FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION












                          JOINT MEETING OF THE




                           ADVISORY COMMITTEE



















                         Monday, July 12, 2004


                               8:00 a.m.





                          ACS Conference Room

                           5630 Fishers Lane

                          Rockville, Maryland



                        P A R T I C I P A N T S





      Robert S. Stern, M.D. - CHAIRMAN

      Roselyn E. Epps, M.D.

      Robert Katz, M.D.

      Paula Knudson [Consumer Representative]

      Sharon S. Raimer M.D.

      Eileen W. Ringel, M.D.

      Jimmy D. Schmidt, M.D.


      Kimberly Littleton Topper, M.S., Executive





      Ruth S. Day, Ph.D.

      Curt D. Furberg, M.D., Ph.D.

      Jacqueline S. Garner, Ph.D., MPH

      Eric S. Holmboe, M.D.

      Arthur A. Levin, MPH [Consumer Representative]

      Robyn S. Shapiro, J.D.




      Margaret Honein, Ph.D., MPH

      Sarah Sellers, Pharm.D.





      Jonica Bull, M.D.

      Denise Cook, M.D.

      Tapash Ghosh, Ph.D.

      Shiowjen Lee, Ph.D.

      Jill Lindstrom, M.D.

      Marilyn Pitts, Pharm.D.

      Anne Trontell, M.D., MPH

      Jonathan Wilkin, M.D.

      Jiaqin Yao, Ph.D.



                            C O N T E N T S


      Call to Order and Introductions

         Robert Stern, M.D., Chairman, DODAC                     5


      Conflict of Interest Statement

         Kimberly Littleton Topper, Executive

           Secretary, DODAC                                      8


      Welcome and Introduction

         Jonica Bull, M.D.                                      11


      Introduction and Overview of the Topic

         Jonathan Wilkin, M.D.                                  13


      Introduction to Psoriasis and the State of the


         Denise Cook, M.D.                                      14


      Allergan NDA Presentation - Introduction:

         Patricia Walker, M.D., Ph.D., Vice President,

            Skin Care Pharmaceuticals, Allergan                 38


      Psoriasis: Disease Overview and Treatment Options

         Alan Menter, M.D., Clinical Professor of

         Dermatology, University of Texas, Southwestern         41


      Tazarotene Pharmacology, Overview of Clinical

        Development Program, Overview of Proposed

        Risk-Management Program

         Patricia Walker, M.D., Ph.D.                           50


      Risk Benefit Assessment

         Alan Menter, M.D.                                      94


      Discussion of Allergan Presentation                      105


      FDA Presentation                                         125


      Toxicology Studies of Tazarotene

         Jiaqin Yao, Ph.D.                                     131


      Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics  127

         Tapash Ghosh, Ph.D.                                   139



                      C O N T E N T S (Continued)

      Efficacy--Biostatistical Analysis of Pivotal


         Shiowjen Lee, Ph.D.                                   156


      Clinical Wrap-up

         Denise Cook, M.D.                                     168


      Evolution of Risk Management for Systemic Retinoids

         Jill Lindstrom, M.D.                                  173


      Risk Management Tools for Oral Tazarotene:

        Context, Considerations and Experience

         Ann Trontell, M.D., MPH                               190


      Open Public Hearing


      Discussion and Questions




                         P R O C E E D I N G S


                    Call to Order and Introductions


                DR. STERN: Good morning, everyone.  I'm


      Robert Stern, the Chairman of the Dermatologic and


      Ophthalmologic Drugs Advisory Committee meeting.


      And today we're here to consider the application of


      oral tazarotene capsules for the treatment of


      moderate to severe psoriasis, including


      risk-management options to prevent fetal exposure.


                I'd like to start the meeting by welcoming


      everyone, and then beginning directly across with


      me--if everyone would introduce themselves in terms


      of their role at this meeting.


                DR. HONEIN: I'm Peggy Honein.  I'm an


      epidemiologist with the CDC's Birth Defects group.


      And I'm here as part of Drug Safety Committee.


                DR. FURBERG: I'm Curt Furberg at Wake


      Forest University.  I'm a member of the Drug Safety


      and Risk Management Advisory Committee.


                DR. KATZ: Robert Katz.  I'm a


      dermatologist in private practice.  Im a member of


      the Drug Advisory Committee.




                DR. KNUDSON: I'm Paul Knudson.  I'm the


      Consumer Representative on the Dermatology Advisory




                DR. SELLERS: I'm Sarah Sellers.  I'm a


      pharmacist and a drug-safety expert.


                DR. SCHMIDT: I'm Jimmy Schmidt, private


      practice in Houston, and I'm on the committee.


                DR. RAIMER: Sharon Raimer, University of


      Texas, Galveston.  I'm on the Dermatology




                DR. EPPS: Roselyn Epps, Chief of


      dermatology, Children's National Medical Center,


      and member of the Dermatology Advisory Committee.


                MS. SHAPIRO: Robyn Shapiro, Director of


      the Bioethics Center at the Medical College of


      Wisconsin, and I'm on the Drug Safety Committee.


                DR. RINGEL: Eileen Ringel.  I'm on the


      Dermatological Advisory Committee.  I'm a


      dermatologist in private practice in Waterville,




                DR. STERN: And, again, I'm Rob Stern. I'm


      a dermatologist from Boston.




                MS. TOPPER: I'm Kimberly Topper.  I'm the


      Executive Secretary for this committee.


                DR. GARDNER: Jacqueline Gardner,


      University of Washington School of Pharmacy, on the


      Drug Safety Committee.


                DR. WILKERSON: Michael Wilkerson,


      dermatologist and member of the DODAC committee.


                DR. DAY: Ruth Day, Duke University.  I


      direct the medical cognition lab there, and a


      member of the Drug Safety Committee.


                DR. TRONTELL: Anne Trontell, Deputy


      Director of the Office of Drug Safety in the Center


      of Drugs at FDA.


                DR. COOK: Denise Cook, I'm a Medical


      Office in the Division of Dermatologic and Dental


      Drug Products.


                DR. WILKIN: Jonathan Wilkin, Director,


      Division of Dermatologic and Dental Drug Products,


      Center for Drugs.


                DR. BULL: Good morning--Jonica Bull, the


      Director of the Office of Drug Evaluation V.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much.




                We'll now begin with Dr. Bull giving some


      introductory--oh, we'll, now begin with conflict of


      interest, from the person at my right, Ms. Topper.


                     Conflict of Interest Statement


                MS. TOPPER: Thank you.


                The following announcement addresses the


      issue of conflict of interest with regard to this


      meeting, and is made as part of the record to


      preclude even the appearance of such at this




                Based on the submitted agenda for the


      meeting, all financial interests reported by the


      committee participants, it has been determined that


      all interest in firms regulated by the Center for


      Drug Evaluation and Research present no potential


      for an appearance of a conflict of interest at this


      meeting, with the following exceptions.


                In accordance with 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(3),


      full waivers have bee granted to the following


      participants: Dr. Michael Wilkerson, for his


      speakers bureau activities for a competing firm,


      which he receives less than $5,001 per year; Dr.




      Curt Furberg, for his unrelated consulting for a


      competing firm, which he receives less than $10,001


      per year; Dr. Stern, for his unrelated consulting


      for three competing firms, for which he receives


      less than $10,001 per year, and from one firm, and


      between $10,001 and $50,000 per year from the other


      two firms; Dr. Ruth Day, for her unrelated


      consulting for a competing firm, for which she has


      greater than $50,000 pending.


                In accordance with 21 U.S.C. 355(n)(4), an


      amendment of the section of 505 of the Food and


      Drug Modernization Act, waivers have been granted


      for the following participants: Dr. Sharon Raimer


      owns stock in two competing firms, worth between


      $5,001 and $25,000 each; Dr. Sarah Sellers owns


      stock in a competing firm worth between $5,001 and


      $25,000.  Because these stock interests fall below


      the de minimis exemption allowed under 5 C.F.R.


      2640.202(a)(2), a waiver under 18 U.S.C. 208 is not




                A copy of the waiver statements may be


      obtained by submitting a written request to the




      agency's freedom of information office, Room 12A-30


      of the Parklawn Building.


                There will be no industry representative


      at today's meeting.  As you may be aware, the FDA


      has appointed industry representatives who


      currently serve on each of these committees, but


      both appointed industry representatives work with


      the sponsors that are directly affected by the


      matter before the joint committee.


                In the event that the discussions involve


      any other products or firms not already on the


      agenda, for which an FDA participant has financial


      interest, the participants are aware of the need to


      exclude themselves from such involvement, and their


      exclusion will be noted for the record.


                With respect to all other participants, we


      ask, in the interest of fairness, that they address


      any current or previous financial involvement with


      any firms they may wish to comment upon.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much.


                Dr. Bull?




                        Welcome and Introduction


                DR. BULL: Welcome.  Our thanks to all of


      you present who have taken time to be with us this


      morning.  Our thanks must include an acknowledgment


      of the time the Advisory Committee members have


      spent reviewing the background materials provided.


                I would also like to extend my thanks to


      an extraordinary group of scientists in the Center


      for Drug Evaluation and Research, from the Division


      of Dermatologic Drugs, the Office of Biostatistics,


      the Office of Biopharmaceutics, who will be


      presenting to you this morning.  As well, I would


      also like to acknowledge the work of the project


      manager in the Division of Dermatologic Drugs,


      Khalyani Bhatt, as well as a standing team from the


      Executive Operations Office of Advisors and


      Consultants, Ms. Kimberly Topper and Ms. Shalini




                The purpose of an advisory committee


      meeting is to provide expert scientific advice and


      recommendations to the agency regarding clinical


      investigations and proposed marketing approval for




      a drug product.  Our focus for today's deliberation


      is an application for oral tazarotene for the


      treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis,


      including risk management options to prevent fetal




                The mission of the Center for Drug


      Evaluation and Research is to assure that safe and


      effective drugs are available to the American


      people.  This means that we thoroughly assess the


      adequacy of the clinical trial design and endpoints


      for a proposed treatment--in this instance that of


      psoriasis, as well as the adequacy of the trial


      outcomes in support of the product's efficacy,


      safety, and its overall risk-to-benefit.


                This committee deliberated earlier this


      year on another drug in this class of products, and


      the continuing challenges faced in risk management


      to ensure safe use and the optimal minimization of


      adverse events, especially those related to fetal


      exposure during a course of treatment.  Our hope is


      that the background materials and presentations


      provided by the FDA and by Allergan will assist you




      in responding to the agency questions, and provide


      for a thorough and independent deliberation of the


      important issues at hand.


                We look forward to a productive and


      informative day.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                Now, Dr. Wilkin will speak to us.


                 Introduction and Overview of the Topic


                DR. WILKIN: Psoriasis is a very common


      disorder.  It's a chronic disorder, and it's a very


      costly disorder, in terms of both monetary


      expenses, and also in terms of the quality of life


      of those patients who have psoriasis.


                We'll have two speakers this morning: one


      representing industry--Dr. Menter--and one from


      FDA, Dr. Cook--who will describe the current


      landscape available to dermatologists--the current


      products in the armamentarium for psoriasis.


                I think one of the pieces that will become


      apparent is that there is no perfect drug.  There


      are products which have definite side effects;




      other products which are very new, and we're still


      going to be learning about their side effects.  No


      product has perfect efficacy.


                And so this is the background against


      which, I think, the committee needs to deliberate


      in their recommendations for the particular product




                We do have a major focus on the


      risk-management program to prevent fetal exposure,


      but we must not lose sight that we're also thinking


      about the overall balance between benefit and risk


      for this product.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much.


                And now Dr. Cook will talk to us a bit


      about psoriasis.


                Introduction to Psoriasis and the State


                          of the Armamentarium


                DR. COOK:[Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


                Sorry--can you hear me now?


                We thought it appropriate, since people


      were from varying backgrounds, to give a review on




      psoriasis.  I apologize for those who are


      well-versed in the disease process.




                Psoriasis is a polygenic disease, and


      varying triggering factors--for example, trauma,


      infections or medications may elicit a psoriatic


      phenotype in predisposed individuals.


                Today, I'm going to speak on the


      prevalence of psoriasis, the genetics and


      pathogenesis; the clinical variants of psoriasis,


      and the state of the armamentarium as it exists






                Psoriasis occurs in approximately 2


      percent of the world's population.  The prevalence


      in the United States may be as high as 4.6 percent.


      Its highest incidence occurs in Caucasians.  In


      Africans, African Americans and Asians, the


      incidence of psoriasis is somewhere between 0.4 and


      0.7 percent.




                There is an equal frequency in males and




      females.  It occurs in a one-to-one ratio.  It may


      occur at any age from infancy to the 10                                  

                                                            th decade of




                The first signs of psoriasis occurs in


      females at a mean age of about 27 years, and in


      males at 29 years.




                There are two general peaks of occurrence:


      one at age 20 to 30 years, and one between 50 and


      60 years.


                Psoriasis in children is very low.  The


      incidence is between 0.5 and 1.1 percent in


      children 16 years and younger, and the man age of


      onset--when it does occur in children--is between 8


      and 12.5 years.




                Two-thirds of patients who have the


      disease have mild disease.  One-third of patients


      have moderate to severe disease.


                Early onset--which is usually prior to age


      15--is associated with more severe disease, and


      these patients are more likely to have a positive




      family history.


                As mentioned earlier, this is a life-long


      disease.  The remitting and relapsing of the


      disease entity is unpredictable.  There have been


      spontaneous remissions of up to five years reported


      in approximately 5 percent of patients who suffer


      from psoriasis.




                The genetics and pathogenesis of


      psoriasis: there's a lot of information that


      psoriasis is linked to the immune system, and that


      the major histocompatibility complex where


      psoriasis has been shown is on the short arm of


      chromosome 6.  It's also linked to many


      histocompatibility antigens; the most common, and


      the one with the highest risk of family history, is


      HLA-Cw6.  Other HLA antigens associated with


      psoriasis include HLA-B13, -B17, -B37 and B216.


                It's also felt that psoriasis may have a


      t-lymphocyte-mediated mechanism associated with its








                Psoriasis is not just confined to the


      skin, and there is evidence that this is a system


      disease, and that it's from the Koebner Phenomenon,


      which happens on normal skin, where patients may


      have trauma, and then the lesions of psoriasis


      appear. Patients also have been show to have an


      elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate; increased


      uric acid levels may lead to gout; patients may


      have mild anemia; elevated à                                             

                              2-macroglobulin; they


      may have elevated IgA levels; and they may also


      have increased quantities of immune complexes.




                Psoriasis also may be associated with


      arthropathy, and there is also an aggravation of


      psoriasis by systemic facts--as I mentioned at the


      beginning of the talk--and that could include


      medications, focal infections, stress.


                Psoriasis also comes in the form of


      life-threatening disease.  And there are two


      variants of that that I'm going to speak about


      later: erythrodermic psoriasis, and pustular






                Now I'm going to speak about the clinical


      variants of psoriasis.




                The characteristic lesion of psoriasis is


      a sharply demarcated erythematous plaque with


      micaceous silvery white scale.  This is supported


      histopathologically by a thickening of the


      epidermis; tortuous and dilated blood vessels; and


      an inflammatory infiltrate, primarily of






                And here, from Bolognia--where all the


      pictures that you're going to see--clinical


      pictures that you're going to see--is from this


      textbook of dermatology by Bolognia--and here we


      have an erythematous plaque.  You can see the


      outline of the erythema; the elevation of the


      plaque above the skin surface, and the thick


      micaceous, silvery scale.




                The severity of the disease is usually


      characterized by three cardinal signs of psoriasis:




      plaque elevation, erythema and scale.  Body surface


      area also plays a part.  Patients are very


      concerned about how much of their skin surface is


      covered by the disease.  But in determining


      severity, it could be very complex, because


      different people see body surface area differently.




                The most common variant of psoriasis is


      the chronic plaque psoriasis.  The plaques may be


      as large as 20 cm; psoriasis is usually a


      symmetrical disease.  The sites of predilection can


      include the elbows, the knees, the presacrum,


      scalp, the hands and the feet.




                I'm going to show you some pictures now of


      chronic plaque psoriasis.  Here you can see that


      the disease is very symmetrical, and can involve a


      decent part of the body surface area.




                This is a picture of psoriasis of the








                Now, chronic plaque psoriasis may be


      widespread.  It can cover up to 90 percent of the


      body surface area.  The genitalia can be involved


      in up to 30 percent of patients.  Most patients


      also have nail changes which include nail pitting


      and "oil spots."  And sometimes the involvement of


      the nail bed is very severe, with onychodystrophy


      and loss of the nail plate.




                Here is a picture of widespread chronic


      psoriasis.  And I think all of us would agree that


      this is probably a severe case of psoriasis.




                This is a picture of the genitalia with






                Here is a picture of psoriasis of the


      nail, with nail pitting and oil spot, where the


      nail is--the nail plate is being separated from the


      nail bed.




                And some more severe form of nail




      psoriasis, with, again, oil spots, onychodystrophy,


      and loss of the nail plate.




                Symptoms of psoriasis include pruritus,


      pain.  Patients who have widespread psoriasis


      sometimes complain of excessive heat loss.  Also,


      patients hate the way the disease looks; sometimes


      have low self-esteem, have feelings of being


      socially outcast and really dislike the excessive






                The next variant of psoriasis that I'm


      going to speak about is guttate psoriasis.  It's


      characterized by numerous 0.5 to 1.5 cm papules and


      plaques; usually has an early age of onset.  It's


      the most common form in children, often triggered


      by streptococcal throat infection.


                In children, the remissions may be


      spontaneous.  In adults it's often chronic.




                Here is a clinical presentation of guttate


      psoriasis, with the small papules, and plaque here.




                And this is a picture of someone who had


      an eruption of guttate psoriasis after a sunburn.




                The life-threatening forms of psoriasis


      are generalized pustular psoriasis and


      erythrodermic psoriasis.




                Generalized pustular psoriasis is an


      unusual manifestation of the disease.  It can have


      a gradual or an acute onset.  It is characterized


      by waves of pustules on erythematous skin after


      short episodes of fever, from 39 to 40 degrees


      centigrade.  Patients may have weight loss, muscle


      weakness, hypocalcemia, leukocytosis and an


      elevated ESR.




                The cause is obscure, but we do know that


      there are several triggering factors, and they


      include: infection, pregnancy, lithium,


      hypocalcemia secondary to hypoalbuminemia; irritant


      contact dermatitis, and withdrawal of


      gluccocorticosteroids, primarily systemic.






                And here is a clinical presentation of


      pustular psoriasis.  And you can see the erythema,


      with the pustules scattered about.




                Erythrodermic psoriasis--in this disease,


      which is also a life-threatening form of psoriasis,


      the classic lesion of psoriasis is lost.  The


      entire skin surface becomes markedly erythematous,


      with desquamative scaling.  Often the only clues to


      the underlying psoriasis are the nail changes, and


      usually there's facial sparing in erythrodermic






                Triggering factors may include systemic


      infection, withdrawal of high potency topical or


      oral steroids; withdrawal of methotrexate;


      phototoxicity, and irritant contact dermatitis.




                Here is the clinical presentation of


      erythrodermic psoriasis in a patient after


      withdrawal of methotrexate.






                Now, I'm going to speak of the state of


      the armamentarium of psoriasis.  We're mainly going


      to focus on moderate to severe psoriasis, since


      that's the topic of the drug product under


      consideration for today.


                There is a wide range of therapies for


      moderate to severe psoriasis.  None induce a


      permanent remission, and all have side effect that


      can place limit on their use, and usually require


      that patients are treated in a cyclical fashion.




                These therapies include topical


      corticosteroids, topical vitamin D3 analogues,


      topical retinoids, photochemotherapy, and systemic


      therapies which may be oral or parenteral.




                Topical corticosteroids that are usually


      used in moderate to severe psoriasis are those of


      the high potency and super potent topical steroids.


      These include the fluocinonide family,


      betamethasone dipropionate cream, the clobetasol




      priopionate family, diflorasone diacetate ointment,


      and betamethasone dipropionate ointment.




                The side effects associated with use of


      these drugs include skin atophy, burning and


      stinging; and, systemically, suppression of the


      hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.  This may


      occur after two weeks use with certain topical


      corticosteroids.  Usually those are the super


      potent type.




                Topical vitamin D                                               

                            3 analogues--the prototype


      for this group is calcipotriene.  There are three


      formulations: cream, ointment and scalp solution.


      The former two are approved for plaque psoriasis,


      the latter for moderate to severe psoriasis of the






                Side effects for topical vitamin D3


      analogues are primarily cutaneous, and include


      burning, stinging, pruritus, skin irritation and


      tingling of the skin.






                The topical retinoids that are approved


      for the treatment of plaque psoriasis are


      tazarotene gel and cream.  They are available in


      two strengths: 0.05 percent, and 0.1 percent.


                The side effects include pruritus,


      burning/stinging, erythema, worsening of psoriasis,


      irritation, skin pain.  And there have been cases


      of hypertriglyceridemia.




                Additional indicatiosn for topical


      tazarotene in the 0.1 percent gel is approved for


      the treatment of facial acne vulgaris of mild to


      moderate severity.  And the 0.1 percent cream is


      also approved as an adjunctive agent for use in the


      migitation of facial fine wrinkling, facial mottled


      hyper-and hypopigmentation, and benign facial


      lentigines in patients who use comprehensive skin


      care and sunlight avoidance programs.




                Topical tazarotene--both products are


      pregnancy category X.  They are contraindicated in




      women who are or may become pregnant.  And there


      are some requirements before and during therapy.


      These include a negative pregnancy test two weeks


      prior to initiation of therapy.  Therapy must be


      initiated during a normal menses.  And women of


      childbearing potential should us adequate birth






                Now I'm going to speak on


      photogemotherapy.  There are two types of


      phototherapy for the treatment of moderate to


      severe psoriasisThese include ultraviolet B, or


      UVB; and ultraviolet A plus psoralen, more commonly


      known as PUVA.




                There are two types of UVB: broadband UBV


      and narrowband UVB.  The treatment is time


      consuming.  Patients usually must come two to three


      visits per week for several months.  And the side


      effect is possibility of experiencing an acute


      sunburn reaction.






                PUVA consists of ingestion of or topical


      treatment with a psoralen followed by UVA.  It is


      usually reserved for severe, recalcitrant,


      disabling psoriasis.  This form of treatment for


      psoriasis is also time-consuming.  It usually


      requires two to three visits per wekk, and at least


      six weeks of treatment to get clerance.


                There are several precautions that must be


      taken for patients who are treated with PUVA.


      Patients must be protected from further UV light


      for 24 hours post treatment.  And with oral


      psoralen, they must have wrap-around UV-blocking


      glasses for 24 hours post treatment.




                Side effects with oral psoralen include


      nausea, dizziness and headache.  Early side effects


      with PUVA are pruritus, but late side effects


      include skin damage, and the increased risk for


      skin cancer, particularly squamous cell skin


      cancer; and after maybe 200 to 250


      treatments--which is really a long time--patients


      may be at increased risk for melanoma.






                Contraindications to PUVA include patients


      less than 12 years of age; patients with a history


      of light sensitive disease states; patients with,


      or with a history of melanoma; patients with


      invasive squamous cell carcinoma; and patients with






                Now, the system therapies--these come in


      two types: oral and parenteral.  The oral therapies


      are methotrexate, Neoral--or cyclosporine--and


      Soriatane--acetretin.  The parenteral therapy


      includes, most recently approved biologics which


      are Amevive, Raptiva and Enbrel.   And I will


      speak--as a prototype--on Amevive, which was first




                Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist,


      usually reserved for severe, recalcitrant,


      disabling psoriasis.  Maximum improvement can be


      expected after eight to 12 weeks.




                The contraindications for methotrexate




      include nursing mothers, patients with alcoholism,


      alcoholic liver disease, patients with other


      chronic liver disease; patients with overt or


      laboratory evidence of immunodeficiency syndromes,


      and patients who have preexisting blood dyscrasias.




                This drug product is also a Category X.


      It's contraindicated in pregnant women with


      psoriasis, and pregnancy must be excluded in women


      of childbearing potential, and pregnancy should be


      avoided if either partner is receiving methotrexate


      during and for a minimum of three months after


      therapy for male patients and for at least one


      ovulatory cycle after therapy for female patients.




                Side effects of methotrexate are numerous.


      They include acute or chronic hepatotoxicity,


      hepatic cirrhosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia,


      anemia, stomatitis, nausea/volmitting, alopecia,


      photosensitivity, burning of skin lesoins and,


      rarely, interstitial pneumonitis.






                Multiple screening tests are necessary


      before using methotrexate.  There are also


      recommendations for hepatic monitoring, which


      include period liver function tests, including


      serum albumin--although, I must say, liver function


      tests are not a good screen with methotrexate for


      hepatic damage.  Therefore, there are


      recommendations for liver biopsy which include


      doing it pretherapy or shortly thereafter, also


      after a cumulative dose of 1.5 grams, and after


      each additional 1 to 1.5 grams of use.




                Neoral, or cyclosporine, is a potent


      immunosuppressive.  It is approved for adults that


      are non-immunocompromised, with severe,


      recalcitrant plaque psoriasis.  Maximum efficacy is


      achieved after about 16 weeks of therapy.


                There are contraindications for use of


      this drug, which include concomitant PUVA or UVB


      therapy; using methotrexate or other


      immunosuppressive agents; using coal tar or


      radiation therapy.  Patients with abnormal renal




      function; patients with uncontrolled hypertension;


      patients with malignancies and nursing mothers


      cannot use this drug.




                There are many side effects for Neoral.


      The highest ones are the possibility of


      irreversible renal and onset of hypertension; then


      headache, hypertriglyceridemia, hirsutism,


      pareshesias, incluenza-like symptoms, nausea,


      vomiting, diarrhea, lethary and arthralgia.




                Multiple screening tests--prescreening


      tests--are needed for use of Neoral.  And the tests


      must continue throughout treatment, with dosage


      adjustment as necessary to prevent end-organ






                Soriatane is the only oral retinoid that's


      approved for psoriasis, and it's approved for the


      treatment of severe psoriasis in adults.  One can


      see significant improvement with therapy after


      eight weeks.






                Contraindications for use of Soriatane


      include patients with severely impaired liver or


      kidney function; patients with chronic abnormally


      elevated blood lipid values; patients who are


      taking methotrexate; and patients who use ethanol


      when on therapy and for two months following


      therapy in female patients.




                Soriatane is also a pregnancy Category X


      drug product as it is a human teratogen.  It's


      contraindicated in pregnant females or those who


      intend to become pregnant during therapy or anytime


      up to three years post therapy.




                Side effects with Soriatane are those that


      are usually associated with oral retinoid therapy,


      and include chelitis, alopecia, skin peeling, dry


      skin, pruritus, rhinitis, xeropthlamia, and






                There are many laboratory abnormalities




      also, and those include hypertriglyceridemia,


      decreased HDL, hypercholesterolemia, elevat3d liver


      function tests, elevated alkaline phosphatase,


      hyperglycemia and elevated CPK.  However hepatitis


      and jaundice occurred in less that 1 percent of


      patients in the clnical trials on Soriatane.




                Multiple prescreening tests also must be


      used for Soriatane, and you must have continued


      monitoring throughout therapy, with possible dosage






                The parenteral therapy, as I mentioned


      before, are lately on the scene.  And the one I'm


      going to speak on is Amevive.  It is an


      immunosuppressive dimeric fusion protein.  It's


      made up of an extracellular CD2-binding portion of


      the human leukocyte function antigen-3, which is


      linked to the Fc portion of the human IgG1






                Amevive is indicated for the treatment of




      adult patients with moderate to severe chronic


      plaque psoriasis.  With 12 weeks of therapy, a


      disease state of clear or almost clear was achieved


      by 11 percent of patients via the intravenous


      route, and 14 percent of patients via the


      intramuscular route.




                The side effects with Amevive include a


      dose-dependent reduction in circulating CD4 and CD8


      T lymphocytes.  Therefore this drug should not be


      administered to patients with low CD4 counts.  CD4


      counts must be monitored before and weekly


      throughout therapy.




                Side effects that have been associated


      thus far with Amevive have been lymphopenia.


      There's also been an increased risk of


      malignancies, particularly skin cancer--or basal


      cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma--and an


      increased risk for lymphoma.


                There have been serious infections


      requiring hospitalization.  There is also a risk of




      reactivation of chronic, latent infections, and of


      hypersensitivity reactions.




                hopefully this has given you a good


      background on the disease of psoriasis, and also


      the state of the armamentarium for treating this




                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much for a very


      nice presentation.


                Could I ask two quick questions?


                The first is: topical tazarotene, the


      package labeling says that there should be a


      pre-treatment pregnancy test in women who might be


      or become pregnant.  Is that the labeling for


      topical tazarotene?


                DR. COOK: Yes, what I had up there, it's


      directly out of the label.


                DR. STERN: Okay.  And the second is: you


      had, for acitretin that the indication is severe


      psoriasis, not moderate to severe psoriasis.


                DR. COOK: Yes, severe--




                DR. STERN: It's severe.


                DR. COOK: It's severe psoriasis.


                DR. STERN: Okay.  Thank you very much.


      Thank you for a great presentation.  It was very


      clear.  And I enjoyed it.


                And now we will go on to the Allergan


      presentation, with Dr. Patricia Walker, Vice


      President of the Skin Care Pharmaceuticals


      Division, giving the introduction for the sponsor's




                       Allergan NDA Presentation




                DR. WALKER: Good morning.


                Allergan is here today to seek approval


      for our oral tazarotene gel formulation--gel


      capsule formulation--for the treatment of moderate


      to very severe psoriasis.


                What I'd like to show you today is that


      tazarotene is a retinoid, and as a retinoid, it


      does have some unique pharmacology and receptor


      activity.  We've demonstrated efficacy in the


      treatment of moderate to very severe psoriasis.  We




      feel our drug is differentiated from other


      retinoids--and actually has an improved safety


      profile relative to other drugs in this class.


      Tazarotene is a teratogen--or a probable


      teratogen--and we've developed a Risk Minimization


      Action Plan around this.




                It is available in a topical formulation,


      as you heard this morning from Dr. Cook.  The gel


      formulation was approved in 1997 for the treatment


      of psoriasis, and for acne at that time.  A cream


      formulation was approved in 2000 for the treatment


      of psoriasis; 2001 for the treatment of acne; and


      then, later for the treatment of photodamage, or


      signs and symptoms of photoaging.


                At the time of the psoriasis cream


      approval, we developed and worked with the


      Derma-Dental Division to develop a new scoring


      system, which we refer to as the "overall lesional


      assessment.  Later in the morning, in my talk, I'll


      go over that assessment.


                We started the oral tazarotene formulation




      development in 1998, with Phase 2 studies.  We


      initiated the Phase 3 studies in 2001, and we filed


      the NDA last November, in 2003.


                Just to set the stage, we've studied many


      patients with this drug.  WE have nearly 1,700


      patients studied with oral tazarotene, 901 of which


      have been treated with at least 4.5 mg or higher.




                The introduction is from me, then you're


      going to hear from Dr. Alan Menter, who's going to


      give you a brief overview of the disease, and what


      the unmet need is, and the treatment options.


                I'll come back and share with you some of


      the pharmacology of tazarotene; what the clinical


      development's been; and our proposed risk


      minimization action program.


                And then Dr. Menter will wrap up with a


      risk benefit assessment.




                Available to answer questions today are


      several of my colleagues from Allergan in various








                --as well as some consultants who have


      worked with us extensively on analyzing and looking


      at our data.


                At this time, I'd like to turn the podium


      over to Dr. Menter to give you the disease overview


      and treatment options.


           Psoriasis: Disease Overview and Treatment Options


                DR. MENTER: Thank you, Dr. Walker--Mr.


      Chairman, colleagues, patients, ladies and




                My name is Alan Menter, and I'm a


      clinician, practicing dermatologist in Dallas,


      Texas.  From a conflict of interest conflict of


      interest point of view, I have consulted with


      Allergan, and have been involved in clinical


      research with Allergan, with oral tazarotene, as


      well as with multiple other drugs related to


      psoriasis.  I do not own any stock in Allergan






                As we've so eloquently heard this morning




      from Dr. Cook, psoriasis is a common disease.  It


      is probably one of what we consider the autoimmune


      diseases in all medical conditions.  And I'm not


      going to reiterate some of the things that Dr. Cook


      mentioned in her excellent review, but just merely


      highlight a few issues that I believe are important


      when considering systemic therapy for psoriasis






                The prevalence, as she has mentioned, is


      equal in male and females.  And I think this is an


      important issue when we come to talk about patients


      who are candidates for systemic therapy, because I


      believe at this stage, a number of


      patients--particularly young females of


      child-bearing potential--are currently excluded


      from systemic therapy because of pregnancy issues.


                And, as she mentioned, there are multiple


      genes associated with psoriasis.  And I think also


      of importance is the fact that psoriasis is linked,


      as a systemic disease, with other immune-mediated,


      or autoimmune disease such as diabetes, lupus,




      Crohn's--and there have been many genetic linkages


      found in which psoriasis patients have other


      diseases like diabetes, lupus and Crohn's disease.


                We all recognize that psoriasis is a


      condition that patients struggle with.  And, as Dr.


      Wilkins said, quality of life--that I'd like to


      stress--is a major issue.  This is not just a


      physical problem that patients have to put up with,


      they have to bear the emotional struggle that comes


      with facing themselves on a day-to-day basis, their


      loved ones, their peers, on a day-to-day basis with


      this condition we call psoriasis; and itching, and


      pain, and disfigurement are common.  And patients


      will tell you about the problems they have relating


      to dealing with the day-to-day manifestations of






                From a point of view of pathogenesis, I


      think we don't recognize--as Dr. Wilkin also said,


      and Dr. Cook mentioned--that psoriasis has to be


      considered not a skin disease.  This is a systemic


      disease.  And I think for too long we, as




      clinicians, have really overlooked the systemic


      nature of psoriasis.  It is certainly a disease


      that is driven by the immune system, by T cell


      proliferations, the release of various


      cytokines--chemicals that then induced this


      hyperproliferation and the scale that we see


      inherent in patients with psoriasis.


                So I do believe that we must no longer


      look at psoriasis as a pure skin disease; look at


      it as a systemic disease like we do other


      immune-mediated systemic diseases, like I






                It's a diverse disease.  Eery patient with


      psoriasis looks different.  For those of us in


      clinical practice who see psoriasis on a day-to-day


      basis, psoriasis patients may, at first glance,


      look similar.  But there are nuances, there are


      differences in expression of the disease.  And even


      within one individual patient, their disease may


      change from discoid psoriasis, as Dr. Cook showed,


      to pustular psoriasis, to erythrodermic psoriasis,




      and back again to ordinary psoriasis.




                She showed pictures of genital


      involvement.  This leads to massive issues in


      interpersonal relationships.  And no longer can we


      consider genital involvement, scalp involvement, as


      mere nuisance issues.  These are issues that really


      do involve patients' interpersonal relationships,


      at work and at home, on a day-to-day basis.  And we


      have to take cognizance of the fact that psoriasis


      has a major burden on the quality of life.  And for


      those patients in the audience today, Im sure they


      could tell you the issues that they deal with on a


      day-to-day basis related to quality of life.  It's


      not just physical functioning, but the mental


      functioning as well.


                And I think when we consider retinoids,


      it's interesting to note that there are retinoids


      for non-dermatologic conditions, like leukemia and


      cutaneous lymphoma.  And psoriasis rarely has been


      shown, in all aspects of quality of life, to impact


      negatively, equally, if not worse, the mental and




      physical aspects of a patient's life, with cancer


      patients, arthritis patients, and diabetes


      patients.  So, again, stressing the quality of life


      issues that are inherent in this.


                And I've mentioned interpersonal


      relationships, and I've mentioned work disability


      as well.


                And, as Dr. Wilkin says, this is a costly


      disease, and it's not getting any cheaper as new


      drugs become available to us.  But I do not believe


      we need to take a backseat to colleagues in other


      areas of medicine who have expensive drugs


      available to them to treat diseases like arthritis


      and Crohn's disease.




                If one takes patients with various areas


      of psoriasis--palmar/plantar psoriasis--a patient


      who's--which is a fairly common area of


      involvement--patients struggle with locations on


      the palms, even though this may only affect a small


      proportion of the body.  Patients--who you can see


      here--with palms and soles do not get by with




      creams and ointments.  They frequently need


      systemic therapy to control their disease.  So,


      body surface area by itself should not be used as a


      pure parameter for indication of systemic disease.


                And the treatment has to be considered asa


      life-long treatment.  Psoriasis patients--as has


      been mentioned by Dr. Cook and myself--patients


      start early in life with psoriasis.  The vast


      majority of patients present before the age of 36.


      So, for those of them who life a long life,


      basically, they have to deal with this for the next


      50, 60 years of their life.  And treatment has to


      be tailored accordingly.  You cannot treat


      psoriasis for three weeks, for three months, for


      six months or for one year.  Treatment is a


      life-long treatment.  And no cures are currently


      present at the current time.




                So where are we with psoriasis therapies?


      It's probably true to say that psoriasis is a very


      under-treated disease, and there are various


      reasons for this.




                If we look at the figures--that has been


      mentioned by Dr. Cook and myself--of approximately


      10 to 25 percent of patients; in the United States,


      that means a minimum of 450,000 patients have


      moderate to severe disease.  Currently, only about


      125,000 of those patients are being treated with


      systemic therapy.  So, hence, there are two-thirds


      of the patients with moderate to severe psoriasis


      are not being treated.  And the question is: why?


                And I think the reasons are shown here.


      There are safety concerns with the drugs.  It's


      time-consuming to put up with the day-to-day issues


      relating to these drugs.  There's monitoring


      involved in psoriasis; and, obviously the cost


      issue, as well.




                So, I'm not going to review the


      side-effect profile.  All these drugs work well.


      And I think we have to recognize that we're not


      here to knock any individual product.  We have


      great drugs.  We've had methotrexate available for


      30 years.  We've had retinoids available for nearly




      20 years. The biologic drugs are new.  But all of


      these drugs have issues relating to them that make


      for monitoring and make for difficulty in


      day-to-day management of these patients.




                So, basically, in summary: psoriasis is


      not a single disease.  It is a very diverse


      disease.  It is a disease that has major problems


      and quality of life issues.


                And the other aspect we have to recognize


      is that as patients age, they develop co-morbid


      conditions.  They develop liver problems which


      precludes them from certain therapies such as


      methotrexate.  They may have compromised renal


      function which precludes cyclosporine.  And all


      day--and my colleagues--my dermatology colleagues


      in the audience--are faced with making choices of


      drug therapies for patients who have co-morbid


      conditions that will preclude certain drugs.  So we


      definitely need a full range of treatment.


                And I do believe that it is important for


      our psoriasis population that we have--as we do




      have in other systemic diseases--a full range, and


      comprehensive range of medications so that we can


      choose, in conjunction with our patients, the


      correct therapy for our patients.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much.


                Oral Tazarotene - Pharmacology, Clinical


                  Development, Risk Minimization Plan


                DR. WALKER: I'm now going to share with


      you the pharmacology of tazarotene, and what we


      think makes it unique; the clinical development


      program; and the risk minimization plan that we are






                Just to summarize the data that we have


      for tazarotene as a molecule, it is a prodrug.  It


      actually has only one active metabolite, and that's


      tazarotenic acid.  It's what's known as a


      third-generation retinoid, or acetylenic retinoid.


      It's a locked molecule, which prevents


      isomerization and non-specific binding, and it's a


      receptor-selective molecule.






                As already mentioned, retinoids have been


      on the market for a long time--both natural and


      synthetic forms--for over 20 years.  These are very


      well known to dermatologists, but they're also used


      outside of dermatology.  There's isotretinoin,


      altrans retinoic acid, etretinate--which has now


      been replaced by acitretin-- and bexarotene.


                Retinoids are known to be essential for


      normal epithelial proliferation, differentiation,


      and embryo-fetal development.


                There are two types of retinoid receptors


      that retinoids act through: the RAR receptors and


      the RXR receptors.  These receptors always occur as


      a dimer.  They can occur as either a hetero-dimer,


      with the RAR binding with an RXR, or as a


      homo-dimer, RXR-RXR receptors.




                There are also subtypes of these


      receptors.  The receptor combinations and subtypes


      are important because there are different side


      effects noted--and different biological effects




      noted--with each subtype.  And there's also


      tissue-specific receptor expression.




                The current retinoid therapies used in


      dermatology--primarily acitretin and


      isotretinoin--are what are known as pan-agonists.


      Acitretin is a pan-agonist for all three subtypes


      of the RAR receptor.  Isotretinoin and its


      metabolites are pan-agonists for the three subtypes


      of the RAR receptor, as well as the RXR receptor.


                This is important because activation of


      these subtypes are related to many of the side


      effects that we heard about this morning from Dr.


      Cook, such as hyperlipidemia, hepatotoxicity,


      epistaxis, eye irritation and dryness--those side


      effects are specifically associated with the RARà


      subtype, as well as the RXR-receptor subtypes.




                This is a distinction for tazarotene.


      Tazarotene is not a pan-agonist.  Tazarotene has


      specific receptor activation at á,  to a much


      higher level than at the RARà.  There is no




      activity at the RXR receptor.


                This is important for treating skin


      disease because skin disease specifically has a


      receptor RAR   in karotinocytes.




                It's a locked molecule.  And the locked


      molecule--if I can try to use the pointer here--the


      locked molecule here is due to the triple bond


      there.  That prevents this molecule from flopping


      around and giving non-specific binding.


                This receptor selectivity that I've


      described here we feel can enhance the therapeutic


      effect--can enhance that effect by really


      minimizing side effects that are unwanted, and thus


      improve the safety profile.




                I'm now going to go on and share with you


      the clinical development program.


                We've done 12 Phase 1 studies in normal


      healthy volunteers; one Phase 2 study in patients


      with moderate to very severe plaque psoriasis, and


      four Phase 3 studies, patients with moderate to




      very severe plaque psoriasis.




                Our clinical Phase 1 studies in normal


      healthy volunteers demonstrated that tazarotene


      could be given as a single daily dose for all


      patients.  The dosing is not affected by the


      patient's body weight, and not affected by whether


      it's taken with or without food.


                In in vitro studies, and some clinical


      studies, we've demonstrated that there are no


      expected drug-drug interactions.  Tazarotene is


      metabolized by the P450 enzyme system, specifically


      CYP2C8 and the FMO.


                The metabolism is not altered by alcohol


      ingestion.  And tazarotene has a very short


      half-life of 7 to 12 hours.




                The efficacy data I'm going to share with


      you now is based on the Phase 2 dose-ranging trial,


      which is known as an 026P study; two Phase 3


      pivotal trials, the 048P study, and the 049P.  I'll


      try to remind you whether it's a pivotal trial, and




      what the number is; or two Phase 3 open-label


      trials, which are the 050P and 052P.




                Tazarotene in the dose-ranging study--we


      determined that tazarotene 4.5 mg per day as a


      single dose would be an appropriate dose to take


      into our Phase 3 trial.  These results were based


      on two stages of a dose escalation trial.  The


      first stage went from zero--or placebo--up to 1.1


      mg per day.  Then we did dosing escalation cohorts;


      a 2.8 mg cohort together; a 4.2 mg cohort; and 6.3




                We showed--and saw in the data, which I'm


      going to show you in just a moment--that there was


      really no clear dose response in doses ranging from


      .4 mg up to 2.8 mg.  We did see a nice clinical


      response in the 4.2 and 6.3 mg dose groups.




                This is looking at the overal lesional


      assessment; looking at patients who achieved a


      "mild or less."  I think you can see, with the kind


      of orange colored bar, or peach colored bar, that




      mild disease really--there was not a clear dose


      response up to 2.8 mg, but you did see in the 4.2


      and the 6.3 dosing groups that there was a nice


      response, with at least 80 percent of the patients


      achieving that "mild" disease.


                Based upon these results, we chose the 4.5


      mg dose to go into our Phase 3 trials.




                The Phase 3 trials looked at adult


      patients, 21 years of age or older, with stable


      plaque psoriasis on at last 10 percent of the their


      body surace area in an overall lesional assessment


      of at least 2, which was graded as a "moderate."




                So what is an "overall lesional


      assessment?"  I did mention in our introduction


      that this measure was developed by Allergan, in


      collaboration with the FDA, back in 1997, for a


      cream development program.  At that timethe


      FDA--the Division asked us to work on developing a


      scoring system which was clinically meaningful; a


      scoring system which was static--didn't require




      physician memory; and one which didn't require


      physician's memory, was static, clinically


      meaningful, and used all the signs and symptoms of




                So we worked and developed a scoring


      system that took all the major signs--plaque


      elevation, scaling, and erythema--they were on a


      six-point scale, from none to very severe disease.


      We used this in our cream development, and then


      have used this trial subsequently in our oral


      development.  Physicians were trained on this


      scoring system using a photo-numeric guideline.




                An example of some of the photos from that


      guideline are shown on this slide.   You can see,


      it's a "0"--again--to "5" scoring system, which is


      a six-point scale.  "None" is no disease; "minimal"


      is disease with a little bit of erythema.  It


      allowed a slight bit of scaling.  A little more


      scaling and erythema with "mild" disease.  You have


      a definite plaque at "moderate" disease, and then


      the plaque and scaling really increased to "very




      severe disease."




                The primary efficacy variable in these


      trials were: patients had to enter with at least a


      moderate disease; moderate, severe or very severe


      disease.  And to be considered a clinical success,


      those patients had to reach a score of "none" or


      "minimal."  And that was the primary variable that


      we looked at.  This is a very stringent criteria.


      So patients had to come in with moderate to very


      severe, and they needed to be a "none" or "minimal"


      to be a clinical success.




                We looked at other measures also.  We had


      a second co-primary variable, which was looking at


      patients who had at least a two-grade change in


      their overall lesional assessment.  We looked at a


      physician global response to treatment.  We looked


      at body surface area.  And then we looked at each


      individual sign of psoriasis--erythema, plaque and


      scaling--and those were scored on a five-point






                We looked at target lesions to see if


      there were different lesions that responded or not


      to psoriasis [sic].  We looked at elbows, knees,


      scalp and trunk.  And,again, we looked at hose in


      terms of the specific signs of plaque, erythema and




                We looked at overall pruritus.  We looked


      specifically at scalp psoriasis; quality of life


      indexes, as well as photographs.




                743 patients were evaluated in these


      efficacy trials.  743 got the drug at least 12


      weeks.  We also did longer-term studies; the 52 and


      50P trial.  There were 261 patients who got oral


      tazarotene at least 24 weeks; 153 for 48 weeks; and


      101 patients for 52 weeks.




                In the Phase 3 pivotal trials--this is the


      48 and 49P trials--the patients were randomized to


      received 4.5 mg of tazarotene per day, versus


      placebo, for 12 weeks.  The visits were at weeks 1,


      2, 4, 8 and 12.  There was a post-treatment period




      build into this trial--and, actually, all the


      trials I'm going to talk about--which was also 12


      weeks, and the patients were evaluated at weeks 16,


      20 and 24.




                The demographics of the pivotal


      trials--this is the 48, 49P trials--were that the


      average was around 47 years of age; there were 60


      to 80 percent males in the trial.  This is


      different than what the demographics of the disease


      are, but is actually very consistent with a


      systemic psoriasis trials.


                The mean body surface area was quite high:


      approximately 30 percent across all groups.  And


      the overall lesional assessment was 3.4--so


      somewhere between a moderate and severe disease.




                Now, this is showing you the results of


      the two pivotal studies, looking at the primary


      efficacy variable of "none" or "minimal disease."


      So this is this is that very stringent criteria.


                The light blue bars on the bottom are the




      placebo.  The orange bars are the patients treated


      with tazarotene.  They're the orange lines.


                What I think you can note, first off, by


      just looking at this, the quick look is that the


      two trials--same exact trial, different sites,


      different patients--they very closely mimicked each


      other.  And I think you'll appreciate, as I go


      through this data, that all the trials closely


      mimicked each other.  It makes my job a lot easier


      when you don't have one trial that doesn't fit with


      the others.  All the trials mimicked each other.


                So now looking at the orange lines as they


      go up, you can see that at week 12, which is the


      primary time point, between 15 to 20 percent of the


      patients reached this efficacy level of "none" or


      "minimal disease."


                What's also interesting is that you look


      at 16 weeks--which is the post-treatment


      period--that's the darker side of the graph--you


      can see that more patients in one trial--almost 25


      percent of the patients--reached that criteria, and


      the other group stayed about the same.




                If you look through the post-treatment


      period, you can see that the effect was relatively


      sustained throughout the 12-week post-treatment


      period.  These results were statistically


      significant as early as eight weeks.


                As I've mentioned many times, the criteria


      of "none" or "minimal disease" is a very stringent


      criteria for success.  Does that mean that only 20


      percent of the patients improved with the disease?


                What I want to show you here is: no,


      that's 20 percent of the patients achieved that


      stringent criteria, but more patients actually did




                If you look at the two sides of the graph,


      there's the tazarotene treated side, and there's


      the placebo side.  So it's tazarotene, placebo.


                Patients entered the trial--predominantly


      moderate overall lesional assessment.  The yellow


      bar are patients with severe psoriasis.  The little


      red bar at the top are patients with very severe


      psoriasis.  So this is the tazarotene group, at






                After 12 weeks of therapy, you can see


      that the moderates are certainly decrease.  The


      "severes" are decreased, and the "very severe"


      patients--although not many patients all


      improved--and that this response was maintained in


      the post-treatment period.


                So where did these moderates and severes


      go?  Well, they go into the mild, none or minimal


      caregories.  And, again, this graph shows that that


      response is somewhat sustained through the


      treatment period.


                If you look at placebo--well, your purple


      and yellow bars, at the quick glance, don't change


      much.  And, certainly, your "very severe"--is the


      little skinny red bar at the top--don't change at




                Body surface area--we did measure body


      surface area.  This is--the overall lesional


      assessment is different than the POSI score.  The


      POSI score is a derived score, which includes body


      surface area a part of the derivation of that


      score.  With our scoring system, the overall




      lesional assessment is separate from the body


      surface area.




                So here we show body surface area, and the


      number of patients who actually had at least a 10


      percent decrease.  You can see, at week 12, between


      30 to 40 percent of the patients had a 10 percent


      decrease in their psoriasis.  It peaks at weak


      16--or four weeks off of treatment--and that effect


      is relatively sustained throughout the treatment


      period.  And, again, is statistically significant


      compared to placebo.




                We also looked at the measure of physician


      global--response to global improvement.  So this is


      the physician saying, "How much better did this


      patient get?"


                What I have here is the dta divided by how


      many patients the physicians felt got at least 50


      percent better, and 75.  The hash marks are the


      total height of the bar; shows how many patients


      got at least 50 percent better.  And you can see at




      week 12, at leaste 54 percent of the patients got


      at least 50 percent better.


                That was relatively sustained in the


      post-treatment period, with 43 percent of the


      patients getting better.  I think you can see it is


      statistically significant compared to placebo.


                If you use a little more stringent


      criteria of how many patients got at least 75


      percent better--that's the solid bar--you can see


      that at week 12, 30 percent of the patients got at


      least 75 percent better, and that was sustained in


      the post-treatment phase of 30 percent maintaining




                So, again, there's a very stringent


      criteria of "none" or "minimal disease," which is a


      very high bar--which we had approximately 20


      percent of the patients achieve.  But the majority


      of patients do achieve some response of at least 50


      percent or more improvement.




                These are just some clinical photographs


      that show how the patients did in this trial.  The




      patient on the left is at baseline, and then his


      response at week 12.




                These are some target lesions--the elbow,


      on the top, and the knees on the bottom--at


      baseline, and then the response at week 12.




                Another target plaque and elbow at


      baseline, and then a really nice response, again,


      at week 12.




                We had two long-term studies: the 052P


      study and the 050P study.  Although these were


      primarily safety studies, I think toshow you just


      one efficacy graph I think is helpful.


                The 052P study was an extension study from


      the privotal trial.  So the 048, 049P


      trial--patients who at 12 weeks either had


      worsening disease or stayed the same were allowed


      to enroll in an open-label trial.


                Ninety-two patients enrolled that had


      already been treated with 12 weeks of tazarotene,




      versus 220 that had been treated the first 12 weeks


      with placebo.  They went into the six month trial:


      12 weeks treatment with tazarotene for all


      patients, and then another 12 week follow up.


                So what we see in this group is that you


      have a subset of patients who got 24 weeks of


      therapy with tazarotene.


                In contrast, the open-label study--the 50P


      study--was a pure safety study.  All patients got


      tazarotene, 4.5 mg.  They were dose for 52 weeks,


      and then had a second 12 weeks post-treatment






                The demographics of this trial were very


      similar to the demographics I showed you for the


      two pivotal trials.  The mean age was, again,


      around 47 years of age.  The body surface area was


      close to 30 percent, and the overall lesional


      assessment score was close to 3.4.




                Now, this is a graph showing the primary


      efficacy variable of "none" or "minimal" disease.




      If you look at the yellow line first, the yellow


      line are patients who were treated with placebo and


      then enrolled into this open-label trial.  So they


      should respond like what we showed in the pivotal


      trial.  And they do.


                At week 12, approximatley 20 percent of


      those patients had reached the stringent criteria


      of none or minimal disease, and that was relatively


      maintained across the 12-week post-treatment




                What's interesting here--and the reason I


      like to show this data--is that the orange line are


      patients who didn't respond to the first 12 weeks


      of therapy.  And they didn't respond, and they had


      to enter this trial with moderate or worse disease.


      So they could not have improved.  Some of those


      patients went on to improve and to meet the


      stringent criteria of an OLA of "none" or


      "minimal;"  in fact, apprxoiamtely 15 percent of


      those patients did rech that criteria, and then


      those patients had a sustaining of the effect in


      the post-treatment phase.




                So, it does suggest that 12 weeks may not


      reach--all the patients may not have their maximal


      response in 12 weeks.




                This is looking at the open-lablel study.


      And, again, I think these results are very


      consistent with what I've already shown you.  These


      are patients who all got 4.5 mg per day.  If you


      look at week 24 here, you have really pretty much


      the peak efficacy effect.  Approximately 20--a


      little over 20 percent of the patients reach the


      stringent criteria of "none" or "minimal" disease.


      And it remains relatively stable throughout the


      next 24 weeks of therapy.  And the effect, again,


      is somewhat sustained and maintained 12 weeks off


      of therapy.




                We looked at many secondary measures.


      Because of time constraints, I can't share all this


      data with you.  But we did show at weeks 12 and 24


      that the results were statistically significant in


      reducation of scaling, erythema and plaque.  The




      results were statistically significant even in


      difficult-to-treat lesions, such as scalp, knees


      and elbows.  And the results were sustained t


      hroughout the post-treatment period in all trials.




                At week 12, nearly 80 percent of the


      patients were satisfied with their treatment, and


      there wre statistically significant changes in


      their quality of life scores.  The improvement in


      the quality of life using a specific psoriasis


      index called a PQOL correlated with improvement of


      OLA, and it correlated whether the improvement was


      only one grade in OLA or higher.




                Just to summarize the efficacy:


      aprpoxiamtely 20 percent of the patients achieved


      "none" or "minimal" disease.  Approximately 50


      percent--or a little over 50 percent--had at least


      moderate--or 50 percent or more clearing of their


      disease.  There was a significant improvement in


      plaque elevation, erythema, scaling, and pruritus,


      as well as a reducting in BSA.






                There was a maintenance of effect observed


      follwoing discontinuation of drug.  There was no


      tachyphylaxis, and really, the majority of patients


      did not have rebound.


                A large percentage of the patients were


      satisfied with the treatment and had an improvement


      in their quality of life.




                Now, I'm going to spend some time going


      over the safety data.


                I'd first like to emphasize that we have


      neaerly 1,700 patients who have been exposed to


      tazarotene What I'm focusing on in the safety


      presentation this morning, however, are patients


      who got at least 4.5 mg, and really focusing on


      patients who got 4.5 mg for at least 12 weeks;


      that's 690 patients.


                There are also patients who got the drug


      at least 24 weeks--285; 48 weeks--153; and greater


      than 52 weeks--101--greater than or equal to 52


      weeks, 101.






                We looked at many measures for safety.  We


      looked at adverse efents; physical examinations,


      vital signs, body weight.  We di therapeutic drug


      monitoring at selected sites.  We did x-rays on the


      spinal and ankle ligaments, looking


      forcalcifciation or osteophyte formation.  That was


      done on all patients in all studies.


                We did DEXZ scans, looking at bone


      densitometry--again, all patients, all studies.  We


      did ophthalmologic evaluations, and specifically,


      we did ERGs, only in the long-term study.


                We did audiology evaluations, but focused


      only on the long-term, one-year safety study.  And


      we did neuropsychiatric evaluations on all


      patients, all studies.




                Oral tazarotene in the clnical trials was


      very well tolerated.  WE had a very low drop-out


      rate due to adverse events.  Less than 5 percent of


      patients dropped out due to treatment-related


      adverse events in the pivotal trials, or the 048,




      049P trials.


                More dropped out in the long-term


      trials--the six-month trials--6.5 percent.  And


      almost 15 percent of the patients did drop out in


      the open-label one-year study.




                We had very few serious adverse events in


      the trial.  The adverse events--there were only two


      which were deemed to be treatment-related. And I'd


      also like to point out that we did have one death


      in this trial.  The death was secondary to a


      mechanical failure of a small aircraft, and not


      thought to be related to the drug.


                The two serious adverse events thought by


      the investigators to be possible due to drug was,


      one, for a patient who was hospitalized during the


      post-treatment period for pain secondary to severe


      ampullary stenosis.  The other patient was


      hospitalized due to hypertension, and it's


      noteworthy that this patient did have a history of


      hypertension.  Both serious adverse events were








                There were four pregnancies--or had been


      four pregnancies with oral tazarotene.  Only one of


      those pregnancies was in the psoriasis trial--this


      is the 050P, that's the one-year trial.  That


      pregnancy occurred eight weeks after the patient


      had discontinued drug.  And it's notable, because


      that pregnancy was a result of non-consensual sex,


      and the patient did choose an elective termination


      following that.


                The other three pregnancies were in the


      acne Phase 2 trial, which is the 040P trial.  One


      of those resulted in elective termination by the


      patient; one in a spontaneous termination or


      miscarriage; and one was a healthy baby born.  That


      baby was exposed in utero to approximately 15 days


      of drug, and was without any malformations.  The


      child is now 26 months old.




                Adverse events--we measured adverse events


      in all the trials.  I'm going to focus first on the


      pivotal trial, because it has the placebo control




      group.  There were adverse events.  These were


      predominantly mild.  The most common was


      cheilitis--or chapped lips.  It occurred in 65


      percent of the patients.  The next most common was


      headache, and then dry skin; and, less commonly,


      arthralgia, myalgia and back pain.


                Note here, 2 percent of the patients had


      hyperglycemia, versus placebo, but here were no


      differences in laboratory values of hyperglycemia


      relative to placebo.  So these are ones that


      investigators said were adverse events.




                What happens when we discontinue


      treatment?  So, here you have the same data from


      the previous slide.  And what I've shown you here


      are only those which were statistically significant


      between placebo and active.


                If you see what happens post treatment,


      you see that they actually all go down.  The


      cheilitis went from 65 to 48.  It should be noted:


      these are all adverse events that occurred at any


      time during the post-treatment period.  Headache




      reduced in the post-treatment period to 4.7; dry


      skin reduced' arthralgias, myalgias--showing that


      all of these side effects that occurred during the


      treatment period were reversing with


      discontinuation of drug.




                What is important, I think, in this case


      to show you what occurred with adverse events, it's


      important with what we know about this class of


      compounds, to say what didn't occur with our drug;


      what didn't we observe.


                We did not observe a difference between


      tazarotene and placebo in alopecia.  Alopecia is a


      very common problem and a common reason for


      discontinuing acitretin therapy.  We didn't see any


      endocrine abnormalities.  Endocrine abnormalities


      are common with bexarotene.  We didn't see


      depression, or differences in depression or


      psychiatric evaluations between the tazarotene and


      placebo groups, in terms of emotional lability or




                We didn't see a difference in elevation of




      liver function tests, and we didn't see any changes


      in visual or auditory.




                So what happened in the long-term studies.


      Here I'm showing you just the open-label data, so


      there's no placebo.  But you first have those


      patients who were in the 052P extension study who


      got placebo the first 12 weeks.  So they should be


      essentially--have the same AE profile as our


      pivotal trials.  Those who got it at least 24


      weeks, and patients who got drug at least 52


      weeks--or 52 weeks.


                Again, cheilitis--very similar.  It's the


      most common side effect with this drug, but it is


      notably mild.  Dry skin--the second; arthralgia,


      myalgia, headache--very similar to what we showed


      in the previous slide.  So what we also wanted to


      look for is is there anything new that showed up,


      and did they change over time?


                I think, if you look here, you see that


      arthralgia does appear to incrase with longer


      duration of treatment, as does myalgia, and




      possibly headache.




                Oh, let me go back one.




                Also, notably, we did see some alopecia


      out a year; less than 8 percent--still


      significantly less than observed with the other


      retinoids, but higher than what I showed you in the


      placebo trials.




                Liver function tests--this is an importnt


      one to look at, especially considering this class


      of drugs.  I think these results are very




                First the ALT--transaminases--they were


      higher--now we're looking at 12 weeks, 24 weeks,


      and 52 weeks of therapy.  They were higher in the


      placebo group than any of the treatment groups.


                AST--the other transaminase--was


      relatively stable between the placebo-control trial


      at 12 weeks, but does look possibly like it goes up


      at 52 weeks--excuse me, at 24 weeks or 52 weeks.




      But I think when you look at that you have to


      remember there's no placebo group, and over a year,


      at any one time, an individual laboratory value may




                Similar, GGT; LDH we didn't see much;


      bilirubin--direct, indirect, total.  The only one


      that we do see a really change was alkaline


      phosphatase, which was elevated relative to the


      placebo in the treatment groups at 12 weeks in the


      52-week study--up as high as 14 percent.




                We looked at all laboratory values.  I


      showed you the ones that were statistically


      significant.  Looking now at all laboratory values,


      in the tazarotene versus placebo trial, what else


      do we see?


                Well, creatinine phophokinase--higher in


      the placebo group relative to the tazarotene group


      This is also unique.  I think if you think about


      isotretinoin and elevations in creatinine


      phosphokinase are a known problem.


                Triglycerides--22.8 percent versus 16




      percent.  What does that mean?  I'm going to go


      into that a little more detailed in the next slide.


      ALT--worse in the placebo versus tazarotene;


      bilirubin worse in the placebo group versus




                So let's look at that triglyceride


      elevation, which was statistically significant.




                We looked at the triglycerides in many


      different ways.  But I think that looking at it up


      here, the way I presented it, is instructive.  We


      looked at patients who were elevated above


      250mg/dL, and those who were elevated at greater


      than 500mg/dL, assuming that around 500 would at


      least be a definite trigger for a patient to either


      leave the trial or to go on a second drug.


                What you can see is that 30 percent of the


      patients in the tazarotene-treated group were at


      least--were above 250, versus 23 in the placebo


      group.  And that was statistically significant.


                But if you look at the higher elevations,


      you see that they were actually equal between the




      two treatment groups, suggesting that there is some


      elevation of triglycerides, but those elevations


      are modest.




                We looked at the effects on bone.  As I


      mentioned earlier, we did DEXA scanning, to look at


      bone mineral density in the lumbar spine, total


      him, and htefemoral neck.  And we did x-rays of the


      spinal and ankle ligaments for calcification, and


      looked for osteophyte formation.




                Focusing first on bone mineral density,


      the data demonstrated that after 12 weeks of


      treatment there were no differences in the median


      percent change in bone mineral density in the spine


      or the femur.  In the hip, there appeared to be in


      increase in bone mineral density, but that increase


      was very small, and not--it was statistically


      significant, but very unlikely not clinically




                In longer-term studies, at 24 weeks and 52


      weeks of therapy, we did show that there was a




      change in the median percent of the bone mineral


      density.  But those changes were very small, and


      they occurred only in the femoral neck and total


      hip, and not in the spine.


                We did see gains or losses--and there are


      many ways to look at this data, and we can explore


      this later this morning--many ways to look at the


      data.  But if you look at patients who had gains or


      losses greater than 5 percent, we saw that in all


      three areas. We did see that there were more


      individual losses rather than gains in the total


      hip and the femoral neck, and that there were no


      differences for the spine.  So the hip and the


      femoral neck seem to be the key areas where there


      were any changes at all.




                In this slide I'm showing you the mean


      percent change in the bone mineral density, and


      that these mean percent changes were very small.


      The scoring system is a g/cm                                             

                              2   And you can see


      where the baseline screening visits were on average


      there, and then what athey changed.




                First of all, note the lumbar spine.


      There were no statistically significant changes,


      and they were very small.  If you look at the total


      hip, there were statistically significant changes


      at week 24 and 52, but they were changes of .45




                If you look at the femoral neck, there was


      a change at 233k 24 of close to 1 percent--.92--and


      at week 64, 1.27.  But at week 52, nothing.  So


      these are decreases--small percentage decreases in


      the bone mineral density.




                So, to summarize those findings, there


      were median percent changse, but they were very


      small.  They occurred only in the femoral neck and


      the total hip, but not the lumbar spine.  We think


      that these changes really are--could easily be


      explained by differences and variance that you


      would expect in the normal population.


                There are individual gains and losses of


      greater than 5 percent, but they are probably also


      within the normal variation.




                We also have data--our data demonstrates


      that these changes are not associated with the


      incidence of fractures.  They're not associated


      with the incidence of osteoporosis.  They


      don't--there doesn't seem to be an age association,


      a gender association, or an association with


      medications such as a history of systemic






                Now, let's look at the data for


      hyperostosis.  These were the x-rays.  What we've


      shown here--we looked a couple things.  We looked


      at what was the existing hyperostosis; so, really,


      the prevalence, and how did that change through


      time, as well as looking for changes in increases


      in individuals.


                Looking here first at the 050P study--this


      is the one-year study--and we show that at


      baseline--you know, between 50 to 58 percent of


      there sites looked at--so, the cervical vertebrae,


      the plantar ankle or the dorsal ankle had


      pre-existing either ligament calcification or




      osteophyte formations.   That number seems high,


      but it's probaly indicative of both psoriasis


      patients, as well as age.  AN dit is within the


      reported numbers for that population.


                But look at what happens at weeks 24 and


      52, the numbers really don't change.  The cervical


      vertebrae go up slightly to 63.  The plantar ankle


      goes up and down at 54.  The dorsal ankle stays


      relatively the same.


                So we didn't show that when you look


      across at what you consider the prevalence for this


      population, over one year they did not change.




                So did they actually worson?  So they


      didn't get more, but did the disease worsen?  Here,


      I've made a cut-off to show you the dta at greater


      than a one-grade change, which would be more


      significant than less than or equal to one.


                You can see that at weeks 12 and 24, we


      didn't see anything.  At week 52, there were some


      modest increases: the cervical spine, there was a


      5.2 percent of the patients had an increase in




      calcification or osteophyte formation.  In the


      plantar ankle there was a 1 percent.  So there were


      a fwe significant changes---- statistically






                I'm showing you--reviewed a lot of the


      adverse events here.  And I think what we feel that


      this shows that there were some adverse events that


      you would expect to see with a retinoid, but there


      were other adverse events that you would expect to


      see that we did not see, which points to, really,


      our specificity ata the RAR á, .


                What we dind't see was hepatotoxicity,


      hypercholesterolemia, or changes in thyroid


      function, which are RXR or RARà-mediated adverse




                What we did see are RAR á and   adverse


      events.  We saw cheilits.  We saw some arthralia,


      some myalgia, some statistically significant


      changes in hyperostosis and bone mineral density,


      which may or may not be just due to normal


      variation in this population.






                So what are we recommending for


      monitoring, based on what I've shown you today?


                Allergan is recommending that patients on


      oral tazarotene do not need routine laboratory


      evaluations, unless they are an at-risk population.


      If thte patient has a pre-existing condition which


      would result in elevated hypertriglyceridemia, they


      would need to be monitored, such as patients with


      diabetes or they start the drug with




                We don't recommend routine bone mineral


      density or x-rays for our patients.  Again, unless


      they have a pre-existing condition which put them


      at risk, such as arthritis or osteoporosis, or a


      propensity for osteoporosis.


                We do recommend period monitoring for


      patients who have a significant change in symptoms,


      or are on this therapy long-term.




                And now I'd like to just turn my talk


      towards the Risk Minimization Action Plan for oral








                Oral tazarotene is a probable human


      teratogen, and I'd use that qualifier because


      technically speaking, until you see a teratogen, or


      you see a malformed fetus, it is "probable."  We


      feel it's probable due to the class of drugs and


      what we know.


                Because we're looking at psoriasis__AND I


      think this is something that was mentioned in the


      introduction--you need to frame this ddrug and this


      risk in the frame of what physicians already use


      for treatment of psoriasis, and we commonly use two


      other drugs which are teratogenic; specially,


      methotrexate and acetretin.


                Allergan feels that oral tazarotene is a


      very viable and important treatment option for


      women of childbearing potential.  We feel that


      because it has a short half life and would be


      washed out of the body quickly, that it would be a


      useful medication for this population.  And because


      of that, we are in support of having a Risk




      Minimization Action Plan to protect the vulnerable






                The goals of our program are that no woman


      who is pregnant shall be prescribed or dispensed


      tazarotene.  Women who are taking oral tazarotene


      shall not become pregnant.




                Now, there's, I think, a little bit of


      possibly confusion in what I'm going to show you


      now, and what was proposed originally in our NDA.


      And I've got some slight changes to what was in


      your briefing package.  I apologize for having


      changes, but as many of you know, sitting around


      this table, this has been an evolving process.  And


      I think this is a great opportunity for me to thank


      Khalyani Bhatt, because she has arranged many, many


      discussions between the Derm and Dental division,


      the Drug Safety Group and Allergan as we've evolved


      with this process.  And she's been really terrific


      at doing that.


                We based our NDA, originally--which was




      filed in November of 2003--we based that NDA on the


      current isotretinoin program at the time, which was


      the SMART program.  We updated--and we've been


      evolving--since the February 2004 meeting.  We


      wrote our briefing package with modifications of


      the program that was in our NDA to account for the


      changes in February.  Since even submitting the


      briefing package, we've had teleconferences and


      actual meetings with the Division, and we've


      actually modified it a little bit more.  They are


      slowly getting us to where they want us to be--is


      what I like to say.  We've had lots of discussions


      with Dr. Wilkin.


                So I'm going to highlight where the


      differences are in the program.




                First of all, we're now recommending a


      mandatory registry for all patients.  And this is


      something that we're interested in certainly


      discussing with the committee.  Our original


      proposal was just for women of childbearing


      potential; a targeted education program for all




      patients; a mandatory registration and


      certification for physicians and pharmacies; a


      verification of all patients qualification at the


      pharmacist through an interactive technology-based


      system.  This is the other difference--they're in


      italics.  Prior to this, the proposal, I believe,


      in your briefing package was only for women of


      childbearing potential.  A laboratory-based


      pregnancy test, which is hard linked between the


      pregnancy testing and the drug dispensing.




                Managed access--this is really our main


      difference between the recommendations that were


      presented by the isotretinoin--for isotretinoin at


      the February meeting--and that is a drug supply.


      We're recommending for women of childbearing


      potential that they get a one-month supply with no


      refills.  However, for patients who are males, or


      women not of childbearing potential, we're


      recommending that those patients be allowed up to


      two refills.  And this really is--the difference


      between, say, an acne population and psoriasis.




                We're also proposing a pregnancy exposure


      registry, which is designed according to the FDA


      guidance.  It's a proactive study that will follow


      up each pregnancy throughout its duration.  We will


      also look at program effectiveness metrics.  We'll


      look at pregnancy rate; knowledge, attitude and


      behavioral assessments; process compliance


      measures; and we'll do root cause analysis.




                As I've mentioned, our program really has


      all the essential features of the isotretinoin


      program, based on the recommendations of the


      committee in February of 2004.  But there are, I


      think, important things that we need to consider,


      and that is that that program is designed for an


      acne population.  Isotretinoin is prescribed for 20


      weeks--you know, give or take some time, depending


      on a clinician or a particular patient.  And


      monthly office visits for six months, while


      burdensome, are not overly burdensome.


                With psoriasis, which is a chronic


      lifelong disease, requiring a patient to come in




      every month is burdensome.  It's burdensome to the


      patient, to the physician, to the health care--you


      know, health economics.


                The majority of our patients are over 40


      years of age--or that's the average age is above 40


      for patients on systemic medications.  So I think


      we really need to consider this, because you could


      have the unintended consequence of a physician not


      prescribing tazarotene, or a patient not willing to


      come in once a month for oral tazarotene and, in


      turn, getting a drug which could possibly be less


      safe for them, or not having any systemic therapy


      when they need it.




                So we have a slightly customized program,


      and we'd like to have discussion with this.  And we


      want to work with the agency to have a program that


      protects a vulnerable population.  We've very


      behind that.  But we'd also like a program that is


      practical; one that could be implemented by


      patients, by health care providers and pharmacists.


                And we'd also like to propose, and discuss




      today, whether a program for all oral systemic


      retinoids--or even all teratogens used in


      diseases--should have the same program to avoid


      confusion in the marketplace.


                Thank you.


                I'm now going to turn the podium over to


      Dr. Alan Menter to discuss the risk-benefit


      assessment of oral tazarotene.


                Oral Tazarotene Risk Benefit Assessment


                DR. MENTER: Thank you, Dr. Walker.




                It's obvious, when confronted with


      clinical research studies safety data that we as


      clinicians, and you as a panel, have to make an


      assessment as to whether the drug in


      question--i.e., oral tazarotene--is worthy of usage


      in our psoriasis armamentarium for patients with


      moderate to severe psoriasis.


                What I'd like to now do in the next six to


      seven minutes is review the data and discuss this


      issue relating to risk-benefit assessment.  And I


      really would like to wear my psoriasis advocacy




      hat.  I am--part of the work I do with the National


      Psoriasis Foundation, who is represented here


      today, is direct the advocacy group for the medical


      advisory board.  And my two colleagues, who are


      here as consultants today, Dr. Krueger is immediate


      past president of the medical advisory board for


      the National Psoriasis Foundation, and Dr. Lebwohl


      is currently the medical director.  And we are


      very, very involved in advocacy issues relating to


      psoriasis patients and safe treatment for our


      psoriasis patients.


                So I think we've heard--both from Dr. Cook


      and myself, and from Dr. Walker--that we are


      dealing with a disease that has physical and


      psycho-social implications; that is lifelong; and


      we currently have good therapies for psoriasis but


      we do have some limitations, and we certainly have


      an underserved population of patients who have


      moderate to severe psoriasis, as has been






                Dermatologists have used retinoids for




      many, many years--for decades.  And, as I'll


      discuss shortly, we are relatively comfortable with


      the use of systemic retinoids for the diseases that


      they are currently available for.  However, I do


      believe we now have a unique retinoid.  And as has


      been discussed by Dr. Walker, because of its unique


      receptor selectivity, we believe that some of the


      side effect profile that we've come to expect with


      retinoids have been minimized, as has been


      discussed in the clinical data shown by Dr. Walker.


                We know that this drug has significant


      improvement, both short-term and long-term, on the


      clinical signs and symptoms of psoriasis.  And the


      vast majority of patients respond.  Certainly--as


      has been discussed--very few drugs clear patients,


      short-term, long-term, on a long-term basis.  And


      we have a drug here that has a significant in the


      vast majority of patients with psoriasis--dealing


      with patients with monotherapy, with systemic




                It is also important that dealing with a


      lifelong disease that we do have a drug that does




      not lose efficacy over time.  And we now have


      one-year data that shows that; that we do not lose


      efficacy.  And also, when the drugs are stopped for


      whatever reason, that there's no risk of the


      disease rebounding or producing the erythrodermic


      form of psoriasis that Dr. Cook showed, which we


      sometimes see with some of our other systemic






                you've seen multiple clinical slides of


      the clinical effect of psoriasis, both from a


      physical point of view as well as from an emotional


      point of view.




                So, as I've mentioned, we've had retinoids


      available for the past 20 years.  And the current


      retinoids that are available--etretinate is no


      longer available.  It's superseded by


      acitretin--altrans retinoic acid--ARTRA--is a drug


      that has recently been made available for the


      treatment of promylocytic leukemia.  And, of


      interest for us dermatologists, that this is used




      in conjunction with an old drug that dermatologists


      have used for a long time--arsenic--to maintain


      patients in control with a rare form of leukemia.


                Bexarotene is available for cutaneous T


      cell lymphoma.  And isotretinoin, as we all know,


      for acne.


                However, the only drug in this group that


      is approved for psoriasis is acitretin.  And


      because of the concerns of some of the safety


      issues to retinoids and other drugs, we do believe


      that the improved safety profile of oral tazarotene


      does warrant consideration as a new systemic form


      of therapy for psoriasis.




                So, what I'd like to do now is just


      contrast the oral tazarotene--bring up a few key


      points related to oral tazarotene, and how it does


      compare with some of the other retinoids that I've


      mentioned here now, particularly acitretin, a drug


      that we all enjoy using and have used, as I said,


      for many, many years, and very comfortable using


      acitretin, as we will do in the future, as well.




                However, the distinguishing features


      relating to oral tazarotene I think are shown here


      on the table.  I think one of the most significant


      features which opens up this drug to females of


      childbearing potential is the short half-life of


      the drug.  The drug, as you can see, has a short


      life of seven to 12 hours, and the majority of the


      drug is eliminated within five days, contrasting


      with the longer half-life of the other retinoids,


      particularly, as is shown here, acitretin.


                Ethanol--this may not be considered a big


      issue, but when confronting patients in the clinic


      on a day-to-day basis, and making choices for


      therapy with out psoriasis patients, the question


      of "can I drink socially?" "Can I have a


      drink?"--they cannot with methotrexate.  This is


      not allowed with methotrexate.  The label


      specifically precludes social alcohol of any kind


      with methotrexate therapy.  And because of the


      conversion of acitretin to atrentinate, and the fat


      storage of this drug, alcohol is also precluded in


      females of childbearing potential who utilize this




      drug.  And this may take two to three years for


      elimination--hence, the three-year exclusion when


      using acitretin, which will not be an issue at all


      with oral tazarotene.


                I mentioned earlier that as patients age


      lipids becomce an issue with patients, and we're


      frequently confronted with patients on


      lipid-lowering agents as the population ages.  And


      I think the fact that we do not have this concern,


      to a major degree, with acitretin [sic], again, is


      I think, a significant improvement over other


      retinoids that we currently have available to us.




                Liver toxicity--patients develop hepatitis


      C, and we are frequently faced with issues relating


      to patients with abnormal liver function tests.


      Patients certainly have been shown, in the clinical


      studies that Dr. Walker has discussed, to show


      minimal changes--short-term or long-term--in liver


      function tests between placebo and oral


      tazarotene--as compared to one-third of patients


      with acitretin.




                The alopecia issue, I think, is a big


      concern for us.  Probably, if one had to ask me,


      "What is the single most common cause for


      discontinuing retinoids?"--other retinoids,


      particular acitretin, in psoriasis patients--it's


      alopecia, particular females, who certainly do not


      enjoy losing their hair.  And this has become a big


      issue, and we have to tailor--drop the dose of


      acitretin to minimize this concern, a mucocutaneous


      side-effect concern.  And the very fact that we


      have minimal alopecia with oral tazarotene, I


      belive, again, is a significant distinguishing




                And, finally, the other mucocutaneous side


      effects--outside of the cheilitis, the dry skin,


      the pruritus and--certainly for the


      ophthalmologists in the audience--in the panel--the


      dry-eye syndromes and the problems we have with dry


      eyes, in consultation with our colleagues in


      ophthalmology, is of some concern with most of the


      retinoids, but does not appear to be a significant


      issue with tazarotene.






                And I think the most critical issue that's


      obviously facing the panel today, and that has been


      discussed in the risk minimization and risk


      management plan as outlined by Dr. Walker and her


      colleagues from Allergan, is the comprehensive


      nature of the plan that has to be brought into


      being, in order for us to be able to utilize


      retinoid therapy in the future.


                So, basically, females currently are


      excluded from both methotrexate therapy, and all


      females of childbearing potential--and, as I


      mentioned earlier--are also excluded from acitretin


      therapy.  And I do believe this is a significant


      proportion of the patient population: young females


      of childbearing potential, who no longer have to be


      excluded from retinoid therapy because of the


      selective nature of this drug.




                In my final few slides, I do strongly


      believe, again, as a patient advociate--which is


      what i believ we all should be thinking of--is that




      this drug has shown sustained clinical benefit of a


      course of one year.  And it's likely to be


      continued, as clinical studies continue; that


      ongoing therapy with this drug does show further


      response.  There has been a very high patient


      acceptance for this drug, both because of its


      clinical responsiveness, and because of its lack,


      particularly, of mucocutaneous side effects and


      alopecia.  And I think the low ddrop-out rate--less


      than 15 percent over a one-year period--I believe


      is a very strong guide to the patient acceptance of


      this drug, and is a very low rate as compared to


      many other systemic agents.




                Discussing, again, the female issue


      relating to it, we do believe--and I do believe, I


      believe Allergan believes, my colleague


      believes--that this is a drug that should be made


      available for that population group who have


      hitherto excluded from therapy; i.e., females of


      childbearing potential.  And with the risk


      minimization action plan proposed, I do believe we




      as clinicians, and the dermatologists in the


      audience, will feel comfortable prescribing a


      retinoid drug, bearing in mind that we have a great


      deal of experience with the use of retinoids


      previously, in psoriasis and other conditions.


                And, finally, the point relating to


      alcohol consumption, I believe I've touched on






                So, in summary, oral tazarotene does have


      an improved clinical and adverse event profile over


      other systemic retinoids.


                The issues that concern us--namely, lipid


      metabolism, hepatotoxicity, mucocutaneous toxicity,


      alopecia--appear to be extremely low, and a


      significant improvement over what we currently




                And some of the other issues that we need


      to consider, obviously, are the bone mineral


      density.  And I think Dr. Walker has outlined these


      issues to us.






                So, my final concluding slide, is that


      based on what we've heard today, based on the


      efficacy data and the safety data, and the risk


      minimization action plan that has been proposed,


      tazarotene capsules, I do believe--and I believe my


      colleagues who are with me today believe--should be


      made available, not just to a small select group of


      patients, but to all patients who have moderate to


      severe psoriasis; that a group of patients who I


      believe currently is vastly underserved.


                Thank you for your attention.


                  Discussion of Allergan Presentation


                DR. STERN: I'd like to thank the sponsor,


      and open to the panel for questions that are


      directly relating to information presented by the


      sponsor.  We'll have lots of time in the afternoon


      to discuss the global issues.  But points of


      clarification, additional data that might be




                So--Dr. Honein?


                DR. HONEIN: Yes, I'd like to know the


      denominator for the three pregnancies that occurred




      in the Phase 2 acne trials, and the one pregnancy


      that occurred in the psoriasis trials; and,


      specifically, the denominator of reproductive-age




                DR. WALKER: Well, I'll be answering


      questions from back here, if you'll give me one




                The psoriasis trial, there were 263


      patients who were enrolled in that trial, but how


      many of those were women--80 percent of them were


      males.  So, roughly 20 percent.  And I can get you


      that exact number in a moment.


                In the acne trial--that doesn't break down


      the gender.  We need the gender.


                In the acne trial, that was the 049P, that


      was a dose-ranging Phase 3 trial, and that was also


      fewer women than men.  Yes--I'm sorry--I don't have


      the exact numbers for that trial, but there were, I


      think, 183 subjects in the trial total, and fewer


      than half were females, roughly 40 percent.  But I


      don't have that exact number.


                I will point out that there was a




      risk-management program piloted in the psoriasis


      trials, but not in the acne trial.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Ringel?


                DR. RINGEL: I actually have three




                The first has to do with the makeup of the


      target groups for P 048 and 049.   On page 31 of


      the Allergan handout, we are told that


      certain--that patients were on certain concomitant


      medications, and certain concomitant medications


      were excluded.  Likewise, certain conditions were




                The first question is: I'd like to know


      what were those conditions?  What medications were


      excluded?  And what medications were specifically




                DR. WALKER: Patients could not be on


      systemic medications which would affect their


      psoriasis.  And there were--could you bring up what


      the--the full list of exclusion criteria in a


      moment--but patients couldn't be on systemic


      medications which would affect their psoriasis, and




      they could not be--which would be, really,


      primarily, corticosteroids or methotrexate,


      acitretin.  So any drug that would affect their


      psoriasis, there was a washout period for systemic


      retinoids which was longer--there was a washout


      period for cyclosporine and for methotrexate in the




                And you asked me another question?


                DR. RINGEL: Umm--


                DR. WALKER: Oh, and conditions.


                DR. RINGEL: Conditions.


                DR. WALKER: Their psoriasis could not be


      rapidly increasing or decreasing--which does


      somewhat eliminate, say, a guttate psoriasis,


      because that often is rapidly changing.  They


      couldn't have a condition which would interfere


      with their ability to do x-rays.  So if they had,


      say, a plate in their hip or their ankle which


      would inhibit the ability to read the x-rays for


      calcification, they were excluded.


                If they had unstable psychiatric disease,


      they would be excluded--or any condition that the




      physician felt would make them unreliable or unable


      to participate in the trial, they were excluded.


      But that's it.


                It was somewhat open-ended that the


      physician could exclude people.


                DR. RINGEL: How about alcohol-increased


      liver function tests at baseline, or triglycerides


      at baseline--alcohol abuse?


                DR. WALKER: They could use alcohol in the


      trial.  That wasn't exclusion--


                DR. RINGEL: How about if they overused




                DR. WALKER: We didn't ask, one way or


      another, about overuse.  That--you know, what is


      "overuse" can also be a little bit of a nebulous


      thing.  But, no, they were not excluded for alcohol


      use, and we didn't take a definite history of


      alcohol use.


                Slide up, please.


                The exclusions will be on the screen


      there.  I went over most of them.


                Umm--I'm sorry, I'm going to have you--I




      got off track on the alcohol use.  You asked me


      another question.  Specifically, alcohol use


      and--oh, triglycerides.


                There was an exclusion for triglycerides


      greater than 500 mg at baseline.  They could have


      elevated liver function tests or triglycerides if


      the physician felt that they were stable.  So, they


      were either within normal limits, or the physician


      felt that patient was stable to go on drug.


                Patients were allowed to have hepatitis C


      in the trial.  They were allowed to have elevated


      triglycerides below 500 and other labs.


                For anyone here who's done extensive


      psoriasis trials, if you don't allow some wiggle


      room around labs, you'll never be able to recruit


      patients, because they do have many co-morbid


      conditions.  They have, often, diabetes and other




                So, yes, we did allow that if they were




                DR. RINGEL: And how about topicals?  Were


      all topicals allowed?




                DR. WALKER: No.  No topicals were allowed


      except emollients.  So there was no topical


      tazarotene, dovinex or corticosteroids allowed.


                On an occasional basis--and we do have


      that data--some patients used emergency topical


      steroids for, say, poison ivy or something like


      that, for very short periods of time.  And those


      protocol deviations were all noted.


                DR. RINGEL: The other major question I had


      was that I don't understand how you applied OLA to


      systemic medication.  It makes a lot of sense to me


      for a topical medication, because you can take a


      target lesion and follow that lesion.  But, as any


      dermatologist on the panel will confirm, psoriasis


      in the different body parts doesn't necessarily


      resolve at the same rate. So you could have


      wonderful clearing on the body, whereas no clearing


      at all on the sacral area.


                So I was wondering how--in other words,


      when you described how the OLA was applied, which


      only takes into account an individual plaque, it


      seems to me, did you follow the worst plaque?  Did




      you take an average?  Did you--how did you do it?


                DR. WALKER: It's a clinical assessment,


      and it's a clinical integration.  And so,


      essentially, the physician looks at the patient and


      does--you know, not a numeric average, but an


      average--you know, overall average based upon,


      really, the worst lesion.


                That can work, of course, for and against


      you.  If you take the worst lesion, it's certainly


      harder to have a clinical success.  But it is


      driven by plaque, and it is an integration of the


      entire body.


                We did learn in the topicals that actually


      there were patients in the topical trials who had


      80 percent body surface area, where they applied


      their tazarotene.  Those were the higher patients.


      But the scoring system worked there.  We piloted it


      in the Phase 2 trial and showed that it did work.


                When we separated out plaque, erythema,


      scaling, we separated out the target plaques, the


      results were essentially the same for all groups,


      which demonstrated to us that it did work that way.




                It is a new measure, but it does have some


      clinical relevance, and it did work in the trials.


                DR. RINGEL: So if there's someone who had


      complete clearing on the trunk, and no clearing at


      all on the knees--which isn't unreasonable--someone


      would kind of just have a gestalt of what it was




                DR. WALKER: No, they would not have


      achieved clinical success as we set of "none" or


      "minimal" disease.  If they had complete clearing


      everywhere, but then had severe plaque on the


      elbows, they still would have an OLA of "severe."


      They had to bring all of the plaques down.


                DR. STERN: Could you just tell us what the


      "intra" and "inter" rate of reliability was of the


      score so we can get some idea, you know, really


      what you mean by "gestalt," and how well tested


      this is as a metric.


                DR. WALKER: We did not do a specific test


      to validate the scoring system separately, where we


      looked specifically at inter-intra related


      reliability.  We do divide the scoring system out




      in the trials by investigative site, and saw no


      difference from site to site.  But we formally did


      not do that.


                DR. STERN: And the rationale for not


      looking at the test characteristics of this, in


      terms of reliability, both inter and intra rate of


      reliability for a non-conventional measure, where--


                DR. WALKER: When we adopted that measure


      for the oral systemic development of tazarotene,


      the measure was no longer non-conventional to us,


      because we had used it in the topical.


                The scoring system has been used for other


      systemic drugs.  It was used in the Raptiva Phase 3


      pivotal trials.  It wasn't called an "overall


      lesional assessment," but--yes.


                VOICE: What did they call it?


                DR. WALKER: An OLS--an "overall


      lesional--"--I don't remember what the


      "s"--"severity" score.  So it was used--and


      actually the results were very similar in their


      trial to using the PASI score, in the sense that it


      was effective for their drug also.  And I think,




      Dr. Lebwohl--do you have another question--


                DR. LEBWOHL: To address Dr. Ringel's


      comment: when we have looked, in previous studies,


      at elbows and knees, which you'd expect to respond


      more slowly compared to trunk, we didn't find a a


      big difference.  However, there are certainly areas


      that clear more quickly, such as the face or


      intratrcianous areas, that routinely clear more


      quickly than other body sites.  And I think the


      word "integrated" was key here.


                The assessment tool that was used here was


      in response to, basically, dissatisfaction that was


      expressed even at the FDA.  In fact, I think, Dr.


      Stern, the quote from you is: "PASI is passe," was


      a quote I believe you said.


                A difficulty with assessment tools--and


      this one did seem to work.  And I have seen a slide


      of inter-investigator variation, or within one


      investigator, variation.  But to address directly


      your comment, I can't recall a single patient who


      had severe knees and mild trunk after treatment,


      unless they started out that way.




                DR. STERN: Dr. Wilkerson is next.


                DR. WALKER: I'm sorry--can I answer Dr.


      Honien--I hope I said your name right--her


      question.  I have the numbers.  I'm sorry to


      interrupt you.


                In the 050P study, there were 83 females


      out of 263 total patients.  And in the 040P acne


      trial, there were 81 femals out of 181 total




                I'm ssorry for interrupting you.


                DR. HONEIN: Those were reproductive age,


      or all women?


                DR. WALKER: All women.  In the acne trial,


      they were prdominantly of reproductive age.  The


      breakdown for reproductive age in 050P will be a


      smaller subset.


                DR. STERN: I'm sorry--Dr. Wilkerson,




                DR. WILKERSON: In regards to the alkaline


      phosphatase, what was the fractionation of the


      abnormal values?


                DR. WALKER: We did not fractionate the




      alkaline phosphatase for patients in this trial.


      We did do fractionation in our 040P--our acne


      trial--for bone and liver, and saw no differences.


      But we did not specifically fractionate the


      alkaline phosphatase in the 050P open-label trial.


                DR. WILKERSON: So we're making an


      assumtion that since liver function tests were not


      abnormal, that the abnormal alkaline phosphatase


      fraction is bounded?


                DR. WALKER: That is the conservative


      assumption that we have made.


                DR. WILKERSON: I mean, I'm assuming that


      you have serum placed aside that's been frozen,




                DR. WALKER: We have serum not sepcifically


      saved aside for these patients.  And I don't know


      right now whether we could go back and


      sub-fractionate those alkaline phosphatases for all




                DR. WILKERSON: I mean, this is obviously--


      outside of the pregnancy--you know, one of the big


      concerns about this drug long-term.  I mean, you




      know, you're talking about a fairly inexpensive


      laboratory test.  I mean, the fact that your GDTs


      also rose is sort of suggestive of a hepatic--I saw


      those GDTs were up at one point also, which is


      somewhat of a crossover.


                So I think you have an ambiguous


      laboratory situation that needs to be clarififed


      for the long term.


                DR. WALKER: Slide up, please?


                DR. STERN: Dr. Levin?


                DR. LEVIN: My questions relate to the


      RiskMAP proposal, and I might--if you'd rather


      follow this line and I'll come back later on.


                DR. STERN: I think in the afternoon we'll


      probably be spending a fair amount of time on that,


      and we'd like to talk more about data presented in


      the presentation.


                Dr. Furberg?


                DR. FURBERG: I had a similar question.  I


      was interested in the experience of the--you


      piloted the risk management program, and would be


      interested in knowing the experience; how was the




      adherence with mandatory registration of patients,


      registration of physicians, pregnancy testing and


      so on.


                But--if you want to answer now, later--


                DR. STERN: I think probably more in the


      afternoon for that.


                Dr. Katz?


                DR. KATZ: I have two questions: one, in


      the mechanics of evaluating patients, did the same


      investigator evaluate the improvement as evaluated


      the side effects?  Or was there--


                DR. WALKER: It was the same investigator


      who did that.  They were not required to be




                DR. KATZ:  So this would not be put out as


      a double-blind evaluation.  It was--


                DR. WALKER: Well, it was double--


                DR. KATZ:  --placebo controlled.


                DR. WALKER:  --yues, placebo controlled,


      blinded in the sense that the investigator didn't


      know what the patient was on--tazarotene or






                What your saying is would they know


      because a patient had chapped lips, say, that they


      were on active.  And I don't know if you'd want


      that now or in the afternoon, but we--


                DR. KATZ: No, I just wanted to make sure


      that that was made clear, that the investigator


      evaluating the side effects also was evaluating the


      improvement, negating any double-blind assertion.


                DR. WALKER: The same investigator--


                DR. KATZ: The other question is: did the


      company have any expert in bone metabolism consult


      regarding the concern that will come out in the


      further discussion.


                DR. WALKER: We've had several experts look


      at the bone data with us, from statisticians who've


      looked at the data normalized across populations.


      We've got some experts with us here--


                DR. KATZ: So will we be informed of their


      considerations?   At this meeting today?


                DR. WALKER: Umm--well, we have a lot of


      the data--I'm not exactly sure--do you mean, will


      you be hearing--




                DR. KATZ: My question is--


                DR. WALKER:  --from an expert that will--


                DR. KATZ: Yes, will we be informed of what


      their evaluation of--


                DR. WALKER: Yes.


                DR. KATZ: Thank you.


                DR. STERN: I'd like to close this section


      with a few questions of my own, in spite of Ms.


      Topper says to me.




                The first is: you talked about 79 percent


      or 80 percent of people indicating--patients


      indicating satisfaction.  I don't think you


      presented the--as I recall from the briefing


      document--in fact 53 percent of the placebo people


      had similar ones.  So it was a 27 percent


      difference, not some larger difference.


                The second is: you talked about a


      correlation between quality of life and the OLA


      score, but I didn't hear how much the quality of


      life instrument shifts were, and what, in fact,


      that correlation was; whether it's an r-square, or




      whatever measure you used.  So I'd be very


      intrersted in that.


                And I guess the third is one that has to


      do--aside from half-life comparisons between


      tazarotene and acitretin which were featured in the


      final presenter is--we have to remember that,


      except for the half-life considerations, that


      retinoid side effects are very much dose-related.


      And we've only heard about one dose of tazarotene,


      tazarotene in terms of efficacy and safety.  And


      the information on acitretin, I believe, comes from


      the literature that deals with doses that are


      literally more than an order of magnitude


      different--some doses being as low as 10 mg in use,


      and other doses being well in excess--up to 150 mg


      in use.


                So I think making comparisons other than


      things related to half-life and the accumulation of


      drug in pregnancy for all the other endpoints, it's


      very hazardous to do without head-to-head


      comparisons--and particularly, in the absence of


      knowledge of where is this dose in efficacy or in




      any other way relative to the safety data from the


      competitive drugs.


                So if you could--that's a comment, but if


      you could answer my other questions.


                DR. WALKER: I certainly--slide


      please--satisfaction rates--you're correct, there


      was a high placebo satisfaction rate.  If we look


      at patients who were extremely satisfied, very


      satisfied or somewhat satisfied, the placebo is the


      light blue bar, and the tazarotene-treated group is


      the dark blue bar.  And the difference


      is--although, you know, and you clearly described


      what the data was if you take all patients who were


      satisfied.  This is actually just breaking us down.


                You can see they are statistically


      significantly different from placebo for "very


      satisfied," "somewhat satisfied," and "extremely


      satisfied."  However the differences aren't 80 or


      90 percent--as you mentioned.


                If you would put up the PQOl--put that


      slide up, please?






                This is looking at the PQOL, and


      correlating it to improvement--which I did mention,


      as you rightly mentioned.  If you look at the


      placebo--this is looking at the score--and the


      placebo group compared to patients whose


      PQOLs--this is looking at change--all right?--or


      reduction in PQOL score which is an improvement in


      the quality of life--placebo had less than a


      minus-1 improvement--.84.  Patients who had a


      one-grade improvement were 1.87; a two-grade


      improvement, 2.43; a grade of "none" or "minimal,"




                So you can see that the patients had an


      improvement of their PQOL score with any


      improvement, and it was certainly greater as they


      went to "none" or "minimal" disease.


                DR. STERN: That wasn't quite my question.


      My question is: what's the correlation between a


      PQOL and an OLA score, rather than does PQOL go in


      the same direction.  And I think those are--you


      know, essentially, a patient who gets an


      improvement in their OLA score, are they going to




      also say life is better in terms of impact of


      psoriasis at an inter-individual.


                So I'm really looking for some


      non-parametric equivalent of an r-square.


                DR. WALKER: We did not do that.


                DR. STERN: I'd like to then--we're only


      five minutes behind--[laughs]--which is pretty






                --and have us have a 15-minute break, and


      we'll start very promptly at 10:20.


                               [Off the record.]


                DR. STERN: We'll now be hearing from the


      FDA, with Dr. Yao presenting the FDA's presentation


      concerning toxicology studies of tazarotene.


                            FDA Presentation


                    Toxicology Studies of Tazarotene


                DR. YAO: Good morning.  I'm Jiaqin Yao


      from FDA.


                Today, I would like to talk about


      toxicology study of tazarotene.


                Tazarotene was previously developed for




      topical use.  This NDA submission is for oral


      administration.  So the sponsor has tested the


      tazarotene by oral administration in rats, dogs and


      monkeys for up to one year.




                The study showed that oral tazarotene has


      a typical toxicity of other retinoids.  The maximum


      system exposure (AUC) to tazarotenic acid, which is


      the major metabolite of tazarotene is almost as


      similar of weight of small or the human systemic


      exposure, which is in single dose 4.5 mg.


                The primary target organ or system


      included bone, liver, kidney, heart, thymus and




                Tazarotene was tested to show that no


      genotoxic effect, and in carcinogenic studies in


      rates and mice showed that there's no significant


      increase in tumor frequencies.


                In the next couple slides I will focus on


      the reproductive toxicity induced by tazarotene.




                Study has been done in male and female




      rates at the dose 1mg/kg by oral.  So AUC--that


      means system exposure is three times over human


      exposure AUC which is 4.5 mg/day.  So that means


      the step exposure is only about 30 percent of




                They show that the mating performance and


      fertility is no change at this dose.




                As the dose incrases to 3 mg/kg per day,


      the AUC is 0.7 times our human AUC by oral


      tazarotene at 4.5 mg, it shows that there is a


      sperm count and density decrease.


                Studying the female rates at a dose of


      2mg/kg per day by oral, AUC is 0.6 times human AUC,


      the mating performance and fertility does not


      change.  But we see some development toxicity.




                Studiies have also been done in toxicity


      in embryonic development--developmental toxicity.


      The study has been show in female rats at 0.25mg/kg


      by oral.  The AUC is 0.2 times human AUC.  We saw


      some development delays, teratogenic effects, and




      post-implantation loss.




                Another study in female rabbit, at 0.2


      mg/kg per day by oral, the AUC is 4.7 times human


      AUC, we see similar factor in those studies, just


      using female rabbits.


                Since this drug has been developed for


      topoical studies, the sponsor has also done some


      topical studies in the femal rats and female


      rabbits, at a dose 0.25 mg/kg, theAUC is 0.2.  We


      saw that some fetal body weight decrease and


      skeletal ossification decreased.


                In the studies by topical, in female


      rabbines, the dose is 0.25 mg/kg, AUC is 2.3 times


      human, malformations are found in those studies.




                Another study is on the toxicology studies


      in prenatal and postnatal development. In female


      rabbis, they have done two studies.  The first


      study is 1mg/kg by oral, but the AUC is 1.1 human


      AUC.  We saw developmental bahavior delays.


                Another sutdy used the same dose--1 mg/kg




      by oral, the AUC is 0.4 times human AUC, we see


      developmental delays.




                Another thing I would emphasize a little


      bit about is this drug on the male reperoductive


      system.  As I mentioned before, at the dose of 1


      mg/kg per day in male rats, AUC is 0.3, the mating


      performance and the fertility does not change.


      However, at a dose of 3mg/kg per day, the AUC is


      0.7, we see some sperm count and density decrease


      in male rates.


                In general toxicology studies, the sponsor


      has done one study on male dog, which is for nine


      months.  At 1mg/kg per day, by oral, the AUC is 1.9


      times human AUC, we see testicular changes.  As the


      dose increases to 3 mg/kg per day by oral, AUC is


      4.1 times human, the change is more than 1 mg/kg






                Based on the sponsosr proposal, the


      maximum recommended human dose for tazarotene by


      oral is 0.075/kg/day.  For other drugs, such as




      acitretin, it's 0.83mg/kg, and isotretinoin is


      2.0mg/kg.  So the daily dose is less than other




                However, when I checked the literature, we


      find that compared with animal studies in rabbits


      and rats, the lowest teratogenic dose unit is


      mg/kg/day, is 0.2mg/kg/day in the rabbits.  In


      rats, it's 0.25 or 1, because the sponsor did two


      studies.  One is 0.25, one is 1.


                Compared with acitretin, the lowest


      teratogenic dose in rabbits is 10mg/kg, and for


      rats is 150mg/kg.  And I also compare with other


      retinoids, we find that this drug product is--seems


      is more important as teratogenic in rabbits, and


      the rats.


                Another thing we see those data, we can


      see that the human is like most sensitive species


      in teratogenic effect induced by those retinoids.




                So the conclusions from those data, we can


      see hman may be the most sensitive species for


      teratogenicity of the retinoids.  So when we




      consider about the drug dose, tazarotene is more


      potent teratogen than other retinoids in rats and


      rabbits, based on the mg/kg/day basis.  And


      tazarotene is a probably human tazarotene.


                The next speaker will be clinical


      pharmacology review by Dr. Ghosh.


                Thank you.


               Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics


                DR. GHOSH: Good morning.  This is Tapash


      Ghosh, from the Office of Clinical Pharmacology and


      Biopharmaceutics, FDA.


                My presentation will be to describe the


      clinical pharmacology and biopharmaceutics aspects


      of oral tazarotene.




                The focus of my presentation will be


      pharmacokinetics of tazarotene and tazarotenic acid


      in plasm; potential for drug-drug interaction; and


      tazarotenic acid in semen.




                Tazarotene or tazarotenic acid have


      multiple effects on keratinocyte differentiation




      and proliferation, as well as on inflammatory


      processes, which may conttribute to the


      pathogenesis of psoriasis.  Some of them include:


      blocking of induction of epidermal ornithine


      decarboxylase activity; suppression of expression


      of MRP8, which is a marker of inflammation present


      in the epidermis of subjects with psoriasis; and


      inhibition of cornified envelope formation, whose


      build-up is an element of the psoriatic scale






                This is a schematic of how tazarotene


      works in our body. Once tazarotene is in the


      systemic circulation, it undergoes fairly rapid


      conversion to its active metabolite, which is the


      tazarotenic acid, with the help of abundance of


      acerisus enzyme present in our biological system.


      Then the tazarotenic acid undergoes further


      oxidation to tazarotenic acid sulfoxide, which,


      maybe with the presence of the CYPS and FMO enzymes


      present in the system.  And then tazarotenic acid


      sulfoxide may undergo further oxidation to




      tazarotenic acid sulfonates.


                Some portion of the tazarotene also


      undergoes oxidation to tazarotene sulfoxide.




                Tazarotene is orally absorbed, as


      approximately 90 percent of the oral level


      tazarotene was recovered in pheresis and in urine


      as primarily tazarotenic acid and its metabolites.


                Tazarotene exposure increases fairly in a


      dose-proportional manner, following oral tazarotene


      from 3 mg to 6.3 mg.




                Tazarotenic acid is highly bound to plasma


      proteins, with an unbound fraction of less than 1




                Following intravenous dose, the apparent


      volume of distribution of tazarotene and


      tazarotenic acid was 3.55L/kg, and 0.75L/kg,






                As I already described, in humans,


      tazarotene is hydrolyzed quickly and extensively to




      tazarotenic acid, which the primary active moiety


      in the systemic circulation.


                In vitro human metabolism studies


      demonstrated that tazarotenic acid is metabloized


      to inactive sulfoxide metabolite via CYP and/or FMO


      enzymes in the liver.




                Fecal elimination is the predominant


      elimination pathway, with 46.9 percent of the


      administered oral dose eliminated in the feces as


      tazarotenic acid.  Approximately 19.2 percent of


      the dose was excreted in the urine as inactive


      sulfoxide metabolites of tazarotenic acid.




                Following IV administration, tazarotene


      was measurable in plasma, and was eliminated from


      the body with a mean terminal half-life of 6.2




                Following IV administration, plalsma


      tazarotenic acid concentration declined


      bi-exponentially, with a mean terminal half-life of


      13.8 hours.






                Following IV administration, the systemic


      clearance of tazarotene was 2.23L/hour/kg.


                Systemic exposure of the active


      metabolite, tazarotenic acid, was 21.4 times that


      of the parent compound.




                This is a profile of how tazarotenic acid


      gets excreted from the system.  An as I have


      mentioned, this is a normal plot and this is the


      semi-log plot, just to show the bi-exponential


      decline of the tazarotenic acid.


                The profiles are from day seven and day


      13, which shows the profiles on those two days are






                As the previous speakers have already


      mentioned, that tazarotene right now is already


      approved in topical dosage forms.  This table shows


      the comparison of systemic exposure of tazarotenic


      acid from different topical formulations.


                Without going through each and every




      formulation, I want you to concentrate on the last


      two rows, where .1 percent gel was compared with


      the 4.5 mg proposed capsule formulation.  Here, if


      we compare the systemic exposure in terms of AUC,


      it is about one-fourth, and in terms of exposure of


      Cmax, the topical exposure is about one-eighth,


      compared to the oral exposure.




                However, the data obtained from topiocal


      gel was during maximal usage condition, which may


      not reflect the usual usage condition.




                In terms of drug-drug interaction, there


      was no interaction found between tazarotenic acid


      and Ortho-Novum 1/35, and between tazarotenic acid


      and Ortho-Tri-Cyclen when given as oral tazarotene


      dose of 6 mg.


                However, based on the data, the potential


      of drug-drug interactions involving CYP450s,


      especially 2C8 and 2B6, may need to be further








                Now I'll be discussing the tazarotenic


      acid in semen.  Following once-dailing dosing of


      tazarotene 4.5 capsules for two weeks in healthy


      male subjects, more than 79 percent of semen


      samples had tazarotenic acid concentration above


      lower limit of quantitation, which is .1 ng/ml.


                Median semen to plasma tazarotenic acid


      concentration ratio at each predefined time point


      from semen samples over the 72-hour period was


      approximately 1 or less, except at six and nine


      hours, where the ratio was greater than 1, as


      dscribed in this following figure--




                --where the ratio, semen to plasma


      tazarotenic acid concentration was profiled--again,


      these are the sampling points.  And, as we see, for


      most of the time points, this is the body


      presence--1--ratio 1.  Most of the time points had


      either 1 or less than 1, but at six and nine hours,


      the ratio semen to plasma was greater than 1.




                The highest individual semen to plasma




      tazarotenic acid concentration ratio 2as 2.8, and


      occurred between 9 and 12 hours post dose.


                The highest plus-or-minus standard


      deviation, tazarotenic acid concentration observed


      in semen was 44.4, + 22.2, observed in 16 subjects,


      occurred at three hours post dose.


                The highest individual tazarotenic acid


      concentration observed in semen was 83.1ng/ml,


      occured at three hours post dose, in comparison to


      1.61ng/ml pleak plasma level from the same study.




                So, therefore, under worst case scenario,


      assuming an ejaculate volume of 10 ml, the amoung


      of drug transferred in semen would be 831 ng, which


      is about 1/5,000th of a single 4.5 mg capsule dose.


                The no-effect limit for teratogenicity of


      tazarotene or tazarotenic acid is unknown in






                Fertilized egg may remain exposed to


      tazarotenic acid in the semen following repeated


      sexual encounters.




                Finally, the risk to a fetus, if any,


      while a male patient is taking the drug, or after


      it is discontinued, cannot be ruled out.


                This is the end of my presentation.


                Thank you.


                So now Dr. Cook is coming for the next




                            Clinical Safety


                DR. COOK: Good morning again.


                I've come to you this time to speak on the


      clinical safety, from the FDA perspective, of oral


      tazarotene as presented in NDA 21701.  Some of the


      presentation will be a repeat of Dr. Walker's


      presentation earlier this monrning, but some of it


      might be a little bit different.




                The safety data base, as you know, is


      derived from the following four trials: two Phase 3


      double-blind placebo controlled trials; and two


      open-label Phase 3 trials.




                The duration of the trials were 12 weeks




      of treatment in the double-blind placebo controlled


      trial, with a 12-week follow-up; and there were two


      open-label trials--as described earlier--one 12


      weeks treatment with 12-week follow-up, and a


      52-week trial with a 12-week follow-up.




                There wre 987 patients treated with


      tazarotene, and 383 treated with placebo.


      Tazarotene patients were treated with 4.5 mg once


      daily numbered 831.  There wre 640 patients, or 77


      percent, treated for greater than or equal to 12


      weeks; 31.4 percent wree treated for greater than


      or equal to 24 weeks; 18.4 percent for grater than


      or equal to 48 weeks; and 12.2 percent were treated


      for 52 weeks.




                Discontinuations accounted for about 54


      percent of the patients who discontinued from the


      trials, either because of lack of efficacy or


      adverse events.  This is in the placebo-controlled


      trials.  And the discontinuations secondary to


      adverse events in the placebo-controlled trials, it




      was 3.4 percent.


                In the short-term open-label trial, where


      patients were taking a second course, versus those


      patients who were only taking their first course of


      tazarotene, discontinuations were 6.5 percent for


      the second-course patients, and 3.2 percent for the


      first-course patients.  So there was a slightly


      discontinuation rate for those patients who were


      taking their second course of tazarotene.  And, as


      Dr. Walker mentioned earlier, there was a higher


      incidence of discontinuation in the long-term,


      open-label trial.




                Adverse events that led to


      discontinuations in the long-term trial that


      occurred for more than one patient included


      arthralgia, myalgia, arthritis, back pain,


      alopecia, dermatitis, joint disorder.  There were


      three patients who discontinued for abnormal liver


      function tests; two for cheilitis, asthenia; two


      for depression; and two for emotional lability.






                In the pivotal trials, overall, tazarotene


      group had more adverse events than in the placebo


      group: 90.2 percent versus 74.6 percent, and this


      was statistically significant--although I must


      mention that the trials were not actually powered


      for safety.


                And the significant adverse events that


      are common to oral retinoids--mentioned


      earlier--included cheilitis, dry skin, headache,


      arthralgia.  And this shows you the percentage of


      patients who are on tazarotene--first--experienced


      the event, versus those on placebo.




                Other significant adverse events in the


      pivotal trial were myalgia, joint disorder, back


      pain, nasal dryness, foot pain, rash and






                Metabolic and Endocrine adverse events


      that occurred in the trials: hypertriglyceridemia


      did occur, and there was a significant difference


      between tazarotene and placebo.  And I will show




      you a slide concerning that.


                There was also one incident of


      hypertriglyceridemia leading to pancreatitis, and


      this occurred in one patient in the


      placebo-controlled trials.  The patient did come


      into the trial with severe hypertriglyceridemia,


      having a baseline value of about 6 mmol/L.  The


      data was presented in millimoles per liter.  And


      I'll talk about the conversion later--and then his


      triglycerides continued to rise to about 13 mmol/L,


      and then the patient was taken off the drug.  And


      about a week later, his triglycerides about 33


      mmol/L and 62 mmol/L, and he was worked up--had


      ERCP, and was found to have pancreatitis, probably


      due to drug product.


                The applicant found hyperglycemia, a


      statistical difference.


                There were also four cases of


      hypothyroidism diagnosed; three in the


      placebo-controlled trials, one in the long-term


      trial, and all the patients were on tazarotene.


      And I must say that even though when you looked at




      TSH values in the placebo-controlled trials, you


      really didn't see a difference between tazarotene


      and placebo, as there were 2.9 percent of patients


      who had elevated TSH on tazarotene, and there were


      2.5 percent of patients who had elevated TSH on


      placebo, yet the investigators did diagnose three


      patients with hypothyroidism.


                When I went back and looked at the case


      report forms to see was there some other criterion


      that had been used to diagnose these patients


      outside of an elevated TSH, there had not been.


                Elevated LFTs leading to


      discontinuation--there was one patient in the


      placebo-controlled trials, and this was a patient


      who also had an elevated TSH and had been diagnosed


      with hypothyroidism.




                Now, here is a table on elevated serum


      triglycerides, and these are all patients in the


      placebo-controlled trials--all comers.  And what I


      did was look through the line listings, and took


      any patient who had a serum triglyceride that was




      2.3mmol/L or greater, and 2.3 millimoles is about


      200 mg/dL.  And I base that on the fact that most


      physicians would have some type of therapeutic


      intervention once your triglycerides start to rise


      about 200--even though we all know that even as


      high as 130 would be considered mildly elevated,


      but not necessitate treatment.  And moderate--2.8


      to 5.6 millimoles which--it's about 250 to 500


      mg/dL, and greater than 5.61 is anything higher


      than that.


                And just for your information, if you're


      greater than 11 mmol/L, then that's about greater


      than 1,000 mg/dL.  And there were maybe a couple of


      patients who got up as high as 750 mg/dL.


                And, at any rate, there are about 45.2


      percent of patients in the 048 trial, and 42.3


      percent in the 050--049--trial, that had elevated


      serum triglycerides on at least two occasions


      during treatment.  And compared to placebo, this


      was found to be statistically significant.




                In the post-treatment period for the




      placebo-controlled trials, only cheilitis remained


      a statistically significant event. Skin and


      appendages as a whole was also considered


      statistically significant, but that was driven


      primarily by dry skin, which is not something


      unexpected from an oral retinoid.  And I will say


      that the serum triglycerides returned to acceptable


      range in about 55 percent of patients followed in


      the post-treatment period; that is, those patients


      who I just previously talked about who had elevated


      triglycerides, if they were followed in the


      post-treatment period, 55 percent of them did


      return to an acceptable range.




                In the short-term open-label trial, there


      were a few significant adverse events in patients


      who were taking their second course of oral


      tazarotene, compared to those taking their first


      course; and that included arthralgias, back pain


      and alopecia.  And, again, the first


      percentage--like 33.7 percent--is for the patients


      taking their second course of tazarotene,




      versus--for example, in the arthralgias--the 14.1


      percent of patients who had arthralgia taking their


      first course of tazarotene.  And alopecia again


      emerged as a new adverse event.


                And significant laboratory abnormalities


      in the short-term trial for patients who were


      taking the second course of tazarotene included


      elevated serum triglycerides, as in the


      placebo-controlled trial, and also now elevated


      alkaline phosphatase levels.




                In the long-term open safety trial, one or


      more adverse events were reported for 98.9 percent


      of the patients.  And adverse events that occurred


      for greater than 5 percent of the patients, again,


      are cheilitis, arthralgia, myalgia, infection dry






                --back pain, headache, asthenia, pruritus,


      foot pain, alopecia, leg pain and arthritis--




                along with paresthesia, flu syndrome,




      nausea, joint disorder, insomnia, rhinitis and


      bronchitis.  And most of these events were reported


      as mild in severity.




                Laboratory adverse events that occurred in


      the long-term safety trial--which, again, is the


      52-week trial--included hypertriglyceridemia,


      again, at 41.1 percent, which sort of paralleled


      the placebo-controlled trial.  And, again, these


      are patients who had elevation at least on two time


      points during treatment, and their elevations were


      greater than 200mg/dL; abnormal liver function


      tests in 22.9 percent; elevated CPK in 16.3


      percent; elevated alk-phos, 13.7 percent; and


      isolated elevated SGPT and SGOT--because some


      patients just had one or the other; abnormalities


      in white blood cell counts, 5.7; and elevated GSH,


      5.3 percent.




                And out of all of that, the higher


      elevation--the alkaline phosphatase is something to


      focus on a little bit. There was a higher elevation




      compared to placebo-controlled trials in the


      long-term study: 13.7 percent of patients versus


      3.4 percent of patients in the placebo-controlled


      trials, suggesting that the longer you're on the


      drug, that there's some effect there to alkaline




                And, again, it remained elevated at the


      end of the post-treatment period, which was a


      12-week post treatment period, in 69.4 percent of


      those patients who were abnormal.


                Only 3.7 percent--or 2 out of 54 patients


      who had elevated LFTs had abnormalities in their


      liver function tests at the end of the


      post-treatment period, suggesting that there may be


      a bone origin for the elevation of the alkaline


      phosphatase values.




                And this kind of takes us to the effects


      that were found on bone metabolism in the clinical


      trials.  And I should preface this by saying we had


      a consultant at the agency look at the data.  And


      there is a high drop-out rate, and missing data, in




      the long-term trials.  And so it's hard to make a


      definitive conclusion.  And more studies and a more


      long-term look at its effect--at tazarotene's


      effect over long term might really be necessary.


                But what was found was that there was a


      mean bone mineral density decrease over time for


      the entire set of patients, with some having


      decreases close to 30 percent.  And over 10 percent


      had significant decreases of greater than 5


      percent.  And four patients on tazarotene, and one


      on placebo, had bone marrow density decreases


      greater than 5 percent in the placebo-controlled


      trials.  And this occurred in men--all of them were


      men, in the range of 40 years old to 69 years of


      age.  And one patient also had a decrease of 50


      percent in bone marrow density, and that's still


      being investigated.


      But we feel that this might be significant because


      men, who composed the bulk of the study--and there


      were 68 percent of men in the long-term trial, and


      over two-thirds of men in the placebo-controlled


      trials--those patients usually lose bone mineral




      density at about 0.5 to 0.75 percent per year, and


      women usually lose about 1.5 to 2 percent per year.


      That's a lose of either 1 to 3 percent over a 36


      weeks supplies a greater than normal bone loss over


      a year.  And so, over a period of five to 10 years


      of treatment, this really could be significant.




                In the long-term study, 5.3 percent of


      patients had significant changes in calcification


      and/or osteophyte scores of the cervical spine; 26


      percent had worsening changes in hyperostosis and


      ligament calcification with each vertebrae of the


      cervical spine; and there was a significant


      increase in ankle ligament osteophyte formation at


      weeks 52 and 64.




                And this correlates to the musculoskeletal


      adverse events that also increased in the long term


      trial.  And in the post-treatment period these


      adverse events remained significant; arthralgia, at


      19.7 percent; back pain, 17.8 percent; myalgia,


      15.8 percent; and arthritis at 6.6 percent.




                There were also six moderate fractures


      occurring during the trials in patients on


      tazarotene that were reported as "without known


      cause," and we're still having that investigated.




                And other adverse events that occurred in


      the post-treatment period of the oral tazarotene


      trial are as expected with oral retinoids:


      cheilitis, dry skin, asthenia and pruritus.




                Discontinuations due to neuropsychiatric


      events--in the placebo-controlled trials, due to


      emotional lability, there were three patients on


      tazarotene and three patients on placebo who


      discontinued.  For depression, there was one


      patient on tazarotene and none on placebo.


                And in the open-label trials, two patients


      discontinued for depression, five patients for


      emotional lability, and one patient discontinued


      secondary to a paranoid reaction.




                The conclusions that we can make from this




      for neuropsychiatric events is that there is no


      difference between tazarotene and placebo in the


      controlled trials, for neuropsychiatric events.


      However, due to the limitations of the metrics


      employed and the statistical power, an association


      cannot be ruled out, given the existing concerns


      about such effects from other retinoids.




                And ophthalmology--we looked at--used


      several metrics to looked for ophthalmologic


      effects secondary to tazarotene.  And those


      employed were visual acuity, biomicroscopy and


      opthalmoscopy, and no signal was detected.




                As stated earlier by Dr. Walker, there


      were four pregnancies in the trials for oral


      tazarotene; one in the psoriasis trial, and three


      in the acne trials.  There were two elective


      abortions, one spontaneous abortion, and one term


      delivery at 38 weeks.  And, as she said, they have


      later follow-up that, so far, this child appears








                Now I'm just going to switch over to the


      efficacy portion, and just give you a brief


      description of the trials--you've already heard


      about this earlier today.


                There were two Phase 3 efficacy trials,


      which were identical in design.  They were


      multicentered, randomized, evidence-based and


      placebo-controlled.  The patients took either


      tazarotene as a 4.5 capsule or its placebo once a


      day for 12 weeks.  And there was a 12-week


      post-treatment follow-up.




                The key inclusion criteria included that


      the patients had to be age 21 years or older.  They


      had to have a severity score of greater than or


      equal to 3, which was "moderate" on the Overall


      Lesional Scale.


                They also had to a minimum surface area


      involvement of 10 percent.




                Key exclusion criteria included:




      spontaneously improving or rapidly deteriorating


      plaque psoriasis; any patient with a previous


      fracture, anomaly, or artifact of the ankles or


      cervical spine; use of systemic retinoids within


      eight weeks prior to study entry; use of systemic


      medications known to affect bone within 12 months


      prior to study entry.




                Also, patients with suicidal ideation were


      excluded; females of childbearing potential who


      were unable or unwilling to use two birth control


      methods at the same time during the 28 days prior


      to the week-zero visit and during the treatment and


      post-treatment periods of the study; and also any


      male who was unwilling to wear a condom when having


      sexual intercourse with a female of childbearing


      potential during the study was also excluded.




                The efficacy variables, as determined by


      the FDA--and what we based our efficacy assessment


      on--included: one primary efficacy variable, and


      that was the Overall Lesional Assessment Score, and




      this varied from "0" with no disease, to "5" with


      very severe disease.


                The secondary efficacy variables, which


      were supportive of the primary, included the


      clinical signs of psoriatic lesions, the erythema,


      scale and plaque elevation, and overall global






                Treatment success for the efficacy in


      pivotal trials was defined as success being a score


      of 0 or 1--meaning "none" or "minimal disease" on


      the OLA scale at week 12--at end of treatment.


                And now Dr. Shiowjen Lee is going to speak


      to you about the efficacy results.


          Efficacy-Biostatistical Analysis of Pivotal Studies


                DR. LEE: Good morning.  In the next 30


      minutes I will be presenting you the biostatistical


      analysis of pivotal studies.




                The efficacy evaluation of the two pivotal


      studies included the following efficacy endpoints:


      primary efficacy endpoint--treatment success--which




      is defined as percentage of patients with Overall


      Lesional Assessment--abbreviated as OLA--score of 0


      or 1 at week 12, which has the disease of "none" or




                The secondary efficacy endpoint included


      clinical signs and symptoms, and overall global


      response.  The overall global response measures the


      overall improvement from baseline about the disease


      status.  And Dr. Denise Cook will have comments


      about this efficacy endpoint later.


                And other efficacy end point, we are


      particularly interested in the scalp and nail




                In this presentation, I will focus on the


      primary efficacy endpoint and the scalp and nail


      psoriasis end point.




                Presentation of the efficacy findings in


      two pivotal studies are organized by the following.


      First, I will present you the overall efficacy


      findings of oral tazarotene versus placebo, and


      next I will present to you the subgroup efficacy




      results, in particular, by gender and by baseline


      OLA severity score.  Next, I will show you the


      short-term efficacy of oral tazarotene in treating


      the scalp and the nail psoriasis.  And, next, I


      will give you the relapse rate--it's referred to


      the short-term relapse rate for the two pivotal






                This table gives you the baseline


      demographics for the two studies; in particular, I


      listed gender and OLA score.


                For patients treated with tazarotene in


      the first study, we enrolled 166 patents.  And


      among those 166 patients, 80 percent of them male,


      and 20 percent female.


                In the first study, enrolled 171 patients


      in placebo group.  And in the placebo group the


      patients were 72 percent male and 28 percent




                For the second studies, the study


      enrollment enrolled 182 patients in tazarotene, and


      187 patients in placebo.  For patients assigned




      with tazarotene treatment, 65 percent male, and 35


      percent female; and for placebo groups, 74 percent


      male, and 26 percent female.


                And I want to point out here, in the two


      pivotal studies, the male patients accounted for


      over two-thirds of study enrollment.


                With respect to the baseline OLA score,


      most patients had a moderate disease severity,


      where they can enter the study.  For example, in


      the first study, patients with tazarotene group, we


      have 60 percent patients had a moderate disease


      severity.  And for the second studies, there was 66


      percent patients had a moderate disease severity.


                And I want to point out here, in the first


      study there were total of five patients in the very


      sever OLA score at baseline.  And two of them


      treated with tazarotene.  And in the second study


      we have total 10 patients in the second study, and


      four of them treated with tazarotene.  And the


      total patients with very severe disease severity at


      baseline was 15 patients, and accounted for about


      only 2 percent of patient enrollment.






                This table gives you the efficacy results


      about the OLA score and the treatment success at


      week 12.


                For the first study, the treatment success


      rate were 15.7 percent for tazarotene group, and


      3.5 percent for placebo group.  And for the second


      study, the success rates were 18.7 percent for


      tazarotene group, and 4.8 percent for placebo




                There are two--I would like to make a


      point here.  The first point is the treatment


      success for both studies, they are under 20


      percent.  And, also, the most patients with


      treatment success, they had a score, primary would


      be 1.  For example, in the first study, patients


      treated with tazarotene, we have 22 out of 26


      patients had a score of 1.  For the second study,


      we have 27 out of 34 patients had a score of 1.




                This slide gives you the subgroup results


      of treatment success for the first study, primarily




      by gender and by baseline OLA score.  Recall, the


      overall success rates were 15.7 percent for


      tazarotene, and 3.5 percent for placebo.


                For gender, female patients generally had


      higher success rate than males.  And here we have,


      in tazarotene group, female success rate was 26


      percent, and the male success rate was 13 percent.


                With respect to the baseline OLA score,


      generally the success rate decreases as the


      baseline disease severity increases.  For example


      in tazarotene group we have 19 percent success rate


      for patients with moderate disease severity, to 11


      percent with severe disease severity at baseline,


      and to 0 percent for patients with very severe


      disease status at baseline.




                And this slide gives you the subgroup


      results of treatment study.  The overall success


      rate for the second studies were 18.7 percent for


      tazarotene, and 4.8 percent for placebo.  And here,


      again, are listed by gender and by baseline OLA


      score.  For female subjects, again, higher success




      rate than male subjects.  And here, I want to point


      out, the treatment difference for female patients


      in this study is about 9 percent.  This is 24


      percent minus 15 percent in 9 percent.  And for


      male subjects we had 16 percent in tazarotene


      group--success rate--and the placebo group 1


      percent.  The treatment difference here was 15




                And one might question about the efficacy


      results driven by male subjects, because it has


      larger size of treatment difference.  Because,


      again, over two-thirds of patient enrollment will


      be males.  We've done some sensitivity analysis for


      this, and it's shown the tazarotene group still


      superior to placebo, however, the bigger size


      difference does have an impact of the significance


      level of superiority.


                With respect to the baseline OLA score,


      disease severity increases then the success rate


      decreases; from 20 percent for patients with


      moderate disease, to the last category--very severe


      disease--and with 0 percent success rate.




                And I want to point out here, even


      patients from the previous study, and for this


      second study, none of the patients in tazarotene


      group achieved treatment success for patients with


      very severe disease status.




                The next I'm going to discuss with you


      about the scalp and nail psoriasis.  The evaluation


      of scalp and nail psoriasis is based on short-term


      efficacy of tazarotene treatment.  And the severity


      of each scalp, fingernail, toenail psoriasis was


      evaluated based on a 5-point scale; 0 was "no


      disease," and score of 4 was "very severe" disease.




                The efficacy results presents you--the


      next slide--is based on the percentage of patients


      having severity score of 0 at week 12.


                This table gives you the results about the


      scalp and nail psoriasis, with respect to the


      patients with severity score of 0 at week 12.


                As you can see, for the two studies, with


      respect to the scalp psoriasis, there was 27




      percent patients in tazarotene group had a severity


      score of 0 at week 12.  And for the placebo, there


      was 7 percent in the first study, and 12 percent in


      the second study.  So, tazarotene shows some


      efficacy in treating scalp psoriasis.


                However, if you take a look at the


      fingernail and the toenail, no patient in


      tazarotene group had a severity score of 0 at week


      12.  However, you take a look at the toenail in


      placebo group, there was one patient achieved


      severity score of 0 at week 12, and there were two


      patients in the second study achieved a severity


      score of 0 at week 12 for fingernail psoriasis.


                And I want to point out here is 12 weeks


      might be too short for evaluating nail psoriasis,


      as nail growth requires longer period of time to






                The results going to present you here is


      baseline of patients who were treatment success at


      week 22, and had a relapse during the 12 week






                Two definitions of relapse are considered


      in this presentation.  The first definition is


      based on patients who fell back to baseline OLA


      score or worse during the 12-week post-treatment




                The second definition is based on patients


      whose achieved maximal improvement from baseline


      was reduced by more than 40 percent during the 12


      weeks post treatment.




                This slide gives you the results about the


      relapse rate for the two pivotal studies.  As you


      recall, there were 26 patients in tazarotene group,


      and six patients in placebo group had treatment


      success at week 12 for the first study, and 34


      patients in tazarotene group and nine patients in


      placebo group achieved treatment success in the


      second study.


                Based on the first definition--"a"--which


      includes the patients who fell back to the


      overall--the "OLA score at baseline or worse, the


      relapse rate for tazarotene group in the first




      study was 23 percent, and it was 9 percent for the


      second study.


                Based on the definition "b," which


      includes patients whose maximal improvement was


      reduced by more than 50 percent, in tazarotene


      group we have 35 percent relapse rate for the first


      study, and 26 percent relapse rate for the second




                The next several slides, I'm going to give


      you the summary of the statistical analysis in the


      two pivotal studies--basically, just summarize the


      results I just presented you.




                Oral tazarotene is statistically superior


      to placebo regarding treatment success, however


      success rates are below 20 percent for both


      studies; one was 15.7 percent, the other one is


      18.7 percent.


                Female patients generally had higher


      success rates than males.  The male patients in the


      two pivotal studies accounted for over two-thirds


      of study enrollments.




                Treatment success decreases as baseline


      disease severity increases.  It should be noted a


      total of 15 patients, which accounted for about 2


      percent of study enrollment, had a "very severe"


      OLA score at baseline.  None in oral tazarotene


      group achieved treatment success at week 12.


      Consequently, there is insufficient data to


      evaluate the efficacy claim of "very severe" plaque






                Oral tazarotene demonstrates short-term


      efficacy in treating scalp psoriasis, but not nail


      psoriasis.  Two and one patients in placebo group


      achieved severity score of 0 at week 12 in


      fingernail and toenail psoriasis, respectively.


      However, none was in oral tazarotene group.




                Based on definition (a) of relapse, which


      is the patients who fell back to OLA score at


      baseline or worse, the relapse rate was


      approximately 15 percent for both studies.  And


      based on definition (b), which includes patients




      whose maximal improvement from baseline was reduced


      by more than 50 percent, the relapse rate was 30


      percent for the two pivotal studies.  And, again,


      the relapse rate was measured based on patients who


      had a treatment success at week 12, and they had


      relapsed at the 12-week post-treatment period.


                This is the end of my presentation.


                Thank you.


                            Clinical Wrap Up


                DR. COOK: Okay, I'm back [laughs]--I'm


      back for, hopefully, the last time.  And I'm just


      going to try to give a clinical wrap-up.  And,


      basically, this is to give you other information on


      the safety and efficacy of the chemical moiety






                I'm going to speak about drug-use trends


      of topical tazarotene, adverse events with topical


      tazarotene, and we'll take a look at the efficacy


      of topical tazarotene and, again, of oral








                Drug-use trends for topical


      tazarotene--the total number of tazarotene


      prescriptions have been increasing.  In 1999, there


      were 226,000 prescriptions written, and in 2003,


      there were 937,000 prescriptions written.


                In 2003, most of the prescriptions were


      prescribed by dermatologists--67 percent--with


      family practitioners coming in at 7 percent.  And


      the most common diagnoses associated with the use


      of topical tazarotene was 75 percent for acne, and


      13 percent for psoriasis.




                58 percent of all of the prescriptions


      were dispense to women.  And we arbitrarily chose


      12 to 44 years as the most common range for women


      of childbearing potential, and 46.5 percent of all


      claims are for women of childbearing potential.




                There have been 125 errors reports


      associated with topical tazarotene--adverse event


      reports.  And the most common adverse events are


      cutaneous: pruritus, rash, dermatitis exfoliative,




      burning sensation, and erythema.


                There are also some systemic adverse


      events reported with the use of topical tazarotene.


      There are three reports of elevated LFTs,


      gastrointestinal problems; hot flashes and


      perspiration; and one report of elevated




                The indications for which the prescription


      had been written included 91 for psoriasis, eight


      for acne, other skin 10, and for the others we


      don't have the diagnosis.


                There were more females--69 females and 52


      males--for which these adverse events were


      reported, and there were two hospitalizations, and


      one congenital anomaly.




                The association with pregnancy


      exposures--there have been 113 worldwide pregnancy


      exposures-- and this data was actually obtained


      from the sponsor.


                There are 107 reports in the United


      States, compared with six foreign reports.  The age




      range was 17 to 38 years, the median being 29


      years.  The indications for which these


      prescriptions in these exposures had been written


      were primarily acne--60; 20 for psoriasis; two for


      facial wrinkling; and the others, we don't know.


                And the outcomes for pregnancy, and fetal


      outcomes: there were four spontaneous abortions,


      two chromosomal abnormalities--trisomy 18 and


      Cornelia de Lange--not associated with retinoid


      malformations.  And the others--107--there was


      either no adverse outcome or unknown.  And we don't


      know how many of which of those two categories


      compose the 107.




                And finally we're going to take a look at


      the efficacy of the chemical moiety in the


      treatment of plaque psoriasis.


                In topical tazarotene, in the clinical


      trials, the success was based on a greater than 75


      percent improvement.  And I have to preface this by


      saying that we know that these are different


      trials, these are different sets of patients.  They




      all had moderate to severe psoriasis.


                With the 0.05 percent gel, the success


      rate was 30 percent and 18 percent in the two


      clinical trials.  The 0.1 percent gel, the success


      rate was 38 percent and 25 percent, compared with a


      placebo effect of 13 percent and 10 percent.


                If you look at oral tazarotene, which


      we've been speaking on today, in the clinical


      trials the success was "no" or "minimal disease,"


      which is a more stringent criterion, and the


      success rate was 15.2 percent, and 18.7 percent,


      respectively, with a lower placebo effect.


                Also, in the clinical trials on oral


      tazarotene, a secondary efficacy parameter was the


      global response.  And a success of greater than or


      equal to 75 percent improvement, or marked


      improvement or better--which Dr. Walker showed you


      earlier--showed that this success rate was 30.1


      percent, and 30.8 percent, with a placebo effect of


      8.2 percent and 9.1 percent.


                So, in summary, in pre-clinical animal


      studies, oral tazarotene, when compared milligram




      for milligram to other systemic retinoids turns out


      to be the most potent teratogen.  Thus, as the


      other retinoids are human teratogens, oral


      tazarotene is most likely a potent human teratogen.


                While it is true that oral tazarotene


      showed efficacy as compared to placebo in the


      treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis, given


      the safety signals discussed today, in presence in


      semen, its effects on lipid metabolism, bone


      metabolism and thyroid and glucose metabolism, oral


      tazarotene presents a complex risk-benefit




                We at the agency look forward to the


      guidance of this advisory committee in analyzing


      this complex drug product.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: I'd like to thank the FDA for


      its very nice and lucid presentations, and we'll


      now go on to Dr. Lindstrom, who will talk about the


      evaluation of risk management for systemic


      retinoids in a more generic way.


          Evolution of Risk Management for Systemic Retinoids




                DR. LINDSTROM: Good morning.  I'd like to


      discuss with you today the evolution of agency


      thought regarding pregnancy prevention risk


      management for systemic retinoids for skin






                To accomplish this, I'll first describe


      the current landscape in terms of retinoids on the


      market for cutaneous conditions; the risks that


      they present; and the risk-management tools


      available to us.  I'll then move on to describe the


      historical development of risk management for


      systemic retinoids for cutaneous conditions.  And,


      finally, I'll make a few summary remarks.




                There are four systemic retinoids approved


      for the treatment of cutaneous conditions.


      Isotretinoin is indicated for the treatment of


      severe, recalcitrant nodular acne.  The innovative


      product was approved in 1982, and three generic


      products were more recently introduced.


                Etretinate, indicated for the treatment of




      severe recalcitrant psoriasis was approved in 1986,


      and this product was voluntarily removed from the


      market in 2002.


                Acitretin, with a similar indication, was


      approved in 1996, and bexarotine, indicated for the


      treatment of refractory cutaneous T cell lymphoma


      was approved in 1999.




                Now, all of the approved systemic


      retinoids are either recognized, or highly suspect


      human teratogens, and all produce fetal


      abnormalities in animals that are exposed in utero.


                We have the most human data for


      isotretinoin, which is recognized as a potent human


      teratogen.  It has a high frequency of adverse


      outcomes in exposed pregnancies, with perhaps a


      third of exposed pregnancies affected.  The effects


      are severe, including fetal wastage, structural


      malformations in major organ systems, and impaired


      function, such as neuropsychiatric delay.


                Additionally, the window of vulnerability


      is large.  There's no recognized time period during




      gestation when administration of systemic retinoids


      would be considered safe.




                Considering that risk, what


      risk-management tools are available to us?  Well,


      we broadly categorize our risk-management tools


      into four groups: product labeling, such as the


      package insert; targeted education--an example


      would be patient brochures, reminder systems, such


      as stickers or patient informed-consent forms; and


      controlled distribution.




                I want to move now to describe the history


      of pregnancy prevention risk-management efforts.


      I'm going to use isotretinoin as a prototype, and


      use three other oral retinoids as supplementary


      examples.  Before I do so, I want to acknowledge a


      caveat that Dr. Walker has already discussed, and


      that is that isotretinoin is indicated for the


      treatment of severe acne.  This is different than


      the indication that oral tazarotene is pursuing.


      And when isotretinoin is prescribed for severe




      acne, it's prescribed as a circumscribed 20-week


      course, and the majority of patients will


      experience prolonged or permanent disease


      remission--not all, but the majority--and will


      likely require a single course of therapy.


                However, the other retinoids that I will


      use as supplementary examples--etretinate,


      acitretin, and bexarotine--are prescribed in a


      chronic, or chronic-intermittent fashion, and would


      not be considered--or the use would be more similar


      to that which might be expected for oral tazarotene




                Isotretinoin was approved--as I've


      mentioned--for the treatment of severe recalcitrant


      nodular acne in the early '80s.  It was recognized


      as a highly suspect teratogen, based on


      abnormalities seen in animal studies.  It received


      a pregnancy category rating of X, and when it was


      released to the market, risk management included


      labeling, information regarding the potential risk


      for teratogenicity was included in the


      contraindications, warnings and precautions section




      of the label.




                Despite this, the agency received the


      first report of a human malformation following in


      utero exposure to isotretinoin in 1983, and other


      reports followed soon after.


                In response, the labeling was


      strengthened.  First, the teratogenicity risk


      information already included in the package insert


      was highlighted by boldface type, and a boxed


      warning was added at the beginning of the label.


      In addition, targeted education tools included


      "Dear Doctor" and "Dear Pharmacist letters, which


      were sent out to health care providers to update


      them on the human data as it accrued.




                But, again, additional exposures--in utero


      exposures--occurred, and in 1988, the agency and


      the sponsor both determined that strengthening of


      the risk-management program--pregnancy prevention


      risk-management program for acitretin was needed.


      And after consultation and input from the advisory




      committee, the Accutane Pregnancy Prevention


      Program was introduced.  It included tools from


      three of the four categories of risk-management




                The labeling was updated.  The boxed


      warning was updated to include additional


      information regarding the timing and frequency of


      pregnancy testing; the number and types of


      contraception recommended; and the recommended


      duration for their use.


                Additionally, the package itself was


      changed.  The blister pack was introduced.  The


      "Avoid pregnancy" icon--the familiar red-circle


      with the slash was introduced, and the boxed


      warning, which had previously been just on the


      package insert was now printed on the package






                Other components of the Accutane Pregnancy


      Prevention Program included educational materials


      for physicians--excuse me, for prescribers and


      patients, as well as the introduction of a referral




      and reimbursement program for contraceptive


      counseling, as well as an informed consent form for


      female patients.


                Two other components of the Accutane


      Pregnancy Prevention Program, not formal


      risk-management tools in themselves, are the


      patient survey and the prescriber survey, both of


      which were introduced to assess the impact of the




                And what was the impact?




                In the first year after implementation, we


      saw an initial rise in the number of reported


      pregnancies--reported exposed pregnancies.  This


      was not surprising, as a new tool for


      reporting--the voluntary patient survey--had been


      introduced.  However, in the subsequent decade,


      this number--the number of reported exposed


      pregnancies--leveled off and stayed relatively




                Also during this time, the number of


      patients treated with isotretinoin doubled.  Now,




      it might be tempting to conclude, having said that


      the number of reported exposed pregnancies was


      relatively constant, and the number of


      prescriptions and the number of patients treated


      was rising, it might be tempting to conclude that


      the pregnancy rate was dropping.


                This would be an erroneous conclusion


      because the number of reported


      pregnancies--pregnancy reporting is voluntary, and


      the number of reported exposed pregnancies does not


      necessarily represent all exposed pregnancies.  And


      we do know that adverse event reporting falls off


      over time.


                However, we can safely say--I think we can


      safely conclude that the known total public health


      burden of exposed pregnancies was not decreasing,


      and the number of women at risk for exposure during


      pregnancy was increasing.




                Because of these two issues, the


      Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drug Advisory Committee


      was convened in 2000, and this advisory committee




      recommended that the isotretinoin risk-management


      plan at the time--the Accutane Pregnancy Prevention


      Plan--be strengthened to include


      registration--mandatory registration and controlled




                Now, there was a precedent for the


      committee's recommendation, in that Thalidomide,


      which was reintroduced to the U.S. market in 1999,


      was introduced with a risk-management plan that


      contained these elements of registration and


      controlled distribution.


                After the advisory committee, the agency


      and the sponsor entered into intense negotiations,


      and in 2002 the current risk-management plan was




                Now, the innovator sponsor entitled that


      program the SMART program--the System to Management


      Accutane-Related Teratogenicity.  The generic


      manufacturers which entered the market soon after


      that, gave their risk-management plan--which was


      identical in all of the essential


      elements--different acronyms: SPIRIT, ALERT,




      IMPART.  In order to avoid confusion, I'm going to


      refer to all of them as the "current


      risk-management plan."  Although it is being


      revised, it is the risk-management program that is


      in place at the present.




                Its components included elements for all


      four categories of risk-management tools.  The


      labeling was updated, and a medication guide was


      added.  There were instruction guides for


      prescribers and pharmacists; brochures for






                The patient informed-consent forms were


      updated.  There was a prescriber checklist to


      assist prescribers in implementation of this


      risk-management plan.  Perhaps the hub of the plan


      was the yellow qualification stickers.  These


      yellow stickers are applied by prescribers to


      prescriptions when they write them for


      isotretinoin.  There's a place to write the date on


      which the patient has been qualified.




      Qualification entails ensuring that the patient has


      had a recent negative pregnancy test, and that the


      patient has agreed to use two forms of effective


      contraception--unless that patient is abstinent,


      post-menopausal, or male.


                Also on the yellow qualification sticker


      are reminders for pharmacists to dispense only a 30


      day supply, not to give refills, and to fill the


      prescription within seven days of the qualification




                Now, these qualification stickers are


      obtained by prescribers by signing a letter of


      understanding in which they attest that they


      possess the relevant competencies necessary to


      safely prescribe isotretinoin and that they agree


      to fully utilize the risk-management program.  The


      yellow stickers are provided by the sponsor upon


      receipt of the signed letter of understanding.


                The voluntary patient survey and pharmacy


      surveys--again, not risk-management tools in


      themselves--were used to assess the impact of the


      program.  And at the time of approval of the




      program, the sponsor was informed that the


      effectiveness would be assessed at one year, and


      performance benchmarks were set at a patient survey


      enrollment of 60 percent, and qualification sticker


      use approaching 100 percent.




                The one year metrics were presented to


      this combined advisory committee in some detail in


      February of this year.  And I'm just going to


      summarize them with a single slide.


                The patient survey response rate was 36


      percent.  It failed to meet the sponsor-identified


      benchmark of 60 percent.


                Sicker use was high, exceeding 90 percent,


      but it proved to be an unsatisfactory surrogate


      endpoint, in that there was poor correlation


      between sticker use and survey responses.  For


      instance, although, again, the sticker use was high


      and above 90 percent of the stickers were correctly


      filled out, a significant number of women on the


      voluntary survey did not recall having received any


      pregnancy test.  And perhaps most importantly, the




      number of reported exposed pregnancies was


      unchanged after implementation of the current


      risk-management plan from the previous year.




                And so, this combined advisory committee


      recommended, in February of this year, that the


      current risk-management plan be augmented, and


      specifically, your recommendations included:


      mandatory registration of all patients, both male


      and female; registration of all pharmacies;


      registration of all prescribers; and the


      implementation of mandatory pregnancy registry.


      And I want to inform you that the sponsors and the


      agency are diligently working to implement these






                So, a quick review of the isotretinoin


      risk-management program chronology: the drug was


      approved in 1982.  In 1988 the Accutane Pregnancy


      Prevention Program was implemented.  In 2002 the


      current risk-management program was implemented.


      And in 2004, this combined advisory committee




      recommended mandatory registration, pregnancy


      registry, and controlled distribution.


                I want to discuss three other systemic


      retinoids at this time.




                Etretinate was the second oral retinoid


      approved in the United States.  It was approved in


      1986 for the treatment of severe recalcitrant


      psoriasis.  It was approved after isotretinoin


      entered the market, but prior to the implementation


      of the Accutane Pregnancy Prevention Program.  And


      the risk-management program for etretinate


      included--was limited to labeling, with a boxed


      warnings and warnings regarding the risk of


      teratogenicity in the "Warnings, Contraindications


      and Precautions" section of the label.  And, as


      I've mentioned previously, this drug was withdrawn


      from the U.S. market in 2002.




                Acitretin--the third oral retinoid


      approved for the treatment of a cutaneous


      condition, was approved in 1996 for the indication




      of severe psoriasis.  There is a caveat in the


      indications section, indicating that in women of


      childbearing potential this drug should be used


      only if they are unresponsive to other therapies,


      or if other systemic therapies are contraindicated.




                Acitretin was approved, as I said, in


      1996.  This was after the implementation of the


      Accutane Pregnancy Prevention Program, and hence


      the sponsor was asked to implement a


      risk-management program that was consistent with


      the best practices at that time.


                The sponsor labeled their risk-management


      program for Soriatane, the "Soriatane Pregnancy


      Prevention Program," and it contained elements


      similar to the Accutane Pregnancy Prevention


      Program: labeling, education and reminders.


                Targretin--bexarotine--was approved in


      1999, the fourth oral retinoid to treat a cutaneous


      condition.  It's indicated for the treatment of the


      cutaneous manifestations of cutaneous T cell


      lymphoma which is refractory to other system




      therapies.  And--again, approved in 1999, this


      would have been after the implementation of the


      Accutane Pregnancy Prevention Program, but before


      the implementation of the current risk-management


      program.  And the risk-management program for


      bexarotine is similar to that for--it's similar to


      the Accutane and Soriatane pregnancy prevention


      programs.  It consists of labeling, targeted


      education, and a limitation on the amount dispensed


      to 30-day supply.




                I just want to conclude with a few summary




                All of these approved systemic retinoids


      are known or highly suspect human teratogens and,


      as such, present potential risks to the public


      health that needs to be management.


      Risk-management programs should incorporate current


      best known practices, and these practices for


      pregnancy prevention risk management have evolved


      over time, and have progressively included elements


      from the four categories of risk-management tools:




      labeling, targeted education, reminder systems, and


      controlled discrimination.




                And our current thinking regarding best


      practices for pregnancy prevention risk management


      for isotretinoin include the fact that per the


      advice of this combined committee, the isotretinoin


      current risk-management program needs to be


      strengthened, and that elements--and that that


      strengthened program should include the following


      elements: mandatory registration of patients,


      prescribers and pharmacies, as well as a mandatory


      pregnancy registry.


                And I now want to turn the microphone over


      to Dr. Ann Trontell from the Office of Drug Safety,


      who will discuss risk-management tools for oral




          Risk Management Tools for Oral Tazarotene: Context,


                      Considerations and Experience


                DR. TRONTELL: Good morning.


                I'm going to hope to set some context, as


      well as describe considerations that FDA has taken




      into account, as well as our experience in risk


      management, and in particular in the context of


      potential risk management tools for oral






                I'm going to set the context in terms of


      the recently issued draft guidances on risk


      management, from the agency.  I'll talk about our


      experience with application of some of the tools of


      risk management, and what we know of their


      advantages and disadvantages.


                I'll talk briefly about the isotretinoin




       program.  Dr. Lindstrom has already told you quite


      a bit.  I'll talk somewhat about he ongoing


      negotiations.  And then I will talk about the


      options for risk management for tazarotene which,


      in fact, have changed since these slides were






                As many of you know, under the third


      reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee




      Act, the agency was charged with developing three


      interrelated guidances on the topic of risk


      management.  The first dealt with premarketing risk


      assessment; the second, with pharmacovigilance and


      pharmacoepidemiology--largely applied to the


      post-marking setting; and the third document now


      discusses what we term "risk minimization action


      plans"--a term that you've heard this morning.


      I'll use that, as well as "RiskMAPs"






                In this guidance, a risk minimization


      action plan--or RiskMAP--was defined as a strategic


      safety program designed to meet specific goals and


      objectives in minimizing known risks of drug


      products.  In this context, a RiskMAP is described


      as a program that goes beyond what FDA usually does


      in the approval of a drug product.  Ordinarily FDA,


      and with the sponsor, develop professional labeling


      and then conduct routine postmarking


      pharmacovigilance.  And this largely constitutes


      sufficient risk management for most marketed drug








                For risk minimization action plans the


      goals are described as targeting the achievement of


      a health outcome related to the known risks of the


      product.  These goals would reflect the idea


      outcome of the RiskMAP; that might be achievement


      of a certain health outcome, or avoidance of an


      undesirable health outcome.


                FDA recommends that these be stated in


      absolute terms to maximally reduce the risk.  So,


      in the case of teratogenicity risk reduction, the


      goal might well be stated as "no fetal exposure


      should occur.'


                Foals are broken down into intermediate


      steps that are also termed "objectives."  And it's


      in the context of objectives that we talk about


      RiskMAP tools.




                These are processes or systems intended to


      minimize known safety risks, and are designed to


      target the achievement of at least one or more




      objectives that serve the overall RiskMAP goal.




                In its draft guidance issued in May on


      RiskMAPs, FDA set forth a number of different


      considerations an how tools might be selected.


      Each tool, ideally, should be adding value in


      attaining the program goals.  They should seek,


      wherever possible, to use tools that have proven


      effectiveness, either in other programs, or based


      upon the scientific literature.


                FDA also advocates that the tools chosen


      be acceptable to a wide range of audiences, and


      certainly those individuals who will participate in


      the implementation of the plan, and low burden


      should be a goal for that, as well.


                The agency suggested that in selecting


      risk-management tools, that one avoid unnecessary


      limitations on product access, since that might


      restrain or constrain benefits of the product, and


      to similarly avoid the creation of multiple


      customized tools, since this creates confusion as


      well as burden on the health care system.  And,




      again, so far as one is able to anticipate


      unanticipated consequences of a risk-management


      program, those should be considered.




                In the draft guidance, FDA describes three


      broad categories of tools that can be used for


      purposes of risk minimization--some of these have


      been described already by Dr. Lindstrom--the first


      being targeted education and outreach; this


      involving educational materials that go beyond the


      professional labeling, and may be targeted to


      health care practitioners or to patients.


                The second category is what has been


      termed "reminder systems."  This may use tools such


      as stickers, that were used in the isotretinoin


      risk-management program, or informed consent.  In


      some instances limitations on product supply or


      packaging has been put in place to try and guide


      clinicians and patients in using products in the


      most appropriate and safe ways.


                The third category involves a somewhat


      awkward terminology.  It's somewhat equivalent to




      the control distribution terminology that Dr.


      Lindstrom mentioned in her talk.


                In the draft guidance FDA refers to the


      tool system involving limitations on distribution


      as "performance-linked access systems."  These are


      programs that, in fact, do constrain availability


      of the product to certain conditions' being met.


      Often there's a selected group of individuals who


      may be able to prescribe, dispense or use this


      product.  And often these are tied to mandatory


      performance of some of the reminder systems


      described in the previous category.


                Some product examples may give you a


      better understanding of these tool categories.




                In the area of target education and


      outreach, we can't really give you a full list


      because there are probably, at this point, several


      hundred products that have either patient product


      inserts, or medication guides--a much smaller


      number in that category.  Also, a number of


      programs employ patient brochures, various forms of




      continuing education for physicians and




                Reminder systems include the ones I list


      here.  Alosetron, like isotretinoin, uses a sticker


      program that indicates that the clinician is


      familiar with the disease [sic], its risks and how


      to appropriately prescribe it to the patient in


      light of certain safety considerations.


                For the drug product lindane, the amount


      of product now available to patients is limited to


      one or two-ounce aliquots to reduce the risks of


      individuals' using excessive amounts, or using it


      repeatedly and exposing themselves to certain


      toxicity.  So the drug product abarelix, a product


      used for advanced prostatic cancer, certain


      constraints are placed on how that product is


      prescribed; in particular, to restrict it to those


      individuals whose disease warrants the risk of


      anaphylactic reactions with it.


                In the category "performance-linked access


      systems," I have six products listed here.


      Bosentan, dofetilide and mifepristone are programs




      that, in fact, operate under a form of specialty


      pharmacy distribution.  There may be one, or


      perhaps a few handful of pharmacies where


      individuals are able to obtain the product.  And I


      will apologize--I mis-spoke.  The products that are


      under the specialty category include Bosentan,


      mifepristone and xyrem.


                For clozapine, dofetilide and thalidomide,


      these are available through pharmacies that are


      registered, as well as the registration processes


      that extend to physicians and to patients.  The


      ones that appear with an asterisk are ones where


      laboratory testing is part of what's required for


      product access.


                With regard to use and non-effectiveness


      of the tools, we are still in the process of trying


      to understand more how these tools work and which


      are most effective.




                Targeted education and outreach, as I've


      already said, it's been used most extensively, but


      formal evaluation of the effectiveness of these




      programs has been limited--though many obviously


      believe the importance of education for all manners


      of risk management.


                Reminder systems--again, are relatively


      limited in their number.  They've been used


      infrequently, and effectiveness to date has largely


      been untested.


                For the performance-linked access systems,


      or ones that register various participants, these,


      again, have been used sparingly, and typically


      they've been applied to relatively small patient


      populations where the therapeutic options for those


      patients are limited.  The registration process


      that tracks physicians, patients or pharmacists, in


      fact, has allowed good data capture in terms of


      their effectiveness.  So the effectiveness of this


      small category of tools is high.


                Let me walk through some of the


      advantages, again, of these three major tool






                Targeted education and outreach has the




      advantage that education is really a


      motherhood-and-apple-pie issue.  It's very hard for


      anyone to discount its value, so it's generally


      it's very high acceptability, and relatively easy


      to implement in a variety of forums and media.


                The benefit of education is it has no


      effects on product access.


                A disadvantage, however, is, in fact, it's


      effectiveness is still largely unknown to us when


      it's used in isolation of other tools.  And, as was


      described just recently in Dr. Lindstrom's talk,


      when it was applied in the most early form of


      isotretinoin in risk management, its effectiveness


      was low, at least in terms of pregnancy outcomes






                For reminder systems, advantages of these


      programs are that they allow some remnants of


      physician, pharmacist and patient autonomy.  These


      reminders are put in place to, in fact, make it


      difficult [sic] for clinicians or patients to do


      the night thing.  They allow the opportunity for




      ongoing education, and the reminder of individuals


      on what is necessary to achieve use of the product.


      And relative to the category of performance-linked


      access systems, they're obviously less intrusive.


                But we have to acknowledge, they imposed


      time and monetary costs on the medical care system;


      and that, again, their experience to date has been


      largely limited.  And as was discussed in the


      February advisory committee, the experience of the


      isotretinoin program showed high process compliance


      with the program, but limited outcome


      effectiveness, in that pregnancy exposures






                For the performance-linked access systems,


      advantages of this is that, in fact, it does


      constrain use of the product to those conditions


      where use is considered to be most safe.  The


      mandatory participation of such systems, in fact,


      allows registration of participants and the ability


      to better evaluate their performance.  And, in


      fact, this has led to our understanding of their




      high performance.


                The nature, not only for issues of


      teratogenicity risk exposure in performance-linked


      access systems, is because they do represent an


      obstacle to the ready use of the drug product, they


      generally tend to diminish overall utilization of


      the drug product; and, in a sense, then if you


      wanted to reduce exposure of females of


      childbearing potential, that would be a secondary




                However, you may look at limitations on


      access similarly as forms of disadvantages.  And,


      certainly, limitations in access may also present


      limitations to patients' obtaining benefits from


      the drug product.  Of course, there are time and


      financial burdens to such programs.  And the risk


      that is certainly known to the agency is that the


      existence of such programs may prompt individuals


      to try and seek the product in less burdensome


      ways, and to try and obtain it illicitly, through


      the internet or other measures.


                Gain, the experience that has been




      obtained to date in the area of pregnancy


      prevention, through thalidomide, has largely been


      limited to a small population of individuals who


      are not of high fertility.  So experience in its


      extension to large numbers of young, fertile women


      has not yet been done.




                In its draft guidance, FDA tries to set


      forth when you might use different tools, and it's


      somewhat of a circular argument: you use them when


      you need them, and perhaps when a less severe


      tool--or a less intrusive tool--has proven itself


      to be ineffective.


                Targeted education and outreach might be


      used alone, or certainly in combination with other


      tools.  And in those instances where product


      labeling and routine pharmacovigilance have shown


      themselves to be insufficient.  And the example


      certainly pertains in the case of Accutane and the


      development of the Accutane Pregnancy Prevention








                Reminder systems may be implemented at


      such times as when targeted education and outreach


      are insufficient, either based upon experience with


      other drug products, or in the specific drug


      product being addressed.  And the example of this


      system would be the development of what is the


      SMART, SPIRIT, ALERT and so forth programs, or what


      Dr. Lindstrom referred to as the "current


      risk-management program" for isotretinoin.




                The performance-linked access systems are


      probably the category where it may be a little


      easier to define the products where these may be


      merited, since these tools are, in fact, intrusive.


      These are ones that we might expect would be used


      largely for those products that have significant or


      unique product benefits, but that have associated


      unusual risks that may include irreversible


      disability or death.  Examples--in clozapine, the


      risk is of agranulocytosis.  For thalidomide,


      again, teratogenicity and birth defects. And the


      isotretinoin RiskMAP, as we've discussed, is now




      under active development in that arena.




                Let me tell you a little bit more about


      what's been in progress since we last met with this


      committee in February.  Performance-linked access


      system is under active discussion and development


      by the sponsors.  The details still remain somewhat


      undefined.  They are under active development.


                The plan is to have a centralized


      clearinghouse that would involve all prescribers,


      pharmacies and patients; and that this


      clearinghouse would be configured to assure and


      account for the performance of key safety features;


      for example, pregnancy testing.




                the key safety features of the new


      isotretinoin RiskMAP will include all three


      categories of tools: targeted education and


      outreach; reminders; and the linkage of access to


      the product to the performance of certain








                For targeted education and outreach of all


      participants, there will be a medication guide,


      patient brochures, videos.  And, again, education


      will continue for health care practitioners,


      including physicians and pharmacists.


                Reminders will include informed consent


      and attestation on the part of health care


      practitioners.  There is some discussion of ongoing


      patient education and risk-factor screening as part


      of this program.


                And the linkage of access to the product


      to the performance of key features goes back to the


      clearinghouse, which involves all prescribers,


      pharmacies and patients--pregnancy testing will be


      required for the product to be prescribed,


      dispensed, and for the patient to receive it.


                The issue of the linkage of these separate


      components, in fact, remains a challenge on two


      grounds; first, on the technology, as also for the


      potential concern of constraints on the product and


      mechanisms for doing that that have been patented.






                now, these slides will actually be dated,


      in light of the presentation you've heard this


      morning.  We had, at the time of these slides'


      preparation, two earlier versions of the risk


      minimization action plan proposed by Allergan.




                Let me jump ahead--the initial one


      proposed was one that was similar to the existing


      isotretinoin risk minimization action plan in place


      and current, prior to February of this year, and


      still currently in place.  This plan, at that time,


      exempted males, and females who were not of


      childbearing potential.


                The subsequent development was for--of a


      program that had linkage of the product's access to


      pregnancy testing, pharmacist validation of


      pregnancy testing, and patients' having monthly


      reeducation and assessment of their knowledge and


      compliance with contraceptive practices for


      prescriptions to be obtained.  That one had


      excluded males and females who were not of


      childbearing potential.  And, as we've heard this




      morning, that has been since modified.




                So, in summary, systemic retinoid risk


      management for the concern of teratogenicity has


      evolved and has been largely informed by


      isotretinoin over the past approximately 20 years.


      It has migrated from labeling alone to the use of


      targeted education and outreach, the use of


      reminder system; and, now, the active development


      of a performance-linked access system.[Slide.]


                And the tazarotene program--again, as


      you've heard this morning--is now configured to be


      similar to what is being developed for the


      isotretinoin program, with the performance-linked


      access system; and, as the sponsors told us this


      morning, applied to all patients.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much.  Might I


      ask one or two quick questions?


                You've talked about isotretinoin.  Is


      there any parallel development for the other


      now-approved retinoids?  For acitretin, bexarotine,




      in terms of a parallel system for


      performance-linked access?


                Because I think each time you've talked


      about isotretinoin, and not mentioned those others


      currently labeled.


                DR. TRONTELL: I'll actually refer that


      question to Dr. Wilkin.


                DR. WILKIN: I can't speak regarding


      bexarotine.  That's not in our division.


                We do have another systemic retinoid in


      our division.  There are no changes at this time in


      the risk-management program, but we have


      communicated our interested with the industry group


      that owns that product, that we do want to have


      this discussion; we'd like to know what the current


      performance is, how successful it is, and think


      about the need as to whether we need to upgrade


      their risk-management program.


                DR. STERN: Could I then ask a follow-on


      question of someone who's an expert on risk


      management--is, does one believe that when dealing


      with agents that have similar risk profiles, and




      the same dominant group of prescribers--although


      the patients may vary in characteristics--that


      programs that apply across the board are more


      likely to be followed?  Or are multiple programs


      likely to be followed?


                I think in your guidance there was one


      little thing that said one of the things the FDA


      wants to avoid is too much individual


      customization.  And I'm wondering if some of that


      is on the basis of likelihood of good performance


      when you have one-size-fits-all, rather than many


      sizes for slightly different product.


                DR. TRONTELL: At this point in time, in


      fact, we--I'm not sure we have any risk-management


      program that exactly duplicates another.


      Certainly, it was based upon feedback we heard from


      the practicing community of physicians, as well


      as--and probably in particular--pharmacists.


      Because the confusing array of manners in which a


      product might be presented to a pharmacist was a


      cause for concern.


                So the idea was, in fact, to approve some




      element of efficiency, memorability, and to


      decrease confusion in its use.


                DR. STERN: One last question before lunch.


                DR. SHAPIRO: I just wonder if there's a


      timeline about when the Accutane proposals might be


      implemented, and when and how evaluation of the


      impact might be evaluated?


                DR. BULL: There is a timeline, but in


      terms of it being a very, very complex negotiation,


      involving multiple sponsors, I would say we hope to


      have it as soon as possible.  But it's


      extraordinarily complex.  So, I would say as soon


      as all of the details can be attended to, there


      will be something out there.  But it's being


      actively, very vigorously worked on.


                DR. STERN: I'm sure it will be as soon as


      possible, but the question is when that will be






                Dr. Wilkerson--and then we will close for




                DR. WILKERSON: I just had a point of




      clarification with Dr. Trontell.


                There was something you said about patent


      issues.  Could you just elaborate for us what--do


      we have some restraints here, or something that we


      don't know about?


                DR. TRONTELL: We--as I think everyone is


      aware, some of the discussion for isotretinoin was


      largely framed based upon the successes of the


      STEPS program that was put into place for


      thalidomide.  The issue of how features of that


      program may or may not be applied to isotretinoin


      has raised the potential question of patent


      protection or infringement.  And that is, again,


      among the complex issues that are being sorted out


      at the present time.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                We've ended almost on time, and I'd like


      us to start promptly at one o'clock, and we'll


      adjourn for lunch.


                Thank you very much.


                [Off the record.]


                          Open Public Hearing




                DR. STERN: We've now come to the part of


      the meeting that is the open public hearing.  We


      have three speakers who have indicated their


      intention to speak.  Before they speak, I must


      read, exactly as written, the following.


                Both the Food and Drug Administration and


      the public believe in a transparent process for


      information gathering and decision-making.  To


      ensure such transparency at the open public hearing


      session of the advisory committee meeting, FDA


      believes that it is important to understand the


      context of an individual's presentation.


                For this reason, the FDA encourages you,


      the open public hearing speaker, at the beginning


      of your written or oral statement to advise the


      committee of any financial relationship that you


      may have with the sponsors of any product in the


      pharmaceutical category under discussion at today's


      meetings.  For example, this information may


      include the sponsor's payment of your travel,


      lodging or other expenses in connection with your


      attendance at the meeting.




                Likewise, FDA encourages you, at the


      beginning of your statement, to advise the


      committee if you do not have any such financial


      relationships.  If you choose not to address this


      issue of financial relationships at the beginning


      of your statement, it will not preclude you from




                I've also been informed that I may only


      introduce the speakers according to number.  It


      sounds a little bit like a Seuss novel, but would


      Mr.--would Person One please come?


                MR. WHITE: Well, since I know Dr. Krueger,


      the only other thing could be either Dr. Krueger or


      Number One.  So, I guess I'm Number One.


                Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much.


      I'm delighted to be here this afternoon, and


      appreciate the opportunity to make a few remarks


      before this committee.


                My name is Dale White and I am Vice


      Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National


      Psoriasis Foundation.  I am volunteering to be here


      today on behalf of the Foundation and the community




      it represents, to testify in support of the drug


      oral tazarotene for the treatment of moderate to


      severe psoriasis.


                As the parent of a teenage with psoriasis,


      I am excited about testifying today about the


      urgent need psoriasis patients have for additional


      treatment options.  Thank you again for this






                By way of introduction, the National


      Psoriasis Foundation is a leading nonprofit


      organization fighting to improve the quality of


      life of the more than 5 million Americans diagnosed


      with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.


                The Foundation was established in 1968 by


      a grassroots network of patients and physicians.


                Through education and advocacy, the


      Foundation promotes awareness and understanding,


      ensures access to treatment, and supports research


      that will lead to effective management of this very


      serious chronic disease--and, ultimately, a cure.


                Each year the Foundation receives




      financial support from tens of thousands of people,


      and from 15 to 20 pharmaceutical companies.  This


      includes unrestricted support from Allergan, and


      from it's competitors in the pharmaceutical field.




                There was a lot of discussion this morning


      about the impact psoriasis can have on people.  But


      I'd like this afternoon to emphasis a few important


      points about the disease.


                First, of the more than five million


      Americans who have psoriasis, an estimated 1.5


      million have a moderate to severe form of the




                The Foundation's national survey research


      has shown that for 75 percent of these people, the


      disease has a moderate to large impact on their


      daily lives.  For 26 percent of these folks, it


      alters normal daily activities, and for 21 percent,


      it stops them completely.


                For 36 percent, it causes trouble with


      sleep, and for another 40 percent, it affects how


      they choose their clothing.




                For every one, moderate to severe


      psoriasis can profoundly affect one's work, family,


      and personal relationships.




                Here are a few photographs that illustrate


      how physically disabling and emotionally


      devastating psoriasis can be, particularly for


      people with moderate to severe cases.




                The Psoriasis Foundation believes there is


      a need for more treatment options for people with


      moderate to severe psoriasis.  In addition to being


      a very serious disease, psoriasis is a chronic


      disease.  It typically first strikes people between


      the ages of 15 and 35, but it can affect anyone at


      any age, including children.


                Our research in 2001 showed that 78


      percent people with moderate to severe psoriasis


      were not using aggressive therapies because of


      concerns about side affects and effectiveness.  In


      a recent national survey, more than one-third of


      the patients said they were "very satisfied" with




      the treatment they were receiving for psoriasis.


                While there are several treatments


      available for moderate to severe psoriasis, none of


      these treatments work for everyone, or can be used


      by everyone, or necessarily works the same over


      time.  An individual patient's psoriasis can change


      in severity, and even if type over years, months,


      or even weeks.  Patients need and deserve choices


      that meet their individual concerns about safety,


      effectiveness, cost and access.




                The Psoriasis Foundation believes


      psoriasis patients should have access to oral


      tazarotene.  It may offer many patients a reduction


      in psoriasis symptoms, and thus an improved quality


      of life.  And its approval for the treatment of


      moderate to severe psoriasis would give an option


      to people who cannot use currently approved




                The Foundation supports a risk-management


      program focused on women of childbearing potential


      to minimize, to the greatest extent feasible, the




      likelihood that a women will become pregnant while


      taking this drug.


                We hope Allergan and the Food and Drug


      Administration adopt a risk-management program that


      addresses this risk without imposing constraints


      that would effectively limit access to oral


      tazarotene for the many psoriasis patients whose


      lives might be greatly enhanced by it.


      Finally, as with any new medication, the long-term


      side effects of oral tazarotene are unknown and


      need further study.




                In closing, moderate to severe psoriasis


      can dramatically and negatively affect a person's


      quality of life.  People with psoriasis need and


      deserve more treatment options.  And the Foundation


      believes access to the new treatment, oral


      tazarotene, is important and desirable.


                By expanding the array of choices


      available to treat this serious chronic disease, we


      empower patients to choose the treatment that works


      best for them.




                I know that the quality of life for my son


      and thousands upon thousands of people like him


      will improve dramatically as a result.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Thank you very much.


                Could speaker number two please come to


      the podium?


                MS. FREEMAN:  Before I introduce myself,


      I'd like to thank the National Psoriasis Foundation


      and the tens of thousands of people who support it


      for giving me the opportunity to tell my story here


      today and to represent the millions of people


      suffering from psoriasis.


                I also need to say that I do not have a


      financial interest in the company that makes the


      drug we are talking about here today.


                It is ironic that I should be here, as


      less than three weeks ago I was sitting in the


      clinical trial research center, and I had just


      filled out my monthly questionnaire.  I closed the


      folder and went to date it, and next to the day was


      "Patient Number 1569."  I looked at my new bottle




      of pills, and again I was "Patient 1569," and I


      thought, "Gee, here I am, I'm really just a




                So, today I want to introduce you to


      Patient Number 1569.  My name is Janey Freeman, and


      I live in Yantis, Texas, which is two hours east of




                I'm married.  I have two children, and I


      currently work as an office manager for a land


      developer and an insurance agent.  And Yantis is as


      "country" as it sounds.




                I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was


      20 years old.  So for 34 years I have been injected


      with steroids, wrapped in tar, put under lights,


      and zapped with machines.  I have used creams,


      lotions--not to mention slept wrapped in


      cellophane--and I have worn gloves and socks filled


      with all kinds of creams and lotions.


                I have washed my hair with tar shampoo,


      and I've ruined a lot of towels and a lot of white


      bathtubs, soaking in all kinds of products.




                I have also taken methotrexate.  This made


      me sick two days out of the week.  And about the


      time I was feeling better, it was time for me to


      take another dose.


                I have had my blood drawn every six weeks


      for 10 years.  And I have had one liver biopsy.


                Psoriasis is not usually life-threatening,


      but some of the current treatments are.  So, forced


      to choose between a quality and a quantity, I chose


      the quality.


                What would my life be like had I not had


      psoriasis?  I'll give you some examples.


                When I was younger, I thought about


      modeling, but models don't normally have psoriasis.


      And then I wanted to be a dentist, but at that time


      my hands and my nails were really badly affected.


      So I chose a field where I could sit at a desk and


      be out of the public view.


                I have missed a total of two years of work


      due to the disease.  I have turned down two


      promotions.  I missed my senior high school trip to


      New Mexico because I was afraid I might flare.




                I have never had a manicure or a pedicure,


      and my best friend still cuts my hair.


                From my early 30s to my mid-40s, I was


      single.  My psoriasis was then at its worst, and I


      was too embarrassed to have an intimate




                My closet has always had two sets of


      clothes: the clothes that I wear when my psoriasis


      is bad, and then my "sometimes" or fun clothes that


      I get to wear when my skin is okay.


                I have had co-workers more out of my part


      of the office.  I have had nurses put on rubber


      glovers for just a routine exam.  And people have


      even moved to another cashier after seeing my arms


      or my elbows when I'm flared.


                Psoriasis hurts.  The lesions bleed.  You


      itch uncontrollably.  It's embarrassing, it's


      expensive, it's physically disfiguring, and


      mentally exhausting.


                I can't really tell you what my life would


      have been like without psoriasis, but I can tell


      you that Patient Number 1569 is better because of




      oral tazarotene.


                The medicine I am using is not perfect,


      but I feel hopeful for the first time.  My plaques


      are clearing, and I'm at least 60 percent


      improvement according to the research center, and I


      have no new ones.


                My scalp is clear and the itching is gone.


      I've never been sick to my stomach, and the only


      side effects I have experienced are mild joint pain


      and the dry skin.


                The first time I walked into my current


      dermatologist's office was 10 years ago, and I was


      crying.  A few weeks ago, after my last exam, we


      both were smiling, excited and hopeful.


                I believe that his drug--oral


      tazarotene--should be available to patients that it


      might help.  With continued research and dedicated


      and caring physicians and staff, we can give hope


      and options to those millions of people like me who


      suffer every day of their life with psoriasis.


                I thank you very much.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.




                And could we please have speaker number


      three come to the podium?


                MR. GORRE: Good afternoon.  My name is


      Tyrone Gorre.  And I was born in Sacramento,


      California, raised in Newcastle, which is about 45


      minutes northeast, in the Sierra foothills--and


      that's considered what is called "Gold Country."


                I am a single, 45-year old fishing guide


      and ranch hand, who is currently raising two


      daughters--young adult daughters--who are seemingly


      unaffected yet.


                I want to say thanks to the National


      Psoriasis Foundation for making this--giving me


      this opportunity to speak to you guys today, and I


      would like to say at this time that I have no


      financial obligation or commitments or interests in


      the company that makes this particular drug.


                I've had psoriasis most of my life.  I've


      tried many different treatments over the years,


      including UVA, B, psoralen with PUVA, most topical


      steroids, Dovinex, and Tegison and methotrexate.


      Through that period I really began to understand




      what medical "practitioner" meant.  That changed


      for me.


                My psoriasis really started getting bad


      when I was about 25 years old.  I had had it for a


      long time before that, but it really became more


      prevalent and widespread, with noticeable plaquing


      on my face and all over my body.  At this time I


      was just a newlywed and beginning to have children.


                Psoriasis had changed my life.  I used to


      be a life guard and wear shorts all the time.  I


      gradually changed my style of dress to basically go


      into a coverup.  I would always wear long pants and


      long-sleeved shirts and even hats; collars,


      turtlenecks--anything to hide this terrible




                I was really embarrassed, because at that


      point I had psoriasis on about 40 percent of my




                My daughter has recently told me that her


      mother said one of the reasons that she divorced me


      was because when I was young and married her I did


      not have psoriasis, and while we were married I got




      psoriasis and it became very bad.


                She said that his was a big factor in my


      divorce, and I really do believe it.  It would be


      terrible to go to sleep at night, and have the


      woman I loved wake up covered in scabs and pieces


      of skin on her.


                There was few years when I simply played


      cover-up, and hide my disease, because I had no


      access to health-care coverage, or no insurances of


      any form.  So, I tended to worsen at that time.


                Since I've had psoriasis pretty bad for


      quite a long time, I had known a dermatologist who


      was helping in research studies.  At that time he


      had asked me if I would participate in a study of a


      new oral drug, tazarotene.


                I thought about it seriously.  At the


      time, I had had a nephew who was beginning to show


      signs of psoriasis.  He was about the same age as I


      was when I got psoriasis, or noticed psoriasis.


      This was the extra motivation that I needed to join


      the study.  I was willing to do this because I


      wanted to answer the question for myself, for my




      family and all the people who I recognized as


      having this disease.


                During the first part of my study I was 99


      percent sure that I was given a placebo.  There


      seemed to be zero effect.  During the second part


      of the study, I believe I received the drug.  The


      side effects that I noticed while taking the drug


      were basically my feet peeled one time, and I


      seemed to show some signs of achiness.


                After about six weeks, I noticed the


      thickness of my plaquing beginning to shrink


      dramatically.  And, man, my attitude was really


      changing at that time.  I was really excited.


                Within about four months, I was 95 percent


      clear.  I had just small areas, and they were all


      less than the size of a quarter.  My research


      clinic that I went to told me that I went from


      having 25 percent to 4 percent.  That was pretty


      good improvement but, man, it felt like it was way


      more than that.  It was much more of an


      improvement--in my mind.


                At the point the study ended, I had only a




      few patches of red skin that were very small.  For


      the first time in my life, I was virtually clear of




                Now, I wear flip-flops, open-toed shoes


      and shorts.  I even wear black shirts now.  For the


      first time in 20 years, I wore a black tuxedo with


      a silk collar.  That's absolutely amazing.


                For the first time, I would go to northern


      California and not get kicked out of the hot


      springs.  For the first time in my life, I went to


      my health club and people didn't stare at me when I


      went to the shower.


                I used to feel bad about this.  The amount


      of mental pressure that is released is huge.


                The confidence of not having psoriasis is


      amazing.  It brings amazing confidence back.  It


      was so rewarding to not to have to worry so much


      about this problem.


                There are three huge things that this


      study has changed for me.  One, with psoriasis you


      cannot sleep at night.  The constant itching just


      absolutely drives you--and if you have a partner




      would drive them--absolutely crazy, and it keeps


      them up at night also.


                Two, you are so self-conscious about


      psoriasis that the psoriasis virtually eats your


      confidence down to nothing.  You do not even want


      to be seen.  So that's all changed now, too.


                Three, the constant pain and stinging of


      psoriasis is incredible.  This consumes a major


      part of your life.  And now that has all gone.


                Imagine this: take a mosquito bite--take


      the mosquito bite and get it on your knuckle.  Take


      that itch that you feel, and multiply it times 20.


      Then scratch that itch for five minutes, until you


      break the skin and you make it bleed.  And about


      the time you start feeling that that itching is


      gone, throw some salt on that wound and experience


      the burning of psoriasis.  That is what I would


      feel up to a hundred times a day.  And I've


      experienced that for over 20 years.


                With that sort of feeling a hundred times


      a day, what kind of distractions from my life has


      occurred, and what have I missed in my life?




                I will live with psoriasis for the rest of


      my life. I'm really glad that I got involved with


      this study, because it gave me hope, and it should


      give hope to other people with psoriasis, too.


      After more than 20 years of struggling with


      psoriasis, I feel like a new man after being on


      this drug for the short term that I was.


                This medication not only improved my


      physical health, but it gave me back my




                One thing that I hope this committee will


      do is make this drug available to patients who need


      it.  I'm just a common laborer--a working man.  And


      in most of the work that I do, I need tools to


      accomplish the jobs that I'm asked to do.  And I


      really believe that there are not enough tools out


      there--and I've used the tools to try to take care


      of my psoriasis.


                So I really hope that you guys have a


      strong consideration for people who are suffering


      like me.


                This drug is definitely the least




      threatening of all oral medications that I have


      taken.  It has worked for me, and I've done this


      study for myself, for my family and for the


      thousands of people just like me all over the




                Thank you very much for your time.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                Is there anyone who did not register who


      would like to come and present at this, the open


      public forum?


                [No response.]


                With no one so indicating, then we'll call


      this the end of the open public forum and more on


      to discussion and questions.


                And, again, I'd like to thank the three


      people who presented for taking the time and


      traveling here to give us their feelings and




                        Discussion and Questions


                DR. STERN: Until two o'clock, I would


      propose that we have the first part be questions of


      clarification--essentially what we did after the




      sponsor's presentation in the morning, but now the


      questions could go to anyone: FDA, sponsors or, in


      fact, any other committee member.


                So, if anyone has questions in terms of


      content, as opposed to really deliberation of the


      questions that have been posed to the


      committee--why don't we start with you, Dr. Honein?


                DR. HONEIN: Yes, I just had a question of


      clarification from FDA.


                My recollection at the February meeting is


      that we had recommended that pharmacists register


      rather than the pharmacy.  And what I saw presented


      was the pharmacy in what was proposed for this.


                So I was just wondering if I recalled that


      wrong, or what our final recommendation was?


                DR. BULL: I would say, given that the


      overall program is not completely worked out, there


      are still a lot of details remaining.  And I think


      some of the--is it on?


                We're trying to look at what will be the


      most efficient way to ensure the risk management,


      and I think it may be premature to say exactly




      which part.  I think there was a lot of discussion


      at the meeting--as you recollected--on the issue of


      pharmacies and pharmacists.  But I think that's an


      element of detail that is still being evaluated as


      what will be the most effective way to ensure that


      the elements adequately address the risk.


                DR. STERN: I had a question for FDA; a


      little bit of a follow-up.


                I know it's a very complex process, with


      multiple drugs and multiple sponsors.  But are


      there other technical or external constraints that


      might be considered in slowing--potentially slowing


      the progress made toward developing a PLAS system?


                DR. KWEDER: I'm Sandra Kweder.  I was very


      involved in your meeting in February.  I'm the


      Deputy Director of the Office of New Drugs.


                And I had suggested to the group that I


      follow-up on this question, simply because it's an


      issue that's not only relevant at the working level


      in the division, but something that the agency and


      our office of chief counsel is concerned with, as






                Probably the main--the sponsors have been


      working extremely well together, and this is really


      unprecedented among a number of generic firms and


      the innovator firm for isotretinoin.  And I think


      it's fair to say that.


                But, without going into a lot of detail,


      the patent issue appears to be potentially quite


      large.  There is a patent held by--there are


      actually four patents held by Selgene Corporation


      on risk management--the concept, basically, of any


      risk-management program that links through one or


      more computerized data bases--patients, pharmacists


      who intend to distribute drugs, and physicians who


      may be required to provide data to that system.


      And the patents cover products where fetal toxicity


      is of concern, as well as any potential adverse


      event or contraindication.


                So, these patents are available--you can


      find them at the U.S. Patent Office website.  But


      this is the first time that we have encountered a


      situation like this, and it--our lawyers are


      studying this.  But it does appear that it may pose




      some obstacles to the implementation of a modified


      program as you recommended, and as we have been




                DR. STERN: Thank you.




                DR. RINGEL: This may be a question for


      Allergan--whoever wants to answer it is fine.


                I was wondering if patients who had


      erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis, that subgroup


      was identified and, if so, what the data about


      efficacy was for this medication?


                DR. WALKER: I'll answer that for you.


                We required the patients to have stable


      plaque psoriasis, and did not do a subgroup--or did


      not have patients actually enroll in the trial that


      had erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Day?


                DR. DAY: I just had a brief comment about


      pharmacies versus pharmacists.


                In the briefing document from the sponsor,


      it does say "a representative;" "a pharmacy


      representative."  It does sound like one person




      from each pharmacy--in the briefing document.


                DR. WALKER: yes--I can comment on that.


                We are proposing that a pharmacy be


      registered, and that there is a representative from


      each pharmacy who is responsible for training all


      the pharmacists within that system--really, to


      avoid problems such that if one pharmacist is


      registered, they all aren't, one gets sick, is out,


      that the drug couldn't be distributed.  So the


      entire staff would be registered by one key,


      identifiable individual within that pharmacy.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Katz.


                DR. KATZ: A question for Dr. Walker.


                Can the committee be privy to the expert


      opinions of people with expertise in bone




                DR. WALKER: They certainly can.


                DR. KATZ: Can we--


                DR. WALKER: Yes--


                DR. KATZ: Thank you.


                DR. WALKER: I have three different people


      here that have analyzed the data, and a fourth




      person who, unfortunately, can't be here.  But we


      do have the conclusions from that person.  They've


      had a family emergency.


                We have someone who's an expert on both


      the technology and interpretation of bone mineral


      density data; on orthopedic changes--calcification,


      osteophyte formation; and then an expert outside


      statistician who's helped us look at the data to


      see how these regressions from the mean, and are


      they what you would expect in this population as


      normal variance.


                So it might be helpful for me if you tell


      me--if you want me to bring them up individually,


      or if you have questions that I can then field to


      the appropriate person?


                DR. KATZ: The main question is what they


      would visualize as progression with the data that


      we've seen, combining the hip demineralization, the


      alkaline phosphatase--how that can be tied up.  And


      what one would expect for the future.


                DR. WALKER: All right--this is such a


      complex area.  I have a lot of data in different




      things. I'm going to start by having the


      statistician, who's looked at the data that we


      have, looked at the data from the 12-week study,


      and then looked at the data from the open-label


      050P study, and has done some statistical analysis.


                Now, he's looking to see: is there a


      variation that you would expect in the population?


                So I think we'll start there.  And then


      I'd also like to show you data that Frederick


      Bettingfield from Allergan will show you on: is


      this actually regression to the mean?


                And we'll go from there.  I think this


      could be fun.


                DR. HELMS: Yes, I'm Ron Helms.  I'm


      Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics, University of


      North Carlina, Chapel Hill.  And I've been doing


      this a long time--someone suggested I say.


                Probably a statistician is the last person


      you want to hear from, instead of the first.  But


      there is an important point here.


                Can we have the slide up, please?






                This is data from femoral neck bone


      mineral density evaluations.  And I apologize from


      the lightness of the slide.


                This is in the 52-week study.  The red x's


      there are a scatter diagram.  Along the bottom we


      have baseline measurements, and on the vertical


      axis we have the post-treatment or endo-treatment




                And the primary point I want to make with


      this slide is that these data follow a bivariate


      normal distribution very closely.  The data are


      closely approximated by a bivariate normal




                Now, that would be more meaningful to the


      statisticians in the room than to others, perhaps.


      The consequence of that is that: if we see a shift


      from baseline to post-treatment over a period of a


      year, and if this bivariate normal distribution


      fits, then the shift shows up in the mean.  It


      doesn't show up in other kinds of features of the




                If you look on the bottom right-hand side




      there, the man shift here was about minus .01; the


      mean shifted in 102 patients, I believe it was,


      from .943 to .933.  And a similar median shift.


                So, over a period of a year there was


      about a 1 percent shift in the mean; a decrease in


      bone mineral density.


                While the slide is up I'll go ahead and


      make another point.  I hope this is okay.


                There has been some discussion about


      values that had decreased by more than 5 percent.


      There's a line that's very difficult to see, right


      along there--it's a green line--that's a 95 percent


      line, and that is--points below that line are


      points that were less than 95 percent at the end of


      treatment--less than 95 percent of what they were


      at the baseline.  And there are some points in




                The fact that this is a bivariate normal


      distribution actually means that that's not a very


      good way at looking at these data.  The ellipse


      that you see there is called a 95-percent tolerance


      region, and it's designed to capture 95 percent of




      the data points.  And in this case, it actually


      captures 94 percent of them, which is a pretty good




                But looking at points that are below the


      line, where there was a reduction of 5 percent or


      more, there were 11 percent of those points in the


      data.  If we were finding something going on other


      than just normal trends, just noise, that appears


      in these data points, we would expect to see more


      than 11 percent.  Actually, we would expect to see


      13 percent, just on the basis of noise.  We only


      saw 11 percent.


                So this is an indication--the conclusion


      from that is that what we're seeing here is just


      bivariate normal random variability.


                Yes, sir?


                DR. STERN: I wanted to ask you a question,


      because to me, it's very different when you're


      looking at sometimes rare idiosyncratic effects.


      So I guess what I'd like to know is: what was the


      power of this study to detect a 1 percent--1


      percent of people having, in fact, 5 percent




      reductions, and prove it statistically?


                So, you've shown us everything fits in,


      but I don't know the power of this and how you've


      treated people without multiple observations.


                So I would ask you--I'm interested in your


      assuring me, with 80 percent confidence, that not


      more than one in a hundred individuals has more


      than a 5 percent reduction over a year.  What's


      your power to exclude that with a beta .8 and an


      alpha of .05?


                That's, to me what's relevant in a safety




                DR. LUE: I'm John LUE, biostatistics.


                I've done some power calculation based on


      a 1 percent background information, what it would


      take to detect a 2 percent difference.


                The power is about 11 percent.


                DR. STERN: I'm sorry, is that a 2 percent


      difference in mean?  Or one in a hundred




                DR. LUE: One in a hundred.




                DR. STERN: Okay.


                So, in other words, there's an 89 percent


      chance that a difference--one in a hundred people


      could have more than a 2 percent reduction, and we


      wouldn't have detected it in your study.


                DR. LUE: I need to qualify that.  This was


      based on a sample side of average of 350 per


      treatment group.  So a basis--


                DR. STERN: This is only about a 150




                Dr. LUE: Correct.


                DR. STERN: So the power of this is




                DR. LUE: Less.


                DR. STERN: Less--like .05, .03--


                DR. LUE: Right.


                DR. STERN:  --something in that--it's


      probably not linear.


                DR. LUE: Correct.


                DR. STERN: Okay.  Thank you.


                DR. HELMS: Let me just clarify one point,






                There is a lot of--the substantial amount


      of power here for--and this goes back to the point


      I made about it being a bivariate normal


      distribution.  If it really is a bivariate


      normal--and it fits very well--then the shift will


      show up in the mean.  Even if there is a small


      subgroup, if it's a bivariate normal, the shift


      will show up in the mean.


                DR. STERN: It all depends on how small a


      subgroup you'd be concerned about.


                DR. HELMS:   That's correct.


                DR. STERN: And that's why I asked the


      question.  One in a hundred, to me, would be a


      small number of people relative to those treated,


      but a clinically very important endpoint, were it


      true.  And that's why I wanted to know the power.


                So what I'm hearing is: there's not much


      power at all, here.


                DR. HELMS: That's correct.  I mean, there


      are 102 patients in the data.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                DR. WALKER: A couple more speakers for you




      on the same topic.


                DR. STERN: I'm wondering, if there's no


      power to reject the null, whether we should spend a


      lot of time.  Because I have already an increasing


      list of speakers.


                So, why don't we go on--


                DR. WALKER: Well, umm--


                DR. STERN:  --to the next thing?


                DR. WALKER: I actually think, if you look


      at this--and there's a lot of data in this field


      that I do think is important to look at.


                If you look at osteoporosis studies, for


      instance, it's very common for patients to have a


      reduction as great or greater than what we saw on




                So I do think it does lend credibility to


      what we've seen, and makes it a little more




                We aren't saying that we don't know for


      certain that you don't detect a signal.  We just


      think that the risk is minimal--not certain.


                DR. STERN: I don't mean to be in any way




      critical of the sponsor.  I think we have to look


      at what we're looking for.  And to my mind, what


      we're looking for--and perhaps other members of the


      committee would disagree--is a relatively low


      frequency event that could be idiosyncratic, and


      then we have to regard what is the quantity and


      quality of the data we have?


                And I think I agree with you that we


      can't--these data do not either tell us that this


      drug is not bad for bones, or bad for bones, and


      that we have to live with that uncertainty.  And I


      think we can look at these data five ways from


      Sunday--one of the things I'm a little too prone to


      do--and come to opposite conclusions.


                But I think in the interest of time, we


      should probably move on.


                DR. WALKER: All right.  I actually


      appreciate what you're saying, and I think--I agree


      with you.  I think my colleagues would agree with




                The only thing to think about, when you


      think about the drug, is that it is a class of




      drugs that we do have 20 years' experience with.


      And what we're seeing is nothing outside of what we


      would expect with the class.


                Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Ms. Shapiro?


                MS. SHAPIRO: This is really a quite


      different topic.  Okay.


                I'm just wondering, from both industry and


      the FDA, if you can help me understand the purpose


      of, and impact of, the pregnancy test which, as I


      understand it, would be a part of this proposed


      risk-management program, as well--other than the


      first one.


                In other words, when you do them monthly


      and you get a positive, is the purpose--are you


      going to then give counseling to that person?  Is


      it going to be paid for by industry?  Are you just


      doing it so you can collect data?


                What--it's going to be too late, maybe, to


      prevent harm.  So what's the purpose of it?


                DR. WALKER: Do you want industry to start,


      or FDA?




                DR. STERN: Did you want to comment on


      that, Dr.--


                VOICE: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


                DR. STERN:  For some of us who've been


      part of this process for the last 16 or 18 or 20


      years, it's been a subject of debate.  And we could


      probably be here for about another week and not all


      agree on what it is.


                It's--everything have evolved in a way,


      and there are varying opinions about which elements


      are most and least effective.  And I think this is


      not the main purpose of our meeting today.  And




                MS. SHAPIRO: But, you know, with all due


      respect, if we're going to give advice on a


      risk-management program, I'd like to hear some of


      the proposed answers--in a nutshell.


                DR. TRONTELL: Ahh--I can try and take the


      first pass at this--Anne Trontell.


                You know, the purpose of ongoing pregnancy


      testing is, obviously, you would want to detect a


      pregnancy early and inform the patient about the




      exposure and options available to that person.


      Education may have a secondary role, in terms of


      reinforcing the importance of adhering to


      contraceptive behavior.


                And I would like--as a pointy-headed


      epidemiologist, and someone heavily invested in


      evaluating whether or not these various programs


      have an impact--it also gives us very important


      information to know whether or not the


      interventions that are being addressed, in fact are


      having their desired impact.


                So, I think those three are probably what


      we think is most important about it.


                DR. WALKER: I'd like to add that,


      actually, what's different in the program being


      propose now, and what's different in the


      recommendations for the new isotretinoin programs,


      are that there is a response to that pregnancy




                You have a direct link--the pregnancy test


      has to be negative before the drug can be


      dispensed.  Also, the educational materials--as you




      heard this morning in the FDA presentation--the


      educational materials, there is a performance that


      the physician and the patient have to achieve that


      will trigger dispensing of the drug.  If the


      patient doesn't understand the contraceptive


      measures required, and that they need negative


      pregnancy tests, then the drug, again, won't be




                So it is different than the current SMART


      program, in that there is--it's not just a


      pregnancy test.  There is actually a response to


      that test.


                MS. SHAPIRO: But if it's positive--it


      could have been positive for 29 days.


                DR. WALKER: Well, the entry into the


      program requires at least two consecutive ones. But


      then, next, if a woman of childbearing potential


      gets it during her menstrual cycle then, in theory,


      you should be within a two week period.  And,


      you're correct, it would just be stopping the drug


      very early, rather than, certainly, preventing the






                DR. STERN: But, at least, for


      isotretinoin, the available evidence is that there


      is no safe period of exposure.  There's a


      literature going back to the late '80s or early


      '90s based on the originator company's data that


      showed that.


                So, early stopping, once a pregnancy has


      occurred in an exposed individual is--


                DR. WALKER: Agreed.


                DR. STERN:  --a very serious event.


                DR. WALKER: Agreed.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Epps?


                DR. EPPS: Sorry to return to the bone


      topic just for a second.


                There were--I guess the company didn't


      comment on the fractures.  I would like to know the


      type of fractures, and characteristics of those




                DR. WALKER: Yes, we can show you those


      fractures.  And we did go through the case report


      forms, and then go to the source documents at each


      site, for each fracture.




                And Dr. Beddingfield's going to share that


      with you.


                DR. BEDDINGFIELD: I'm Dr. Frederick


      Beddingfield.  I'm the medical director of skin


      care at Allergan.


                Slide up, please.




                We did go back and look at the fractures


      that were noted.  We looked at several possible


      variables that could be associated with patients


      who had the largest decreases in the study.


                And, as you can see from this slide,


      actually there were more than six fractures in the


      study.  But what's interesting to note is that the


      age of the patient is typically young; typically


      male; and the sites of the fractures were mostly


      digits--and this has not been associated with


      decreases in bone mineral density.


                If I could now have slide S-87, please?




                We looked at what were the bone mineral


      density changes in these patients, nonetheless.




                Slide up.




                And what we found is that the bone mineral


      density changes within changes, and across the


      group, there's no consistent pattern, and there's


      certainly--one can see there's as many increases as


      decreases in bone mineral density.  There's no


      clear relationship at all to these patients.  And


      these were the six fractures mentioned, for which


      there was bone mineral density data.  There's no


      clear relationship to the fractures and mineral


      density changes.


                If I could just take a second and have


      slide S-183, please.  There was mention in the


      briefing package of a patient with a 50 percent


      change in bone mineral density.


                And--slide S-183, please?




                And just to--or, actually, slide S-183.


      Thank you.




                Just to set the record straight, this is




      the recording we're talking about.  And this is


      another recording from the femoral neck at the same


      time.  And these scans were of unacceptable


      quality.  I have further information on why they


      were unacceptable if you need that.  But those were


      inaccurate results, and they were not accepted.


                The patient did have some changes in bone


      mineral density, but they were much, much smaller,


      and nowhere near the same degree.


                And if I could have slide S-206--there was


      one other patient who was mentioned, with bone


      mineral density change close to 30 percent.


                Slide up, please.






                Yes.  And this is the changes in this


      patient over time.


                This is the value that we're referring to.


      It's important to note that this patient was an


      over 300-pound gentleman, which makes this a very


      technically limiting study to perform.  And most of


      the values were nowhere near this range.




                However, again, there were consistent


      decreases in bone mineral density in this single


      patient, but certainly not in the range of this,


      over time.


                DR. EPPS: Well, while you're handy, there


      was a comment, I guess, at one time that, you know,


      perhaps the gains or losses--depending upon which


      we're looking at--were per natural progression.


                Do you have normal progression?


                DR. BEDDINGFIELD: Yes, we have normalized


      the data.


                DR. EPPS: Not normalized.  I mean in the


      normal population--not on drug.


                DR. BEDDINGFIELD: Okay, what we did--and


      I'd like to have our bone densitometrist speak to


      this--but what we did was to use a t-score


      evaluation, which is what the World Health


      Organization recommends.  And it normalizes the


      data to the ideal adult male--young male bone


      mineral density.  And it helps put it into


      perspective, because just because someone has a 5


      percent change in bone mineral density doesn't tell




      you where they end up.  But the t-score does.  It


      lets you know if they're osteoporotic, osteopenic,


      or normal.


                DR. EPPS: Why weren't females used?


                DR. BEDDINGFIELD: Well, that's something


      to ask the World Health Organization, I suppose.  I


      wouldn't know the answer to that.




                But that's a very good question [laughs].


                Could I have slide S-196, please.




                Slide up, please?




                And this is a summary of the t-score


      results--in the patients with 5 percent losses.


                What we found is that these would be--the


      patients with the worse losses in the study, that


      we're specifically looking at here--44 percent of


      them had normal bone mineral density throughout the


      study, all measurements; 38 percent had osteopenia


      at baseline, and they never became osteoporotic.


                Just to put this in perspective,




      osteopenia is 1 standard deviation from the mean;


      osteoporotic is 2.5 standard deviations.


                16 percent who were normal did develop


      osteopenia.  No patient in this group--not a single


      one--developed osteoporosis.  There was one patient


      who started osteoporotic, and remained




                Notwithstanding Dr. Stern's comments about


      the power, which I certainly appreciate, I think


      this is at least helpful information on the


      patients with the most significant losses.


                DR. STERN: I can't resist once more saying


      that: these are one-year data for a chronic


      disease, which we've heard earlier, has an average


      duration in severely affected individuals of 40 to


      60 years.


                So, what we're looking for is some little


      signal.  If we had one patient who went from normal


      bone density to osteoporosis in a year without some


      other explanation, we would be--we probably


      wouldn't be meeting here today.


                So, we have to look for subtle signals.




      And I don't find these one-year data--this


      distribution--terribly reassuring.




                I'm sorry--Dr. Wilkerson.


                DR. WILKERSON: I agree.  I mean, we're


      talking long-term disease here.  We have a signal


      from laboratory--just anecdotally, from years of


      retinoid use, I've rarely seen elevated alkaline


      phosphatase with the other products on the market.


                So, obviously, there's something going on


      with this drug.  The sponsor didn't pursue any more


      clarification of that.  And, you know, as much as


      we want to dance around this data here, we've got


      another signal from hard-core laboratory, that is


      reproducible, indicating a problem, you know, with




                Now, is this drug going to be labeled an


      and on-and-off type drug?  Or is it going to be


      labeled as a continuous administration?  I mean,


      what are you going for?


                DR. WALKER: Our proposal is to have the


      drug for chronic use.  We studied it up to one






                We feel that the bone changes are minimal


      and rare.  I do fully agree that a rare event


      cannot be picked up in clinical trials.  This isn't


      unique to this product, it's any product at the


      time of approval, if it is a one in 100,000, or one


      in 10,000 rate of occurrence, you will not pick it


      up in most clinical development programs.


                DR. WILKERSON: But, in all due respect, we


      may be talking about one in a hundred, or one in




                DR. WALKER: But you won't--


                DR. WILKERSON: Not that rare, rare event.


                DR. WALKER: Okay.  I agree.


                DR. WILKERSON: The n of your study is so


      small--particularly for the long-term


      administration of this product.  I mean, you've got


      far too few people in your studies right now.


      That's the problem.


                And while we need some alternatives--and I


      think that's what we're all here for, is to offer


      patients alternatives, we also, as a clinician, we




      need to offer them things that we are relatively


      sure are safe for them to take long term--in five


      years we don't discover that, my God, you've got 30


      or 40 percent bone loss, you know, sitting here,


      and you're 35 years old, and now you're


      osteoporotic at age 40.


                DR. WALKER: I absolutely agree with


      everything you've said.  But this drug is a new


      drug, and this is a new indication for an oral


      formulation.  This is not a new class of drugs.


                DR. WILKERSON: No, you're right.  But we


      have not--either we have missed the boat with the


      other products on the market, and we have not


      detected this, or, because the selectivity of this


      particular drug, we are seeing a new side effect.


                DR. WALKER: I--


                DR. WILKERSON: This is not something that


      has been worried about with other retinoids that


      have been on the market.  We knew about the DISH


      syndrome.  We knew about calcification on the


      ligaments.  But bone mineral loss has not at least


      been on the radar screen of clinicians for use of




      retinoids in the United States.


                DR. WALKER: Well, there are published


      reports of bone--


                DR. WILKERSON: There may be--


                DR. WALKER:  --of bone mineral loss with


      isotretinoin.  If you look at the labeling for


      isotretinoin and for acitretin, there is an


      alkaline phosphatase that increases up to 30




                So, I do--you know, agree with what you're


      saying, but I take a little issue that these are


      new or unique events with tazarotene that haven't


      been observed in the class.


                I do agree that it is, in general, not a


      major concern to clinicians when they start


      patients on acitretin or isotretinoin.  However,


      when I trained, I did check x-rays in patients on


      acitretin for beyond--or, at that time, it was


      etretinate--beyond one year.  And we did follow


      them routinely.


                So, I do think that for chronic use, some


      physicians feel differently.  I might help if I had




      one of our experts--Dr. Lebwohl, who's used a lot


      of retinoids--comment on how he sees this drug


      relative to others


                DR. STERN: I think we're going to just run


      out of time.


                DR. WILKERSON: But, on the other--not to


      beat this bag of bones and move on--the other issue


      is: is this risk-management program that's being


      proposed going to be restricted also by these


      patent restrictions that we're talking about?  Or


      is your program exempt from that.


                DR. WALKER: Well, I have not been involved


      with the discussions for isotretinoin to be


      familiar enough to comment on whether we will be.


                However, if we are proposing and adopting


      all the essential elements of isotretinoin, which


      is what I've been telling you, it's very likely


      that we may have the same restrictions.


                But I would have to defer that question,


      actually, to the agency for comment.  We haven't


      been involved in those discussions.


                DR. WILKERSON: Could I hear from Dr.






                DR. WALKER: Yes.  Thank you.


                DR. LEBWOHL: Sure.  Mark


      Lebwohl--dermatologist in New York.


                First, I would say that the amount of data


      regarding bone density that is presented here I


      think compares very favorably to what has been


      presented with the other retinoids that are


      available on the market.


                Now, we do have a long history of use and,


      in fact, large numbers of patients who have been on


      oral either etretinate or acitretin for many years.


      And certainly in those patients I don't doubt that


      there is an amount of mineral bone density loss


      that can be found if you look closely, but it is


      not clinical significant.  We're not seeing


      fractures--we're not seeing the kind of changes


      that you see with systemic steroids.


                So, while--you know, I think that the kind


      of statement that is in the package insert for


      those drugs is appropriate for those drugs, I think


      it does put into perspective what we're seeing in




      clinical practice both with this drug for, albeit a


      shorter period of time, as well as with those drugs


      over a long period of time, it's not clinical




                And I'm not aware of any clinician


      nowadays who routinely gets mineral bone densities


      or x-rays in patients on oral retinoids for years.


                You know, the person who actually knows


      this better than I is Tom Fuerst, because he was


      telling me about this with other drugs that are


      actually used to treat osteoporosis.


                DR. FUERST: My name is Tom Fuerst.  I'm


      trained as a medical physicist.  I've worked in the


      area of bone densitometry for the last 10 years,


      using it to assess osteoporosis and fracture risk,


      and monitor changes in bone mineral density,  And I


      just wanted to make a comment about the potential


      long-term effects.


                I don't have the answer to that.  I don't


      think the data in this room to answer that


      question.  But, in general, it's difficult to


      extrapolate from shot-term data to longer term use.




      The general trend, whether you're introducing an


      agent that will increase bone mineral density to


      treat low bone mass, or another agent that might


      have a deleterious effect on bone mineral density,


      in general the changes are larger in the first six


      to 12 months, and not sustained afterward.  There


      may continue to be losses, but just a simple linear


      extrapolation is difficult to do.


                But, again, I don't have the data bout


      long-term treatment with this drug, but just a


      caution about extrapolation.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Sellers?


                DR. SELLERS.  This is actually a very


      basic question, and it has to do with efficacy.


                When I read the literature on efficacy, I


      don't see a significant difference between the oral


      formulation and the topical formulation.  And I was


      wondering if you could comment on that?


                DR. WALKER: I can.  I was--first, I guess,


      you want to phrase things that it's very difficult


      to compare study to study.  This assessment is the


      same, but the population was very different.




                The patients who came into the topical


      trial did not need to be as severe as those that


      came into the oral trial.  Their average body


      surface area was--around 10?--7 to 8 percent body


      surface area.  Their disease was less.


                We also had, for our criteria for


      efficacy, not a "none" or "minimal," but actually a


      "mild," "none" or "minimal."  And those trials,


      very few patients actually made it to none or


      minimal.  And I'm not sure--in Dr. Cook's analysis,


      I think you might not have meant "none" or


      "minimal," but "mild."  Because when you look at


      our label for "none" or "minimal" the numbers are


      actually smaller than what was presented today.


                So I think it's difficult to compare.  I


      think large body surface areas are difficult.  The


      drug works, I should say, very well topically.  But


      it's really a different patient population.


                Also, the topical drug is not appropriate


      for intertrigenous areas because of erythema,


      scaling and pruritus.  It's difficult to put a gel


      or a cream in the scalp.  It doesn't help nails.




                I will say although we didn't see nail


      changes in the 12-week study, we did see positive


      effects in the one-year study.  You wouldn't expect


      to see nail changes in a 12-week study based upon


      the growth rate of nails.


                So, there were other effects that you can


      get long-term that you wouldn't get with a topical.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Epps?


                DR. EPPS: I have a question--just to


      change organ systems--about the thyroid issue.


      Were any of the patients symptomatic?  What was the


      outcome of some of those patients' alterations?


                DR. WALKER: I'd like to share that data


      with you.  I think it's a complicated area, and


      when you look at the data, it just shows you how


      much variation, also, you get with thyroid within a


      patient population.


                And Dr. Beddingfield is going to share


      that with us.




                DR. BEDDINGFIELD: Could I have slide


      S-188, please?  Slide up, please?






                This is the data that we have on thyroid


      disease, and thyroid labs from all three studies;


      the placebo-controlled trials, the six-month trial,


      and the one-year trial.


                And this is adverse events.  So this is


      hypothyroidism, as reported as an adverse even in


      the placebo-controlled trial.  There's no


      difference between the tazarotene group and the


      placebo group.


                We also looked at patients with


      percentages of TSH that were abnormal.  And you can


      see there's no difference between the two groups.


                Thyroxin level--no significant difference


      between the two groups--a trend for the placebo


      group to have a higher rate of abnormalities.


                And the similar pattern is seen throughout


      the trial.  You do have, here, a slightly higher


      rate in the long-term treatment with tazarotene,


      versus the 12-week treatment.  This was not


      statistically analyzed, but you can see the rates


      of TSH abnormalities and thyroxin abnormalities




      follow no consistent patterns there.


                And then in the long-term study, comparing


      the first six months of treatment to the second six


      months, you don't see a spike up in the second six


      months.  And overall, the rate of adverse events


      for hypothyroidism is quite low, and the comparable


      rates of abnormal TSHs and thyroxine.


                So, I really do not think we've seen a


      signal here at all with respect to thyroid.  And,


      of course, this is quite different than what we've


      seen with other retinoids.


                DR. LEBWOHL: I just wanted to comment--the


      reason that we looked at hypothyroidism in these


      patients is because of a known retinoid effect in


      causing central hypothyroidism, which is different


      than what we're seeing here.  With Targretin or


      bexarotine, you see a drop in TSH, which then leads


      to hypothyroidism, and the TSH remains low.  So the


      elevation of TSH is not a retinoid effect that


      we're used to.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Honein?


                DR. HONEIN: Yes, I have a question about




      any predictions that FDA olor the sponsor has about


      off-label use, since in the trends you presented


      for the topical version of this drug,


      three-quarters of it is for acne.


                And what I heard presented this morning is


      sort of focused on the psoriasis population being


      different.  But if three-quarters of this drug is


      going to be used for acne patients, I think that


      would need to play into what sort of risk


      management program is appropriate.


                DR. WALKER: Topical use for acne has been


      proven to be effective.  For oral use, we did do a


      Phase 2 dose-ranging study, and we showed some


      efficacy.  Whether it's as efficacious and would


      meet the criteria for approval for nodulocystic


      acne is not known.  We're currently not pursuing


      the Phase 3 program for the acne indication.


                It's, I think, somewhat of a leap of faith


      to feel that 75 percent of the oral would be used


      for acne, since it hasn't been proved.  It


      certainly--not all systemic retinoids work for


      acne.  Isotretinoin is very unique.  Acitretin,




      etretinate--altrans retinoic


      acid--bexarotine--three other systemic retinoids,


      don't work for nodulocystic acne, and haven't been




                So, I think that the logic is there, but


      it's not--it is somewhat of a leap of faith.


                Allergan won't promote this product for


      off-label use.  We won't encourage off-label use.


      We won't do any of those things.  We will promote


      the product to be used on-label, which we're


      requesting to be psoriasis.


                Having said that, we do have a


      risk-management program that does target the


      vulnerable population, irrespective of the use of


      the product.  So we are protecting the patients to,


      really, the same degree that the isotretinoin


      program is protecting them.  So in the event that


      it is used off label, that population would be




                And the next question, of course, is how


      would you track where it was used, and we would


      track that through known marketing data bases, such




      the IMS data base, or automated data claims bases.


                DR. STERN: But, the FDA, in their briefing


      document, in fact, gave as illustrations a number


      of studies that were presented as posters, which


      showed various kinds of efficacy in acne for your


      product, and I know you would not promote it as


      such, but one--in fact, if one looks at the oral


      retinoid use, there's at least an order of


      magnitude difference in the number of people


      exposed to isotretinoin than all other oral


      retinoids combined, with acne versus all other




                And the problem, to me, is that who is to


      say that even without promotion, given that you


      have a product that is topically used both ways,


      that the average clinician won't think, "Oh,


      tazarotene--something new.  Works well topically


      for both indications." And I guess my concern is:


      in any off-label use, unless we have evidence--you


      know, this is not the usual off-label use, but


      rather, we have a drug with known substantial


      risks, and then we have a drug with what might be




      the dominant use--at least if it conformed to the


      overall use pattern of retinoids--being in acne.


      And I don't know what the benefits are in acne.


      You know, if you could present me with data that


      showed the benefits are equal to isotretinoin, and


      you only use it for 20 weeks, and the remissions


      are the same, I'd feel pretty good about--very good


      about it, in terms of approving it now, and then


      letting your NDA go forward.


                But let's say this is a drug that doesn't


      give remissions, and people use it in a different


      way for acne, with more exposures.  You know, it's


      not the usual--"Well, they might not have gotten


      approval."  This is a class of drugs we're


      extremely concerned about.  And the psychology for


      it, based on topical use, and based on some studies


      that the company must have sponsored and saw fit to


      have--let their individuals present at meetings,


      has an acne claim, basically.  You




                And before you answer that question, I'd


      like to pose a related question to the committee,




      and I'll start it by showing my own ignorance.


                Is there anyone else who's a dermatologist


      on this committee that knew that the labeling for


      topical tazarotene asked for a pregnancy test


      within two weeks of starting?  That's my first


      question.  Was there anyone else besides me who


      didn't know about that?


                Okay.  I guess that means I don't have to


      ask the second question: how many of you routinely


      do it. [Laughs.]


                DR. EPPS: And no representative has ever


      told me that they should.


                DR. STERN: And it's a very well sampled


      product in the places where I practice.  So it's


      not like we haven't seen the folks--which I


      think--so that really concerns me, too.  You know--


                DR. WALKER: Well, there's two very


      complicated questions--or really more ideas that


      that you've placed out there.


                I'm going to start with the idea of the


      acne, and the oral tazarotene.


                I think you have to keep focused on the




      fact that oral tazarotene works very well for


      moderate to severe psoriasis.  The acne issue is


      out there.  It is a retinoid.  You can make that


      leap of faith.  But really, to restrict a drug for


      severe psoriasis patients because you're concerned


      about off-label use, I think is a bit


      inappropriate.  And the drug does work for


      psoriasis, and that's why we're here today.  I want


      to remind you.  I want you to think about what the


      patients said that were here, and to keep focused


      on all the work that we've done in the psoriasis




                We have done some Phase 2 work for acne.


      We presented that Phase 2 work at meetings.  It


      does suggest some efficacy.  Whether it's close to


      Accutane; whether you don't have relapse like with


      Accutane, we haven't demonstrated.


                You know, I don't think it's going to go


      off and be an Accutane in the first year.  We would


      follow all that.  If modifications needed to be


      made because there was vast, you know, off-label


      use, then I think that would be something that




      could be discussed with this committee, with the


      agency.  But, you know, I really almost want to be


      you: don't forget what we're really looking at.


      Don't forget those pictures of those patients.


                You know, this is for psoriasis.  It does


      work.  We do have a very rigorous risk-management


      program in place--or that we are going to put in


      place, which is--it has all the components that he


      isotretinoin program has.  So we are tracking those


      patients.  We are protecting those patients,


      because--we appreciate your concern, but we don't


      think this should be restricted until we prove or


      disprove that it works for a separate indication.


                The other question that's out there is the


      topical.  It is clearly labeled.  We do have all


      our advertisements that have it.  And the reason


      you probably don't worry about it is that it isn't


      a real risk.  It is a very, very low systemic


      absorption.  We've had, I think, eight pregnancies.


      I could show you that data.  There's been no


      retinoid-related effects.


                If you look at the serum concentrations




      with topical administration to the face for acne,


      relative to the teratogenic levels, they're very,


      very low.  So, although it is a risk, the company


      supports the X label.  We don't advertise against


      the X label.  It's in all of our literature.


      That--you know, the company isn't saying this, but


      I think the fact that you're not that aware of it


      is because it's not a real significant risk.


                We aren't saying that with the oral form.


      We're saying it is a significant risk.  It is a


      probably teratogen.  And we are willing to go


      beyond what any the retinoids out there are doing


      right now.  We're going beyond what the competitive


      retinoid is for psoriasis, and we're going beyond


      what bexarotine is, which is for cutaneous t-cell




                And just keep your focus--I'd like to say


      on psoriasis and on the patients who need this




                DR. STERN: Dr. Sellers.


                DR. SELLERS: This issue is somewhat


      problematic, though, because, in fact, all you




      really need are the data from a Phase 2 trial to


      establish your off-label market before a drug gets


      approved for something else.  And, in posters that


      were cited were discussing efficacy, were


      discussing safety, that were based on trials that


      may not capture populations at risk for pregnancy


      exposures, for some of the adverse events that we


      discussed today.


                So, I think although the company will not


      be--quote-unquote--"promoting" the use, it's


      already out there.  And there's no way we'll be


      able to control it, unless we continue with trials.


                DR. WALKER: I will say that we did do


      safety monitoring in that population, because the


      risk of pregnancy, I really think we are covering.


                But if you think about bone mineral


      density, the x-rays--we did extensive studies in


      that population. We looked at epiphyseal plate


      closure, we looked at bone density, we looked at


      osteophyte formation.  We also did urinary markers


      for bone resorption and absorption, as well as


      fractionating--in that case, the alkaline




      phosphatase.  And we didn't see anything.  That was


      a six-month treatment.


                So, for short-term treatments like what


      you have with isotretinoin, you don't see the same


      adverse event profile that you may see out beyond a




                DR. STERN: But you did see three out of


      either 84 or 86 women enrolled in your clinical


      trials become pregnant--with, presumably, since


      these trials were relatively recent--presumably a


      company risk-management strategy for the management


      of the Phase 3 trials.


                So--you know, that's not a great number.


                DR. WALKER: The trial--although it has


      essentially--it has a mandatory registration, since


      the patients are in the trial--there wasn't the


      extensive patient education.  This was done several


      years ago.  There wasn't the mandatory patient


      education.  And then the reaction if the patient


      didn't demonstrate appropriate education, which is


      now being employed in the post-marketing of oral






                So it is somewhat different, although I


      agree, there were pregnancies and that concerned


      us, and that's partly why we've modified our




                DR. STERN: Dr. Katz.


                DR. KATZ: First I have a couple brief




                Dr. Epps asked the question: how does the


      decreased bone mineral density compare to what


      would normally be found?  In the FDA presentation


      we were told less than 1 percent in males per year,


      and here all the trends are greater than that.


                Another comment to Dr. Sellers, when she


      asked Dr. Walker whether the comparison with


      topical and oral was similar.  I would like to


      emphasize, again: these were not double-blind


      studies.  And for the non-dermatologists around the


      panel: topical, tazarotene, it gives irritation.


      So it's unblinded immediately.


                Nevertheless, all the studies you see are


      entitled "double-blind" studies.  You have to start


      as double-blind studies, but anybody knows that




      they weren't double-blind studies.


                The other thing I would take issue


      with--and there could be difference of opinion on


      this--Dr. Walker, I don't know if you actually


      treat patients--with the Tazorac, topically, but


      you repeatedly state "it's very effective in


      psoriasis."  And that's all I do.  I teach a half a


      day, and otherwise I take care of patients, many of


      whom have psoriasis.  And it's not very effective


      topically.  You know, it may be in the rare person.


      I haven't seen them in 10 years.  But it may be.


      But it's certainly not very effective.


                And soon after it came out they were


      suggesting its topical use with--I don't want to be


      argumentative now, but topical use with topical


      steroids.  And it is very effective with the use of


      high potency topical steroids, which work by




                Now, to get off from that, my own comments


      are that these bone--not only bone density that


      bothered me, but it's all in the same direction:


      elevation of alkaline phosphatase, more retinoid




      musculoskeletal symptoms.  And it's all in that


      direction.  And it's only in a 52-week study.  And


      you worry about these patients long term.


                It's unlike Accutane, where we treat


      patients for 20 weeks or a little longer, and a


      small number require--well, not so small number


      require re-treatment, but it's for another 20


      weeks.  It's not with continued use.


                So you really worry about an effect like




                And we can't use the argument that we have


      20 years of experience with it, because we don't.


      This is a different drug.  It's a unique drug.  It


      only produces cheilitis in 65 percent of patients,


      whereas Accutane, it's 100 percent of patients.


      And so its unique effect on bone is not astounding.


      And, in fact--in disagreeing with a colleague--in


      the rare instances where we use Accutane long


      term--which is rare, like in Darrier's disease--we


      do check bone density after a year.  We are very


      concerned about that.


                But this appears to have even more of




      those effects.


                DR. WALKER: I'd just like to comment.


                Number one, I've learned about the


      double-blind from you, and I made a not during


      lunch.  So thank you.  I think you're absolutely


      correct.  I've been accused before having that


      "very" in there, and I need to strike those from my


      vocabulary.  So that's another friendly reminder.


                And also I think your point about the


      bone--we understand what you're saying.  I do feel


      that it is within the range of what is reported in


      the literature for the other products, but I


      understand what you're saying and we appreciate


      your opinions.  Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Day.


                DR. DAY: The proposed brand name for the


      oral is "Tazoral?"  Is that the way you say it?


                DR. WALKER: "Taz-oral."


                DR. DAY: Well, I've gone around and asked


      a bunch of people, and I've gotten lots of


      different pronunciations, even from dermatologists.


      So that could be a problem.




                But there is a precedent with Tazorac out


      there.  Have I said that correctly?


                DR. WALKER: You have said that correctly.


                DR. DAY: All right.  When you write both


      of those--and if you happen to write in block


      letters, the "C" and the "L" at the end could look


      very similar.


                The Drug Safety and Risk Management


      Advisory Committee has been concerned with


      confusion in drug names.  And it is the same active


      ingredient and so forth, but since there are


      different indications for the oral and the


      topical--and also different effectivenesses for the


      different types of psoriasis and location for


      psoriasis, could you comment on the implications of


      a patient getting one, as opposed to the other, and


      vice versa?


                DR. WALKER: Yes, I think you bring up a


      very important point.  I think Tazorac is easy to


      say, partly because a lot of us are used to saying.


      The Tazoral--you know, I think that that has to go


      through market testing and to see if patients




      understand it, if they can distinguish it, if--you


      know, there's specific testing to do for writing




                And, to be honest with you, I don't know


      how much of that's been done.  If Tazoral is not


      the perfect name, then I think we can always work


      on another name.


                I feel it's important to have separate


      names for the separate products, for a lot of the


      reasons that have already been voiced here today.


      Tazorac means acne to people.  I mean, everyone


      around the room says "Tazorac, acne--effective for




                If you have a separate name that is


      separated by the indication and by the severity of


      the disease, I think it may help--although it is


      the same active ingredient--I think a separate name


      can help distinguish a very separate safety and


      efficacy profile that this drug has.


                DR. DAY: So, do I understand that the


      market testing on this is not completed, in terms


      of multiple pronunciations?  I mean, I've gotten




      "tayzer-ell," and all--


                DR. WALKER:   I will have to--I'm going to


      ask one of my colleagues, because I am not in the


      marketing group, I'm in the R&D group.  So I'm


      going to ask--and I'll answer that in just a






                It was initially tested.  But because of


      the comments and feedback that we got actually just


      a couple of weeks ago, we are re-testing that to


      look at it, taking into account what you've said.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Gardner?  And I hope I


      pronounced your name correctly.




                DR. GARDNER: Yes, you did, Dr. Sterm.


      Thank you.




                You know, I'm becoming increasingly


      confused about what the risk-management program is.


      Because as much as I have to confess to resisting


      Dr. Walker's lecturing the committee about what we


      ought to be focused on, the fact remains that if




      you were to put a comprehensive risk-management


      plan the way I think it's been described here, with


      anybody who prescribes the drug has to be


      registered; and anyone who gets it has to be


      registered; and anyone who dispenses it has to be


      registered--then it seems to me it almost doesn't


      matter whether it's being prescribed for psoriasis


      or acne.  We would pick up on it if, in fact, the


      risk-management plan--you can't get it unless you


      go through this plan.


                And even if that's true, then Dr. Day's


      most recent comment is very, very important.


      Because if someone is restricting Tazoral in this


      way, and protecting everyone from harm--or,


      theoretically, by it.  Then if a prescription comes


      through for Tazorac, and is mis-filled, then all


      that protection goes out the window, because


      someone mis-read what was written on a




                And so I guess I have two points: is the


      plan--the risk-management plan as we understand


      it--supposed to be comprehensive, regardless of




      what the prescriber is thinking the indication is;


      and, two, how to protect against a mis-reading of a


      written prescription?


                DR. WALKER: I want to thank you.  I think


      you've said what I tried to say earlier more


      eloquently and efficiently.


                Yes, the program--that's why we want a


      separate name, to keep it separate.  The


      risk-management program would protect all


      vulnerable patients regardless of the indication.


      The indication could be tracked through marketing


      data bases. So you could track it.  All those


      patients would be protected.  And I think a name


      helps with confusion at the pharmacy.  It actually


      helps the patients who need topical Tazorac don't


      have that restricted because they get confused with


      the program.


                So what you've said is actually what the


      company agrees on.


                DR. GARDNER: One more thing--if you're


      really registering everyone, then you shouldn't


      have to track it through IMS data bases, because




      you ought to have total coverage, shouldn't you?


                DR. WALKER: Mm-hmm.  Well, that doesn't do


      indication, per se.  Indication is not tracked as


      part of the proposed registry for isotretinoin or


      for the oral tazarotene formulation.


                I have some other folks up here who'd like


      to make a comment.


                DR. KRUEGER: I'm Jerry Krueger, University


      of Utah.  Just on the Tazorac oral and the Tazorac


      topical--you can't have a prescription be complete


      if you just put down "Tazorac."  The pharmacy will


      call you up and ask you, "Do you want the gel or


      the cream?"  "Do you want .1 percent or .03




                So I don't quite see room for confusion.


                DR. DAY: It can go both ways.  It could be




                Dr. KRUEGER: So,


                DR. DAY:  --to Tazorac and vice versa.


      And, furthermore, in electronic scrips, you might


      say, "Well, then you don't have to read


      handwriting."  But there's a lot of scrolling down




      and tapping, and you can mis-tap.


                So this is a potential thing that is very


      likely to happen.  And we just need to think about


      what the consequences would be, going in both




                DR. KRUEGER: Yes, I can see some real


      concern going in one direction.  I don't see much


      concern going the other.  Thank you.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Levin.


                DR. LEVIN: A couple of questions for the


      sponsor, and then back to the FDA, and where we are


      with risk-management programs, because I think


      that's key to how this afternoon proceeds.


                Question to the sponsor: why aren't


      you--or would you pursue a Phase 3 trial about the


      use of this drug for acne, which would perhaps


      answer the questions about whether this drug is


      safety and efficacy for acne use, and might


      reassure people who are concerned about its


      off-label use.  So that's a question.  Don't you


      see this as an issue, and if it is an issue, are


      you willing to pursue it in the right way--in my




      opinion--which is to go for an approved indication


      using the approval process.


                DR. WALKER: It's been a very difficult


      process.  We have met numerous times with the


      agency on this.  And I'm looking now at Khalyani


      Bhatt, because she can verify we've asked her for


      numerous meetings on this.


                It is a very difficult trial to do.  We


      have had discussions--and maybe Dr. Wilkin wants to


      add to what I'm saying--what we've been asked to do


      is do a head-to-head comparison with isotretinoin


      for five to six months, and then follow the


      patients out for one year.


                In order to have the power to do that,


      that becomes an incredibly large study, if you add


      x-rays and many things.  It almost--and the


      parameters that we've gone back and forth that we


      need to do--becomes a study that is so onerous that


      the company is not sure--with a lot of risk knowing


      whether the drug works or not, based upon our Phase


      2 data.  You always take your data and you


      extrapolate as to whether or not you feel you can






                At this point, we don't feel ready to do a


      Phase 3.  We don't feel that the Phase 3 designs


      that we have discussed back and forth with the


      agency--not saying what they've asked us to do is


      wrong, just saying what we can accomplish as a, you


      know, mid to small pharmaceutical company for a


      dermatologic indication, that we can actually do




                So it's become a feasibility, economic,


      and a very difficult study to do; to put all the


      bells and whistles.  I mean, you know, if you


      imagine everything that's been in these trials; you


      imagine every controversy that surrounds


      isotretinoin, and you try to put that in a study to


      look at comparability--which are much larger


      studies; you multiply that times two, and you take


      that out two years--because you're, at minimum, six


      months enrollment--six to nine months, enrollment;


      you've got another six-month trial; you've got a


      year beyond that, follow-up, to look for relapse.


      You need to win on relapse rate, not equivalence at




      six months.


                That just becomes a study that we're not


      sure we could ever do.


                DR. LEVIN: Okay.  Another question: you


      look at the Accutane risk-management program as


      sort of the ceiling, and I would suggest you might


      want to look at it as a floor.  And let's go back


      to the indication issue.


                For example, one of the things that


      perhaps could be built in here as a requirement for


      ICD code-9s to be submitted, and actually not


      filling a prescription where the coding--if ICD9


      code's the appropriate code--isn't the appropriate


      indication.  I mean, that's a new way--that's a new


      way of looking at risk management.


                But, again, I don't think Accutane is


      necessarily the ceiling here in how we manage risk.


      It might be a floor or a mid-way point, and we


      could add to it.


                So, it's just a question--


                DR. WALKER: Yes.


                DR. LEVIN: If this is an issue that people




      are concerned about, rather than relying on


      marketing data, why not try to--and, again, I don't


      know if this is, you know, feasible or not, but to


      think about, talk about, building in a requirement


      that patients only get through the system if they


      have an appropriate indication that is entered into


      the system, as an ICD9 code or whatever.


                DR. WALKER: It's certainly feasible.  I


      think, for the practice of medicine in general,


      it's not desirable.  And I don't know if any


      clinicians, either on the panel or in the room want


      to comment on it.


                You know, in dermatology--and I can see,


      you know, that is--if it was determined to be such


      a risk, it's certainly something that could be


      applied.  However, in dermatology, I know--I am, I


      was asked before--I do still practice, but I think


      in the opposite ratio of Dr. Katz in terms of time


      spent doing research versus seeing patients.


                In dermatology, a lot of our drugs don't


      have approvals that are indicated.  And I think


      that doctors use drugs for many uses.  So we




      wouldn't--you know, I can't talk out of both sides


      of my mouth--


                DR. LEVIN: This isn't every drug.  And one


      of the challenges we have when we discuss a drug


      which has some unusual risk profile is that we're


      always operating with a knowledge that there is


      diagnostic creep; and that a drug where we're


      weighing the benefit and risk of toxicities versus


      the benefit--and nobody is--you know, no one is


      against providing relief to people who are


      suffering some psoriasis that is refractory to


      other treatments.  Nobody's saying that.


                But we have this equation we have to go




                Now, one part of the equation is very


      slippery, because it's called--you know, the


      diagnosis, or the indication for the drug.  And we


      sit here knowing that it's going to get used for


      lots of other things besides that part of the scale


      that we're sort of judging against the risk part.




                DR. WALKER: I agree.  I think that you've




      proposed something that could be considered.  I'd


      be interested in other people's opinions.  It's


      hard to argue that it shouldn't be considered.


                DR. STERN: Might I suggest that there's at


      least, in the PDR, one example of a drug where for


      certain in what was once the dominant use of the


      drug now has a black-box warning.  If you look at


      Allopurinol, it says very explicitly, "This drug is


      not for the treatment of asymptomatic


      hyperuricemia," the reason being, in fact, an


      extraordinarily low-risk of Stevens-Johnson system


      and hypersensitivity syndrome in association with


      the drug.


                And I guess that goes to my point: as


      opposed to what I've heard is, we're not sure


      enough that we can win the battle against Accutane


      with respect to efficacy--and efficacy, to me,


      means benefit in the acne indication.  Maybe what


      we need to hear from the company--I don't like


      things that say, "Oh, let's restrict use."  I'd


      like to hear more from the company about how we're


      going to educate physicians about, in fact, making




      sure that they understand the proper use in areas


      where, because of the risks of the drug, it's not a


      good idea to use it, as opposed to a label and




                I'm wondering how willing--and how we


      would then monitor, in fact, the follow-through of


      the company in terms of making sure people


      understand where we might be confident the


      benefit-risk ratio is an appropriate one.


                DR. WALKER: We plan to do that through two


      ways--if you could bring this first slide up?




                Okay.  We have designed a "What a


      prescriber needs to know" brochure.  We also have a


      prescriber introduction letter; a prescriber


      certification test--and that test will be part of


      the same system of you prove that the prescriber


      understands, just like you prove the patient


      understands their risk, you have to prove that the


      prescriber understands the risks and limitations of


      the drug, as well as having a medication guide.


                We also will have scientific meetings to




      certify physicians to be into this registry.  They


      can't be in the system, they can't prescribe the


      drug unless they've gone through the process.


                So those physicians that go through the


      process, part of that process will be educating


      them that this is for psoriasis, what the labeled


      usage are, what the risks of the drug are, as well


      as the pregnancy risks.  So all risks will be




                Now, Dr. Andrews would like to kind of go


      through the flow chart of the risk minimization


      action plan.


                DR. ANDREWS: Thank you--


                DR. STERN: I think we better not do that


      now.  That was not really responsive to my




                It's not "what's the usual stuff?"  I was


      sort of hoping to hear something new and different


      that might really work.  You know, these kinds of


      things are things that the pre-1988 Accutane


      interventions.  I happen to believe that the 1988


      Accutane interventions were better than we heard




      today, but that's strictly editorial.


                So I was hoping to hear something


      imaginative, impactful, innovative and with, on


      might think, a reasonable chance of success.  And I


      know--I could see Dr. Furberg having the same kind


      of reaction to this


                DR. FURBERG: I agree with you.  And I


      think that we need also some way of going after


      people who are not complying.  There should be--a


      stick there, somewhere--not just pleading.  Because


      if you ignore this, there's no consequence.


                DR. WALKER: Well--


                DR. FURBERG: We need to set up a system so


      that people do comply.


                DR. WALKER: Well, I think I'm hearing two


      things: one--I mean, I've got some things up there:


      "What would be the roll out?"  I don't think that


      answers your question.  There's nothing really


      innovative up there.


                I would love to hear--and we're very open


      to any kind of innovative feedback that this group


      wants to give us here, or in private.




                But what you're saying about


      consequences--this system's a little different than


      what exists now, in that you register the


      physicians.  There is a feedback as to whether they


      understand the system, and there's feedbacks that


      the patients comply.  There's feedbacks at the


      pharmacy.  And there's checks and stops all through


      the entire system.


                I won't go through it in detail, because I


      think a lot of you already kind of know what that


      flow chart is.  But it's different in that the


      consequences--if you don't admit that you


      understand, you don't follow the system, your


      patient won't get the drug.  It will not be


      dispensed to you.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Honein.


                DR. HONEIN: Yes, I just wanted to add a


      suggestion to what Dr. Levin said: that we could


      add indication to the registry.  And I think we


      suggested that in February for the isotretinoin


      registry, not as a restriction, that if you didn't


      enter the right code you don't get the drug, but as




      a way to evaluate how the drug is being used over


      time, and give us better information in the future.


                And the second--to reply to Dr. Garner--I


      think a major difference in what they're proposing


      for risk management is that males and females who


      are not of reproductive potential would be allowed


      to have refills of this drug.  And they're basing


      that on the psoriasis population.  And I think that


      sort of deviation is not justified if the


      population is going to be largely acne patients.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Schmidt.


                DR. SCHMIDT: I don't want anybody to feel


      like I'm a diagnostic creep--




                --but, you know, I really feel like we


      shouldn't dictate how to practice medicine.  And I


      think a lot of these medications are going to be


      used, you know, off-label.


                And I, for one, at least think that


      with--of course, you all also know my wife has


      really bad psoriasis, and is on methotrexate and


      Embrel for it.  So I live with a women, you know,




      who has psoriasis and still love her.


                But I wanted to just say that I think we


      ought to increase the amount that people don't need


      prescriptions for this in males.  I think seeing


      somebody with psoriasis, you know, every couple of


      months is maybe too much.


                And then the other thing--and this may not


      be the appropriate time for this, but I think we


      need to think about this--is I want to make a


      couple of clinical reflections on retinoids, and


      how at least I treat people clinically, is I don't


      think the retinoids are the greatest thing in the


      world--you know, either Soriatane or Accutane, for


      plaque-type psoriasis.  I think the best place to


      use the retinoids in psoriasis is the pustular-type


      psoriasis, or the acropustulosis, on the palms and


      soles, which can be devastating, painful, terrible,


      horrible.  And they work beautifully.


                But you don't ever leave anybody on


      anything, you know, for a long time.  And when you


      do, the beautiful thing about the--at least the


      retinoids we have now, is you can decrease the dose




      to where I have some patients who take one 10mg


      Soriatane every three weeks, and it keeps them




                So, a lot of these things you're not going


      to be giving them a real high dose, no matter what


      you're going to give them.


                And then the other thing is, just like


      with my wife, you rotate people off, like


      methotrexate onto Embrel, onto something else, so


      then you don't have to worry about, you know, these


      side effects so much.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Wilkerson?


                DR. WILKERSON: AS a practicing


      dermatologist, I would plead--although it sounds


      like we've been siderailed by the patent office--in


      terms of having what I would call the


      "pan-retinoid" form.  In other words, you know,


      right now, as it potentially stands, we can be


      scurrying to find five, six, seven, eight different


      forms for the particular drug and/or generic


      manufacturer, and/or sponsor making a drug.  And


      since the side effects and the requirements are so




      similar, a unified form would simplify, and I think


      would also increase compliance with things.


                As far as the two to three month


      additional refills, I've sat here and debated that


      in my mind, also.  As much as you want to see that


      from the standpoint of the patient's lack of not


      having to interact with the physician, it also yet


      provides another point of error at the distribution


      point, in terms of who gets--I mean, not to use any


      gender or similar names, but there are names and


      things where people could get refills that are


      females because of, you know, because the wrong box


      is checked, or an assumption's based upon a name


      that would result in females getting it.


                And I think just like with Accutane, where


      it's monthly.  It doesn't mean they have to have an


      office visit, but they have to pick up that


      prescription.  To have two different systems, I


      think, is just introducing a point of error in the


      system well at the top which negates everything


      else that we're trying to do here, which is to


      reduce the rate of pregnancies.




                DR. WALKER: I'd like to say that I think


      you've highlighted a lot of the controversy very


      well in what you've said.


                As far as, though, distinguishing males


      and females, you wouldn't need to do it by the


      name.  We've toyed with many different things.


      Certainly, the sticker program has you--you know,


      the physician fill out whether it's a male or


      female.  We've toyed with a specific prescription


      pad that has male or females, and has, you know,


      basically like a gray box on it for females, which


      has the "no refills," and males are a different


      color, so it is clearly outlined.


                But the pharmacist would not distinguish


      male or female by name, but rather by what is


      checked within the system.


                Of course, a female of childbearing


      potential would also have the trigger of the


      pregnancy test, which is connected with her name.


      And each patient has a unique identified, which


      would force the pharmacist, the


      physician--everyone--to use that identifier and




      check whether the pregnancy test has been ordered.


                So there are safeguards for that aspect of




                The one-month versus three-months versus


      more--it's very difficult--trust me, I have had the


      same thought--one system.  The trouble with one


      system is they're not one patient type.


                DR. WILKERSON: Right.


                DR. WALKER: And this is a lifelong


      disease.  I think you're going to take patients


      with psoriasis and you're going to put them on


      methotrexate, cyclosporine, acitretin or other


      biologics, because they can't come in--or afford


      it.  The health care system can't afford for


      chronic cases to have them in there every month.


      It's very expensive.


                DR. WILKERSON: Well, I mean, not to micro


      manage this down to that point, but, you know,


      there are ways around that.  What I'm just saying,


      if you are designing a system, the less variability


      there is at each decision point, the less likely


      error is to slip in.  And error will slip in,




      regardless.  But, just to make that easier.


                And my other comment was: pharmacokinetics


      on this drug--I can't believe that everyone in this


      room, sitting here, has the same number of retinoid


      receptors in their bodies.  I mean, do we all have


      the same number of retinoid receptors, and saturate


      at the same pharmacodynamics--


                DR. WALKER:   Well, there's a range from


      seven to 12 hours.  So, no, everybody doesn't


      metabolize the same way, but that--


                DR. WILKERSON: No, I'm not talking about


      metabolism, but in terms of once the receptor is


      bound, and there's a signal sent, does everyone


      have the same--in other words, it seems that


      picking a 4.5 mg dose is rather simplistic when we


      have 100-pound individuals versus 350-pound


      individuals.  Their volumes of distribution and


      however else affects the pharmacodynamics of the


      drug, and what this leads up to is perhaps, have


      you correlated the weight of the individuals


      against your bone data?  In other words, you know,


      are you seeing increased side effects in lower body




      mass individuals perhaps?


                DR. WALKER: We separated the bone--I'm


      want to kind of go from your last question and move


      forward. WE separated the bone data by gender and


      age, and we didn't see anything.  But I don't know


      that we did it by body weight.  They're shaking


      their heads no.


                DR. WILKERSON: What you were trying to


      tell us before is there is no dose response.


                DR. WALKER: Right.  I am.  And I'm going


      to show you--


                DR. WILKERSON:  --[inaudible] defies the


      laws of pharmacology.


                DR. WALKER: I don't think it doesn't go


      with the laws of pharmacology.  What it says is the


      drug is not lipophilic and it's not stored in fat;


      that it's actually in the plasma volume.


                And I'm going to have my


      pharmacokineticist.  He's got some very nice slides


      that I think will help you see this.


                It is not changed by weight.


                DR. YU: I'm Dale Yu, pharmacokinetics.




                What we've done is we looked at the


      systemic drug exposure of tazarotenic acid, the


      active ingredient, as a function of body weight in


      the Phase 3 trials. And I will show you that data




                Slide up, please.




                Okay, if I can focus your attention on the


      right panel of this plot, these are data from the


      two Phase 3 trials.  We looked at drug


      concentrations from about 80 patients.  The body


      weight ranged from about 50 to 150 kg, and the


      concentration on the vertical access, as you can


      see, over a wide range.


                What we were looking for is some kind of


      trend, if there is a relationship between body


      weight and concentration, we should see either


      increasing or decreasing trend.  And we were not


      able to see that.


                So our conclusion that the drug


      concentration does not change as a function of body


      weight, therefore we don't need to consider dosing




      by body weight.


                DR. WILKERSON: Well, I mean, you're just


      looking at plasma concentrations here, right?


                DR. YU: That's one of the things we looked




                DR. WILKERSON: But you're not looking at


      efficacy--endpoint efficacy and expression of the


      disease as a result of your pharmacologic action.


                DR. LU: So your question is whether we


      looked at efficacy as a function of body weight.


                DR. WILKERSON: Well, dose response.  I


      mean, it can be this, but it can also be what dose


      does it take to effect a particular response on the


      disease process.


                DR. WALKER:   we do have that data, and


      we'll share it with you.


                DR. LU: John Lu, biostatistics, Allergan.


                Slide up.




                A logistic regression was performed on


      data combining 048P and 049P study.  The dependent


      variable was clinical success.  And I regress these




      covariates on clinical success.  And we didn't find


      that weight was a predictor of clinical success.


                DR. STERN:  And what was the fit of the




                DR. LUE: Umm--I didn't find a significant


      difference.  I felt it fit pretty good.


                DR. STERN: But, we need to know how well,


      in fact, each of these variables have any


      individual relationship.  So a lack of correlation,


      in the absence of a model that has some predictive


      value, either says that you're looking at all


      randomness, or you've not chosen things in a way


      that, in fact, you have the right independent


      variables for the right dependent variables.


                So I think--and your data sets--well, I


      just think it's hard to interpret.


                But we'd better stop, in terms of one


      more--    DR. WILKERSON: One more comment.  We've


      heard all day that this drug is like all the other


      retinoids.  Well, all the other retinoids show a


      dose response curve.


                DR. WALKER: Well, that's--yes.  That's




      because of the distribution.  The distribute out of


      the plasma into the body fat.


                DR. WILKERSON: Okay.


                DR. WALKER: And tazarotene doesn't do


      that.  It is, you know, a--


                DR. WILKERSON: Here today, gone




                DR. WALKER: Did you want to comment, Dr.




                DR. HELMS: Just a point on the model,




                Your point is a good point, but if you


      look at the significance level for the treatment,


      and the other factors that are significant, you see


      that the model really will pick up something that's




                DR. WALKER: Any other questions?


                DR. STERN: Dr. Ringel--and then we're


      going to take a break.


                DR. RINGEL: Okay, I'm going to give poor


      Dr. Walker a break.  This is going to be addressed


      to Dr. Trontell.  And I promise there really be a




      question at the end of my little speech here.




                I really feel as if we're just taking one


      more step in opening up, you know, the Pandora's


      box of teratogenicity here.  With isotretinoin, you


      give it to people for five months, and it has a


      spectacular effect.


                For acitretin, I think very few physicians


      actually give it to women of childbearing


      potential, and that's probably why we've been saved


      from much of the teratogenicity of that drug.


                On the other hand, we're talking about a


      drug here--tazarotene--which is going to be used


      indefinitely by women of childbearing potential.


      And that seems very frightening. I don't know how


      many women can use two forms of birth control and


      guarantee forever that they will not be pregnant.


      I think that's a very, very difficult task for




                On the other hand, you know, if this were


      a really star-quality drug; if this were another


      Accutane for psoriasis, and it were just wonderful,




      you know, then maybe it would be worth it.  But


      it's not.  At least not if it's like the other


      retinoids that I know.


                And on the other hand--a lot of hands






                --teratogenicity is very serious.  It's a,


      you know, extremely serious problem.  So, you know,


      you've got a risk-benefit issue.


                I think Gloria Steinem--if she's here,


      please cover your ears--I'm wondering--here's my


      question: can we restrict this drug to males, and


      women who are not of childbearing potential?  I


      think that that would solve a bunch of problems.  I


      know it's not politically correct, but I feel that


      for the women and their future children, perhaps,


      you know, we need to take different steps for a


      different population.


                There are drugs, for example--I mean, you


      know, there are things like Propecia that are


      indicated only for men.  I mean, it has been done


      in the past.  Would another risk-management option




      be to restrict this to males and women who cannot


      have children?


                DR. TRONTELL: Yeah, it's a tough question


      to think about the mechanism, how you would go


      about doing that.


                If you tried to engineer some restricted


      distribution that would somehow knock out those


      individuals who are of childbearing potential,


      you'd presumably enter into a lot of complexities


      making that determination; is that an issue of, you


      know, anatomy and physiology or of behavior that


      defines your reproductive potential.


                And I think the challenge gets at what was


      discussed by the committee earlier about our


      ability--or authority--to speak to off-label use of


      medication.  So there are some products that are


      indicated for treatment of one gender versus the


      other but, in fact, that doesn't prohibit


      clinicians following reasonable practice patterns,


      and a belief that usual and customary--forgive me


      if not using the correct legal language--to employ






                So I'm thinking, in practice it might be


      quite difficult to do what you suggest.  In very


      exceptional circumstances, where there may be a


      unique indication, where the risks may warrant the


      benefits to the patient using the drug, has FDA


      ever even attempted to speak to the specific


      indication for which a product should be used




                DR. WALKER: Can I make one comment




                DR. STERN: Dr. Bull was going to--


                DR. BULL:  you know, I think you have to


      go, also to--we try to make decisions based on


      data.  And I haven't heard the committee comment on


      what I think is a disparity in the data base, and


      Dr. Cook's earlier presentation.  It may have also


      been said in Allergan's--the disease has an


      incidence that does not reflect a male


      preponderance of the disease, but you're looking at


      studies that had about 80 percent inclusion of




                Now, I don't know why that specifically




      happened.  But, in terms of the adequacy of the


      data to speak to female patients is also, I think,


      an issue we would welcome comments from the


      committee based on, you know, just what you see


      with regard to the demographics in the studies that


      have been submitted.


                DR. STERN: I take the liberty of


      addressing that, as someone who's sort of followed


      clinical research in psoriasis for a couple, three




                And if you look at systemic agents,


      phototherapy, PUVA, and you look at the clinical


      trials published, one can predict that they'll be


      approximately two-thirds male, in terms of


      enrollment, across the United States and Europe,


      and they'll have a mean age of between 44 and 48.


                So, whatever it is that goes into who gets


      enrolled, and trials of systemic agents,


      phototherapy and PUVA, over the last 29 years,


      there's a remarkable consistency about the profile


      of those individuals in psoriasis trials, including


      a fair number that are not part of NDA submissions,




      but are just various kinds of clinicals done in


      academic or other institutions.


                So, I can't explain it, but it's sure






                DR. WILKIN: I'd just like to comment on


      Dr. Walker's earlier statement about actions with


      FDA for the acne indication.  And I think you


      represented that quite fairly.


                WE were ultimately interested in a


      product--if it's a systemic retinoid and a


      teratogen--that it not be inferior, efficacy-wise,


      to isotretinoin.  And the committee has picked up


      on some of our concern that was in our portion of


      the briefing document that went to the committee.


      We referred to the posters from Allergan, presented


      at the American Academy of Dermatology, and also


      some of the articles that show up in the throw--the


      journals that come for free--




                DR. STERN: I think we call them






                DR. WILKIN: Non peer-reviewed.  That's


      better than what I was actually going to say.




                And this is actually the summary paragraph


      from one of these: "Nodulocystic lesion count data


      also show a statistically significant benefit for


      both tazarotene 3 mg and 6 mg compared with


      placebo.  Allergan has completed Phase 2 studies in


      the treatment of nodulocystic acne, and is


      currently seeking a partner in the United States


      and Europe for further clinical development."


                So this is something that a lot of


      dermatologists would get to read.


                And I'll not read all of the posters, but


      just one of them.  It says: "The results in this


      early Phase 2 trial show that once-daily oral


      tazarotene, 3 mg or 6 mg, reduces the numbers of


      both non-inflammatory and inflammatory lesions.  It


      efficacy against commidones is especially notable,


      since these lesions are the precursors of


      inflammatory lesions.  Oral tazarotene could prove


      to be an effective new therapy for patients with




      acne, and further investigation is warranted."


                So these are a whole series of posters


      that were presented at the American Academy of




                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                And why don't we take an eight-minute


      break and come back at three o'clock.


                [Off the record.]


                DR. STERN: Back on the record.


                We'll have one final question, from Dr.


      Furberg, and then we'll move on to the questions.


                Dr. Furberg.


                DR. FURBERG: Well, I ha two brief comments


      and a question.


                One comment relates to bone mineral


      density, which we are using a surrogate for


      fractures.  And my view is that there are no good


      surrogates.  And bone mineral density is certainly


      not.  And the fact that there was no good


      relationship between bone mineral density and


      fracture doesn't mean anything to me.


                There are treatments that increase bone




      density, at the same time they increase risk of


      fractures.  That's just an illustration of how weak


      that is.


                So if you're going--what I'd like to do is


      to encourage you to use fractures as an outcome in


      your future studies, and not rely too much on bone




                The second comments relates to the whole


      issue about pregnancies.  And I was surprised to


      hear that there were 113 worldwide exposures.  And


      most of that information came from you.  And for


      107 of them, you have either "no adverse outcome"


      or "unknown."


                And that, to me, is terribly


      disappointing; that you're lumping the two--you're


      lumping the two, "no adverse outcome" and


      "unknown."  I mean, you should cut down the number


      of--first of all, you should separate that, and the


      unknown should be down to zero.


                DR. WALKER: I'm not sure I understand; 102




                DR. FURBERG: Pregnancies.




                DR. WALKER: We didn't have 102




                DR. STERN: Topical taz--that's what you




                DR. WALKER: We had eight pregnancies.


                DR. STERN: No, in topical tazarotene.


                DR. WALKER: You mean, yes--


                DR. FURBERG: What I'm reacting to is the


      fact that you are not doing more to eliminate the


      unknowns in your data base.  I mean, this is a


      critical issue for us to know.  And so I'm


      expressing--this is a comment.  I'm expressing my




                The question I have relates to


      hyperglycemia.  You had seven events.  And I just


      wonder whether the drug is causing diabetes--we


      didn't hear anything about that.  And, if so,


      whether that should be part of the labeling.


                And, second is: whether, if it has an


      effect on glycemia, whether it should be used in




                DR. WALKER: Okay.




                DR. FURBERG: That's my question.


                DR. WALKER: All right.  Number one, the


      pregnancies--those are spontaneous reports that


      come in.  WE actually track every report we can.


      But sometimes they come in, not from a doctor, not


      even from the person who's pregnant.  So we track


      them to the best of our ability, because they come


      in spontaneously in the field from multiple


      different sources.


                So, I agree that it's unsatisfactory, but


      with the systems that are in place for


      surveillance, we always do the best we can do, and


      we take those very seriously.  But, I agree,


      they're not to anyone's satisfaction.


                The second point, being the


      hyperglycemia--and I'd like to have a slide up so I


      can address that.




                There were seven cases of hyperglycemia,


      called an adverse event by the physician.  That is


      just what the physician determines to be an adverse


      event.  Those were in the double-blind studies--the




      048, 049P studies.  There were none in the placebo.


                But what I think is more important to look


      at is not the number of adverse events which were


      called that by the physician, but what the


      incidence of hyperglycemia was in the whole


      population.  Because I think it's just--the 2


      percent is not really real.


                If you look, the 14 percent of the


      patients--or almost 15 percent--had elevations of


      hyperglycemia in the tazarotene group; 18 percent


      in the placebo group.  So when you look across the


      population, you really didn't see that.


                DR. FURBERG: Well, I disagree with you on


      that.  I'm interested in the rare cases, where a


      drug may induce diabetes.  And I don't expect that


      to happen in everyone.  It's just a small group of


      people that are susceptible.  And you have seven to


      zero.  And I'm saying I'm not satisfied with you


      classifying them as "hyperglycemia."  I'd like to


      know more about those.  You should go back to the


      case records.


                Were those patients diagnosed as






                DR. WALKER: They were--


                DR. FURBERG: Started on treatment?  That's


      what I'm asking.


                DR. WALKER: Actually, the patients were


      diabetic.  They were on treatment, often because


      they come in for the labs fasting.  They do not


      take their hyperglycemic drugs.


                The patients--if you look at the


      scattergrams at all the time points, there are no


      differences between the groups.  And patients go up


      and down.


                So we didn't see any trend.  We didn't see


      any one-off's, we didn't see ones that popped up


      high.  So we did not see a signal.  All we saw were


      that some physicians--it turned out, seven


      physicians--called the hyperglycemia an adverse


      event.  When you have a laboratory abnormality, the


      investigator has a choice whether they call it an


      adverse event or not.  And in this case, they fell


      into the tazarotene group.


                We've looked very closely at the actual




      lab data and don't see that.


                DR. FURBERG: I wish you had presented


      those seven cases so we could--we could take a look


      at it.


                DR. WALKER: Okay.  And I don't have those


      seven broken out.


                DR. STERN: We're going to now end the


      question period, and go on to the questions to the




                So I'd like to thank Dr. Walker, because


      unless there is something extremely pressing, I


      think--you can now relax and enjoy--


                DR. WALKER: I'll be very--you know, there


      is one thing pressing.  I think that there's been a


      lot of discussion--


                DR. STERN: I'm sorry.  I'm going--I think


      I'll have to take the--we only have two hours left,


      and we have five questions, many of which have


      subsets; some of which are just for discussion,


      others of which are for a formal vote.


                The first question, which is two parts,


      the first part is:




                "Based on the information from the


      clinical studies conducted for tazarotene capsules,


      is there adequate demonstration of effectiveness


      for moderate to severe psoriasis?"


                This is for discussion.  And so I think


      what I'd like to do is go around the table, for


      people to make comments--or not, as they so


      choose--as to whether they believe the clinical


      studies presented here, and given to us, in fact


      show that this is a--quote-unquote--"effective for


      moderate to severe psoriasis."


                And, perhaps--Dr. Honein, could we start


      with you?  And a "pass" is fine.


                DR. HONEIN: I pass.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Furberg?


                DR. FURBERG: Yes, but effectiveness, for a


      chronic condition, you don't show in 12 weeks.  So


      its effectiveness--I would call it short-term.


                DR. KATZ: Not to parse words, like the


      famous "is"--what does "is" mean?




                But "effectiveness"--effectiveness or not?




      Yes, I think it's been demonstrated that the drug


      is more effective than placebo, for moderate to


      severe psoriasis.  Now, would you translate that to


      quote somebody as saying "it's an effective drug?"


      If you define effectiveness as better than placebo,


      I would modify my response by saying, it's better


      than placebo.


                DR. STERN: That sounds like a low pass.




                DR. KNUDSON: I'm going to echo what Dr.


      Katz said.  Yes, it is more effective than placebo,


      but that's about the best I can say.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Sellers?


                DR. SELLERS: I have problems also with the


      term "effectiveness."  I would say that it showed


      some efficacy.  But with the background materials


      that we were presented with other treatment


      modalities, it does not represent a significant


      advantage over currently marketed drugs.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Schmidt?


                DR. SCHMIDT: Yes, I agree.  But--and, of


      course, I'm looking at this through the filter of




      my clinical experience.  As I said before, I don't


      think any of these retinoids are just real start


      quality for plaque-type psoriasis.  But I would


      almost bet you a million dollars this is going to


      be great, you know, for other forms of psoriasis.


                And then the other thing that really is a


      mitigating factor for me, is the short half-life


      with this stuff.  I mean, to me, to have a


      retinoid, you know, that washes out of your system,


      and you potentially can give it to younger people


      for some of the sever acropustulotic-type


      psoriasis, I fell like, you know, this is going to


      be effective for us.


                DR. STERN: But we haven't seen any data on




                DR. SCHMIDT: No, I said--


                DR. STERN: Right.


                DR. SCHMIDT: --I've got this clinical--


                VOICE: Feeling?


                DR. SCHMIDT:  --feeling.




                But I agree with what was said.  What




      we've been presented--




                DR. STERN: Dr. Raimer.


                DR. RAIMER: Yes, I think I have to go on


      the side of being effective.  If you can see at


      least 20 percent of people clear or almost clear in


      12 weeks, I think you have to call that--for all


      the drugs we have for psoriasis, that's at least


      somewhat effective.


                DR. EPPS: I agree with the comments so


      far.  I agree I was a little disappointed with the


      20 to 30 percent, but it has shown more than




                DR. HOLMBOE: I agree, I think it's mostly


      an efficacy issue, not an effectiveness issue.


      Also, I'd like to make a couple other points.


                I think one caveat, in looking at this


      data, is we don't know the reliability and validity


      of this OLA tool.  And that worries me a bit.  And


      I would have liked to have seen more information


      about the tool used to score.


                However, that having been said, if you




      look at the number needed to treat, the number you


      need to see effect is seven to eight.  So you think


      when you look at some of the things we use in other


      conditions--putting aside for a moment our concerns


      about teratogenicity--that's not a bad number to


      treat.  So I think it has shown some efficacy


      related to placebo.


                MS. SHAPIRO: I think Eric's last point is


      compelling, and I will defer to the rest of you on




                DR. RINGEL: I basically agree.  I think


      without a valid--without an instrument that's been


      validated, without knowing exactly how this OLA was


      performed, and how reliable it is, it's very


      difficult to say if this is an effective drug.


                However, listening to the people


      presenting their data, and knowing how retinoids


      work in general, I would suspect that it probably


      is an effective drug.


                DR. STERN: I think the data suggests, at


      best, modest effectiveness.  In this clinical


      development program of 700 patients, and we saw the




      best photographs that--when I treat people with


      narrow-band UVB, would make me wonder about whether


      my lights were up to full power.


                DR. GARDNER:  I'll defer to my


      dermatologist colleagues.


                DR. WILKERSON: Yes, for efficacy.  And it


      fills--I think Dr. Schmidt's point is well taken,


      and something that hasn't been talked a whole lot


      about is that female bracket--who the other


      retinoids are out of the question for--this


      does--and I think that's the most compelling reason


      to approve this drug is for that niche of females


      who need a retinoid, who don't respond to any other


      therapy, and want to get pregnant in the future.


      Right now, that's really not a possibility with the


      others on the market right now.


                DR. DAY: Better than placebo; maybe better


      but can't tell, given the current level of data.


                DR. LEVIN: Yes, with all of the


      limitations that have been expressed by others.


                DR. STERN: Well, that was easy. [Laughs.]


                Now to the second part:




                "Is there adequate demonstration of


      efficacy for 'very severe' psoriasis?"


                And perhaps, Dr. Cook, can you quickly put


      up your slide that broke out--just to remind people


      that the proportion of individuals with "very


      severe" at baseline who cleared was not


      significantly, but was only in the placebo group,


      is my recollection.


                DR. COOK: Dr. Lee can put that up.


                DR. STERN: Oh--sorry.


                DR. COOK: No problem.






                DR. LEE: Here's the subgroup results of


      treatment success for the first study.  You take a


      look at the last row; basically break it down into


      baseline, disease severity.


                So the highlighted part--the very


      severe--there were a total, in the first study,


      only five patients enrolled.  And the two patients


      treated with tazarotene did not achieve treatment








                This is the result for the second study.


      And, again, the last row, a total of 10 patients


      enrolled in this study.  And four patients were


      treated with tazarotene.  And, again, none achieved


      treatment success.


                DR. STERN: Should we go around and start


      with Dr. Levin?


                DR. LEVIN: I would not see this as an


      approved indication.


                DR. DAY: And what question are you wanting


      us to comment on at this time?


                DR. STERN: Is there adequate demonstration


      of efficacy for--quote-unquote--"very severe"


      psoriasis.  That's why I had that slide put back




                DR. DAY: Right--because the indication


      is--for--I understand, but it does say "moderate


      and very severe."  So we're just commenting on


      "very severe."




                DR. STERN: That there is demonstration of




      efficacy for "very severe."  They went 0 for 6, I




                DR. DAY: I'm sorry.  Why don't you


      consider around this way, we'll come back.


                DR. WILKERSON: yes, the data is obvious.


      But I would point out that the metric here is--if


      you take somebody with 90 percent psoriasis, and


      they had to get almost to "clear" or almost clear,


      in the real world that rarely happens.  But that


      patient may very well have improved, you know, 60


      percent and still be happy with the results.


                So, yes, based upon the data--but I don't


      like the metric that we used in this particular


      study.  I don't think it's as flexible.  Even a


      POSI has its problems.


                But, as far as the data and the endpoints,


      the answer is no.  But in a clinical sense, it


      probably did make a lot of people a lot better.


      They just didn't hit that magic clearing point,


      which is probably unrealistic for somebody with


      very severe psoriasis in most cases, for any






                DR. GARDNER: I think the answer to the


      question is no, but I would have to defer to others


      about the subtleties.


                DR. STERN: I think the answer is no, and I


      think the reason it's important is: if it were


      labeled for "very severe" that would be a


      relatively unique labeling for psoriasis product,


      and it might well be that people went in with


      expectations--both doctors and patients--of a level


      of efficacy for the most severe cases, beyond which


      is supported by the data.


                So I think it's sort of part of keeping


      the prescribing playing field as level as one can,


      in terms of information that's in the insert.  And


      it certainly would restrict people from using it


      when they thought, "Gee, this


      person's--"--whatever, and might be susceptible.


                DR. RINGEL: I don't think I have anything


      to add.  No, I don't think that it's justified by


      the data.


                MS. SHAPIRO: I agree with Dr. Stern's






                DR. HOLMBOE: I agree with the above, and


      even if it had shown some efficacy, there wouldn't


      have been enough power here for me to be convinced


      one way to the other, given there's only a total of


      15 patients who had the "very severe" in both 048


      and 049.


                DR. EPPS: I agree also.  It would be hard


      to achieve minimal to no psoriasis within 12 weeks.


                DR. RAIMER: I agree.  No further comment.


                DR. SCHMIDT: No.


                DR. SELLERS: No.


                DR. KNUDSON: Also no.


                DR. KATZ: No.


                DR. FURBERG: Yes.


                DR. HONEIN: I agree, particularly with the


      power comments, for trying to assess this.


                DR. STERN: Gee, if it had gone 6-for-6,


      versus 0-for-7, I would have taken it.




                But I'm not a biostatistician.


                Ahh--the next questions also for


      discussion, are divided into two parts. They both




      have to do with "has the safety profile for this


      product been adequately assessed?"  And the first




                "Please provide discussion of the clinical


      and preclinical safety data, including comments on


      bone and liver abnormalities, hyperlipidemia and




                And the second is:


                "Please discuss any potential issues


      regarding long-term safety of oral tazarotene with


      repeated use."


                And I would ask everyone not to reiterate


      their concerns, which are on the record, but really


      to try to use the time to bring out something that


      they don't think either they or someone else has


      addressed for each of these two.


                DR. HONEIN: I'm concerned about the


      pregnancy rate that was observed in the clinical


      trials.  And I'm sort of not comforted by the


      explanation that they didn't do a thorough


      education campaign as part of the clinical trial,


      because I don't understand that--and even three or




      four years ago, how that would not be warranted.


                And the other issue with respect to the


      sort of off-label usage, just wondering if the plan


      to have multiple dosages of this is going to make


      it easier for off-label usage, or if there's


      another rationale.


                DR. FURBERG: For bone, there was a trend


      for fractures, which I think is more important than


      bone mineral density.  So, inadequate power to


      evaluate that possibility that this may be real.


                For hyperlipidemia, we didn't have a good


      discussion on that.  We didn't get good


      presentations on how many people had increases,


      exceeded the treatment guideline goals.


                And for teratogenicity, incomplete


      ascertainment.  We are missing information on known




                And so, overall, I would say the safety


      profile for the product is not adequately assessed.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Katz.


                DR. KATZ: The question being "Has it been


      adequately assessed?"--and I think it has been




      adequately assessed, given the time limit of 52


      weeks, as well as could be.


                However, the discussion of the safety data


      that my comments on bone is very worrisome.


      Everything's in the same direction: decreased bone


      density, patients' having symptoms of


      musculoskeletal symptoms, an alkaline


      phosphatase--all in the same direction.


                And these are the objective things.  These


      are not subject to double-blind , non-double-blind


      things.  These are the same.


                Liver abnormalities--I think we are


      reassured.  And hyperlipidemia would not bother me.


      First of all, it's a controllable problem.  We


      worry, as clinicians, about things that are not


      controllable, like increasing osteoporosis that you


      can't reverse.  But hyperlipidemia, if you get


      adequate lipid assessment--though the one case


      bothered me.  But that patient probably, in a


      clinical practice, wouldn't have happened because


      started with a high triglyceride and it kept going


      up.  And somehow the drug was continued.  The




      patient ended up with pancreatitis in the hospital.


      I mean, I can't imagine that that would happen in


      clinical practice.  And so that wouldn't bother me.


                And the teratogenicity is obvious bother.


      And we spent time discussing the limited--the risk




                As far as the second part, potential


      issues are bone--bone, which is paramount; and


      obviously the pregnancy in patients--unlike the


      Accutane, where we're concerned about this, people


      using it for 20 weeks.  People could be using it


      for a lot longer than 20 weeks with this.


                So that would be of great concern.


                DR. KNUDSON: I'm so glad that Dr. Katz


      comes before I do.




                He said it just beautifully, and


      articulated for me the things that I've been


      thinking.  Yes, I agree with him.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Sellers.


                DR. SELLERS: Yes. I just would reiterate


      again the problem with power.  When we design




      efficacy trials, we don't really have the best


      statistical sample for evaluating safety.


                Also problematic is the length of


      follow-up, and the demographics, again, because we


      have more males in the study than females.  And we


      wonder to what extent we're excluding populations


      that may be at risk for some of these observed


      effects that we're seeing.


                So I would say that the safety profile has


      not been adequately assessed.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Schmidt?


                DR. SCHMIDT: I think there's no doubt


      about the teratogenicity.  As far as the


      hyperlipidemia, I think that's been assessed.


                Liver abnormalities, to me--and liver


      chemistries--I hate to say it, but I don't do GGTs


      and some of these other things.  But I'm not going


      to--I feel like they have assessed that.


                And the only thing that's really


      troublesome to me is this bone.  I don't think


      that's been, you know, really assessed.  And it's


      unfortunate that, you know, musculoskeletal pain,




      and then bone pain--like in renal patients--to me


      is different.  You know, and I wish we had gotten


      more information on that to make--but I agree, I


      don't think we have the numbers for that.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Raimer.


                DR. RAIMER: Well, I think triglycerides


      could be a potential problem.  I don't necessarily


      think the drug is potentially raising the


      triglycerides too much, but 2 percent of the


      placebo patients had triglycerides over 500 to


      start with.  So I think the company was not


      planning to recommending any lab, but I think a


      screening triglyceride to prevent people from


      getting pancreatitis wouldn't be a bad idea.


                And maybe considering if somebody's on the


      drug for 12 months, recommending DEXA scans--at


      least for a while, to follow bone densities, until


      we're sure it's not going to be a problem--and


      numbers of fractures.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Epps?


                DR. EPPS: I agree that the--I don't


      believe it's been adequately assessed.  The only




      thing I would add to all the preceding comment is


      regarding the hyperlipidemia.  And, I guess, 41


      percent was the number that I did see at one time.


      And my concern, in young adults and, you


      know--people, young people who are living a long


      time with the disease, or with the potential to


      take this medication, really cardiovascular and


      long-term side effects, and whether or not those


      were seen.  And I didn't really hear much about




                DR. HOLMBOE: I agree with basically


      everything's that been said previously.  The only


      thing I would add is that I would encourage the


      sponsor to think about the way it's measuring some


      of its adverse events--getting back to Dr.


      Furberg's point of kind of these self-report


      things, without better clinical definitions of


      exactly what we're looking for, such as things like


      diabetes and other endpoints.


                MS. SHAPIRO: As a non-medical person I'd


      again defer to you on this, although what seems


      poignant to me, listening to you, is the length of




      time that this drug is potentially going to be


      taken, versus the drug we dealt with last time.


                DR. RINGEL: Likewise, I agree with the


      previous speakers.  The only points that I have


      that are different, first of all, has to do with


      the issue of semen.  I found--


                DR. STERN: We'll get to that.


                DR. RINGEL: Oh, I'm sorry.


                DR. STERN: We have questions about that


      later on.


                [Discussion off mike.]


                DR. RINGEL: I will save that.


                In that case, briefly, the alkaline


      phosphatase has been elevated and, intermittently,


      AST and GTT are elevated.  And, to my mind, it's


      probably from bone, but it could be from


      cholystasis, too.  I think it's unlikely, given


      what retinoids have done, which has usually been


      hepatocellular problems.  But I think that


      fractionating that alkaline phosphatase makes a


      whole lot of sense, and some sort of mandatory


      Phase 4 study, you know, fractures--at the very




      least--if not some other non-direct measurements of


      bone metabolism.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Garner?


                DR. GARDNER: Nothing to add.


                DR. WILKERSON: Well, as usual, I do.




                Yes, I think the side effects of this drug


      are manageable, but I think the package labeling


      should include recommended or suggested guidelines.


      I don't think this is a drug that should be put out


      there on the market--I mean, when we look at


      isotretinoin and how long it took to realize that


      it caused depression and some of the other, you


      know, adverse events.  I mean those are one in 20,


      one in 50,000-type events.  We need to be vigilant


      beyond spontaneous reporting.


                So, I don't think patients ever get upset


      about having some blood work drawn that protects


      them.  They get upset when things happen and we


      haven't been vigilant--whether the package labeling


      indicates so or not.


                So I think all these things are--we've




      been dealing with this for years, retinoid side


      effects.  They are easily dealt with with


      appropriate monitoring.


                DR. DAY: I agree with the previous


      speakers.  I wish more had been told to us about


      the possibility of an on-and-off course of


      treatment, because we don't know anything about the


      very, very long use of this product.


                DR. LEVIN: I guess I agree with the


      previous comments.  I just want to point out that


      what's being said here really makes Question 6


      extremely important, about additional studies, and


      would they be needed, prior to after approval.


                DR. STERN: We'll go on to one of two


      questions that we've be asked to vote on.  I guess


      this is sort of generally the question at these


      meetings, which is:


                "Give the safety and efficacy information,


      does the committee find a favorable balance of


      risks and benefits which would support approval of


      this drug?"


                And I think that means "at this time," on




      the basis of the information we have, since, as you


      pointed out, there's Question 6.


                And I'd like to take the opportunity to


      make a comment: is that unlike the sponsor, I


      believe that in deciding--one of the nice things


      about being only a special government employee for


      a day, is one has a greater latitude to think--as


      that trite phrase is--outside the box, or outside


      the box-labelings, in this case, and think about


      what happens to the public health when a new


      product--one's best estimate of what is likely to


      happen to the public health when a product is


      approved for a given indication.


                And, therefore, I think we have to think


      about how responsive we thought the sponsor was in


      terms of some of us who had concerns about


      off-label use, and minimization of that, in decided


      about benefits and risks from a societal


      perspective, and not as if this product would


      always be used within the indication.


                So that more global perspective--in the


      absence of more reassurance, either about dynamite




      efficacy for acne, or knowing about it very soon,


      or an extremely robust program to make sure it's


      not used widely in people at high risk for becoming


      pregnant, where there are alternative drugs that


      are at least, and perhaps more, effective for that


      indication with similar risks makes me vote no.


                Dr. Levin?


                DR. LEVIN: I would vote no, too.




                DR. WILKERSON: I would vote for approval


      of this drug, with monitoring, and a Phase 4.


                DR. GARDNER: I guess I would answer the


      question, no, but want more discussion about




                DR. RINGEL: This is a less toxic drug


      Soriatane, but the issue of teratogenicity and its


      effect of society, and everything we have learned


      from Accutane over the last 20 years is so


      compelling, that I would have to vote no at this


      time--until that issue is settled.


                MS. SHAPIRO: I guess I need clarity on the


      question.  Is this with a risk-management program




      that I still don't completely understand--or not?


                DR. STERN: Ahh--I think this is with the


      risk-management program--


                MS. SHAPIRO: That's been--


                DR. STERN:  --that one would presume, at


      the individual level, was of equal efficacy to that


      we hope will soon be in place for other retinoids.


                I think, in my deciding on that, I thought


      the risk per exposed individual of unintended


      exposure during pregnancy, correcting for that


      person's demographics, would be the same.  And my


      concern, really, is on the benefits side, where the


      teratogenic risk is, in a population sense, is in


      the acne population.  And I don't know if the


      benefit's equal.


                So--and my concern is that it will be


      largely--or to a large proportion--used with less


      benefit, with equal risk, which is the logic behind


      my vote.


                MS. SHAPIRO: But if the risk-management


      program were comprehensive enough, it might answer


      some of your off-label concerns.




                DR. STERN: No.  If you have two drugs,


      each of which has a risk your really worried


      about--let's say, two drugs that have a one in a


      thousand risk of instant death, and one of them


      works--and the risk of death is proportional to how


      long you're on it, or how many courses you have;


      and one requires more courses or a longer period of




                MS. SHAPIRO: Mm-hmm.


                DR. STERN: Even for that low risk, you


      wouldn't want the other drug on the market.


                MS. SHAPIRO: Right.


                DR. STERN: And that's the logic behind my




                MS. SHAPIRO: Okay.  With that, I abstain.


                DR. HOLMBOE: I don't feel I can answer the


      question at this time until I know exactly what the


      risk-management program is going to be, and what


      additional studies are planned.


                DR. EPPS: The question, given the safety


      and efficacy information presented--my vote is no.


                DR. RAIMER: I vote yes.




                DR. SCHMIDT: I vote yes.


                DR. SELLERS: Based on the overall public


      health benefit and burden, I vote no.


                DR. KNUDSON: I vote no, because there's


      too much unknown.


                DR. KATZ: Before my vote, I just want to


      say that, obviously, when it comes to efficacy, it


      works great--for some people.  The need is


      there--we agree.  And biologically, it's exciting.


                But it's not very efficient.  With the


      numbers we've seen, 17 percent--and then numbers


      were given, "patient satisfaction," 75 percent.


      Let's not forget about placebo of being 50 percent.


      So, with all the problems involved, and the low


      general efficacy, my vote would be no.


                DR. FURBERG: My view is mixed.  I think in


      a highly selected group, with a risk-management


      program, the drug may be okay.  But there's a lot


      of missing information that could open the


      indications more broadly.


                But I'm with Eric, that I think we need to


      hear a little bit more about what would be the




      risk-management program before I sort of finally


      support approval for a very limited indication.


                DR. HONEIN: Based on what's been presented


      so far, I'd vote no.


                DR. STERN: We need--Dr. Furberg, we need


      "yes," "no" or "abstain."


                DR. FURBERG: Abstain.


                DR. STERN: Now we get on to a three-part


      question, parts of which are for discussion, and


      the third part for a vote.


                "Allergan has submitted a


      risk-minimization--"--and, actually, I'd like to


      ask the FDA, since there has been substantial


      progress and evaluation of risk-management program


      since the original packet, whether they wanted to


      perhaps modify this question, in terms of parts A


      and B, since at least part B--it's my understanding


      that the sponsor is now going to require--proposing


      a requirement for all people to whom it's


      prescribed, independent of gender or risk of being


      pregnant.  And there's been other evolution.


                So do want to change A and B at all?  Or




      do you want us to still address them?


                DR. BULL: Well, I think in terms of


      general principles for a risk-management plan, I


      think we've heard a fairly consistent message from


      around the table that it would be--you'd like to


      see a consistent program across all the retinoids;


      and that the same kinds of risk management--given


      that there's high probability that this one is an


      equivalent teratogen to the other products that are


      currently marketed--I guess if there are any


      additional comments that are consistent with any


      other concerns that you want to be sure the agency


      attends to, maybe that might be the most useful to


      us for A and B.


                DR. STERN: Great.  Do you want to start,


      Dr. Levin?


                DR. LEVIN: I--what am I voting on?


                DR. STERN: As I understood Dr. Bull--and


      please correct if I'm wrong--that there's been a


      general sense, which is also my sense--that the


      committee--or many members of the committee have


      felt that a standardized program across teratogens




      [sic], however it best evolve, would be applicable


      to this agent, as well, if approved.  And I guess


      the question--the comments the FDA might like are


      any disagreement with that general principle, and


      any particular advice that's come out specifically


      at this meeting, and not revisiting the February


      meeting at all.


                DR. LEVIN: I would agree that, both from


      the perspective of reducing burden, and the


      opportunity for error, that standardization is


      sometimes a good thing.


                I would encourage the agency to talk to


      sponsors about the appropriateness of including


      indication for tracking how drugs are used, and not


      just relying on marketing data.


                DR. DAY:   Some standardization would be


      very helpful for the reasons that Dr. Levin has




                I can't tell enough about the materials in


      the briefing document about the risk-management


      program.  For example, there are different


      brochures for males and females.  And it could just




      be that males have less information, so some things


      are left out.  But we haven't discussed the other


      question, about the involvement in males, so this


      gets a little bit circular, to decide all of these




                So, in general, a general program that


      would be appropriate for all drugs in this class


      would be nice, but sponsors should be allowed to


      come forward with specific exceptions, given their


      product--such as the half-life in the body, and so


      on and so forth.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Wilkerson?


                DR. WILKERSON: Like I said before, I think


      the pan-retinoid form, from the practitioner's


      standpoint, is the best way to go with this, for


      lack of confusion, and just everything else in the


      market.  And then--you know, it's hammering out the


      details.  But to have seven or eight different


      renditions of managing these drugs, for


      practitioners is just a nightmare.


                As far as the indication being on the


      scrip, my only concern about that is since we do




      have to use drugs off-label many times, that it not


      become a means of an insurance company denying


      coverage for a drug that a patient needs because


      it's not--quote--"the FDA indication," which is a


      continual problem with insurance companies, is that


      they tend to cling to these indications when, in


      fact, we all know we use drugs off-label every day.


                DR. GARDNER: I think I'd like to pass on


      this until we get to the discussion of the male




                DR. STERN: Nothing to add?


                DR. GARDNER: Nothing to add at this time.


                DR. RINGEL: I'll pass, as well.


                MS. SHAPIRO: Nothing to add.


                DR. HOLMBOE: I would simply reiterate what


      Dr. Furberg had said earlier about some sort of


      feedback loop in this program.  There's a lot of


      monitoring activities that appear to built in, but


      there doesn't appear to be any feedback, particular


      to the practitioners.


                There is good evidence now in the health


      services research arena that feedback, particularly




      when it's physician-specific, can change behavior.


      And I think that would be really important to




                And I'd also like to see more active


      involvement on the part of patients.  There are


      also techniques, such as getting patients to write


      down a commitment to adhere to a program can also


      increase compliance rates.  And I think those


      should be considered as well.


                DR. EPPS: I like the idea of some kind of


      standardized program.  Currently, we have many


      different pamphlets and folders and things to


      distribute and have signed.


                The other issue--although that's admirable


      for patients to write things down, sometimes


      they'll put down what they think you want to hear.


      So, I mean, that's just being realistic.  And I'm


      sure the sponsor would go along with whatever FDA




                DR. RAIMER: I really don't have anything


      to add. I'm still not sure why we include males in


      a registry, but I do like the idea of having it




      standardized, however we do it.


                DR. SCHMIDT: I agree.


                DR. SELLERS: I agree with the previous


      comments, and I also strongly urge the use of


      indications within the risk-management program,


      because although clinicians and professionals are


      generally aware that off-label use occurs all the


      time, in many cases patients and consumers don't


      realize that the drugs they're being treated with


      have never been approved for the indications in


      which they're being treated.


                And so we'd like to have that information




                DR. KNUDSON: I'm extremely disappointed


      that after the February meeting we're still hung up


      on getting a standardized program.  I thought we


      had decided that there would be.


                I would like to urge the FDA to please


      find a way out of this patent problem.  There must


      be a way to solve that, and solve it fairly soon.


                DR. KATZ: I have nothing to add.


                DR. FURBERG: Nothing to add.




                DR. HONEIN: Nothing specific to add, but


      just to reiterate support for a standardize program


      that would be easier for all elements to follow.


      And I really do see a benefit of indication, and I


      don't know that there's a way this can be part of


      the registry without insurance companies' having


      access to it.  I would think privacy concerns might


      be able to get around some of this.  But I think it


      would be useful, both for the feedback to


      providers, and for evaluating the programs.


                DR. STERN: thank you.


                With the Executive Secretary's permission,


      the next thing is for a vote.  And it has to


      do--it's the question of: "Are the scientific and


      clinical uncertainties surrounding semen levels of


      Tazorac--the metabolite of Tazorac--a factor to be


      considered in tazarotene risk minimization?"


                And I don't know--is it possible to do 5,


      4 first, because that's really the factual basis.


                MS. TOPPER: You may.


                DR. STERN: So, why don't we do 5, which is


      the discussion basis for then voting--I think.




                So, Question 5, again, three parts, all


      for discussion:


                "How can FDA best address the potential


      clinical relevance of high tazarotenic acid levels


      in semen?  Options might include: A) further


      delineation of the potential risks (via


      consultation with teratogenicity experts,


      additional preclinical studies, etcetera); B)


      informing clinicians and patients of the finding


      and its uncertain clinical relevance; C)


      recommending precautions (such as the use of


      condoms) pending characterization of the potential




                And we're asked to "Please comment on


      whether further risk assessment should be done, and


      whether any cautionary language or recommendations


      should be made while additional risk assessment is




                Who would like to--Dr. Honein.


                DR. FURBERG: I'm for A, and I would like


      to add "D"--additional studies.  That's really what


      we need.  Right now we don't know the significance




      of the changes.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Katz?


                DR. KATZ: Well, why wouldn't these


      concerns be alleviated by just having a labeling,


      just like females can't get pregnant for one month,


      having males use the same precautions for a month


      afterwards.  So, in other words, having C cover




                Is that not feasible, or am I missing the




                DR. STERN: I don't know.  I mean, I--I'm


      no surer about this than I think I'm hearing you


      are about this.


                DR. KATZ: It's got to be--half-life is


      seven to 12 hours.  Do we--is it appropriate to ask


      if there's data on how--


                DR. STERN: Dr. Wilkin?


                DR. WILKIN: Yes, just--a point of


      explanation on the query here.


                One of the daily challenges that we have


      at FDA is taking some evidence of a potential risk,


      and then translating what we know into wording that




      goes into labeling.  And we're always trying to get


      it just right.  We don't want to over-warn, we


      don't want to under-warn.  If there's uncertainty,


      we need to convey that.  And even though it's a


      daily task, it always seems to be something that we


      need to spend a lot of time and a lot of thinking




                And I guess that's what we're asking you


      to share that piece with us.


                If we end up over-warning on this part,


      what we might end up with is labeling that said,


      you know, "You absolutely must--"--and if we don't


      have other pieces in the labeling, then women who


      otherwise had a pregnancy that was very highly


      desired, they may have this concern and have a


      termination based on really scary language.


                So I think that's--you know, we're trying


      to hear from the advisory committees, in this case,


      you know, the direction that we should pursue here.


                DR. KATZ:   I appreciate that comment.


      And, with that in mind, probably, either we


      should--if they have the data, we should see that




      again.  I know it was very lucidly given to us by


      the sponsor.  But perhaps we should see that data.


                I remember some astronomically small--one


      out of--


                DR. STERN: One in 5,000.


                DR. KATZ:  --5,000 number.  But from other


      toxicologic studies, can that ever be significant?


                So I think we would need to have more


      information before we answer that question--at


      least I would.  Maybe we could see the slide again,


      if anybody else would like to.


                DR. STERN: Why don't we see the slide that


      showed the 1 in 5,000--an FDA slide.


                DR. BROWN: My name is Paul Brown.  I'm


      acting pharm-tox supervisor in the Division of


      Dermatologic and Dental Drugs.  And we anticipated


      this question might come up, so we actually have a


      backup slide that addresses some of these issues.




                The slide you saw before had this


      information in it, and I believe that the total


      dose that could be achieved in semen--assuming




      worst-case scenario--would be about 831 ng, which


      about 1/5000th of a single 4.5 mg capsule dose.


                To try to put that in perspective with the


      teratogenicity studies, it's about 1/6000th of the


      highest oral dose that was not teratogenic in


      animals.  So that would be a no-AL.


                This last bullet just sort of goes over


      some of the uncertainty about that information;


      that, as Dr. Yao presented, the human may actually


      be a more sensitive species than some other




                So, looking at other retinoids, you see a


      ratio that might reduce that 1-to-6,000 to


      something else, and just using the numbers that are


      available for the other retinoids, you might reduce


      it to some of the numbers shown there.


                That's just based, again, on the


      literature and information with those other


      retinoids.  We don't know for tazarotenic acid.


                The other uncertainty, of course, is that


      the semen would be delivered by the vaginal route.


      The teratogenicity studies are oral studies, so we




      don't really know whether you could get greater


      exposure to the fetus from the vaginal route than


      through the oral route. There actually is some


      evidence in literature that that is possible; that


      you can get higher exposure in the uterus by the


      vaginal route compared to other routes.


                So, again, the margin of safety might be


      reduced even more, and it's just uncertain at this




                DR. STERN: Am I correct that the greatest


      concern would be, in fact, with exposure after


      implantation, essentially; or after fertilization


      by prior intercourse, as opposed to anything to


      do--some of it might be mitigated by some kind of a


      warning of using only--"If your partner becomes


      pregnant, then use a condom--"--as contra-logical s


      that may sound.




                DR. BROWN: Yes, I think there's


      two--[laughs]--I think there's two possible areas


      where there could be risk; either it's exposure


      initially, at conception--you know, what with the




      tazarotenic acid in the semen at that point; or


      repeat exposure later.


                And there are fertility studies that


      looked at teratogenicity when male animals were


      treated only, and they didn't really see a


      teratogenic signal at that point.  So I think the


      main focus has been exposure if there was repeated


      exposure, once a female's pregnant.


                DR. KATZ: Well, with that information, I


      would think, until any further data comes up, then


      we have to have some labeling as far as the male




                DR. KNUDSON: Well, A, B and C all seem


      very reasonable to me--plus D, as Dr. Furberg said.


      But I will defer to others.


                DR. SELLERS: It sounds like we have an


      incomplete risk analysis, and that further animal


      studies are necessary to understand what the dose


      is at the target, and what the effect of exposure


      duration may have.


                DR. SCHMIDT: I think this is a real sticky


      wicket, in the sense that one of those slides up




      there said that this was like 10 cc of semen.  And


      I don't want to belabor that point, but all I can


      say is, "What a man!"--you know?




                But--seriously--you know, these are such


      infinitesimal amounts, and I think that B,


      informing clinicians and patients of


      findings--[laughs]--this is--and findings, and its


      uncertain clinical relevance would be the thing


      that I would put down.


                I think that when you have 11,000, six


      times the lower the amount to produce in animals


      and this other stuff, I think this is something you


      are--you're going to create more problems.


                And I know why we did this is because of


      the problem with Accutane, and some of the


      teratogenicity. But I thought that was not really




                DR. RAIMER: I agree, at this point in time


      we seem to have no idea of whether it's a problem


      or not.  But just--I mean, you'd think, logically,


      it was in such small amounts that it's probably




      not, but we're not sure.


                So, I kind of hate to frighten people


      unnecessarily, but I think we ought to put that


      it's there, and that it's one-to-one with serum,


      which would be in the labeling.  But as far as


      specific recommendations, I'm not sure we should


      make them when we have no idea what we're doing.


                DR. EPPS: I agree--more information is


      needed. I think, in the industry information there


      was something about a mucosal plug.  Well, we don't


      know whether there's mucosal absorption.  Perhaps


      some studies could be done in that way to find out


      whether, you know, absorbed mucosally, because that


      would be an issue.


                And, I guess, the issue is: the continued


      exposure, whether there's repeated exposure.  It


      may not be a one-time issue.  It's an issue of


      whether it's a cumulative effect, or whether it's a


      one-time effect.  We just don't know.  And we need


      more information.


                DR. HOLMBOE: Just to argue for A, B and D.


                MS. SHAPIRO: It sounds like we need more






                DR. RINGEL: One thing to take into account


      is that we do recommend pregnancy tests for women


      who are using topical tazarotene, just as a--you


      know, just as round number, if somebody applies one


      ml of tazarotene to their face, they've got about 1


      mg topically.  And if we're looking at semen--just


      quick numbers here--it looks like it's about .0001


      mg in the semen, which seems awfully small.


                I guess what I would do is the same thing


      I do in my office when I don't know what I'm


      talking about, I usually just tell my patients, "I


      really don't know what I'm talking about."




                And we need to put down what we know in


      the package insert, and leave it to the patient's




                DR. STERN: I think Dr. Ringel is


      absolutely correct.  And going back to what Dr.


      Furberg--wouldn't it be nice and comforting if we


      had follow-up on those hundred-plus pregnancies


      during topical administration, where we'd have some




      idea of whether there was an extraordinarily


      low-level effect, and that would be very reassuring


      to us.


                And perhaps, in fact--if you'll pardon the


      pun--the route to go in terms of deciding whether


      this exposure was, in fact, one to be concerned


      about, since we know with the widespread topical


      use there are going to be a fair number of exposed


      pregnancies with the topical tazarotene,


                DR. GARDNER: I think I would vote in favor


      of generating more information about these


      subjects, and not in favor of anything that sounds


      like more recommendations on things that we can't


      monitor or enforce.


                I know you don't want to talk about the


      February meeting, but it does seem that we spent


      two days trying to understand why the contraceptive


      recommendations that were out there, in a known


      arena, may be problematic; and then to add that


      someone who's going to use this product for at


      least 52 weeks should also always use condoms seems


      to me to be an exercise in futility, especially on




      as little data as we have.


                So I would suggest that--I think someone


      said "A, B and D"--whatever we decided D is--but


      generating more information, or re-analyzing data


      that are there to shed light.


                Also, this doesn't exist in a vacuum.  We


      will be generating data from the risk-management


      programs of the retinoids as we go along anyway,


      and so this may appear as information we can use.


                DR. WILKERSON:  Well, my concern is--I


      mean, there's--what?--an approximately a 1 percent


      birth defect rate in the population?  Is that


      right, Dr. Honein?


                DR. HONEIN: About 3 percent.


                DR. WILKERSON: Oh, okay.  So--2 to 3.  As


      far as I know, no one's ever died from wearing a


      condom, except maybe unless they had an anaphylaxis


      from the latex or something.




                So--yeah, I don't see any problem in


      putting in the package labeling, that this is


      what's know, and the safe route is certainly to do






                I guess my other comment on this: I didn't


      see anything as far as morphologies, or sperm


      counts.  I mean, I'm assuming, like the rest of the


      retinoids, this did not have an issue as far as


      reducing those counts, or the morphologic


      appearance or functioning or anything of those




                VOICES: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


                DR. WILKERSON:  Oh, it's in the animal?


      Did I miss that one sentence?




                Okay.  And it did not, right?


                VOICES: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


                DR. WILKERSON:  Oh, it did.


                VOICES: [Off mike.] [Inaudible.]


                DR. WILKERSON: It's not a big deal?  Well,


      if you're a rat, it is.




                So, yes--with cautions.


                DR. DAY: A, B and D.


                DR. LEVIN: A, B and D.




                DR. STERN: Now we have to vote on 4.C--


      which we've already talked about--formally.


                So why don't we just go through.  And I


      think everyone's expressed their opinion.


                Is that right?  Do you need a formal vote


      on that particular question?


                MS. TOPPER: Yes.


                DR. STERN: So this question deals with--it


      has a lot of ambiguity, given the complexity of the


      question.  But people can say "yes," "no" or




                "Are the scientific and clinical


      uncertainties surrounding--


                DR. BULL: Unless there are other opinions


      that the committee would like to offer--


                DR. STERN: Oh, great.


                DR. BULL:  --we are--I think you all have


      given us, you know, very rich input on that


      issue--unless there are further comments.


                DR. WILKIN: Actually, several of the


      members mentioned "D" as one of the options.  So I


      hope that comes back up again--5.D--when you talk




      about 6; that is, what would the additional studies




                DR. STERN: So, with being granted a buy


      for good behavior [laughs]--or perhaps other than


      good behavior [laughs]--we'll now go on to Question


      6, which is, again, a discussion question.  And


      that is:


                "What additional studies are needed?  Are


      these studies needed before or after approval of


      the product?"


                And I think "studies" can be in the


      broadest sense of the word.


                Who would like to start with




                DR. LEVIN: What was the result of the vote


      on 3?  Which was approval?




                MS. TOPPER: There were four abstentions,


      three "yes" and nine "no."


                DR. LEVIN: Umm--as one of the "no's" I


      think I want to express what I really wanted to get


      to was 6.  I mean, the reason I voted no is because




      I think that there's a lot we don't know that we


      need to know.


                And so, two concerns: there's a lot we


      don't know that we need to know, and the devil's in


      the details of how we manage the risk of this


      particular product.


                So, I think, in general--yes, there's a


      lot more.  And I think we've talked about all of


      the missing pieces here.  So I think the FDA has


      heard--at least as far as I'm concerned--what needs


      to be done.


                DR. STERN: Yes.


                DR. DAY: Before, one of the people on the


      sponsor's side wanted to tell us about the


      risk-management program and it wasn't an


      appropriate time, but we haven't heard much about


      it.  And just having the list of all the things up


      there doesn't tell us.


                And there are a number of things that


      might be in the works for the risk-management plan,


      to see whether--for example, Dr. Walker talked


      several times about the knowledge test, to prove




      that the physician and the patient understand the


      risks and so on.  And I was wondering if there was


      going to be comprehension testing of the messages


      in advance, or not.


                And so there are things like this, which


      they already may have in their plan and so


      therefore I wouldn't suggest anything--but they


      might not.  Or, they might have it in a way that


      would be a good way to do it, or something else


      might be needed.


                So, in terms of general knowledge testing,


      we don't have enough information yet.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Wilkerson?




                I'm just going around, since I haven't


      seen a lot of hands, to make sure that everyone


      puts in their comments about additional studies.


                DR. WILKERSON: Well, probably a couple


      things.  One, I think there is an adequate data


      base to approve this drug.  I think there is a need


      in the market, and so I disagree.


                You know, I think there are issues, as




      there are always issues.  We always need more


      information.  But we have to draw a line.


                There is a critical need in the market for


      a retinoid to treat certain female patients,


      because the alternative that we have right now is


      basically a bigger risk that this drug is, in terms


      of pregnancy.  And I think to delay this approval,


      it is going to put a lot of people out there that


      need therapy in harm's way.


                But, in terms of additional studies,


      certainly the male side of it I think is the issue,


      and some of these other things.


                But, yes, I think sometimes we subject


      some of these drugs to more--far more scrutiny than


      what the drugs that are already on the market have


      been subjected to.  And if we sat and picked those


      apart also they would not be approved if we were


      applying the same criteria.


                DR. STERN: Dr. Gardner?


                DR. GARDNER: I agree with Dr. Wilkerson.


      I think that we tend to talk ourselves into a lot


      of pre-approval requirements that may, in fact, not




      be necessary or prudent.


                I would like to encourage that, as the FDA


      develops this--there are many questions that I have


      about the program that I think are pending


      discussions on the larger retinoid thing.  For


      example, we've talked a lot about how to make this


      feasible to do, and what happens with the lab


      tests--the lab-confirmed pregnancy tests--and some


      of things that we haven't heard get resolved.


                I'm sure that as this develops along,


      working with the FDA, they will resolve them.  If


      we could define a list of things that probably


      should be done sequentially with--or


      sorry--concurrently with approving a drug, if the


      dermatology community believes that it would a good


      addition, I think we should focus on that and see


      what needs to be done in order to supplement what


      we already have as data.


                DR. STERN: I think the study that's need


      is one that--where the company robustly


      demonstrates that they've figured out a way of


      putting this drug into the market, that it will be




      used, in fact, for its labeled indications, and not


      for other indications that are more--that have a


      prevalence of very high-risk individuals for


      pregnancy; and that they have--that they


      demonstrate that they have a way to do it, and that


      they have an ongoing study, in terms of really


      showing that that way that they're going to bring


      the drug to market will, in fact, be effective in


      having the drug used in the individuals for whom


      the benefit-risk ratio is likely to be the best one


      for a teratogen.


                DR. RINGEL: One thing I'd want to make


      sure is--that I haven't heard quite enough of--is


      that this is a better drug for two-thirds of the


      population than is Soriatane for the indication of


      psoriasis.  And I think that that's pretty clear.


                And the problem is that it's a horrendous


      drug for the other third of the population, who can


      get pregnant.  The one thing that needs to get


      done, as far as I'm concerned, before approval, is


      to solve that problem.


                In terms of the other issues, I think




      people are absolutely right; I mean, I'd like to


      see mandatory adverse event reporting for all


      medications, for serious adverse events.  But,


      unfortunately, that's not the policy of this




                I can't see singling out this particular


      drug.  I would love to see all of these things


      followed up.  But do I think this is worse than


      other things that have come out on the market?  I


      don't think so.  I really am concerned about the


      pregnancy issue.


                MS. SHAPIRO: I guess my biggest concern at


      the moment is Dr. Stern's.  So I would agree that


      if we can figure that out, that would relieve a lot


      of concerns.


                DR. HOLMBOE: Let me just add that if it


      does get in the marketplace, to make sure that the


      outcome measures put in place from the


      effectiveness analysis are robust, and that it will


      really be approached as an observational registry


      study to track a number of these metrics.


                DR. EPPS: I would be interested in more




      information and follow-up on the fractures; for


      example, do people have multiple fractures, what


      kind of trauma is associated or not associated.


                I would be interested in following up on


      some of the endocrine and other issues, whether


      they be thyroid or triglycerides.  Yes, they can be


      treated, but if a significant number of people get


      them, whether it's triglyceride of 500 or 750--I


      mean those are high.  I mean, serum looks cloudy at


      that point.  And that's something to be followed.


                Also, perhaps, more testing with the


      rabbits and mice, which seemed to have more data


      regarding this drug, when compared to the other


      drugs, as far as the lowest teratogenic dose.


      Maybe that's a good basis for a comparison--doing


      some trials regarding those.  I guess it was in one


      of the--oh--I guess it's Dr. Yao's information.


      Those would be two animals, perhaps, where trials


      could be done, and maybe some comparisons there for




                DR. RAIMER: I think most of our concerns


      have been expressed.  I have a little bit of a




      problem that we're basically not approving a drug,


      in part because we're worried it could be used for


      something that it hasn't been presented for.  I'm


      not sure that was our real purpose here.


                So, I do have a concern that we're doing




                DR. SCHMIDT: I, too, think that we should


      approve this drug, but I do think that if it is


      approved, that there are some studies, like the


      fractionating the alkaline phosphatase, the


      repeated checks on triglycerides--not just to not


      have any lab.


                And then this bone thing, to follow that


      out more than one year, on long-term studies.


                But I really think that there is a niche


      that we do not have a medication for, with some


      aspects of psoriasis, that we really do need this




                DR. SELLERS: I'd like to echo Dr. Stern's


      comments, and also mention that without some of


      these studies, we can't develop an adequate


      risk-management program.  The risk assessment for




      vaginal dose of the drug is critical for informing


      the risk-management program; also patient


      populations in which the drug is going to be


      used--and that is informed, whether we like it or


      not--by the off-label use.


                So I think that we need to look at the


      effects, in these drugs, in some of the


      sub-populations that weren't represented in the


      data that was given to us.


                DR. KNUDSEN: I have nothing to add. I


      think it's all been said.


                DR. KATZ: I agree with Dr. Raimer, that we


      shouldn't be concerned with off-label use.  After


      all, some of the drugs of choice in the past for


      certain diseases were used for years off-label;


      like methotrexate for psoriasis, dapsone for


      dermatitis hepatoformis.  So that's the


      responsibility of the physician and the patient,


      who's informed, that it's off-label use.


                My main concern is longer follow-up for


      the bony abnormalities, and the, really,


      efficacy--the low percentage of efficacy here.  We




      heard from two patients, in whom it was very


      efficacious.  But how about the other 17 out of


      20--statistically--where it wasn't equally


      efficacious, and they would be going through very


      expensive treatment that also exposes the female


      population to the obvious teratogenic effect.


                DR. FURBERG: I abstain, because I still


      have a problem coming down, and interpreting the




                I think I would be in favor of approval


      for a limited indication, if we could come up with


      a strict management program--under that condition.


                And if we do, I'd like to make it


      conditional upon a thorough evaluation, and a re-


      review in a about a year or two, to see whether the


      management program worked.


                We have had a lot of failures along the


      way.  But if we can set up a new, better system,


      and we can show, after a year or two, that it's


      working fine, then I'll be for opening the gates




                And while that is underway, I wish we




      could also get some additional long-term follow-up


      data on the patients we already have, or other ones


      that you may enroll; information on--as we talked


      about--failures; the metabolic effects on glucose,


      and lipids and so on.


                So--but I haven't really had--I'm not


      getting a sense that we have come up with a strict


      risk-management program that would be satisfactory


      to me.


                DR. HONEIN: Well, I think, despite the


      difficulties from a public health perspective, the


      most critical additional study to be done is to do


      the comparison of this drug with Accutane for acne,


      so that we know which one is better, and that data


      is available and published.  And if this is as good


      or better, then we could develop a risk-management


      program with that patient population in mind.  If


      the data is published that this is not as good,


      then I think off-label use would probably be


      minimal, and I'd have much less concern about this


      being approved for psoriasis.


                So I think that study is the absolutely




      critical additional study that I'd like the


      resources to be directed to.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                Dr. Wilkin, have we addressed all of the


      issues posed to the committee?  Or are there


      additional questions you'd like to pose to us?


                DR. WILKIN: I appreciate all the


      discussion.  I think you went beyond the






                --you added additional thoughts that we


      hadn't even thought to ask.  And so you certainly


      put an enormous amount of effort into reading the


      briefing documents, and thinking all this through.


                It will take us quite a while to go back


      over the transcripts and digest all of this.


                But we thank you very much.


                DR. STERN: Thank you.


                The meeting is adjourned.


                [Whereupon, at 4:23 p.m., the meeting was




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