   should not forget that third leg of the stool


 23   because a lot of the research that is conducted


 24   with new agents particularly is sponsored by the


 25   pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical




  1   industry holds the databases for the results of


  2   that research, and one particular institution may


  3   have had a lot of experience with a new agent but


  4   not necessarily all of the experience because many


  5   other institutions might be participating and they


  6   may not be communicating between themselves but


  7   certainly the database of the pharmaceutical


  8   company holds all of that information.


  9             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Adamson?


 10             DR. ADAMSON:  A couple of comments, first,


 11   I want people to be aware that what Dr. Santana


 12   presented, which I think is something academic


 13   institutions should strive for, is not the norm.


 14   Most institutions are many steps behind what St.


 15   Jude has done and is capable of doing, and in most


 16   institutions what you are looking at are piles and


 17   piles of paper.  So, your colleagues are to be


 18   commended on beginning to address what is a problem


 19   for all academic institutions.


 20             I wanted to comment that I think the


 21   current SAE and AE mechanism--and this will echo


 22   and build upon what Victor said--has some


 23   significant flaws.  I mean, we can be inundated


 24   with reports that we cannot interpret, and what I


 25   would say is that the large majority of external




  1   reports, when it comes to the cover letter,


  2   "because of regulation blah, blah, blah, you are


  3   required to submit this to your IRB"--the large


  4   majority of those reports, as a member of an IRB as


  5   well as an investigator, one cannot interpret.  It


  6   gets down to knowing the denominator and you said


  7   there are large databases but the problem is you


  8   need real-time access to that database in order to


  9   interpret it.  There is too large a line of these


 10   reports coming in for the investigator to call and


 11   track down every report--is this relevant?  Has the


 12   risk/benefit ratio really changed for my patient?


 13             Rick said earlier we should try to focus


 14   on pediatrics so I will.  As one moves


 15   forward--because this is the problem and it is not


 16   limited to pediatrics but is a problem across the


 17   board that one can't interpret the large majority


 18   of these reports and we are fooling ourselves if we


 19   think simply by submitting the document to the IRB


 20   you have fulfilled your obligation.  That is not


 21   improving patient safety.  You may have fulfilled


 22   the regulatory obligation but you have done nothing


 23   to improve patient safety.  We need access to the


 24   type of data you referred to that industry has to


 25   interpret this.




  1             To focus on pediatrics, I will give you an


  2   example.  We did an industry-sponsored study and


  3   there were many studies of this investigational


  4   agent.  The large majority of reports were about


  5   myocardial infarction in a 76 year-old.  That is


  6   important but it is not particularly relevant to


  7   the pediatric population.  So, when we move forward


  8   and ask for data, I think we need to have some


  9   depth to that data, that is, not only the frequency


 10   of the event but somehow to categorize what


 11   population that event is occurring in.  Because if


 12   an event is occurring in a 30 year-old--and my mark


 13   of what I think is young is continually shifting


 14   upwards--


 15             [Laughter]


 16             --but if an event were to occur in a 30


 17   year-old you might spend a little more time looking


 18   at that event as far as, you know, was it a


 19   cardiovascular event relative to someone who is


 20   more elderly.  So, I would hope that one looks at


 21   the regulations and makes it that you don't just


 22   send the report, but the report has to be in


 23   context and the context is what is happening


 24   globally with the safety of this drug, focusing on


 25   its particular toxicity, but within that have the




  1   depth to say this is the breakdown of the


  2   population that we are looking at.  I mean, you


  3   don't need to get it down to all 12 year-olds, all


  4   13 year-olds or all 20 year-olds but give us some


  5   sense of what is happening.  Otherwise, I don't


  6   think we are doing anything for patient safety in a


  7   meaningful way for the large majority of these


  8   reports.


  9             DR. KODISH:  This is Eric, in Cleveland.


 10   I hope my timing is okay and you can hear me.


 11             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, Eric, go ahead.


 12             DR. KODISH:  Thanks.  I want to add an


 13   idea to Peter's idea which I think is very


 14   important and relates to the point I was trying to


 15   make about regulation actually harming patient


 16   safety on some level.


 17             A 76 year-old who has a myocardial


 18   infarction on a drug that we are testing in a


 19   pediatric population compared to a 30 year-old


 20   compared to a 20 year-old I think gives us the


 21   ability to maybe, rather than contextualize which


 22   would be great--ut maybe a more simple idea is to


 23   provide some sort of sorting function so that we


 24   are not just, for regulatory or prevention of


 25   litigation, trying to download all of these reports




  1   to our IRBs to say that we have fulfilled


  2   regulatory requirements, but that at some level


  3   there could be a sorting function so that the


  4   events that are going to be relevant to children


  5   are presorted, if you will, and not disseminated


  6   across the country automatically. I think we do


  7   need to be concerned about the paradoxical effect


  8   of everyone feeling that because we have filed all


  9   these adverse event reports that everything is


 10   going to be okay.


 11             DR. SANTANA:  Eric, just to play devil's


 12   advocate with your comment and Peter's comment, who


 13   defines what is relevant to our population?  It is


 14   us.  And, I think that is probably why we are here


 15   today.  We have to define in our studies, either


 16   prospectively when the study is being created based


 17   on what we know about the agent or whatever is


 18   going to happen in the study or during the conduct


 19   of the study as we review things--we are the ones


 20   that have to define what triggers that it is a


 21   pediatric issue that we need to address.  If not,


 22   then we just rely on these big data warehouses that


 23   have data that are not relevant, but we have to


 24   define the relevance up front or during the conduct


 25   of the study.




  1             DR. KODISH:  I agree with that and I think


  2   that maybe the discussion could focus on how we


  3   sort those that are and those that aren't, maybe


  4   starting with something as simple as an age


  5   cut-off.


  6             DR. SANTANA:  Well, one of the things that


  7   Barry mentioned in his presentation, and in


  8   retrospect I wish he had given more discussion to


  9   his point, was this issue of how some of the


 10   consortia--and it is the PBTC Phase I group or


 11   maybe it is the COG--that those committees


 12   electronically and telephonically and through


 13   computers meet on a regular basis and they review


 14   real-time data of those patients that are on Phase


 15   I studies.  I presume, and I think correctly so,


 16   that there also is, as part of that review, the


 17   toxicity and the adverse events occurring in those


 18   patients.  So, that whole arm of this process,


 19   which we didn't discuss in great detail, I think is


 20   very strong because it relies in part on the


 21   research team to very actively monitor this in


 22   their own hands.


 23             We have to have checks and balances


 24   through other groups too but the beauty of that is


 25   that it allows the research team who is actually




  1   conducting the research in real time to be able to


  2   communicate and evaluate these and then


  3   prospectively, even as the study is being


  4   conducted, define what are the parameters that


  5   trigger the normative data that we are looking for


  6   because in reality it is an experiment.  Until we


  7   do it we are really not going to know the whole


  8   scope of things that may happen.  We kind of can


  9   predict based on what are the things that may


 10   happen or what are the things that would really


 11   worry us.  Right?  If somebody dies we all worry,


 12   or if something unexpected occurs we all worry.


 13   But for the majority of things, things are


 14   happening and it creates a lot of noise.  I agree


 15   with you, Peter, it creates a lot of noise.  So, I


 16   think we have to go back to the research team and


 17   address what their role and responsibility is to


 18   help us at the other end figure out how this data


 19   may be interpreted or may be incorporated.


 20             DR. ADAMSON:  I think you are right.


 21   Phase I, in many respects, is somewhat easier


 22   because the data is being monitored in real time


 23   and the numbers are small.  I think it is a


 24   multi-level process.  It begins with the treating


 25   institution and the team at that institution




  1   recognizing and identifying the event and reporting


  2   it to the study principal investigator.


  3             What we do in our consortium is once it is


  4   to the study investigator it immediately comes to


  5   us and then on a weekly basis all the events on


  6   every study are reviewed.  What we have the ability


  7   to do and what we focus on is that we don't just


  8   look at the serious ones because the serious ones


  9   are usually pretty straightforward.  We look at the


 10   non-serious toxicities to look for trends because


 11   we are doing a dose escalation and so we want to


 12   know.  Okay, we are starting to see some grade 2s


 13   in an area that wasn't described that are not


 14   triggering any alarms but, in fact, maybe we need


 15   to do more careful monitoring of hepatic function


 16   because we are seeing a lower level of toxicity.


 17   So, it is a multi-level review but we have the


 18   ability to look at all the toxicities on a study as


 19   a function of dose, as a function of severity and


 20   that gives us the context to interpret it.


 21             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo and then Dr.


 22   Carome.


 23             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I find that we are


 24   talking about adverse events in general but also


 25   about serious adverse events and perhaps not always




  1   making a distinction about the different reporting


  2   requirements for those.  Certainly, in the


  3   pharmaceutical industry we collect each and every


  4   adverse event but the reporting requirements are


  5   different if it is a serious adverse event.  It


  6   might help if someone from the FDA would just


  7   summarize what the requirements are for reporting


  8   to an IRB and reporting to the FDA.


  9             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  The definitions are


 10   essentially ICH definitions, International


 11   Conference on Harmonization, that the FDA adopts.


 12   The requirement essentially is if it is serious an


 13   unexpected according to both triggers, then there


 14   has to be what is called a rapid report filed.


 15   That can be filed by a number of mechanisms.  The


 16   time frame typically is within 15 days and


 17   sometimes, depending on the circumstance, can be 7


 18   days.  But that is still not what could be called


 19   real time.  It is essentially informing.  All other


 20   adverse events do not have to be reported to the


 21   FDA, other than in the annual reports which are


 22   required.  The annual reports are due within 90


 23   days of the initial filing of the IND.


 24             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  How about to IRBs?


 25             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  The IRB requirements work




  1   on multiple levels.  So, the IRB can set their own


  2   policy but in the FDA regulations, in 21 CFR 50,


  3   the reporting requirements for IRBs parallel those


  4   of reporting to the FDA.


  5             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  If I may, in that vein


  6   I would make the point that we have to be very


  7   precise, very specific and very timely in reporting


  8   serious an unexpected adverse events.  At the other


  9   extreme, there is a multitude of minor events that


 10   are still adverse events and need to be in the


 11   database at some point without creating this


 12   backlog, this bureaucratic mass of paper and


 13   electronic data coming at you without denominators,


 14   which doesn't make much sense at any one given


 15   point in time for one patient.


 16             However, many times we find at the end of


 17   the development of a new therapeutic that when we


 18   have to put together the documentation to submit to


 19   the FDA, one of the things that we, in industry,


 20   have to do is to do an analysis across all of the


 21   experience with that agent, Phase I, II, III, all


 22   of the studies ever done, which is called the


 23   integrated summary of safety.  Many times it is


 24   only then that certain trends become significant


 25   that were not significant earlier on when you only




  1   had the Phase I or the Phase II experience.  That


  2   is why it is important to report each and every


  3   adverse event but not necessarily make it a


  4   bureaucratic jungle where you just get so entangled


  5   in paper and data that it doesn't make sense at any


  6   one given point in time.


  7             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo, you represent


  8   the pharmaceutical aspects of this.  As somebody


  9   from that group specifically focusing on pediatric


 10   oncology issues, how would you advise your group of


 11   things that we need to have access to, and in what


 12   time lines would you advise your group that we need


 13   to have access to those data so that we can


 14   complement that with what we want to do?


 15             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I may not be the right


 16   person to respond to that question because I am an


 17   adult oncologist, not pediatric oncologist.  In


 18   fact, in over 20 years in industry, I never did a


 19   pediatric study, ever.  So, I have zero experience


 20   and I have to be the first one to admit to that,


 21   other than my rotation through pediatric oncology


 22   when I was a fellow.


 23             But I think there is a variety of ways and


 24   systems and procedures that the pharmaceutical


 25   industry utilizes to follow-up, collect and be able




  1   to analyze adverse events.  It begins with the case


  2   report forms coming in from the different sites


  3   participating in a multicenter study.  I can tell


  4   you that for all of the studies that I was ever


  5   related with, I would personally look at each and


  6   every piece of paper coming in from the different


  7   sites, or the safety officer responsible within my


  8   group would do that even before it went into the


  9   database.  So, if there was a major red flag that


 10   was apparent even just from the experience in one


 11   patient, we would see that.  Of course, immediately


 12   that was entered into the database and periodically


 13   we would print out tabulations that would indicate


 14   if there was any trend that was becoming obvious.


 15             So, there is a variety of checks and


 16   balances that are in place within the


 17   pharmaceutical industry to follow-up on these


 18   issues.  Again, I would suggest that investigators


 19   who are participating in multicenter pharmaceutical


 20   industry sponsored studies, that their point of


 21   access or one point of access might be the project


 22   clinician within the pharmaceutical company who is


 23   the person responsible and/or the safety officer


 24   within that company when issues arise or questions


 25   arise regarding a specific adverse event.




  1             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Carome?


  2             DR. CAROME:  I will just note a couple of


  3   things.  I think it is important for this


  4   subcommittee to be aware that this discussion is


  5   occurring elsewhere.  The Secretary's Advisory


  6   Committee on Human Research Protections had a panel


  7   on adverse event reporting and they are going to


  8   continue that discussion at their next meeting.


  9   They had a panel in December and they are going to


 10   continue the discussion in their March meeting,


 11   coming up in a couple of weeks.  And the discussion


 12   is exactly the same.  I mean, the types of comments


 13   being articulated are verbatim what you hear


 14   repeatedly.


 15             I think the Department recognizes that


 16   there is a need to make adverse event reporting


 17   more meaningful and less burdensome in order to


 18   better protect human subjects, and there are


 19   ongoing discussions between our office, the FDA,


 20   NIH and other federal departments and agencies on


 21   how best to do that.  So, it is recognized to be a


 22   problem and developing strategies is complex but we


 23   believe important.


 24             If you look at our regulations, just the


 25   HHS regulations CFR 46, there is no adverse event




  1   reporting requirement.  There is a requirement for


  2   reporting what are called unanticipated problems


  3   involving risk to others.  It is our view that most


  4   adverse events that occur in clinical trials do not


  5   fall into that category and, therefore, under our


  6   regulations the vast majority of adverse event


  7   reports do not need to be reported under our


  8   regulations.  Those that we particularly care


  9   about, and we have articulated this at the


 10   Secretary's advisory committee in December, are


 11   those that represent unexpected, serious harms to


 12   subjects, which are words that come from another


 13   part of our regulation.  Those are the types of


 14   events we think should get to IRBs and that we care


 15   most about.


 16             DR. SANTANA:  So, Mike, where do you think


 17   the confusion comes that all these reports are


 18   being generated and submitted to IRBs?  Where do


 19   you think the communication breakdown is in terms


 20   of what the regulatory agencies want versus what


 21   the sponsors or we, as investigators, see that you


 22   guys want and need to comply with?


 23             DR. CAROME:  There are probably multiple


 24   reasons.  It is clear to us, and I think to others,


 25   that the greatest burden comes from these external




  1   adverse events that don't occur at your site but,


  2   because we do research at multiple sites, the


  3   sponsors deliver those reports or ask that they be


  4   delivered to the investigators at all sites.  So,


  5   now we have 100 IRBs maybe receiving the same event


  6   so it is those external events that are being


  7   multiplied to multiple IRBs where the burden has


  8   been articulated to us as being most severe, and if


  9   the letter reads that under the regulations you


 10   must deliver these to your IRB, that is certainly


 11   one source.  It is not our regulations that are


 12   demanding that and I would posit that a close look


 13   at the FDA regulations probably doesn't justify all


 14   those events going to the IRB as well.  But FDA


 15   would have to comment on that.  So, that is one.


 16             I think it is driven by fears of


 17   litigation liability.  You know, who makes this


 18   initial assessment about unexpected and serious?


 19   We think that at one level the sponsor and the


 20   investigator can be doing that.  There are some who


 21   think those are conflicted parties and maybe we


 22   need an independent body making those decisions so


 23   people are driven to having an independent body be


 24   the IRB looking at them.  So, I think there are


 25   multiple reasons.  Those are a couple that I would




  1   highlight as perhaps driving it.


  2             DR. SANTANA:  Rick, do you want to comment


  3   on the FDA?


  4             DR. PAZDUR:  Well, I just want to comment


  5   in general.  Could there be attempts to try to give


  6   investigators more guidance on specifically what


  7   needs to be reported?  I think there is a tendency


  8   to report a lot to cover oneself because we don't


  9   have good guidance on exactly what those words


 10   mean.  Maybe we need to look into that.  You know,


 11   if you go over your phrase that you gave, there is


 12   a lot of interpretation here and somebody could say


 13   that it might be the index case; they are not even


 14   sure of the attribution issue, and I wonder if we


 15   really need to give more guidance to perhaps cut


 16   down on some of this.  I don't know, do you want to


 17   comment on that?


 18             DR. CAROME:  I think for us, we believe


 19   guidance is essential and it is the most important


 20   step.  We have had discussions with FDA.  We are


 21   prepared to draft guidance that articulates in more


 22   detail what I just articulated to you and I


 23   previously articulated at the Secretary's Advisory


 24   Committee on Human Research Protections in


 25   December.  But we think, yes, guidance is the




  1   important step.  We think because adverse events


  2   are primarily referenced in FDA regulations the


  3   guidance needs to come out of both of our offices


  4   or entities.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Smith, I think you had


  6   your hand up?


  7             DR. SMITH:  One point, and, Victor, I


  8   think you made it, there is over-reporting of


  9   adverse events, expedited adverse events, despite


 10   FDA's stated requirements, despite their statements


 11   in protocols of what does require expedited


 12   reporting.  So, I think one of the initiatives that


 13   we want to undertake in the next few months is an


 14   educational initiative to try to limit the


 15   over-reporting of things that, in fact, just do not


 16   require regulatory reporting.  So, this will


 17   decrease some of the burden at the institutional


 18   level.


 19             It doesn't address the issue, however,


 20   that Peter raised about when you get a letter from


 21   a company saying that this event occurred.  I


 22   wonder if there is a role for the Phase I


 23   Consortium itself or the COG itself to play the


 24   filter role that Eric Kodish was talking about in


 25   terms of saying we have reviewed this, and our




  1   recommendation to IRBs, when they look at it, is to


  2   say this isn't applicable for pediatrics.


  3             DR. ADAMSON:  We are actually now doing


  4   that, Malcolm, when it comes, you know, a COG


  5   trial.  When we disseminate it we usually give a


  6   recommendation that, in our view, this does not


  7   change risk/benefit or, in our view, it does change


  8   the risk/benefit ratio and it should be reported.


  9   So, we try to put it into context but, of course,


 10   every investigator has the ability to interpret the


 11   data and make their own decisions.


 12             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Przepiorka, you had your


 13   hand up?


 14             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Yes, I clearly remember


 15   sitting through multiple discussions at the


 16   initiation site visits with sponsors regarding the


 17   definition of an SAE, and I recall a few years ago,


 18   after the incident at Penn and the FDA sent that


 19   Webcast to all the academic institutions with a


 20   long, drawn-out discussion on what is an SAE, and I


 21   sat here and I think we listed them, although I


 22   didn't see them on any of the slides this morning.


 23   I won't go through them but I don't see any that is


 24   very specific to pediatrics and I am wondering if


 25   there is any SAE that should be added to the list




  1   specifically for pediatric groups.  I am thinking


  2   about long-term cognitive dysfunction or something


  3   like that.


  4             DR. SANTANA:  Ruth?


  5             MS. HOFFMAN:  I was just going to mention


  6   that I sit on the IRB at Children's National


  7   Medical Center, as well as the DSMB board there,


  8   and from a lay perspective it is very difficult to


  9   get lay people to continue with the responsibility


 10   because of the burden of time commitment.  There is


 11   no monetary compensation.  I don't get paid and I


 12   am not an employee of Children's National Medical


 13   Center.  I spend three days a month totally related


 14   to IRB-related work between the protocols and the


 15   SAEs and AEs.  I mean, it is just a stack of paper


 16   and usually the check-off is that the AE has


 17   nothing to do with the protocol at all and, you


 18   know, maybe you can eliminate that whole column


 19   and, again, reduce the workload.  But, I mean, they


 20   have a very hard time to even recruit members from


 21   the community and that is a requirement of the HHS,


 22   to have a lay person on the committee.  So, the


 23   guidance document would be great.  It would


 24   certainly help from our perspective as well.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo-Lopez?




  1             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I would suggest that


  2   further guidance is not necessary, that what we


  3   need is education.  The guidance that is already


  4   provided by the FDA is very specific and very clear


  5   as to what is a serious and unexpected adverse


  6   event, and what we need is for those involved in


  7   research, and particularly at the IRB level, to


  8   have an understanding of what that means.  I think


  9   it is education.  Generating one more document to


 10   file away does not help anyone.


 11             DR. SANTANA:  Peter?


 12             DR. ADAMSON:  I agree that the FDA


 13   guidance on the definition of an SAE is clear.


 14   What I think the point is, is that it is not


 15   particularly functional in that it is generating an


 16   incredible amount of paperwork for institutions.


 17   What we get are, indeed, SAEs by the definition.


 18   That information I don't think is improving patient


 19   safety and that is why I would actually agree that


 20   we need to re-look at what we are requiring to be


 21   reported to IRBs across the country because it is


 22   not only a multi-institutional trial, it is when


 23   you have multiple trials of an investigational drug


 24   that affects all those trials.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Keegan?




  1             DR. KEEGAN:  Yes, I was wondering if we


  2   could go back to the concept that was discussed


  3   before about having a central body that looks at


  4   all the adverse events because, as you say, every


  5   individual institution is going to be unable to


  6   look at a single adverse event out of context with


  7   the rest of the data.  So, to what extent are there


  8   really plans in place to have a central point that


  9   has all the data that could make reasonable


 10   interpretations that have people with the


 11   background information who could interpret the


 12   adverse event information in the context of animal


 13   and nonclinical studies and other things to make


 14   relevant decisions?  Because you mentioned that in


 15   the instance of the consortium but it doesn't seem


 16   that that is a general theme.  To some extent, I


 17   don't think any one individual is ever going to be


 18   able to make a conclusion on the index case but we


 19   certainly can't ignore the index cases because that


 20   also puts patients at risk.


 21             DR. SANTANA:  Patricia, in follow-up to


 22   that comment, what kind of body were you thinking


 23   of?  What ideal body, if you had to come up with


 24   that, would you propose?


 25             DR. KEEGAN:  Well, it sounds like that is




  1   sort of the model that the consortia are working on


  2   and I thought maybe there could be more discussion


  3   of whether it could be that sort of model, where


  4   the consortium looks at adverse events and then


  5   sends out their interpretation as a central


  6   repository analysis, much like a medical monitor


  7   would do at a drug company to perform that same


  8   function.


  9             DR. ADAMSON:  Well, I think it is easier


 10   for smaller studies, and the key thing is you have


 11   access to all the data.  So, when we do an


 12   NCI-sponsored study where the NCI is cross-filed


 13   there is a drug monitor at the NCI that has access


 14   to all the data and, in fact--correct me if I am


 15   wrong, Barry--usually when an AE comes out there


 16   also is a recommendation of an interpretation when


 17   it happens.  I can't say that is the case uniformly


 18   for industry-sponsored trials.  But the multiplying


 19   effect I think is a difficult effect for when


 20   events are occurring really that are distantly


 21   related to the study that you are doing.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  I think the advantage that


 23   we have in pediatric oncology is that it is a


 24   smaller universe and most pediatric, if not all


 25   pediatric oncology studies are really conducted in




  1   the list that Barry showed, plus a few others.


  2   Right?  So, we are a much smaller universe so that


  3   if we adopted a model similar to what is happening


  4   in the Phase I consortium and expanded that to all


  5   the participants in those groups because it is a


  6   small universe, we could at least set that model


  7   and see if it works for us.  Because that is what


  8   we are really here for, right?  For pediatric


  9   oncology, not to ignore or belittle the other


 10   important issues that are occurring with adults but


 11   we have that advantage and maybe we should think of


 12   that model as a test case for reviewing adverse


 13   event reports to make it more functional and


 14   timely.


 15             To me, the issue is time.  So, what if


 16   something happened six months ago?  It doesn't help


 17   my patient who is on the study now.  Right?  So,


 18   maybe we have that advantage.  We are a small


 19   group.  Malcolm?


 20             DR. SMITH:  The other possibility is, Pat,


 21   we are at the earliest stages of setting up a


 22   pediatric central IRB and so, you know, could that


 23   be a body that is somehow constituted so that it


 24   could play that role nationwide and then other IRBs


 25   could use that information if they chose to?




  1             DR. SANTANA:  Since you raised the issue I


  2   am going to try to explore it a little bit further.


  3   There has been some recent discussion I think in


  4   some of the things I have been reading about


  5   whether DSMB should play some of this role.  Do you


  6   want to comment on that?


  7             DR. PAZDUR:  I would just say that I had a


  8   side conversation with Susan, here, and one of the


  9   issues is that usually DSMBs are single trials.


 10   Now, would one consider, for example, kind of a


 11   super-DSMB not for the trial but for the drug that


 12   is being investigated by a commercial sponsor?


 13   Could a commercial sponsor, for example, if they


 14   are investigating drug X in, you know, 50 diseases


 15   in pediatrics, in geriatrics, and whatever, to have


 16   a coordinating center to look at this and then


 17   issue some type of report on these individual


 18   toxicities?


 19             Again, I understand exactly where Peter is


 20   coming from and the comments, having been there.


 21   You know, you get all this morass of information


 22   which is almost useless because nobody knows what


 23   to do about it and we are just generating paperwork


 24   with a pretense basically that we are doing


 25   something to further not only children but also




  1   adult clinical trials.


  2             Here again, you know, although we are


  3   talking about pediatrics, this does have obviously


  4   ramifications for adult medicine and adult clinical


  5   trials.  Although we may want to kind of say, well,


  6   some of the adult toxicities may not protect for


  7   what may go on into childhood toxicity, again, that


  8   is another level of clinical judgment and


  9   subjectivity that comes into play here.  Many of


 10   these drugs, especially with the IRBs, are not


 11   solely being looked at in children.  In many of


 12   your hospitals, since you practice exclusively in


 13   children's hospitals, that may be the case and your


 14   interest may be in that group, but for a garden


 15   variety IRB at a university hospital they may have


 16   ongoing studies in adults with breast cancer, colon


 17   cancer and pediatrics.  So, they need to look at


 18   this so it isn't that helpful sometimes to the


 19   larger IRBs, the university IRBs.


 20             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Reynolds, you had a


 21   comment?


 22             DR. REYNOLDS:  I wanted to make it clear


 23   that the DSMB process is a little different in the


 24   pediatric setting.  You have one for your


 25   consortia, don't you, that look at all the studies




  1   that are going on and that are not specific to a


  2   drug.  But I think taking that in the context of


  3   what we are hearing from Ruth, and I hear this


  4   continually from a lot of people, the burden that


  5   is placed on the IRBs at the institutional level is


  6   substantial.


  7             Just taking a round number of 20


  8   institutions in your consortia, Peter, you have 20


  9   different IRBs looking at each one of these adverse


 10   events.  How many people are on each of those IRBs?


 11   Certainly, the total number far exceeds the number


 12   of patients on a study by an order of magnitude or


 13   two.  So, it is that process, yet we have a


 14   centralized DSMB process.  So the real central


 15   issue though comes down to the responsibility that


 16   the IRBs have under the regulations to be the


 17   ultimate and final arbitrator of whether or not


 18   this is going to be safe and appropriate for the


 19   patients in their institution.


 20             Somehow we need to use the word that I


 21   first learned in the context of Steve Hirschfeld,


 22   "harmonization."  I see it over and over again with


 23   the regulations you are harmonizing.  I think we


 24   need to somehow harmonize this process so that we


 25   can then decrease the workload for these poor




  1   people in the IRBs that, as you have heard, are


  2   volunteering their time and they are a precious


  3   resource that we could exhaust and then we wouldn't


  4   have anymore volunteers.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  I want to follow-up on a


  6   comment related to the previous issue of whether


  7   there should be another body that could help us


  8   review these things and probably give better


  9   knowledge to practicing oncologists.  You know, one


 10   of the concerns I always have about creating


 11   another body is that you don't destroy mass; it


 12   doesn't go away; you are just shifting it to


 13   another group.  If we do that, I think we run the


 14   same risk without clear guidance of what that group


 15   needs to be doing.  They are going to be getting


 16   the same paperwork we are getting now.  So, unless


 17   there is guidance at the first step, which is let's


 18   clearly define what we should be looking at and


 19   streamline that, it doesn't really matter where it


 20   goes to, whether it goes to an IRB, to a DSMB or to


 21   another group or another consortium.


 22             I think that may solve part of the problem


 23   but it is really shifting a little bit of the


 24   responsibility and what I want to get at is that we


 25   should probably encourage ourselves more to define




  1   the responsibility and the process rather than


  2   creating another group.  That is just a general


  3   comment.  It is not meant to be a criticism.  It is


  4   just something we need to think about.


  5             DR. KEEGAN:  Actually, going towards


  6   that--what you say, it doesn't help to create


  7   another group that is duplicating effort so it


  8   would only be effective if, in fact, the other


  9   groups then would agree to accept the information


 10   provided by the central group.  So, I think that


 11   has been the issue with central IRBs all along.


 12   While IRBs are crying out that they are


 13   overwhelmed, yet, they also refuse to defer that


 14   part of their responsibility to another group or to


 15   a central IRB.  Do you think that for a central


 16   pediatric IRB there is more willingness to do that,


 17   Malcolm?  I mean, are they willing to say, okay, we


 18   will allow somebody who is going to make an


 19   integrated analysis to do that and we will accept


 20   their judgment?


 21             DR. SMITH:  It will vary by institution.


 22   You know, the adult IRB has a facilitated review


 23   process and when a local IRB accepts the central


 24   IRB as the IRB of record, then the central IRB is


 25   responsible for the review of the adverse events




  1   relevant to that study.  In pediatrics, based on a


  2   survey that the Children's Oncology Group did,


  3   there is a high level of interest in a central


  4   pediatric IRB, both among PIs as well as among IRB


  5   chairs.  But when it comes to implementation, some


  6   institutions will accept it wholeheartedly and some


  7   won't.  But those who do will certainly be saving


  8   in terms of the effort expended on this.


  9             DR. SANTANA:  Peter, one last question.


 10             DR. ADAMSON:  I just wanted to follow-up


 11   on that.  So, it is not only the IRBs who are


 12   sometimes unwilling to give up the ability, it is


 13   the institution.  The institution more often than


 14   not will actually tell the IRB, you know what, we


 15   need an independent IRB; we are not going to accept


 16   it.  So, they may even take it out of the hands of


 17   the IRB as far as whether they are willing to or


 18   not.  So, IRBs are looking for ways to cut down


 19   their own work but it is not always coming to them.


 20             DR. SANTANA:  With that final


 21   comment--Ramzi, I will defer to you.


 22             DR. DAGHER:  Just very briefly, you seem


 23   to have identified a sense of challenges in terms


 24   of the filtering.  One is how to decide how


 25   relevant an adverse event is, and that is not




  1   really just specific to pediatric oncology or


  2   oncology, for that matter.  The second one, which


  3   Peter Adamson was trying to focus on, is how do you


  4   filter out the adult oncology experience or other


  5   experience that is submitted to you in terms of how


  6   relevant that is or isn't to the pediatric oncology


  7   setting.


  8             Now, you mentioned age and the nature of


  9   the adverse event.  Those are two potential


 10   criteria.  I am curious to know, and probably we


 11   will get into this more in answering the questions


 12   from Peter Adamson, Victor or others who have dealt


 13   with this, what criteria do you use in making


 14   decisions about filtering the adult oncology


 15   reported events and deciding how relevant they are


 16   to your specific studies?


 17             DR. SANTANA:  I think with that question


 18   we will go ahead and try to address the questions


 19   for the committee because I think we will cover


 20   that.


 21             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Can I just ask one more


 22   question?


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, Donna?


 24             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  You had indicated that,


 25   if I recall, your institution does not take




  1   patients off protocol so that you get long-term


  2   follow-up.  I was wondering if you thought that was


  3   appropriate for everybody to be doing in the


  4   pediatric population or if there is some time


  5   limit, like by age 35 we are not going to look


  6   anymore, or something like that?


  7             DR. SANTANA:  Well, if we are conducting


  8   active research on those patients, those patients


  9   would come off their primary therapeutic protocol


 10   and get enrolled on a non-therapeutic protocol,


 11   which is an umbrella protocol we have for long-term


 12   follow-up.  So, they would still be research


 13   participants and we are collecting data on


 14   long-term effects, survival and things like that.


 15   So, the patient would come off the primary


 16   therapeutic protocol once they are transitioned


 17   into the long-term follow-up protocol on which


 18   research is being conducted.  So, those active


 19   protocols will not show up in the reporter but the


 20   long-term follow-up will show up in the reporter


 21   for that patient.


 22                     Questions for Discussion


 23             Let's go ahead and try to address the


 24   questions that we have before us.  Just for the


 25   purpose of the minutes and the documents, I will go




  1   ahead and read the questions to the committee, the


  2   introduction, and then we will take one question at


  3   a time.


  4             The tolerance for risk in cancer


  5   therapeutics is different than for most other


  6   medical therapies.  It is also recognized that


  7   children are a particularly vulnerable population


  8   and regulations and procedures have been


  9   implemented to provide protection to children


 10   participating in clinical research.  The following


 11   questions relate to the setting of children with


 12   cancer participating in clinical trials.


 13             Under the heading of "principles" the


 14   question is, what are the principles that should be


 15   addressed in safety monitoring of clinical studies


 16   that enroll children with cancer?  If the


 17   principles are adequately stated in existing


 18   documents, statutes or regulations, please identify


 19   the relevant documents and sections.


 20             Barry or Malcolm, from the NCI


 21   perspective, do you have any comments on existing


 22   regulations or documents that we could reference


 23   to?


 24             DR. ANDERSON:  In terms of the DSMBs, the


 25   composition of DSMBs, that sort of information is




  1   provided in OHRP.  In terms of the frequency of


  2   monitoring and the exact nature of the monitoring,


  3   what is monitored which is part of the discussion


  4   we had, I don't know that that is laid out as


  5   clearly.  We have guidelines that we work with at


  6   CTEP and NCI but I don't know that that is in


  7   regulatory form at all.


  8             DR. SMITH:  Yes, there is the overall


  9   policy on data monitoring.  That is really not very


 10   prescriptive in terms of here is what you have to


 11   review; here is how often you have to look at it;


 12   and here is, you know, who should be looking at it.


 13   It says you need to have a plan but it is not very


 14   prescriptive in terms of what the plan is.  Each of


 15   the institutions has their own data and safety


 16   monitoring plans, particularly for Phase III


 17   trials, and those tend to be more prescriptive and


 18   detailed in terms of what is happening.  But in


 19   terms of early phase trials, you know, I am not


 20   aware of kind of NIH-generated documents that


 21   provide detail about what, how, when and where this


 22   needs to be done.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Go ahead, Barry.


 24             DR. ANDERSON:  And having been on the


 25   panel of people who looked at the cancer center




  1   data and safety monitoring plans that they had to


  2   submit, previously I think a lot of people would


  3   recognize that for early phase studies it was the


  4   investigator and their research nurse that looked


  5   over the data with the most frequency.  A lot of


  6   times I think there was not a lot of oversight from


  7   outside of that small group.  It was clear from


  8   looking at the different cancer centers that there


  9   is a huge spectrum of what in reality they were


 10   doing and when you told them, you know, you need to


 11   formalize this what they presented us with what


 12   they thought were acceptable approaches.  From our


 13   point of view, we had these essential elements to


 14   work from but they are very general and it took us


 15   a while to kind of gear up to say here is exactly


 16   what we think--well, not exactly but here is a


 17   range of possibilities that are acceptable as an


 18   approach, and I think it does vary by the type of


 19   study that is actually being considered.  That was


 20   one of the criteria, for Phase I studies we would


 21   do this; for pilots, this.  For Phase II and Phase


 22   III there were different levels of monitoring that


 23   seemed to be appropriate for each of those, both in


 24   terms of the type of monitoring and the frequency


 25   of kind of review of the data and that type of




  1   thing.


  2             DR. SANTANA:  As a follow-up to that, in


  3   the non-NCI cancer center umbrella, all the other


  4   groups that NCI supports like the consortia, are


  5   there also specific requirements for DSMB plans for


  6   those consortia?


  7             DR. SMITH:  The overall NIH requirements


  8   apply to all NIH-sponsored research.  Again, those


  9   require a data monitoring plan, not a particular


 10   form that that plan has to take for implementation.


 11   I guess one question here is does FDA want kind of


 12   the form and the details, or is it a question of


 13   principles, you know, whatever the plan is, it


 14   should adhere to these principles?


 15             DR. SANTANA:  I think with that comment, I


 16   will ask Eric--are you still on the line?


 17             DR. KODISH:  I am here.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  Eric, can you comment on


 19   that in trying to address the issue of global


 20   principles, other than specific detail?


 21             DR. KODISH:  I would opt for flexibility--


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Eric, can you speak just a


 23   little bit louder, please?


 24             DR. KODISH:  Yes.  I would argue for


 25   flexibility.  I think that the different contexts




  1   of the particular clinical trials involving


  2   children with cancer that we are talking about


  3   would dictate that it makes more sense to allow a


  4   plan based on principles, such as beneficence or


  5   such as filtering serious adverse events compared


  6   to those that are not as impactful, and I wouldn't


  7   try to prescribe the format so much.  That would


  8   lead to bureaucratization that could actually


  9   paradoxically harm the ethical importance of


 10   research.


 11             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I would like a


 12   clarification from Dr. Kodish.  So, would you then


 13   say that the principles of, let's say, beneficence


 14   and respect contained in the Belmont report and the


 15   principles that are annunciated in the ICH


 16   documents, for instance particularly the one that


 17   applies to pediatric research, E11, are a


 18   sufficient statement of the principles?


 19             DR. KODISH:  I would.


 20             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I think we can move on.


 21             DR. SANTANA:  Before we get to that


 22   question though, because I want to make sure that


 23   we cover the whole loop of this point, do


 24   pharmaceutical sponsors in their DSMB plans have


 25   any specific requirements for pediatrics, or are




  1   pediatrics dealt with in monitoring plans as the


  2   greater universe of adults?  Or has that ever been


  3   discussed, that they should develop specific plans


  4   for pediatrics?


  5             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Not to my knowledge


  6   but, again, I may not be the best person to address


  7   that.  On the other hand, I would like to comment


  8   on the subject of DSMBs because I would not like


  9   the FDA to come away from this meeting thinking


 10   that there is an endorsement for DSMBs to be


 11   required and/or regulated in any way, shape or


 12   form.  I think that there may be a need for some


 13   consensus agreement at the level of professional


 14   societies, the NIH and so on, on how different


 15   DSMBs might be constructed and when they may or may


 16   not be required, but allowing for the flexibility


 17   that several around the table have mentioned.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  That was my interpretation


 19   of the discussion too.  I don't think there was any


 20   endorsement from this group that we should be


 21   moving towards a model DSMB to solve some of the


 22   problems.


 23             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I see Dr. Pazdur


 24   agreeing with that and I am glad to see that.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  I want to clarify that that




  1   was my interpretation too.  That is not what I


  2   think the comment was all about.  Eric, did you


  3   want to add anything else?  I am sorry, I think I


  4   interrupted you.  No?


  5             DR. KODISH:  No, that is fine.


  6             DR. SANTANA:  So, we will move on then


  7   from question one--oh, Malcolm, I am sorry.


  8             DR. SMITH:  I think those are good


  9   principles but I think one can get a bit more


 10   detailed without being prescriptive in terms of


 11   what the principles of study monitoring should be.


 12   For example, the principle that study monitoring


 13   should be performed by experienced experts and that


 14   that review should be timely, and that whatever the


 15   system is, it should have those characteristics.


 16   And, study monitoring should be done in a way so


 17   that conflict of interest issues are addressed, and


 18   that study monitoring in whatever setting,


 19   especially in Phase III settings but even in Phase


 20   II settings and others is done in such a way that


 21   the integrity of the study and the confidentiality


 22   of data, when that is important, are addressed.


 23   So, I think there are principles of ethics that we


 24   need to adhere to and there are principles of


 25   monitoring that I think need to be clearly stated




  1   so that you can benchmark how you are addressing


  2   those basic principles of monitoring.


  3             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  If I may, most of that


  4   is already covered in GCP and in other regulations.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  So noted.  I would only add


  6   to that that I think an essential element to that


  7   is this concept that I advocate, that there has to


  8   be an open communication with the research team,


  9   that monitoring doesn't occur in isolation from the


 10   actual research team that is conducing the study.


 11   I am not implying that the research team should be


 12   doing their own monitoring.  It shouldn't be


 13   interpreted that way but the research team should


 14   be integral to that process.  Dr. Reynolds?


 15             DR. REYNOLDS:  Malcolm, could I just ask


 16   you to elaborate on what the role of that DSMB is


 17   in the conflict of interest monitoring that you


 18   were talking about?


 19             DR. SMITH:  What the role of the DSMB is


 20   in conflict of interest?


 21             DR. REYNOLDS:  Did I hear you correctly?


 22   Were you saying that they are really involved in


 23   that role?


 24             DR. SMITH:  No, that the monitoring is


 25   done in such a way that conflict of interest issues




  1   are addressed.


  2             DR. REYNOLDS:  In other words, that the


  3   DSMB is a separate body and is not subject to


  4   conflict of interest.  That is what you are saying?


  5             DR. SMITH:  Well, that is one way of


  6   addressing it but not the only way of addressing


  7   conflict of interest issues, but that those issues


  8   are considered, both the financial and intellectual


  9   conflict of interest that may lead people to ask


 10   questions about decisions that are made.


 11             DR. KODISH:  This is Eric, in Cleveland.


 12   Another way of saying that I think is that


 13   transparency is an important principle, perhaps the


 14   idea that whatever the monitoring plan is that the


 15   appearance of the fox watching the henhouse won't


 16   be something that people can interpret as having


 17   gone on.


 18             DR. SMITH:  The Pediatric Phase I


 19   Consortium and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium


 20   both have independent data monitoring committees,


 21   and these are early phase clinical trials.  They


 22   are not so much looking over the day to day


 23   activities of the consortium and every independent


 24   decision, but at intervals they are looking at the


 25   overall conduct of how these studies are being done




  1   and are an independent body that tries to address


  2   some of the conflict of interest issues, in this


  3   case particularly intellectual conflict or kind of


  4   ownership conflict issues, and to make sure that


  5   the research team is appropriately making decisions


  6   as they are conducting the studies.  They are there


  7   to provide guidance if difficult decisions arise


  8   about what their advice would be about how to


  9   address these difficult decisions.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  If there is no further


 11   comment on that we will move on to number two.  The


 12   next series of questions are more related to


 13   reality and practice.  Recognizing that particular


 14   populations, disease settings, and products may


 15   have specific requirements, what general parameters


 16   should be monitored for safety in all clinical


 17   studies?


 18             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I should say all


 19   pediatric oncology clinical studies, just to be


 20   clear about that.


 21             DR. SANTANA:  So noted.  Peter?


 22             DR. ADAMSON:  I will take a stab at that.


 23   I think it very much depends on the phase of the


 24   study.  In pediatrics I think we have some


 25   advantages in that for Phase III studies there is




  1   probably a general standard of care that we follow


  2   whether a child is or is not on study as far as


  3   frequency of monitoring.  I would say that that


  4   would probably be the minimum threshold for Phase


  5   III studies.


  6             As one marches down from Phase III to


  7   Phase II and Phase I, I think this is where Phase I


  8   cancer is different than Phase I "the rest of the


  9   world" because we conduct the Phase I studies in


 10   patients with the disease.  So, I don't think you


 11   can layer the same level of monitoring as you do in


 12   other studies where volunteers are locked away for


 13   two weeks and are plugged into every known device


 14   to see what happens.  We can't do that.


 15             I think we need to look at preclinical


 16   data as far as what potential toxicities are, and


 17   in children we have the advantage of looking at the


 18   initial adult Phase I experience to see what the


 19   relevant additional monitoring might be required.


 20   We shouldn't be getting PFTs, echoes, EKGs, stress


 21   tests, all the way down the line if, in fact, that


 22   is not relevant to a particular drug.  So, I think


 23   we have the advantage of looking at the Phase I


 24   adult experience.  Then, we always have to balance


 25   the level of monitoring, recognizing that these are




  1   patient volunteers and not normal volunteers as far


  2   as trying to strike a balance.


  3             DR. SANTANA:  Pamela?


  4             MS. HAYLOCK:  I am not sure how relevant


  5   this is but you keep talking about monitoring and I


  6   think a lot of this has to do with expanding the


  7   definition of safety and monitoring in regards to


  8   concepts that involve long-term and late survivors.


  9   Your institution is maybe somewhat unique in having


 10   long-term survivorship programs, but not all places


 11   which do pediatric research have such things, and


 12   now we are ending up with adult survivors of


 13   childhood cancers who are 10, 20, maybe 3 or 4


 14   decades out who are experiencing surprise long-term


 15   related effects and I think somehow the parameter


 16   of safety and monitoring needs to be expanded.  I


 17   don't know how to do that but I think the late


 18   effects need to be a consideration.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  Actually, cooperative groups


 20   and other pediatric consortia are addressing that.


 21   I mean, I think there is a big effort at the


 22   cooperative group level to look at long-term


 23   survivor issues in pediatric oncology patients.


 24   Obviously, it is in different stages but I think we


 25   all recognize as pediatric oncologists that that is




  1   an issue, and I think it is being addressed at


  2   different levels.  Malcolm and then Donna?


  3             DR. SMITH:  It is a critical issue.  The


  4   challenge with it is that you are looking 10, 20


  5   and 30 years up the road so the infrastructures,


  6   like the children's hospitals around the table,


  7   need to reach out to a lot of other institutions


  8   and to the survivors in order for that work to be


  9   done.  So, there are different ways that the


 10   Children's Oncology Group, the childhood cancer


 11   survivor study are trying to address that, and it


 12   is recognized as an important issue that we have to


 13   address.


 14             DR. SANTANA:  Donna?


 15             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  I just wanted to ask, the


 16   organized groups and the major institutions clearly


 17   have a plan but what about industry?  I mean,


 18   industry does do pediatric trials.  What sort of


 19   guidance do you give to them, and what is the basis


 20   for that guidance?  I mean, what has come out of


 21   the St. Jude experience monitoring long-term


 22   survival in their patients, and is it really worth


 23   mandating that the pharmaceutical


 24   industry-sponsored trials do long-term follow-up?


 25             DR. SANTANA:  I think the issue of




  1   long-term survivorship follow-up and data needs to


  2   be considered by the pharmaceutical industry when


  3   they are developing a drug in terms of the


  4   long-term issues that may be particular to that


  5   drug.  The problem comes there that the sponsors


  6   themselves are limited to a period of time in terms


  7   of when they are doing the project with you.  Once


  8   the project is over, then the responsibility of


  9   monitoring patients long term becomes the


 10   responsibility of the treating institution.  So up


 11   front, at least in my experience in all the studies


 12   that I have participated in with pharmaceutical


 13   industry, I have never really seen, within the


 14   context of the protocol, any plan for long-term


 15   issues that may arise as a result of follow-up of


 16   these patients.  Once a study is done, it is done


 17   and then it becomes the responsibility of the


 18   treating institution to decide what they are going


 19   to look for, how it is collected and how it is


 20   analyzed.  So, there is a little bit of a dis-link


 21   there in that we have never really required or


 22   asked pharmaceutical industry to address that in


 23   the context of the front-line trial that is being


 24   developed.  Peter?


 25             DR. ADAMSON:  Again, pediatrics in this




  1   respect differs from adults because where you


  2   really get the long-term ability to look at late


  3   effects is in or following Phase III.  I am not


  4   aware of any industry-sponsored Phase III studies


  5   in pediatric oncology.  They are almost universally


  6   done within the cooperative groups.  There are


  7   industry-sponsored Phase I and Phase II studies,


  8   without question.  I think our ability to really


  9   ask late effects questions in that population is


 10   severely limited so it really becomes the burden of


 11   the NCI and the cooperative groups when conducting


 12   Phase III trials and, as Malcolm said, there is a


 13   whole separate late effects effort.  So, I don't


 14   think it is something that realistically we can


 15   burden industry with because of the likelihood of


 16   getting that data in a Phase I or Phase II study.


 17   If the environment were to change and we would


 18   dream that industry would support a Phase III


 19   randomized study in children, then I think we would


 20   have to look at the willingness to look for


 21   long-term effects.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  I will correct myself.  I am


 23   aware of one study that I have seen, which is an


 24   antibiotic study that is actually being sponsored


 25   by industry, looking at some issues of long-term




  1   effects of the use of that antibiotic in a


  2   pediatric population.  It is a very long-term


  3   study.  It is a very costly study too.  So, I am


  4   aware of that example that came to mind as I was


  5   hearing the discussion but that is kind of unique.


  6             DR. ADAMSON:  And it is not


  7   anti-neoplastic therapy.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  No, it is not.  It is an


  9   antibiotic study.  Any other guidance we can give


 10   you on this question, Dr. Hirschfeld or Dr. Pazdur?


 11   Yes?


 12             MS. HOFFMAN:  I think integral to


 13   monitoring safety also in terms of when a child is


 14   on treatment is also monitoring participation and


 15   entering into the study, and I think we need to


 16   monitor informed consents and parents'


 17   comprehension of randomization, especially in Phase


 18   I studies.  Are they really understanding what they


 19   are getting into?  Also, monitoring waiver of


 20   consents because I think there is potential


 21   conflict of interest there.  The waivers that are


 22   coming to the IRB are coming from the PI who is


 23   often the clinician as well of the child and,


 24   again, there could be conflict there.  So, again, I


 25   think it is a safety monitoring issue.




  1             DR. SANTANA:  I will try and summarize


  2   what I heard as committee discussion of this


  3   question.  I think the committee was pointing out


  4   that in a certain way we have a little bit of an


  5   advantage in that there may be some adult data


  6   before pediatric studies are initiated, and a lot


  7   of the safety issues and monitoring that we would


  8   want to do in pediatrics have to be put in the


  9   context of what data already exist in the adult


 10   population that has received those drugs, but also


 11   considering that there may be specific niches that


 12   pediatrics would provide that we have to look for


 13   that may not have been identified in the adults.  I


 14   heard that comment.


 15             I heard the other comment, that it has to


 16   be developmentally phase dependent in terms of what


 17   type of study you are talking about, that the issue


 18   of safety monitoring is very different in a Phase


 19   III trial than it would be in a Phase I, and that


 20   there are different mechanisms of reaching those.


 21   In a Phase I it may be more the research team, the


 22   consortium group continuously looking at that data


 23   and making safety judgments, whereas in a Phase III


 24   it may be a DSMB or may be other regulatory bodies


 25   that can define what safety issues need to be




  1   looked at and how they are evaluated.  I heard that


  2   comment.


  3             I think the third comment I heard was


  4   about this issue of paying some attention to the


  5   initial enrollment of patients on studies,


  6   pediatric oncology studies, and how we can more


  7   effectively not only monitor their involvement but


  8   get some degree of understanding of what people


  9   really are hearing and their assessment of risk and


 10   what they think they are participating in.


 11             Those are the three comments I kind of


 12   heard around the table.  Susan?


 13             DR. WEINER:  I have one more, which is


 14   that I really haven't heard any discussion this


 15   morning of the notion of safety in trials of


 16   biologics where toxicity may not be what you are


 17   looking for in a Phase I trial, and it is not clear


 18   to me how we might approach that in this context.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  That is a good point.


 20             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Noted.


 21             DR. KEEGAN:  I think you also should


 22   consider that it may be toxicity, it may be other


 23   examples but one shouldn't exclude the fact that


 24   toxicity could also be a component even in biologic


 25   trials.




  1             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I was just going to


  2   reinforce what Dr. Keegan said.  You know, in the


  3   past two years having developed two biologics, they


  4   were both associated with some toxicities that were


  5   important.  So, one has to be careful, going into


  6   the development of a biologic, not to think that


  7   there might be fewer, lesser toxicities.  So, one


  8   really has to do the same monitoring that one would


  9   do for a chemotherapeutic agent until one is sure


 10   of what the toxicity profile is for that particular


 11   biologic.


 12             DR. WEINER:  Or expand those definitions.


 13             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I think we all agree that


 14   the spectrum and the severity may vary but there is


 15   no intervention that is risk free.


 16             DR. KEEGAN:  Yes, I think the principles


 17   Dr. Adamson mentioned were, you know, looking at


 18   the nonclinical and adult data to guide what would


 19   be used for biologics and even for a lot of


 20   traditional drugs, you know, small chemical drugs


 21   that are targeted in some way.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, I want to add that


 23   there was another point that was made as a general


 24   consensus point as advice to the agency that had to


 25   do with the issue of neurocognitive development,




  1   and that that may be a particular issue in terms of


  2   safety that should be addressed in safety


  3   parameters in pediatric oncology trials.  In


  4   contrast to some of the things that we could


  5   capture from adult trials, that is particularly


  6   unique to pediatric trials and we should pay some


  7   attention to it.  Donna?


  8             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Actually, just to


  9   follow-up on that, the one other piece of


 10   information that I think is very easy to obtain and


 11   to analyze is growth.


 12             DR. SANTANA:  Any further comments on that


 13   question?  If not, we will move on to the next


 14   question.  Based on the response to the previous


 15   question, how often should the parameters be


 16   monitored?


 17             Here I would say I think we need to be


 18   careful.  We don't want to get into a prescription


 19   plan that everybody has to do kind of in the same


 20   way in terms of what things get monitored, at what


 21   particular time intervals and how often.  I think


 22   the idea that I proposed when we looked at our plan


 23   at our institution is that it is phase dependent.


 24   Once again we go back to the phase issue of the


 25   type of study that you are conducting.  So,




  1   particular Phase I studies may be monitored more


  2   frequently than other Phase I studies.  Maybe some


  3   biologic studies, gene transfer studies that are


  4   Phase I need to be monitored more frequently than


  5   an oncology Phase I study.


  6             The point I want to make is that although


  7   it is phase dependent, I think also in the formula


  8   has to be included the specific agent that you are


  9   testing in that phase in order to decide how often


 10   you are going to monitor it.  Peter?


 11             DR. ADAMSON:  Yes, I would echo that.


 12   Again, going back to the adult experience, it gives


 13   us an advantage as far as what to expect and when


 14   to expect it.  But the other thing that we


 15   sometimes err on is that we have to look at our own


 16   definitions of toxicity and what we consider either


 17   serious or dose-limiting because when you look at


 18   those definitions, you then look at how frequently


 19   you are monitoring and you realize you will never


 20   be able to meet those definitions.  So, as I said,


 21   perhaps a simple starting place if you want to get


 22   some idea of what the spectrum is, there a number


 23   of cooperative groups or a number of single


 24   institutions that conduct this and my guess is you


 25   will find a common thread in the backbone of those




  1   that apply across the board for Phase I and a


  2   different set for Phase II and then it becomes very


  3   agent dependent beyond that.


  4             DR. PAZDUR:  I have a question as far as


  5   the toxicity criteria for children, are there any


  6   differences between that and what we use for


  7   adults, other than perhaps physiological


  8   differences that may exist with growth parameters?


  9   What I am after is some of our adult toxicity


 10   criteria have some subjective elements as far as


 11   elements of daily activity, fatigue, etc., and how


 12   do you figure that into toxicity assessments with


 13   children?  Or, do they have difficulty in assessing


 14   some of these toxicities in children?  You know,


 15   for some of our activities for adults neurotoxicity


 16   might be difficulty in buttoning your shirt or in


 17   adult activities of daily living in a sense.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  Alice, it looks like you


 19   wanted to respond to that.


 20             MS. ETTINGER:  Well, I think we all


 21   understand that for kids we have to look at them at


 22   an age appropriate level and many times that would


 23   be school attendance, how they are functioning in


 24   school, certainly measurements of that sort.  I


 25   think in terms of fatigue, we are way behind in




  1   measuring the actual fatigue level that we may be


  2   seeing in children, not only little ones but


  3   certainly as they grow up.  Often in filling out


  4   the forms for doing the criteria, I feel that there


  5   may actually need to be other criteria that we look


  6   at and that we measure for children.


  7             DR. SANTANA:  It is a good point.  The


  8   issue with those criteria is that as yet they


  9   haven't been validated so it is very hard to apply


 10   them across studies but there is actually a lot of


 11   research going on in that field that, hopefully, in


 12   the next few years will give us some guidance.  But


 13   that is the problem, those criteria are soft and


 14   they haven't been validated so it is very hard to


 15   apply them.  So, in oncology we kind of rely on the


 16   standard toxicity criteria that was developed by


 17   NCI, etc., in terms of what we look for and how we


 18   code it.


 19             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I will just add to that.


 20   There have been questions raised about having some


 21   pediatric specific scales, but it was the absence,


 22   as Dr. Santana pointed out, of having validated


 23   assessments that has precluded from formally


 24   incorporating those.  So, that is an area that


 25   still remains under discussion and has had some




  1   interest for some years.


  2             DR. ANDERSON:  And in the current version


  3   of the CTC, the updated version that just came out,


  4   where possible, all distinctions between pediatric


  5   and adult criteria were eliminated because


  6   basically we generalize the grading.  I can't


  7   remember exactly what word you used, Dr. Pazdur, in


  8   terms of the degree of toxicity.  You know, just


  9   having treated patients with different pediatric


 10   cancers and actually having heard from people who


 11   are trying to set up studies with certain


 12   dose-limiting toxicities, in pediatrics a lot of


 13   times I think the dose-limiting toxicities that we


 14   accept are greater than are accepted in adults.


 15   They will stop an adult trial or they will change


 16   an individual adult's treatment much sooner than we


 17   do in pediatric oncology and I don't know that we


 18   have different measurements of toxicity but we


 19   would move a grade further perhaps, or half a grade


 20   further in terms of maybe the duration of the


 21   tolerance of a toxicity than happens in medical


 22   oncology.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  And those are usually


 24   specifically defined within the context of a


 25   protocol.  So, for some studies we would accept up




  1   to grade X and in others we wouldn't.  So, I think


  2   there is a lot of variability and it is really


  3   driven by the protocol and the question you are


  4   trying to answer and what you know about that drug


  5   beforehand.


  6             The next question is based on the response


  7   to the previous question, who should do the


  8   monitoring?  Is it adequate to have the personnel


  9   involved in the study be responsible for safety


 10   monitoring?  Susan?


 11             DR. WEINER:  The issue of the conflict of


 12   role between the investigator and the treating


 13   physician is something that has been discussed over


 14   the past few years in a variety of contexts.  I


 15   think that applying that notion to this, it becomes


 16   obvious that such a team is insufficient.


 17             DR. SANTANA:  Peter?


 18             DR. ADAMSON:  I guess I would disagree


 19   with that to an extent.  It very much depends I


 20   think on the phase of the study, and the number of


 21   children who are at risk, and what the goals of the


 22   study are.  From a practical standpoint, for a


 23   Phase I where the study is a real-time study that


 24   is the role of the study team.  They are making a


 25   decision on a patient to patient basis.  Having an




  1   additional layer of oversight to make sure the


  2   study team is meeting its obligations I think is


  3   helpful and is important but, from a practical


  4   standpoint, you can't convene a data safety


  5   monitoring board with every dose escalation step;


  6   you never would end up conducting the study.


  7             Having said that, it is important to keep


  8   in mind that the goal of a Phase I study is to


  9   recommend a dose and so the study is going to be


 10   successful really no matter where you stop as far


 11   as an investigator conflict of interest.  I mean,


 12   they will meet their study endpoint.  Having said


 13   that, when you come to a Phase III, you really do


 14   need additional layers of monitoring because then


 15   you really want to prove is this drug effective and


 16   there is a lot riding on the outcome of that study.


 17             So, the level of monitoring I think very


 18   much depends on what the phase of the study is.


 19   But I think, without question, you need to know


 20   what the data safety monitoring plan is.  I mean,


 21   investigators need to be very clear and very


 22   specific up front about how this study is going to


 23   be monitored.  I will come back to what Eric Kodish


 24   had said earlier, you need to have some flexibility


 25   as far as what the level of monitoring is and who




  1   does it.  If it is a cytotoxic and there is a lot


  2   of experience in developing the cytotoxic, that may


  3   lead to one level.  If it is an entirely new


  4   modality of treatment being put forward, you may


  5   want to consider another layer of monitoring.  So,


  6   there has to be some flexibility within the system.


  7             DR. SANTANA:  I would echo what Peter


  8   said.  I think it is a graded system and it depends


  9   on the type of study you are doing and what


 10   elements are being monitored.  For example, if you


 11   want to get into the nitty-gritty details of


 12   monitoring enrollment and informed consent, I think


 13   that has to be independent of the research team.


 14   There is no other way you could do that; it has to


 15   be a separate monitoring group that does that,


 16   whether it is the protocol office or another group


 17   of people.  But in a Phase I study if the central


 18   question is the toxicity, that should be monitored


 19   by the study team because that is what is going to


 20   define how the study progresses.  Then you may have


 21   intervals in which that data is shared with a


 22   central Phase I group, etc., etc.


 23             Whereas, in a Phase III study you are in a


 24   completely opposite direction.  For a Phase III


 25   study most of the elements for safety that you want




  1   to monitor have to be done independent of the


  2   investigator.  They are large group studies with


  3   data collection.  There may be some safety issues


  4   that have to be reported to the safety data


  5   monitoring boards so you have to use those


  6   resources.


  7             So, I don't see it as black and white.  I


  8   see it as a graded system in which the elements


  9   that are going to be monitored, the safety and how


 10   that is done may incorporate different groups and


 11   you just have to find the right fit for the study


 12   that you are considering.  I hate to put it in


 13   black and white; it won't work if it is black and


 14   white.  I think the beauty of some of the stuff


 15   that Peter mentioned in terms of what the Phase I


 16   and the COG Consortium is doing is that they are


 17   doing it in real time.  I mean, they are looking at


 18   that week by week, maybe two weeks or however


 19   often, so they have the advantage of doing that in


 20   real time so that they can intervene if they have


 21   to.  Whereas, I think that would be impossible to


 22   do in a Phase III study.  You just couldn't get


 23   people to do that.  Dr. Reynolds?


 24             DR. REYNOLDS:  Peter, acknowledging the


 25   challenges you put forth that a data safety




  1   monitoring board in a Phase I study--that it is not


  2   practical for them to convene and review, I think


  3   we should acknowledge that there are some


  4   significant advantages to having such a board for


  5   the day to day people that are monitoring to go to


  6   with questions about study design amendments that


  7   might make it more acceptable from a safety


  8   standpoint, and having that group that is external


  9   to the people who are actually conducting the


 10   study.  It is a small world in pediatrics, so


 11   having that separated out, at least from the NANT


 12   perspective, is a great advantage in being able to


 13   bounce things off these people externally.


 14             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Smith?


 15             DR. SMITH:  We talked about NANT trials,


 16   COG trials and we are very restricted to that.


 17   Would there be a separate answer for


 18   industry-sponsored Phase I/Phase II trials?  Is


 19   that a different situation?


 20             DR. SANTANA:  Usually in Phase I


 21   industry-sponsored trials, at least the ones I am


 22   familiar with, there is a research team that is


 23   identified.  It is usually the PI at various


 24   institutions; it is a medical officer or monitor


 25   from the pharmaceutical company or contact person. 




  1   I think the same functional principle can be


  2   applied, that that research team should communicate


  3   frequently and often enough as the study is being


  4   conducted to make ongoing decisions about the


  5   safety of the study.  So, I think that may already


  6   be happening.  We just don't know about it.  If it


  7   is not happening, we should probably extend those


  8   things that we are doing in some of these consortia


  9   to those.  I think they are practical and they


 10   don't require a lot more work.


 11             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  If I may expand on what


 12   you said, which is absolutely correct, there is a


 13   research team in a pharmaceutical


 14   industry-sponsored study.  Beyond that team, within


 15   the company itself, there is also the equivalent of


 16   a data monitoring board which usually consists of


 17   the project clinician, the safety officer and the


 18   statistician as a minimum.  The data is looked at


 19   very frequently.  In addition to that, there are


 20   periodic presentations of the safety data to larger


 21   committees within the company and then there is an


 22   opportunity to also present that data, if there are


 23   any red flags, to the scientific advisory board of


 24   external advisors which usually meets three to four


 25   times a year depending on the situation.




  1             DR. SANTANA:  Donna?


  2             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Actually, it sounds like


  3   industry has a separate oversight; the organized


  4   groups have a separate oversight; NCI-sponsored


  5   studies will have a separate oversight.  What we


  6   haven't discussed is individual


  7   investigator-initiated studies at single


  8   institutions.  I think under those circumstances it


  9   might not be too disruptive to say, you know, at


 10   some point see if there is somebody who can give


 11   you an outside reality check before you go on to


 12   the next level.  It may not require convening an


 13   entire board but just sending a member to the IRB


 14   or to whatever institutional data safety monitoring


 15   committee might be available.


 16             But, you know, having conducted Phase I


 17   studies, one can get lulled into, okay, I have five


 18   more patients lined up; let's go to the next level


 19   before I really have all the data collected on


 20   safety.  It may be just enough to actually improve


 21   patient safety at that one institution.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, I am glad you mentioned


 23   that.  We tried to address that at St. Jude.  As an


 24   academic institution, we tried to address that too


 25   with some of our own Phase I studies.  So, we




  1   operated very similarly to what the Phase I


  2   Consortium is doing, and that is that if it is an


  3   institutional Phase I study the research team meets


  4   frequently to review, as the study is being


  5   conducted, what the safety concerns are; what is


  6   going on with the next escalation, etc., etc.


  7             Then there are two separate groups that


  8   also look at that.  There is a separate Phase I/II


  9   planning group that we have that includes


 10   disciplines from solid tumors, leukemia,


 11   transplantation and biostatistics, all the basic


 12   science people and they are also supposed to meet


 13   every month but in reality they probably meet every


 14   six weeks and all the studies are also actually


 15   presented very briefly.  So, the whole group knows


 16   where each study is going and what is happening


 17   with toxicity; what is happening with issues of


 18   accrual.  That is not truly separate because it is


 19   constituted by individuals from the same


 20   institution.


 21             The third layer is that even for Phase I


 22   studies-- if you saw in my flow diagram where data


 23   went, all the adverse events, independent of any


 24   type of study, also get reviewed by the clinical


 25   protocol scientific review group subcommittee which




  1   does not include any of the Phase I PIs.  They also


  2   make a judgment in terms of how that study is


  3   going; in terms of dose escalations; in terms of


  4   safety.  So, it is very similar and kind of a


  5   little bit of recapitulation of what the


  6   cooperative group is doing in terms of having other


  7   people look at it.  It is not totally independent


  8   in the sense that there is an outside group that


  9   looks at it.


 10             Having said that, also in some Phase I


 11   studies, like the gene transfer studies--when we


 12   get to the question of DSMB committees I was going


 13   to mention that, we have a definition of what gets


 14   referred to DSMB and one of the definitions is if


 15   there is a Phase I study that includes  gene


 16   transfer or a biologic that is potentially


 17   problematic, that will go to the DSMB although it


 18   is a Phase I study.  Barry and then Susan?


 19             DR. ANDERSON:  Also, being part of this


 20   review board at the cancer center data safety


 21   monitoring plan, anybody who is receiving a grant


 22   that might involve a clinical study as an


 23   individual also has to provide a data monitoring


 24   plan in order to receive the money for the grant.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Susan?




  1             DR. WEINER:  Just a point of


  2   clarification, just to make sure that the following


  3   case is covered for Phase I and perhaps for Phase


  4   II in pediatrics, let's say a network of


  5   institutions that are doing combination therapy


  6   trials, pharmaceutical trials, and they are not


  7   being supported by NIH--presumably the institutions


  8   have assurances, etc., but the monitoring of that


  9   particular kind of trial.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Do you want to address that


 11   because it is primarily coming from the issue of


 12   industry-sponsored small trials within two or three


 13   institutions?  Am I correct, Susan?


 14             DR. WEINER:  Or more.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  Or more.  Do you want to


 16   address that?


 17             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  From the safety point


 18   of view, they are monitored in exactly the same way


 19   that I mentioned earlier.


 20             DR. WEINER:  Well, just in terms of the


 21   external terms.  So, the company sets up some


 22   external monitoring to review safety concerns--I


 23   mean, if it is two drugs--


 24             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Well, if it is a Phase


 25   I or Phase II trial usually there is no external




  1   review, external to the company review, other than


  2   that the company has to report to the FDA.  So,


  3   that is an external third party.  Also, the company


  4   has the possibility of presenting the safety


  5   information to the scientific advisory board which


  6   is also an external review board.


  7             If there is a Phase III randomized study,


  8   particularly a blinded study, most companies are


  9   opting to have an external independent data safety


 10   monitoring board following that study, or if it is


 11   a Phase II trial that is already randomized and


 12   blinded.


 13             DR. SANTANA:  Any other comments or


 14   questions?  Then we will move on to the next


 15   question which is asking us for advice on what


 16   circumstances would benefit from a data monitoring


 17   committee/data safety review board oversight?


 18             To try to address that, I think Barry had


 19   in one of his slides what some of the


 20   recommendations are from NCI regarding--or was it


 21   COG?  I don't remember that.


 22             DR. ANDERSON:  Recommendations from NIH.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Do you want to expand on


 24   those, Barry?


 25             DR. ANDERSON:  In pediatrics the default




  1   seems to have some sort of monitoring committee, a


  2   more formalized monitoring committee because the


  3   recommendations were if they were complex--and if


  4   you have ever looked at an ALL study or anything


  5   else, they are pretty complex, and every study


  6   basically, if it is multi-institutional, which


  7   pediatrics for the most part usually are--if it is


  8   a vulnerable patient population, and we have our


  9   own separate part of the regulations just because


 10   pediatrics is a vulnerable patient population, and


 11   high-risk treatments--you know, a lot of the


 12   treatments that we use with stem cell transplants,


 13   etc., etc., are high risk.  So, because of all


 14   those issues coming up in a lot of cases, a data


 15   monitoring committee is involved.  It may be


 16   different than a DSMB that you were talking about


 17   for a Phase III randomized study because some of


 18   these monitoring committees also work for


 19   single-arm studies that may have early stopping


 20   rules that need to be interpreted, and that sort of


 21   thing as well.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  I would add two additional


 23   items to the list that Barry proposed.  As an


 24   institution, there are two other types of studies


 25   that we would refer for an independent data safety




  1   monitoring board.  One is any study that involves


  2   any type of gene transfer or biologic that


  3   potentially could present a hazard to children in


  4   the future.  Then, the second is a very unique type


  5   of study which is what we call the window study


  6   where an experimental therapy is given prior to


  7   conventional therapy and there is a limitation of


  8   time in which you can really do that to provide


  9   safety for the patients.  So, those kind of studies


 10   we would also refer to DSMB to provide oversight.


 11             Any other comments or questions on that?


 12   Yes?


 13             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  A clarification, when


 14   you made your presentation you mentioned the makeup


 15   of your data monitoring board and you said it was


 16   the staff involved in the study itself, the


 17   principal investigator and perhaps some others


 18   around the principal investigator, and then some


 19   additional members outside of that group.  But


 20   should I interpret "outside" as within the


 21   cooperative group or completely external to the


 22   cooperative group?


 23             DR. ANDERSON:  It depends on whether you


 24   are talking about a DSMB or a DMC.  I mean, there


 25   has been some distinction there.  The DSMBs would




  1   be probably reflective of what industry uses when


  2   they have an outside independent one.  For the COG


  3   DSMBs there is a member or maybe two members of COG


  4   that are part of that but there are statisticians


  5   from other adult cooperative groups.  There are


  6   outside lay people that are part of it, and there


  7   is a government representative there.  It is set up


  8   such that the vote could never be carried by COG


  9   members.  And someone who would be perhaps a study


 10   investigator for a particular Phase III study, they


 11   would not be involved in discussions of their study


 12   if they happened to be also a COG representative to


 13   the group.


 14             For other data monitoring committees--I


 15   can't speak for Peter's group but for the NANT that


 16   data monitoring committee has one representative


 17   from that group or institutions that are conducting


 18   these early phase studies.  A number of people are


 19   COG members but they don't participate in these


 20   studies.  There are other people who are retired


 21   pediatric oncologists.  We have statisticians from


 22   outside the group.  We have lay people from outside


 23   the group.  So, again, we are not looking at Phase


 24   IIIs, we are looking at early studies.  Again, the


 25   predominant role is that you are outside of the




  1   people who are doing the investigations.  That,


  2   again, is for the interval of about every six


  3   months of formal review but also being there as a


  4   resource ongoing.


  5             The reviews that go on in the NANT group


  6   sort of on a more frequent basis could involve


  7   study investigators but it is usually the bigger


  8   group of other investigators that are part of the


  9   group but not responsible for that particular


 10   study.  So, there is some oversight in the sense


 11   that it is within the group but it is not the


 12   person who has the most vested interest that that


 13   single study succeed in one way or another.


 14             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  It is probably


 15   worthwhile to mention that in industry today most


 16   Phase I and II studies have an enrollment period


 17   that ranges from 6 months to 12 months and perhaps


 18   not more than that.  So, the value of an external


 19   data safety monitoring board is limited because of


 20   your ability to actually give them trend


 21   information and so on when you have actually


 22   completed enrollment on the study.


 23             DR. PAZDUR:  I would just like to mention


 24   that we have a draft guidance on data safety


 25   monitoring.




  1             DR. SANTANA:  I think with that we will go


  2   to the last question, which is an open-ended


  3   question, are there additional recommendations for


  4   safety monitoring?  Peter?


  5             DR. ADAMSON:  I think the only one that


  6   came up earlier is that institutions don't have


  7   adequate resources to do this job well.  That is


  8   not unique to pediatrics but every layer of


  9   monitoring that gets put on an institution and


 10   investigator--you have to look if the resources are


 11   there to truly meet it.  I think in most


 12   institutions the resources are inadequate right


 13   now.


 14             DR. SANTANA:  I would echo that.  I think


 15   we started this morning's session with a comment


 16   about stewardship and I think stewardship includes


 17   financial resources so I think the regulatory


 18   agencies need to be very cognizant that if we are


 19   going to do this, there has to be a mechanism to


 20   provide monies to do this well.  There can't be


 21   mandates without monies to actually carry this out


 22   well.  Susan?


 23             DR. WEINER:  I have one additional


 24   comment, and that is that I think that the term


 25   "lay member" is fine but it seems to me that when




  1   one is reviewing pediatric trials there really


  2   ought to be a family member who is that lay person


  3   to help assess the safety of the situation.


  4             DR. SANTANA:  Good point.  Any other


  5   comments?  Any other guidance that the FDA wishes


  6   from us on this session?  If not, we are adjourned


  7   for the morning.  Thank you.  We will try to


  8   reconvene at about 1:15.


  9             [Whereupon, at 12:25 p.m., the proceedings


 10   were recessed for lunch, to reconvene at 1:20 p.m.]




  1             A F T E R N O O N  P R O C E E D I N G S


  2             DR. SANTANA:  Let's go ahead and get


  3   started with the afternoon session in which we are


  4   going to talk about preclinical models and other


  5   data that we could extrapolate in terms of helping


  6   us design clinical studies.  Before we get started


  7   with the actual presentations, we need to go around


  8   the table again and re-introduce ourselves because


  9   there are new individuals who have joined the group


 10   and, hopefully, not many others have left.  So, can


 11   we start with Dr. Anderson, please?


 12             DR. ANDERSON:  Barry Anderson, from NCI


 13   CTEP.


 14             DR. HOUGHTON:  Peter Houghton, from St.


 15   Jude Research Hospital.


 16             DR. ADAMSON:  Peter Adamson, The


 17   Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


 18             DR. HELMAN:  Lee Helman, Pediatric


 19   Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute.


 20             DR. SMITH:  Malcolm Smith, Cancer Therapy


 21   Evaluation Program, NCI.


 22             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Antonio Grillo-Lopez,


 23   Neoplastic and Autoimmune Diseases Research


 24   Institute.


 25             MS. HAYLOCK:  Pam Haylock, oncology nurse




  1   and ODAC consumer representative.


  2             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Donna Przepiorka,


  3   University of Tennessee, Memphis.


  4             MS. CLIFFORD:  Johanna Clifford, executive


  5   secretary for this meeting.  I am just curious, is


  6   Eric Kodish still on the line?  No.


  7             DR. SANTANA:  Victor Santana, pediatric


  8   oncologist at St. Jude's Children's Research


  9   Hospital, in Memphis, Tennessee.


 10             DR. REYNOLDS:  Patrick Reynolds,


 11   Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.


 12             MS. ETTINGER:  Alice Ettinger, nurse


 13   practitioner at St. Peter's University Hospital in


 14   New Jersey.


 15             DR. WILLIAMS:  Grant Williams, Oncology


 16   Drugs.


 17             DR. KEEGAN:  Pat Keegan, Oncology


 18   Biologics.


 19             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Steven Hirschfeld, FDA.


 20             DR. DINNDORF:  Pat Dinndorf, Oncology


 21   Biologics.


 22             DR. DAGHER:  Ramzi Dagher, Division of


 23   Oncology Drug Products, FDA.


 24             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you.  With that, we


 25   will go ahead and get started with the first




  1   presentation, Dr. Paul Meltzer.


  2          What are Microarrays and How Can They Help Us


  3           with Clinical Studies in Pediatric Oncology


  4             DR. MELTZER:  What I am going to do is to


  5   very quickly give the members of the committee a


  6   tour of some of the clinically relevant


  7   applications of genomic technologies involving


  8   microarrays which may have a bearing on some of the


  9   issues that you are considering today.  I will do


 10   that in the fashion of a very brief overview of


 11   technology in a few specific examples, and give you


 12   my impression of some of the issues that would have


 13   to be overcome for this information to be evaluable


 14   in clinical trials.


 15             Array technologies have now been around


 16   for several years, and the ones that I am going to


 17   talk about mainly today are actually becoming


 18   rather mature, and it is now possible to generate


 19   data with these technologies which can be


 20   considered sort of archival quality that will serve


 21   as a long-term source of information about the


 22   diseases that are being looked at.


 23             There is some the excitement around these


 24   technologies, as indicated by this slide which just


 25   shows the number of citations in PubMed on




  1   microarrays from the inception of the modern


  2   technology for microarray expression profiling


  3   through last years.  There has been an exponential


  4   growth in the number of publications that cut


  5   across all areas of biomedical research.  There has


  6   been a tremendous amount of interest and activity


  7   in data generation, importantly, for you to


  8   consider.


  9             The reason that this momentum has built up


 10   has been based on the availability of the human


 11   genome sequence which now allows a whole genome


 12   approach to identifying the genes expressed in


 13   tumor tissue samples or in the context of other


 14   types of biological samples.  Of course, this will


 15   include drug targets and, indeed, it should include


 16   every conceivable protein drug target, as well as


 17   gene expression signatures which represent a


 18   cellular readout that is associated with important


 19   clinical or biological properties of cancers.  I


 20   will try to explain this concept with just a few


 21   examples in a moment.


 22             There are a number of different microarray


 23   technologies and I am just going to be touching on


 24   the two that are underlined because these are the


 25   ones that are in most widespread use today really




  1   throughout the world.  At the top of the list, and


  2   mainly what I will be talking about, is expression


  3   profiling, measuring the expression of large


  4   numbers of genes in parallel in a given biological


  5   sample.


  6             It is important to note that there are


  7   other array technologies coming along which are


  8   likely to have a role of some type in clinical


  9   application, and that includes microarrays to


 10   determine DNA copy number in tumors, or CGH arrays,


 11   microarrays which can determine DNA polymorphisms,


 12   commonly referred to as SNP chips.  I am going to


 13   touch briefly on tissue microarrays because they


 14   have emerged as a very important confirmatory


 15   mechanism for the RNA-based expression arrays which


 16   are also potentially of clinical importance.  Of


 17   course, protein arrays, various forms of


 18   proteomics, are important and I am not going to


 19   talk about that.


 20             It is important for you to realize that


 21   there is a tremendous amount of gene expression


 22   data, mainly from adults, which has already been


 23   generated with these technologies, and a great deal


 24   of this is already publicly available in databases


 25   that are universally accessible.




  1             So, this is just what one form of


  2   microarray looks like, basically a glass microscope


  3   slide on which DNA probes have been deposited.  I


  4   won't dwell on the technology, other than to point


  5   out the important feature, and there are several


  6   different embodiments of the technology but the


  7   important feature is that we now can look at the


  8   entire human genome, or animal genome if you are


  9   talking about an animal model, cramming in the


 10   entire genome on a single microarray chip and it is


 11   possible to interrogate this chip, to use it to


 12   interrogate a biological sample to look at


 13   expression of all the different genes in the human


 14   genome in a biological specimen.  For those of you


 15   who are into gene expression, you know that there


 16   are subtleties involving, let's say, splice


 17   isoforms and, indeed, that is being looked at with


 18   this type of technology as well.  So, you can


 19   really get a very detailed picture of expression


 20   across the genome at the RNA level with this


 21   technology, and one that is actually remarkably


 22   accurate and carries with it quite a nice snapshot


 23   of an individual biological sample.


 24             So, what are some of the potential


 25   connections between this information and cancer




  1   therapeutics?  The first I would mention is to


  2   increase the precision in tumor diagnosis to


  3   complement additional pathologic techniques, and


  4   perhaps to identify and define subsets that haven't


  5   been previously recognized in previously thought to


  6   be homogeneous tumor groups; to measure the


  7   expression of drug targets; to recognize


  8   signatures, and I will expand on this in a minute,


  9   which might be associated with the activity of a


 10   particular drug target; to identify features in the


 11   gene expression profile which might be related to


 12   drug sensitivity or resistance; and potentially to


 13   monitor or predict toxicity.


 14             Now, there are subtleties and, in fact, it


 15   is actually an extremely complex topic, the


 16   analysis of microarray data that I am not really


 17   going to touch on, but it is important for me to


 18   point out to you that aside from simply scoring in


 19   a simple kind of plus/minus way for the presence of


 20   a given gene or target, all of these types of


 21   analyses require a training set of tumors to


 22   identify the relevant genes and to develop a


 23   scoring algorithm which can be used to look at


 24   these various types of readouts.


 25             Another very important feature of this




  1   data is that if you have full genome data it is


  2   comprehensive.  It is intrinsically comprehensive.


  3   There are only so many genes in the human genome;


  4   there won't be more in five years than there are


  5   now, or in 10 years or in 20 years.  That is why


  6   the data has a very nice archival quality to it.


  7   So, it can be reanalyzed in the future with respect


  8   to novel targets or signatures that might be


  9   identified so you basically have data that really


 10   won't go stale so long as it is collected in a


 11   state-of-the-art fashion and is appropriately


 12   archived.


 13             This slide just outlines the strategy that


 14   is used in microarray studies.  You start with the


 15   whole genome and look at a very large number of


 16   genes, so tens of thousands of genes across many


 17   samples to develop profiles that occur in a


 18   particular clinical situation.  Then you go through


 19   some process of gene selection to identify those


 20   genes which separate tumors or patients into groups


 21   according to the particular question that is being


 22   asked, whether it be drug response, toxicity or a


 23   diagnostic question, genes that are associated with


 24   a particular target activity, and so on.


 25             You then have to go through a process of




  1   validation, frequently involving a new sample set


  2   and reiterating this process to validate it, and


  3   also probably validating it with other technologies


  4   such as RT PCR, quantitative PCR or


  5   immunohistochemistry or RNA in situ hybridization


  6   or something like that to validate the results.


  7   You might want to proceed to a clinical assay


  8   development, and it is very important to point out


  9   that much of the momentum in the development of


 10   clinical assays based on this type of information


 11   involves not microarrays but other forms of


 12   multiplex gene analysis which might involve, for


 13   example, a PCR-based method.


 14             So, this is the overall approach and here


 15   are going to be a couple of very quick examples.


 16   This is from a study we published several years ago


 17   identifying groups of genes that separate for


 18   common pediatric cancers, Ewing's sarcoma and


 19   neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and Burkitt's


 20   sarcoma.  Color-coded here and at the top of this


 21   clustergram, each of these little groups of red


 22   squares represents groups of genes that separate


 23   these groups of tumors and can be used to diagnose


 24   them with a high degree of accuracy.


 25             The important point about this slide is




  1   that out of a large number of thousands of genes,


  2   the genes that were necessary to give a perfectly


  3   accurate call involved a very small number of


  4   genes, about a 100 genes, 96 to be precise, which


  5   were identified by a process of gene minimization.


  6   So, that is the bottom line of everything that you


  7   will see in the literature or hear about, that one


  8   doesn't need tens of thousands of genes to answer a


  9   question.  If it is possible to answer it, usually


 10   a very small number of genes, less than 100, will


 11   be sufficient to accomplish what you want and


 12   sometimes as few as two.


 13             I am going to give two quick examples that


 14   illustrate these features in detecting therapeutic


 15   targets by microarrays, one in gastrointestinal


 16   stromal tumor, or GIST, and the other is breast


 17   cancer which involved a couple of studies that were


 18   from our lab.


 19             In the case of GIST, here were are seeing


 20   the separation of gastrointestinal stromal tumor


 21   from non-GIST sarcomas with, again, the minimal


 22   number of genes necessary to establish the


 23   separation.  The important point for today's


 24   discussion is that when we looked at the top genes


 25   we found that the KiT oncogene was actually the




  1   number one gene.  So, we both could score the


  2   presence and assess its relative importance in


  3   characterizing this particular tumor in one


  4   process, and one can do this in respect to any


  5   property of a tumor that you choose.  So, this is


  6   an example of scoring a single gene out of


  7   microarray data.


  8             If you will forgive me for introducing an


  9   adult example, I will now give you an example that


 10   indicates how you might work--


 11             Oh, this is just to show how KiT looks on


 12   a heat map of GIST versus non-GIST.  You see this


 13   very uniform pattern of KiT expression.


 14             I will give an example now of how you


 15   would look at a signature for gene expression using


 16   the estrogen receptor in breast cancer which, of


 17   course, is a very nice molecular target widely used


 18   in breast cancer therapy.  The point here is that


 19   there is a distinct pattern of gene expression in


 20   breast cancer that separates the positive from


 21   negative tumors very sharply, and everybody who


 22   looks at these tumors has found exactly the same


 23   result.  It is the strongest feature in gene


 24   expression profile of breast cancer.


 25             Importantly, it is possible to actually




  1   predict the value of the protein measurement for ER


  2   in a tumor specimen from the gene expression


  3   profile using a number of genes to make that


  4   prediction excluding the estrogen receptor itself.


  5   So, you can actually plot on this figure the actual


  6   ER level in the little magenta circles, and the


  7   predicted value based on the gene expression


  8   profile based on a group of several hundred genes


  9   in these tumors.  So, there is a signature that


 10   goes with the presence and function of this


 11   particular drug target that can be read out using


 12   multiple genes.  Similar observations have been


 13   made for other targets.  So, this is an example of


 14   a multiple gene predictor.


 15             The bottom line here is that microarrays


 16   can measure therapeutically relevant genes either


 17   as individual genes or as complex signatures, and


 18   expression profiling then can reveal both the


 19   presence of a target and measure relative abundance


 20   within the cell at the RNA level.  Finally, a


 21   signature related to target function can reveal its


 22   level of biological activity, as in the ER example.


 23             I just want to take a couple of moments to


 24   talk about tissue microarrays because I think these


 25   are very important and very accessible from a




  1   technological point of view.  A tissue mircoarray


  2   is simply an array taken from paraffin blocks from


  3   patient samples, assembled into an array which can


  4   then be sliced to produce many slides that can be


  5   assayed for various markers.  The power of this


  6   technology is that, in contrast to the DNA


  7   microarray in which we measure thousands of genes,


  8   for each tissue specimen in the tissue microarray


  9   we can measure one gene in thousands of specimens


 10   very rapidly.  So, these are very powerful tools


 11   for the validation of findings for genomic surveys


 12   and potentially for translating them into clinical


 13   studies.


 14             Just to emphasize the tremendous advantage


 15   that we gain from using these arrays, it arises


 16   from taking a large number of paraffin blocks and


 17   condensing them down into one very affordable,


 18   economical package where we can survey single


 19   tumors with a slice from any individual tissue


 20   microarray.  So, it is a very powerful technology


 21   that I think can be quite useful.


 22             So, how might these technologies be


 23   implemented in clinical trial designs?  I just want


 24   to take a moment to give you some perspective.


 25   First of all, to reiterate, detection of individual




  1   targets is really simple.  That is not difficult


  2   and is very straightforward and should pose no real


  3   challenge.  However, in terms of using this for


  4   pediatric cancers, we have a problem in that so far


  5   only limited data is available on pediatric cancers


  6   in the public repositories and that would be one of


  7   the major obstacles.  Indeed, very minimal data


  8   exists relative to any question of toxicity, and


  9   these are issues that are just beginning to be


 10   seriously looked at in adults and, to my knowledge,


 11   haven't been examined in children at all.  As far


 12   as I can see, implementing tissue collection


 13   protocols and microarray analysis as part of


 14   ongoing trials would be a necessity to overcome


 15   this limitation.


 16             Tumor tissue sampling is essential to get


 17   a picture of the tumor but I am not sure that it is


 18   necessary to have serial sampling.  It would be in


 19   principle nice to know what happens in the residual


 20   tumors of patients who don't respond to therapy but


 21   in principle this should be predictable from the


 22   initial signature.


 23             It is also interesting to speculate that


 24   useful information regarding toxicity may


 25   potentially be obtained from blood samples for




  1   example, but the data to support this concept is


  2   extremely limited at the present time.


  3             Finally, again to reiterate, complex


  4   questions such as the prediction of response or


  5   toxicity require a training set and can't be


  6   answered a priori or predicted from a bunch of


  7   array data.  So, if we want to talk about taking


  8   array data from an archive and predicting what


  9   might happen in those patients in response to a


 10   particular agent, we really don't have a way to do


 11   that at the present time.  The only way we can


 12   really examine that is to have samples annotated


 13   with respect to that clinical question.  So, that


 14   is basically what I had to say.  Thank you.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you.  We will have


 16   some opportunity during the discussion period to


 17   address some questions.  I think Dr. Peter Adamson


 18   is next.  Peter?


 19        Advantages and Limitations of Cell Culture Models


 20                  in Pediatric Drug Developments


 21             DR. ADAMSON:  For those of you who


 22   remember Monty Python and now for something


 23   completely different, whereas microarrays are


 24   approaching their tenth birthday, cell culture


 25   models are probably approaching retirement age. 




  1   So, what I thought I would do is speak briefly


  2   about some of the advantages and limitations of


  3   these models.  Historically, they have been


  4   controversial as well as helpful.  I think many of


  5   the issues that occurred historically are still


  6   issues today.


  7             To really understand that, I want to take


  8   you through a very brief history of cell culture


  9   models in the context of drug development.  In


 10   looking back, probably the clonogenic assay is a


 11   good starting point as far as how these models have


 12   been used.  This was work done by Hamburger and


 13   Salmon, published back in 1977 in Science.  What


 14   they were able to show was that they could take a


 15   number of primary human tumors and grow them up in


 16   a cell culture matrix.


 17             This is a photo micrograph from their


 18   publication.  Definition tumors have different


 19   colony formations but the concept was that these


 20   represented tumor stem cells, and stem cells were


 21   the renewal source and they served as a seat of


 22   metastatic spread, and cytotoxicity in this assay


 23   was going to be proportional to cytotoxicity in


 24   vivo.  If you didn't get at the stem cell, you


 25   weren't going to have an effective anti-cancer




  1   treatment.


  2             The way the clonogenic assay worked when


  3   it came to cytotoxicity is you would expose your


  4   culture media to various concentrations of drugs


  5   and then look at the effect on colony formation,


  6   look at the clonogenic assay.


  7             Predating the clonogenic assay there were


  8   other mechanisms to try to look at cell growth and


  9   behavior in vitro.  The tritiated thymidine assay


 10   was probably the most common one.  This was a


 11   pretty straightforward approach where you would


 12   tritiate thymidine and measure the incorporation


 13   into dividing cells.  It basically was a


 14   measurement of S-phase cells and it quantified that


 15   simply by counts per minute with a radioactive


 16   label.


 17             There were clearly limitations really to


 18   both of these approaches.  The clonogenic assay was


 19   very labor intensive and there were a number of


 20   investigators who, despite that hurdle, ran an


 21   incredible number of assays looking for activity of


 22   cytotoxic agents.  But the reality was that it was


 23   really not readily amenable to high throughput.


 24             Conversely, the tritiated thymidine,


 25   although there were the limitations of just using




  1   the radioactive label, was also a non-clonogenic


  2   method.  You are looking really at a different


  3   endpoint.


  4             Then the field began to change and began


  5   to change based on a paper by Mossman, an


  6   immunologist, in The Journal of Immunologic


  7   Methodology, in 1983 when he described what is an


  8   assay familiar to almost everyone, the MTT assay


  9   which was a colorimetric assay for cellular growth


 10   and survival.  In this assay a salt, MTT, when


 11   incubated with viable cells in the mitochondria


 12   undergoes a ring opening and produces a purple


 13   salt, formazan.  Then you solubilize this; you get


 14   a purple color and you put this in a plate reader


 15   and the intensity of the optical density is


 16   proportional to the cell number.  This assay really


 17   began to change a lot of what was happening in the


 18   world of cell culture and cytotoxicity.


 19             Perhaps in part where it had a great


 20   impact was at the NCI which, at this time, was


 21   looking at moving from their historic way to screen


 22   compounds for anti-cancer activity to what became


 23   known as the NCI 60 cell line screen.  This is a


 24   typical output on a plot of logarithmic


 25   concentrations of a drug as well as survival.  As




  1   many people have noted in the past, the 60 cell


  2   line incorporated a number of


  3   malignancies--leukemia, non-small cell, small cell


  4   and so forth, but there was ne'er a pediatric


  5   malignancy on this list.  There were many efforts


  6   made to try and change that and probably, in


  7   hindsight, it was probably just as well that we


  8   didn't.


  9             Nonetheless, in the late '80s, early '90s


 10   and even today there are a large number of


 11   clonogenic assays that were based on the MTT, XTT.


 12   The SRB assay, sulforhodamine blue, was the one


 13   that the NCI eventually adopted; historically


 14   trypan blue uptake in viable versus non-viable


 15   cells; and the list goes on and on.  Each of these


 16   has various advantages and various disadvantages


 17   but ultimately they are all measuring a very


 18   similar endpoint and these are non-clonogenic


 19   assays.


 20             At this point it is helpful to step back


 21   and say, well, what are non-clonogenic assays, when


 22   it comes to drug development, really telling us?


 23   What principles do they rest on?  Taking some


 24   liberties, I think these are the assumptions that


 25   are made.  As you can see, many of these




  1   assumptions are supported by data, others less so


  2   as we work down the list.  But the non-clonogenic


  3   assay is really a measurement of viable cell number


  4   and almost all the non-clonogenic assays do that to


  5   a reasonably good degree.


  6             Many of these have been correlated which


  7   is considered in vitro the gold standard, the


  8   clonogenic assay.  Again, not all of them, and it


  9   is very cell line dependent how well that


 10   correlates.  But then one starts making larger


 11   leaps.  That is, that the clonogenic assay somehow


 12   is correlated to in vivo cell growth and in vivo


 13   cell growth that is somehow correlated to the tumor


 14   growth in the patient.  So, when you start up here


 15   you have a long list to go down as far as what we


 16   are asking an assay to do as far as being able to


 17   predict or not predict what is going to happen in a


 18   patient.


 19             Let me talk about some of the potential


 20   uses.  I mentioned drug discovery and this is an


 21   output from a more recent NCI screen.  This has


 22   advanced as far as the type of information that


 23   comes back.  There is a compare algorithm that can


 24   talk about mechanism of action, and so forth, but


 25   if you put it in the broader context of drug




  1   discovery, this is not how drugs are discovered


  2   today.  I mean, in industry today you have a


  3   target; you develop an assay for a target and you,


  4   hopefully, have an assay that is amenable to high


  5   throughput.  For the most part, outside of the 60


  6   cell line screen, this is not how drugs are being


  7   discovered.


  8             But cell culture models are still useful


  9   in a number of areas.  You can study cellular


 10   pharmacology.  You can certainly study mechanism of


 11   action of drugs in these models, as well as


 12   evaluate drug resistance.


 13             Now, as pediatric tumor models, they have


 14   historically and continue to serve at some level as


 15   a screening for drug activity, but you can also ask


 16   dose or, more appropriately, concentration schedule


 17   dependent questions in cell culture models and one


 18   can evaluate drug combinations in these models.


 19             There are, not surprisingly, limitations.


 20   Some of these limitations are unique to in vitro


 21   models; some can be transferred over to in vivo


 22   models.  We know that cell lines undergo


 23   transformation to allow for in vitro growth.  For


 24   in vitro drugs that require metabolic activation or


 25   have active metabolites, you are likely to miss




  1   that.  You are not likely to be able to pick that


  2   up given the nature of the in vitro model.


  3             There are clearly potential differences in


  4   drug exposures in these in vitro models.  They can


  5   range from differences in protein binding.  Drug


  6   disposition is incredibly difficult to try to model


  7   in vitro.  You basically dump the drug in and you


  8   let it sit there for a period of time.  That is not


  9   what happens in a patient as far as how drug is


 10   cleared.  There are certainly differences in tumor


 11   micro-environment or lack of vascularization and


 12   hypoxia.  There are methods, and Pat has looked at


 13   some methods, to try to compensate for that in in


 14   vitro models to try to better reflect what is


 15   happening in vivo, and there are many other


 16   limitations.


 17             With that background, there are still some


 18   advantages to these models.  Relatively speaking,


 19   these are not labor intensive models.  They are


 20   relatively low cost and they are amenable to


 21   moderate throughput.  In addition, because of


 22   these, you have the ability to study multiple cell


 23   lines and I think, perhaps as we move forward in


 24   product oncology, the ability to study multiple


 25   combinations of drugs.




  1             One advantage of the in vitro model I


  2   think over other models is that it is probably the


  3   only model system that is mathematically amenable


  4   to defining synergy, additivity or antagonism.  It


  5   becomes very complex in other systems to really


  6   know if something is synergistic or not.  There are


  7   a number of accepted methods to do that in an in


  8   vitro system.


  9             So, let me start there and I am just going


 10   to share three very basic examples of in vitro


 11   models and what they can do, and I think I will be


 12   commended then for picking up the pace as far as


 13   getting us back on whatever time line we should


 14   have been on.


 15             The first one is determination of synergy.


 16   I know folks in the room know this, there is a


 17   problem with a simple addition method.  If your


 18   drug A kills 15 percent and drug B kills 25


 19   percent, well then, if the combination kills more


 20   than 50 percent it is synergistic.  Well, it


 21   doesn't take much to realize that you run into a


 22   problem pretty quickly if drug A kills 70 percent


 23   and drug B kills 70 percent.  You can't simply add


 24   them up.  We can't just say, aha, it is


 25   synergistic; it is more than the sum.  That is what




  1   we are sometimes left with, with in vivo models but


  2   it is very difficult to know that.  There are a


  3   number of mathematical approaches and these get


  4   debated constantly in journals that I don't like to


  5   read--


  6             [Laughter]


  7             --but they do get debated.  One of the


  8   more accepted models is the median effect model.


  9   There is now software that really can make this


 10   very user friendly and straightforward.  But if you


 11   have different drugs you first look for a rational


 12   effect as a concentration of dose and you do that


 13   with one drug; you lay on the other and you lay on


 14   the third, and then you realize you can't see what


 15   is going on.  So, you transform the data and you


 16   get what is called a median effect plot.  From the


 17   median effect you can calculate what is called a


 18   combination index.  Please don't try to figure this


 19   out from the graph, but let me tell you that the


 20   software will basically tell you, yes, it is


 21   synergistic or it is additive, or no, in fact, it


 22   is antagonistic.  There are other methods and


 23   probably all of them are reasonable methods to look


 24   for whether a combination is going to be


 25   synergistic.




  1             Other examples, and this is probably where


  2   this has been most widely used, that is, is this


  3   drug that is being developed in adult malignancies


  4   relevant to pediatric malignancies?  Does it have


  5   activity in pediatric tumors?


  6             So, I chose a relatively recent example


  7   that Beth Fox is working on at the NCI, epothilone


  8   B, a Bristol-Myers drug.  This is an analog that


  9   binds tubulin.  It stabilizes microtubules by


 10   inhibiting tubulin depolymerization, blocks mitosis


 11   and causes apoptosis.  Interestingly, this drug is


 12   cytotoxic in Taxane resistant tumors, as well as in


 13   cell lines that over-express MDR.  So there was an


 14   interest certainly in the pediatric community as


 15   far as is this a drug that we should be looking at.


 16             So, what one can do is one can look in


 17   vitro.  In general, it is always helpful to have


 18   some sort of reference base to compare your drug


 19   with.  In this case, we compared it to other


 20   microtubule toxins, paclitaxel, vincristine and


 21   vinorelbine and looked at the concentrations that


 22   were required to produce cytotoxicity in an in


 23   vitro model.  You can look at these and you can


 24   say, well, for these drugs, in fact, these are


 25   concentrations that fall within the range achieved




  1   in patients, and then you look at the drug in


  2   question and say, well, these are the


  3   concentrations that, if this model is predictive,


  4   one might anticipate needing as far as a relative


  5   effect and one can ask if there is adult Phase I


  6   data or are these relevant concentrations.


  7             In addition, one can do some


  8   pharmacodynamic work.  In this case, one can look


  9   at the concentrations that were effective.  Were


 10   you hitting your target in a very endpoint type of


 11   way before cytotoxicity?  What was the effect on


 12   the polymerization versus non-polymerization?  That


 13   is what Beth did in this study.  So, it is helpful


 14   as far as an inexpensive way to look across a panel


 15   of cell lines to get some idea that this drug may


 16   have some relevance.


 17             I think an area that we probably need to


 18   do more work on is integration with new agents.  I


 19   am going to choose leukemia as an example here.


 20   For those of you who don't do this on a regular


 21   basis, this, in one slide, is what childhood acute


 22   lymphoblastic leukemia therapy looks like with


 23   different phases of therapy from induction through


 24   consolidation, interim maintenance, all the way


 25   through maintenance to just over three years.




  1             As you can see, in each of these phases we


  2   treat children with anywhere from six to eight


  3   different cytotoxics.  Then, on this backbone of


  4   very successful therapy that is toxic and is not


  5   curing all children, along comes a new drug that


  6   has made its way through Phase I and Phase II and


  7   clearly has efficacy.  The question is, is it going


  8   to improve outcome?  The question is, aha, here is


  9   our new drug, and this drug in this case is the


 10   prodrug 506U, and now what?  And "the now what" is


 11   not an easy question to answer.  Where do you put


 12   it?  What are the risks and benefits of putting it


 13   in any one place?  We actually were confronting


 14   this problem, and still are with this drug as far


 15   as how do we integrate this into successful


 16   front-line therapy to ask a Phase III question?


 17             Well, we have the advantage that 506U is


 18   actually a drug that is a very old drug that has


 19   only clinically come to our attention in the last


 20   decade.  Work done by  Trudy Allen many, many years


 21   ago, beginning in the '50s and extending through


 22   the '60s taught us a whole--and a number of other


 23   investigators.  And, one thing that came to light


 24   with anti-metabolites was that there was a


 25   potential drug interaction, a negative interaction




  1   with asparaginase.  It turns out that for other


  2   drugs there is a very sequence-dependent drug


  3   interaction.  So, we asked ourselves, okay, we are


  4   using asparaginase at a number of points in this


  5   therapy, is that a potential problem?


  6             You can look in vitro and begin to get an


  7   answer to that.  So, in this set of experiments we


  8   did sequential exposure.  Nelarabine is 506U, so


  9   first exposing to nelarabine and then following


 10   with asparaginase, in this case, because this is in


 11   vitro and asparaginase is an enzyme, simply


 12   changing over to asparagine-deficient media and


 13   then asking the reverse sequence question at least


 14   in one cell line--and this is early work that is


 15   going to be presented at AACR in a couple of weeks,


 16   but in this case there is, indeed, a red flag.  If


 17   you expose cells to asparaginase before you expose


 18   them to 506U you are going to have as much as a one


 19   log decrease in effectiveness.  So, this is an


 20   important piece of information when it comes for us


 21   to try to determine what we should attempt to do


 22   and what we should avoid doing.  This is far from


 23   comprehensive and, again, there are only two cell


 24   lines and one cell line really didn't have a


 25   significant effect.  We have to do more work.  But,




  1   again, these models might help us in trying to


  2   understand how to integrate new agents on the


  3   backbone of effective therapy that we currently use


  4   in children.


  5             I want to just share a few perspectives in


  6   closing.  I will preface it by saying this was not


  7   a comprehensive talk on cell culture models and


  8   these are as much opinions as they are accepted


  9   fact.


 10             In vitro models are a cost efficient


 11   method to search for activity, but


 12   mechanistic-based approaches likely will have a


 13   higher yield.  In other words, drug discovery has


 14   moved on from screening I think in cell culture


 15   systems.


 16             In vitro  models can, however, further our


 17   understanding of drug action in pediatric tumors,


 18   and the moderate throughput is advantageous,


 19   especially when studying drug combinations.  I


 20   showed you that for leukemia we treat with eight or


 21   nine drugs.  It will become a nightmare trying to


 22   figure out all the combinations but with in vitro


 23   models you at least have a chance of grappling with


 24   some of the major issues there.


 25             For most cytotoxic agents, if it does not




  1   work in vitro it will not work in vivo.  So, the


  2   negative predictive value for most cytotoxics is


  3   pretty good.  If you can't kill the cell in the


  4   dish you probably shouldn't invest a lot of energy


  5   if this is a cytotoxic agent.


  6             Correlated to that, if it takes a


  7   super-pharmacologic concentration in vitro to have


  8   an effect, it will likely not fare well in vivo.


  9   For the most part, you can kill cell cultures with


 10   anything if you put enough in so you do have to put


 11   it in the context of are these concentrations


 12   relevant concentrations.


 13             Lastly, and this is where we probably fall


 14   down most often, if it works well in vitro there is


 15   a reasonable likelihood that it will do absolutely


 16   nothing in vivo.  That is true of a lot of models


 17   and it is certainly true of cell culture models.


 18   So, I will stop there and let the program continue.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Peter.  We have a


 20   few minutes for questions because we have to do two


 21   things, we have an open public hearing if anybody


 22   wants to speak and we also have to switch laptops.


 23   So, there is opportunity to address any questions


 24   to Dr. Adamson and Dr. Meltzer now.  I have a


 25   question for Dr. Meltzer, you kind of hinted at the




  1   end of your talk about an issue of peripheral blood


  2   and, I read in between the lines surrogate use of


  3   peripheral blood.  Can you expand on what you


  4   meant?  Did you mean that you would take the tumor


  5   diagnosis, establish a profile, and do it also with


  6   peripheral blood and diagnosis but then only


  7   monitor peripheral blood as your surrogate?  Please


  8   go the microphone.


  9             DR. MELTZER:  What I really meant was


 10   monitoring toxicity, and the example that I know of


 11   that has the most effort is in actually monitoring


 12   for radiation toxicity.  There are patients who are


 13   extremely sensitive to radiotherapy and have severe


 14   toxicity and there are some tantalizing preliminary


 15   data from Stanford that suggest that you can tell


 16   the hypersensitive patients by gene expression


 17   profiling of their peripheral blood.  That is an


 18   approach that, to my knowledge, has not been really


 19   applied to chemotherapy and there may be an


 20   opportunity to do that.  So, I was really


 21   speculating.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Reynolds?


 23             DR. REYNOLDS:  Peter, I think there are a


 24   couple of comments I want to make about what you


 25   said about the predictive value of these.  One is




  1   that I think there was a very interesting panel


  2   discussion at the AACR ERTC meeting in Boston this


  3   year about the predictive value of models in


  4   general.  It wasn't just in vitro, it was talking


  5   about animal models.  The conclusion was that they


  6   were basically non-predictive and, you know, no one


  7   had any magic models.


  8             At the same time, when you look at the


  9   publication that is coming out of the NCI 60 cell


 10   line screen, what they are saying is that the one


 11   thing that was somewhat predictive is if they have


 12   activity in multiple different cell lines, then


 13   that tended to give you some predictive value.  So,


 14   more is better in that setting.


 15             The third is that there are some


 16   well-established principles that have been


 17   discussed in the literature and often ignored that


 18   say that if you really can get two logs worth of


 19   activity, whether it is in an animal model or in an


 20   in vitro model, that may be somewhat predictive.


 21   In other words, there is a two-log threshold, which


 22   you didn't address.  And, I think when you talk


 23   about IC50s we clearly are not talking about


 24   multi-log assays or in the MPT system.


 25             So, I guess what I am suggesting is that I




  1   think that one reason why the predictive value of


  2   some of these has been less than we would all like


  3   is that, first of all, I think the systems still


  4   aren't optimized and I think they need to be done


  5   in multi-log systems and, secondly, as you pointed


  6   out, a number of us are studying things like


  7   physiological hypoxia and the impact on this.


  8   Certainly, as you pointed out very astutely, there


  9   must be consideration of what the pharmacological


 10   parameters you are going to see in a patient are


 11   when you approach these.


 12             Third, I think what we really need is to


 13   be doing them in more cell lines, not just one, two


 14   or three but we need a lot of them.  Once we get


 15   the right panels of biologic reagents in these


 16   systems and the right systems we might see the


 17   predictive value go up, and I don't think that we


 18   should exclude that possibility when we consider


 19   these.


 20             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo?


 21             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Another comment that I


 22   would like to make is that many of these models


 23   have been developed for chemotherapeutic agents and


 24   when you are dealing with a biological they may


 25   have no applicability whatsoever.




  1             DR. SANTANA:  Any other comments?


  2             [No response]


  3             We have a few minutes for an open public


  4   hearing so if there is anybody in the audience who


  5   wishes to address the committee, could you please


  6   come forward to the podium and identify yourself


  7   and any potential conflicts of interest, and make


  8   your statement?


  9             Well, if nobody is going to take the


 10   opportunity, then we will invite Dr. Houghton to


 11   proceed with the next presentation.


 12        Human Cell-Animal Xenografts: The Current Status,


 13            Potential and Limits of Informing us About


 14                         Clinical Studies


 15             DR. HOUGHTON:  I would like to thank Steve


 16   for inviting me.  When we were given the mandate or


 17   the subject of this afternoon's session, it was


 18   actually a clarifying moment to think about what


 19   sort of preclinical data is required or is of any


 20   use.  I think there are two ways of looking at what


 21   sort of preclinical data can be of use.  That is,


 22   use for us in sort of designing clinical trials as


 23   opposed to perhaps the information that would be


 24   required for the FDA to make some sort of decisions


 25   regarding the potential use of an agent.




  1             So, I think we can look at early drug


  2   discovery largely within defined standardized


  3   environments, either in drug discovery groups


  4   within companies where you have set protocols and


  5   set criteria for establishing whether an entity has


  6   adequate activity to progress to the next stage, or


  7   in the NCI screening program where, again, there is


  8   a set of protocols that drive the criteria for


  9   advancement of the compound.  The problem is that


 10   pediatric cancers are represented in neither


 11   entity.  They are obviously not going to be a focus


 12   of the pharmaceutical industry and, as Peter


 13   alluded to, despite multiple attempts they were not


 14   included in the NCI screening program.


 15             The consequences of preclinical data using


 16   pediatric models is generated essentially in an


 17   uncontrolled or non-regulated environment where


 18   everyone uses their own pet models, their pet


 19   design of experiments and, in fact, their own


 20   criteria for assessing whether or not they regard


 21   something as being active.  So, such data derived


 22   from experimental systems that are not validated,


 23   using experimental designs that are, again, not


 24   validated and interpretation of those results lacks


 25   consistency and rigor.




  1             So, taking advantage of the approaches


  2   that have been taken in industry and the idea of


  3   developing a consistent, criteria-driven approach a


  4   group, many of whom are represented here, under the


  5   leadership of Malcolm Smith, Barry Anderson and


  6   Peter Adamson, met during 2002 to consider what


  7   sort of screening program would be useful to


  8   implement that would allow us to identify drugs


  9   that are in the early clinical or just at the late


 10   preclinical stages from industry that might be


 11   useful in identifying drugs that would have


 12   specific application and perhaps should be


 13   prioritized for pediatric clinical testing.


 14             The schema is shown here and I am not


 15   going to go into detail on this because Malcolm is


 16   going to deal with this in somewhat more detail in


 17   his talk.  But the idea is to set up a panel of


 18   models so tumor A may be medulloblastomas and tumor


 19   B may be neuroblastomas, a panel of six to ten of


 20   these comprising either xenografts or heterografts


 21   of human cancers in immune incompetent mice, or


 22   where there are transgenic models to implement


 23   those within the screening program.  But the idea


 24   would be that we would have a framework where we


 25   can set the criteria for experimental design, set




  1   the criteria for assessing responses that may be


  2   more consistent and may generate data that would be


  3   of use not only to us as a group that are


  4   interested in developing clinical trials, but


  5   perhaps more appropriate use to a federal agency


  6   such as the FDA if they wanted to use such


  7   preclinical data.


  8             So, we were asked to look at the following


  9   categories of nonclinical data, and I am going to


 10   concentrate on pharmacology and pharmacokinetics


 11   efficacy and the aspect of using the models to


 12   identify pharmacodynamic endpoints that may be more


 13   amenable to analysis within the model systems than


 14   they are, certainly, in patients with solid tumors.


 15   The other aspect is to ask where such data fits in


 16   terms of development of drugs in the pediatric


 17   cancer realm.


 18             I think the models can be useful in


 19   identifying active agents and perhaps better


 20   analogs to optimize the administration schedules,


 21   or to look at drug combinations in vivo, to


 22   prioritize agents for Phase I trials, to make


 23   rational decisions within the pediatric consortia


 24   as to whether to continue to develop drugs or


 25   whether, at some point, we should drop those drugs




  1   in further development, preferably at the Phase I


  2   to Phase II transition to allow us to potentially


  3   focus a drug in treatment of certain tumors for the


  4   specific activity against certain models in the


  5   pediatric clinical screening program, and the


  6   potential to relate target inhibition to biological


  7   response which is going to become progressively


  8   more important as we deal with more agents that are


  9   inhibitors of specific signaling pathways.


 10             So, the data that suggests that some of


 11   these preclinical models may be useful is shown


 12   here.  This is from rhabdomyosarcoma models, and


 13   this is data that was gathered over about a 10-12


 14   year period in my own lab which identified


 15   vincristine, cytoxan, dactinomycin D and Adriamycin


 16   as having good activity against panels of


 17   rhabdomyosarcoma xenografts.  On the right column


 18   are sort of the response rates that have been


 19   gleaned from the literature that was available.


 20             On the other hand, it shows on the bottom


 21   that norfolan is a very active agent in the


 22   preclinical models and, indeed, is very active in


 23   rhabdomyosarcomas.  However, there is a cautionary


 24   note here.  Although we can identify drugs that are


 25   active in model systems and potentially active in




  1   the clinical setting, it doesn't necessarily mean


  2   that this is going to be a good drug.  The


  3   limitation of norfolan is that it causes cumulative


  4   toxicity to bone marrow and subsequently limits the


  5   ability to deliver standard therapy to those


  6   children.


  7             So, we have to look at these results as


  8   being promising in terms of being able to


  9   retrospectively identify drugs that we know are


 10   active in the clinical setting and to prospectively


 11   identify drugs that may have activity.  That


 12   doesn't necessarily mean to say that that drug is


 13   going to be potentially a very useful drug in the


 14   clinical setting.  So, there is a limitation to the


 15   models even though they are very promising.


 16   Ultimately, the value of the entity itself has to


 17   be determined in clinical trials.  We can merely


 18   point in that direction.


 19             On the other hand, you can take the same


 20   drugs and run those against colorectal


 21   adenocarcinoma xenografts, again, in


 22   immunodeficient mice and you see that the drugs


 23   that are very active against pediatric


 24   rhabdomyosarcoma essentially have no activity


 25   against the colon xenografts.  So, that gives you a




  1   little bit more confidence that it is not the fact


  2   that you have heterografted a tumor into a mouse


  3   that dictates its response.


  4             Coming to some more recent data, we have


  5   established a series of Wilms tumor xenografts, WT1


  6   through WT10, favorable histology Wilms tumors, and


  7   SKNEP is a cell line that was derived from a


  8   diffused xenoplastic Wilms tumor and the more


  9   pluses there are, the more sensitive the tumor is.


 10   So, anything that is greater than a 4-plus is an


 11   objective response in this model, so 50 percent


 12   regression in tumor size.


 13             So, you can see with vincristine, WT1


 14   through WT10, is 6-pluses which means that these


 15   tumors completely regress and do not regrow within


 16   a 12-week period of time.  Similarly, cytoxan has


 17   very good activity in most of the tumors.


 18   Prospectively, the model identifies the


 19   camphotecan, topotecan and irinotecan as being very


 20   active.  The important thing here is that topotecan


 21   and irinotecan are administered at doses that give


 22   relevant systemic exposures to humans.


 23             The relative exposure is perhaps the most


 24   important change in the way we are thinking about


 25   how to look at efficacy.  Efficacy in animal models




  1   is defined as the anti-tumor effect, let's say the


  2   ability of a drug to inhibit growth by 50 percent,


  3   divided by the dose that causes 10 percent


  4   lethality.  The problem is that the mouse is not a


  5   very good model for human toxicity.  The mouse may


  6   be either less tolerant to a drug, in which case


  7   you may under-predict the activity against a human


  8   tumor, or may be much more tolerant than a human,


  9   in which case the drug looks fantastic against the


 10   heterograft but ultimately fails in the clinic


 11   because you can't achieve systemic exposures in the


 12   patient that are consistent with the tumor


 13   regression in the mouse.


 14             The data shown here is the responses of


 15   different neuroblastoma xenografts to the drug


 16   topotecan against systemic exposure or area under


 17   the curve in nanograms per milliliter, showing that


 18   if we target, where the arrow is, 100 ng/ml we


 19   would expect to get in this case four out of the


 20   five tumor lines to give some response.  In fact,


 21   the total data set was the sixth line which is also


 22   completely resistant to topotecan.  So, we would


 23   predict if we targeted 100 ng/ml that we would have


 24   a response rate of four out of six or around 60


 25   percent.




  1             These sort of data are interesting but


  2   ultimately you have to prove or validate that this


  3   approach does have some merit.  That has been done


  4   in a clinical trial that was headed by Victor


  5   Santana, and the pharmacokinetics was done by


  6   Clinton Stuart, at St. Jude.  The idea here was to


  7   target the same systemic exposure that we set in


  8   the mouse, the 100 ng/ml of topotecan-lactone, and


  9   the design of the clinical trial is shown at the


 10   bottom.


 11             The drug is given for five days on two


 12   consecutive weeks, which is the schedule that is


 13   most effective in the xenograft models, and on day


 14   one there are pharmacokinetics taken and then the


 15   dose is adjusted to hit this target dose.  We are


 16   getting quite good at doing this.  In this


 17   particular trial there were 113 courses of drug


 18   administered and 92 percent were in the 100-plus or


 19   minus-20 ng/ml range.


 20             The results are shown here, where for 28


 21   evaluable patients we had approximately a 60


 22   percent response rate which is very close to that


 23   which would be predicted from a limited number of


 24   xenograft models, again suggesting that the idea of


 25   using pharmacokinetics as the metric against which




  1   anti-tumor activity is measured is perhaps more


  2   appropriate than using mouse toxicity per se.


  3             We looked at the retrospective analysis,


  4   again, about ten years work, and we see that for


  5   drugs that really didn't progress from Phase I any


  6   further, the area under the curve at the mouse


  7   maximum tolerated dose versus that in the human is


  8   somewhat higher in the mouse than the human.  So,


  9   in this example, the mouse is about 80 times more


 10   tolerant than are humans.  Yet, when one looks at


 11   the effective dose range, the effective dose range


 12   being reductions from the maximum tolerated dose in


 13   the mouse at which point you lose objective


 14   regressions in your tumor models, we see that the


 15   effective dose range for these drugs is relatively


 16   small, between two and three.


 17             So, where you have such discrepancy in the


 18   tolerance between the species and, yet, a very


 19   narrow window of true activity against the model


 20   systems which are human, one would anticipate these


 21   drugs would not necessarily achieve adequate


 22   concentrations to give tumor responses in a


 23   clinical situation.


 24             Drugs that work are shown here.  Norfolan,


 25   despite its limitations, is very active and, again,




  1   the pharmacokinetics in the mouse and the human in


  2   terms of tolerance are very similar.  There is a


  3   reasonable dose range of three to four before you


  4   lose activity.  Similarly, for topotecan the


  5   effective dose range spans the differential between


  6   mouse and human, as does irinotecan which is very


  7   well tolerated in terms of the active metabolite in


  8   the mouse and has an extremely wide therapeutic


  9   range within this model system.


 10             Looking at a more recent drug, irofulvin,


 11   NGAI114, again, anything that is more than a 4-plus


 12   is causing objective regressions.  We have looked


 13   at some 18 models.  It looks very active.  If you


 14   dose reduce you see that the MMT is somewhere


 15   between 4 and 7.  So, let's say you have 14 out of


 16   18 tumors, independent tumors show activity in


 17   terms of objective regressions.  As we reduce the


 18   dose further, it is 8 out of 18; reduce the dose


 19   further, it is 3 out of 15; and the lowest dose


 20   evaluated, only 1 out of 14 different tumors showed


 21   objective regressions.  These include tumors


 22   derived from brain tumors, neuroblastoma and


 23   rhabdomyosarcoma.


 24             The problem here is that even at this dose


 25   the systemic exposure to this drug in the mouse




  1   exceeds ten-fold that which can be achieved in


  2   human trials, again, suggesting that here is a drug


  3   that looks dramatically active in a model system


  4   but when you relate that activity to the ability to


  5   achieve systemic exposures of the drug in human it


  6   would suggest that this is a drug that would not be


  7   of high priority to undertake clinical trials, or


  8   at least progress from Phase I to Phase II clinical


  9   trials.


 10             Similarly, I think we can address issues


 11   of schedule-dependent anti-tumor activity.  This is


 12   old data with topotecan, but topotecan is given for


 13   5 days for every 21 days over 3 cycles, or given


 14   for 5 days times 2, so it is Monday through Friday;


 15   Monday through Friday at half the dose.  So the


 16   cumulative dose in both of these trials is exactly


 17   the same but the outcome in terms of tumor response


 18   is very different.


 19             I think this sort of data, where it is


 20   derived in a substantial number of tumor models to


 21   show that this is a consistent finding, may also be


 22   quite valuable in leading us in the design of


 23   clinical trials especially where, as was mentioned


 24   earlier today, one tends to get one shot at doing a


 25   large clinical trial and we might as well give it




  1   the best chance we can.


  2             The other aspect is the discrimination


  3   analogs of a particular class of chemical.  I think


  4   the models again can be quite useful if you apply


  5   this in the context of the achievable systemic


  6   exposures in humans versus the mouse.  This shows


  7   some data from an osteosarcoma xenograft which is


  8   particularly sensitive to carboplatin and


  9   cisplatinum but oxaliplatin, which is a drug that


 10   is of current interest in the pediatric oncology


 11   world, shows essentially no activity.  I think if


 12   one extends this data to, say, 6-10 osteosarcoma


 13   models and sees that, in fact, oxaliplatin has very


 14   little or no activity against these models, this


 15   can be factored into how we develop this drug in


 16   the clinical setting.


 17             These are classical cytotoxic drugs and,


 18   obviously, over the next few years there is going


 19   to be a progressive shift to drugs that we fondly


 20   call molecularly targeted drugs, even though


 21   perhaps they aren't quite as specific as we think


 22   they are.  But under those conditions we have to


 23   generate models that very accurately recapitulate


 24   the activity of, for example, signaling


 25   transduction pathways.  This raises the question of




  1   whether the conventional subcutaneous model is, in


  2   fact, going to be useful or whether we will have to


  3   go to models where the tumor is implanted into the


  4   more physiologically relevant sites, such as brain


  5   tumors into the brain, Wilms tumors into the


  6   kidney, etc.


  7             One way of addressing whether this is the


  8   case or not is through expression profiling and


  9   proteomics profiling, as alluded to by Paul


 10   Meltzer.  We have been looking at nearly


 11   established models and I will show you a couple of


 12   examples here where we have looked at Wilms tumors


 13   when we transplanted them into mice as xenografts


 14   and have done profiling from the primary tumor from


 15   which this xenograft was derived and the xenograft.


 16             So, what we are looking at here is the


 17   expression profiles for about 6,000 genes that are


 18   expressed at reasonable levels in the xenograft


 19   versus the primary tumor.  As you can see, there is


 20   a very high level of concordance, with about 20-30


 21   genes that are expressed greater than one standard


 22   deviation from the mean.  The data suggests very


 23   strongly that the expression profiles that are


 24   observed in the primary tumor are very largely


 25   recapitulated in the early xenograft studies.




  1             This means two things.  It gives us the


  2   first real metric to say this model is


  3   representative of the parental tumor because


  4   previously we have looked at histology and maybe


  5   measured a few antigens to see whether they are


  6   retained or not.  Now we can do this by profiling


  7   25,000 to 30,000 genes.


  8             Then having this data set, we can do two


  9   things.  One is, as these tumors are serially


 10   passaged in mice, from one mouse to another, we can


 11   ask a very pertinent question, at what point do


 12   these models start to deviate from the original


 13   tumor and, thus, may have much less relevance,


 14   particularly for screening or evaluating activity


 15   of molecularly targeted drugs.


 16             The second use is that if you have really


 17   consistent profiles like this, and these are


 18   maintained for multiple generations in the mouse,


 19   then we have the ability to look at the effects of


 20   drugs to perturb these profiles and start to get


 21   molecular signatures that may relate to biological


 22   outcome, that is, tumor response.


 23             One of the uses that we have made of this


 24   data is in collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline in


 25   cytokinetics, who had data, shown here, that the




  1   gene for the mitotic KSP was expressed at


  2   relatively high levels in tumors and particularly


  3   in Wilms tumor.  So, the arrow shows the levels of


  4   expression in normal kidney, which is extremely


  5   low, and also in clear cell carcinoma of the kidney


  6   and transitional cell carcinoma the expression of


  7   KSP is very low, but in Wilms tumor, which is


  8   circled here, it is extremely high.


  9             It allowed us to ask the question whether


 10   high levels of expression of KSP did, in fact, make


 11   this a drug target.  We have looked at one of the


 12   analogs of an anti-kinase inhibitor that is an


 13   analog of the compound that is currently in the


 14   clinic, and we have looked at this against a panel


 15   of Wilms tumors.  The bottom line is that this is a


 16   very active agent against favorable histology Wilms


 17   tumors that over-express KSP.  It is,


 18   unfortunately, not particularly useful against the


 19   diffuse anaplastic variety, here.  That is based


 20   upon a single xenograft and we are trying to


 21   establish further models and will see if that is,


 22   in fact, the case.


 23             In terms of the anti-tumor activity, if we


 24   can just focus here, this is tumor volume versus


 25   time after starting treatment.  Control is here. 




  1   This is the KSP inhibitor inducing complete


  2   regressions, with only 2 out of the 5 tumors


  3   regrowing during the 12-week period of observation.


  4             The limitation of this particular analog


  5   is that whilst it works very well at the highest


  6   dose, there is a very steep dose-response curve and


  7   there are much less active fractions of the MTD.


  8   So, again, this is going to be a drug where the


  9   relative pharmacokinetics between the mouse and the


 10   human are going to be really quite critical in


 11   determining whether this is very likely to have


 12   therapeutic benefit in these tumors.


 13             The final part of this is really this


 14   aspect of pharmacodynamics.  As all of us know, to


 15   look at target inhibition and, more specifically,


 16   target inhibition and target recovery in patients


 17   with solid tumors has been, and will remain to be,


 18   a very difficult proposition.  Multiple biopsies of


 19   tumor at various times before and after treatment


 20   is in most cases not really possible.


 21             I think the models can be quite useful in


 22   this respect and I will illustrate that in terms of


 23   the signaling pathway that we will be looking at in


 24   the context of a therapeutic trial of a rapamycin


 25   analog, CCI779.  This particular analog targets




  1   serene kinase, and it is very easy to monitor the


  2   effect of this drug by looking at downstream


  3   effectors and whether they are phosphorylated


  4   downstream.


  5             The problem is that target inhibition is


  6   only the first part of the question that you really


  7   want to ask.  That is, you are really asking at the


  8   drug doses that I am giving am I inhibiting the


  9   target?  That is the first part.  But what you


 10   really want to know is does the inhibition of


 11   target correlate with biologic readout.


 12             I think the model systems are going to be


 13   very useful to link the pharmacokinetics to target


 14   inhibition to biological readout in terms of


 15   anti-tumor activity, but even more so in terms of


 16   developing concepts of molecular signatures that


 17   may be much more important in predicting the


 18   outcome for treatment than merely looking at the


 19   target inhibition per se.


 20             Malcolm Smith will discuss this but the


 21   developing initiatives at the NCI include to


 22   systematically characterize tumors at the molecular


 23   level using both genomic and proteomic arrays.  The


 24   second is the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program


 25   where we hope to establish models to identify new




  1   active drugs.


  2             I think in terms of using preclinical or


  3   nonclinical data we have to standardize our


  4   experimental procedures.  This is going to be


  5   difficult, but in the context of the proposed


  6   consortium that I have described it is difficult


  7   but it is a realistic goal, and I think once we


  8   have a group that is doing this on a large scale


  9   under consistent conditions, then I think others


 10   outside of that consortium who are doing similar


 11   work may adopt the same criteria for looking at


 12   tumor response and the design of experiments so


 13   that their data and our data can be compared and


 14   normalized.  I think we have to be careful that we


 15   use standardized criteria for assessing drug


 16   activity and, again, I think this is something that


 17   will come out of the consortium or the PPTP


 18   initiative, whoever carries that out.


 19             One of the other questions that was being


 20   raised is should we be using animal data that is


 21   derived under Good Laboratory Practice compliance.


 22   The problem here is that if we do this for the


 23   cancer screening program, then my understanding is


 24   that the entire vivarium within an institute or


 25   university also has to function under GLP




  1   conditions and this aspect of the work may be a


  2   very small percentage of the total work that is


  3   being done in a vivarium per se.  It would


  4   certainly increase the costs quite dramatically so


  5   I think we have to think about the prospect of GLP


  6   in the context of who is going to be doing this


  7   work and whether this would increase the cost of


  8   animal experimentation not only for the work that


  9   is being focused on cancer, but also for non-cancer


 10   related work that is ongoing in the same


 11   institution.  Thank you.


 12             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Peter for a very


 13   thorough overview of this issue.  I am going to ask


 14   Chand Khanna to go ahead and do his presentation.


 15   After that we will take a break and then we will


 16   come back and reconvene and finish the last two


 17   presentations and have our discussion and


 18   questions.


 19            An Integrated and Comparative Approach to


 20              Preclinical/Clinical Drug Development


 21             DR. KHANNA:  I want to thank everyone for


 22   the opportunity, specifically Steven, to come and


 23   speak to you today.


 24             As Peter suggested, the convention to drug


 25   development, as you all know, is to include




  1   preclinical models to evaluate promising agents and


  2   then move those promising agents through clinical


  3   development.  To continue Peter's theme, what I


  4   would like to present is a vision towards an


  5   integrated approach wherein preclinical models can


  6   be helpful and informative, both at the preclinical


  7   level and during various phases of clinical


  8   development, and the spin that I would like to


  9   provide is one that includes a number of novel


 10   models, models that have not been used very much in


 11   drug development, and those include naturally


 12   occurring cancers that are seen in both genetically


 13   engineered mice and, more specifically, in pet


 14   animals in our communities that can, again, be


 15   included in translational and biological cancer


 16   research.


 17             What I am going to do is to bring this to


 18   you from my efforts within the Comparative Oncology


 19   Program of the CNI, which is a new initiative


 20   within the Center for Cancer Research, and my work


 21   with the Pediatric Oncology Branch where my focus


 22   is on sarcoma biology and metastasis.


 23             As Peter has alluded to, there are a


 24   number of modeling options, and the ones he has


 25   focused on and shown us really are how we can best




  1   use the xenograft models, but there are also


  2   opportunities for us to include syngeneic or mouse


  3   cancers that are transplantable into mice, and


  4   genetically engineered mice that can be used for a


  5   number of important steps in the translational


  6   process.  Lastly, what I want to focus on is the


  7   use of pet animals in the drug development process.


  8             This is a schema that you are familiar


  9   with, wherein small animals are used early in the


 10   development.  Primarily for toxicology we use large


 11   animals, whether they be non-human primates or


 12   dogs, and then we move into clinical development.


 13   The question is how can we use first a small set of


 14   examples genetically engineered mice to inform this


 15   process?  Largely, I think, because they are more


 16   complicated and challenging, we can use them in the


 17   evaluation of interesting findings from traditional


 18   transplantation models.


 19             So, if we look at the historical


 20   perspective, genetically engineered mice have been


 21   problematic for basically three primary reasons:


 22   One is that they are conventionally associated with


 23   very rapid tumor progression.  They are


 24   historically associated with hemologic malignancies


 25   and the cancers that emerge usually emerge in a




  1   number of sites synchronously.


  2             Recently there have been novel modeling


  3   approaches which have provided us an opportunity to


  4   study genetically engineered mice across a range of


  5   cancer histologies, almost all histologies.


  6   Through efforts including conditional expression of


  7   genes, somatic expression of genes within a


  8   selected pool of target cells, there are now very


  9   good mouse models for most human cancers.  The


 10   advantages that these genetically engineered mice


 11   provide through the translational process are that


 12   after you induce the genetic change in the mouse


 13   the cancers that emerge, emerge spontaneously.


 14   That is one.


 15             The second is that the tumor that emerges


 16   is syngeneic from the tumor to the tumor


 17   micro-environment to the host, and that is


 18   something that I think provides opportunities


 19   specifically for targeted biology-based therapies.


 20   The genetics of the cancer are modifiable and are


 21   relevant and, although it is more easily said than


 22   done, the biology of these cancers can be


 23   controlled now so we can have opportunities for


 24   therapeutic evaluation during the course of


 25   progression that these genetically engineered mice




  1   have.


  2             There are limitations, and the limitations


  3   that we see with traditional animals still exist


  4   with these genetically engineered mice.  There is


  5   heterogeneity within a specific population of mice.


  6   There is heterogeneity in the genetics of the


  7   cancer and I think that is a value.  It adds to


  8   what we get out of more or less homogeneous


  9   populations seen in the transplantation settings.


 10   Experimentally, these are very difficult and


 11   complicated designs to pursue from the standpoint


 12   of translation but they can be done.  They are


 13   expensive, time consuming, and we don't really know


 14   yet about their predictivity.


 15             The most important issue about their use


 16   is a series of patents that have been provided to


 17   Dupont exclusively that really extend to all


 18   genetically engineered mice.  Any activated


 19   oncogene in a mouse is covered by the OncoMouse


 20   patents.  The result of these patents is really the


 21   limitation of their use in the pharmaceutical


 22   industry.  So, unless this issue can be dealt with,


 23   I think the use of these genetically engineered


 24   mice in the pharmaceutical industry will be


 25   limited.




  1             What I want to move on to is ways for us


  2   to include naturally occurring cancers in the


  3   translational process in the drug development


  4   process.  Again, within the Comparative Oncology


  5   Program what we plan to provide are opportunities


  6   to include these models in drug development.  So,


  7   pet animals have a number of interesting cancers


  8   that are relevant from the standpoint of pediatric


  9   cancers, including lymphoma and then dogs with


 10   osteogenic sarcoma.


 11             Dogs in the community are developing these


 12   cancers.  There are 65 million pet dogs in the


 13   United States, 6 million will develop cancer in a


 14   year and the pet owners of these dogs are seeking


 15   out advanced care and, in many cases, are very


 16   interested in including their dogs in trials that


 17   evaluate new therapies.  So, what this provides is


 18   an opportunity to include these large animal models


 19   in drug development and this has been done largely


 20   within the pharmaceutical industry.


 21             The advantage that these large animals


 22   provide is, in fact, that they are large outbred


 23   animals, unlike the small animals that we


 24   traditionally use at the preclinical level.  The


 25   genetics of the host, the dogs, have been shown by




  1   the recent completion of the canine genome to be


  2   quite similar, very similar in fact, to humans.


  3   They are naturally occurring cancers.  Then, within


  4   given histologies the genetics of the cancers are


  5   very similar to the genetics of the same human


  6   cancers.  Very importantly, one thing that these


  7   models provide is that within a histology there is


  8   considerable genetic and individual variability


  9   that is, in fact, captured within populations of


 10   humans and often is the problem as we move through


 11   clinical development.  This heterogeneity is not


 12   captured in other models.


 13             If you look at histology responses, for


 14   example  lymphoma, the drugs that are effective in


 15   dogs with lymphoma are effective in people with


 16   lymphoma.  The drugs that are not effective in dogs


 17   with lymphoma are not effective in people with


 18   lymphoma.  To a large extent, that parallel is true


 19   for a number of histologies with classical,


 20   conventional cytotoxic drugs.  The biology of


 21   metastases within these models is faithfully


 22   reproduced for specific histologies.  Lastly, I


 23   think an important point is that these cancers are


 24   characterized by resistance or recurrence and this


 25   is really the problem that we face with pediatric




  1   patients and adult patients.  The biology of


  2   recurrence or resistance is difficult to model in


  3   most small animal settings.


  4             So, if we look at this table that I have


  5   taken from Shadner's recent review in JCO, he has


  6   listed out preclinical through clinical development


  7   of the number of agents at various phases at one


  8   point in time.  What I have done in red is just put


  9   the number of agents that are active per year.  By


 10   looking at this, you can see where opportunities


 11   exist to improve the process of drug development.


 12   Certainly as Peter suggested, there is room for us


 13   to improve this initial step but as we move along,


 14   I think there are great opportunities for us to


 15   take Phase I agents that are not burdened by the


 16   hurdle of maximally tolerated dose and inform


 17   decisions towards Phase II.  I think there is an


 18   opportunity for these large animal models, for


 19   genetically engineered mice to take that role of


 20   informing towards Phase II and potentially


 21   informing towards Phase III.


 22             So, this is the integrated approach that I


 23   would like to suggest wherein pet dogs--we have


 24   largely done this work within the pharmaceutical


 25   industry to assess activity, toxicity,




  1   pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and used that


  2   information to lead towards Phase I.  Well, perhaps


  3   as important, use these tumor-bearing dog studies


  4   to define dose regimen schedules towards Phase II


  5   to validate, potentially to identify but really


  6   more appropriately validate biomarkers, define


  7   responding histologies, and then provide a rational


  8   system in which we can demonstrate that


  9   combinations should be considered towards Phase II


 10   and potentially Phase III.


 11             So, I would like to give you a couple of


 12   short examples.  Thrombospondin-1 is a very large


 13   protein with a number of receptors and a number of


 14   effector domains.  The second type-1 repeat has


 15   been associated with significant antiangiogenic


 16   activity.  From the second type-1 repeat a series


 17   of small peptides, non-amino acid peptides, are


 18   being pursued as anti-cancer drugs, antiangiogenic


 19   drugs.  The problem with the development of this


 20   class of drugs and specifically thrombospondin-1 is


 21   that although we can show within mice that these


 22   agents are antiangiogenic and although we can show


 23   that they do have anti-cancer activity, the leap


 24   towards the clinic has been difficult.


 25             So, the question was whether or not we




  1   could use dogs with naturally occurring cancers to


  2   help us make that step.  What I would like to show


  3   you is a simple example of how we have done that.


  4   The experimental clinical trial for pet dogs


  5   included dogs with any measurable malignant cancer,


  6   no concurrent therapy, and the endpoints really


  7   were to assess toxicity, a limited attempt to


  8   evaluate PK, and then to look at response, keeping


  9   in mind that response was going to be assessed


 10   against bulky disease using a single-agent


 11   antiangiogenic drug.


 12             The first point that I want to bring up is


 13   that accrual is achievable.  In a short period of


 14   time we can enter large numbers of dogs in these


 15   clinical trials with the support and interest of


 16   their pet owners.  Toxicity has always been


 17   evaluated, in fact, in dogs.  An interesting and


 18   important point is that pet dogs that bear cancer


 19   have different toxicity profiles than beagle dogs


 20   that are evaluated in the research setting.  In


 21   fact, in many situations the toxicities that are


 22   seen in pet dogs are much more similar to those


 23   toxicities seen in patient populations.


 24             I will show you some of the responses.


 25   This is a dog with a maxillary squamous cell




  1   carcinoma.  This is the lesion after 30 days on


  2   therapy.  It is perhaps a little clearer here.


  3   After 60 days the lesion is much more active.  It


  4   is hemorrhagic.  Through a 60-day period of time in


  5   a human clinical trial, Phase I trial, it is


  6   unlikely that you would continue this patient on


  7   therapy with progression.  But we did continue this


  8   dog and after 90 days, the lesion is now no longer


  9   present.  We can biopsy this site and there is


 10   squamous cell carcinoma that is persistent there


 11   but the lesion is not actually assessable there.


 12   So, this dog continues to do well, free of disease


 13   that is measurable within the mouth, but not a


 14   histological regression.


 15             I have several other images that I could


 16   show you to suggest, in fact, that the agents are


 17   active and they can result in regressions.  The


 18   responses include stabilization which we feel are


 19   real but, in fact, objective regressions of lesions


 20   that cross a number of histologies.


 21             The other thing that this points to is, in


 22   fact, histologies that we wouldn't have predicted


 23   activity in. So, lymphoma was found to be quite an


 24   active site and now, in Phase II, these drugs are


 25   moving ahead.  Of interest to the group, sarcomas




  1   were particularly responsive histology.


  2             So, what did we learn from these dog


  3   studies?  Antiangiogenic peptides can be active


  4   against bulky disease.  They need time.  Because of


  5   the results that we were able to generate in dogs,


  6   the Phase I trials in Europe extended their


  7   observation times and they did see objective


  8   responses in patients treated for 60 days.


  9             Agents are active against histologies we


 10   wouldn't have predicted, like non-Hodgkin's


 11   lymphoma.  A very important point is that all dogs


 12   that continue through therapy develop resistance on


 13   therapy so combinations are going to be necessary


 14   and, as we look towards the use of these agents, we


 15   are going to have to keep in mind that resistance


 16   will be an obvious problem.  Most dogs don't


 17   respond to therapy and, therefore, there is an


 18   opportunity for us to define markers that predict


 19   responsiveness within a heterogeneous population of


 20   dogs and, in fact, predict when responses will be


 21   seen.  That work is being done and thus far


 22   circulating endothelial cells seem to an interest


 23   and will move on into the clinical setting as well.


 24             This is, again, the perspective that we


 25   have and I think there are some examples from the




  1   thrombospondin-1 studies that show how we can


  2   inform towards Phase II.  I want to end with


  3   another brief example and it speaks to this


  4   pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic response question


  5   that Peter brought up.


  6             So, Cheryl London, who is at UC Davis, is


  7   evaluating small molecule inhibitors of the split


  8   tyrosine kinase receptor family.  What she was able


  9   to do in a very similar trial design, treating dogs


 10   with bulky disease, is actually do tumor


 11   pharmacodynamics using phospyl KiT as the target;


 12   do serial biopsies in dogs evaluating the diversity


 13   of KiT mutations in dogs with nasal tumors and


 14   define the dose that is required to modulate the


 15   target in vivo to validate surrogates that could be


 16   more evaluated in human clinical populations


 17   against this tumor target, and then move those


 18   things into the clinic.


 19             She was able to show that the dosing


 20   schedule, an every other day dosing schedule, was


 21   valuable and able to achieve threshold receptor


 22   inhibition of KiT.  This information was translated


 23   directly into the development of products in


 24   clinical trials.  The every other day dose was


 25   suggested for human development but the human




  1   development required input from marketing and


  2   marketing didn't want to pursue every other day


  3   dosing.  The drug trials predicted daily dosing


  4   would be toxic and, in fact, was toxic in people.


  5             I am just going to jump ahead.  So, what


  6   we are interested in being able to do within the


  7   Comparative Oncology Program is provide a reagent


  8   kit that can allow biology-based questions to be


  9   answered in these trials.  This has been a


 10   difficulty for dog trials thus far in that we just


 11   don't have reagents to study dogs in a rigorous


 12   way.  We now have a validated canine oligoarray, a


 13   17K element array.  We are validating proteomics


 14   approaches in dogs with cell signaling.  We have


 15   screened specific antibodies for cross-reactivity


 16   to dogs and we have made good progress there.


 17             Multicenter collaborations are going to be


 18   required for us to be able to do trials in a short


 19   period of time, and allow that short period of time


 20   to inform towards clinical development of the same


 21   drugs, and to be able to help with decisions of


 22   when these models can be used and when they should


 23   not be used in development.  There are times where


 24   really the questions are not appropriate to ask


 25   within these dog studies.




  1             I will just end with a list of histologies


  2   that I think are relevant.  Osteosarcoma is


  3   obviously an area of personal interest and we have


  4   actually published randomized, prospective,


  5   placebo-blinded trials in dogs with osteosarcoma


  6   looking for opportunities in the clinic.


  7             We are interested in lymphoma.  There are


  8   other histologies.  But important to note is that


  9   within each of these cancer histologies are genetic


 10   changes that can be modeled and can be targeted.


 11   So, it doesn't have to be histology based.


 12             The weaknesses of these models are the


 13   cost.  Drug costs are a primary concern; the cost


 14   of managing the trials and time.  They are longer


 15   models than what we would see with typical small


 16   animal studies although the time is much shorter


 17   than what you would have in the same clinical study


 18   in a human population.


 19             With that, I will conclude.  I will


 20   acknowledge our initial group in Comparative


 21   Oncology, and the slide also includes Lee Helman


 22   and the people in the Pediatric Oncology Branch.


 23   UC Davis and Cheryl London has been doing a lot of


 24   these translational studies.  Now, with the


 25   interest of CTEP and the CCR, we are pursuing some




  1   trials with 17DMAG to answer some of these


  2   questions that will inform towards Phase II.


  3             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Chand.  I will


  4   seek the advice of the FDA.  Should we take a


  5   ten-minute break and try to get back on schedule


  6   because I know we are going to have people dropping


  7   off as the day progresses.  So, why don't we just


  8   take a ten-minute break and reconvene at 3:00,


  9   finish with the two presentations and then take


 10   questions and discussion and try to get out of here


 11   on time?


 12             [Brief recess]


 13             DR. SANTANA:  I will invite our next


 14   speaker to come to the podium.  Dr. Kenneth


 15   Hastings will address the issues of what can be


 16   learned about safety using different models.


 17                  What can Learned About Safety?


 18             DR. HASTINGS:  Well, my task, after these


 19   really nice scientific presentations, is to give


 20   you the regulatory spin on things so your task is


 21   to stay awake.


 22             What I want to talk about today is the use


 23   of neonatal and juvenile animal studies for


 24   determining the safety of drugs for use in


 25   pediatric patients and, obviously, this is going to




  1   apply to pediatric oncology.


  2             The specific guidance that really led to


  3   the development of guidance on juvenile animal


  4   studies was the Pediatric Exclusivity Act under


  5   Section 505A of the FDC Act.  The specific language


  6   that is included that refers to nonclinical studies


  7   is that the FDA may request nonclinical trials


  8   before completing pediatric studies in humans.


  9   Certain toxicology studies in immature animals may


 10   be necessary to evaluate the safety of use in


 11   pediatric conditions.


 12             Also another regulatory background


 13   document has been referred to previously, and that


 14   is ICH E11, clinical investigation of medicinal


 15   products in the pediatric population, and once


 16   again the decision to proceed with a pediatric


 17   development program involves consideration of many


 18   factors, including any nonclinical safety issues.


 19   The need for juvenile animal studies should be


 20   considered on a case-by-case basis.  Then it refers


 21   to ICH M3, which is the document that outlines the


 22   timing of nonclinical studies vis-a-vis clinical


 23   studies.


 24             Finally, there is a draft document that


 25   was published in February, 2003, nonclinical safety




  1   evaluation of pediatric drug products.  We now have


  2   the final version, after comments were made to the


  3   docket, and we hope to publish it sometime this


  4   spring or summer, and we took into consideration


  5   the comments that were made.  This document


  6   provides guidance on the role and timing of animal


  7   studies in the safety evaluation of therapeutics


  8   intended for the treatment of pediatric patients,


  9   and it also provides specific recommendations based


 10   on the available science and pragmatic


 11   considerations.


 12             Why did we get into the issue of juvenile


 13   animal studies?  Well, in assessing the use of


 14   drugs for pediatric use the basic assumption that


 15   we have proceeded with over the years has been that


 16   under most circumstances the safety and efficacy of


 17   drugs approved for use in adults predicts pediatric


 18   use if you make the appropriate dose adjustment.


 19             Now, in the past we have used things like


 20   relative body surface area.  We consider that to be


 21   a good default measure for dose adjustment.  But


 22   generally this is less informative than data you


 23   would get from a clinical pharmacology study.  That


 24   is really what we are after, being able to make


 25   dose recommendations based on actual ADME




  1   pharmacokinetic studies.


  2             Neonatal and juvenile animal studies to


  3   enable clinical studies are needed basically to


  4   support the safety of studies in pediatric


  5   patients.  The origin of the guidance really was to


  6   provide information and what we call triggers on


  7   the need for nonclinical studies.  Basically, what


  8   we are saying here is that you don't need to do a


  9   juvenile animal study every time you want to do a


 10   clinical trial in a pediatric patient population.


 11   What we were trying to do is to find out what are


 12   the sorts of things that we could observe or


 13   already know about the toxicology or the safety of


 14   a drug that would tell us that maybe you need to do


 15   a pediatric juvenile animal study to support the


 16   safety of a pediatric study.


 17             Also, this guidance contains advice on the


 18   conduct of the studies and provides information on


 19   how the results of these studies would be used in


 20   designing pediatric drug trials and, in fact, in


 21   deciding whether or not they would be safe.


 22             Now, we recognize that there are


 23   differences in the drug safety profiles between


 24   mature and immature systems, and these include


 25   differences in susceptibility to insult and




  1   differences in toxicity-related ADME parameters.


  2   We recognize that some physiological systems are


  3   more vulnerable than others, especially those that


  4   undergo extensive postnatal development.


  5             When you think about it, you know, that


  6   doesn't exclude much.  There are a lot of things


  7   that undergo significant postnatal development.


  8   So, really more than anything else what we would


  9   think about are those that might be particularly


 10   susceptible to insult, such as the developing


 11   nervous system, maybe the developing immune system,


 12   the kidneys, perhaps even the gut.  So, those would


 13   be potential triggers for asking for a juvenile


 14   animal study if we knew from adults, from clinical


 15   practice or from mature animal studies, that these


 16   are target organs of toxicity.


 17             Now, I want you to keep in mind two basic


 18   concepts that toxicologists use all the time.  They


 19   have to do with how you look at the usefulness of


 20   studies, what it is that you intend to get out of


 21   the study.  Actually, I have them in reverse order.


 22   The first are studies that are designed for hazard


 23   identification.  Basically, the idea behind hazard


 24   identification is that you demonstrate that a drug


 25   or a candidate drug has the potential to cause an




  1   adverse effect.  An example of hazard


  2   identification would be something like an Ames


  3   assay or a discovery toxicology study where you


  4   administer a drug by intraperitoneal injection.


  5   You are just trying to find out if a drug can cause


  6   a toxicity.


  7             Pertinent to our discussion today, under


  8   certain circumstances adverse effects in mature


  9   animals might not be predictive of adverse effects


 10   in developing systems.  So, some studies that you


 11   might conduct, some juvenile animal studies you


 12   might conduct actually might be for the purposes of


 13   hazard identification, and I am going to talk about


 14   how that plays into the design of studies a little


 15   bit later.


 16             Risk assessment, of course, is that you


 17   are trying to look at all of the parameters of


 18   toxicity--systemic exposure, route of


 19   administration, length of exposure, all of the


 20   parameters that determine whether or not what is a


 21   potential toxicity is actually going to be manifest


 22   as a toxicity in the use of the drug.  Basically,


 23   this is one of the assumptions that we make when we


 24   say that for studies conducted in mature animals


 25   the effects will predict what happens in neonates. 




  1   What you need to do is determine what parameters,


  2   particularly ADME parameters might alter that risk.


  3             I want to just mention very briefly the


  4   differences in pediatric versus adult patients or


  5   subjects with respect to ADME because that really


  6   was the driving factor in looking at juvenile


  7   animal studies to start out with.  In humans, if


  8   you look at ADME, there are differences with age as


  9   far as distribution of drug dose.  The receptors


 10   come and go; they develop and certain


 11   age-restricted ranges and, therefore, what you


 12   observe in younger systems may not be applicable to


 13   older animals and, obviously, extrapolating this


 14   clinically.


 15             As far as absorption of an orally


 16   administered drug, you have to consider that in


 17   infants they have a larger volume of distribution,


 18   larger surface area to body weight ratio, and the


 19   body composition is different.  Infants and


 20   children have higher gastric pH which will affect


 21   the absorption of basic and acidic drugs, larger


 22   absorption of the basic drugs; less absorption of


 23   acidic drugs.  GI motility is different.  In


 24   infants and neonates GI motility tends to be fairly


 25   low compared to adults.  In children the motility




  1   tends to be high compared to adults.  So, the


  2   actual achievable AUC for a particular orally


  3   administered drug may be different if you just do


  4   your extrapolation based on body surface area.


  5   And, there are certain other things to consider,


  6   such as unique routes of exposure such as through


  7   mother's milk.


  8             A very difficult issue is metabolism.  We


  9   know that as a general rule there are certain


 10   metabolic systems that appear to be more functional


 11   in pediatric patients versus adults.  I am not


 12   going to get into a long discussion about


 13   differences in metabolism except to say this, with


 14   respect to P450 enzymes, if you look at juvenile


 15   animals and if you look particularly at rats which


 16   is a model that we use quite often, we actually


 17   don't know a lot about the relative development of


 18   the P450 enzymes.  There is probably one exception


 19   to that.  We thought that there would probably be a


 20   lot of information on this.  It turns out that


 21   actually there is not in the published literature.


 22             Finally, another thing to consider is


 23   excretion in juvenile animals--actually, I am


 24   talking clinically but in children you have lower


 25   glomerular filtration rate, lower tubular




  1   secretion, resulting in slower clearance and longer


  2   half-life.  Once you get up into the child range


  3   you have rapid clearance and shorter half-lives.


  4   So, once again, pharmacokinetics may not be


  5   predictable based on body surface area.


  6             One thing to consider is how valuable are


  7   animal models for ADME comparisons.  Well, an


  8   obvious advantage is that in animals you can do


  9   experimental manipulations that might help you


 10   define ADME parameters.  But a not so obvious


 11   advantage, as I have mentioned, is the lack of


 12   comparative information in animals, particularly


 13   with respect to metabolizing enzymes.  One thing to


 14   consider though is that if you can associate PK


 15   parameters with adverse effects in animals, this


 16   might be useful in clinical trials.  So, that is


 17   one real advantage to a juvenile animal model.


 18             Really ADME was what originally drove the


 19   consideration of doing juvenile animal studies.


 20   Obviously, the other thing that we are interested


 21   in is toxicity.  Are these studies going to be


 22   safe?  The things that we need to consider are the


 23   relative maturations of physiologic systems.  These


 24   are probably better understood in animals but we


 25   could have a debate about that.  If adverse effects




  1   are observed in mature animals, then the juvenile


  2   animals could be used to demonstrate increased or


  3   decreased susceptibility, and you may be able to


  4   understand how ADME might affect that.  Once again,


  5   however, extrapolation to clinical trials may be


  6   less certain because of the variations in, for


  7   instance, metabolism that we don't really


  8   understand as well as we should in animals.


  9             Let me lay out a couple of scenarios where


 10   juvenile animal studies might be useful for the


 11   purposes of toxicology studies.  One thing, you may


 12   need a juvenile animal study if you already have a


 13   pretty good handle on the adverse effects and you


 14   have a pretty good idea about the ratio of toxic


 15   dose to efficacious dose, and particularly this may


 16   be true for short-term use drugs like antibiotics.


 17             However, and this was mentioned earlier--I


 18   believe Dr. Santana mentioned this, sometimes even


 19   with acute exposure you might need long-term


 20   follow-up studies.  The classic example for this is


 21   the fluoroquinolones.  What happened here, as you


 22   probably are aware, fluoroquinolones are associated


 23   with a very troubling effect called crippling


 24   arthropathy.  It was originally discovered or


 25   described in puppies, in young dogs.  The question




  1   was the clinical relevance of these studies.  There


  2   is a lot of talk about this and I don't want to get


  3   into that debate but I think that most people


  4   nowadays consider that fluoroquinolone use in


  5   children is something you approach very carefully


  6   because this may very well be a serious adverse


  7   effect that would persist into adulthood.


  8             One of the ways that we have looked at


  9   answering this question was simply to do this, to


 10   dose juvenile dogs, beagles, with fluoroquinolones


 11   over a course of, like, two weeks at, say, doses


 12   equivalent or maybe higher than what you would use


 13   clinically, producing AUCs equivalent to higher


 14   than clinical doses, and then just let the dogs go,


 15   let them mature and then, at about six months of


 16   age, you would look at the dogs again and do


 17   clinical evaluations, to histopath on the affected


 18   bones and see if there are any changes in those


 19   animals; see if the effect gets worse; see if it


 20   improves; see if there are any associated lesions


 21   that appear to be caused by this juvenile exposure.


 22             In fact, what we now know about


 23   fluoroquinolones--to cut to the chase--is that


 24   actually these effects tend to persist.  They


 25   probably don't get worse but they do persist.  That




  1   is an important thing to learn in deciding whether


  2   or not to conduct a clinical trial, let's say, for


  3   something like otitis media, and also to look at


  4   the follow-up.  In fact, that was used as an


  5   argument for the long-term follow-up of children in


  6   clinical trials with fluoroquinolones, and I think


  7   this is something you should take into


  8   consideration when you think about oncolytics used


  9   in pediatric patients.  I think it is a pretty good


 10   comparison that you might want to think about.


 11             When you talk about long-term use,


 12   particularly, let's say, a drug that has never been


 13   developed for use in adults, then you might think


 14   about what we would call a shift to a hazard


 15   identification type of study.  What you would do


 16   here is you would start with juvenile animals.  You


 17   would dose them all the way through adulthood, look


 18   for adverse effects and then, if you do see adverse


 19   effects, you can go back and do window of


 20   vulnerability studies where you try to find out


 21   where, in the development of that animal, this


 22   occurred and this could help you in understanding


 23   where the vulnerable windows would be in a clinical


 24   trial.  In other words, you can build risk


 25   assessment into what is in fact, when you think




  1   about it conceptually, a hazard identification kind


  2   of study.  You can also build in pharmacokinetics,


  3   obviously, and safety pharmacology studies such as


  4   effects on blood pressure, cardiac function, renal


  5   function and things like that.


  6             I just want to make one mention about


  7   efficacy models.  We have had a lot of talk about


  8   efficacy models; very good talks.  I just want to


  9   say that you can build safety determinations into


 10   efficacy models, particularly large animal models


 11   where you can do serial blood levels of biomarkers


 12   or AUC for the drug, things like that.  So,


 13   although we haven't in the past typically looked at


 14   efficacy models for safety information--we do our


 15   toxicology studies in otherwise health animals,


 16   efficacy models probably can be used for this, and


 17   I think there is at least some experience with that


 18   in looking at biologics.


 19             Now I am going to mention the animal rule.


 20   The animal rule was passed, I believe, in 2001.  I


 21   think that is when it was finally codified.  This


 22   allows for use of animal studies to demonstrate


 23   efficacy for where clinical trials would be


 24   unethical and/or not feasible.  It applies to new


 25   drug and biologic products.  It is used to reduce




  1   or prevent toxicity of chemical, biological,


  2   radiological or nuclear substances.  Obviously, I


  3   think we can sort of see what the animal rule is


  4   really designed for, and that was for development


  5   of drugs to treat things like anthrax.  Basically,


  6   we are talking about counter-terrorism measures.


  7   You know, antidotes for nerve toxins and things


  8   like that.  That is what it is really designed for.


  9             Drugs considered should have demonstrated


 10   safety in humans.  That is one thing that is built


 11   into the animal rule.  Now, whether or not that


 12   would apply to oncolytics, that is a different


 13   question and I think that is something for the


 14   panel to discuss.  If possible, clinical activity


 15   in a relevant disease, although lack of clinical


 16   efficacy data shouldn't prejudice against


 17   consideration under the animal rule.  We have had


 18   sponsors come in and propose to pursue a drug under


 19   the animal rule where there was no activity data in


 20   clinical trials in adults, let's say, as applied to


 21   what we are considering today.  The important thing


 22   to consider is in what way can this principle be


 23   applied to pediatric oncology drugs.  I think this


 24   is something that maybe would be worth discussing.


 25             Juvenile animal studies can be useful for




  1   safety determinations.  They are not prohibitively


  2   challenging to conduct.  You can dose rat pups from


  3   day seven on.  In fact, people have even looked at


  4   beginning with birth, transferring drug in mother's


  5   milk and then starting to dose after weaning.


  6   There are all kinds of ways you can manipulate


  7   neonatal animal studies.


  8             The available data doesn't indicate that


  9   juvenile animal studies need to be routinely


 10   conducted, but they might be needed under certain


 11   circumstances, as I have mentioned previously.  But


 12   the database is limited and this conclusion could


 13   change.  I don't think it will but, as with


 14   anything, as we start seeing more juvenile animal


 15   studies we will start looking back at these and


 16   deciding whether or not we made the right decision


 17   in our recommendation.


 18             So, thanks and I appreciate your


 19   attention.


 20             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you.  I am going to


 21   take the chair's prerogative and ask you two


 22   questions because I don't want you to leave the


 23   podium without addressing these.  One is, can you


 24   give us an idea of the universe of where this is


 25   applied?  I mean, how many times when there is a




  1   new drug, either in development or a drug that is


  2   already out there, are we going back and doing


  3   either retrospectively, when is the drug is already


  4   out there or as part of the development plan, some


  5   of these studies addressing specific issues of


  6   toxicity?  Is this a common thing that happens?


  7             DR. HASTINGS:  In juvenile animals?


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, is this common or


  9   uncommon?  That is the first question.  Then a


 10   corollary to that is, are there specific animal


 11   models that address specific systems?  So, is there


 12   an animal model that already looks at neurologic


 13   toxicity?  Is there an animal model that already


 14   looks at cardiac?  Or, is it really just this model


 15   and then we look the nervous system or we look for


 16   the heart system, and so on and so forth?


 17             DR. HASTINGS:  Well, the first question,


 18   yes, we have seen a number of juvenile animal


 19   studies.  Dr. Karen Davis Bruno, who is the chair


 20   of that committee, has been keeping a running


 21   tabulation.  Karen, do you know what the number is


 22   right now?


 23             DR. BRUNO:  [Not at microphone; inaudible]


 24             DR. HASTINGS:  Also, as I understand it


 25   from sponsors, when it was understood that we were




  1   working on this guidance, if they were going to


  2   pursue pediatric development before they understood


  3   that we were looking at developing a for-cause


  4   guidance, in fact, a number of sponsors just did


  5   them.  I mean, they basically just said we are


  6   going to anticipate that FDA is going to ask for


  7   them.  So, yes, there are a number of them and some


  8   of them have been quite informative.  I didn't


  9   really get into that because, frankly, I am not


 10   aware of a case in pediatric oncology.


 11             As far as a preferred animal, well, no.  I


 12   wish we could say that there is.  You know, we have


 13   standard models in toxicology in drug


 14   development--rats, beagle dogs, cynomolgus monkeys


 15   and it is almost like those are the better models


 16   simply because we have just developed so much data


 17   with them that we understand what is going on


 18   there.  If it is neurological though, you are


 19   probably wanting to think more in the line of a


 20   non-human primate like cynomolgus.  But for, like,


 21   immune parameters probably rats would be a better


 22   model simply because we have the reagents to do


 23   that kind of study.


 24             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you for answering


 25   those two questions.  I think they were relevant to




  1   what you were trying to address in your


  2   presentation.  I will invite Malcolm--he has the


  3   daunting task of being the last speaker.


  4           Assessing Anti-Tumor Activity in Nonclinical


  5                    Models of Childhood Cancer


  6             DR. SMITH:  I would like to thank Steve


  7   and colleagues at the FDA for sponsoring this


  8   meeting and for the invitation to speak here this


  9   afternoon.


 10             I will be talking about NCI's initiatives


 11   to develop nonclinical models for pediatric


 12   oncology.  Throughout the talk I will slip between


 13   nonclinical and preclinical.  The slides are


 14   variably labeled that way but you will know what I


 15   mean.  The three major things I will be focusing on


 16   are, one, why we need to be working in this area;


 17   two, why we are doing what we are doing; and,


 18   three, why we think it has at least some chance of


 19   providing useful information.


 20             I have shown this slide at I think


 21   previous pediatric ODAC meetings, but it is the


 22   drug development pyramid and it makes the point


 23   that there are more agents entering Phase I studies


 24   in adults than we can move into children; then,


 25   more agents during Phase I in children than we can




  1   conduct Phase II studies for; then only a very


  2   limited number of Phase III studies that we can


  3   conduct.  We are not limited now at the Phase I


  4   setting.  We actually could study more drugs in the


  5   Phase I setting.  Where we really are limited is in


  6   moving to Phase II and doing all the Phase II and


  7   pilot studies that we need with these new agents,


  8   and then especially moving into Phase III studies


  9   and the one neuroblastoma Phase III study or


 10   rhabdomyosarcoma Phase III study that we may be


 11   able to do in the next three, four to five years.


 12             To make a concrete example of this


 13   neuroblastoma and looking at the agents under


 14   evaluation now, these are all in pediatric Phase I


 15   or Phase II trials--a demethylating agent,


 16   decitabine, fenretinide, interleukin-12, the Trk


 17   tyrosine kinase inhibitor, oxaliplatin, HDAC


 18   inhibitors and then BSO.  Those are the single


 19   agents or we could combine those with standard


 20   chemotherapy agents in different regimens.  We can


 21   combine them with each other and try to inhibit


 22   some of the different pathways jointly that these


 23   agents inhibit.  So, how are we going to pick which


 24   of these agents, which combinations to bring


 25   forward for the one neuroblastoma Phase III study




  1   that we will be starting in two or three years?  It


  2   is a daunting challenge to try to get data that


  3   informs that decision.


  4             Hence, this is a primary need for some


  5   help with that from the preclinical or nonclinical


  6   area.  If we had predictive nonclinical methods, it


  7   could contribute to prioritizing agents for


  8   evaluation against specific types of childhood


  9   cancer.  To do this, we need a systematic approach


 10   opposed to what really has been a haphazard


 11   approach over the past twenty years.  The


 12   systematic approach is required to assess the


 13   predictive value of pediatric nonclinical models.


 14             In recognition of the need for such a


 15   systematic approach, the NCI board of scientific


 16   advisors approved committing ten million dollars to


 17   this effort over the next five years through the


 18   Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program.  I will


 19   describe this in a bit more detail later but for


 20   now suffice it to say that this will be a


 21   systematic approach, primarily based on in vivo


 22   testing with xenograft models, but also having an


 23   in vitro component and making use of genetically


 24   engineered models when those are available and


 25   applicable.




  1             So, the questions I am asked about this


  2   when I have talked about this are, well, why are


  3   you doing this?  Don't you know that adults have


  4   used xenografts and xenografts don't


  5   work?--analogous to Pat Reynolds' question earlier.


  6   I would respond to this by pointing out three


  7   papers, and I will start with the last one, a


  8   review article that I would refer you to for


  9   marshaling of the arguments that xenografts can


 10   contribute to drug development and the take-home


 11   message there is better than commonly perceived but


 12   can be improved.


 13             The first reference was a paper from the


 14   developmental therapeutics program at NCI, and the


 15   conclusion there was that although maybe a breast


 16   cancer xenograft didn't predict for activity in


 17   breast cancer, activity across a range of


 18   xenografts predicted that that was an agent that


 19   had a good chance of being successful when


 20   transferred to the clinic, not necessarily for the


 21   tumors that weren't in the xenograft models but for


 22   at least some cancers having activity.


 23             The second paper, a more recent paper


 24   published last year in Clinical Cancer Research,


 25   made the point that using panels of xenografts for




  1   a given tumor type increases the likelihood for


  2   correct prediction, and we will be focusing on


  3   panels of xenografts in our preclinical testing


  4   program.


  5             This shows two figures from that paper.


  6   If you look at the one on your left, each of the


  7   squares represents a drug that was studied in the


  8   clinic.  There is the Phase II activity, the


  9   response rate.  And, it was studied in a panel of


 10   xenografts, and the readout there is the mean


 11   treatment to control.  So, a low treatment to


 12   control indicates a high level of activity in the


 13   preclinical setting and high response rate in the


 14   Phase II, of course, indicates high activity there.


 15   So, you see the predictive value for at least two


 16   of these xenograft panels where activity in the


 17   preclinical setting in these ovarian xenograft


 18   panels and the non-small lung cancer xenograft


 19   panels predicted for Phase II activity for these


 20   agents.


 21             The other point that I make when


 22   justifying why we think this has some reasonable


 23   chance of being successful is that we have the


 24   advantage of being able to make use of pharmacology


 25   to enhance a predictive ability of preclinical




  1   models.  We will be able to make comparisons


  2   between mouse pharmacology to human pharmacology


  3   and this can rule out the trivial explanation for


  4   activity in xenograft models.  That trivial


  5   explanation for an agent being active in a


  6   xenograft model being that the mice tolerate much


  7   more of the agent than humans do.  So, a human


  8   cancer implanted in the mice is going to be exposed


  9   to much higher levels than we will ever seen in the


 10   clinical setting and there is a good chance that


 11   activity will be seen but it won't be replicated in


 12   humans.


 13             In the pediatric preclinical setting we


 14   can use both the activity of the agent in our


 15   pediatric preclinical models that test results, and


 16   also the comparison of the mouse PK of the agent


 17   with the PK of the agent in the initial adult


 18   trials.  We will be studying these agents or we


 19   will be making our decision at a time after we have


 20   some initial adult experience.


 21             So, the most promising agents then will be


 22   those that have activity in the pediatric models at


 23   serum levels that are actually achievable or


 24   systemic exposures that are achievable in humans.


 25   Peter Houghton gave examples of this and I will




  1   just reiterate two of those.  The topo-1


  2   inhibitors, irinotecan where incorporating PK led


  3   to positive prediction for the activity of


  4   irinotecan against neuroblastoma.  Then,


  5   incorporating PK correctly predicted inactivity for


  6   another agent that he described, sulofenur.


  7             Peter mentioned the data that we have that


  8   support the potential for prediction, and I just


  9   list those, the data that he described for activity


 10   of agents in rhabdomyosarcoma xenografts mirroring


 11   the clinical activity of these agents, the correct


 12   prediction of activity for topo-1 agents against


 13   both rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma.  Another


 14   point is that models now are not just limited to


 15   rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma.  Peter


 16   described the Wilms tumor and some of the


 17   predictive supportive data there.


 18             Importantly, we also have xenografts for


 19   acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  Since this is the


 20   most common cancer in children and a major cause of


 21   mortality among children with cancer, it will be


 22   important to also look at this in an in vivo


 23   preclinical setting.


 24             This is work from Richard Lock, published


 25   in Blood a couple of years ago, just showing the




  1   blast cells in the patient and then growing in the


  2   NOD/SCID mice.


  3             This is a table from that work showing


  4   that when these lines are transplanted into mice


  5   with no treatment there is a reasonably consistent


  6   growth pattern.  With treatment with an agent known


  7   to be active against some childhood ALL cases there


  8   is substantial growth delay for some cases;


  9   moderate growth delay for other cases; and no


 10   growth delay for some.   Importantly, this in vivo


 11   sensitivity to vincristine correlated with what we


 12   know is an important measure of sensitivity in ALL,


 13   the duration of the first complete remission.  So,


 14   we have the capability now to look at these ALL


 15   xenografts to address this important disease.


 16             An important contribution of the


 17   preclinical models now is in the area of


 18   molecularly targeted agents, and the ability to


 19   make preclinical pharmacokinetic and


 20   pharmacodynamic comparisons.  Peter mentioned this


 21   and I will reiterate it.  Especially important in


 22   this era of molecular targets, we can use these


 23   models to identify the degree of target modulation


 24   that is associated with anti-tumor activity, 50


 25   percent inhibition, 75 percent, 90 percent, what is




  1   needed in order to achieve anti-tumor activity; how


  2   long does target modulation need to occur to


  3   achieve the desired effect; and then particularly


  4   important for children, what are the serum levels


  5   or systemic exposures of the agent that are


  6   associated with the requisite levels of target


  7   modulation because it is going to be very difficult


  8   for most childhood solid tumors especially to be


  9   able to biopsy repeatedly tumor specimens to


 10   measure this in children so we can understand the


 11   pharmacology in children and target the systemic


 12   levels that we have shown in the preclinical models


 13   to achieve the desired level of target modulation.


 14   This is also an opportunity to correlate anti-tumor


 15   activity with gene expression profiles and protein


 16   expression profiles.


 17             One area that we are working in to try to


 18   facilitate the evaluation of molecular targeted


 19   agents is a project called POPP-TAP, or the


 20   Pediatric Oncology Preclinical Protein and Tissue


 21   Array Project.  This is a collaboration between


 22   NCI, both intramural and extramural, and Children's


 23   Oncology Group researchers.  The objective of this


 24   collaboration is to develop tissue and cell arrays


 25   and protein lysate arrays of pediatric preclinical




  1   cancer models, primarily focusing initially on


  2   xenografts and we are going to have close to 100


  3   xenografts, different xenografts for which we will


  4   have these tissue arrays available for study by


  5   researchers.  Also, Kahn's laboratory is


  6   determining the gene expression profiles for these


  7   pediatric preclinical cancer models, again focusing


  8   initially on almost 100 xenografts for this.  Then,


  9   these data will be available for researchers as


 10   well.  We hope that this project will facilitate


 11   the conduct and interpretation of preclinical


 12   testing of targeted agents in childhood cancer


 13   models.


 14             The kind of complicating factors in


 15   testing molecularly targeted agents--the comment is


 16   sometimes made, well, you know the target is there,


 17   just go after the tumors that express the target.


 18   It is not that easy.  One of the complicating


 19   factors is the promiscuity of agents.  A targeted


 20   agent may hit multiple targets, some recognized;


 21   some not.  The Bay compound is one of many


 22   examples.  It was initially a raf kinase inhibitor.


 23   So, there is promiscuity of agents in terms of


 24   their targets.


 25             There are multiple biological effects of




  1   modulating a particular target of these so-called


  2   molecularly targeted agents so farnesyl transferase


  3   inhibitor in all the pathways that affects; the


  4   proteasome inhibitors in all the different pathways


  5   that that affects; Hsp90 inhibitors, all the


  6   pathways affected there.  And, it is very hard,


  7   kind of on first principles of tumor biology, to


  8   predict a priori what the potential applicability


  9   of a particular agent such as this is to a


 10   particular childhood cancer based on just its


 11   biology.  The preclinical testing then can allow


 12   identification of previously unrecognized or


 13   unsuspected activities that may have clinical


 14   relevance.


 15             I am often asked, in terms of addressing


 16   preclinical activities, well, what about mouse


 17   genetic models?  Why aren't you focusing solely on


 18   mouse genetic models?  They have certainly made


 19   critical contributions to our understanding of


 20   cancer pathogenesis.  In order to use genetic


 21   models for testing, not all models will be


 22   appropriate for testing.  Really specific


 23   properties are needed, particularly short latency


 24   and high penetration for feasible testing are two


 25   characteristics needed and not all models have




  1   that.


  2             But there are some genetically engineered


  3   models for pediatric cancers that may have these


  4   characteristics and be suitable for drug testing.


  5   For example, the MYCN model for neuroblastoma may


  6   be appropriate and we will try to use that if we


  7   can.


  8             The other caution is that a mouse is a


  9   mouse, and mouse biology is not the same as human


 10   biology.  So, the lessons from the mouse genetic


 11   models may not apply directly to the human setting.


 12   There was an excellent review last year that really


 13   documented this issue and made the point that more


 14   humanized mice may more faithfully replicate human


 15   cancers.


 16             The preclinical testing program that we


 17   have worked on over the last year or two to


 18   initiate will be based on panels of xenograft lines


 19   for the most common childhood cancers.  It will


 20   incorporate an in vitro testing component along the


 21   lines that Peter Adamson outlined, particularly in


 22   areas like the combination studies which may


 23   provide valuable information.


 24             We hope to be able to systematically test


 25   10-15 agents per year, seeking to obtain agents




  1   near the time that a commitment is made for the


  2   initial evaluation in adults so that, by the time


  3   the adult clinical experience is available and


  4   there is evidence that this may be an agent that


  5   could be studied in children, we will have


  6   preclinical data to better address the question of


  7   whether this is an agent that should be studied in


  8   children.  This will be implemented via a contract


  9   mechanism with the primary contractor and the


 10   potential for subcontracts for testing specific


 11   cancer types.


 12             The schema that Peter showed is shown


 13   here.  I will just make the point here that we will


 14   be using panels of tumors.  For example, if this is


 15   a rhabdomyosarcoma, each panel is represented by 6


 16   to 8 to 10 different xenografts, and then testing


 17   at the MTD initially.  When hits are identified,


 18   activity is identified, then being able to go and


 19   study the agent more intensively, look at a full


 20   dose response, obtain PK data if that is not


 21   already available, and do some of the molecular


 22   studies if those are warranted.


 23             A critical issue is addressing the


 24   intellectual property issues.  We have made efforts


 25   over the past years to develop, in collaboration




  1   with academic investigators and pharmaceutical


  2   sponsors, a model MTA.  This model MTA will be used


  3   for all transfers by companies of their proprietary


  4   compounds to NCI-supported investigators for


  5   preclinical testing.  Acceptance of the model MTA,


  6   and it was included in the RFP for establishing the


  7   preclinical testing program, but acceptance of the


  8   model MTA is a requirement for participation in the


  9   program.


 10             I actually have some copies of the model


 11   MTAs.  There is one for transfer of the agent to


 12   MCI and there is one for transfer of the agent from


 13   MCI to the test sites.  But Dr. Sherry Ansher is


 14   the CTEP contact for those.  If anyone wanted


 15   copies, I would be glad to provide those to you.


 16             In summary and in closing, appropriate


 17   prioritization is key to future treatment advances


 18   for childhood cancer.  If we make good decisions in


 19   terms of which agents we bring forward, and


 20   particularly to the Phase III setting, we have a


 21   chance for making advances.  if we don't, then our


 22   advances will be limited.


 23             The Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program


 24   may contribute to successful prioritization but


 25   systematic preclinical testing of all agents




  1   entering clinical evaluation in children should


  2   become the standard of care, not because we know


  3   what to do with these data now--we may have ideas


  4   of what to do with these data, but because a


  5   systematic approach is what we need to allow


  6   validation of the panels and to optimize the


  7   pediatric preclinical tumor panels.  Thank you and,


  8   again, thanks to the FDA for this opportunity.


  9                       Committee Discussion


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Malcolm.  We have


 11   a few minutes for questions for presenters before


 12   we go into the period of answering the questions.


 13   Dr. Przepiorka?


 14             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Thanks.  Two questions,


 15   one for either Malcolm or Peter.  Peter had a slide


 16   up there of I think it was MMI114 looking at a


 17   single dose or dose schedule against a series of


 18   tumors.  If I recall, your conclusion was it was


 19   not a very active drug because the AUC was ten


 20   times greater than what one could expect to achieve


 21   in humans.  I was somewhat disappointed because I


 22   could think of three or four drugs that we already


 23   use for which we could probably have made the same


 24   conclusion based on a single dose schedule being


 25   tested.




  1             So, my question for either of you is,


  2   especially with the development of the new program,


  3   is there an established panel of dose schedules


  4   that will be used for drug testing so that you know


  5   when a single high dose is going to be effective as


  6   opposed to low continuous exposure before a drug is


  7   thrown out?


  8             DR. HOUGHTON:  I think in the case of


  9   NGI114 we have basically done other schedules.  I


 10   think what we would hope is that a fair amount of


 11   optimization will have been done if we get a drug


 12   from industry that is going into a clinical trial,


 13   that a lot of the various schedules that have been


 14   examined and information on which are the best


 15   schedules will be made available at that point.  I


 16   think if you look at the size of the screening


 17   program, if we went to doing the classic schedules


 18   that you are going to use in the clinic, I don't


 19   think the screening program has the capacity for


 20   those; it certainly doesn't have the funding to do


 21   that.  So, I think for most drugs that will come


 22   from industry, they may well have that information


 23   already so that would at least allow us to do the


 24   first cut using the optimal schedule that they have


 25   and, in most cases, those have been quite accurate.




  1             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  If one has knowledge of


  2   the mechanism of action and the pharmacokinetics,


  3   could one potentially come up with the three best


  4   guesses and so not have to do a whole bunch of


  5   different dose schedules, or is that not a


  6   reasonable approach?


  7             DR. HOUGHTON:  Again, a lot of that


  8   information will be available to guide how we test


  9   the drug in the screening program.  I think we


 10   still have to go to the MTD.  I think that is


 11   probably appropriate because one of the things you


 12   want to do is get some idea of the tumor


 13   sensitivity relative to an MTD in the mouse so


 14   ultimately you want to do that with respect to


 15   pharmacokinetics.  So, irrespective of whether you


 16   know the mechanism of the action of the drug, I


 17   think the consensus was that you go for the MTD


 18   even if you have a molecularly targeted drug where


 19   you think it is a specific kinase inhibitor.  That


 20   is for two reasons.  One is if you see no activity


 21   that probably tells you that, you know, this is not


 22   a drug that is suitable for treating certain


 23   pediatric cancers.  The other is that despite


 24   having very strong evidence that a specific target


 25   is, indeed, the target, when you go to the MTD you




  1   may, in fact, reveal additional activities.  I


  2   think what we are trying to do is the minimum


  3   amount of work, not because we don't like to do any


  4   work but the minimum amount of work means minimum


  5   utilization of resources to do a first cut to


  6   identify those drugs that are worth pursuing, and


  7   maybe looking at scheduling issues but to eliminate


  8   those where we feel there is very little reason to


  9   pursue that.


 10             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  If Dr. Chand Khanna is


 11   still here, I have a question.  I mean, GLP came


 12   around because of some major issues in drug


 13   development for adults and I would hate to see the


 14   same problems arise in pediatrics because GLP was


 15   not applied.  The comment was made earlier that it


 16   is too expensive for a vivarian in academia to


 17   actually run under GLP but, given all the rules


 18   that govern how you deal with animal care nowadays,


 19   I can't imagine that it is not already running


 20   under GLP.  Does the Center for Comparative


 21   Oncology animal housing at NCI--in your experience,


 22   is that run under GLP and is it really a stretch to


 23   try to get everybody who is going to be doing


 24   preclinical testing to do that?


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Can you come to the




  1   microphone, please?


  2             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  While he is coming, I


  3   want to request the permission of the chair to have


  4   Dr. Khanna and Dr. Meltzer take some empty seats at


  5   the table and to have them join in the discussion.


  6   I think there are empty seats between Dr. Weiner


  7   and Ms. Haylock and there is an empty seat next to


  8   Ms. Ettinger.


  9             DR. KHANNA:  Yes, a point of


 10   clarification, at NCI we actually aren't going to


 11   be managing pet animals in trials.  We will be


 12   managing those trials through veterinary teaching


 13   hospitals that do operate under GCP guidelines in


 14   many situations.  So, that GCP hurdle is certainly


 15   passed at many of those sites that we will be


 16   working with and, in fact, it will be a requirement


 17   for them to be involved in our cooperative groups.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  Donna, not to take this


 19   discussion down a different route, but those for us


 20   who are not familiar with the issues related to


 21   GLP, since you hinted that there was an issue,


 22   could somebody summarize what those are?


 23             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I think we have a lot of


 24   experts in the room but, in brief, the


 25   International Conference on Harmonization, as well




  1   as the FDA, have adopted standards under which


  2   animal studies are conducted.  These standards


  3   collectively are referred to as Good Laboratory


  4   Practice.  Is Dr. Hastings still here?  Do you want


  5   to add anything to that?


  6             DR. HASTINGS:  [Not at microphone;


  7   inaudible]


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Please us the microphone


  9   because we really need to listen to the discussion


 10   and sometimes it is difficult, and also record it


 11   for the record.  You can take the podium; that


 12   would be fine.


 13             FDA PARTICIPANT:  GLP has many components


 14   to it.  It includes the test article and how stable


 15   it is.  The composition has to do with the people


 16   that are involved with the research, like their CV


 17   being on line, how they have been trained.  It has


 18   to do with the instrumentation and how they are


 19   calibrated or if they are appropriate for the


 20   testing that is being done.  It has to do with the


 21   animal husbandry, and how they are kept, the room


 22   and the building, and many other components to it.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Donna, did you want to


 24   elaborate on that?


 25             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Yes, I think from all the




  1   talks that I have sat through, all the way back to


  2   orientation, I believe GLP came around as a result


  3   of some issues regarding fraud and poor science in


  4   the late '60s, early '70s.  I was just looking to


  5   see if the poster was still up because I think I


  6   remember the poster being up during orientation.


  7   So, GLP came around as a result of a lot of


  8   problems with scientific integrity in the initial


  9   preclinical work that was handed in with drug


 10   trials supporting FDA approval, and to have that


 11   happen in the pediatric setting right now would


 12   probably be a huge step backwards for pediatric


 13   drug development.


 14             DR. ADAMSON:  I just want to clarify that


 15   there is a difference between GLP and GCP.  Without


 16   question, pediatric trials are according to GCP.


 17   What you are saying is the animal clinical trials


 18   are going to be conducted according to GCP.  That


 19   is a different level of work but that is the


 20   standard in pediatric drug development trials.


 21             GLP, as we have just heard--there are very


 22   few academic laboratories, adult or pediatric, that


 23   do work according to GLP.  That is the reality of


 24   academic laboratories.  There are very few that do


 25   it according to GLP because the costs become




  1   prohibitive.  There are some laboratories that can


  2   do it but I think they are a distinct minority.


  3   Without question, would every place like to do it


  4   according to GLP?  Yes, but the funding is simply


  5   not there to meet those costs.


  6             DR. WILLIAMS:  I must say that working


  7   with our pharm tox colleagues we do not demand GLP


  8   when we see a new IND, but we do demand that they


  9   analyze where it differs from GLP and justify those


 10   differences.


 11             DR. SANTANA:  Malcolm, were you going to


 12   make an additional comment?


 13             DR. SMITH:  In the RFP for the preclinical


 14   contract we did not specify GLP.  That was at the


 15   recommendation of colleagues in the Developmental


 16   Therapeutics Program.  You know, basically it is


 17   what Peter was saying, that it would limit the pool


 18   of researchers who could do that work.  We will


 19   have appropriate procedures in place so the


 20   credibility of the results will, we hope, be above


 21   question but we have not required that they meet


 22   the GLP requirements in the RFP.


 23             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Hirschfeld?


 24             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I will make one further


 25   comment and then maybe we can go to the questions. 




  1   GLP I think is more precise than GCP.  GCP is very


  2   open to interpretation and that was one of the


  3   rationales for having our discussion this morning,


  4   and it is a continuing source of guidances and


  5   directives and other documents attempting to decide


  6   how GCP can be applied to any particular study,


  7   whereas GLP tends to be more explicit.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Good.  Any other questions


  9   to the panel members or discussants?


 10             DR. REYNOLDS:  I wanted to tie a little


 11   bit of what Eric was saying this morning to


 12   comments made by Peter and particularly by Malcolm


 13   where you suggested a standard of care would be


 14   preclinical testing if we are engaging in human


 15   studies in pediatrics.  I think it would seem that


 16   given what Eric was saying--this was really not a


 17   point of discussion in the morning when we were


 18   talking about monitoring but he did point out the


 19   sort of ethics dilemma involved in facing a Phase I


 20   study where you are looking at having to deliver


 21   some prospect of benefit to a patient in the


 22   context of doing the study.  I think I would like


 23   to suggest that we incorporate or think about some


 24   sort of way that the agency might incorporate


 25   Malcolm's suggestion of a standard of care, of




  1   having some sort of preclinical data in the


  2   pediatric tumor setting before engaging in testing


  3   these agents in the pediatric setting.


  4             DR. SANTANA:  Peter?


  5             DR. ADAMSON:  I would actually put out a


  6   caveat that that would be a goal to try to realize


  7   perhaps within the next five or ten years.  The


  8   large majority of agents today that are active


  9   drugs for children with cancer have not gone


 10   through preclinical testing.  There is a lot of


 11   inactivity in industry with very important drugs.


 12   So, it is an ideal we would like to move towards


 13   but I think we are many steps away before saying


 14   that that is the standard of care.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Smith?


 16             DR. SMITH:  The other caveat would be that


 17   in the future it could be a standard of care


 18   because we have predictive models that we are


 19   confident of and it makes sense to act on our


 20   knowledge of these predictive models.  That is in


 21   the future, why it should be the standard of care.


 22   Why it should be the standard of care now is


 23   because if we don't do it systematically and obtain


 24   the experience, then we won't ever get to that


 25   future.  So, for now the standard of care is




  1   because only by systematically approaching this


  2   problem can we develop the data that gets us to the


  3   point where we are confident making decisions based


  4   on these data.


  5             DR. REYNOLDS:  Absolutely, but I think


  6   what Peter said in one of his slides is quite true,


  7   and that is under the ideal circumstances of a good


  8   laboratory model, if you can't get good responses


  9   in your disease type you are probably unlikely,


 10   almost assuredly unlikely to get those responses in


 11   the children.  So, I think that doing some testing


 12   to exclude agents that we then would not be


 13   exposing children to when they have no prospect of


 14   benefit based upon what is probably a predictive


 15   model--that is, if you don't get any activity in


 16   the lab you are probably not going to get it in the


 17   clinic--should be at least a consideration.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Houghton, I think you


 19   had a comment?


 20             DR. HOUGHTON:  Only to add that I think in


 21   five years time we will have a much better idea of


 22   whether this is correct or not.  I think the one


 23   thing that perhaps didn't come out strongly enough


 24   from maybe the three of us is that what we are


 25   proposing in terms of PPTP is an experiment and we




  1   don't know how accurate the models are going to be.


  2   We don't know what the flaws or the limitations


  3   are.


  4             So, in a way, I think it would be also


  5   inappropriate if you had no activity in the model


  6   not to pursue that at a clinical level because, in


  7   fact, they may be very important experiments that


  8   will reveal the fact that the models have


  9   limitations.  What we want to know at the end of


 10   the day is with we are on the right track or the


 11   wrong track, and if there are limitations to try


 12   and address those in the next generation of models.


 13             One of the biggest problems I see in the


 14   development of models in preclinical development,


 15   in the thirty years I have been playing this game,


 16   is that we have these transitions, we transitioned


 17   from syngeneic rodent models to xenografts, to in


 18   vitro systems to xenografts, to perhaps transgenics


 19   and nobody has taken the time to look back to see


 20   what the problems were of the previous model that


 21   would then allow us to develop a better model.  So,


 22   the next five years may be very revealing in terms


 23   of the current models we have and their limitations


 24   but give us the information that the next


 25   generation of models won't make the same mistakes




  1   as the previous models.


  2                     Questions for Discussion


  3             DR. SANTANA:  With those words of wisdom


  4   and advice to all of us, let's go ahead and try to


  5   tackle the questions for discussion.  FDA is


  6   requesting that we comment on three issues and, for


  7   the record, I will go ahead and read the


  8   introduction and the questions.


  9             Because of the limited number of pediatric


 10   oncology patients and because of the problems


 11   unique to pediatric drug development, it may not


 12   always be feasible to evaluate all aspects of


 13   efficacy and safety in clinical studies.  In some


 14   settings, extrapolation of results from nonclinical


 15   studies may be appropriate.


 16             The first question is what types of


 17   questions that are of potential clinical relevance


 18   but are not feasible or acceptable to answer in a


 19   clinical study could be addressed by nonclinical


 20   studies?  Then various examples are given after the


 21   question that potentially could fit the answer that


 22   we are being asked to provide.


 23             I want to comment that one of the things


 24   that I gathered from some of the discussion and


 25   presentation this afternoon is that some of the




  1   field is moving to molecularly targeted therapies,


  2   whatever that means, and we may have limitations in


  3   our patients in being able to correctly or early on


  4   assess the correct target or do multiple biopsy


  5   samples, etc., to see whether relevant targets are


  6   being affected.  I think in that setting, in which


  7   the ethical issue of providing multiple biopsies in


  8   a patient may be relevant or may not make the


  9   clinical studies feasible, these models could be


 10   used to address those very early on so that when we


 11   get to the stage of testing these drugs in


 12   patients, then sampling strategy may be very


 13   limited or may be focused to such a degree that


 14   ethically it doesn't become a constraint for the


 15   study.  So, that is one setting where I think some


 16   of these preclinical models potentially could help


 17   us in terms of limiting the ethical barriers we may


 18   have when we introduce these molecularly targeted


 19   drugs to our trials.  That is one example that I


 20   think would be relevant.  Dr. Reynolds?


 21             DR. REYNOLDS:  I would like to suggest


 22   another example.  If one is dealing with agents,


 23   two new molecular entities or new agents of which


 24   one may have some modest activity and the other, as


 25   a single agent, may have very little activity but




  1   in combination in preclinical studies have striking


  2   synergy, requiring that you demonstrate activity


  3   for each individual agent in a patient, whereas if


  4   you went in with the combination you might get


  5   striking activity, and using the preclinical data


  6   or nonclinical data, however you want to describe


  7   it, to justify the approval of the agent as a


  8   combination I think would make some sense, and


  9   would spare children the ethical dilemma of being


 10   treated potentially with an agent that is predicted


 11   by preclinical data to be fairly non-effective, yet


 12   might contribute to the overall response of the two


 13   agents in combination.


 14             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Adamson?


 15             DR. ADAMSON:  In looking at the examples,


 16   Steve, that you have here, almost all of them are


 17   looking at host and not tumor.  I think that is


 18   fine and helps us think about what you are after.


 19   What I would caution is that we don't know, even as


 20   far as host response or, you know, developing


 21   animal models, how predictive they really are, and


 22   the experience with the fluoroquinolones I think is


 23   a good one.  We are using them and we are still


 24   learning what the real risk is.  We should not


 25   delay the initiation of pediatric testing of




  1   anti-cancer agents for the results of these types


  2   of studies because in the balance, of course, are


  3   diseases that carry a far more certain outcome for


  4   certain subpopulations of patients.


  5             So, yes, we need to embark on some of


  6   these.  We need to realize the limitations as far


  7   as predictiveness, and we should not mandate that


  8   they become requirements to being the human testing


  9   of anti-cancer agents.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Susan?


 11             DR. WEINER:  One of the things that


 12   occurred to me was that at least some nonclinical


 13   data could be very relevant, obviously, to patient


 14   selection for trials.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  Other comments or issues


 16   related to this question?  What I heard, Steve and


 17   the rest of the FDA, was that these examples you


 18   gave are relevant and, obviously, they are


 19   dependent on what you are really after so you can't


 20   put them all in one box for each drug.  I think you


 21   have to consider them based on each individual


 22   agent which is more important in terms of what you


 23   want in terms of using preclinical data.


 24             You heard my comment about molecularly


 25   targeted therapies and potentially how that could




  1   be an area where some of these models could be


  2   used.


  3             You heard a little bit also that some


  4   agents which potentially may not be totally active


  5   but in combination, if you could do that


  6   preclinically, you could demonstrate some


  7   additional activity before you actually take it to


  8   patients.


  9             Then I heard comments related to


 10   potentially how this could be used to identify


 11   potential populations if you could do the


 12   preclinical work in animals, looking at some


 13   markers that potentially could select the


 14   populations that would most benefit once you decide


 15   to do the trials.


 16             Then the last comment I think came from


 17   Peter Adamson that while we do all this, this


 18   should not hinder our ability to get the initial


 19   clinical pediatric trials started but that they


 20   should occur either in parallel or maybe a little


 21   bit earlier, or wherever in time, but certainly not


 22   to hinder the development even if this data does


 23   not exist because, actually, a lot of the questions


 24   may come after you do the initial Phase I, some


 25   early Phase II studies, and you want to go back to




  1   certain models and ask the questions that may be


  2   relevant by scheduling--are you hitting the right


  3   systemic exposure, and things like that.  I think


  4   the beauty of this system is that it has to feed


  5   back to what you knew from before.  Hopefully, that


  6   is something that we will get from this experiment


  7   that will be ongoing in the next few years, that


  8   information will be used to go back and then ask


  9   the relevant questions about why it didn't work so


 10   that then, for the next series of experiments, we


 11   can potentially address that.  Dr. Helman?


 12             DR. HELMAN:  Victor, I want to reiterate I


 13   absolutely support what you say, but also just to


 14   reiterate what I think both Malcolm and Peter


 15   Houghton said which is that, you know, in point of


 16   fact this is an experiment.  Many of us have spent


 17   our lifetime trying to find better ways to identify


 18   screening ways to pick winners for kids and for


 19   treating our patients but we don't know.


 20             Just as an example and, again, to support


 21   what you said and what Peter Adamson said about not


 22   mandating or requiring that, I think the GI stromal


 23   tumors is a very good case in point.  All we knew


 24   is that GI stromal tumors were defined by their


 25   mutation in the C KiT receptor.  That was how the




  1   entity was defined by a group of investigators in


  2   Japan, and it allowed us to separate them from what


  3   was called up until then GI leiomyosarcomas.  All


  4   we knew was that a drug that was active in CML had


  5   in vitro activity against C KiT and that was the


  6   extent of all the modeling of the data, period,


  7   before it was given to a patient with a GI stromal


  8   tumor.  The rest is history.  There was no


  9   preclinical data.  There were simply two


 10   observations, GI stromal tumors had mutations in C


 11   KiT and the STI571 AK gleevec had activity in vitro


 12   against inhibiting that kinase.  Everything else


 13   came later.  So, you know, we were lucky and I will


 14   take luck over anything else any day.  So, I think,


 15   you know, maybe we will be lucky again.


 16             In retrospect, you know, Paul had this


 17   data to say that by profiling he could predict, and


 18   I would like to hope that in preclinical models we


 19   could say that it was absolutely clear that this


 20   would have been a winner but we don't know that


 21   yet.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Paul?


 23             DR. MELTZER:  I just want to make one


 24   comment somewhat in the same vein.  I think in


 25   pediatric oncology it is extremely important to




  1   always bear in mind the very large spectrum and


  2   number of rare cancers that we encounter and I


  3   would not like to see those diseases orphaned from


  4   the hope of developing good treatment because we


  5   mandate the need for a preclinical model which will


  6   never be practical to develop.


  7             DR. SANTANA:  Very good point.  I think


  8   the practicality of the issues that we have to deal


  9   with in tumor systems in pediatric oncology is very


 10   relevant to the discussion.


 11             DR. DAGHER:  Steven can also address this.


 12   I don't think the intent of the question was to


 13   imply examples where there would be additional


 14   mandates.  I think it was actually in response to


 15   issues that have been raised by the cooperative


 16   groups themselves and the Phase I Consortium about


 17   those kinds of hurdles.  It probably wasn't the


 18   intent to ask for additional mandates, although


 19   often when FDA asks a question, that is usually


 20   what the fear is, that we are thinking about


 21   additional mandates.  That wasn't the intent.


 22             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Just to add to Dr.


 23   Dagher's precisely right answer, the intent was how


 24   can we better inform the data we have?  So, that


 25   was the rationale for the entire discussion this




  1   afternoon, how can we use nonclinical data so that


  2   we can improve our conclusions and improve our


  3   designs and use our resources most effectively?


  4             DR. SANTANA:  Good.  Let's move on to


  5   question number two, and I think I am going to ask


  6   the FDA to clarify this question a little bit for


  7   me, but the question relates to what types of


  8   evidence and data would be recommended in each of


  9   the following domains to allow extrapolation from


 10   nonclinical data and be informative for a clinical


 11   condition.  There is pharmacology and


 12   pharmacokinetics; safety; efficacy; behavior;


 13   long-term effects; developmental aspects; and then,


 14   question mark, other domains.


 15             Maybe I would like the agency to clarify


 16   for me what do they mean by types of data or types


 17   of evidence so that we can address this


 18   appropriately?


 19             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  This is a rather


 20   theoretical question but it should be grounded in


 21   the limitations of models and should be grounded in


 22   data, but there are circumstances where one has


 23   information in a domain and would like it to be


 24   predictive, or at least informative, for some other


 25   domain.  So, in some cases formal rules or formal




  1   mechanisms have been identified.  As an example,


  2   for the conversion from a laboratory measurement


  3   from a biomarker to what could be called a


  4   surrogate, where the surrogate is for clinical


  5   benefit, the NCI and others have made specific


  6   recommendations on what type of evidence one would


  7   like to see.  Going back about 160 years, there


  8   were initially observations which were formulated


  9   by Profs. Koch and Henley that there are some


 10   conditions that would be met between the


 11   identification of a microorganism and its causative


 12   role in a disease.


 13             So, we don't expect that for all the


 14   various domains of clinical interest there are


 15   formal rules to be identified, but what we would


 16   like to have is some commentary on the type of


 17   evidence and the strength of evidence so that if


 18   someone is proposing a nonclinical approach we


 19   could get some advice on whether we would consider


 20   the data that are being offered as valid data, as


 21   informative data.  If you want further elaboration


 22   we could try, but I think that is the general


 23   concept.


 24             DR. SANTANA:  If I understood you


 25   correctly, I am going to try and see if I follow




  1   you to contribute to (a).  I think we heard this


  2   afternoon how systemic exposures or AUCs of certain


  3   drugs can potentially, in certain animal models,


  4   predict reduction in tumor volume--not cures but


  5   reduction in tumor volumes at the appropriate MTD


  6   that are clinically relevant.  So, I think that


  7   would be a good example that, if there was good


  8   systemic exposure data at the MTD that was


  9   clinically relevant in adults that then was going


 10   to potentially begin the pediatric studies at that


 11   MTD or near that MTD, and there was good response


 12   data in animals at that MTD, to me, that would be


 13   information that would be relevant to addressing


 14   the issue of how pharmacokinetic data could be used


 15   in a nonclinical setting in a preclinical kind of


 16   model.


 17             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  So, if I may paraphrase,


 18   and have that then inform the answers to the


 19   others, and they may not be the same types of


 20   answers, but one has a set of techniques that are


 21   available in the nonclinical model that are also


 22   available in the clinical model so that one can


 23   make direct correlations because the technique for


 24   determining AUC is the same in the nonclinical


 25   model as in the clinical model and then you are




  1   relating the readout, applying that technique and


  2   then making a direct correlation.  That would be


  3   paraphrasing it, but the concept there is that you


  4   have techniques which are identical or potentially


  5   could map onto each other, and having that assay


  6   availability is what lets you make the


  7   extrapolation.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Peter and then Donna.


  9             DR. ADAMSON:  I think other examples, and


 10   it comes back to the need to do tumor biopsies or


 11   repetitive tumor biopsies--I think if you can


 12   demonstrate in an animal model or, preferentially


 13   in animal models, that you have a surrogate that is


 14   reasonably predictive of what is happening in the


 15   tumor, that should weigh in when looking at the


 16   effect in a patient.  So, if you are


 17   down-regulating expression of a target in a tumor


 18   but you also see it in a lymphocyte and you have a


 19   pretty strong correlation in your animal model, it


 20   is a lot easier to get lymphocytes from children


 21   than it is to get tumors from children.  So, I


 22   think that should weigh in as part of proof of


 23   principle that you are hitting a target when you


 24   actually don't have repeat access to that target.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Donna?




  1             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Actually, I would like to


  2   ask for additional clarification on this question


  3   because I recall one of your first slides in your


  4   prior talk was, I believe, that the rule is that


  5   you need at least one clinical trial as supportive


  6   evidence.  My question is regarding strength of


  7   evidence.  Do you want us to be considering


  8   sufficient strength of evidence to be the sole


  9   supporting data for that one clinical trial because


 10   pediatric cancer is an orphan disease and you may


 11   not get the chance to do anymore clinical studies?


 12             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Well, if I understood,


 13   and we can try to clarify this to be sure we are


 14   both addressing the same issue, yes, it is most


 15   likely that many pediatric malignancies, for


 16   reasons that Dr. Meltzer mentioned, because they


 17   are quite rare, will only have one study being


 18   done.  Dr. Smith elaborated just on the resources


 19   of that too.  So, if we are only going to get one


 20   study, there are ways that we can improve our


 21   interpretive ability of whatever the clinical


 22   outcome may be, either safety or efficacy or


 23   long-term effects or something, by using


 24   nonclinical data.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Malcolm?




  1             DR. SMITH:  If there is the one pediatric


  2   trial, the one Phase III trial that shows a p value


  3   that is favorable and you are looking for something


  4   else to help you justify that this is approvable,


  5   then looking at a robust preclinical data set that


  6   shows the same kind of responses or anti-tumor


  7   activity in the preclinical models would seem to be


  8   supportive at least and provide you some additional


  9   confidence that the agent was going to behave in


 10   larger groups of patients as it had in the trial.


 11             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Let me turn it around a


 12   little bit.  I guess initially all of you sitting


 13   on that side of the room--and since this is an


 14   audio recording, it would be Drs. Smith, Helman,


 15   Adamson and Anderson--you are starting a fairly


 16   extensive program which you acknowledge is an


 17   experiment.  So, one way of helping us would be how


 18   are you going to know at the end of five years that


 19   you have had a successful or an unsuccessful


 20   experiment?  And, what are you measuring that is


 21   going to determine that?  We would be interested in


 22   getting an answer from each of you.


 23             DR. SMITH:  I will say something and then


 24   let Peter chime in as well.  You know, some of the


 25   testing that we do will be to go back and take




  1   agents that are already being used, for which there


  2   is some background response data from the clinical


  3   setting, and look at the operating characteristics


  4   of the various tumor panels against those agents.


  5   So, there will be kind of building of a baseline


  6   for agents that we already have activity data for.


  7   The others will then be looking ahead


  8   prospectively.  If we have agents that have been


  9   tested and moved from the preclinical to the


 10   clinical setting, is the activity observed


 11   preclinically replicated in the clinical setting?


 12             DR. ADAMSON:  The clinical endpoints are


 13   going to be Phase II endpoints for this experiment,


 14   and you have probably heard the reasons why from


 15   Malcolm's talk as far as our ability to do Phase


 16   IIIs.  But some of those Phase II endpoints are


 17   going to be traditional objective response rates or


 18   time to progression and I think in part may depend


 19   on the agent and our ability to monitor those


 20   endpoints.


 21             But I should point out also that even in


 22   the ideal setting in the next five years where


 23   every drug that we potentially want to study will


 24   be put through this system, this is not going to be


 25   the only path to doing a clinical trial in children




  1   with cancer.  I can think of a number of


  2   circumstances where almost independent of what we


  3   see in our model system we are going to be doing


  4   clinical studies.  The obvious examples are agents


  5   that have remarkable activity in adult cancers.  We


  6   are going to look at them in pediatric cancers like


  7   we have historically looked in pediatric cancers.


  8             And, part of the experiment will be if, in


  9   fact, the model predicts lack of activity and we go


 10   ahead because of other justifications and find the


 11   lack of activity, that is going to also help the


 12   negative predictive side of things.  The positive


 13   predictive side of things, whether we look at


 14   relative response rates of simple yes/no, it met


 15   activity thresholds or not, I think will depend


 16   upon how many patients and how quickly we can get


 17   Phase II trials going.  But there will always be


 18   more than one path to get a trial into children


 19   with cancer.  The goal, however, will be to put


 20   everything that, for whatever reason, has got to a


 21   clinical trial through our model system so we can


 22   learn both positive and negative predictive values


 23   using Phase II as the endpoint.  We would like one


 24   day then to start building in toxicity information


 25   but right now that is a primary goal of this




  1   program.


  2             DR. SANTANA:  So, if I understood, I think


  3   you guys are going to try to address (a) and (c),


  4   the pharmacology and pharmacokinetics and efficacy


  5   in your models and use that data to decide whether


  6   you move on to different model systems or whether


  7   you start to introduce other domains, like looking


  8   at toxicity and things like that.


  9             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Were there other




 11             DR. HELMAN:  Well, again, I maybe would


 12   rather address not necessarily the predictive value


 13   of the models but the biologic importance of


 14   gaining more information.  For example, you know,


 15   you heard Malcolm briefly discuss the hope that we


 16   can have both some protein profiles, RNA profiles,


 17   and if there are subsets--I mean, we are going to


 18   use six to ten models so it may be--I have yet to


 19   do even a mouse experiment where I consistently


 20   cure 100 percent of the mice.  Usually it is 90


 21   percent in really good experiments, and sometimes


 22   60 percent.  So, if we can identify correlates of


 23   response, things that Paul Meltzer talked about,


 24   and then find that these are, in fact, important


 25   biologic discriminators between people likely to




  1   respond, for reasons we may have no idea, and just


  2   generate hypotheses and if that correlates at all


  3   with somehow what we then can use in the clinical


  4   study, I think we will make some important steps


  5   forward.


  6             I would just make the comment that it is


  7   something we try to hold ourselves to now because,


  8   you know, I think although we all like to think


  9   that there are ten more gleevecs out there, the


 10   likelihood of hitting a grand slam when we do


 11   clinical studies is extraordinarily small.  So, if


 12   we do a clinical study with a therapeutic endpoint


 13   and the therapeutic endpoint is negative but we


 14   learn an important biologic principle, we will


 15   continue to make progress.  If the only thing we


 16   learn is that this is inactive, we have put a lot


 17   of patients into a study that we come out not


 18   knowing anything more, other than that this thing


 19   is not active.


 20             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Right.  If I may just


 21   follow that up, that is exactly the direction where


 22   we would like to get some more advice on and


 23   thinking.  So, could you elaborate on what you


 24   would mean by an important biologic observation


 25   even if the clinical result is disappointing?




  1             DR. HELMAN:  Well, the easiest thing would


  2   be we have a kinase that we think is important for


  3   the biology of the tumor.  We give a drug.  It


  4   inhibits the kinase and all the patients progress.


  5   In the end we have learned a very important point


  6   which is that that enzyme is irrelevant for the


  7   progression of this disease in a patient.  I think


  8   that is an incredibly important observation to


  9   make.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Reynolds?


 11             DR. REYNOLDS:  I think that one of the


 12   things we have to keep in mind when we are talking


 13   about these kinds of transitions that you are


 14   talking about, Lee and Peter as well, is that the


 15   clinical experience in your Phase IIs will be


 16   pretty much in patients that are refractory to


 17   existing agents.  In some diseases one can imagine


 18   that is sort of like up-front patients but for the


 19   most part that is patients who have gone through


 20   therapy and maybe years out from therapy and it


 21   recurred.


 22             So, I think in the context of that and


 23   thinking about the way the FDA looks at things


 24   where they generally approve an agent for a


 25   specific indication, like for second-line therapy




  1   in disease X, we have to keep that in context in


  2   the preclinical modeling and we have to make sure


  3   that the preclinical modeling doesn't just reflect


  4   up-front patients but that it also reflects this


  5   refractory population so that we can make those


  6   correlations.  For example, what you were talking


  7   about, Lee, where you hit your molecular target and


  8   you get zero responses, that doesn't mean that the


  9   agent wouldn't necessarily work in up-front


 10   patients and be an effective agent, and maybe your


 11   preclinical models would have said that it worked


 12   but then they all developed drug resistance that


 13   got around it.


 14             So, all those are very complex issues and


 15   I think we are going to have to spend a lot of time


 16   thinking about these but, more particularly, spend


 17   time developing the models so that they reflect the


 18   clinical setting as much as we can.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  Steve, did you get what you


 20   wanted from the panel?


 21             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  If I may summarize at


 22   least what I heard, and then I will let you, of


 23   course, do the more formal summary as we pursue it


 24   just a little more because I think this is an


 25   important discussion, the context would be that




  1   people are very interested in nonclinical models.


  2   The question is how informative are those data.


  3   So, what we have heard so far is that if you have


  4   the same technique to measure something, whatever


  5   that may be, in the nonclinical model and the


  6   clinical model you can do a direct correlation.


  7             If you have surrogates in the clinical


  8   model that could map onto the nonclinical model,


  9   without defining how those surrogates are validated


 10   but we will presume that there is a validation


 11   process in effect, that could also be used as a


 12   mechanism to inform.


 13             We also have an approach, to go back to


 14   something Dr. Meltzer referred to, training, that


 15   we have historical clinical data which then can be


 16   used to validate a nonclinical model by using the


 17   same types of agents in the nonclinical model and


 18   seeing if it correlates to the historical record.


 19   So, that is yet another approach.


 20             Then we have prospective testing as an


 21   approach where we would ask a question of the


 22   nonclinical model and ask either the same or what


 23   we think is a related question to the clinical


 24   model and see if the answer comes out in a way that


 25   it is either identical or can be mapped.




  1             Then, lastly, we have biologic correlates


  2   where we are not asking a specific outcome


  3   mechanism of the clinical circumstance but we are


  4   just trying to pick up information to help


  5   mechanistically understand, and then go back to the


  6   nonclinical model and use that as some form of


  7   evidence.


  8             So, that is what we have heard so far, and


  9   I think that is all highly useful but, since this


 10   is a new area, we want to take the opportunity


 11   while we have the expertise available and these


 12   presentations fresh in mind to see if there are


 13   other aspects that ought to be probed because in


 14   some ways we can, hopefully, at least inform if not


 15   partially drive a research agenda to improve the


 16   validation process.


 17             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Reynolds?


 18             DR. REYNOLDS?  Steve, in general what we


 19   have been thinking about in terms of when you think


 20   about labeling indications and looking for a


 21   positive result is to say, okay, this has efficacy


 22   in a particular tumor type.  What about the


 23   negative condition?  For example, if an agent was


 24   to go through clinical trials and show activity and


 25   have a registered indication for a pediatric tumor




  1   but preclinical studies showed that there was a


  2   subset of that very disease that was very unlikely


  3   to respond to it and there were some limited


  4   clinical correlations that showed that was the


  5   case, could that be incorporated in the label and


  6   used as informative information for pediatric


  7   oncologists?  How would the negative side be


  8   approached?


  9             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Well, that is exactly one


 10   of the scenarios we have been anticipating.  I will


 11   give a very brief comment on the aspects of that.


 12   First, the question is not restricted just to


 13   product labeling.  We are in a position of


 14   attempting to advise people on a continuing basis,


 15   primarily the pharmaceutical industry but also


 16   investigators, saying what type of studies would


 17   you like to see?  This is a question that is asked


 18   essentially on a daily basis, and all of us spend


 19   probably at least 40 percent of our time meeting


 20   with people and attempting to answer their


 21   questions in this regard.  So, I would view it as


 22   the spectrum, and that includes our colleagues


 23   whose focus is the domain of nonclinical data.  So,


 24   I would view this as a spectrum of how to best


 25   utilize resources all throughout the developmental




  1   cycle of any product and not restrict it just to


  2   the labeling.


  3             Now, the other aspect is how can we use


  4   negative information?  We have used that clinically


  5   but I think what you are asking, and this is


  6   something that we discussed in April, 2001


  7   previously, and that is should negative data inform


  8   us to not invest the resources nor expose patients


  9   to risk for a given agent?  Now, three years later


 10   almost, we would like to ask the question--we are


 11   very interested in that because of the potential


 12   savings, but what kind of evidence should we use to


 13   have confidence in those negative data?


 14             DR. REYNOLDS:  If I could just ask Peter,


 15   your point being, well, if the agent has some


 16   activity some place it should be tested in


 17   pediatrics, where could the interface between


 18   preclinical model testing that shows it is probably


 19   not going to work and limited clinical data in the


 20   pediatric setting come together to diminish the


 21   number of patients exposed to a potentially


 22   ineffective agent?


 23             DR. ADAMSON:  As Peter Houghton said, I


 24   think until we do this systematically we are not


 25   going to be able to answer this question because we




  1   are just going to have biased data.  So, if we can


  2   do it systematically and we can build an experience


  3   as far as what these models' positive and negative


  4   predictive values are, then I think we really can


  5   start making informed decisions when we see


  6   negative data that we shouldn't pursue it.


  7             Given the limitation of resources, even


  8   before we have that data we are likely to apply


  9   some of this on an assumption that they are going


 10   to be predictive.  But historically, as well as in


 11   the current environment, when an agent comes on


 12   market for an adult indication it will almost


 13   invariably be used by physicians of children who


 14   have refractory cancer.  That is the reality.  So,


 15   we might as well, for agents that are clearly


 16   active and as long as it is not beyond the realm of


 17   scientific plausibility--I mean, we are not


 18   studying estrogen receptor--well, I shouldn't say


 19   that; probably people are--


 20             [Laughter]


 21             --someone should be able to come up with


 22   an example of what wouldn't be used in a child.


 23   These drugs are going to be used until we have


 24   convincing evidence our models have both positive


 25   and negative predictive values.  As Peter said,




  1   hopefully, in five years we will be able to give


  2   you a better answer to that question.


  3             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  True enough.  I will just


  4   state that we have labeled products that do not


  5   have what we consider to be activity in children on


  6   the basis of clinical data, sometimes using up to


  7   100 children with no evidence of efficacy, at least


  8   in a particular disease or particular dose.  We


  9   have labeled these things, that they should not be


 10   used in children and we are very interested in


 11   making sure that there is not inappropriate


 12   exposure.


 13             DR. SANTANA:  Kind of following that


 14   discussion, I think the issue of negative data--you


 15   know, it depends on whether you can explain why the


 16   data is negative.  That is the critical issue.  It


 17   is not that it is negative data because negative


 18   data can be very good data.  It is can you explain


 19   why it is negative, why it failed?  If you can find


 20   the reasons why in your particular experiment it


 21   didn't work, to me, that is very informative data


 22   and it should not go out with the baby.  You know


 23   what I am saying?


 24             So, it is a very theoretical discussion of


 25   this issue because if you don't do the experiment




  1   correctly you wind up with negative data, but if


  2   you do the experiment correctly and you wind up


  3   with negative data and explain why it was negative,


  4   to me, that is an advance and I think that should


  5   not be thrown out.  Donna?


  6             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Actually, just thinking


  7   about Eric's slides from this morning indicating


  8   that in the pediatric setting at least we are


  9   looking more towards beneficence and doing good for


 10   the patient, and having sat on an IRB, I was jut


 11   wondering under what circumstances would I get a


 12   protocol for a pediatric study that says there is


 13   no evidence that this drug is effective in tumors


 14   that kids have but we are going to do a Phase II


 15   study?  That would be a very difficult protocol to


 16   pass through an IRB.


 17             DR. ADAMSON:  I agree but there are a lot


 18   of protocols that come where there is no data in


 19   children.  It is a cytotoxic and there is no data


 20   in pediatric models and we do those studies because


 21   we accept that cytotoxic agents likely do have


 22   activity in pediatric malignancies as a class.  It


 23   is a horrendous problem when you think about how


 24   little data we base it on.  There has to be some


 25   scientific plausibility that the drug is going to




  1   work.


  2             Related to that, I can almost guarantee


  3   that gleevec has been tried in every pediatric


  4   malignancy to some extent.  What we would much


  5   rather do is say let's study it where we think


  6   there is scientific plausibility, and we are doing


  7   that now on very limited data, basically which


  8   tumors do we think express kinases that gleevec


  9   might inhibit?  At least that gives us scientific


 10   rationale and will give an answer.  If it is


 11   negative, I think that is important information


 12   because then at least we have the data, we put it


 13   out there and people aren't exposing children to


 14   gleevec simply because it is the most active agent


 15   in CML.  The same is true for adult malignancies as


 16   well.  I bet gleevec has been used in virtually


 17   every adult cancer that exists by someone.


 18             DR. KHANNA:  It is also used in almost


 19   every veterinary cancer--


 20             [Laughter]


 21             -- but one thought I wanted to follow-up


 22   with on Peter's comments was that the models are


 23   validated or found to be predictive within the


 24   context of the agent that was assessed so that


 25   agent X with model Y, if there is activity, doesn't




  1   say that that model is a predictive model for a


  2   cancer in general.  So, I think there is a


  3   complexity there that has to be incorporated in the


  4   next step of the analysis.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo?


  6             DR GRILLO-LOPEZ:  If I may, I would like


  7   to focus on the issues at hand in a little bit


  8   different way.  Clearly, the medical need that we


  9   are discussing is a need to make new effective


 10   therapeutic agents available to children as soon as


 11   possible.  Now, in the setting of the interaction


 12   between the agency and a pharmaceutical company you


 13   might look at two extremes.  One extreme might be


 14   where an agent is to be developed exclusively for a


 15   pediatric malignancy and may not have any


 16   applicability in adult malignancy, and those may be


 17   very few and far between.  But in that situation I


 18   guess the agency has to be more rigorous about the


 19   clinical data that needs to be submitted and


 20   supported by preclinical data than the other


 21   extreme, an agent that is clearly active in adult


 22   malignancies and where you could make the


 23   extrapolation that it should be active in pediatric


 24   malignancies.


 25             Most of those agents are the agents that




  1   we have today in our armamentarium, and most of


  2   them have been approved with very little pediatric


  3   experience, if any in some cases.  One of the


  4   questions is if you do have an agent that is very


  5   active and that deserves to be approved for an


  6   adult malignancy whose responsibility is it to do


  7   the studies to show whether or not it applies in


  8   childhood malignancy?  On the one hand, there is


  9   the need to find out; on the other hand, there are


 10   all of the obstacles that we have discussed today


 11   and the fact that there are not enough patients of


 12   pediatric age to go around.  We can't do the


 13   studies in all of the available agents even today


 14   and on the other hand there is the need that we


 15   have.  So, as a medical community interested in the


 16   cancer patient, we need to find out whose


 17   responsibility it is to do those studies.


 18             DR. SANTANA:  I think it is all of our


 19   responsibility, everybody in this room.


 20             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I think that is the


 21   answer.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  That is why we are here and


 23   we have been here for a long time.


 24             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Let me go further, that


 25   answer says that it is not the exclusive




  1   responsibility of a pharmaceutical company and,


  2   therefore, should not be a requirement for approval


  3   of an agent that is shown to be active in adult


  4   malignancy.  However, how do we approach the issue?


  5             The issue can be approached in a variety


  6   of ways with the support of the nonclinical data


  7   that we have discussed here today, and the simplest


  8   way might be to produce clinical and nonclinical


  9   evidence that the pharmacology and the


 10   pharmacokinetics are similar to those of adults and


 11   that the safety profile is similar.  That could go


 12   into a package insert without requiring that it be


 13   an indication.  Another more stringent way would be


 14   to have it go into the package insert of an


 15   indication, and there you would require at least


 16   Phase II trials as a minimum.


 17             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Rather than addressing


 18   the specifics of what goes in product labels and


 19   what does not, I would like to summarize by saying


 20   it seems that for all of the nonclinical models as


 21   they may apply to pediatric oncology we have


 22   question marks.  So, I think collectively we should


 23   encourage validation and we should encourage


 24   multiple approaches to the models so that we can


 25   gain confidence in the models and, by gaining




  1   confidence in the models we can begin to move


  2   toward the scenario where the models and the


  3   clinical data can be weighted in such a way that we


  4   can have a better understanding of what we are


  5   looking at.


  6             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, I think you said it


  7   well.  I think while we move towards perfection, if


  8   we could ever reach perfection, the systems that we


  9   have at hand have served us to some degree and we


 10   should not hinder development of any pediatric


 11   studies until those models are truly validation and


 12   we have the answers to all the questions.  I think


 13   what we have done up to today has served us to some


 14   degree and I think the agency needs to recognize


 15   that and deal with each one of the drugs or the


 16   compounds or the issues at hand on a case-by-case


 17   basis, obviously trying to formalize things in such


 18   a way so that everybody kind of does it in the same


 19   way until we reach that point of perfection.  I


 20   think you heard earlier today that it should not


 21   hinder our progress until we can validate all these


 22   domains and models and come back to you and say


 23   this is the best way of doing it.  I don't think we


 24   are there yet, and I think that is the difficulty


 25   of why we struggle with this question.




  1             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Right.


  2             DR. SANTANA:  It is very theoretical but


  3   we are not there yet.  We can give you some


  4   examples but we can't give you the whole universe.


  5             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Clearly.  So, thank you


  6   for those examples.  Maybe, in the remaining


  7   minutes, we could try to touch on the last


  8   question.


  9             DR. SANTANA:  Exactly where I was heading.


 10   The last question is are there additional


 11   recommendations for the effective use of


 12   nonclinical data?  For example, will open


 13   literature reports be generally acceptable?  Is


 14   documentation of compliance with Good Laboratory


 15   Practice necessary to evaluate animal data?  Should


 16   nonclinical data be submitted as an independent


 17   report with a presentation of primary data


 18   sufficient for verification and review?


 19             I am going to try to skip to the last one


 20   and ask the agency how they would use this


 21   verification and review when this preclinical data


 22   is being presented.  How are you going to judge


 23   that data?  It is not just that the data is


 24   submitted to you, but what tools and what processes


 25   will you use to verify and to review the data? 




  1   Because I think that will be critical in terms of


  2   getting the acceptance of individuals to submit


  3   that data--


  4             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Sure.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  --whether independent or


  6   part of the submission.


  7             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  In brief, if we don't


  8   have a track record for pediatric oncology it is an


  9   open arena so we are attempting to just gain some


 10   input into what would be considered acceptable


 11   levels of evidence in this regard.  We have much


 12   more experience in moving from preclinical to the


 13   IND phase, but if we are looking for the


 14   nonclinical data to supplement clinical data this


 15   would be a new area for us.  So, we don't have


 16   precedents and we can't comment to you, for a


 17   variety of reasons, about what we would like to


 18   see.  We are just trying to get a sense from our


 19   invited experts for what you would consider to be


 20   acceptable.


 21             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, I think the quandary we


 22   get into is--


 23             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Clarification, please,


 24   acceptable for what?


 25             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Verification of clinical




  1   findings.


  2             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  I am sorry to insist on


  3   the clarification.  Although you don't want to talk


  4   about labeling but it is an important issue because


  5   you could be saying acceptable for labeling.


  6             DR. WILLIAMS:  I might elaborate just a


  7   little.  I think certainly we do include in our


  8   labeling a lot of different pharm tox, biopharm, a


  9   lot of different kinds of data and we do accept all


 10   kinds of data for clinical use also.  The general


 11   principles are that, at least for clinical, we


 12   often go out and audit but we have sometimes, in


 13   circumstances where we have multiple different


 14   literature references that all point to the same


 15   thing accept the paper.  Then, as I mentioned


 16   earlier, when we get pharm tox data in we generally


 17   like to have data to review and generally, if it


 18   doesn't meet the GLP standards, we like people to


 19   sort of specify how that differs.


 20             So, I would sort of maybe even propose


 21   that in general those same kinds of standards would


 22   probably apply to nonclinical data, that if you


 23   didn't do it according exactly to our standards you


 24   certainly would support it in some way.


 25             DR. SANTANA:  Clarify for me, when a




  1   sponsor comes to the agency with an NDA and there


  2   is preclinical data there, that data gets reviewed


  3   and you already have defined what strategies you


  4   are going to use to review that data.  What you are


  5   implying is that those same parameters would be


  6   used for some of these experiments that we are now


  7   undertaking.


  8             DR. WILLIAMS:  I guess what Steve was


  9   saying is when we are talking about a


 10   pharmaceutical company that is doing everything


 11   under GLP, that is one thing.  It looks like in


 12   this setting we might be getting different kinds of


 13   data that aren't necessarily exactly as pure as


 14   that.  Recognizing that, I guess to what extent


 15   would you go to either compromising or specifying


 16   in a certain area certain rules or parameters


 17   before you would accept it?


 18             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Smith and then Dr.


 19   Helman.


 20             DR. SMITH:  Certainly for the contract we


 21   are involved with, if FDA has recommendations in


 22   terms of reports, we would be glad to consider


 23   those and to incorporate those and provide you with


 24   reports if those are what the agency needed for a


 25   particular consideration.




  1             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I will just address that


  2   before Lee speaks.  We are asking you today for


  3   recommendations because we don't have a position


  4   yet.  So, that is where we stand.


  5             DR. SMITH:  Grant described some kind of


  6   characteristics that you might be looking for so we


  7   would be open to considering the report formats


  8   that would be easier for you to review and be more


  9   informative to you.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  Lee?


 11             DR. HELMAN:  I wanted to ask a question


 12   because actually I think it was Dr. Hastings who


 13   mentioned this, and nobody has followed up on this


 14   and I found it very intriguing, and it follows with


 15   some of the information that Chand discussed, which


 16   is if we use spontaneous animal models to test the


 17   efficacy of a compound and we collected toxicity


 18   data, would that be enough if the toxicity data was


 19   of high enough quality to not then require


 20   additional toxicity data in healthy animals?  In


 21   fact, I think there is data to suggest that


 22   tumor-bearing animals have toxicity that is not


 23   necessarily the same as healthy, normal small


 24   mammals.  I mean, it is something we haven't really


 25   discussed, which is the coupling of efficacy data




  1   in pet models and toxicity data, and would that be


  2   valid enough to then not require the standard


  3   beagle dog or rhesus monkey toxicology?


  4             DR. HASTINGS:  Well, first, this is


  5   obviously a decision for the oncology division to


  6   make about what would be sufficient, but depending


  7   on what you knew about the toxicology of a drug to


  8   start out with, yes, you might be able to have that


  9   as a complete package to support both safety and


 10   efficacy.  I think the important issue here


 11   though--and this is my own personal opinion and I


 12   am not speaking for the division, but what we


 13   really would like to have, what I would really like


 14   to have is the raw data.  Remember, GLP is


 15   basically a set of bookkeeping rules to ensure the


 16   integrity of the study and the validity of the


 17   data.  That is really what it is all about.  Maybe


 18   you won't have a quality assurance statement or


 19   anything like that, but I think that is what we


 20   would want to have in order to know whether or not


 21   the safety data you acquired in a diseased animal


 22   model, in fact, is valid enough to make a decision


 23   about safety in that condition.  But I think that,


 24   yes, you can get toxicity in, as you said, a


 25   spontaneous animal model that actually might be




  1   more relevant to the actual indication than the


  2   kind of toxicology data you would get in a healthy


  3   animal.  Does that answer your question?


  4             DR. HELMAN:  To me, it is really a new


  5   concept.


  6             DR. HIRSCHFELD:   Our approach is that we


  7   will be naive and just for a moment pretend there


  8   was no FDA and you don't have to ask us how we want


  9   it and you are just trying to make a decision.  So,


 10   you have no clinical data and what we are


 11   anticipating is that GLP could potentially be a


 12   burden on people so you are going to do something


 13   less than GLP and you are going to use it yourself


 14   to make decisions and to determine whether the


 15   model is good or not good.


 16             So, what we are asking here is, given that


 17   GLP could not necessarily be the standard you could


 18   practically adapt, what is the standard that you


 19   are comfortable with?  What would you look at; what


 20   would you read that you would say, well, this is


 21   valid?  So, that is what we are asking.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Reynolds?


 23             DR. REYNOLDS:  Steve, I think the issue,


 24   as you hit the nail on the head, is that GLP, which


 25   is a very good concept, is not necessarily




  1   adaptable to the academic setting where limited


  2   resources are brought to bear especially on


  3   pediatrics where resources are limited.  Whereas


  4   the pharmaceutical industry has the investors to


  5   spend those resources, we do not necessarily in the


  6   academic laboratory have those.


  7             The problem is when you say less than


  8   that, what would we say is acceptable, well, I


  9   think everyone in this room can think of examples


 10   from the far end of the spectrum of data where you


 11   would ask, well, how did that ever get published


 12   all the way to data which according to the


 13   regulations is not GLP but is what people would be


 14   very confident in using for any purpose.


 15             So, what I think we need is not for us as


 16   a committee to answer your question, but actually


 17   for some guidance from the experts in the FDA that


 18   look at GLP issues as to what kind of standards one


 19   could apply that are less than full rigor that


 20   would be acceptable for the purposes that we want


 21   to use these data for.


 22             DR. WILLIAMS:  I know that our division


 23   commonly accepts things that are not GLP, but we


 24   just have the applicant look at the sections of the


 25   GLP and tell us how they differ and how they think




  1   they meet the spirit of it.  So, I think that is


  2   doable.  Maybe it could be doable in a more formal


  3   setting that met your particular needs for what you


  4   are dealing with whether it is tumor models or


  5   whatever.


  6             DR. REYNOLDS:  Just to finish that, I


  7   think this is really important in the concept of


  8   what Lee was kind of talking about in terms of


  9   using these pet animals, which are fascinating


 10   models, because they are never going to make GLP


 11   standards.  They are actually clinical practice.


 12   So, how does one interdigitate those two different


 13   worlds into a process that can then be used by the


 14   regulatory process?


 15             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Khanna?


 16             DR. KHANNA:  There is a little bit of a


 17   precedent that is set for drugs that are pursued


 18   for the field of animal health and are approved


 19   through the Center for Veterinary Medicine within


 20   the FDA.  The issues that we deal with there are


 21   basically the availability of raw data, the


 22   contemporaneous keeping of records, and the use of


 23   standardized tests and measures against those


 24   animals.


 25             So, speaking only to the use of the pet




  1   animal studies, there is a body of regulations that


  2   oversees these trials and, in fact, those same


  3   guidelines which are more GCP-like may be very


  4   useful in studies in mice, and they are not as


  5   onerous as GLP, and there are probably areas for


  6   modification but they may be a good resource to


  7   look at.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Adamson?


  9             DR. ADAMSON:  Steve, I think there are


 10   really two scenarios.  One is that there are


 11   observations made by an independent laboratory that


 12   hadn't necessarily set out to generate the data


 13   that was going to go to the agency but that is


 14   important data.  There, I think the scientific


 15   method is a pretty robust one.  That is, it


 16   undergoes peer review and if it is important


 17   someone ought to repeat it and show the same thing.


 18   I would hold any of those observations to the same


 19   standards.  I mean, if something is not


 20   reproducible by another laboratory, it is not to


 21   say throw it away but it should raise some


 22   questions.


 23             I think what we have been spending more


 24   time on is, okay, we are undertaking a program, the


 25   sole objective of which is really to provide




  1   guidance for drug development.  There, I think if


  2   you have a standardized approach where the


  3   methodology is well described and there are


  4   standard operating procedures--again, it isn't GLP


  5   but it isn't the opposite of GLP but it is several


  6   steps toward it--and I would love to hear Peter


  7   Houghton's opinion on this--but I think it would be


  8   reasonable to get access to the raw data.  Because


  9   usually the limitation of GLP is manpower and


 10   resources, and if it is important and we can do a


 11   data dump and someone else at the agency can crank


 12   through it to see if we get the same results, I


 13   think that is a reasonable approach.


 14             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Dr. Hastings, there is a


 15   seat there with a microphone and you can take that,


 16   and I will just clarify the question.  When we said


 17   primary data, that is synonymous with raw data;


 18   that is unprocessed data.


 19             DR. HASTINGS:  Right.  I just want to make


 20   one point.  Actually, we have talked about the


 21   pet--well, the companion animal studies.  I believe


 22   that under the regulations if you do an


 23   experimental study in companion animals or pets you


 24   have to have an IND with the Center for Veterinary


 25   Medicine.




  1             DR. KHANNA:  I will just briefly respond.


  2   That is not necessarily true.  It depends on the


  3   basis around which you are trying to pursue the


  4   drug.  If you are pursuing that drug for a


  5   veterinary indication it needs to go through the


  6   CVM.  If you are not, the CVM has told us that they


  7   would not want to be involved in the review of that


  8   data that is going towards the human development of


  9   a drug.  In fact, they request from us to get


 10   regulatory discretion from the human side.


 11             DR. HASTINGS:  So, you have already


 12   discussed that with CVM?


 13             DR. KHANNA:  Yes.


 14             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  I can just verify that I


 15   was specifically involved in a case or consulted


 16   where it turned out to be Dr. Khanna who was


 17   submitting a protocol and we were asked whether


 18   this was going under an IND that existed for human


 19   studies, and we were able to verify that, yes, it


 20   was under an IND for human studies and that the


 21   data would feed into the collective pool of data


 22   for understanding the potential human application


 23   and then the Center for Veterinary Medicine


 24   gracefully withdrew.


 25             DR. WILLIAMS:  It seems like a small




  1   working group between the Center for Veterinary


  2   Medicine and FDA and oncology groups especially


  3   could work out some kind of formal/informal


  4   arrangement.


  5             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, I think that would be


  6   critical because as this experiment unfolds over


  7   the next few years we want to make sure that the


  8   data that we are collecting, and the way we are


  9   collecting the data will be acceptable to the


 10   agency because, if not, we are going to be faced


 11   with the issue of how do we advance drug


 12   development in children if the data, for one reason


 13   or another, hits a regulatory snarl and is not


 14   accepted by the agency.  I think Donna had a


 15   question or a comment.


 16             DR. PRZEPIORKA:  Yes, for the record, if


 17   an academic institution participates in a trial


 18   that goes to the FDA, the FDA can come and audit


 19   that academic institution to make sure their


 20   clinical trial was done appropriately.  If an


 21   academic laboratory has their data used to support


 22   an IND, is that laboratory open for being audited


 23   by the FDA as well?


 24             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  The data from that study


 25   would be, and we have had circumstances where there




  1   were, let's say, perceived irregularities in data


  2   from a laboratory under a number of INDs and what


  3   we have done is for-cause inspections of that


  4   facility.  But if it is a single study that an


  5   academic laboratory is doing and the data appear to


  6   be internally consistent and robust, that usually


  7   is not a trigger for an audit.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo?


  9             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  In the setting of an


 10   existing NDA, that is a product that has been


 11   approved let's say for an adult malignancy, that


 12   NDA is a pharmaceutical company's NDA that has been


 13   submitted to the FDA and obtained that approval.


 14   Usually the way the data works its way into that


 15   NDA and the overall database is through the


 16   pharmaceutical company.  So, one way that your data


 17   would get to the hands of the FDA would be through,


 18   in this case, this third party pharmaceutical


 19   company that then transmits it to the FDA and the


 20   FDA will ask for the raw data.  In fact, in


 21   pharmaceutical companies we practically always


 22   submit the raw data to the FDA in addition to all


 23   analyses and interpretations, etc., with some


 24   exceptions where a publication might be sufficient


 25   for some particular purpose.  So, in many




  1   situations you would be working with the


  2   pharmaceutical company to put data in a format that


  3   would be acceptable to the FDA unless you held your


  4   own IND, and then you would file the data to your


  5   IND, if I am correct.


  6             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  Right, and again we are


  7   not restricting it to the NDA filing final phase of


  8   development but we are opening the whole discussion


  9   to all aspects of product development.


 10             DR. GRILLO-LOPEZ:  Yes, I understand but I


 11   just wanted to make the point again, as I did


 12   earlier this morning, that as we are conducting


 13   this discussion it is missing one leg of the stool.


 14   I am the only industry representative around this


 15   table, and to make this discussion more effective


 16   we should have had other industry representatives


 17   and presenters who are more expert than I on


 18   pediatric oncology.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  Dr. Grillo, noted again in


 20   the discussion of the afternoon of that issue.


 21   Susan, you had a comment?


 22             DR. WEINER:  Yes, I guess I wanted to tie


 23   it to the discussions earlier in the day from the


 24   public's perspective, from the family's


 25   perspective.  That is, the most valuable resources




  1   I think that we all have in this situation are the


  2   patient resources, the number of kids who are


  3   involved and their well being and time.  Insofar as


  4   the conduct of any preclinical or nonclinical


  5   activity is done for its own sake or is done


  6   without it being in direct service of advancing


  7   therapies for kids, I think we have to question


  8   that and be mindful of that.


  9             In addition, I think it is very important


 10   that the agency, when they consider what they


 11   require of sponsors or what kinds of studies they


 12   believe should be done on kids given what has


 13   happened in the preclinical setting, the notion


 14   that resources have to be conserved--that risk has


 15   to outweigh benefit, to be sure--but that resource


 16   have to be conserved because they make commitments


 17   into the future that may not be necessary I think


 18   is vital, and it is a vital selling point to the


 19   families community to hear that from you and I


 20   appreciate the exquisite nature with which the


 21   discussion is taking place.


 22             DR. SANTANA:  I think that is a very good


 23   concluding comment for the discussion this


 24   afternoon and I couldn't have said it any better.


 25   So, unless the agency requests that we provide any




  1   further comments, I think we have attempted to give


  2   you the best that we could, given what we were


  3   asked to comment on.  So, I want to thank everybody


  4   that participated.  I know it was a tough


  5   discussion this afternoon because it was more


  6   theoretical based rather than practice based but,


  7   hopefully, in the future, once we get more data, we


  8   can probably relate it to more practical issues at


  9   some future point.


 10             DR. HIRSCHFELD:  And I want to thank all


 11   of you for helping us.  We could say that we are at


 12   the edge and trying to push it but we don't even


 13   know where the edge is, and I thank all of you for


 14   helping us explore the unknown with the hope that


 15   the future will be the known, and our gratitude is


 16   noted too.


 17             DR. SANTANA:  Thank you, Dr. Hirschfeld.


 18             [Whereupon, at 5:10 p.m., the proceedings


 19   were adjourned.]

