FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION





































                        Thursday, June 10, 2004


                               8:03 a.m.








                        Holiday Inn Gaithersburg

                              The Ballroom

                     Two Montgomery Village Avenue

                         Gaithersburg, Maryland




      Vernon Chinchilli, Ph.D., Acting Chair

      Shalini Jain, PA-C, MBA, Executive Secretary




                Carolyn M. Kercsmar, M.D.

                Fernando D. Martinez, M.D.

                Theodore F. Reiss, M.D. (Industry Rep)

                Michael Schatz M.D., M.S.

                Karen S. Schell, RRT, (Consumer Rep)

                Erik R. Swenson, M.D.




                T. Prescott Atkinson, M.D., Ph.D.

                I. Marc Moss, M.D.

                Wayne Mitchell, M.D.



                            C O N T E N T S




      Call to Order and Opening Remarks:

                Vernon Chinchilli, Ph.D.                         5


      Introductions                                              6


      Conflict of Interest Statement:

                Shalini Jain, PA-C, MBA                          7


      Opening Remarks:

                Robert Meyer, M.D.                              10


      History of the Montreal Protocol and 21 CFR 2.125         13


      Medical Considerations:

                Eugene Sullivan, M.D.                           40


      Economic Considerations:

                Randall Lutter, Ph.D.                           60


      Questions from the Committee to the Speakers              76


      Open Public Hearing (1)

                Pamela Wexler, U.S. Stakeholders Group          93

                Elaine Jones, Ph.D. GlaxoSmithKline            104

                Ron Garutti, M.D., Schering-Plough             119


      Open Public Hearing (2)

                Ballard Jamieson, Jr., International           143

                  Pharmaceutical Aerosol Consortium

                Neil Flanzraich, IVAX Corporation              149

                Richard Rozek, Ph.D., National Economic        162

                  Research Associates

                David Doniger, Natural Resources               172

                  Defense Council

                Joseph Rau, M.D., American Association         181

                  for Respiratory Care

                Jodi Finder, Asthma Therapy Coalition          183

                Steven Bernhardt, M.D.,                        190

                  Honeywell Chemicals



                      C O N T E N T S (Continued)


      Open Public Hearing (2) (Continued)

                Nancy Sander, Allergy and Asthma Network       193

                  Mothers of Asthmatics

                Anthony Marinelli, M.D., American              198

                  Thoracic Society

                Ira Finegold, M.D., College of Allergy,        203

                  Asthma and Immunology

                Spenser Atwater, M.D., Joint Council on        207

                  Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

                 (statement read by Ms. Jain)


      Committee Discussion                                     211


      Adjournement                                             282




                         P R O C E E D I N G S


                   Call to Order and Opening Remarks


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Good morning, everyone.


      This is a meeting of the Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs


      Advisory Committee.  We are here today to discuss


      whether the use of chorofluorocarbons as


      propellants in albuterol-metered dose inhalers in


      no longer an essential use under the criteria as


      set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations 12 CFR




                My name is Vern Chinchilli.  I am the


      Acting Chair today for the committee.  So we will


      have some opening remarks.  The first thing I


      usually do is introduce--I will ask each committee


      member--we will go around the table--to introduce


      themselves.  Please make sure you hit the


      microphone button so it is on.


                Why don't we start with Dr. Reiss.  Oh; he


      is not here?  Dr. Atkinson?


                DR. ATKINSON:  I am Prescott Atkinson,


      Allergy and Immunology at University of Alabama in






                DR. SCHELL:  Karen Schell, Consumer


      Representative from Kansas.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I am Fernando Martinez from


      the Arizona Respiratory Center, University of




                DR. SCHATZ:  I am Michael Schatz, Allergy


      and Immunology, Kaiser Permanent, San Diego.


                DR. KERCSMAR:  Carolyn Kercsmar, pediatric


      pulmonology, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital


      in Cleveland.


                DR. MOSS:  Mark Moss, Pulmonary and


      Critical Care, Emory University in Atlanta,




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Vern Chinchilli.  I am a


      biostatistician from the Penn State Hershey Medical




                MS. JAIN:  Shalini Jain, Exec Sec, Acting,


      and, at this point, for this meeting for the


      Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee.


                DR. SWENSON:  Erik Swenson, Pulmonary and


      Critical Care Medicine at the University of


      Washington in Seattle.




                DR. LUTTER:  Randy Lutter, Economics, with


      the Office of the Commissioner in FDA.


                DR. MITCHELL:  Wayne Mitchell, Office of


      Regulatory Policy in the Center for Drug Evaluation


      and Research.  I am the draftsman on the rule.


                DR. SULLIVAN:  I am Gene Sullivan.  I am


      the Deputy Director of the Division of Pulmonary


      and Allergy Drug Products at FDA.


                DR. MEYER:  I am Bob Meyer.  I am the


      Director of the Office of Drug Evaluation II in the


      Center for Drugs at FDA.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, everyone, for




                Next, Shalini Jain will talk about the


      Conflict of Interest Statement.


                     Conflict of Interest Statement


                MS. JAIN:  The following statement


      addresses the issue of conflict of interest with


      respect to this meeting and is made part of the


      record to preclude even the appearance of such at


      this meeting.


                Based on the agenda, it has been




      determined that the topics of today's meeting are


      issues of broad applicability and there are no


      products being approved at this meeting.  Unlike


      issues before a committee in which a particular


      product is discussed, issues of broader


      applicability involve many industrial sponsors and


      academic institutions.  All special government


      employees have been screened for their financial


      interests as they may apply to the general topic at




                Because there has been reported interest


      in pharmaceutical companies, the Food and Drug


      Administration has granted general-matters waivers


      to the special government employees who require a


      waiver under Title 18, United States Code Section


      208 which permits them to participate in today's




                A copy of the waiver statement may be


      obtained by submitting a written request to the


      agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


      of the Parklawn Building.  Because general topics


      impact so many entities, it is not prudent to




      recite all potential conflicts of interest as they


      apply to each member, consultant and guest speaker.


                FDA acknowledges that there may be


      potential conflicts of interest but, because of the


      general nature of the discussion before the


      committee, the potential conflicts are mitigated.


      With respect to FDA's invited industry


      representative, we would like to disclose that Dr.


      Theodore Reiss is participating in this meeting as


      an industry representative acting on behalf of


      regulated industry.  Dr. Reiss is employed by




                In the event that the discussion involves


      any other products or firms not already on the


      agenda for which an FDA participant has a financial


      interest, the participants are aware of the need to


      exclude themselves from such involvement and their


      exclusion will be noted for the record.


                With respect to all other participants, we


      ask, in the interest of fairness, that they address


      any current or previous financial involvement with


      any firm whose products they may wish to comment






                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Ms. Jain.


                We are ready to start the regular part of


      the agenda.  Dr. Meyer, the Director of the Office


      of Drug Evaluation II, will have some opening




                            Opening Remarks


                DR. MEYER:  Good morning.  Although I


      service Director of the Office of Drug Evaluation


      II in the Center for Drugs, I, for many years,


      served for the Center Lead on issues related to the


      Montreal protocol and phase-out of CFCs from


      FDA-regulated medical products, specifically MDIs


      for asthma and COPD.


                So, on behalf of the FDA, I wish to


      welcome all the participants in today's meeting of


      the Pulmonary and Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee.


      I want to thank you in advance for your time and


      your efforts and your thoughtfulness in your


      discussions and advice.


                When we were originally planning this




      meeting, we had hoped the meeting would coincide


      with the open public comment period of a proposed


      rule to delist albuterol as an essential use of


      ozone-depleting substances, specifically CFCs.


      This is now, indeed, the case although the rule


      just went on display at the Federal Register and,


      subsequently, on our web page yesterday afternoon.


      I believe you have been provided copies.


                I would point out that, although the


      proposed rule  is posted on these sites, it is not


      officially published until June 16 so what you have


      in hand is a pre-publication version that means


      some dates are missing and the pagination will


      change when it is officially published in the


      Federal Register.


                I would also point out that the six-day


      comment period starts on the day of official


      publication which will be June 16 although,


      clearly, the discussions today will be considered


      as part of the docket for us to consider in coming


      to the final rule.


                We particularly look foreword today to




      input from the public in our public hearing portion


      of the meeting and I thank those individuals and


      organizations who are presenting or have otherwise


      submitted materials for the record.


                All of the presentations, submissions and


      the deliberations of the committee and advice given


      today will be entered into the docket, as I said,


      and will help us to move forward towards finalizing


      this rule with a target of Summer of 2005.


                I would note to the committee that we are


      not seeking any formal votes today on a particular


      question but do, very much, seek your counsel on


      the matter at hand whether the use of CFCs in


      albuterol metered-dose inhalers remains an


      essential use under the provisions of our




                We will have three speakers from the FDA


      today.  I will first speak, giving a history of the


      Montreal Protocol and FDA's regulations regarding


      essential use of CFCs.  Dr. Eugene Sullivan, from


      the Division of Pulmonary and Allergy Drug


      Products, will then follow with considerations




      related to the current situation with albuterol and


      its essentiality as well as some related issues.


                To close FDA's presentations, Randy


      Lutter, who is FDA's Chief Economist in the Office


      of Planning, will speak on economic considerations


      related to the potential for delisting albuterol as


      an essential use.


                Again, we would like to thank you for your


      time in being here and look forward to today's




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Meyer.


                I believe you are on the agenda next for


      your presentation.


           History of the Montreal Protocol and 21 CFR 1.125


                DR. MEYER:  Good morning, again, from this


      venue.  When I arrived at the agency about ten


      years ago this July, I can assure you that I never


      envisioned I would be standing here representing


      the FDA on the issue of ozone protections.  As a


      pulmonologist, it was not something that entered my


      mind at that point.


                But life is full of happy occurrences. 




      This picture on my title slide is from NASA's web


      page and shows the largest recorded ozone hole over


      the Antarctic which actually was shot last


      September of 2003.  This serves as a fitting


      graphic to start a talk on the history of the


      Montreal Protocol as well as the FDA regulations


      that related to chlorofluorocarbons and


      ozone-depleting substances.


                The stratosphere is a region of the


      earth's atmosphere that begins roughly ten to


      fifteen kilometers above the earth's surface,


      depending on the particular part of the earth one


      is focused on, and extends up to 50 kilometers.


      Most of the ozone, over 90 percent of the ozone, in


      the atmosphere is in this stratosphere where it


      acts, in part, to filter ultraviolet B radiation by


      absorbing this band of wave length from sunlight.


                Increases in UV-B reaching the earth's


      surface are detrimental to human health in a number


      of ways as well as to other life forms and to


      synthetic materials.  The human consequences of


      most note are increases in skin cancer as well as




      cataracts and alterations in immunity.  Those skin


      cancers are both of the melanoma type as well as




                This, then, is the background as to why


      there is a worry about protecting the ozone layer.


      Also, by way of background, since we are talking


      about regulations, I would like to explain how


      rules are made.  The FDA operates under laws or


      statutes, most notably the Food, Drug and Cosmetic


      Act, as well as other statutes.


                However, no matter how well written or


      detailed a law may be, it cannot provide sufficient


      detail to inform the specific process of


      regulation.  This is accomplished by the writing of


      rules which, when finalized, have the force of law


      behind them as it represents the agency's


      implementation of the respective law that we are


      operating under.


                The usual pathway for reaching a final


      regulation or rule is by what is called Notice and


      Comment Rulemaking.  Formally, that involves the


      FDA publishing a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, or




      NPR, in the Federal Register such as will shortly


      occur for albuterol.


                An NPR typically has a comment period


      between 60 and 90 days--again, that, for the rule


      at hand is 60 days beginning on June 16--during


      which time comments from the public, including the


      regulated industry, are solicited.  These comments


      are then individually considered and addressed in


      reaching a final rule.  Rulemaking is an integral


      part of the CFC non-essentiality determinations.  I


      will speak more on this later.


                The purpose of my talk, then, this


      morning, is to give a history and background of the


      Montreal Protocol and to FDA's regulations with


      regard to ozone protection.  The timeframes for


      these, as they developed, overlap and, obviously,


      the efforts intersect.  So I will interweave the


      two topics in my talk.


                Back in the mid-1970s, two scientists


      operating out of trial University of California at


      Irvine posited that chlorofluorocarbons were


      reaching the stratosphere were UV radiation slowly




      would cleave off the chloride atoms that, in turn,


      catalyze the destruction of ozone.  This work was


      by Molina and Rowland, who later was awarded the


      Nobel Prize.


                At the time that this article came out,


      chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, were ubiquitous in


      use in multiple applications.  They became


      widespread for a number of reasons.  Amongst these


      were that CFCs are quite non-toxic which,


      parenthetically, makes them excellent for use in


      inhalers, very stable and had physical-chemical


      properties that were advantageous for use in


      refrigerant systems, air conditioners and aerosols.


                The stability of these gasses is, in part,


      why they are so devastating to the stratosphere.


      They have a very long half-life when they reach the


      stratosphere and, therefore, damage the ozone layer


      for many, many years.


                In 1978, really in a fairly remarkably


      short time after the seminal publication by Rowland


      and Molina, the U.S. Government acted to address


      the issue of CFCs and to place a general ban on the




      use of CFCs as propellants in consumer aerosol


      products.  This was accompanied by a rule from FDA


      in the relevant chapter of the Code of Federal


      Regulations or what we call the CFR, and that, for


      the FDA, is the 21st Chapter, banning the use of


      CFCs in all regulate products except for those


      deemed as essential uses.


                This rule is now called 2.125 because that


      is the citation where it is published.  That is how


      we will be referring to it throughout much of the


      day.  Notably exempt  at that time were broad


      classes of asthma and allergy products such as a


      nasal steroids, the inhaled steroids, and


      adrenergic bronchodilators.


                In 1987, as the science of ozone depletion


      advanced and as there was further evidence


      accumulated about ozone reductions, a global treaty


      known as the Montreal Protocol on substances that


      deplete the ozone layer was initiated.  At that


      time, 27 nations, including the USA, were




                I would note, just to make this topical to




      sort of current events, that this was during the


      latter years of the Reagan Administration.  The


      original protocol now has at least 184 signatory


      countries.  As of the time that I queried the web


      page for the Secretariat of the Ozone Efforts about


      a month, it was 184 countries.  Countries are also


      called parties under the terms of the protocol.


                This is widely considered a successful


      example of global, environmental cooperation.


      Indeed, there is evidence that the chloride levels


      in the stratosphere have stabilized in recent years


      and it is expected that the stratospheric ozone


      layer will slowly recover to levels that were seen


      in the early 1980s by the middle part of this


      current century.


                The original phase-out of CFCs was slated


      for the Year 2000.  That was taken in London in


      1990.  This was moved up, however, by meeting of


      the parties in Copenhagen which occurred in 1992.


      It was moved up to 1995, at the end of '95, because


      of increasing evidence of marked ozone depletion,


      particularly over the extreme southern hemisphere,




      as you saw in my first slide.


                This phenomenon is commonly called an


      ozone hole.  It is not really a true hole but an


      area of extreme depletion.  I should point out


      that, although it is a depletion that is


      particularly prominent over the southern


      hemisphere, it has occurred globally.


                I should also point out that, while we are


      focussing on CFCs today because that is the


      relevant topic for the FDA, the protocol, itself,


      has controls on many other ozone-depleting


      substances such as halons, HCFCs, methylbromide,


      carbon tetrachloride and other substances.


                So, while the CFCs are an important issue


      to FDA and, indeed, to the Montreal Protocol, I do


      want to be clear that the protocol is a much


      broader effort in scope than simply the




                In accordance with the Copenhagen


      Amendment to the protocol, the production and


      importation of CFCs became illegal in economically


      developed countries including the United States as




      of January 1, 1996.  The rest of the world is


      expected to have phased out new CFCs by 2010.


      Metered-dose inhalers, or MDIs, for asthma and COPD


      are currently considered as potentially acceptable


      essential uses of CFCs.  I say potentially


      acceptable because there is a nomination process


      that parties undergo if they want to produce or


      import CFCs for use in MDIs.


                These nominations have to be done annually


      and the process generally begins nearly two years


      prior to the year in question.  So, for instance,


      the U.S. had to submit its nomination for 2006 in


      early 2004.


                I would also point out that nominations


      are historically approved by consensus of the


      parties to the Montreal Protocol but, actually, if


      the consensus process fails, there is a mechanism


      within the protocol to default to a two-thirds


      majority decision.


                I wanted to go through sort of how the


      protocol has evolved over time  This is a decision


      of the parties from the Copenhagen meeting. 




      Decision IV, or this IV, means that it was from the


      fourth meeting of the parties and it was the 25th


      decision taken at that meeting.  This was the


      definition at the time that they decided the


      phase-out would begin on January 1, 1996, or the


      ban on CFCs, that stated that, "All essential uses


      of CFCs would have to be based on products being


      necessary for public health and that there were not


      adequate alternatives."  The failure to have


      adequate alternatives could either be based on


      technical problems or economical problems.


                But this was macroscopic in terms of both


      this determination as well as the general use.  In


      other words, it was widely accepted at that point


      in general that the uses of CFCs and MDIs for


      asthma and COPD could be considered an essential




                However, over time, the protocol evolved


      so that, as the phase-out progressed, as


      alternatives became available, this sort of more


      generally and broad interpretation of what was an


      essential use became narrower and narrower in






                In Beijing, at the twelve meeting of the


      parties in the Year 2000, another decision was


      taken that said that any product approved after


      December, 2000, must individually meet these


      criteria for essentiality under Decision IV-25.


      So, in other words, it is not just a general


      consensus any longer that the use of CFCs for


      asthma and COPD was acceptable but, in this case,


      any new product would have to individually meet




                So this was a product-centered


      determination of essentiality that essentially


      precluded new CFC generics and, actually, many


      other new CFC products.  It essentially was


      shutting the door, for all intents and purposes,


      except under extraordinary circumstances for any


      new CFC MDIs.


                This past year, in Nairobi, a further


      decision was taken by the parties that became even


      more narrow and specific in scope.  It stated that


      essential-use nominations from parties which, in




      the past, had been lumped and general and not


      parsed out for the purposes of the protocol's


      evaluation, or the Montreal Protocol evaluation.


                Now it stated that essential-use


      nominations have to be specific; for example, a


      country might say they need some


      undetermined--well, they would have to give a


      specific number, but some number of tons for


      albuterol.  No quantity of essential-use CFCs would


      be authorized for albuterol.  This is, I think,


      particularly germane today--that no quantity of


      essential uses of CFCs would be authorized,


      period--actually, this is a little bit of a


      misstatement in the way this is terms--if a country


      does not submit to the meetings of the


      party--beginning of the open-ended working group,


      excuse me, in the summer of 2005--a clear plan for


      when albuterol, specifically, would no longer be




                Let me go through that again, because this


      is key.  Countries who request essential uses,


      including the United States, will have to submit to




      the Ozone Secretariat of the Open-Ended Working


      Group in the summer of 2005 a plan or a


      date-certain for when albuterol will no longer be


      considered essential. If parties fail to do that,


      including the U.S., we will not receive and


      essential-use allocation at all.


                Now, turning a little bit from the


      evolution of the Montreal Protocol back to our


      rules and regulations, the Clean Air Act Amendments


      of 1990 codified the Montreal Protocol into U.S.


      law.  The implementing EPA regulations specifically


      call for FDA to define what is an essential medical


      use and refers to our 2.125 as the source of the


      listing of those essential products.


                I remind you, however, that 1.125 was


      finalized before the Montreal Protocol existed and


      before the Clean Air Act Amendments.


                The rule, as promulgated in 1978, stated


      that a  CFC-containing product regulated by FDA was


      misbranded or adulterated under the FD&C Act; that


      is, it would be illegal under our authority unless


      deemed essential and listed in 2.125.  The




      definition of essential was that there would be no


      technically feasible alternatives; that the use of


      CFCs in that particular product provided


      substantial health, public or environmental


      benefit; and that the release of the CFC was small


      or justified given the public-health benefit.


                Notably, the FDA rule had no mechanism to


      determine when things were no longer essential and,


      therefore, to delist them.  It did have ways to add


      new classes of drugs to the list and, in fact, that


      was done over the years.  But it had no specified


      way for delisting things.


                Another important feature of the rule that


      needed to be correct is that many drugs, including


      albuterol, were not specifically mentioned as


      essential uses but, rather, there were broad


      definitions of drug classes, if you will, such as


      albuterol and other beta-agonists being under the


      general term of adrenergic bronchodilators for


      human use.


                So, realizing that we needed to correct


      some things about this rule that was written prior




      to the Montreal Protocol and the Clean Air Act, and


      specifically to develop a mechanism for delisting


      things that were no longer essential, FDA, in 1996,


      undertook revisions.  Because of wanting to do


      these revisions in the very most public and


      informed manner, the FDA took an additional step to


      the steps that I gave you earlier for the


      publication of a rule, doing something called an


      Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which,


      actually, starts with another cycle of notice and




                This effort proved very successful if


      measured by the number of comments.  We got close


      to 10,000 comments to this Advance Notice of


      Proposed Rulemaking, many of which, I would point


      out, were actually patient-based comments sparked


      by lobbying efforts.


                We then took all 10,000 comments and


      reviewed them and responded to them.  I would note


      that there were many fewer substantive comments but


      still all of the comments were carefully reviewed


      and considered.  That resulted in the publication




      of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in 1999.


                That proved to be less controversial in


      many ways and it received many fewer substantive


      comments and comments overall and, as I said, had


      seemingly much less controversy.  So FDA moved


      forward with amending 2.125 in July of 2002 and


      this went into effect six months later.


                The 2002 revisions did a number of things.


      First of all, it listed essential uses as


      individual moieties.  I would point out that, to


      coincide more correctly with the Montreal Protocol,


      it no longer referred simply to chlorofluorocarbons


      but to ozone-depleting substances.  But, for the


      purposes of today and for all intents and purposes,


      most of FDA's activities, you can consider ODS, or


      ozone-depleting substances, as being synonymous


      with CFCs in terms of this discussion.


                So, for instance, albuterol is now


      separately listed rather than there just being a


      broad class without any citation of individual




                The revisions also added a higher hurdle




      for investigational new drugs to be developed with


      CFCs and it raised the bar for new listings of


      essential uses as well.  There was also a list of


      criteria, importantly for today, for determining


      when individual uses were no longer considered




                One other revision I would point out that


      is not on this slide was that we shifted the rule,


      because of the re-write of the Clean Air Act, to


      state that if something was no longer essential, it


      would be considered illegal to market it under the


      Clean Air Act and not under the Food, Drug and


      Cosmetic Act.


                Let me go through these important


      nonessentiality criteria.  I would point out that


      Dr. Sullivan will revisit these in his talk


      specific to albuterol, but I think they are worth


      hearing a couple of times.


                For a specific moiety to be considered


      nonessential, there would have to be at least one


      non-ozone-depleting-substance product--in other


      words, a non-CFC product--with that same active




      moiety, and here I am only talking about a moiety


      where there is only one marketed-brand product or


      one marketing strength, so, at least one active


      moiety with the same indications, same route of


      administration--in other words, oral albuterol


      would not be considered an alternative under these


      criteria--and about the same level of convenience.


                We stated in the preamble to the final


      rule that, although dry-powdered inhalers might fit


      this description, we felt that MDIs would most


      neatly do so and, I think, most logically do so.


                In addition to this, these alternatives


      would have to have adequate postmarketing data to


      prove that they are not only safe and effective for


      approval purposes but will serve as an adequate


      alternative in the marketplace.  Importantly, there


      would have to be production capabilities and


      supplies that are adequate to meet the needs of


      patients who depend on the use of this moiety for


      the treatment of their asthma or COPD and patients


      who require the CFC product are adequately served.


                I would state, and I am sure that Gene




      will bring this up as well, that, under the


      considerations for adequately served, is the issue


      of price in that--not so much whether there will be


      any impact on the price to the patients but will


      patients be disaffected or unable to get the


      medicine if there is a price differential.


                We didn't build that in as an explicit


      consideration, the cost issue, but it was mentioned


      in the preamble because many of the comments to the


      ANPR and to the PR as we developed this re-write of


      2.125, brought up the issue of affordability.


                Now, specific to albuterol which


      has--actually, this should say one branded product


      available and three generics marketed--for moieties


      with more than one available product or strength


      such as albuterol, you would need at least two


      non-ozone-depleting-substance products with the


      same active moiety, the same indication, route of


      administration, about the same level of


      convenience, and the other criteria were the same.


                So, in other words, if the moiety was


      represented in the marketplace by different




      strengths or different numbers of products from


      different manufacturers, we felt it important that


      there be sort of at least--if not a full match to


      the range, at least alternatives that represented


      some choice.


                Let me just show you, to wrap up this


      background, where all this has led over time.  This


      is a graph of the global situation for CFC


      essential uses.  Let me go through the two lines


      here.  This is 1996.  The open space is actually


      the year, not the hatch mark, so we go from 1996


      out to 2006 on the X axis.  On the Y axis, we are


      talking about metric tons.  A metric ton is 2200


      pounds, so these are metric tons of total CFC used


      for essential-use allowances in these developed




                The red line is the amount that was


      exempted--in other words, the amount that was


      nominated and approved by the parties.  The blue


      line is the amount that was actually used over


      time.  The green line is the stockpiles.  So these


      are the amounts held by the countries that don't




      represent new production.


                You can see that the peak of the use


      worldwide, or at least in these developed countries


      that were putting in essential uses, was just about


      9,000 metric tons occurring in the 1997-1998 range.


      This has fallen by 2003 down to just a little bit


      over 4,000 tons.  One would project from the amount


      nominated, which generally has been historically


      higher than the amounts actually used, that this


      will further fall in the coming two years rather


      dramatically.  So the amounts nominated in 2006 are


      down below 3,000 metric tons.


                I apologize for this being a little harder


      to see.  I could not manipulate this as easily as


      the last one.  But this is the situation for the


      United States, itself.  Again, this is metric tons


      per year on the Y axis, years on the X axis.  I


      know that will be very difficult for people in the


      audience to see but the main point here is this is


      the blue line, which is the amount used for


      metered-dose inhalers in the United States.


                You can see, for the most part, that it




      has been reasonable stable from the


      pre-Montreal-Protocol years through the time period


      of the Montreal Protocol, although there was a


      rather substantial fall in the last couple of


      years--this goes out to 2002--at which time the


      total use was just a little bit over 1500 metric


      tons in the United States.  I would point out that


      the use for albuterol is a substantial portion of


      the United States nomination.


                Let me also now talk about the transition


      within the United States, itself.  What we have


      here is a slide that attempts to display the


      original listings under the 2.125 and then the


      specific listings under 2.125, and then to display


      changes over time.


                So, originally, 2.125 had the broad class


      of beta-adrenergic agents: inhaled corticosteroids;


      nasal steroids; the cromones--cromolyn and


      nedocromil were actually separately listed;


      ipratropium; atropine, which was actually approved


      for use in Desert Storm; a combination product,


      albuterol and ipratropium.




                I think it is important for me to point


      out, if Dr. Sullivan does not and if it is


      repeated, I think it is still and important thing;


      we are not talking about a combination product


      today.  We are only talking about those products


      that solely contain albuterol as their active


      ingredient; and then a number of other products,


      many of which were actually, as you can see, not


      MDIs.  So we had talc, contraceptive foams, rectal


      foams, ergotamine MDIs, polymxin, anesthetic drugs


      including those that directly use CFCs, and




                When the re-write of 2.125 was finalized


      in 2002, those products listed in red were taken


      out, many of these because they either did not meet


      the criteria any longer or  were not considered


      essential under the Montreal Protocol, or they were


      no longer marketed.


                So, at the time of the finalization,


      isoetharine, isoproterenol, the nasal steroids as a


      class, contraceptive foams, rectal foams, polymyxin


      and nitroglycerine all came out and were not




      separately listed in 2.125.


                The products in yellow could be considered


      as potential for delisting soon, these because they


      are no longer available, marketed as CFC products.


      One of the things in 2.125 re-write that was said


      was that, if a product was not marketed for a


      substantial period of time, one could consider it


      to be not essential.  Those would include


      bitolterol, salmeterol, which was discontinued by


      the manufacturer, dexamethasone, talc, ergotamine


      MDIs and anesthetic drugs.


                Beclomethasone is no longer marketed, the


      MDIs, at least not newly produced MDIs, and there


      are alternatives.  So that is another potential


      delisting.  Albuterol, I guess I did not put in


      yellow here because that is what we are here to


      discuss today is whether that has met the criteria


      that we laid out in the revisions of 2.125.


                So, to conclude my talk, the U.S.


      Government moved proactively to address the issue


      of ozone depletion shortly after the development of


      the ozone science, and the U.S. Government had a




      key role in the formation and the conduct of the


      Montreal Protocol.  The Montreal Protocol is


      considered a successful treaty that has led to


      important reductions in CFCs and other


      ozone-depleting substances and, as I mentioned,


      there are data to suggest that the recovery of the


      stratospheric ozone layer is in the early stages.


                Now, the Montreal Protocol, as I pointed


      out from the evolution of some of the decisions


      taken, is increasingly moving towards control in


      its specific essential uses, notable amongst those


      would be albuterol.


                Just as a transition slide, I chose


      another picture off the NASA web page of the ozone


      depletion.  Remember that I said we would recover


      to the early '80's levels by the mid part of this


      century.  This shows the Antarctic region in 1983


      and the Antarctic region in 1993.  You can see the


      difference where the white is the thicker ozone.


      You can see the difference in the ozone layer in


      that decade.


                So, thank you very much.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Meyer.


                You finished a few minutes early so let's


      see if there are any questions from our committee


      members.   I have one, Dr. Meyer.  What was the


      rationale behind the decision about not pursuing


      this with the--not considering the dry-powdered


      inhalers as a similar moiety?


                DR. MEYER:  What we said was that we


      thought they could serve as an alternative but it


      would not be as automatic as an MDI.  So, in fact,


      I think if there were an albuterol dry-powdered


      inhaler that met those criteria otherwise, we would


      consider it.


                I think, at the time we were writing it,


      we had considerations such as, at that point,


      albuterol was available in a capsule, an individual


      capsule, rotohaler-type device where one would


      place it in, turn it and breathe.  We did not feel


      that that had sort of the same level of convenience


      and portability and so on as an MDI.  So I think we


      wanted to not exclude all dry-powdered inhalers out


      of hand but say that they would have to meet




      certain levels of convenience and patient




                Again, the presumption in the preamble to


      rule was that the MDIs would most neatly do that


      because they are very much similar.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Martinez?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  Dr. Meyer, in your


      multicolored slide, there was some products in


      white.  I presume those will continue to be


      available by way of CFCs and includes epinephrine,


      for example; is that correct?


                DR. MEYER:  Some of those products in


      white are, in fact, under development in that are


      alternatives being developed.  Some are not.  One


      of the provisions in the rule that I didn't bring


      up today because it wasn't fully germane but I


      would be happy to answer as a part of your question


      is the fact that, beginning next year, we will have


      the ability to call this body into meetings, have


      the advisory committee come to meetings, to discuss


      those products that remain on the list that are not


      being reformulated and whether they remain






                I think, just parenthetically, epinephrine


      will be something that will be important for us to


      discuss at some time in the future.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions from


      the committee?  If not, thank you, again, Dr.




                I guess we will move forward with Dr.


      Sullivan, the Deputy Director of the Division of


      Pulmonary Drug Products.


                         Medical Considerations


                DR. SULLIVAN:  Good morning.  I am Gene


      Sullivan.  I am a pulmonologist.  I am also the


      Deputy Director of the Division of Pulmonary and


      Allergy Drug Products at FDA.  For the next twenty


      or thirty minutes, I am going to be discussing some


      of the medical considerations in regard to this


      proposal to remove albuterol from the list of drug


      substances that are considered essential uses for




                Following my talk, you will hear from Dr.


      Lutter, as Dr. Meyer mentioned.  Dr. Lutter will go




      into more depth in regard to the economic aspects


      of this question.  Then, following that, you will


      hear some very important information from


      interested parties who will be speaking during the


      open public hearing.


                So this slide provides a background


      overview of my talk.  Dr. Meyer has just given a


      very nice background on the overarching issues


      about the Montreal Protocol and the FDA Regulation


      2.125, so my background remarks will be brief.


      Then, also, briefly, I will review the currently


      marketed albuterol MDI products.  But the bulk of


      my talk will be in this section specifically


      looking at the criteria that Dr. Meyer mentioned


      that are included in the Amended 2.125, so the


      currently existing regulation, and specifically


      examining those criteria in regard to how they


      apply in the case of albuterol.


                Then, finally, I will touch on a couple of


      other issues which, although they are not directly


      responsive to the criteria laid out in 2.125, I


      think are clearly important issues to consider when




      deciding on a path forward with regard to




                So, again, Dr. Meyer has provided very


      nice background on the Montreal Protocol and on the


      FDA regulation concerning the essential-use


      determinations, that being 21 CFR 2.125 and, as Dr.


      Meyer mentioned, I will be referring to it as 2.125


      from now on.


                As you know, the agency is currently


      considering whether albuterol, in fact, has met the


      criteria that are listed in 2.125 for removal from


      the list of essential uses.  This process that we


      are embarking on is in keeping with the goals of


      the Montreal Protocol, specifically, the goal of


      phasing out production and importation of


      ozone-depleting substances including




                I think the step forward with albuterol is


      an important step in that direction particularly


      because approximately half of the annual


      essential-use CFC allocation in the U.S. is for


      albuterol.  We are moving forward in this direction




      in light of the fact that there now exist two


      alternative, non-CFC albuterol metered-dose


      inhalers on the market in the U.S., that being


      Proventil HFA and Ventolin HFA.


                In addition, in 2003, the American Lung


      Association submitted a citizen petition on behalf


      of a group of organizations, collectively referred


      to as the U.S. Stakeholders Group.  That petition


      requested that the agency move forward with this


      rulemaking process in order to remove albuterol


      from this list.


                That citizen petition is included in your


      background materials.  Your background materials


      also include other communications we received from


      the Stakeholder's Group as well as the submissions


      to the public docket that were submitted by various


      interested parties and organizations in response of


      the citizen petition.


                So what are the currently marketed


      albuterol metered-dose inhalers?  Obviously, they


      can be divided into those that contain CFCs, which


      are ozone-depleting substances, and those that




      don't contain CFCs.  In terms of the CFC MDIs,


      there are several.  First of all, there is the


      branded product, Proventil, marketed by


      Schering-Plough.  This was approved in 1981.  In


      addition, there is a product marketed under a


      Warrick label which is marketed under the same NDA.


                Then there are several generic versions.


      Actually, four have been approved.  The first of


      these was approved in 1995.  Currently, three of


      these are being marketed.  As you may know, in


      1981, there were actually two branded albuterol CFC


      MDIs that were approved, the other one being


      Ventolin.  That is not listed here because it is no


      longer marketed within the U.S.


                Now moving to the non-CFC MDIs or, and I


      will use the shorthand, as alternatives, these


      don't use CFCs.  Rather they use HFA 134A which is


      a substance that does not affect the ozone layer.


      There are two of these HFA products; Proventil HFA,


      which was approved and initially marketed in 1996


      and, more recently, Ventolin HFA, which was


      approved in 2001 and was marketed in 2002.




                So this is the regulation, obviously, that


      is at the heart of today's discussion, 2.125,


      called the Use of Ozone Depleting Substances in


      Food, Drugs, Devices or Cosmetics.  Among a number


      of thing, one of the things that it does is it


      lists specific drug moieties for which the use of


      CFCs is considered essential.


                In addition, as Dr. Meyer mentioned, it


      sets forth criteria.  There are four such criteria


      that must be met in order to remove a drug moiety


      from the list of essential uses.


                I will run through these again.  Dr. Meyer


      has been through them.  I will run through again,


      though, because I think they are the heart of


      today's discussion.  First of all, and here I am


      referring to active moieties represented by two or


      more NDAs which is the case, as I mentioned, with




                The first criterion for removing a drug


      from the list of essential uses would be that at


      least two non-ozone-depleting-substance products


      that contain the same active moiety are being




      marketed with the same route of delivery for the


      same indication with approximately the same level


      of convenience as the ozone-depleting product.


                The second criterion is that supplies and


      production capacity for the alterative must exist


      or be expected to exist at levels that would be


      sufficient to meet patient need.


                The third criterion is that adequate


      postmarketing-use data should be available for the


      non-ozone-depleting products.  Again, as Dr. Meyer


      mentioned, that is to provide some reasonable


      assurance that no unanticipated limitation of the


      alternative product emerges during the


      postmarketing, so real-world experience that was


      not detected prior to approval.


                Then, finally, the fourth criterion is


      that patients who medically require the product


      would be adequately served by non-ozone-depleting


      products containing the same active moiety and


      other available products.


                So now I am going to walk through each of


      these criteria and look at how they apply to




      albuterol.  The first criterion; again, at least


      two products containing the same active moiety, the


      same route of delivery, the same indication and


      approximately the same convenience of use.  So,


      clearly, the alternatives that we are discussing,


      Ventolin HFA and Proventil HFA, both have the same


      active moiety, albuterol.  Both are delivered by


      the same route of delivery, oral inhalation, and


      carry the same indication, prevention and relief of


      bronchospasm and patients with reversible


      obstructive airway disease and prevention of


      exercise-induced bronchospasm.


                I should point out the initial NDA,


      Proventil, was approved down to the age of 12 and


      Ventolin was approved down to the age of four.


      Both of the alternative products are approved down


      to the age of four.


                Finishing up with the first criterion, the


      final bit of it is the same level of convenience.


      Now, when we looked at the same level of


      convenience, we described, in the Preamble, various


      aspects of what we might mean by that.  We looked




      at things like portability, preparation before use


      and the physical effort of manual dexterity that


      might  be needed to administer the drug.


                The CFC and HFA MDIs are quite similar and


      so have very similar portability and require


      similar degrees of physical effort and dexterity to


      use.  I should mention, in regard to preparation


      before use, that, in the early experience with the


      first HFA that was approved, the Proventil HFA, we


      became aware that there were occasional instances


      of clogging of the actuator if they were not


      cleaned properly.


                Now, the CFC and the HFA inhalers have


      actually very similar cleaning instructions.  It is


      just evident that patients using the HFA inhalers


      need to pay more attention to the cleaning


      instructions that are already in the label for both




                The second criterion is a little bit more


      difficult to definitively establish at this point.


      This is the criterion that states that supplies and


      production capacity for the alternatives need to be




      at levels that would be sufficient to meet patient


      needs.  At least in part, because of the price


      differential between the generics and the currently


      marketed FHA products, the market share for the HFA


      products, at this point in time, is much smaller in


      comparison than the market share of the CFC




                So, if the CFC products were to become


      unavailable suddenly today, the current supplies


      and production capacity of the HFA alternatives are


      not sufficient to meet patient need.  That is


      because, simply, that the manufacturers would need


      time to ramp up production.  However,


      GlaxoSmithKline, in its statement in response to


      the citizen petition submitted to the docket and


      included in your background package has stated that


      it is confident that additional internal and


      external capacity can be installed to insure


      adequate supplied and production capacity for


      Ventolin HFA and that this could be accomplished


      within twelve to eighteen months.


                In addition to this statement in the




      docket, GlaxoSmithKline and, also, Schering-Plough,


      will be speaking today and I expect that at least a


      portion of their comments may address specifically


      this criterion.


                The third criterion that we are applying


      is that adequate U.S. postmarketing data be


      available for the alternatives, again, looking for


      unexpected real-world problems with the


      alternatives.  At this point in time, we have


      Proventil HFA which has been marketed for seven


      years and Ventolin HFA which has been marketed for


      two years.


                Apart from the early reports of actuator


      clogging that I mentioned, the available


      postmarketing use data does not suggest any


      problems in terms of safety, efficacy, tolerability


      or patient acceptance of these two alternatives.


                Perhaps the most difficult of the criteria


      to address is the fourth.  This is the criterion


      that states that patients who medically require the


      ODS are adequately served by the alternative.  This


      term, "adequately served," is fairly broad and it




      encompasses a number of things.


                Clearly, the most important is that the


      available data on the alternatives must demonstrate


      sufficient efficacy and safety and tolerability and


      so forth such that the alternatives could be


      considered reasonable replacements for the CFC


      MDIs.  This type of data was submitted with the NDA


      and has accumulated in a postmarketing period and


      seems to imply that the alternatives do meet these




                But there is a further subtlety to the


      adequately served phrase here and that is cost.  As


      Dr. Meyer mentioned, during the process of the ANPR


      and the proposed rule, there were comments about


      the effect of this rule on the price of


      medications.  In the Preamble, in the Federal


      Register, the Preamble to the 2002 Amendment where


      these criteria were established, the FDA clearly


      stated that it will consider cost in determining


      whether the alternatives meet patient needs.


                So I am going to take a couple more slides


      to just look at this cost issue a little bit in




      more depth.  As with most drugs, branded CFC


      products cost more than their generic counterparts.


      As it turns out, in this very complicated


      healthcare system that we have in the U.S. in which


      the specific price of a medication varies according


      to a number of factors including who is paying, it


      is somewhat difficult to arrive at "the" price of a




                Therefore, it is somewhat difficult to


      arrive at a clear statement of the differential


      between the cost of a branded product and a generic


      product.  Dr. Lutter will go into this in a little


      bit more depth and talk about the various sources


      of data that are available for the price of a


      medication and how complicated that issue is.


                I have provided on this slide some data


      from an FDA website that highlights the cost


      savings to a patient that can be achieved with


      generic products.  The web address is in your


      handouts.  On this site, data on the average


      national retail price, which was data from IMS


      Health, were used to generate this information so




      that the retail cost per day for an asthmatic


      patient who used Ventolin would be $1.44 whereas


      the CFC generic would be 69 cents per day.


                Of course, this is a comparison between a


      CFC generic and a CFC branded, so it is important


      to note the branded HFAs, in general, are priced


      comparably to the branded CFC products although not


      exactly the same price.


                The other element to this is that there


      are a number of existing patents and, due to these


      patents, there are currently no generic HFA


      products available.  These patents are listed to


      expire, the first one in 2010 and the final patent


      in 2015.  So, given the current realities, the


      removal of the essential-use status of albuterol


      would result in an increase in the price of


      albuterol MDIs.


                The public-health consequences of such an


      increase in price are not known and are, in fact,


      very difficult to predict.  One possibility would


      be that patients who are prescribed albuterol


      metered-dose inhalers may be either unable or




      unwilling to pay for that and so may not purchase


      the albuterol inhalers.


                It is also possible that an increase in


      the price of an albuterol MDI, which is an


      acute-reliever drug from which patients, as you


      know, perceive an immediate benefit, might result


      in them forgoing filling prescriptions of other


      medications such as asthma-controller drugs from


      which they don't receive the same immediate


      feedback.  But, as you know, controller drugs are


      quite important in the appropriate management of




                So, as I mentioned, Dr. Lutter will


      discuss in greater depth these economic aspects


      including descriptions of the various sources of


      price data that are available and means for


      estimating how changes in the price of albuterol


      MDI might affect the utilization.


                As I mentioned, that is a difficult task


      in and of itself, how will an increase in price of


      an MDI translate into a change in utilization of


      albuterol and, even if we were able to establish




      that firmly, the next question that begs answering


      would be how does the change in utilization


      translate into important health outcomes.  Of


      course, that is an open question as well.


                So, before I close, as I mentioned, I want


      to bring up a couple of other issues that are not


      directly responsive to the criteria in 2.125 but,


      nonetheless, may be quite important in


      considerations regarding a path forward on


      albuterol.  Both of these issues relate to the


      future availability of chlorofluorocarbons.


                The first issue has to do with production


      facilities.  Currently, the only source of


      pharmaceutical-grade CFC 11 and 12 for use in the


      U.S. is Honeywell's plant in the Netherlands.  CFC


      11 and 12 are the particular chlorofluorocarbons


      that are contained in the albuterol CFC MDIs.


                The Dutch Government has informed


      Honeywell that CFC production at that factory will


      no longer be permitted after 2005.  So that might


      jeopardize the supply of CFCs that are necessary


      for the manufacture of albuterol MDIs but also all




      of the other MDIs that use pharmaceutical-grade


      CFCs.  However, Honeywell has stated in its


      submission to the docket in response to the citizen


      petition that it will begin production of


      pharmaceutical-grade CFC 11 and 12 at a U.S. plant


      and will be able to supply CFCs beyond 2005.


      Honeywell will also be speaking during the open


      public hearing session today.


                The second issue that touches on the


      future availability of the CFCs refers to potential


      actions that might be taken by the parties to the


      Montreal Protocol.  So, as Dr. Meyer mentioned,


      each year the U.S. and other countries who request


      to manufacture CFC MDIs, go through a nomination


      process whereby specific quantities of CFCs are


      requested of the parties.


                Thus far, the parties have respected the


      U.S. determination that albuterol is, in fact,


      essential and have granted the volumes requested by


      the U.S.  However, more recently, the parties have


      very pointed noted the availability of two non-CFC


      alternatives within the U.S. and some have




      questioned the continued need for


      chlorofluorocarbons for this purpose.  It is not at


      all clear how long the parties will continue to


      grant CFC requests for use in albuterol MDIs.


                So, with that, I will close.  I have


      listed on this slide the questions or topics for


      discussion that have  been provided to you in a


      handout format.  Essentially, the agency is asking


      you to discuss the extent to which you believe the


      criteria that are established in the 2.125 for


      removal of a drug substance from the list of


      essential uses of CFCs have been met in the case of


      albuterol.  Beyond that, we are open to hearing


      from you any suggestions of additional data,


      additional information or other issues you think


      should be considered as we move forward in this


      process of determining the essential-use status of




                With that, I will close.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Sullivan.


      Again, we are ahead of schedule so we can take some


      questions from committee members if there are any




      questions.  Yes, Dr. Atkinson?


                DR. ATKINSON:  Can you comment on whether


      the existence of the patents on the new HFA devices


      are going to preclude the development of any


      generics until that time period?  Are there any


      pending applications for generic devices?


                DR. SULLIVAN:  Of course, we can't comment


      on any pending applications.  The analysis of


      patents is a complex issue that the FDA doesn't


      really directly do.  Companies claim they have


      patents which protect them.  If a generic firm


      wants to challenge that patent, they can.  I think,


      beyond that, perhaps I will invite Wayne Mitchell


      to comment more specifically, if he can.


                MR. MITCHELL:  I really can't say much


      more.  We don't have any institutional expertise on


      patent law.  Patents are listed in our Orange Book.


      The patents are listed through 2015.  That is about


      all we really can say.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions?  Dr.


      Sullivan, I have a question.  In one of your


      slides, when you talked about Proventil HFA, you




      said that early reports of actuator clogging were


      available.  Does that imply that there are no


      longer reports of this problem?  Were there


      modifications to the device?  I just was confused


      by the word "early" reports of actuator clogging.


                DR. SULLIVAN:  That refers to the fact


      that when the product first went on the market--and


      it is not unusual to get more reports on a


      particular drug when it first hits the market, but


      the agency became aware that patients were having


      problems with the clogging of the actuator and an


      effort was made to better publicize the necessity


      of cleaning these products because, although the


      cleaning instructions were included in the CFC


      versions, they may not have been followed by




                It was determined that if the instructions


      are actually followed, there are fewer reports.  I


      believe that the number of such reports has


      declined.  That was sort of an early phenomenon.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Any other


      questions?  Okay; if not, then we will move on to




      Dr. Lutter.


                        Economic Considerations


                DR. LUTTER:  My name is Randy Lutter.  I


      manage a small economics group within the Office of


      Policy and Planning, Office of the Commissioner at


      FDA.  It is my pleasure to be here.


                I would like to talk to you today about


      the question of whether or not delisting albuterol


      will have effects on--whether the patients will be


      adequately served by delisting albuterol.


                Let me begin by giving you an overview.


      The key conclusion is that delisting albuterol CFCs


      will deter the use of a number of prescribed MDIs


      that is large in absolute terms but small relative


      to the market.  Our analysis is ignoring an


      announced giveaway by GlaxoSmithKline of 2 million


      MDIs per year because we lack a basis to evaluate


      that quantitatively.  We also find that the effects


      on public health are too uncertain to quantify.


                Let me give you some brief institutional


      background of how an economist ends up in the


      position of speaking before a group of esteemed




      pulmonary and allergy advisors to FDA.  There is an


      executive order, 12866, signed by President Clinton


      in '93 and it actually follows one signed by


      President Reagan in '81.  It directs the agencies


      to assess the costs and benefits of all regulatory


      actions developed through the notice and comment


      rulemaking that Dr. Meyer described earlier.


                The office that I had at FDA develops the


      economic analyses required by that executive order.


      The method of economic analysis that we developed


      follows the constraints of OMB Circular A-IV which


      is the latest in a series of circulars developed by


      the Federal Office of Management and Budget


      directing agencies on how to conduct economic




                The executive order directs agencies to


      assess the cost and the benefits and to take


      regulatory actions which are cost-effective but


      economics also is reflected in the decisions of the


      Montreal Protocol.  Drs. Meyer and Sullivan have


      mentioned the term "essential," and "essential


      use," turns on whether there are available




      technically and economically feasible alternatives


      or substitutes that are acceptable from the


      standpoint of environment and health and that is in


      Decision IV-25.  Section 2.125 uses the phrase


      "adequately served."  As described by Dr. Meyer,


      that has economic content.


                So there are actually three institutional


      reasons why economics matters for the current




                A brief discussion of economic


      fundamentals.  The issue here is that delisting


      would remove albuterol MDIs with CFCs.  Those are


      currently the only generic albuterol MDIs on the


      market.  Therefore, one would anticipate on that


      basis an increase in the price.  So the broad


      question is whether or not that increase in price


      has effects on whether or not patients are


      adequately served.


                To comply with the executive order, we


      need to assess the benefits of delisting and, in


      particularly, a relatively earlier delisting as


      opposed to a later one, and also the costs of




      earlier delisting.


                The benefits come in four separable


      categories.  The first is a controlled transition.


      You have already heard presentations about the


      nature of the international cooperation and the way


      that that might affect the availability of CFCs by


      offering a relatively--by proceeding with this


      rulemaking, FDA hopes to establish an opportunity


      for a controlled transition to CFC-free MDIs.


                The second category of benefits is clearly


      the environmental ones that Dr. Meyer has


      described.  Reduced emissions would lead to


      reductions in skin cancers, cataracts and


      UVB-related ecological benefits.  For this, our


      proposal, FDA has not been able to quantify the


      benefits in terms of skin cancers, cataracts or


      UVB-related ecological benefits.


                Some analysis in quantitative terms has


      been conducted previously by other federal agencies


      including the EPA.  The difficulty that we face is


      in translating their estimates of aggregate


      benefits to the benefits from the much smaller




      reductions of CFC emissions that might be achieved


      from this rulemaking, and we haven't been able to


      do that for this proposal.


                A fourth category of benefits pertains to


      international cooperation.  Dr. Meyer did not


      understate in any way the importance of the


      Montreal Protocol.  It is a flagship treaty for


      successful international environmental protection


      and it enjoys wide respect and esteem for that




                A final category of benefits is that this


      rulemaking may encourage innovation in


      environmental safe technologies.


                In terms of the costs, I would like not to


      focus on the increased spending associated with a


      higher price of MDIs but, instead, focus on a


      related question of whether or not the increased


      prices may deter appropriate usage.  I think that


      is the appropriate issue for this panel and that is


      the one that I am going to devote the rest of my


      time to.


                Also, by way of background in economics, a




      key notion is what are we comparing the world to


      when we do our analysis.  We need to describe what


      is the baseline relative to which we are assessing


      the effects of delisting.  The baseline in this


      instance is the continued availability of generic


      CFC albuterol.  So the analysis that we are


      conducting is relative to a world in which the CFC


      albuterols continue to be available and, therefore,


      the generic CFCs also continue to be available.


                What I am going to focus on is a


      relatively standard and conventional economist


      approach to estimating the response to higher


      prices.  It really focuses, in particular, on the


      estimated quantity of metered-dose inhalers that


      may not be consumed as a result of the increased


      price.    It interprets this as the


      product, really, of three things.  One is the price


      increase in percentage terms.  The other one is a


      measure of the consumer sensitivity to the price


      increase, a measure the economists typically


      describe using the word "elasticity," and, lastly,


      the MDIs sold in the baseline to price-sensitive




      consumers.  So these are three parameters that I


      will draw your attention to.


                With respect to the price increase, the


      prices are, of course, variable in a particular


      way.  The vary with market conditions and they vary


      also in response to the marketing decisions made by


      the different companies marketing the products.  As


      a result, the assessments of the price are


      difficult not only because of the data deficiencies


      but also because, ideally, we need to be looking


      forward to what the price difference might be


      between a world where the albuterol CFCs are


      delisting and a world where they would continue to


      be available.


                That forward-looking approach requires and


      association of these prices that takes the


      variability into account.  For the purposes of our


      analysis, that is too complicated and we are,


      instead, going to take the current price


      differences as a measure of the price increases


      from the delisting.  The merits of this approach


      are simplicity, transparency and also consistency




      with an announced policy of GSK that it would


      freeze wholesale prices through December, 2007.


                Where does one go for information on


      prices?  In the modern day, Google comes to mind as


      a source of all information.  If you go to Google


      and look for prices, you come to drugstore.com.  It


      listed generic MDIs with albuterol on the 24th of


      March for $14.  HFA at drugstore.com sold a


      Proventil.  The Proventil HFA was sold at $39.61


      and Ventolin HFA sold at $38.99.  Those prices I


      have checked twice and they were relatively


      unchanged in the recent period.


                That gives an increase of about 180


      percent just comparing the generics to the HFA.


      But these web-based prices are really


      unrepresentative.  They neglect the


      brick-and-mortar outlets.  They neglect shipping


      costs.  Ideally, what one would want are average


      retail market prices for the cash-paying customers


      who would be sensitive to price increases.


                We have not acquired these idea data for


      the analysis that we have conducted for this




      proposal.  So, instead, I am going to talk to you


      about data we have acquired which are the best


      available proxies at this moment.


                The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey of


      the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality


      provides some information on prices.  This survey


      assesses expenditures by the noninstitutionalized


      people age less than 65 in the non-Medicare


      population.  It provides information on the average


      retail prices among all payer types, the insured


      and the uninsured alike, for CFC albuterol inhaler


      prescriptions 2000 to 2001.


                The information is that the generics are a


      little bit less than $25.  I also report here the


      standard error.  The brand is $39.  You have heard


      Professor Sullivan mention that the branded price


      of the CFC tends to be close to the branded price


      of the HFA.  In this instance, the data on the HFA


      prices are too rare to report.


                We also looked using the MEPS survey at a


      sensitive population that lacks insurance or has


      only private non-group insurance which, in the




      judgment of experts at ARC would typically exclude


      coverage for drugs.  We looked among this group at


      people with incomes less than 400 percent of the


      federal poverty level.  This was a convenient


      cutoff, given the data constraints of MEPS.


                Within this group, the estimated average


      retail prices were $22 for the generic inhalers


      and, again, in this instance, the data on the


      branded inhaler prices were too rare to be


      reportable.  This group had about 2.8 million


      albuterol prescriptions annually.


                A second source of data on prices that we


      consulted is proprietary information from IMS


      Health, their national prescription audit for the


      first quarter of 2004.  Note the distinction in


      dates.  The MEPS is 2000-2001 and this is 2004.


      There is no more recent information on MEPS.  For


      the IMS price information, we have prices measured


      using the average pharmacy's revenues from


      uninsured customers, insured customer and Medicaid


      beneficiaries alike.  So this is basically across


      all payer types.




                This includes chain, independent,


      food-store pharmacies.  It excludes the Internet.


      It excludes mail-order and long-term-care




                Information on prices from IMS suggests


      that the median price for the generic albuterol


      MDIs is $19.70 and for the albuterol HFA MDIs, the


      price is $43.00, the price difference of about


      $23.00.  This suggests an increase of about 120




                It is important to view these data as


      approximate for a variety of reasons.  I have


      acknowledged the proxies for the conceptually


      correct measure.  In addition, the HFA prices have


      been changing.  The MDI data suggests that there


      has been an increase of about 18 percent over the


      twelve months preceding the sample of the first


      quarter in 2004.  Again, these prices reflect the


      full price for the insured and the uninsured alike.


                The next part of the puzzle is to assess


      the response to the increase in price that one


      might expect among consumers.  In general, there is




      an extensive economics literature that reports


      small effects of price increases on consumption.


      It rarely distinguishes, however, among drugs.


      There is a very recent article by Dana Goldman of


      Rand in JAMA that surveys more than a half million


      people in 52 health plans over four years.


                interestingly, it reports responses to


      increases in co-pay among different categories of


      medicines.  With respect to anti-asthmatics, as the


      average co-pay for anti-asthmatics doubles, the


      average number of days of treatment supplied fell


      by more than 30 percent.  The authors report that


      albuterol was the most common anti-asthmatic


      including albuterol sulfate.


                They also assess the effects on public


      health.  Let me back up a moment.  They also assess


      for drugs with no OTC substitutes, the set that


      presumably includes albuterol MDIs.  The response


      in utilization described as I just did in the


      average number of days of treatment supplied is


      0.15.  So there is substantial uncertainty about


      what would be the relevant number.




                With respect to average co-pay for


      anti-asthmatics as a group, the response is 0.3.


      But, if one then looks at drugs with no OTC


      substitutes which would also include albuterol, the


      effect is 0.15.


                The authors go on to talk about the effect


      of these increases in co-pay on ER visits and on


      hospital days for the class of drugs diabetes,


      asthma and gastric-acid disorder together, ER


      visits grew by 17 percent and hospital days by 10


      percent when co-pays doubled.  The authors


      acknowledge that these results are "not definitive"


      for reasons of data limitations.


                As a result, we are unable to quantify any


      effects on public health because of the nature of


      the limitations to the data.


                Let me offer a summary of what we know


      about the response to a price increase.  I have


      mentioned that an analysis would have, really,


      three parts.  With respect to the MDIs sold to a


      price-sensitive population, MEPS suggests that


      there are 2.8 million MDI albuterol prescriptions




      going to the uninsured patients with incomes of


      less than 400 percent of the poverty line who are


      not Medicare eligible and under age 65.


                If one takes, instead, data from the


      National Health Interview survey and combines that


      with data on the distribution of MDIs as described


      in the proposal, one ends up with a larger number


      of MDIs that would be used by the price-sensitive




                With respect to the price increase, we


      really have two estimates.  One is 120 percent


      increase.  That is from the IMS National


      Prescription Audit reflecting average prices for


      all payer types including those that are insured.


      We also have the 180 percent which reflects the


      Internet information.


                A key question pertaining to the analysis


      is the estimated elasticity, or the nature of the


      consumer response.  JAMA, as I mentioned, reports


      two numbers that may be plausible.  I think the


      0.15 is one that we focus on.  That reflects their


      estimate of the response to increases in co-pay for




      drugs with no OTC substitutes.  I think that is


      also consistent with other economics literature.


                The next question pertains to the


      interpretation of these.  The JAMA paper really


      focuses on consumer response for insured patients


      to higher co-pays.  They report an average co-pay


      of a little bit more than $12.  So that co-pay and


      the increase are roughly the same order of


      magnitude as the price and the price increase that


      one would anticipate for uninsured patients.


                So, if one applies that increase in price


      implicit in both the IMS data and in the Internet


      data and the consumer response implicit in the JAMA


      paper to the MDIs sold in the price-sensitive


      population, then it is reasonable to infer a


      quantity response among the uninsured population in


      the high hundreds of thousands.  It is very


      difficult to be more precise.  This is a daunting


      exercise with data that are imperfect, as we have


      acknowledged.  But the numbers that we have


      presented in particular are 0.4 million to 1


      million.  These are clearly approximate.




                Let me offer some empirical caveats.  I


      have neglected the response of insured patients to


      any increases in co-pays.  The JAMA paper measured


      these and we know that the co-pays for branded


      products are much higher than co-pays for generics.


      But this delisting of albuterols would have no


      direct effect on the co-pays.  The co-pays may


      change only in response to the changes of the


      insurance companies.  We, therefore, believe these


      are too uncertain for us to quantify at this time.


                Let me reiterate that the estimates of the


      price-sensitive population of the price increase


      and the consumer response, or the elasticity, are


      all relatively uncertain.


                There is another caveat with respect to


      the interpretation of these estimates.


      GlaxoSmithKline wrote to FDA on May 3 of 2004


      stating that 2 million complementary samples of


      Ventolin would be made available each year to


      physicians who may choose to reserve these inhalers


      for their lower-income patients.


                We are unable to assess quantitatively




      what this might do for any reductions in


      utilization because of the uncertainty associated


      with how they might actually be distributed in


      physicians' offices.  The GSK letter also said that


      it would freeze wholesale acquisition costs or


      prices thereby suggesting that the eventual HFA


      prices at the retail level would also be relatively


      constant.  As I have mentioned, that is an


      assumption that we maintain.


                The giveaway, in general, may


      significantly offset the loss of canisters provided


      it is well targeted to the most price-sensitive




                Thank you for the opportunity to talk.  I


      would be happy to take questions.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Lutter.


      Are there any questions from the committee?  Dr.




              Questions from the Committee to the Speakers


                DR. SCHATZ:  My question is the


      relationship between elasticity and


      over-the-counter substitutes.  I gather that, with




      more over-the-counter substitutes, then elasticity


      is theoretically increased?


                DR. LUTTER:  Yes.


                DR. SCHATZ:  Then I would submit that


      there may be an over-the-counter substitute which


      is Primotine so that I think that, in


      consideration, one might have the higher elasticity


      and that patients doing that might be not as well




                DR. LUTTER:  Lacking your medical


      expertise, I will leave the judgment and the


      discussion about the substitutability of the OTC to


      you.  Let me simply say that the availability of


      OTC substitutes would affect the response in that




                DR. SCHATZ:  And it could make the higher


      value that they found more relevant than the lower


      value potentially.


                DR. LUTTER:  Yes.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Martinez?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  Certainly with the caveat


      which we may discuss later, but Primotine is not




      albuterol and, thus, a potential consequence that


      has not been thought of is that individuals who


      cannot afford albuterol anymore will start using


      over-the-counter Primotine which is associated with


      a completely different set of side effects which


      need to be seriously considered.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Ms. Schell, you had a




                MS. SCHELL:  Yes, thank you.  I just have


      a question about the shift of production of the CFC


      to the United States from the Netherlands in 2005.


      Do you project an increase in the CFC MDIs' cost


      with that shift of production coming to the U.S.?


                DR. LUTTER:  That is not something we have


      taken into account in the analysis.  We have no


      information on which to assess that question.


                MS. SCHELL:  Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Do any of the FDA


      representatives want to respond to that or the


      previous question?


                DR. MEYER:  I think, as far as that


      question--I don't think we have data that could say




      one way or the other.  Not the least of the


      considerations there is how much in the price does


      the actual cost of CFCs play, and I don't think we


      know that.


                As far as the earlier question and point,


      I think it is something we can certainly consider


      as we consider all the input from today.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Swenson, you had a




                DR. SWENSON:  Yes.  Regarding that JAMA


      article, did you pursue at all the cost


      implications of this greater ER and hospitalization


      rate that might arise from some of these shifts


      that you have postulated?


                DR. LUTTER:  No, largely because of the


      uncertainty in quantifying those increases.  As I


      mentioned, there were three categories of


      therapeutic classes that they grouped together only


      one of which was asthma.  Albuterol is only one


      treatment for asthma and, therefore, we thought


      that inferring--that the judgment of the


      applicability of those estimates to this delisting




      appeared to--is that we have no basis to accept


      those estimates to predict quantitative reductions,


      quantifiable reductions, in the ER visits or days


      in the hospital.  So, therefore, we don't really


      want to estimate either the cost of reductions or


      increases associated with those either.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  I work at Grady Memorial


      Hospital which serves an indigent-care patient


      population.  About 40 percent of the patients there


      are self-pay which means they don't have insurance.


      It is nice way of saying that.  One of the big


      problems in the hospital is the in-hospital


      pharmacy costs.  Do you have any information or is


      there a way to figure out how the changing cost of


      inhalers would affect operating at a hospital that


      serves indigent-care patients or is there a way to


      figure that out?


                DR. LUTTER:  There probably is a way to


      figure it out.  It is not something we have done.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Kercsmar?


                DR. KERCSMAR:  The transition to HFA




      inhalers has been made in a number of other


      developed and industrialized countries.  Are there


      any data that are comparable to that that has been


      published in the JAMA article?  You referenced that


      might give other insight into the elasticity


      problem, changes in morbidity, lack of prescription


      refills or, because of the difference in economic


      structure and drug reimbursement in these


      countries, are there no data available?  Are there


      lessons to be learned from countries that have


      already made the transition?


                DR. LUTTER:  It is a good question.  We


      thought of that.  Other countries lack the


      uninsured population that exists in the United


      States and generally control prices.  In


      particular, the price discrepancy that I have


      described here is unusual if not unique.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions by


      the committee members for Dr. Lutter?


                MR. MITCHELL:  Just before the break there


      is something I would like to say.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes; please go ahead.




                MR. MITCHELL:  This is addressed to the


      people who are watching this procedure through the


      webcast.  The proposed rule that we have been


      discussing is available on FDA's website if you go


      to www.fda.gov.  In the middle column, you should


      see FDA advanced display.  If you click on that,


      you should be able to see another link which goes


      to advanced publication display.  Click on that and


      you should see something about a special filing,


      publishing, on June 16, 2004.  That should get you


      to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.


                Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Mitchell.


      Yes; Ms. Schell?


                MS. SCHELL:  I am not sure who to direct


      this question to, but I have a question.  Several


      of you talked about what the ozone depletion does


      in cataracts, skin cancer and that, but no one has


      mentioned how it affects asthmatics of COPD


      patients, the depletion of the ozone layer and how


      that would increase, if we didn't do something now,


      how the ozone depletion would affect asthmatics in




      the future.  Would we be causing more asthmatics to


      have problems with their breathing?


                Thank you.


                DR. MEYER:  I will try to answer that.  I


      think it is unclear to us that asthma or COPD


      patients would be differentially affected in terms


      of the environmental consequences of ozone


      depletion.  You were not asking this, but, for the


      public, I think it is hard for them to understand


      that ozone in the lower regions of the atmosphere


      is bad for asthmatics, particularly, and probably


      for COPD as well.  But ozone in the stratosphere


      probably has no bearing on the development of


      asthma and COPD that we know of.


                So we would assume that the consequences


      to the asthmatic and COPD population would be the


      same as to consequences to other populations.  One


      could perhaps try to parse that out more closely in


      that it is potential that inhaled corticosteroids,


      for instance, may somewhat increase the


      predisposition to cataracts.  Whether that would be


      even more the case in the circumstances of a




      thinned ozone layer, who knows.  But, again, we


      have no basis at this point to believe that there


      would be a differential effect on those patients.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions from


      committee members for our FDA representatives?




                DR. MEYER:  I just wanted to make the


      point--I realize that the people sitting around


      this table probably are fairly well versed in this


      but, for the purposes of the public, I realize that


      we didn't really sort of step back and make this


      point.  But albuterol has really become a prime


      drug for both the treatment of asthma, in


      particular, but also for COPD in a way that, even


      when we began the advanced notice of proposed


      making in '96, I don't think we have fully




                It is now clear that approximately 50


      million or more canisters of albuterol are


      necessary to treat patients with asthma and COPD in


      the United States.  It is, again, by far and away


      the bronchodilator or short-acting reliever of




      choice in patients with asthma and COPD.


                Again, I think the people around the table


      know this but, for the matter of the public record,


      I just wanted to get on the table the kind of


      numbers we are talking about.  This is a very


      important drug that is sold widely and is really


      critical in the asthma armamentarium and very


      important in the COPD armamentarium as well.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Meyer.


      Dr. Martinez?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I have one question


      regarding worldwide distribution of sales.  What is


      the situation in the underdeveloped world?  Which


      are the products that are sold there and what are


      the projected consequences of this regulation in


      that particular market?


                DR. MEYER:  From the FDA perspective, I


      don't think we have a lot of information on that.


      I also am involved in the Montreal Protocol on a


      working group on aerosols, medical aerosols.  I can


      say that the United States actually exports


      relatively few of its MDIs as opposed to the EU




      where much of their production is exported.


                So most of what we are talking about here


      is for domestic consumption and will not really


      have much bearing on the rest of the world.  I


      would parenthetically note that there is a lot of


      attention paid in the Montreal Protocol about how


      this phase-out in the developed world will affect


      that in the developing world because it is a very


      important issue.


                Unfortunately, in much of the developing


      world, the use of MDIs is not very common because


      they are--although they are cheap per dose, to


      actually buy one requires you to buy a certain


      number of doses as opposed to oral medications


      which may be more expensive per dose but cheaper


      where you can just buy a few.


                So there is probably undertreatment in the


      developing world in general and specifically there


      is not a lot of use of MDIs relative to the


      developed world.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Before we proceed with


      other questions, I would like to welcome Dr. Reiss




      to the committee.  Would you turn on your


      microphone and introduce yourself to everyone?


                DR. REISS:  Sure.  I apologize for being


      late this morning.  I am Ted Reiss from Merck


      Research Labs.  I am the industry non-voting


      representative on the committee.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Any other


      questions?  Yes; Dr. Swenson?


                DR. SWENSON:  Dr. Meyer, a couple


      questions.  I didn't see anywhere in the data,


      either in the background information, if you could


      go back to the initial signing of the protocol.  At


      that point, how much CFC was being produced and


      now, of that amount, what does the present use of


      CFC in albuterol represent in a percentage term or


      absolute amount?


                DR. MEYER:  I am sorry that I don't


      actually have those particular figures available.


      I can say that the use of CFCs for MDIs when the


      protocol was signed was a relatively small


      proportion of the CFC use because CFCs were then


      used in refrigerators, auto air conditioners, home




      air conditioners, foams and so on.


                Now that the provisions of the Copenhagen


      Amendments went into place, the use of CFCs for


      MDIs in the developed world is the large majority


      of these CFCs but it is still a small fraction


      compared to what was the total in 1987.


                Albuterol in both the United States and in


      the rest of the world has been a prominent use of


      CFCs.  As I mentioned, for the United States, it


      amounted to about half, or does amount to about


      half, of our essential-use denomination.  So I am


      not giving you specific numbers, but I hope I am


      sort of giving you a qualitative feel.


                DR. SWENSON:  Okay.  The next question I


      have then is, on Slide 24 or one of the similar


      slides that you had in your talk, was the projected


      return, or this idea of a projected return, of


      normal stratospheric ozone levels by mid-century


      based on the present use right now which includes


      our use of CFCs or was that based on complete


      elimination of CFCs?


                DR. MEYER:  Those projections, and just to




      be clear, they are actually projecting the recovery


      to early 1980s levels which was still not normal


      but a recovery nonetheless, are based on the


      successful conduct of the Montreal Protocol.  So it


      is based on the Montreal Protocol as currently


      amended being successfully carried out into the




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Ms. Schell?


                MS. SCHELL:  I am sorry.  I would like one


      more question on the 50 million uses of Ventolin or


      albuterol.  Have you looked at the overuse of


      albuterol and the underuse of the


      anti-inflammatory?  Is there any look at overuse?


      As we know, asthmatics, a lot of the time, don't


      have the proper education in the use of the


      anti-inflammatory so they overuse their albuterol.


      Are there any numbers reflecting that?


                Thank you.


                DR. MEYER:  We do not have such numbers.


      It is certainly something that we considered.  As


      Dr. Lutter said, there are a lot of things we would


      wish to consider in an ideal analysis.  One of the




      complications of projecting a public-health


      consequence of some drop in the number of albuterol


      MDIs distributed or used relates to these


      questions, relates to the possibility that when


      beta-adrenergic bronchodilators are overused that


      that might, itself, have detrimental effects.


                But these things, although clearly we


      think about them, are not something we can


      reasonably quantitate.  So we have not.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions from


      the committee?  If not, I want to thank the FDA for


      enlightening us on these issues.  We are scheduled


      for a break at 10:00.  We are about eight minutes


      before that, so we will take the break early.  But


      I would like to reconvene at 10:10.


                Thank you.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I do have one


      announcement and that is if you have a cell phone


      and it must be on, it would be preferable if you


      put it on vibrating mode and then, if it does go


      off, that you take your call outside the room. 




      Thank you.


                Before we go on to the open public


      hearing, the first session that we will have this


      morning, I just want to make sure that the


      committee members don't have any other questions


      for the FDA representatives.  Are there any other


      questions from the committee?  Any final comments


      from the FDA?


                If not, then we are going to move into the


      open public hearing.


                    Open Public Hearing (Session 1)


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  One other announcement I


      am supposed to make.  Both the Food and Drug


      Administration and the public believe in a


      transparent process for information gathering and


      decision making.  To ensure such transparency at


      the open public hearing session of the advisory


      committee meeting, the FDA believes that it is


      important to understand the context of an


      individual's presentation.


                For this reason, the FDA encourages you,


      the open public hearing speaker, at the beginning




      of your written or oral statement, to advise the


      committee of any financial relationship that you


      may have with any company or any group that is


      likely to be impacted by the topic of this meeting.


                For example, the financial information may


      include a company's or a group's payment of your


      travel, lodging or other expenses in connection


      with your attendance at the meeting.  Likewise, the


      FDA encourages you, at the beginning of your


      statement, to advise the committee if you do not


      have any such financial relationships.


                If you choose not to address this issue of


      financial relationships at the beginning of your


      statement, it will not preclude you from speaking.


                So that is important for our open public


      hearing speakers to recognize that and to make


      acknowledgments.  I probably will repeat this


      statement when we start the afternoon session as




                We are ready for our first speaker during


      the open public hearing.  Please be sure to


      introduce yourself and pay attention to the




      statement I just made.


                MS. WEXLER:  Good morning.  I am Pamela


      Wexler.  Since 1997, I have served as attorney and


      advisor to the U.S. Stakeholders Group on MDI


      transition.  I have no financial interest in any of


      the companies or participants today.


                I would like to start by telling you a


      little bit about the U.S. Stakeholders Group.  It


      is a consortium of nine leading patient and medical


      professional organizations.  Members of the


      organizations include patients with asthma, chronic


      obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory


      diseases.  Collectively, the member organizations


      represent and reach 25 million Americans who suffer


      from asthma and other respiratory diseases and they


      include organizations that educate and advocate for


      individual patients and their families through


      local chapters.


                Members of the Stakeholders Group also


      include physicians, respiratory therapists and


      other healthcare professionals who specialize in


      respiratory care and they are recognized leaders




      among the healthcare community.  The stakeholders,


      as a group, and its member organizations


      individually collaborate with various other


      interested organizations in the U.S. and around the




                In the eight years since the Stakeholders


      Group has acted formally, neither its membership


      nor its procedures have changed.  The American Lung


      Association convenes the U.S. Stakeholders Group.


      The member organizations elect representatives to


      the stakeholders process and these individuals


      meet, in person, once or twice a year and


      communicate regularly.


                Oftentimes, the leadership of these


      organizations attends stakeholder meetings and


      participates in the deliberations.  Other times,


      the government and the private sector are invited


      to attend as well and make presentations.  Any


      action taken under the name of the stakeholders is


      approved by each member organization.


                Now, I would like to turn to our petition.


      Eighteen months ago, we petitioned FDA to consider




      albuterol essentiality.  The petition was not


      precipitous.  It, in fact, was requesting the


      agency merely consider essentiality.  It was FDA,


      itself, in a rulemaking process that started in


      1997 and lasted five years that set up these


      essentiality criteria, the conditions under which


      any drug substance would be delisted and no further


      CFCs would be available.


                The stakeholders petition asserted that


      the criteria had been met or, with the case of


      manufacturing capacity, that the criteria could be


      met or that information could be ascertained and,


      hence, it was time for FDA to consider removing the


      essential-use designation.


                Now, there are a number of reasons why the


      stakeholders petitioned FDA.  I will just take a


      moment to touch on them.  First and foremost is the


      environmental imperative.  I won't spend too much


      time on this because I think that the importance of


      repairing the ozone layer is well established, both


      by the Montreal Protocol and the U.S. Clean Air Act


      on which, by the way, the U.S. has been a leader




      since the beginning on the international process.


      FDA, in its July, 2002 Final Rule establishing the


      essentiality criteria actually offered a very


      concise and clear explanation of why every use of


      CFCs must be eliminated, even seemingly small


      amounts like those used in MDIs.


                I won't spend too much time on the second


      sub-bullet either because a physician from one of


      our member organizations in the next session, later


      this afternoon, will present more on the


      opportunity to improve disease management.  But let


      me just say that, from its inception, the


      stakeholders position on the potential of


      transition has not changed and that is that we


      understand the potential of a switch in medication


      and we have worked, and we hope to continue to


      work, to ensure that that experience provides an


      opportunity to improve patient care.


                On the third and the last, and probably


      the most pressing, issue for patients and


      physicians is the issue of CFC supply and how it


      might affect the availability of medications.  As I




      am sure you will hear more about today, the future


      of CFCs to make MDIs is uncertain and fundamentally


      the stakeholders want FDA to sufficiently plan for


      that and for CFC-free medications to be available


      and widely accepted before CFC supply can have any


      impact on product availability or price.


                Since the petition was filed, in the


      eighteen months since the stakeholders filed the


      petition to consider albuterol essentiality, a lot


      has changed and we have learned a lot more.  As to


      supply, anyone who follows this knows that, in the


      past three to five years, there has been a lot of


      new and often conflicting information about where


      PhRMA-grade CFCs were going to come from after


      December 31, 2005.


                Remember, that is an issue simply for the


      U.S. market because, for the most part, developed


      countries will not need these chemicals after that


      date.  They are on pace to phase out the use of


      CFCs in MDIs.


                The stakeholders have never had full


      information on the future of CFC supply.  We heard




      originally, maybe two years ago, there were going


      to be two plans, one in Europe and one here.  They


      we heard that that wasn't going to happen.  Then


      the issue of certification was raised, that plants


      had to be certified, the CFCs produced had to be


      certified, and that the production that would


      replace the production that is going to be lost in


      Europe would be a different kind of production and


      that different specifications would be required.


                We heard, now, recently, despite a letter


      from Honeywell indicating its stated intent to


      supply CFCs at a plant in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,


      that we still had questions about certification as


      that was not mentioned in the letter and we have


      never heard anything further about FDA on what,


      exactly, that requires.


                So the stakeholders, themselves, have


      limited information on which they could base a


      conclusion that the CFC supply would be without


      problems.  Recently, a non-governmental


      organization, NRDC, wrote the EPA suggesting that


      it would be illegal to produce CFCs in Baton Rouge.




      So, again, we are faced with not a lot of clear


      information on how we will go forward.


                As to the second sub-bullet, even if the


      Baton Rouge plant is not a problem, we certainly


      see an increase in pressure on the part of the


      international community to limit future supply of


      CFCs especially where there are alternatives as in


      the case of albuterol.  We heard recently that the


      U.S. request that was recently put into the parties


      was approved but with the strong suggestion that


      the U.S. come back to the parties after this


      rulemaking was complete since it wasn't clear that


      those quantities would be needed.


                So it is obvious that the parties are


      signalling the intent to stop authorizing new CFC


      production for MDIs, again, in the case of a drug


      like albuterol where there are safe alternatives.


                Also, since the petition was filed, we


      have, in the FDA docket, an independent analysis


      conducted by National Economic Research Associates,


      NERA, that provided us a much better picture of the


      albuterol market.  I expect that we will hear more




      about the NERA analysis this afternoon, but it gave


      us a very good picture of how the market is


      supplied, how patients who rely on albuterol pay


      for their drugs.


                It estimates the price and what the market


      might look like once HFA alternatives are


      introduced.  More importantly, NERA projects how


      the increased costs might be distributed and


      allocated among the different classes of patients,


      managed care and other payers including Medicare


      and Medicaid.


                Now, you know, the stakeholders are


      medical and patient advocates, medical


      professionals and patient advocates.  We are not


      economists.  So we aren't here to speak to the


      specific numbers in the NEAR report but we do


      believe that the general thrust of the report


      comports with what we have always believed about


      the albuterol market and our understanding of how


      increases, not just in medications but in all sorts


      of other medical procedures and services rise and


      are absorbed in the healthcare system.




                Now, there is no mistake about the need to


      ensure patient access to medication.  In our


      petition to FDA, we were clear that FDA needed to


      take into account price and how it would affect


      patients and their ability to obtain medication and


      comply with their treatment regimens.  But we think


      that, between the manufacturers, the stakeholders


      and FDA, collective, we can adequately protect the


      potentially at-risk subgroups and we can do it in a


      variety of ways.


                On the part of the manufacturers, we have


      one submission already in the docket from an HFA


      manufacturer outlining what it intends to do.  We


      would hope that we would see similar commitments


      from other manufacturers as we move forward about


      increasing the number of samples and enhancing


      patient-assistance programs.


                On the part of the stakeholders, our


      member organizations are committed to working with


      the agency and the manufacturers to develop an


      educational strategy for communicating the


      availability of free and discounted albuterol.  We




      can work with our member organizations and our


      network to deploy these messages in advance of


      transition to patients, to specialty, general


      physicians and the rest of the healthcare




                As for FDA, we think that there also might


      be mechanisms that the agency can consider to


      protect, again, these potentially at-risk


      populations.  One thing we have discussed within


      stakeholder meetings is for FDA to monitor the


      patient compliance or access to HFA albuterol and


      reserve the right to allow a certain number of CFC


      MDIs to be sold in the case of a real emergency so,


      if you will, a phase-down process that allows the


      potential--and that is the potential in both CFC


      supply and manufacturing capacity to not be gone


      before we are out of transition, so a phase-down


      period that protects that at-risk population.


                I think that if FDA acts in a relevant


      timeframe, there would still be enough stockpile to


      be able to incorporate such a mechanism.


                Last, I would like to turn to the timing




      of transition.  There has been a lot of talk about


      when the right time is.  Now, it is no secret that


      the stakeholders have long supported December 31,


      2005 as the effective date for removing CFC


      albuterol from sale in the U.S.  As early as 1996,


      in fact, before we had ever heard the word "TEFA"


      or "WEERT," we embraced the idea of a target date.


                We embraced the eventuality that these


      chemicals as slated for elimination.  We understood


      that it was useful to have a target date so that


      manufacturing capacity could be put into place.


      That idea of an aim, a target, a goal, has proven


      successful as is evidenced by the fact that the


      rest of the world or the rest of the developed


      countries also adopted that date and or on pace to


      meet it.


                We saw transition as an opportunity to


      educate physicians and patients about the learning


      that has been done, especially in the last decade,


      regarding asthma treatment and management.


                But, in 1996, we saw December 2005 as a


      goal, not an imperative.  Eight years later, we now




      know that WEERT will close.  We know there are


      additional uncertainties regarding the Baton Rouge


      facility.  We know that there are two alternatives


      ready to go and a third on the way.  Given that,


      December 31, 2005 makes a lot of sense.


                Again, I just want to go back to


      mechanisms for actually proceeding through


      transition.  Ending at December 31 is sensible and


      it is achievable and, most importantly, it is


      near-term enough that any problems with HFA


      production, any problems with patient access, any


      problems with affordability, compliance, any


      unforeseen consequences, can be discovered and


      addressed before CFCs are unavailable and before


      the capacity to produce additional CFC products is




                Thanks very much.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you very much.


                We will move on now to our second speaker.


                DR. JONES:  Good morning.  My name is


      Elaine Jones and I am Vice President of U.S.


      Regulatory Affairs at GlaxoSmithKline.  On behalf




      of GlaxoSmithKline, I would like to thank the


      advisory committee and the agency for opportunity


      to present our commitment to the transition from


      albuterol CFC-free metered-dose inhalers, or MDIs,


      which are ozone-depleting to albuterol HFA MDIs,


      which are non-ozone-depleting.


                Principally, during this presentation, I


      will address the two questions that have been posed


      to us by the agency that relate to the FDA's


      criteria for transition.


                The first question concerns our


      manufacturing capacity for Ventolin HFA and the


      second, what GSK programs are, or will be put in


      place to help ensure that patients are adequately


      served during the transition from albuterol CFC to


      albuterol HFA and thereafter.


                To set the stage for discussion of the two


      principle questions, I would like to review the


      timing of Ventolin HFA development in relation to


      implementation of the Montreal Protocol.


      Development of Ventolin HFA started before the


      Montreal Protocol was ratified and resulted in




      submission of a new drug application in 1998.


      Filing of this NDA was the result of over ten years


      of research and development including a technically


      challenging reformulation effort under


      comprehensive clinical program.


                After gaining FDA approval, GSK launched


      Ventolin HFA in 2002 and stopped the sale of


      Ventolin CFC.  Currently, GSK sells Ventolin HFA in


      165 countries around the world which has resulted


      in over 20 million patient years of experience.


      Also, in 2002, FDA published its final rule


      outlining the criteria for transition from CFC


      MDIs, which was the culmination of a lengthy


      process that took five years to complete.


                Quoted on this slide is one of the


      criteria for transition from the 2002 Final Rule.


      FDA has asked us, as one of the manufacturers of


      the replacement products for albuterol CFC MDIs to


      address this criterion which relates to the issue


      of adequate supply and production capacity.


      Specifically, the question is, can GSK, in


      conjunction with other manufacturers of the




      replacement albuterol product, manufacture


      sufficient quantities to satisfy patient demand


      after the CFC products are no longer available.


                To help answer this question, here is a


      graphical representation of GSK's manufacturing


      capacity over time in relation to the overall


      albuterol market.  Other manufacturers can be


      expected to contribute to the supply as well.  At


      present, patient need for albuterol MDIs is about


      50 million per year, as shown by the yellow shading


      in this graph.  This demand has remained fairly


      constant over the past five years and is expected


      to remain constant into the future.


                The blue shaded portions of the graph


      represent two distinct components of GSK's ability


      GSK's ability to contribute to meeting this demand


      with CFC-free MDIs.  The darker shaded blue area


      reflects currently installed capacity and the


      lighter shaded blue area reflects expansion


      capacity.  The sum total of both components is


      about 30 million MDIs per year, or about 60 percent


      of the expected market.




                Now, I would like to discuss in detail our


      current capacity.  GSK manufacturers Ventolin HFA


      at a facility in Zebulon, North Carolina, which has


      a long history of manufacturing MDIs including the


      now discontinued Ventolin CFC.  At this facility,


      we already have installed the capacity to


      manufacture 15 million Ventolin HFA MDIs.  At


      present, since transition has yet to take place, we


      are utilizing only 2 percent of our installed




                Production of up to 5 million MDIs could


      be achieved immediately and this could be


      progressively increased to the full 15 million MDIs


      within six to twelve months.  To achieve this


      capacity is a relatively straightforward process.


      We would need to hire additional staff and


      reconfigure existing space.


                As illustrated on the graph I presented


      earlier, GSK is prepared to increase production


      capacity by an additional 15 to 18 million MDIs.


      This would entail significant capital investigation


      on the part of GSK, would take approximately twelve




      to eighteen months to complete and would require


      the installation of additional manufacturing


      equipment and securing of MDI components.


                This could be undertaken simultaneously


      with a previous increase in production.  This


      expansion, in addition to our current capacity,


      would deliver a total of approximately 30 million




                I would now like to address the second


      question posed to us by the agency which concerns


      another one of the criteria in the 2002 Final Rule


      on Essential Use Determinations and is reflected on


      this slide.  The issue is whether a high-priced,


      non-ODS, product is effectively unavailable to a


      portion of the patient population because they


      cannot afford to buy the product.


                Payers, and the healthcare system overall,


      may experience higher costs as the market


      transitions to CFC-free albuterol.  But the


      relevant question under FDA's 2002 Final Rule is


      how individual patients will be impacted by this


      transition, specifically whether they will have




      adequate access to CFC-free formulations of




                The larger policy questions regarding a


      balancing of societal cost against environmental


      benefits have already been resolved by the Montreal




                In order to assess the economic impacts of


      an albuterol transition, GSK commissioned a study


      by the National Economic Research Associates.  The


      analysis proceeded on the basis of data collected


      from a variety of sources as shown on this slide.


      Although the economic report examined impacts on


      payers as well as patients, our focus today is on


      the impact a transition will have on the access to


      albuterol HFA MDIs for individual patients.


                To understand the impact on patients, one


      must appreciate that albuterol is dispensed to


      patients in different settings including retail


      pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, clinics and


      federal healthcare facilities.  As represented by


      the large green slices of pie chart, 84 percent of


      dispensing takes place at retail pharmacies.  The




      remaining 16 percent takes place in other settings;


      for example, a Veterans Administration Hospital


      where financial impacts on patients, of changes in


      drug prices, are likely to be quite limited.


                The pie chart on the right reflects a


      further breakdown of the retail-pharmacy segment.


      Within the retail portion, 72 percent of MDIs are


      covered by private drug insurance and 15 percent


      are covered by Medicaid.  About 13 percent of


      albuterol MDIs dispensed by retail pharmacies go to


      patients who pay cash.  GSK recognizes that it is


      within this group of patients that the greatest


      concern exists regarding access to albuterol MDIs


      after a transition.


                As we consider the patients who pay cash


      for their prescriptions, it is important for us to


      emphasize our long-standing dedication to helping


      those in need obtain access to our medicines.  For


      over two decades, GSK and its Heritage Companies


      have been committed to helping patients without


      public or private drug insurance to get the


      medicines that they need.  To this end, we have had




      in place various patient assistant programs.


                I will now describe Bridges to Access, the


      GSK program which is directed at patients of all


      ages who require financial assistance.  For those


      who qualify, GSK offers its medicines, including


      Ventolin HFA, at no cost or at a minimal


      retail-pharmacy dispensing fee.


                Individuals with annual incomes up to


      $25,000 or families at or below 250 percent of the


      federal poverty level are eligible for Bridges to


      Access.  Patients who enroll can receive their


      medication the same day that it is prescribed.


      This program also includes a spend-down option that


      allows patients to deduct medical bills from their


      income for purposes of determining eligibility




                Patients are not required to be U.S.


      citizens to qualify for Bridges to Access.


      Patients who apply also receive assistance in


      finding additional healthcare programs for which


      they qualify such as Medicaid, AIDS drug-assistance


      programs, state children's health insurance and




      state elderly drug-assistance programs.


                In this visual illustration, we use the


      federal poverty level as a baseline to compare the


      income eligibility levels for Medicaid and Bridges


      to Access.  The yellow line represents the federal


      poverty level income for households of different


      sizes ranging from one to four members.  The blue


      lines represent the average income eligibility


      ceiling for Medicaid which is 135 percent of the


      federal poverty level.


                Each orange bar represents the maximum


      qualifying income under Bridges to Access for a


      household of that size.  This maximum qualifying


      income level is $25,000 for households with one


      individual or 250 percent of the federal poverty


      level for households with more than one individual.


                I might add that certain patients who do


      not meet   Medicaid's eligibility requirements


      despite meeting the income requirements could


      potentially qualify for Bridges to Access.  For


      lower-income patients who do not have public or


      private drug insurance, for whatever reason,




      Bridges to Access is, thus, a valuable resource.


                GSK's experience with Bridges to Access


      for Ventolin HFA from June 2003 to May 2004


      illustrates the program benefits for patients.  We


      have distributed nearly $3 million worth of product


      representing approximately 100,000 inhalers to


      nearly 14,000 patients.  During this period of


      time, the total amount of Ventolin HFA distributed


      was approximately 400,000 MDIs which means that one


      out of four Ventolin HFA MDIs went to a Bridges to


      Access patient.


                GSK has generated awareness of this


      program through various avenues including half a


      million letters sent to advocates at the launch of


      the program, training for healthcare providers and


      partnerships with public agencies and professional


      associations.  In addition, we maintain a public


      website with extensive information about our


      program including application forms.


                These activities represent some of the


      significant efforts GSK has made to raise awareness


      of the program and we look forward to continuing




      our outreach efforts.  We are committed to provide


      Ventolin HFA to all eligible patients in the event


      of an increased need at the time of transition.  In


      order to show more clearly the estimated financial


      impact of a transition to CFC-free albuterol on


      individuals, I would like to now illustrate how a


      lower-income patient might fare in a transition


      both with and without the benefit of Bridges to




                Our hypothetical patient is an individual


      who makes less than $25,000 a year and, thus,


      qualifies for Bridges to Access and who also uses


      four albuterol inhalers.  To make this calculation,


      we compared the current average wholesale price of


      Ventolin HFA to the mean of the average wholesale


      prices for the three top selling generic albuterol




                Average wholesale price, or AWP, is


      commonly used as a pricing reference point for


      distributors and payers in the healthcare system


      and is calculated and reported by commercial data


      vendors.  GSK does not set an AWP for its products




      or sell its products according to AWP and we


      recognize published AWPs are different from actual


      prices paid in the marketplace.


                Based on the AWP comparison, the current


      difference in price between Ventolin HFA and


      generic albuterol is $9.49.  Therefore, in our


      example, if the patient did not enroll in Bridges


      to Access, the extra cost per month would be $3.16


      or $37.96 a year.


                With assistance from Bridges to Access,


      the cost of Ventolin HFA would be limited to a


      one-time charge of $10.00 for the patient's first


      60-day retail pharmacy fill.  The patient would


      then experience no added cost for further


      prescription.  In fact, the medicine would be


      entirely free from that time forward.


                Keep in mind that this hypothetical


      patient, if not enrolled in Bridges to Access prior


      to the transition, would previously have been


      paying out of pocket for that generic albuterol.


                For seniors or disabled persons, in


      addition to Bridges to Access, GSK offers the




      saving programs, Orange Card and Together Rx to


      help make GSK medicines more affordable.  The GSK


      Orange Card was the first of its kind.  It is


      available for Medicare beneficiaries without any


      prescription-drug insurance and incomes of up to


      $30,000 for an individual and up to $40,000 for a


      married couple.


                Orange Card offers savings on GSK products


      including Ventolin HFA to eligible Medicare


      beneficiaries of up to 40 percent depending on a


      pharmacy's usual and customary price for the


      medicine.  The program, Together Rx,  is a


      multi-company savings program and, as such,


      provides access to a larger number of medicines.


      This program was modeled after the GSK Orange Card


      and has similar eligibility criteria.


                Although the arrival of a Medicare drug


      benefit in January 2006 should substantially lessen


      the need for assistance of this kind, GSK's


      commitment to helping patients access our medicines


      will remain.


                In addition, GSK has committed to provide




      at least 2 million professional samples of Ventolin


      HFA each year beginning a transition.  Although


      samples are distributed to physicians with no


      conditions attached, we understand, anecdotally,


      that many physicians do take medication-access


      considerations into account in allocating samples


      among their patients.  Furthermore, GSK has


      committed to freeze the price of Ventolin HFA from


      November 5, 2003 until December 31, 2007.


                In summary, GSK is committed to and has


      global experience in transition to ozone-friendly


      formulations.  GSK has currently installed


      production capacity to produce 15 million Ventolin


      HFA MDIs per year.  We are prepared to expand the


      total capacity to approximately 30 million MDIs per




                GSK has demonstrated an abiding commitment


      to helping patients gain access to our medicines


      and, towards this end, has patient-assistance


      programs in place to help ensure access to Ventolin


      HFA at transition.  Finally, GSK has committed to


      provide professional samples and freeze the price




      of Ventolin HFA.


                We expect that the criteria for


      transition, as outlined in the 2002 Final Rule,


      will be met with the support of all currently


      approved albuterol HFA suppliers.  Therefore, GSK


      supports a transition date of December 31, 2005


      which would allow for a smooth and orderly


      transition for patients.


                I would like to conclude by, once again,


      thanking the advisory committee and the agency for


      allowing GlaxoSmithKline the opportunity to present




                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Jones.


                Let's have our third speaker for this




                DR. GARUTTI:  Members of the committee,


      Food and Drug Administration, invited guests,


      ladies and gentlemen, good morning.  My name is Dr.


      Ron Garutti.  I am a pediatrician and I am Group


      Vice President of Global Regulatory Affairs at


      Schering-Plough Research Institute.




                On behalf of Schering-Plough Corporation,


      I want to thank the FDA for the opportunity to


      address the advisory committee today.


                Let me say, at the outset, that our


      company firmly supports the principles of the


      January 29, 2003 petition of the U.S. Stakeholders,


      which you have heard about, which requests an end


      to the exemption for albuterol CFC-based in


      inhalers.  As pointed out, this exemption, after


      all, was never intended to be permanent.


                Now, I will not devote any of my


      discussion today to the rationale for removing CFCs


      from albuterol inhalers as I believe that that


      rationale is well understood and accepted by most


      interested parties as the right and necessary thing


      to do.


                In so removing CFCs, the United States


      would be accomplishing the transition to a non-CFC


      environment that has already successfully been


      implemented by most of the European Union, Canada,


      Australia, Japan and other countries.


                So the important question, then, today,




      for the committee is not if the transition should


      be done but when.  It can be done as soon as FDA,


      in conjunction with the healthcare community and


      the industry, is prepared to initiate the




                It has been pointed out that in July,


      2002, the FDA issued a final rule which set forth


      the conditions that would have to be met before an


      essential-use designation for albuterol inhalers


      could be removed.  Both Drs. Meyer and Sullivan


      have noted them.  Schering believes that all of the


      necessary elements to remove the essential-use


      designation can be met as early as December 31,




                We acknowledge the proposed rule


      distributed today and we are pleased to learn that


      FDA plans to publish this on June 16.  We are


      hopeful that today's discussion will lead to the


      establishment of a firm date.


                As a company with more than twenty years


      of respiratory experience and the first with our


      partner 3M to introduce an HFA inhaler to the




      United States, Schering understands that we, in


      conjunction with all of you and other members of


      the professional asthma community, will be asking


      millions of patients to change their behavior.


                We recognize the significance of this


      transition to patients and providers alike and we


      are sensitive to the fact that ongoing


      communication efforts will be essential elements to


      ensuring that the transition is smooth and




                To accomplish this effectively, however,


      it is critical that FDA establish a clear timeline


      to end the exemption because we believe that only


      in doing so will there be the necessary stimulus to


      drive the kind of provider and patient-behavior


      change that will be required.  Schering's


      contribution, as well as that of others, to


      effecting a successful transition hinges on


      implementing the various elements of the transition


      at the right time in relation to the effective




                In the absence of such a date, it will be




      difficult to manage these various aspects


      efficiently.  For example, patients may not be


      receptive to targeted communication efforts until a


      fixed date has been established.  It has been


      pointed out, in addition, that significant planning


      decisions and resource commitments required to


      increase current production capacity need to be


      made and, for us, we need about eighteen months in


      advance of a known effective date.


                That being said, Schering is poised to


      play a part in a planned orderly transition and we


      could be ready for an HFA-only environment as early


      as the end of next year.  We believe that for the


      FDA to remove the exemption, certain assurances are


      required.  These are that safe and effective


      alternatives are available, that patients and


      providers are knowledgeable about and comfortable


      with the use of the inhalers and that industry can


      adequately meet the demand.


                In the next few minutes, I will point out


      that we do have safe and effective alternatives


      right now and Schering will have educational




      programs ready so that patients and providers will


      be knowledgeable about and comfortable with their


      HFA alternatives and that we can have an adequate


      supply and production capacity of Proventil HFA


      available again as early as December 31, 2005 or


      within eighteen months of an established transition




                Now, regarding the safe and effective


      alternatives, following the issuance of the


      Montreal Protocol in 1987 and after years of


      research and development, Schering was the first


      company to market, in collaboration with our


      partner 3M, a non-CFC inhaler in the United States


      in 1997.


                Industry researchers had created HFAs that


      were more environmentally friendly than CFCs.


      These HFAs were then extensively tested to ensure


      that they possessed the desired characteristics of


      an MDI propellent.  A wide range of toxicology


      studies, comparable in scope to that for a new


      molecular entity and consisting of acute, chronic


      reproductive genetic and carcinogenicity




      evaluations, established that certain HFA molecules


      were, in fact, suitable candidates to replace CFCs


      in inhaled delivery systems.


                The new technology was then applied to


      Proventil and, after a comprehensive clinical


      program established that Proventil HFA was both


      safe and effective, the FDA approved the product


      for marketing clearance in 1996.  In addition to


      the clinical studies that were included in the NDA,


      3M also conducted a robust observational


      postmarketing program which studied more than 6,000




                In the nearly eight years of postmarketing


      patient experience to date, more than 17 million


      prescriptions for Proventil HFA have been written.


      Spontaneously reported adverse events, as you have


      heard, have been consistent with the product's


      labeling and similar in nature to that of its CFC




                Taken together, available data clearly


      support the established safety profile of Proventil


      HFA and so, yes, we do have safe and effective




      non-CFC alternatives available right now and, in


      fact, with Glaxo's HFA product, there are, as said,


      two such products available.


                Let's turn now to another assurance


      required before removing the exemption, that


      relating to education and communication.  Schering


      is committed to playing its part in communicating


      important information around the transition to both


      patients and providers.  Including in that


      important information is reiteration of the message


      that HFA inhalers are as safe and effective as the


      CFC inhalers to which most patients are accustomed.


      The HFA inhalers are also similar in size and shape


      and as convenient to use.


                Now, we all recognize, especially those


      who treat asthma patients, that there can be a


      significant psychological and emotional component


      to asthma and its treatment.  Asthma patients come


      to rely on their inhalers and expect a certain type


      of experience in using them.  They tend to


      associate activity of the drug and subsequent


      relief with the forceful sensation of the spray




      from a CFC inhaler has on the back of the throat.


                I would point out that, with an HFA


      inhaler, however, there is a softer spray and less


      sensation although, of course, the active drug is


      still effectively delivered to the lung.  This fact


      must this communicated to patients to ensure the


      appropriate use of the product.  Patients will also


      need to be comfortable with the fact the drug from


      an HFA inhaler may taste and smell slightly


      different than that from a CFC inhaler.


                Schering has always had educational


      programs in support of our respiratory-care


      business and messages such as those I have just


      noted will be included in our developing multipoint


      communication and awareness programs intended to


      facilitate a safe and orderly transition.


                Educational information will be accessible


      via many channels including informational websites,


      written materials available in physician's offices


      and through our professional sales representatives.


      Schering has traditionally had strong collaborative


      working relationships with relevant national




      medical associations including both the American


      Academy and the American College of Allergy, Asthma


      and Immunology, the Academy of Family of


      Physicians.  We will continue to work with these


      associations and others to develop appropriate


      educational materials for patients and providers.


                We especially appreciate the efforts of


      organizations such as the allergy and asthma


      network Mothers of Asthmatics in their own


      commitments to educating and supporting the needs


      of asthma patients.


                Schering is also one of the founding


      sponsors of the National Patient Safety Foundation


      and has held a seat on its board of directors since


      1997.  This group is dedicated to improving patient


      safety through educational programs and initiatives


      and Schering will continue to provide input and


      leadership on issues related to safe medication




                As I stated in my introduction, the impact


      of an expanded successful patient and provider


      education campaign will be highly dependent on




      implementing the various elements at the right time


      in relation to a proposed effective date.  These


      programs, to be maximally effective, will need to


      be timed in coordination with the transition date


      established by FDA so that the asthma community can


      be optimally prepared.


                On other point related to the transition,


      it is, unfortunately, a fact and well known that


      many asthma patients do not regularly visit their


      healthcare provider.  Schering believes, in


      agreement with the U.S. Stakeholders, that the


      transition will offer a good opportunity for


      physicians and patients to increase their general


      dialogue about asthma management.


                A visit to the healthcare provider,


      prompted by the switch to an HFA inhaler, will


      allow for a reassessment of the patient's condition


      and adjustment of treatment if deemed appropriate.


      It will be especially useful for those patients who


      may not have seen a physician for some time.


                A third assurance required before removing


      the exemption is that an adequate supply and




      production capacity of the HFA alternative will


      exist.  FDA has stated, and you have heard several


      times today, that over 50 million albuterol


      canisters are sold or distributed in the U.S. each


      year.  Schering currently supplies approximately


      30 million units annually.


                Our manufacturing partner, 3M, stands


      ready to expand production in its facilities to


      manufacture this amount of Proventil HFA and


      Schering and 3M both have confidence that the


      necessary capacity can be in place to meet our


      share of the expected demand.


                While much of the preparatory work to


      expand capacity is well underway, advanced planning


      activities and significant resource commitments


      necessary to formally initiate this process require


      some assurance of the timing of the transition.


      The overall lead time to execute these steps,


      including scale-up to current market demand, is


      approximately eighteen months, again, thus, making


      a fixed transition date established by FDA critical


      for us and our partner.




                In conclusion, the time to set a


      transition date is now.  Schering is confident that


      we can meet our share of the demand and ensure that


      asthma patients who need Proventil HFA are


      adequately served.  The focus throughout the


      transition from CFC to HFA inhalers must be on


      education and communication efforts towards


      patients and providers.  Schering is committed to


      playing its part in effecting a successful


      transition and supports the removal of the CFC




                The first step requires that a proposed


      final rule be published and a clear date


      communicated so that all asthma stakeholders can


      act together.  Finally, Schering believes the U.S.


      can join the group of countries who have already


      undergone a successful removal of the exemption


      because we do have safe and effective FDA


      alternatives now.  We will be educating patients


      and providers and ensure their comfort level with


      the transition and industry can adequately meet the


      supply and demand.




                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Garutti.


      Do the committee members have any questions of our


      three open presenters this morning?  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  I guess a question for the


      stakeholders.  The presentation talked, actually,


      about two aspects of concern.  One was CFC


      availability, itself, and then, obviously, the


      detrimental aspects.  But I was trying to get some


      sense as to what the relative concerns were and if,


      in fact, if CFC availability were assured, would


      that change the thinking in terms of a time line?


                MS. WEXLER:  If CFC availability was--


                DR. SCHATZ:  A fair amount has been


      emphasized about the concern as to whether CFCs


      will continue to be available in terms of the


      production as a rationale for the December 2005


      date.  My question was to what extent that one


      factor is important and if CFC availability were


      assured, if the production were not an issue, would


      that affect your thinking in terms of a transition






                MS. WEXLER:  No.  I think that they work


      together to signal that these chemicals are being


      eliminated.  There is a reason that Honeywell has


      been asked to shut the manufacturing plant in the


      Netherlands and that is because the Dutch


      government does not want CFCs produced on its soil.


      It is a political statement about getting out of


      these chemicals.


                To answer your question specifically, if


      Baton Rouge were able to produce, it is not clear


      that the international community would continue to


      authorize those quantities and that would put the


      stakeholders in the position of suggesting that we


      don't care about international commitments.


                The U.S., the government, has made a


      commitment to comply with the Montreal Protocol and


      so producing in Baton Rouge is only part of the


      equation.  It is that gets us the potential to use


      them.  But the right to use them legally needs to


      be granted by the parties to the protocol.  So they


      have to work together in order for us to be able to


      go forward.




                I think what, in some ways, you are asking


      is would we support renouncing the protocol?


                DR. SCHATZ:  No.  It is a matter of would


      the date, would your date, change.  I was trying to


      get the sensitivity of your position to CFC


      availability versus other considerations relative


      to the date you suggest.


                MS. WEXLER:  Again, I think that they work


      together.  Given what we know about the timeline,


      the U.S.--forgive me; I want to make sure it is


      clear.  We ask to use CFCs, wherever we get them


      from.  Regardless of where they are produced, each


      country must ask the international process sort of


      at the beginning of the year.  We just put in our


      request and those requests are two years in




                So the request that the U.S. recently


      submitted was for 2006 quantities.  That request


      was not welcomed completely.  It was suggested that


      the U.S. might want to reconsider that nomination


      in light of this rulemaking or the rule that is go






                So even if supply weren't necessarily an


      issue, I think that it would be foolish for us to


      believe that the international community is going


      to continue to provide authorization to use those


      CFCs indefinitely.  So we are talking about a


      2005-2006 timeframe for getting out of this and not


      worrying about either of those conditions, of CFC


      supply or the international community not granting




                I think that, as we have heard, the


      process of transitioning, making sure that the


      HFA-installed capacity is there, making sure we


      don't do anything precipitous and have a problem


      and then have no CFC production capability and the


      stockpiles of the CFCs that are available sort of


      suggest that we want to kind of look towards the


      sooner rather than later so that we buy ourselves


      some time.


                In other words, I don't think the protocol


      parties will look kindly at a nomination for 2007


      or 2008 regardless of whether Baton Rouge actually


      ends up coming on line in a legal way.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.   Dr.




                DR. ATKINSON:  I sort of get the


      impression that one of the big concerns among the


      committee members and the FDA also is the


      possibility that a small percentage of asthma


      patients might be unable to purchase the HFA units


      that they need.  GSK has a program, or described a


      program, that was going to assist with that.  I


      wanted to ask Dr. Garutti if Schering had any such


      program and if they were considering creating one


      if they don't have one now.


                DR. GARUTTI:  Let me say this is a patient


      group and a provider group that we care very deeply


      about.  We are committed to the respiratory


      business.  We have been in it a long time and we


      are going to do whatever is necessary to serve our


      patient population.


                First and foremost there is to make sure


      that there is Proventil HFA available when we do


      transition to the HFA-only environment.  Currently,


      as I have pointed out, that will entail a




      significant ramp-up and a significant expenditure


      of cost to get there.  And we are confident we will


      get there.


                In fact, Schering-Plough does have a


      patient assistance program.  It is called SP Cares.


      We have had it since, I believe, the mid-1990s.  It


      has similar eligibility requirements to those of


      Glaxo's program, not entirely the same but similar.


      Last year along we provided free drug of our


      primary-care products including Proventil HFA to


      some 75,000 low-income uninsured patients.


                Periodically, we review the elements of


      this program and criteria and we are committed to


      continuing this program.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Dr. Moss; you


      had a question?


                DR. MOSS:  I was going to ask something


      along the same lines.  Maybe the people from GSK


      and Schering can talk about how they are going to


      market those programs for the uninsured, if they


      have any plans for how to make physicians aware of


      these programs.




                MS. WEXLER:  I wanted to point out that,


      in anticipation of this move, the stakeholders, on


      our website which is at inhalertransition.org, has


      listed all of the patient-assistance programs and


      has link to them so that our member organizations


      can now start to disseminate that information.  So


      we also will work with the companies to promote




                DR. JONES:  Yes.  Bridges to Access,


      actually, at the moment, has 435,000 patients in


      its program.  We have done a lot and will endeavor


      to meet and strive towards this end.  We have put a


      lot of programs in place in order to be able to


      reach as many people as possible and we will


      continue to have these outreach efforts in place to


      allow physicians and their associates to actually


      be aware of these programs.


                But, as I say, we have 435,000 at the


      moment in the Bridges to Access program.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.   Dr. Garutti?


                DR. GARUTTI:  I am not sure there is much


      more we can add.  As we have indicated, we are




      developing many aspects of our communication


      program.  This is one element of them, the


      awareness of the SP Cares program and we are going


      to be working with various organizations that we


      mentioned to make sure that it is more widely


      communicated now as we transfer to an HFA-only




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions from


      committee members?  If not, we are going to break


      for lunch.  I'm sorry; Dr. Meyer.  I didn't see




                DR. MEYER:  Sorry; not to delay lunch.  I


      did want to make a clarification on an issue that


      was left open from Ms. Wexler's talk earlier about


      how the CFC sources is handled by the FDA because I


      think she left that as kind of an open question.


                Without getting into the details of the


      Baton Rouge situation, what I would say is that the


      FDA does not approve a CFC source, per se.  What we


      have done is we set standards for the purity that


      is acceptable for CFCs when used in metered-dose


      inhalers.  It is the expectation that the sponsor




      of a product that uses those CFCs will provide us


      evidence, both from the manufacturer as well as


      their own testing, that the CFCs meet those


      specifications and, if they do, then, in fact, they


      can be used in that product.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you for the


      clarification.  Let me make sure nobody else has


      anything.  Okay.  We will break for lunch.  We plan


      to start promptly at 12:30 so please return to your


      seats a few minutes before 12:30 so that we can


      start at that time.


                Thank you.


                (Whereupon, at 11:22 a.m., the proceedings


      were recessed to be resumed at 12:30 p.m.)




               A F T E R N O O N   P R O C E E D I N G S


                                                      (12:30 p.m.)


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  We are ready to resume


      our afternoon session.


                    Open Public Hearing (Session 2)


                We have a number of speakers for our open


      public hearing this afternoon.  But, before we get


      started, I want to read the announcement again that


      I read this morning for our speakers.


                Both the Food and Drug Administration and


      the public believe in a transparent process for


      information gathering and decision making.  To


      ensure such transparency at the open public hearing


      session of the advisory committee meeting, the FDA


      believes that it is important to understand the


      context of an individual's presentation.


                For this reason, the FDA encourages you,


      the open public hearing speaker, at the beginning


      of your written or oral statement, to advise the


      committee of any financial relationship that you


      may have with any company or any group that is


      likely to be impacted by the topic of this meeting.




                For example, the financial information may


      include a company's or a group's payment of your


      travel, lodging or other expenses in connection


      with your attendance at the meeting.  Likewise, the


      FDA encourages you, at the beginning of your


      statement, to advise the committee if you do not


      have any such financial relationships.


                If you choose not to address this issue of


      financial relationships at the beginning of your


      statement, it will not preclude you from speaking.


                Now, in addition to that, unlike this


      morning, we are going to time the presentations


      because we have a number of presentations and a


      short amount of time.  Ms. Jain is going to be


      running a timer and, when the green light comes on,


      that means you can start with your presentation.


      The yellow light means that you have one minute


      remaining and the red light means you are finished.


                Now, we don't have a hookup here to pull


      you, so we would appreciate if you comply with


      this.  Please try to finish when you see the red






                So we are ready for Speaker No. 4 for this




                MR. JAMIESON:  Good afternoon.  My name is


      Jim Jamieson and I am here today on behalf of IPAC,


      the International Pharmaceutical Aerosol


      Consortium.  IPAC is an association of leading


      manufacturers of MDIs for the treatment of asthma


      and COPD.  My remarks today are made on behalf of


      AstraZeneca, Aventis, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Chiesi


      Farmaceutici, GlaxoSmithKline and IVAX.


                IPAC was created in response to the


      mandates of the Montreal Protocol.  Since its


      inception over fifteen years ago, IPAC has sought a


      smooth and efficient transition from CFC MDIs that


      balances public health and environmental


      protection.  IPAC is firmly committed to the


      transition from CFC MDIs as evidenced by the


      extraordinary investments and efforts that its


      members have undertaken over more than a decade.


                I have been personally involved in this


      process for twelve years and have served as IPAC's


      principal point of contact with the FDA, EPA, the




      State Department and other U.S. Government agencies


      on issues related to the MDI transition.  I


      appeared before this committee five years ago


      during consideration of the FDA's rule establishing


      the criteria for determining an MDI to be




                IPAC's position on the FDA's albuterol


      rulemaking may be summarized as follows.  First,


      IPAC fully supports FDA's Final Rule on the MDI


      transition issued on July 24, 2002.  This rule


      adopts a moiety by moiety approach to the


      transition and establishes the four criteria for


      determining the nonessentiality of CFC MDIs.  Once


      these criteria are met, FDA must undertake the


      requisite rulemaking process to promptly remove


      nonessential MDIs from the marketplace.


                Second, IPAC fully supports the


      Stakeholders' petition and has urged FDA to issue a


      final rule declaring these products nonessential by


      March, 2005 with an effective date no later than


      December, 2005.


                Let me explain why IPAC embraces these




      positions.  First, and most important and as you


      have now heard, there are two safe and effective


      CFC-free albuterol products on the U.S. market and


      the criteria set forth in the July, 2002 Final Rule


      either have been or can be met by December 2005.


      This position has also been advanced, as you have


      heard, by the Stakeholders Group.


                Second, numerous other developed


      countries--Canada, Japan, Australia and at least


      twelve European nations--have already successfully


      transitioned patients to  CFC-free albuterol


      products.  There is no reason to believe that the


      United States cannot do the same.  While we are


      focused today on a domestic rulemaking process, it


      is critical to understand the overarching


      international context.  The United States' ability


      to secure CFC supply for MDIs is based upon


      essential-use authorizations allocated by the


      parties to the Montreal Protocol.


                The international community has recognized


      that the completion of the albuterol MDI transition


      is crucial since these products represent at least




      half of the CFC MDI market in the United States and


      around the world.  In light of the progress by many


      other developed countries and the wide availability


      of CFC-free albuterol products around the world, it


      is unclear how much longer the international


      community will be willing to approve CFC volumes


      for use in single moiety albuterol products.  This


      uncertainty has significant implications for


      patient care.


                In response to the clear directive from


      the United States and international community to


      reformulate MDIs and to do it as soon as possible,


      as soon as feasible, IPAC member companies and


      other MDI companies began the difficult work of


      developing CFC-free alternatives.


                This effort was not simply a matter of


      switching from one available aerosol propellent to


      another.  It was a lengthy, challenging process


      requiring full R&D programs including extensive


      clinical trials.  This effort required substantial


      investment from reformulating MDI companies well in


      excess of $1 billion and the work continues.




                Almost fifteen years ago, MDI companies


      and the United States government embarked on an


      extraordinary and unprecedented partnership.  The


      goal of this partnership was and is to balance the


      critical environmental interest of ozone protection


      with the equally vital objective of ensuring


      patient care, something that could not be achieved


      absent a strong and durable collaboration.


                Industry's core responsibility in this


      partnership is to diligently research and develop


      safe, effective CFC-free alternatives.  For its


      part, the United States undertook a parallel


      responsibility to secure essential-use CFCs during


      the development process and to ensure prompt


      removal of nonessential CFC MDIs as soon as new and


      reformulated products became available.


                The pharmaceutical industry has acted in


      good faith and made extraordinary investments to


      develop ozone-friendly MDIs.  It is now appropriate


      for the United State to honor its commitments


      toward the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances


      by declaring CFC single-moiety albuterol MDIs






                Finally, IPAC concurs with the


      Stakeholders that, rather than presenting a


      possible risk to patients, the phase-out of CFC


      albuterol MDIs will actually bring benefits to


      patients in terms of improved treatment regimens.


      IPAC further believes that available


      patient-assistance programs will promote access to


      adequate treatment for potential vulnerable patient




                IPAC is pleased that the FDA has issued


      the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.  Based on the


      considerations that I have mentioned above, IPAC


      urges FDA to grant the Stakeholders' request and


      issue a final rule removing nonessential


      single-moiety albuterol CFC MDIs effective December


      31, 2005.


                In closing, IPAC is grateful for the


      opportunity to present its views today.  We stand


      ready to serve as a resource throughout this


      rulemaking process and future ones to progress the


      transition to a timely and smooth conclusion




      consistent with patient health.


                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Jamieson.


                Speaker No. 5?


                MR. FLANZRAICH:  Good afternoon.  My name


      is Neil Flanzraich and I am here today on behalf of


      IVAX Corporation.  I would like to thank the FDA


      and the Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee


      for giving us the opportunity to comment on the


      regulatory issues before the committee and to


      register our support for the timely removal of


      single-moiety albuterol MDIs from the list of


      essential uses of ozone-depleting substances.


                IVAX is a multinational company engaged in


      the research, development, manufacture and


      marketing of generic and branded pharmaceuticals


      and veterinary products in the U.S. and


      internationally.  We are perhaps best known as one


      of the world's leading generic companies.  We were


      the company that brought the first generic and


      first inhaled generic, albuterol aerosol, and the


      first extended-release generic, verapamil HCL ER




      tablet, products to the U.S. market as well as many


      other important generic products; for example,


      paclitaxel injection.


                IVAX also has a formidable commitment to


      proprietary medicine with an extensive proprietary


      pipeline that addresses important therapeutic


      categories including oncology, central nervous


      system, urological and endocrinologic disorders.


      We also have a strong focus on developing


      proprietary products for respiratory conditions.


                Our position, as both a generic and


      propriety company, gives us a clear and sympathetic


      understanding of both sides of this issue.  Indeed,


      our experience with the issues facing this


      committee goes much deeper.  IVAX received a final


      approval from the FDA for a CFC albuterol and


      metered-dose inhaler, the generic equivalent of


      Glaxo-Wellcome's CFC Ventolin, and was the first


      company in the U.S. to market a generic albuterol


      aerosol product.


                Prior to the approval of this generic,


      IVAX worked with the FDA for five years to




      establish a sensitive pharmacodynamic


      bioequivalence study which paved the way for the


      approval of other generic albuterol inhalation


      aerosol products in the U.S. market.  This resulted


      in significant extended use of albuterol inhalers.


                IVAX' entry into the market, as well as


      the other companies that followed, significantly


      decreased the cost of albuterol to U.S. consumers.


      Importantly, this significant reduction in


      albuterol's price was a result of competition in a


      free-market economy.  We sell, we continue to sell,


      this generic CFC albuterol product in both the U.S.


      and abroad and it has been and continues to be a


      contributor to our companies revenues and profits.


                From the time seventeen years ago that the


      FDA and the EPA first encouraged U.S. companies to


      develop CFC-free aerosol products, IVAX has been a


      leader in developing and introducing


      environmentally friendly CFC-free respiratory


      products.  In 1997, in France and Ireland, we


      became the first company in the world to win


      approval for, and to market, CFC-free




      beclomethasone in a metered-dose inhaler.


                Our CFC-free beclomethasone, QVAR, was the


      first HFA corticosteroid for asthma on the U.S.


      market.  We have also developed another CFC-free


      product, our patented dry-powder inhaler, Airmax,


      which has recently been approved in several


      countries in Europe and which is presently being


      studied in a clinical trial in the U.S. with one of


      our innovative proprietary compounds for the


      treatment of asthma.


                IVAX as also become a major supplier in


      the U.S. and around the world of inhalation


      solution products for nebulization which are also


      CFC-free products.  Most pertinent to the matters


      concerning this committee, in January of 2003, we


      submitted a new drug application for an HFA


      formulation of albuterol in a metered-dose inhaler


      and it received an approvable letter from the FDA


      on this application on November 28, 2003.


                In August, 2003, we submitted another new


      drug application for an HFA formulation of


      albuterol in our patented breath-activated




      Easi-Breathe inhaler.


                IVAX has, therefore, not only been a


      participant but a pioneer and leader in both the


      generic CFC albuterol and CFC-free branded


      albuterol markets.  Our company is committed to


      supplying safe, affordable and environmentally


      responsible products and we don't believe that


      these goals are in conflict with each other.


                As has been stated by the U.S.


      Stakeholders Group on MDI transition in its


      citizens petition, the impact of CFC emissions in


      accelerating depletion of ozone in the earth's


      stratosphere and, thus, increasing our exposure to


      ultraviolet radiation is scientifically well




                Presently, CFC emissions from metered-dose


      inhalers are the dominant dose of CFC emissions


      produced by the United States.  While the


      significant impact of these emissions are better


      addressed by the scientists and environmentalists


      appearing before this committee, given the current


      status of the weakened stratospheric ozone layer,




      these CFC emissions remain a public-health concern.


      We believe their continued use remains a breach of


      faith with the international accords to which the


      U.S. is a party and to the international community


      that views these emissions as serious hazards.


                Additionally, removing the albuterol CFC


      products from the U.S. market will also strengthen


      the hand of the governments and agencies seeking to


      encourage other countries to discontinue activities


      that release even greater volumes of CFCs into the




                In response to the U.S. laws and


      international agreements calling for the phase-out


      of ozone-depleting substances, the leadership of


      other nations on this issue and the FDA's


      instructing the pharmaceutical industry that the


      Montreal Protocol and the Clean Air Act mandate an


      eventual complete ban on the production of


      ozone-depleting substances.


                IVAX has invested many millions of dollars


      over the past seventeen years to bring CFC-free


      products to the U.S. and European markets.  We




      fully concur with GlaxoSmithKline's argument that,


      having urged the MDI industry for over a decade to


      reformulate their products to CFC-free


      formulations, it would be manifestly inconsistent


      for the U.S. government to punish the companies


      that have invested so much and to reward other


      companies which have made no effort to phaseout CFC


      use by proposing an inappropriate delay in


      albuterol nonessentiality.


                As previously mentioned, we currently sell


      QVAR, the only CFC-free aerosol corticosteroid for


      asthma on U.S. market and have filed new drug


      applications for an HFA formulation of albuterol in


      a metered-dose inhaler in our patented


      breath-activated Easi-Breathe inhaler.


                The FDA is well aware of the status of


      these NDAs and, hopefully, the products covered by


      them will join GlaxoSmithKline's Ventolin HFA and


      Schering-Plough's Proventil HFA on the market in


      the near future.  Both of our HFA albuterol


      products will meet the FDA's final rule in regard


      to same active moiety, same route of




      administration, same indications, approximately the


      same level of convenience of use as the CFC


      albuterol products presently on the market.


                IVAX would be willing to supply to FDA


      with at least one-year postmarketing surveillance


      data for our HFA formulation of albuterol that we


      sell in Europe which is the equivalent to the HFA


      formulation of albuterol that we have filed NDAs on


      in the U.S.


                Our HFA formulation in an MDI and in our


      Easi-Breathe inhaler will be manufactured in our


      FDA-approved plant in Waterford, Ireland.  We


      expect our capacity for HFA products to be 50 to 60


      million units a year in the near term.  Given what


      we have heard this morning about GlaxoSmithKline's


      and Schering-Plough's capacities for manufacturing


      CFC-free albuterol units, the combined


      manufacturing capability of these three companies


      will be more than enough to satisfy the needs of


      the U.S. market.


                For IVAX, there is also an issue of


      availability of CFC propellants.  Whatever the




      availability will be for U.S. manufacturers, it may


      be even more problematic for IVAX.  Since we


      manufacture our products in Ireland, European


      Community approval is needed to obtain supplies.


      Since CFC availability is decreasing rapidly in


      Europe, such approval may not be forthcoming.


                The effect of an interruption of IVAX's


      supply would be to decrease competition in the U.S.


      and increase prices of the CFC products still on


      the market.  This is particularly likely since IVAX


      is the major supplier of true generic CFC albuterol


      MDIs in the U.S.


                We believe that IVAX is well credentialed


      to discuss the issue of pricing.  We are one of the


      world's leading generic companies and have


      demonstrated during our entire seventeen-year


      existence a commitment to provide affordable


      medicine to the public.


                We have also demonstrated this commitment


      with our two main branded respiratory products in


      the United States, both QVAR, our CFC-free


      corticosteroid for asthma, and Nasarel, our




      intranasal steroid for rhinitis, are the


      lowest-cost medicines in their categories.  QVAR,


      our branded asthma medicine costs approximately 50


      percent less and Nasarel approximately 20 percent


      less than the average price of the other products


      in its category.


                We appreciate that there is a concern that


      the prices of these new branded CFC-free albuterol


      products will exceed those of the four CFC generic


      albuterol products currently on the market one of


      which is an IVAX product.  We believe that the best


      way to control the costs of these new branded


      CFC-free albuterol products is the traditional


      American way, through the dynamics of competition


      in a free-market economy.


                Presently, there are two competitors on


      the market, Schering-Plough's Proventil HFA and


      GlaxoSmithKline's Ventolin HFA.  We expect that


      IVAX will be joining them in the near future with


      our two HFA albuterol products.  These products are


      not presently approved and we have not yet set our


      pricing, but we reiterate that IVAX has an




      historical commitment to providing the public with


      affordable medicine.


                We are also committed to pursuing a


      substantial free sampling program as well as a


      patient-assistance program.  In due course, we will


      provide the agency with additional information


      concerning these proposed programs.  The agency's


      proposed rulemaking, which we have just received,


      sees the future entry of generics as the way to


      lower the current pricing of HFA albuterol.  We


      respectively suggest that the entry of generics is


      still a long way off and that the agency has not


      properly taken into account in this regard the


      entry of IVAX's new HFA albuterol products that are


      currently pending at the agency.


                It was IVAX's entry as the third


      competitor into the CFC albuterol market years ago


      that dramatically impacted these prices.  It is our


      understanding that Sepracor may also have a


      CFC-free short-acting beta-agonist molecule closely


      related to albuterol on the market a well.  The


      competition from these products will create




      downward pricing pressure and there could certainly


      be additional CFC-free albuterol products, brand


      and generic, entering the market in the future.


                It has been alleged by an opponent of the


      removal of CFC albuterol from the essential-use


      list that the FDA's removal of CFC albuterol


      products from the list would be inconsistent with


      the stated priority of carrying out its mandate


      under the Hatch-Waxman Amendments to promote


      affordability of prescription drugs by increasing


      the availability of generic drugs.


                As a company deeply involved with the


      Hatch-Waxman Act selling over 8 billion generic


      tablets and capsules in the U.S. a year with a


      clear understanding of both the letter and the


      spirit of those amendments, we see no mandate to


      sell affordable drugs that put the environment and


      the  public's health at risk.


                There is no inconsistency in recognizing


      and abiding by what has always been true, that in


      the pyramid of healthcare values, "Do no harm," has


      always come first.  The primacy of this principle




      is universally accepted and, at present, twelve


      European countries, as well as Canada, Australia


      and Japan, have eliminated the use of CFCs in


      albuterol MDIs.


                Because we believe that the removal of CFC


      albuterol products is important, because we believe


      that the FDA's conditions and criteria for removing


      CFC albuterol products from the essential-use list


      have been met, because we believe that the enormous


      investment we and other pharmaceutical companies


      have made to reformulate our MDI products in


      reliance on the urgings of the FDA was correct and


      responsible corporate behavior that should not be


      ignored nor published, because we believe that the


      United States has pledged its support for removal


      of these products to the citizens of the United


      States and the international community through the


      Clean Air Act and Montreal Protocol, and because we


      believe that leading the CFC albuterol products on


      the U.S. market for an extended period will have a


      considerable, if difficult to calculate, cost on


      the environment, on public health, on the U.S.




      government's relationship with the international


      community and on its future success with volunteer


      collaborative pharmaceutical-industry action and


      because we believe that the cost of HFA albuterol


      products can be effectively dealt with by various


      mechanisms including, among others, free sampling


      and patient assistance programs and, of course,


      IVAX's entry into this market, we respectfully


      request that the FDA promptly issue a final rule


      removing the albuterol MDI products from its list


      of essential uses no later than December 31, 2005.


                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Mr.




                Speaker No. 6.


                DR. ROZEK:  Good afternoon.  I appreciate


      the opportunity to appear before this committee


      today.  My name is Richard Rozek.  I am an


      economist and a Senior Vice President of National


      Economic Research Associates, a firm that has been


      providing research on business and public policy


      issues for a variety of industries since 1961.




                Personally, I have been involved in the


      pharmaceutical industry for over twenty-five years


      in various academic, government--federal


      government, I should say--and private-sector




                In 2003, GlaxoSmithKline, or GSK, asked


      NERA to assess whether patients will be adequately


      served if the FDA designates albuterol CFC MDIs


      nonessential products.  To address this issue, my


      colleague, Emily Bishko, and I performed an


      economic analysis of the cost impact on patients


      and third-party payers in the first year after the


      FDA would implement this policy change.


                Our initial results, which were submitted


      to the docket in response to the Citizens Petition,


      as well as my comments today, represent the results


      of our own independent research on these issues


      related to the current and projected market


      environments for selling albuterol.


                Now, as we have heard this morning, the


      FDA established criteria that it was considering


      designation albuterol a nonessential.  Given these




      criteria, which I have summarized on this slide,


      they really fall into two categories; the product


      issues and then the patient issues, I think.  We


      focused on the economic factors surrounding whether


      patients would be adequately served.  Specifically,


      our concern was whether patients will have access


      to albuterol MDIs after the FDA policy change.


                To begin our analysis, we examined public


      data on the pharmaceutical industry generally and


      albuterol specifically.  My experience in the


      pharmaceutical industry suggests that looking at


      general industry trends does not constitute a


      sufficient basis to analyze the effects of an FDA


      policy change as that proposed here.


                Detailed information on the specific uses


      of albuterol in the U.S. is required.  But two


      important characteristics emerged from our review


      of the data on the pharmaceutical industry in


      general and on albuterol.


                First, there is a complex vertical


      structure in the pharmaceutical industry by which


      products flow, generally, from manufacturers, both




      brand and generic, to patients.  This is a


      schematic to look at that structure and we have


      noted the data in percentages is albuterol-specific


      data.  As we saw this morning, approximately 84


      percent of the albuterol MDIs--these are units as


      opposed to dollars--flows through the retail sector


      to patients.  The remaining 16 percent flows


      through either clinics, universities or HMOs as a


      group, non-federal hospitals or federal facilities.


      The retail sector, obviously, is very important in


      this regard.


                Our second result has to do with the usage


      of albuterol over time.  We examined data from IMS


      covering the period 1992 to 2002, which was the


      last year for which we had data, although,


      subsequent to our submitting our report, 2003 data


      are available.


                We noticed stability of the demand for


      albuterol over time.  Albuterol demand stayed


      constant at approximately 50 million MDIs per year


      and that was even in the face of increasing


      population which is the red line at the top of the




      chart, and also in the face of generic entry which


      occurred in approximately 1996.  The first generic


      sales for albuterol appeared in the data that we


      looked at in January, 1996.  So stable demand was


      an important factor in our subsequent analysis of


      these issues.


                To facilitate our analysis, we made


      several simplifying assumptions, as economists like


      to do, in order to make the analysis tractable.  We


      assumed that there is a minimal, if any, market


      response to the FDA policy change.  What this meant


      for our analysis is that we assumed no additional


      samples, no manufacturer rebates to government


      programs above those legally mandated, no market


      entry beyond the two existing HFA MDI products and


      no discounts to other payers above current levels


      for the HFA MDI products.  That is really a


      manifestation of the last point which is that there


      was no additional price competition for the HFD MDI


      products than what had existed before or what


      exists currently.


                Under these assumptions, we looked at




      several different perspectives.  But I think, since


      our concern was  the patient, we will focus on that


      first.  Under these assumptions, we calculate the


      increase in cost to patient per MDI for each of the


      six channels of distribution that we noted on the


      vertical flow chart earlier.


                Specifically, patients obtaining albuterol


      through the retail cash and the retail


      private-insurance channels would experience an


      increase, in our analysis, of $8.61 per MDI in the


      first year after the policy change and those people


      going through the retail private-insurance channel


      would pay an increase of $10.57 per MDI,




                In the private-insurance channel, the


      effect was due to the increase in copayment that a


      patient would have to incur for a branded product


      versus a generic products.  We had data on average


      copayments.  Generic product through the


      private-insurance channel has a copayment of $10.00


      and a branded product has an average copayment of


      $22.00.  Shifting to only branded HFA products




      available, we assume the patient would shift to the


      higher copayment amount, hence the increase in that




                Now, going a step above to a broader


      perspective, looking at patients and third-party


      payers, assuming, again, that the volume stays


      constant at 50 million units, we estimate that the


      first-year increase in the price of albuterol MDIs


      for all payers, whether it be the patient or a


      third-party payer, and in all forms of the product


      prior to the policy change, there is HFA, CFC,


      brand and generic, so that is included in our


      pre-policy-change analysis.


                The price would increase, in our


      calculation, from $18.38 prior to the policy change


      per MDI to $28.25 after the policy change.  That is


      the top line in this chart.  That is a cost


      increase, overall, of $9.87 per MDI.  The patient


      incurs $7.33 of that increase of $9.87 and the


      third-party payer incurs an increase of $2.54.


                That is not uniform across all third-party


      payers but that is the average for all third-party




      payers here.  If you remember the first charge,


      that includes federal facilities, hospitals--excuse


      me; it includes the federal government as well as


      private insurance and other programs.


                Looking at these data as a daily increase


      in cost, we see that it was a half a cent per


      capita or 4.4 cents per asthma and COPD patient,


      per diagnosed asthma and COPD patient.  Looking at


      it in the first-year impact collectively, this


      translates to $1.69 per capita or $16.02 per


      diagnosed asthma and COPD patient.


                Based on the historical stable market


      demand for this product, the use of albuterol as a


      rescue medication and the relatively low market


      price for a prescription of albuterol relative to


      the average prescription product, in my view, the


      cost increases to patients and payers that we


      calculated are unlikely to have a material effect


      on the future use of albuterol MDIs.


                By comparison, even with branded product


      only, we are talking about a prescription price of


      about $30.00.  The average prescription price for a




      branded price in 2003 was over $80.00, to put this


      in perspective.


                Now, that was our quantitative analysis.


      We subsequently looked at other market factors.


      These other market factors, both current and


      expected, further ensure that no patient will have


      to forego albuterol MDIs.  These other market


      factors we have heard about already,


      patient-assistance programs, those are both public


      and private.  D.C. Healthcare Alliance is a public


      patient-assistance program.  Bridges to Access is a


      private patient-assistance program.


                There are patient discount programs such


      as GSK Orange Card and Together Rx.  There is


      better information about these programs.  We heard


      about the Stakeholders website, the PhRMA, the


      trade association for the research-based


      pharmaceutical industry has a website.  GSK has


      promised 2 million additional samples in the first


      year alone.


                We have heard about additional competition


      from IVAX, from Sepracor, from other 3M licensees. 




      3M is willing to license the HFA technology and


      albuterol, itself, is not patent-protected.  We now


      have also heard today about Medicare drug coverage


      beginning in 2006 to further benefit the elderly




                Another factor that is very important in


      the pharmaceutical industry is buyer power; that is


      the ability of certain buyers to move market share


      and to create competition among sellers.  If you


      recall the period between the mid-'80s and the


      mid-'90s, Glaxo and Schering competed with only


      branded albuterol in CFC form.  These companies


      competed vigorously against each other.  Now, it is


      up to the buyers to create that competition again


      if it is only Schering and Glaxo competing.


                So, for a variety of reasons, these


      factors, together with our quantitative analysis,


      lead me to conclude that patients will continue to


      have access to albuterol after the FDA designates


      albuterol CFC MDIs nonessential.


                Thank you very much.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Mr. Rozek.




                It is time for Speaker No. 7.


                MR. DONIGER:  Thank you very much for the


      opportunity to talk to this panel.  I am David


      Doniger.  I represent the Natural Resources Defense


      Council.  We have more than a half a million


      members across the country dedicated to protecting


      public health and the earth's critical natural




                I, personally, worked on protecting the


      ozone layer, phasing out the ozone-depleting


      chemicals and constructing and implementing the


      Montreal Protocol and the Clean Air Act Provisions


      for more than twenty years.


                The Montreal Protocol is the most


      successful international environmental agreement


      ever.  Developed countries are way along the way to


      completing the phase-out of CFCs.  Basically the


      use in inhalers is the last significant use of CFCs


      in this country.  Developing countries are


      beginning on their scheduled phase-out of


      ozone-depleting chemicals, too.  Many of them


      actually have completed the phase-out as well.




                We are here because some uses have been


      deemed temporarily essential by the protocol


      parties and have not yet been eliminated.  But the


      ozone layer continues to suffer from the remaining


      emissions of these substances.  In 2003, the hole


      in the Antarctic ozone layer grew to near record


      size so this program is not finished yet.


                For close to a decade, the protocol


      parties have been working to eliminate the


      remaining uses as they become nonessential


      including CFCs in albuterol MDIs.  As you have


      heard, other developed countries with economies and


      patients similar to our own, including Australia,


      Canada, Japan and many members of the European


      Union have already completed the phase-out of these




                The United States has the single greatest


      use of ozone-destroying CFCs still allowed.  It is


      our view that they are no longer truly essential,


      unnecessarily harmful to the ozone layer and it is


      now of the utmost importance to complete the MDI


      CFC albuterol phaseout as quickly as possible.




                Now, viewed individually, the amount of


      CFCs in these products may not appear to be


      significant compared to the general phase-out of


      CFCs, but the emissions of ozone-depleting


      substances from all sources, no matter how small,


      must be viewed in a cumulative manner.  The


      emissions are cumulative and long lasting.  The CFC


      11 and 12 used in these products have atmospheric


      lifetimes of 50 and 100 years respectively.


                Emissions of ozone-depleting chemicals


      anywhere in the world contribute to depletion of


      the ozone layer above the United States.  Thus, the


      impact of FDA's decisions regarding the phase-out


      of CFC albuterol MDIs will go far beyond just the


      products used in the U.S.  It will have a


      significant impact both here and abroad in


      protecting the ozone layer.


                There is a ripple effect here.  By


      adhering to the letter and spirit of its


      commitments under the protocol and eliminating


      these CFC uses as soon as they become nonessential,


      the United States sets an example for other




      nations--actually, I was going to say to follow,


      but other nations are ahead of us in following.


                But the opposite is also true.  Where the


      U.S. drags its feet on the removal of nonessential


      CFC uses, it makes it easier for other countries to


      delay their phase-outs of other chemicals, of other


      uses, and we really do risk the possibility that


      the repair of the ozone layer will not occur on


      schedule if others, including our country, drag


      their feet.


                The health effects of ozone depletion are


      serious.  There are serious increases in


      skin-cancer rates, cataracts, suppression of immune


      systems and premature skin aging.  The 2002


      scientific association for ozone depletion


      estimated that, absent the controls implemented


      under the protocol, there would be nearly a half


      billion excess cases of skin cancer by 2040,


      worldwide.  But we have to keep at this and


      complete the phase-out if we are going to eliminate


      the excess risk from depletion.


                Somewhat ironically, ozone depletion, by




      CFC emissions from the MDIs may even contribute to


      the very problem the MDIs are intended to treat.


      Higher levels of U.V. radiation result from


      depletion and those exacerbate there chemical


      reactions that produce ground-level ozone smog.


      Smog is one of the things which compounds the


      problem of asthma and COPD impacting the very


      patients who rely on the MDIs.


                There is also a potential indirect effect


      of an FDA delay to consider and that is that there


      may not be new CFC production available after 2005


      for this product.  We know that the U.S.'s primary


      source of drug quality CFCs in the Netherlands will


      be closed down under that government's regulations


      at the end of 2005.


                In response to this shutdown, Honeywell,


      the producer in the Netherlands, has proposed


      shifting CFC production to its plant in Baton


      Rouge, Louisiana.  However, producing CFCs that are


      not currently produced at the Baton Rouge plant,


      including CFC 11 required for CFC albuterol MDIs,


      would violate U.S. law and the Montreal Protocol.




                It should also be expected that the


      protocol parties will not continue to grant the


      U.S. essential use authorizations for CFC albuterol


      MDIs, certainly not in the kinds of volume which


      have been granted in the past.  For the first time


      since the inception of the essential-use exemption


      more than a decade ago, the protocol's expert panel


      that reviews essential-use nominations has


      recommended only a conditional approval of the U.S.


      nomination for 2006, in large part due to the fact


      that 70 percent of the U.S. nomination was for CFC


      albuterol MDIs that other countries have been able


      to phase-out.


                The way the Clean Air Act works, if the


      parties to the protocol do not authorize the


      production and consumption of CFCs for an essential


      use, then EPA may not authorize such production or


      consumption, and that includes import, for this use




                Honeywell has stated that it believes


      that, by the end of 2005, the volume of


      pharmaceutical-grade CFCs available from the




      Netherlands plan coupled with existing CFC


      inventories may be enough to satisfy the U.S.


      market until 2008, raising the question of why


      anything would need to be produced after 2005 with


      the closing of that plant anyway.  We are pursuing


      that point with EPA.


                But it is true that this stock is a


      limited, finite amount and, in our view, it is


      better directed, if used at all, at other kinds of


      MDIs, not albuterol MDIs, where the reformulation


      may be proceeding more slowly.  In other words,


      every kilogram that is used in a nonessential


      albuterol MDI is one less kilogram that could be


      used in higher-value products for which the


      substitutes are coming more slowly.


                So, due to the impending closure of the


      plant in the Netherlands and the likelihood that


      the protocol parties will not continue to grant


      these exemptions, there is a very real possibility


      that CFCs will not be available for albuterol


      inhalers as long as FDA appears to be assuming.  I


      think this is a key point.  A policy based on a




      false assumption of continued CFC supply is


      actually the one most dangerous for patients


      because the false assumption is slowing the


      transition to CFC-free products and, if CFCs become


      unavailable sooner than FDA is supposing, patients


      may be caught short.


                The solution is to proceed swiftly with


      the transition to CFC products declaring CFC MDIs


      nonessential now, CFC albuterol MDIs nonessential


      now, and relying on the safe and effective CFC-free


      products to cover the needs of patients.  This can


      be done as early as 2006.


                So, to conclude, completing the phase-out


      of the CFC albuterol MDIs will have a significant


      positive impact on the environment, on public


      health generally, on the well-being of asthma and


      COPD patients specifically and delay will have the


      opposite effect.


                For these reasons, the committee should


      support a finding that the CFC albuterol MDIs are


      no longer essential and should be removed from the


      market, we think, as soon as January 1 of next






                Now, one final note.  In nearly a quarter


      century that I have been engaged on working on this


      issue, protecting the ozone layer, I have heard


      over and over again from industries and certain


      government agencies that it is infeasible to


      phase-out various uses of ozone-depleting


      substances and that taking timely action to protect


      the ozone layer would destroy businesses, cause


      economies to collapse and even cause elderly people


      to die due to the lack of air conditioners.


                Invariably, these dire predictions have


      proved unfounded and dozens of uses of


      ozone-depleting substances have been phased out


      successfully.  Based on this historic perspective,


      and not intending to minimize at all the very real


      health considerations for the patients at issue


      here ,I am confident that the phase-out of CFC


      albuterol MDIs can be completed this year or next


      without adverse consequences.


                Thank you for the opportunity to present


      to you.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Mr. Doniger.


                Speaker No. 8.


                DR. RAU:  Thank you for the opportunity to


      provide comments to the committee.  My name is


      Joseph Rau.  I am Chair of Cardiopulmonary Care


      Sciences at Georgia State University in Atlanta and


      I am speaking on behalf of the American Association


      for Respiratory Care, the AARC.  I want to say at


      the outside I have no financial interest or


      conflicts of interest with any of the products that


      are being deliberated upon today.


                The AARC is the national professional


      association representing over 34,000 respiratory


      therapists who provide care to patients with


      asthma, emphysema and other chronic obstructive


      pulmonary diseases.  I have submitted a written


      statement which offers more detail on the brief


      comments that I would like to offer today.


                The AARC support phasing out of the use of


      chlorofluorocarbon or CFC propellants for


      aerosolized inhaled medications and, in particular,


      the removal of the essential-use designation for




      CFC albuterol metered-dose inhalers.


                In addition, the AARC, however, wants to


      recommend monitoring the consequences of such a


      change on cost and patient compliance.  There is no


      generic HFA albuterol and we have seen, with data


      presented today, that there is some price


      difference between the HFA formulations compared to


      the currently available generic CFC formulations.


                The AARC, in general, recommends an


      approval process for new HFA formulation new drug


      applications that is as efficient and expeditious


      as possible to promote availability and competitive


      pricing of replacement drugs for bronchodilators as


      well as other drug classes.  There is uncertainty


      over pharmaceutical manufacturers production of


      non-CFC MDI bronchodilators and other classes of


      inhaled drugs.


                The AARC believes that this uncertainty


      can be reduced or, perhaps, even eliminated, if the


      phase-out and replacement of CFC MDIs is driven by


      a planned transparent timeframe agreed to by the


      FDA and pharmaceutical manufacturers rather than




      dictated by the unavailability of CFCs.  In


      particular, the AARC does support the proposed


      December, 2005 timeframe for the phase-out of CFC


      albuterol MDIs.


                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Rau.


                Speaker No. 9.


                MS. FINDER:  Hello.  My name is Jodi


      Finder.  I am here as special counsel to the Asthma


      Therapy Coalition.  First, I would like to thank


      the agency and this committee for the opportunity


      to present ATC's views this afternoon.


                What we are not debating here is that FDA


      is an agency that is charged with protecting


      America's health.  FDA is, therefore, unequivocally


      obligated to make decisions about a drug's


      marketing status that are based on facts and


      economic realities.


                If this transition is inevitable and CFC


      albuterol  MDIs must lose their essential-use


      designation, then this transition away from access


      to affordable albuterol rescue inhalers cannot




      ignore the dire medical needs of the population


      that relies on them the most.


                Asthma is on the rise in this country, one


      of the most chronic and fastest-growing diseases in


      America.  There were 20 million asthmatics in 2002.


      In that same year, there were more than 1.9 million


      ER visits that were attributable to this chronic


      condition.  What is also not at issue here, in


      addition to FDA's role, is that bronchodilators are


      an integral part of asthma management.


                There has been a disproportionate increase


      of asthma prevalence in the poorest and most


      cost-sensitive segments of society.  I think we


      know who we are talking about here; the uninsured,


      the underinsured, the Medicaid recipients, the


      urban population--for example, inner-city


      children--the elderly patients who are on fixed


      incomes, and minorities.


                Another population that we don't talk


      about very often that hasn't really been discussed


      in this debate thus far is the rural population.


      The West Virginia Education and Prevention Program




      has done a study on this population that has shown


      that the prevalence rate in rural West Virginia is


      greater than the national rate and this number is




                For your reference, I have included to the


      committee an executive summary of that study.


                A recent Journal of the American Medical


      Association study that looked at chronic conditions


      including asthma reveals that increasing copayments


      can decrease prescription drug use up to 32 percent


      and even more in some conditions.  To give you a


      sense of what the study included, it look at


      diabetes, arthritis, asthma, depression and a few


      other chronic conditions.


                The medical and financial cost of a


      premature ban on CFC albuterol metered-dose


      inhalers would far exceed the environmental


      benefit.  We all know that generic CFC albuterol


      MDIs retail for more than $20 less than brand


      alternatives.  The agency and the committee don't


      seem to be questioning this discrepancy.


                The near-term removal of generic




      alternatives would raise treatment costs, according


      to conservative estimates, by $500 million annually


      totalling approximately upward to $5 billion or


      more until the time that HFA inhalers come


      off-patent and generic alternatives may enter the




                In fact, FDA, though, has actually said,


      in the rule that was issued, the proposed rule that


      was issued yesterday, that this number really is a


      conservative estimate.  FDA is now saying that this


      number of $1 billion annually.  Let me repeat that.


      $1 billion we are looking at as the increased cost


      of taking these products off the market




                In contrast to the cost here, the


      near-term environmental impacts are negligible.  It


      will take fifty years for stratospheric chlorine


      loading to reach adequate levels to improve the


      environment.  Even if all CFC albuterol MDIs were


      eliminated this year, the environmental benefit


      would be insignificant.


                Let me explain this in a little greater




      detail.  This graph shows the cumulative ODS


      production.  What you see here is actually over


      approximately a 50-year period.  But if you look


      over approximately a 70-year period, you will see


      that ODS production totalled 23 million ODP tons




                If you look towards 2002, you see an


      extreme downward trend from the peak year in 1988.


      The sum of all CFCs reported in 2002 equalled a


      mere 3 percent of the total peak year from 1988, so


      what you are seeing, that small bar at the end, is


      3 percent of that large bar you are seeing that


      represents the peak year of 1988.


                Less than 1 percent of the 2002


      ozone-depleting-substance production is


      attributable to U.S. CFC albuterol inhaler


      production.  What that means is, you look at that


      little bar, less than 1 percent of that small


      bar--this would be an imperceptible line on this


      chart--is attributable to CFC albuterol MDI


      production in this country.


                What this means is, if we look at having a




      reasonable transition here, if a transition is


      inevitable, and we are looking into the next


      decade, that approximately eight to ten more years


      of CFC albuterol MDI production in this market


      would amount to less than 0.01 million ODP tons in


      contrast to that 23 million you see represented on


      this bar chart.


                What does this mean?  A moment ago, I said


      that it would take 50 years for the environment to


      reach a full recovery after taking ODS products off


      the market.  So, what we are talking about in


      allowing this reasonable transition and in allowing


      these cost-effective products to stay on the market


      until generic alternatives can enter the market,


      bring competition and keep prices down, we are


      going to delay that 50 years that it already going


      to take the environment to recover by a matter of


      days, if that much.  We are talking about days, 50


      year plus days.


                What is not in question here is that FDA


      cannot undermine the Hatch-Waxman Amendments.  The


      Hatch-Waxman, we all know, has revolutionized the




      normal life cycle of pharmaceuticals.  The


      pharmaceutical market has come to progress from


      brand exclusivity, high dollars, towards generic


      competition, meaning affordable drugs, not the


      other way around.


                Barring entry prematurely of generic


      alternatives for nearly a decade would represent a


      clear abrogation of FDA's clear mandate to promote


      affordability by promoting competition.


                So what the Asthma Therapy Coalition is


      here to do today is ask the agency and the


      committee to consider some very important questions


      as it makes an ultimate decision here.  First,


      given the price sensitivity to prescription drug


      use, what will be the ripple effect throughout the


      healthcare system and is this acceptable?


                We are looking at increased


      hospitalizations, increased emergency-room visits,


      increased morbidity, increased mortality rates.


      Another question; which groups will be most likely


      affected and how can we prevent this adverse


      impact?  How successful, really, will the current




      proposed government and/or private-sector programs


      be?  What direct environmental and patient benefits


      are gained by eliminating CFC albuterol MDIs before


      generic alternatives may enter the market?


      Shouldn't the billions of dollars we are talking


      about here, that FDA is already talking about, be


      spent in more impactful areas such as research and


      development and prevention.


                Again, thank you to the agency and to the


      Pulmonary-Allergy Advisory Committee for this


      opportunity to participate in the rulemaking


      process today.  The Asthma Therapy Coalition would


      be happy to serve as a resource throughout this


      rulemaking process.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you very much.


                Speaker No. 10.


                DR. BERNHARDT:  I am pleased to have the


      opportunity today to address this meeting and offer


      considerations for planning the U.S. program for


      CFC propellants used in metered-dose inhalers, or




                I am Dr. Steven Bernhardt, Global Director




      of Regulatory Affairs for Honeywell Chemicals.


      Honeywell is a $23 billion diversified technology


      and manufacturing leader.  We employ over 100,000


      people and serve customers worldwide with


      components, engines and related products and


      services for commercial airlines, business and


      regional aircraft and spacecraft, automation and


      control technologies for homes, buildings, industry


      sites and airports, turbochargers for


      transportation systems and chemicals, films,


      advanced fibers and custom intermediates.


                We are leading global producer and


      marketer of fluorine-based products including both


      CFCs and HFCs and, as such, are vitally interested


      in the proceedings and recommendations of the FDA


      regarding MDI propellants.


                Honeywell is a supplier of propellants for


      MDIs manufacturers.  We are committed to meet the


      needs of our customers and patients in this


      critical life-saving application.  We support to


      orderly transition from the use of CFC propellants


      to non-ozone-depleting propellants such as HFCs.




                Honeywell has manufactured CFCs for MDI


      propellent applications in the U.S. and in Europe.


      In recognition of the expected gradual decrease in


      demand for CFCs as propellent for products such as


      albuterol, we are planning to rationalize our


      global manufacturer to a single site located in




                Our plan is to continue manufacturer of


      CFCs to meet patient demand for this choice of


      product until such time as a transition to HFCs has


      proceeded to the point that continued operation can


      no longer be justified.  Supply to meet market


      needs can be from just-in-time CFC manufacturer as


      well as judicious use of inventory of propellent as


      preferred by our customers.


                Our business plans call for us to be a


      supplier of CFCs, HFCs or both.  It is vital that


      FDA and the Aerosol Technical Options Committee for


      UNEP is aware that supply of both options will be


      available and shortage of supply ought not to be a


      consideration for your recommended national


      transition plan.




                We welcome working closely with both


      organizations to provide you with the necessary


      assurance that we will continue to be a partner who


      you can rely on for the years to come to support


      this elected phase-out schedule.


                I, again, thank you for this opportunity


      to communicate Honeywell's position on the supply




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you very much, Dr.




                Speaker No. 11.


                MS. SANDER:  Good afternoon.  I am Nancy


      Sander.  I am President and Founder of the Allergy


      and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics, a


      nonprofit patient and family-education and advocacy


      organization based right in the neighborhood,


      actually, just a few miles away so all expenses


      associated with this trip are donated by me.


                On behalf of the AANMA Board of Directors


      and more than 17 million Americans diagnosed with


      asthma, I want to thank you for the opportunity to


      be here and represent patient perspectives.




                AANMA takes the position that the use of


      chlorofluorocarbons as propellants in albuterol


      metered-dose inhalers no longer meets the


      requirements for essential use under the criteria


      set for in the Code of Federal Regulations.


                This is a poster that I see some of you


      have picked up already but it is newly published by


      our organization in cooperation with the American


      College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology with the


      MARC emergency-care physicians as well.  This


      poster was developed to help patients identify the


      medications that they were on when they go to an


      emergency room and they don't remember the names of


      what they are taking.


                But it also helps me with a presentation


      today where, if you will notice that in your top


      left-hand corner, you will see, across the top row


      and then the two in the middle row, that we have


      albuterol bronchodilators.  Prior to the


      introduction of generic albuterol in 1996,


      albuterol sulfate was only sold as Ventolin and


      Proventil.  Today, patients use albuterol sulfate




      sold in generic, Ventolin HFA and Proventil HFA




                So, with the phase-out, and I do mean


      phase-out, of CFC-propelled albuterol MDIs,


      albuterol does not disappear.  So we are very


      confident about its availability.  Will this


      represent a threat to patients who no longer have


      access to generic or less-expensive MDI


      bronchodilators?  We think, actually, not,


      especially after hearing the presentation by IVAX


      and by GlaxoSmithKline and by Schering earlier


      today.  Because, also, the transition takes place


      over time.  Inhalers don't go away one day as a


      result of a calendar-day change.  So, because it


      takes place over time, manufacturers, health


      insurers, patients and their physicians have time


      to plan accordingly.


                As an organization, we have been helping


      patients make this planning transition for a number


      of years and also make them aware of various


      patient-assistance programs that various companies






                Of the remaining short-acting inhaled


      bronchodilators up here, that would be Alupent,


      Maxair, Autohaler, Atrovent and Combivent.  All of


      them contain CFC propellent.  According to everyone


      today, they eventually go away as well.  I think we


      can learn a lot about how transitions happen by


      paying close attention to what happens with




                The new drug application submitted by


      Sepracor for Xopenex and the discussions from IVAX


      earlier today are encouraging as well because they


      both utilize HFA propellants.


                This brings me to one of my favorite


      subjects and that is, while the pressurized


      metered-dose inhaler is an absolutely elegant


      economic and portable device.  It is also very


      complex and user-dependent.  Even experienced users


      even have difficulty using the MDIs even though


      they have been taught numerous times.


                The MDI is the only FDA-approved


      medication delivery system where a patient cannot


      reliably tell if they have medication left as they




      continue to use it.  There is no window.  There is


      no mark on the side that says, "After this level,


      you have no medication."  There is no dose counter


      or indicator.  So there is no way to know when a


      patient has reached 200 doses, if that is the fill


      capacity.  So it is not obvious at all when a


      patient is running low or needs to get a


      prescription refill.


                The FDA and manufacturers say that shake,


      float and spray-testing techniques commonly


      employed by patients and their physicians when


      trying to determine or guess the amount of


      medication remaining inside of their MDI are


      unreliable.  Float testing, where the MDI is dunked


      in water, may actually damage the device.


                There was research that showed that


      clearly 82 percent of patients use empty MDIs.  So


      when parents send children with asthma to school


      each day, is the MDI full or empty and no one can


      say for sure.  That is why the organization


      continues to encourage manufacturers to adopt FDA


      guidance to industry and why we view that MDI




      transition presents the best opportunity to


      incorporate dose counting and dose-indicator


      technology and into new devices and HFA devices.


                Cost, access and education issues will


      never go away but they can be improved,


      particularly in the underserved population.  We do


      not support an essential-use exemption for CFC


      albuterol.  We do, however, support a united front


      with the FDA and with manufacturers and health


      insurers and other interested parties in making


      sure that patients make very smooth transition




                Thank you very much.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Ms. Sander.


                Speaker No. 12.


                DR. MARINELLI:  Good afternoon.  My name


      is Dr. Anthony Marinelli.  I am a member of the


      American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice


      Committee and I am here to present the views of the


      American Thoracic Society, an organization of


      15,000 pulmonary-physician and other


      health-professional members.  I have no financial




      relationships to disclose.


                It is the position of the American


      Thoracic Society that the FDA should move forward


      quickly to delist CFC albuterol from the


      essential-use category and prepare the U.S.


      marketplace for the elimination of CFC albuterol.


                There are four key reasons why the ATS


      supports delisting CFC albuterol from the


      essential-use category.  First, I think it is


      important to keep in mind what is driving this


      process, the hole in the ozone layer.  The fact


      that there is a hole in the ozone layer and that


      the hole is caused by human activity--namely, the


      release of ozone-depleting substances--is clearly




                The good news is that the steps taken so


      far to reduce global use of ozone-depleting gases


      has helped reduce the size of the hole in the ozone


      layer.  So, what the global community has been


      doing so far is working.  The bad news is that the


      hole is still there and it will not fully repair


      itself until further reductions in ozone-depleting




      emissions are made.  Delisting CFC albuterol is an


      essential step for the U.S. to take in contributing


      to the global effort to preserve the ozone layer.


                Second, the market is ready for a


      transition.  There are two drug manufacturers who


      have FDA approval to sell HFA albuterol in the


      United States and there is a third manufacturer, as


      we have heard today, expected to enter the market


      in 2005.  With three companies in the marketplace,


      there is appropriate competition to keep drug


      prices in check and appropriate manufacturing


      capacity to ensure that the U.S. market will be


      fully supplied with HFA albuterol.  Delisting CFC


      albuterol should cause no albuterol supply


      disruption in the United States.


                Third, the transition provides clinicians


      a teachable moment to review and improve


      asthma-care plans with their patients.  I use the


      National Asthma Education and Prevention Program


      Guidelines for managing my patients with asthma and


      I encourage patients to know and avoid their asthma


      triggers, to use appropriate maintenance




      medications to control asthma and to have


      immediately available rescue medications for acute




                Despite my best efforts, I know many of my


      patients rely too much on rescue medications,


      underutilize their maintenance medications and


      don't take the simple steps to reduce exposure to


      their asthma triggers.  The switch from CFC to HFA


      albuterol gives me an opportunity to, again, teach


      patients to know and avoid asthma triggers and to


      review the proper role of the many medications


      needed to manage their asthma.


                I think our goal in the transition process


      is use the switch as a teachable moment to review


      and hopefully improve the care of patients with


      asthma.  Delisting CFC albuterol will provide


      clinicians and patients alike an opportunity to


      review and improve their asthma-care plan.


                Fourth, clinicians have experience helping


      patients get their medications.  Several observers


      have suggested that the United States should not


      delist CFC albuterol from the essential-use




      category because of the cost impact it will have on


      patients who use generic CFC albuterol.


                It is true the price of HFA albuterol will


      be more than the generic CFC albuterol.  So, if the


      FDA does delist CFC albuterol, the prices for


      albuterol will go up.  Despite the cost proposed


      and the increases that are inevitable in


      medications and in virtually all aspects of


      healthcare, I am still able to provide, and my


      patients are still able to access, high-quality




                The cost increase of albuterol in


      isolation from the rest of the healthcare sector


      cannot be used as justification for slowing efforts


      to reduce ozone-depleting gas emissions.  The U.S.


      healthcare system will adjust.  Clinicians have


      experience in assisting patients get the care that


      they need.  Physicians and their office staff walk


      patients through the process of public and private


      assistance programs.


                We use drug samples.  We come up with


      alternative drug sources.  We work with or around




      insurers to ensure patients get the care they need.


      For example, if I write a prescription for a 90-day


      supply of medicine instead of a 30-day supply of


      medicine, the yearly co-pay to that patient will go




                While there will be cost implications, the


      delisting of CFC albuterol will not increase access


      barriers to therapy for patients with asthma or


      other lung-related diseases.


                On behalf of the American Thoracic


      Society, I appreciate the opportunity to present


      our views.  Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Marinelli.


                Speaker No. 13.  I want to committee to


      realize this is the last speaker.


                DR. FINEGOLD:  That is a great


      introduction.  Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I didn't want to detract.


      I just wanted to get their attention.


                DR. FINEGOLD:  Well, thank you again for


      allowing me to participate in this meeting.  I am


      Dr. Ira Finegold.  I am an allergist and I practice




      in New York City.  I am also Chief of Allergy at


      St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York.  I run


      the Allergy Clinic there and I am Director of the


      R.A. Cook Institute of Allergy.


                I take care of asthmatic patients who are


      insured, pay out of pocket, and those who are


      covered by assistance programs.  I am also a Past


      President of the American College of Allergy,


      Asthma and Immunology.  This is a professional


      association of 4,000 allergists and immunologists


      dedicated to improving the quality of patient care


      through a research, advocacy and professional and


      public education.


                I am also the College's representative for


      the last ten years to the U.S. Stakeholders Group


      who you are all very familiar with.  I have no


      financial disclosures of significance.


                We believe--and that is the College's


      position--that eliminating CFC-containing MDIs are


      important for the ozone-layer recovery, which you


      have heard so much about, improving patient


      outcomes.  By that, we echo the previous speaker




      regarding this as an opportunity to talk to


      patients about asthma and decrease, actually, the


      use of albuterol-containing rescue medication and


      increase appropriate therapies such as inhaled


      corticosteroids and, for allergic patients with


      asthma, allergy immunotherapy and, for some


      patients, anti-IgE therapy.


                Also, we think outcomes do improve because


      some of the newer HFA products are actually


      superior devices and have less of the shortcomings


      of some of the earlier CFC-containing metered-dose


      inhalers.  Also, we feel it is important to protect


      our patients to ensure a supply of rescue


      medication for them.


                That leads to the whole question about the


      CFC supply and, as I come away from what I knew


      before and what I hear today, one thing I am


      certain is that I am uncertain about the supply.


      This becomes important to patients so that suddenly


      CFC-containing medication doesn't disappear without


      an orderly transition or that some of these other


      products that so far are not making the transition




      to an HFA product still relying on CFCs are still


      available for patients such as Alupent, Maxair, and


      these drugs.


                We think that the phase-out date of


      December 31, 2005 seems reasonable.  From what we


      hear today and what we knew before, we believe the


      manufacturers can meet the demand and that, with


      the two products already on the market, that this


      is an acceptable alternative with the uncertainty


      of the CFC supply that is another imperative with


      it and, given the fact that sooner or later, CFCs


      will disappear, we think we might as well keep


      moving this process forward.


                However, even though we are in agreement


      with this process and have been since its


      inception, we thoroughly recognize the cost of the


      transition cannot be ignored and, to some extent,


      it would seem that costs can be addressed by the


      competitive market by a certainty that this will


      occur with a given date so people will move things


      forward, and communication, informing our patients


      that rescue medication is not the whole treatment




      for asthma and that we need to use controlling




                In effect, what we want to see is patients


      who use one or two canisters per year as opposed to


      the patients who use one canister of a metered-dose


      inhaler of a fast-acting agent once a month.


                Thank you so much for allowing me to make


      these comments.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Finegold.


      And thank you to all the speakers during the open


      public hearing session.


                Committee members, I would ask that you


      indulge me a little bit.  I would like to deviate


      from the agenda as we have it here.  We are


      scheduled for a break at 2:30.  I would suggest


      that we see if there are any questions of the


      speakers, if the committee members have any


      questions because I think we will need some


      uninterrupted time to have our discussion.


                Before we do that, though, Ms. Jain has a


      statement that she needs to read.


                MS. JAIN:  I have a statement from the




      Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.


      They submitted a  written statement.  However, they


      were unable to send a representative.  So I am


      going to read that to you.  Each of you have a copy


      in your folders as well.


                "On behalf of the Joint Council of


      Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, JCAAI, whose


      mission is to act on behalf of the specialty of


      allergy-immunology and the patients it serves, we


      are writing to express our views on the pending


      issue regarding the possible removal of the


      essential-use designation of albuterol.


                "While we support the removal of CFC


      products from the U.S. market, we are very


      concerned about the adverse impact that removal of


      CFC-propellent albuterol products from the current


      market would have on some of our patients due to


      cost issues.


                "Currently, CFC-propellent albuterol


      products cost much less than the non-CFC albuterol


      products.  By our analysis, the CFC-containing


      albuterol products cost, on average, about $22




      while, at the same time, the non-CFC albuterol


      costs almost double at about $44 per inhaler.


                "Removal of the CFC albuterol will double


      the costs of treatment for our patients.  The


      consequences of such action will more than likely


      mean that some patients will forego their


      prescribed drug-treatment plan that will eventually


      lead to increased overall health costs through


      increased asthma attacks, increased emergency-room


      visits and, perhaps, death.


                "According to a new study by the Agency


      for Healthcare Research Quality, AHRQ, May 18,


      2004, increases in copayments for prescription


      drugs can lead to much costlier medical programs as


      asthma patients and others forego drugs and see


      their conditions worsen.  This study found doubling


      the out-of-pocket copayments patients are required


      to pay resulted in a decline in the use of key


      drugs used to control asthma.


                "We hope that these factors will be


      considered as the committee deliberates over this


      important issue.




                "Sincerely, Spenser Atwater, M.D.,


      President, JCAAI."


                Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  So, committee members, do


      any of you have questions of our speakers that we


      have had, the ten speakers we have seen this


      afternoon?   Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  I had a question for Mr.


      Rozek.  There has definitely been the concern


      raised about cost but your analysis actually tried


      to present some data on that.  I wanted to make


      sure I understand what you were saying that, given


      your simplifying assumptions and assuming no


      mitigating factors, you estimated 50 million


      canisters would increase in cost by $10 a


      canister--that is, the total cost to the healthcare


      system, approximately, leading to an increased cost


      during that first year of $500 million.


                I wanted to clarify if that is, in fact,


      what your findings showed.


                DR. ROZEK:  Yes.  We actually presented,


      in our comments to the docket, that total number. 




      I think it was $493 million, exactly.  But that is


      to the entire healthcare system and that was the


      first-year impact.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Committee


      members, any other questions?  Okay; I have that it


      is 1:55.  Let's take a fifteen-minute break.


      Please be back at your seats by 2:10 and then we


      will have our discussion for the committee members.




                          Committee Discussion


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Committee members, you


      have been asked to sit through lots of


      presentations.  You have absorbed lots of


      information.  Now it going to be your opportunity


      to talk and discuss.


                I would ask that you turn to the last page


      that is attached to your agenda because that is


      going to help us focus our discussion.  So I will


      give everybody a minute until they are with me.


                MS. JAIN:  It is attached to your agendas,


      if you look on the last page of your agenda, after


      the rosters.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  The FDA has listed three


      issues for discussion.  We will take them in order.


      The first one, and I will read it for everyone's


      benefit, "Please discuss the extent to which you


      believe the criteria established in 21 CFR 2.125


      for removal of a drug substance from the list of


      essential uses for CFCs have been met for




                There are the four bullets with the four


      criteria, so let us discuss them.  We will take


      them one at a time.  The first criterion is as


      follows: "At least two non-ozone-depleting


      substances, non-ODS, that contain the same active


      moiety are being marketed with the same route of


      delivery for the same indication and with


      approximately the same level of convenience of use


      as the ozone-depleting products."


                So, is there any discussion.  Do any


      committee members have any questions, comments,


      points of discussion, that they want to make about


      this particular criterion?


                Dr. Moss.




                DR. MOSS:  I had a question for anybody


      here from the open public hearing part of it.  It


      says at least two, but it was raised today that


      there might be more than that.  I think that would


      be an important issue in terms of cost.  So I was


      wondering if anybody from the IVAX people or some


      of the other companies here that can talk about


      where the other new drugs, not the SmithKline or


      Schering, are in terms of things and when they


      expect them to come to market?  Or not?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Please identify yourself


      and your affiliation.


                MR. FLANZRAICH:  Hello.  Once again, my


      name is Neil Flanzraich.  I am the Vice Chairman


      and President of IVAX.  Just to repeat, in terms


      of, in addition to the two present products on the


      market, IVAX has two NDAs currently pending at the


      FDA.  One is for an HFA formulation of albuterol in


      a standard inhaler.  The other is for an HFA


      formulation of albuterol in our patented


      breath-activated Easi-Breathe inhaler.


                With respect to the standard inhaler,




      which we filed in January of '03, in November of


      '03, we had an approvable letter from the FDA and


      we have responded to it.  So it is in the hands of


      the agency.  We filed our application, our NDA, for


      Easi-Breathe in August of '03 and that is also


      pending at the FDA.


                So we hope, within some reasonable


      timeframe, both those applications can be approved


      and we will have two HFA albuterol products on the


      market.  We are also informed, just having heard


      what was said publicly by another opportunity,


      Sepracor, that they are also developing an HFA


      formulation of a closely related molecule to


      albuterol, another short-acting beta-agonist.


                So, presumably, that product--I think it


      is called Xopenex--in an MDI with an HFA


      formulation will, at some point, be approaching the


      market.  I did make the point in my presentation


      that one can wait for an indefinite period of time


      for a generic to come.  IVAX is one of the leading


      generic companies in the world.  We chose to


      address this market and we thought it would




      actually be a quicker route to the marketplace with


      an NDA, a new drug application.  But that does not


      mean that we will not be responsive to the costs


      and the issues in this marketplace.


                We said, for example, that the current


      asthma product that we have on the U.S. market, it


      is an HFA formulation of a corticosteroid.  It is a


      maintenance medicine called QVAR.  It is the only


      CFC-free corticosteroid, aerosol corticosteroid, on


      the U.S. market.  We sell it at 50 percent of the


      average prices of the other products on the market


      in that category.


                We certainly would expect to sell this at


      a competitive price and something that would


      benefit the marketplace.  Really, IVAX has had a


      long history.  I think we have a proven record of


      being committed to making medicine affordable.  We


      were the first generic of the very product we are


      talking about removing from the market now, the CFC


      albuterols.  In that case, and in many others which


      I could list, we like to think we have contributed


      to reducing billions of dollars from the costs that




      American consumers have to pay for medicine.


                We will certainly bring that same


      tradition and commitment to the HFA albuterol




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.


                MR. McVICKER:  Hi.  My name is William


      McVicker and I am from Sepracor.  I just wanted to


      confirm that our company has, indeed, submitted an


      NDA for Leave Albuterol, an HFD MDI, within the


      recent pass.  The availability of that on the


      market will obviously depend on the review to go


      forward from here.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you very much.


                Committee members, before we start talking


      more about the marketplace, that is actually going


      to be related to one of the other bullet points.


      Any further discussion or questions or comments


      about the first criterion, that at least two


      non-ozone-depleting substances, et cetera, have are


      available.  Comments?  Questions?  Yes; Dr. Schatz.


                DR. SCHATZ:  I think I would just make the


      comment that no comments are probably interpreted




      to mean that we believe that those criteria are


      fulfilled.  But I think maybe we better clarify




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Okay.


                DR. SCHATZ:  That we be my interpretation


      of the "no comments."


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Since our committee


      members are so shy, are there any committee members


      who disagree with that statement?  It doesn't


      appear so.  Now, we are not really voting; okay?


      We are really just discussing and making


      recommendations to the FDA.  So, unlike other


      advisory-committee meetings, we really are not


      taking person-by-person votes today.


                So it looks like we can move on from that


      particular criterion.  The second criterion was


      that supplies and production capacity for the


      non-ODS products exists or will exist at levels


      sufficient to meet patient need.  We heard this


      morning and some this afternoon from different


      pharmaceutical representatives that they can


      ratchet up their production and think that they can




      meet the need for non-ODS MDIs in the United




                Any comments, discussion, questions from


      the committee members about this issue?  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  I will just reiterate what I


      said before.  It seems to me that it has been


      well-explained that the companies could, within an


      18-month period of time, increase their production


      to fulfill the marketplace.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Atkinson, you had a




                DR. ATKINSON:  Yes.  I was just going to


      add that if the FDA acts expeditiously to set a


      deadline for judging CFC-containing albuterol MDIs


      as nonessential, then that will presumably set in


      motion the events that these companies need to ramp


      up their production.  So it is really kind of


      dependent on what happens in the next several weeks


      or months.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  I think that does bring up


      the question that I probably would like to hear




      from the companies involved.  In terms of the


      timing of this, before we were led to believe that,


      from the final rule, essentially, until


      implementation, companies would need 12 to 18


      months.  I wonder whether that is still the concept


      and is it closer to 18?   I just sort of wanted to


      be sure, I guess, I understood that timeframe.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any comments from one of


      the company representatives?


                DR. GARUTTI:  Ron Garutti,


      Schering-Plough.  We did say that if the date were


      somehow magically to be announced tomorrow, we


      could be ready as early as December 31, 2005.  And


      we believe that.  For any date further out,


      however, we think about an 18-month timeframe is


      the appropriate lead time.


                Now, the industry and Schering-Plough and


      3M were kind of energized around this issue right


      now to do it.  The longer this goes on, other


      decisions may have to be made.  Other commitments


      may fall into place.  So we are saying eighteen


      months now but who knows what the environment will




      be if the date is not announced for another two,


      three years?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Comments from


      any other company representatives?


                MS. FLANZRAICH:  Neil Flanzraich from


      IVAX.  I just wanted to say that IVAX will be ready


      on December 31 of 2005 to supply--as we said, we


      have a capacity that will be 50 to 60 million units


      and we will be ready at that time.  So, whether you


      tell us now or you tell us a year before or six


      months before, we will be ready then.


                DR. SCHATZ:  Based on an approval of your




                MR. FLANZRAICH:  Currently, the products


      are not approved but we would have the capacity if


      the products are approved.


                DR. JONES:  Elaine Jones, Vice President


      of Glaxo.  It would take us six to twelve months to


      ramp up to manufacture 15 billion MDIs.  It would


      take us approximately twelve to eighteen months to


      ramp up to the total of 30 million MDIs.  So,


      within eighteen months, starting from now, we could




      manufacture 30 million MDIs of the HFA formulation.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  May I add another question?


      That would also be true if, at any time in the next


      year, the decision is made.  There is no other


      alternative decision that the company needs to make


      that could change that?


                DR. JONES:  That's correct.  We only would


      make the decision point--it would take us, say, six


      to twelve for the 15 and twelve to eighteen for the


      30 million depending on, actually, when that


      decision point was made.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Yes; Dr.




                MR. MITCHELL:  We have announced in the


      Unified Agenda, which is a publicly available


      document published in the Federal Register, that


      currently we are planning to publish the final rule


      sometime in March of next year.  That takes into


      account the 60-day comment period, the complexity


      and sensitivity of the issue and the need to


      consult with our sister agencies on these very


      important issues.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Any other


      comments on this particular criterion?  Are the


      committee members satisfied with this?  Okay.


                Let's move on to the third criterion--oh;




                DR. SCHATZ:  I'm sorry.  I guess the only


      thing I would say in response to that last comment


      is that if, in fact, the final rule is published in


      March and it calls for December of 2005, which is a


      nine-month lead, then I am a little concerned from


      what I have heard because that won't be the twelve


      to eighteen months.


                Now, I realize maybe something could start


      now, but I guess I would question whether that--is


      that correct, that a final rule--do the companies


      think, or do other people believe, from what you


      are hearing, that if a final rule is published in


      March of 2005, that a December 2005 date is too


      early to have adequate supply?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Does the FDA want to


      respond to that?


                DR. MEYER:  I think that is something that




      we would like to hear a discussion on.  We have


      heard the statements from the industry as to what


      their lead time needs to be.  As Mr. Mitchell had


      pointed out, we are talking today about a situation


      where we have just published a proposed rule.  We


      will not be to the final rule until next spring,


      early-summer, range.


                So December would be only then, perhaps,


      six, seven, eight, nine months at most.  We are


      hearing from the companies that that may be faster


      than they could fully ramp up to produce.  I think


      it is a difficulty at this point in time to know


      where in the mix the IVAX product may or may not be


      so that, obviously, the input from their company is


      a legitimate observation, perhaps, but, as of


      today, is speculation.


                But I think it would be important,


      perhaps, if the committee shares your concern to


      hear a little bit of discussion about that issue.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Martinez?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I think that, together with


      that, an additional issue needs to be taken into




      account which is that, if there is a rule and it


      says that, say, December 2005, the rule will start


      to take effect, producers of CFC products will tend


      to decrease the amount of their product with time


      and there could be even a period which is not the


      period between twelve or eighteen but earlier


      during which there will be less CFC products and


      not enough HFA products.


                I am concerned that, because of the issues


      of the market, the FDA needs to take into account


      issues like the one I have said so that patients


      with asthma are not going to be left with this


      product which is essential and life-saving.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Swenson.


                DR. SWENSON:  Just to the point of the


      timing of this transition.  It is not written in


      stone that it has to be December, 2005.  I think if


      it were pushed back one year, that wouldn't, in any


      large way, go against the spirit of this transition


      simply to make for practical applications and the


      ability to make the transition more smoothly.  Am I






                DR. MEYER:  I guess with the one caveat


      that we cannot necessarily predict what the


      response of the parties to the Montreal Protocol


      would be to, say, a December 31, 2006 timeframe.


      Otherwise I would agree with your statement.


                With regard to what Dr. Martinez just


      said, I would state that the U.S. nomination for


      2005, which included a substantial allotment of


      CFCs for the production of albuterol, has been


      approved by the parties.  So we don't have any


      expectation at this point that there will be a


      shortage of CFCs for the production of albuterol


      through 2005.


                So I can't definitively say that there


      wouldn't be some dropout in the market at this


      point but we at least expect that, as long as it is


      legal to sell these products, that the


      manufacturers would do so.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Reiss?


                DR. REISS:  I would just like to know what


      the factors are that lead to the March date why


      that date is March and not at an earlier possible




      timeframe given the concerns that Fernando raised.


                MR. MITCHELL:  This is obviously a very


      sensitive issue.  So it is something we would need


      time to consider.  We are looking at a 60-day


      comment period.  We need time to evaluate those


      comments.  In response to the Advance Notice of


      Proposed Rulemaking which we published some years


      ago to set up, start the regulatory process, to


      allow us to use essential uses.


                We received over 10,000 comments.  We


      don't expect anything on that order of magnitude,


      but that is the thing that keeps me awake at night.


                Then, in addition to that, to the inherent


      sensitivity, this is an issue which we, under the


      Clean Air Act, we have to consult with EPA because


      it implements the Montreal Protocol.  We consult


      with the State Department.  There is the Council in


      Environmental Quality so it is a very complicated


      rulemaking procedure and it does take time.


                DR. MEYER:  On the other hand, I did want


      to point out that, under the Montreal Protocol, we


      do have to--they have called for us to have a final




      rule by the Open-Ended Working Group in the summer


      of 2005.  That date has not been set yet but it is


      generally in June or July, mid-July.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Atkinson?


                DR. ATKINSON:  If I recall correctly, the


      Shareholders Group proposed a possible additional


      amount of CFC-containing product to be sold during


      2006, I suppose, as a supplement.  If there was a


      shortage, if there was a shortfall, how would


      that--if limited supplies in sort of quota fashion


      could be available.  Would that be possible from


      the FDA's standpoint, I guess?


                MR. MITCHELL:  I mean, there are


      difficulties with that.  If this final rule goes


      into place on the effective date, it will be


      illegal to sell, for any manufacturer to sell, any


      wholesaler to sell, any retailer to dispense, these




                There is always the possibility of


      enforcement discretion by EPA but that is something


      I really can't comment on and, also, one wonders


      how many CFC MDIs would be produced when those




      manufacturers are looking at an effective date.  So


      I am not sure how viable that sort of option is.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes; Dr. Martinez?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I expressed my concern in


      the face of these uncertainties that we are hearing


      about.  I am not an economist, but I am sure that


      companies that are producing CFC products, in the


      same way that they need time to ramp up, they need


      time to ramp down.


                I am not so sure that they can very


      precisely calculate until December 31.  Again, I


      would need the help of an economist.  How many of


      these products are going to be sold and, if they


      work for profit as they should, they are going to


      be on the safe side than producing excessively that


      they have to throw away if it is going to be


      considered later a poison that cannot be used.


                So, at this point, my concern is that


      because needs to be done in a way that the


      transition occurs so that nobody is left without


      these products, which are life-saving, it would be


      very important to have guarantees that the products




      are going to be available and that that transition


      is going to be dealt with in a way that the


      patients are going to be covered.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  Can we have some of the


      companies maybe talk about those issues.  I know


      GSK doesn't make the CFC ones but maybe Schering


      can talk about how they were going to deal with the


      transition phase to make sure that patients are not


      without medications on December 25, Christmas Day.


                DR. GARUTTI:  Thank you.  Ron Garutti,


      Schering-Plough.  So we are the largest supplier of


      CFC albuterol inhalers.  We are not going to walk


      away from this patient population.  As long as the


      essential-use exemption remains in place, we will


      supply this product to the patients and providers


      who need them along with our HFA product.  So you


      can be assured about that.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Meyer, did you have a




                DR. MEYER:  I was just going to point out


      that I very much appreciate Dr. Martinez's




      concerns.  I think we certainly share those.  But,


      to some degree, your concern is irrespective of the


      actual date that we are talking about.  Whether it


      is tomorrow, whether it is ten years from now, that


      concern remains.  I think it will entail the FDA


      working with the industry as well as the advocacy


      groups to assure that there is good communication


      and that the supply does remain adequate.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  Your point is very precise


      and very good.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  Dr. Meyer, you raised the


      question as to whether, even if we or you decide


      that 2006 would be the better date, the Montreal


      Protocol decision makers may feel differently.  It


      talks about criteria laid out by the parties for


      essential uses.  Are those substantially different


      than these four, because it would seem, if they are


      not and we believe that the supplies won't be


      adequate, then the fact that would come to a


      different conclusion seems less likely.  But maybe


      if you could explain what differences there might






                DR. MEYER:  Let me answer that to the best


      degree I can.  Up until the very recent past, and


      I, perhaps, didn't spend enough time on this in my


      slides, the Montreal Protocol very much deferred to


      the individual party to make the determinations


      within their own border, within their own use, what


      was essential and what was not.


                Unless it seemed on its fact to be


      nonsensical or against the Montreal Protocol, those


      were approved.  Obviously, over time, there has


      been a ratcheting up in terms of decisions, in


      terms of how closely the individual uses are looked


      at by the Protocol.


                A lot of it now gets back to the decision


      IV/25 that we showed a few times where it basically


      says that if there are technically and economically


      feasible alternatives available, then the use is no


      longer essential.  I think how that is interpreted


      perhaps has changed a little bit with as well.


                So I think, depending on how rigorous you


      were in looking at what is a technically and




      economically feasible alternative, you could say


      that these are sufficiently stringent or not


      sufficiently stringent.  I think that it is just


      hard to predict at this point because it has been a


      little bit of a changing reality as far as how the


      Montreal Protocol has regarded the nominations.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  So, Dr. Meyer, if the


      date were, say--went beyond December 31 of 2005,


      would the Montreal Protocol and the other


      participating countries have no real say in what


      happens in the United States but there could be


      some political fallout from delaying it much beyond


      December 31 of 2005.


                DR. MEYER:  Let me just be very clear.


      The reason I sort of raised this caveat before


      about the parties was just to make clear that we


      are not in control of all the variables here, but


      not to suggest, necessarily, that the parties would


      definitely find it unacceptable to go beyond


      December 31, 2005.  I don't know, but I just wanted


      to say that that is really something we can't


      determine as an agency.




                In terms of what you just asked, though,


      if we were to get to a point where we considered a


      use essential and pressed on, despite the Montreal


      Protocol telling us that they no longer considered


      that an essential use, then that might set up a


      scenario where we would be producing CFCs that they


      had not authorized us to produce.  If that


      happened, we would be out of compliance with the


      Montreal Protocol, which I don't believe we want to




                At least in principle, this is a very--as


      folks have said, this is a very successful treat.


      The United States has played an important role in


      the treaty and is committed to the Montreal


      Protocol.  So, certainly, the best path forward


      would be one that meets our commitments to patient


      safety and access to important medicines but, also,


      meets our obligations under the Montreal Protocol.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Lutter, did you have


      a comment?


                DR. LUTTER:  No comment.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Martinez?




                DR. MARTINEZ:  Dr. Meyer, the decision,


      and looking here at your Slide No. 12, just as a


      point of clarification; Decision IV-25 that you


      showed to is that a plan could be presented in


      order to be in compliance with the Montreal


      Protocol and submitted by the Summer of 2005 for


      the continued use of CFCs.


                So it could be that, if we all


      consider--and I am not saying that I am proposing


      that, but simply saying that if we would consider


      that since we cannot have the final rule before


      March that we could propose that this date is not


      December 31 but September, 2006.  That could be


      presented as part of Decision IV-25 to the Montreal


      Protocol and be within the stipulations of the




                Am I right.


                DR. MEYER:  I think that is a correct


      observation.  Under that kind of scenario, I think


      it would be quite reasonable for us to point out


      issues of ramping up production in meeting the


      critical need of patients.  So I think that would




      still meet the spirit of what was asked for.


                What is asked for in Decision IV-25 is for


      us to name a date-certain at which time we will no


      longer consider albuterol to be essential.  It


      doesn't state to us what that date should be.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I think the spirit of the


      committee, if I may say, is that sufficient time


      needs to be dedicated for us to be able to assure


      patients that this product will be there.  Thus, I


      would say that a period of at least eighteen months


      from the moment in which a final rule comes out


      would need to be present for this to be fulfilled.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Mr. Mitchell?


                MR. MITCHELL:  In looking at dates, I


      think there are no finite legal limits to the dates


      the committee can look at or FDA can look at.


      Obviously, the longer in the future that we are,


      the more problems we might have with the Montreal


      Protocol.  But, in the Notice of Proposed


      Rulemaking, our focus is basically we talked about


      dates between twelve months after publication of


      the final rule up to the end of this decade.




                So that is sort of range we are focusing


      on.  Obviously, people are free to comment, suggest


      any dates--in the next century, but I mean, how


      much consideration they will be given is another




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Reiss?


                DR. REISS:  Just the comment that you just


      made, then, suggests that the end of 2005 data is


      really not possible at this point given the


      12-month timeframe that you were just alluding to.


                MR. MITCHELL:  No; quite the contrary.


      Based on preliminary discussions we have had


      internally in FDA and externally, that is the range


      of dates we think are probably most likely.  But if


      we are presented with data during the comment


      period, including the data that we have heard


      today, then there is nothing to stop us from


      finalizing a date that is any possible date.  I


      mean, that was just suggested to try to help guide


      discussion or guide comments.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Jones, did you have a






                DR. JONES:  Elaine Jones, GlaxoSmithKline.


      I just wanted to make one additional comment.  We


      know that the data of the final rule is obviously


      something that would be that decision point but, in


      addition to that, I just wanted to say that some


      indication from the agency about what date they


      were considering, even without the publication of


      the final rule, would be sufficient for us to


      consider to ramp-up our manufacturing processes.


                MR. MITCHELL:  That is very difficult for


      us.  The only way we can speak on this issue is


      through notice and comment rulemaking in the final


      rule.  I could give you a date this moment, but it


      wouldn't be worth the paper it is not written on.


      So that is the way the Administrative Procedure


      Acts works and our hands are pretty much tied.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes; Dr. Reiss?


                DR. REISS:  Along the same lines, I would


      actually like to hear from my colleagues.  If a


      date is published in March of next year and then


      the date that is published is the end of 2005, sort


      of given what you have said today, or given what




      has been discussed about a year or eighteen months,


      how would everybody sort of deal with that issue


      right now?  Would we start ramping up now or would


      you wait until March?


                DR. JONES:  Elaine Jones, GlaxoSmithKline.


      If the rule was published in March and it was


      December '05 timeline, as I say, we have committed


      to be able to produce 15 million MDIs within six to


      twelve months.  It is not an impossibility to


      produce 30 and it would require considerable


      investment on behalf of GSK, and considerable time.


      So it is something that we had not discussed


      previously and so can't give a definitive answer.


                But, obviously, if that is what the agency


      would like us to do, then it is certainly something


      that we would consider.


                DR. GARUTTI:  Ron Garutti,


      Schering-Plough.  I have a proposal for you.  The


      proposed rule, the rule that has been distributed


      outside today, is not yet published, as I


      understand it.  It is theoretically possible.  You


      will tell me why it is not practical.  You could




      withhold that for a day or two or three.  There is


      a lot of information.  You have already a lot of


      information from the major stakeholders that could


      lead one towards December 31, '05, as being a


      proposed date now subject to comment.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  What is your reaction to




                MR. MITCHELL:  Complete and utter dismay.


      I, personally, started drafting this thing in


      August of last year.  It will publish next week.


      There is absolutely no realistic possibility of us


      being able to make significant revisions to that


      document, clearing it through our sister agencies,


      clearing it through OMB and getting it published in


      any sort of meaningful timeframe that would allow


      us to get a final rule published in time for the


      Open-Ended  Working Group that meets next summer.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I think we expected that


      response.  Dr. Kercsmar?


                DR. KERCSMAR:  I think what we are hearing


      is that, in the absence of having a firm date,


      nothing will happen as far as increasing production




      from the current manufacturers of HFA albuterol


      right now.  So I guess I just need somebody to tell


      me that what I am hearing is that this date is not


      realistic, because I think what I am hearing, the


      corollary is that nothing will happen without a


      date and a date that is realistic.


                MR. FLANZRAICH:  Neil Flanzraich, again,


      from IVAX.  Again, with the very important


      understanding that, of course, our products are not


      approved yet, I think I heard Glaxo say that it


      wasn't definitive that they would try to


      accommodate even a shorter warning period.  We


      certainly, with the hope and expectation that our


      products will come to the market, are ready to


      supply a very substantial part of the U.S. market.


                I am sure that Schering, even though they


      made a very good proposal just now, would also try.


      So I don't think you can assume that the answer is


      that there is no way that that date could be met.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  But, with all due respect,


      patients are not saved by trying.  They are saved


      with the medicine available.  While you try, they




      may die.


                MR. FLANZRAICH:  But I think what you will


      get more definitive answers--people are saying they


      can't speak today, but you will hear, between now


      and the final proposal of the rule from the


      manufacturers, and they may be able to accommodate


      a shorter period of time.  And then there will  be


      the kind of clarity that you need for the patients.


      So we should not rule out the possibility of having


      this come into effect by the December 31, '05.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  I think it is important to


      reiterate what Dr. Martinez said.   I mean, if we


      run out of these medications for patients, they


      will end up in the emergency room.  There will be


      increased morbidity and potentially mortality.  So


      I think, in this situation--I think everyone is


      sort of saying the same thing, but we should make


      sure we are playing it safe, that there is clearly


      going to be the supply of medications for these


      patients so that we don't run into that problem.


      That would not be a good thing.




                DR. MEYER:  Dr. Moss, can I just


      paraphrase what I think I heard you say just so I


      am clear for the record.


                DR. MOSS:  Absolutely.


                DR. MEYER:  To the degree that there is


      uncertainty in setting a date when the time comes


      for us to do so, what you are saying is that when


      we face those uncertainties, we should take a more


      conservative approach in setting the date that errs


      on the side of patient safety over sort of an


      aggressive timetable in terms of the environmental




                DR. MOSS:  What I would say is that the


      company said twelve to eighteen months.  You know,


      if you thought twelve to eighteen months from July


      1, it fits perfectly for the 18-month thing to


      think that now, all of a sudden, we are going to


      rush things and speed things up and hope it all


      works.  I think there is a safety issue there.  So


      I just wanted to note that.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  Again, to be as specific as




      possible, it sounds to me like the most


      conservative and, I think, acceptable approach


      would be to plan no sooner than eighteen months


      from the final rule because we have a lot of


      assurances that everybody can get ready by then.


      Anything else sounds like it could be just trying.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Meyer, I think you


      have heard the committee's feelings on this.


                Any other final comment on this criterion?


      Okay.  Thank you.  Let's move on to the next one.


      "Adequate U.S. postmarketing-use data is available


      for the non-ODS products."  So, were the committee


      members satisfied with what they heard today in


      terms of postmarketing data for non-ODS products?


      Any comments, questions?  Is it related to their


      previous criterion?  You are satisfied we have


      resolved this one?


                Dr. Swenson?


                DR. SWENSON:  Just for the agency, we


      really didn't see any data regarding the safety and


      the track record.  Can you give us a brief


      synopsis?  I suspect, because they have been out as




      long as they have, they are probably safe.  But can


      you tell us so from your data monitoring?


                DR. MEYER:  I think for the purposes of


      the proposed rule, we really didn't contest that


      this was not the case.  In other words, these


      products have substantial worldwide experience.  We


      have some postmarketing, formal postmarketing data,


      available, particularly for the EM product as well


      as some analyses for the GSK product.


                At this point, the postmarketing


      experience that we have seen, both from more formal


      data and from the informal safety reporting, is


      that these products do not appear to be


      substantially different from the CFC products in


      terms of how they perform.  So we have not


      expressed any concern in that regard.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Martinez?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  Does the agency have


      information that will allow us to believe that


      puff-for-puff the two products are equally


      effective in producing bronchodilation?


                DR. MEYER:  The approval for these were




      both based on comparisons to CFC products as well


      as--they stood on their own as far as safety and


      efficacy, showing of safety and efficacy, but they


      included programs where they were directly compared


      head-to-head with the CFC products.


                Both in terms of the pharmacodynamic


      effect in FEV1 with one, two, four puffs, that type


      of consideration in sort of a short-term study as


      well in longer-term treatment studies, we didn't


      see any substantial differences.  As was stated


      earlier by one of the manufacturers, and I forget


      which one--I think it was Schering-Plough--the


      mouth feel of these can be somewhat different.  I


      am sure individual patients may feel some


      allegiance to one over the other.


                But, in looking at those kinds of reports,


      we have a lot of reservations because I remember


      days when I worked for the V.A. and, depending


      on--back before there were generics available, the


      Ventolin source would shift from seemingly quarter


      to quarter.  I know that those products were very,


      very similar at that time, the Proventil and the






                Veterans would come in saying, "You know,


      this one doesn't work as well as the one you gave


      me last month.  I just doesn't."  Unfortunately,


      both asthma and COPD are diseases where patients


      get better and worse irrespective of the specific


      medicine.  But they want to tie it into something


      so, if their medicine happened to be changed at the


      time they were feeling somewhat worse, they blame


      it on the medicine.


                So we do get those kinds of reports.  But


      all the data in the NDAs at this point really


      showed very comparable results both in terms of the


      pharmacodynamics as well as how they looked in a


      12-week study, treatment study.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Mr. Mitchell?


                MR. MITCHELL:  There is a study we cite in


      the proposed rule.  It was evaluating the vehicle


      Evohaler, which is the HFA inhaler marketed in the


      U.K., which is very similar to, but not quite


      identical, to the Ventolin HFA product.  That


      study, even given the differences in the product,




      does give us some assurance that we are not looking


      at any serious problems.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other comments on


      this particular criterion?  If not, we will move on


      to the fourth one because I do believe we will


      spend some time on this.  "Patients who medically


      require the ODS product are adequately served by


      the non-ODS products containing the active moiety


      and other available products."


                Remember, the FDA is interpreting


      "adequately served" to include the economic issue.


      So who would like to start with this one?  Dr.




                DR. SCHATZ:  I think Dr. Garutti pointed


      out what I think we all believe, that this isn't a


      question of if, it is a question of when.  But that


      "when," as in the proposed rule, has a lot to say


      in terms of the total cost of the healthcare




                We have heard a lot of good reasons to


      make this transition as soon as possible, but the


      only thorn, as you could probably tell from my




      questioning, is the extra cost, which it sounds to


      me is at least $500 million a year.  Yes; there are


      some things that could raise it and some things


      that could lower it, but I think that that is as


      good an estimate as we could come to.


                In a system that doesn't have unlimited


      resources, that is an important consideration.  So


      that is going to be a problem, no matter what to


      some extent, but I just have to raise the concern.


      I would certainly like to spend that $500 million


      on something other than albuterol.


                But I think the only real lesson is to


      make sure that however this transition occurs, we


      do it in a way that tries to mitigate, as much as


      possible.  There are clearly some things that could


      do that, that extra cost.  But that is a very


      disturbing number to me.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Swenson?


                DR. SWENSON:  I had some questions to Mr.


      Rozek about the NERA study, if he is here.  I think


      he is coming to the microphone.  I will go ahead


      and start my question.  On your slide that was




      entitled "Overall Impact on Patients and


      Third-Party Payers in the First Year," the final


      figure you give in the first year, increase in cost


      per asthma or COPD patient is $16.00 which doesn't


      sound that high.


                But what I want to ask you is that that is


      a global average figure and the group that we are


      most concerned about is the cost-sensitive--those


      people that probably fall into the underserved




                As I do my math here, I think that if


      there are 50 million MDIs prescribed in the United


      States per year and we say, for purposes of just


      simplicity, we have 20 million patients using those


      50 million, that comes out to about two-and-a-half


      canisters per year.  Am I right on that?


                DR. ROZEK:  Yes.  In our calculation for


      the $16.00, we used 20 million asthma patients and


      10 million COPD patients.  So we added those


      together and got about 30, or slightly over 30,


      million, total.


                DR. SWENSON:  So that figure of $16.00,




      then, is calculated in that fashion.  But I am


      worried that those patients that may be most


      sensitive to transition here may be using probably


      one or maybe even more canisters per month so that


      the cost impact to them comes down quite heavily at


      maybe something around $100 per year.


                Did you go into a breakdown on those




                DR. ROZEK:  We looked at--to calculate


      that particular number, we used the total


      recalculated as a cost to the healthcare system and


      then the number of diagnosed asthma and COPD


      patients.  We, then, pointed out, though, that


      there were other programs available to ensure


      access to people who might have difficulty


      affording one, two, three or four canisters a year


      such as the patient-assistance programs, Together


      Rx, GSK Orange Card, the public-assistance programs


      such as the D.C. Healthy Families, D.C. Healthcare


      Alliance.  The additional samples would be


      available to people who would need additional


      canisters of the product as well.




                So we felt that there were--certainly what


      we presented were average results and that there


      may be variation within that, some people using one


      canister, some people may be using three or four.


      For the people that couldn't afford three or four,


      there would be these patient-assistance programs.


                DR. SWENSON:  Do you, or possibly the


      companies, have any idea of the effectiveness of


      these assistance programs?  Are they 80 percent


      effective to the target groups?


                DR. ROZEK:  I think we heard today from


      Glaxo in terms of the total number of people that


      have been helped with albuterol-specific programs.


      Glaxo has a relatively small share of the total


      albuterol being used today.  I believe it is about


      3 percent, and they were spending significant


      resources, or valuing the albuterol that went


      through their patient-assistance problem quite


      significantly for that 3 percent marketshare that


      they currently have.


                Schering indicate they had a similar


      program.  I would assume that Glaxo would expand




      its program as its marketshare expanded and that


      there would be more people who would be aware of


      the Glaxo program as a result of information


      available about the Glaxo product.


                DR. SWENSON:  While I have you up here,


      just one more question, slightly different, and


      that is you made what appears to be a very


      conservative, maybe almost worst-case,  scenario


      here because you simplified and didn't assume any


      changes in the outreach of the companies and other


      changes that they might do and the way prices may




                Given that we might have maybe two more


      and possibly other players in this market, what


      number of companies competing really make a


      difference in price.  There might be examples


      within the pharmaceutical industry on this issue or


      maybe more broadly in the business world.  What


      number of competitors really begins to make a


      difference on price?  When does competition really


      come into play?


                DR. ROZEK:  That is an interesting




      question that economists debate all the time.  Many


      of the answers that relate to specific


      industries--when I worked at the Federal Trade


      Commission, for example, there was a study that one


      of my colleagues there put out that we used to use


      in deciding when to bring merger investigations.


      It had to do with the strong third-firm effect.


                When you have a strong third firm in the


      marketplace, that was effective at alleviating any


      market power that the first two firms might have.


      So if you were looking at a merger of two firms


      that would create a strong third firm, that was


      considered to be a beneficial effect on market




                But, again, this is an industry-specific


      issue.  Interestingly enough, I did a study on


      competition in the pharmaceutical industry from the


      following perspective.  I looked at all of the


      products that were identical chemicals.  Ventolin


      and Proventil appeared in that list, if you looked


      at data from the late '80s and early '90s.


      Erythropoietin would be another example of that




      kind of competition where they were identical


      chemicals--no generics--identical chemicals


      marketed by the branded company.


                You can see, when you have only two, in


      that particular case, you get a lot of competition


      for marketshare, for getting onto formularies, for


      disseminating information about the product and


      distinguishing the product one from the other even


      though they are the exact, same chemical in terms


      of what kinds of patient-assistance programs are


      available, what kinds of benefits you can provide


      to patients other than the drug, itself, in terms


      of registries for use of the product and reminders


      and that sort of thing.


                So, in the pharmaceutical industry, I did


      do a study of competition between two players when


      it was the exact identical product and there was no


      threat of generic competition.  You can see there


      that marketshares move quickly back and forth and


      that prices do respond in a downward direction when


      the two are there, assuming that you have enough


      big buyers who can move marketshare and can extract




      that kind of gain.


                Now, that is not to say that the gain


      flows to everybody from that type of competition


      because it does help to have a very aggressive


      buyer side of the market to gain that.  But I would


      say generally a strong third firm is very helpful.


      If you look at the Department of Justice-Federal


      Trade Committee Merger Guidelines, they like to see


      about five equally sized firms in a market.  But


      sometimes they will approve mergers with four.


                I think we are approaching, in the case of


      albuterol with Sepracor and with IVAX and with the


      availability of licensing opportunities from 3M,


      for example, to anyone who has an albuterol product


      they want to package in the HFA technology, that


      threat of competition, as well, adds to the overall


      competitive structure in the marketplace.


                So two could be enough for competition in


      a pharmaceutical product, three for sure and, if


      you are going to four or five, you wouldn't have


      even any problem with the Federal Trade Commission


      or the Department of Justice, in my view, saying




      anything was amiss in that kind of a market




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, Dr. Rozek, for


      answering those questions.  Further comments,


      statements from the committee?  Yes; Dr. Lutter?


                DR. LUTTER:  If I could offer one piece of


      data in response to one of the questions just


      asked, we looked, as I described, at the MEPS data,


      the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.  Among the


      people surveyed, which is the noninstitutionalized,


      under 65, population, if you look further at those


      who have family incomes less than 400 percent of


      the poverty line and who are either uninsured or


      who have non-group insurance, they had 3.8


      prescription per year for albuterol MDIs.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Martinez, did you


      have a comment?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  No.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  I have a question for some of


      the companies.  This is not the first country where


      we talk about transitioning so this has happened in




      other countries.  Realizing the healthcare systems


      work differently, but what happened in the prices


      of the Proventil and Ventolin HFA in other


      countries where this has been approved?  Did their


      prices go down?  If so, why?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Anybody respond to that?


                DR. JONES:  Elaine Jones, GlaxoSmithKline.


      As you said, actually, the pricing system in the


      European countries where we have done this and also


      in Australia and Canada are totally different.  So


      the scenario can't be applied.


                DR. MOSS:  Good.  Now that I have you up


      here, what is the price compared--if you convert to


      American dollars, how do these products compare in


      other countries compared to the United States.


      That is really what I wanted to get you to say.


                DR. JONES:  Actually, I don't know the


      price.  I don't know whether any of our commercial


      colleagues here know the price of Ventolin HFA


      across Europe.  I don't think we have that


      information here, but we could--sorry; I don't have


      that information.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other questions,


      comments, from the committee?  Dr. Martinez.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I think this is the issue.


      For any practicing physician, this is the issue


      because, particularly for the pediatrician, the


      main group of patients that we see with severe


      asthma coming to our emergency rooms are minority


      patients who are either in poverty or are


      disenfranchised or don't speak good English or have


      many of the other difficulties that make them


      particularly susceptible to severe disease.


                Thus, considering this very attentively is


      a need because our main objective is to provide the


      public with the best possible medicines that we can


      have at prices that are affordable and that will


      allow them, in this case, to survive because this


      could be a life-threatening disease.


                The main concern I have is the conflict in


      which, in this case, is not a conflict of interest


      of but a conflict of care.  We all care about the


      earth and about the environment and we all would


      love for it to become better and better. 




      Certainly, there are many other ways, by the way,


      in which we could make it better, but I know that


      we are not discussing this here.  We are discussing


      this issue very specifically.


                What we are asking the public, and that is


      the first point I wanted to make, is to spend,


      according to the proposed document that Dr.


      Mitchell has so clearly written, that, in the best


      possible scenario if the rule comes in 2006, the


      public will transfer to the pharmaceutical industry


      $6.9 billion between 2006 and 2015.


                That will happen because, as a society, we


      have decided that we will take care of the


      environment.  If that were the society as a whole,


      the issue would be clear and simple.  But my


      opinion is that it is not.  The reason why I say


      that is that, although we have been given means of


      distributions of cost by patient, any practicing


      physician knows that these distributions are so


      tremendously skewed that, in this case, the mean


      has no meaning.


                Most of the patients who really spend most




      of the money are a small group, perhaps 10 percent


      of all patients with asthma, who spend probably 80


      percent of the cost.  That is not only for


      hospitalizations.  It happens that those patients


      are primarily poor, disenfranchised, and not


      participating in the system, not knowing about the


      system, no knowing about their rights.


                I was telling about an anecdote.  Two or


      three weeks ago, I was on call.  A young girl who I


      had followed for two years and not seen for two


      years came to the emergency room dying of asthma.


      When I asked the parents why is it that the girl


      was there, they said, well, we didn't have money to


      buy the inhalers and we didn't even have money to


      buy the albuterol.  But you have the right.  They


      didn't know that they had the right.


                Now, this is not going to change from one


      day to the next.  So the difficulty when we take a


      measure like this and when we do something like


      this is that we affect, or may affect,


      significantly the lives of a lot of people.  That


      needs to be considered because it is part of our




      everyday life in our practice.


                I do understand, and I commend them for


      that, that industry has made significant efforts to


      palliate this by providing for free these products


      to individuals and patients who will not have


      access to these products.  The difficulty is that,


      in the same way that those patients don't know of


      the existence of these rights that they may have in


      many states, even if they don't have insurance for


      their children to have insurance, they also don't


      know about these systems and, thus, cannot use


      them, don't have the opportunity to use them.


                The greatest difficulty, then, is that I


      think this ruling, or this rule, inevitably, by the


      way in which our system is built, will


      significantly affect the poor and the


      disenfranchised and that, unless an effort is made,


      and I haven't heard of any systematic effort to


      ensure that this will be palliated in the best


      possible way, like it has been done with other


      measures that, as a society, we have taken.


                For example, for persons with disabilities




      now, we have a lot of things that are going well


      for them, certainly, they are not enough.  But


      society, as a whole, is paying a price for that


      because, for example, at least in our state,


      businesses that put up ramps for people who need


      them and that are disabled can get a tax cut, or


      something of that sort.


                I don't see any of those measures being


      thought about here and I am completely convinced,


      given my experience in my practice, that this will


      significantly affect the disenfranchised and the




                So, in the end, what we are really doing


      is, for the sake of the atmosphere which will be


      good for all of us, we are, once again, charging


      the disenfranchised and the poor.  I don't know if


      there is a solution for that because of the way in


      which our system is made, but, for a practicing


      physician, this is something that cannot be denied.


                It is true, as a representative of the


      American Thoracic Society said, and I completely


      agree with him, that many other costs are




      increasing and that, in the end, we cannot, every


      time we make a decision, think about who and whom


      is going to be affected.  But I think it is very


      important for us to take all these issues into




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Moss.


                DR. MOSS:  That is why I asked the


      question about the marketing for these programs


      because I agree with you.  I don't see them--you


      know, the companies talk about hundreds of


      thousands of people but I don't know about them and


      I don't think a lot of people know about them.


                I think there are other trickle-down


      effects which is what I talked about before where


      only 6 percent of the medications are prescribed in


      the hospital.  Everyone is worried about the retail


      side of it, but there are indigent-care hospitals


      around the United States where they are on the


      means of falling apart.  I mean, all these


      hospitals--and there are huge financial strains.


      Maybe private practitioners outside of Chicago can


      deal with stuff, but those of us that care for the




      indigent-care patients, it is about to fall apart.


      It is cracking and crumbling.


                States are not giving the money back.  The


      pharmaceutical budgets are going up.  Activated


      protein series Agras is a good example of that.


      They were afraid that that one compound might


      destroy the entire Grady Hospital system.  It is a


      $7,000 drug and it is very expensive.  Different


      situation here.  Not as expensive, but a much more


      common disease.


                So I agree.  I think that is the bottom


      line is the cost issue here and the companies need


      to address that.  That is why I asked the question


      in a round about way, how much do these medications


      cost in other countries.  If they are less, why are


      they less and how are the companies going to deal


      with this issue.  I think everyone agrees that this


      needs to be done, but the cost issue will impact


      patient care.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any response from the


      companies?  We heard about some of your programs


      this morning.  Okay.  So committee members?  Do you




      have any specific recommendations to the FDA in


      proceeding forward with this, in terms of the


      economic issue, in terms of the problems that the


      poor and the indigent will encounter with their


      asthma because of this?  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  The one thought that comes to


      my mind is that the longer the transition period,


      presumably the more certain things might happen in


      terms of additional competitors, additional


      experience with what is going to happen.  I mean,


      again, I think the concept of thinking of some more


      specific ideas and things that various people,


      including the companies, could do to mitigate it is


      important, too, but it does seem like that the


      longer the timeframe involve, the less this impact


      would be, not only because it becomes a year or two


      or three closer to generic, but other market


      factors as well.


                So I guess that would be my most immediate




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  Not to sound too wishy-washy




      here, but, on the flip side, I think it is very


      important that companies have made the effort to


      come up with environmentally friendly medications


      and should be commended for that and receive some


      compensation for that.  So I think that would be a


      bad precedent to say that this stuff is not


      important to go through.


                So, as I just said, the price is an issue


      but I think this has to be looked at a little as an


      issue longer term, that the message should not be


      given to pharmaceutical companies that having


      environmentally friendly strategies are not felt to


      be important.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Any other comments,


      recommendations by the committee?  Dr. Jones?


                DR. JONES:  Elaine Jones.  We talked a lot


      about Bridges to Access as well as the other


      GlaxoSmithKline programs.  We have endeavored to


      reach everyone and we have done considerable things


      in order to be able to reach everyone.  We try.


      Obviously, we haven't reached everyone.  You


      haven't heard of some of the programs that we have




      done, but we are committed to actually getting our


      message to everyone and are willing to work with


      the agency in means to achieve this.


                We have, currently, 435,000 patients


      registered in the Bridges to Access program which


      actually gives free medicine to the population that


      you are speaking about.  There is no ceiling to


      that.  Any patient who is eligible will receive


      medicine and they won't just receive one medicine.


      They will receive Ventolin or any preventative


      medicine as well if they are prescribed.


                As I say, we will continue to strive to


      get the messages about GSK's programs to everyone


      and, as I said, we will work with the agency, if


      they have any ideas about how we can expand and get


      these messages across.  We believe it is a very


      valuable program.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  Again, I don't want anything


      to think that I also don't appreciate the efforts


      of the pharmaceutical-company industry in trying to


      respond to this, but, again, the cost issue--but I




      wanted to raise that there has been an emphasis on


      the people who would be eligible for the Bridges to


      Access and similar programs and that is


      appropriate.  This is clearly an impacted group.


                But I take care of the working patients in


      an HMO and I can tell you that these patients, who


      would absolutely not be eligible for this, are also


      impacted when their co-pay goes from $10 for a


      generic to $25 for a brand.  We have had some


      changes recently that we are hearing from a lot of


      patients.  These change make a difference also.


                So, while I absolutely agree that the


      typically impacted may be more impacted, this is


      something that is going to affect, as the whole


      healthcare crisis is more and more, a much bigger


      segment of society, and I don't think we can forget


      that either.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  That is a good point.


      Dr. Reiss?


                DR. REISS:  I just wanted to point out


      that, while everyone is raising really good issues,


      we are really not here to debate the healthcare




      system and how the healthcare system works.  We are


      here to debate the merits of making this transition


      and its impact.  A lot of the things that have been


      raised really have to do with the form and


      structure of the healthcare system and not


      necessarily whether this is an appropriate or


      inappropriate thing to do.


                DR. MARTINEZ:  I respectfully disagree


      because, if I read correctly, it says, "Patients


      who medically require the ODS product are


      adequately served by non-ODS products


      containing--," and one of the issues that we have


      been told that needs to be considered is cost.  We


      are not discussing the healthcare system here.  We


      are just reading very precisely what it says here.


      Here it says, very precisely, "If they are going to


      be adequately served by non-ODS products containing


      the active moiety."


                Well, if they can't buy them, they are not


      being adequately served.  So it is not an issue of


      the healthcare system.  My opinion is that a


      significant number of patients are not going to be




      adequately served.  I am not saying that what we


      have to recommend or our opinion should be that


      this is not done.  It is just very important for


      those who make the decision to understand that.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  Again, I would just add that


      what we are talking about is a change in our


      healthcare system, so we have to bring up our


      healthcare system.  I don't think anyone that I


      have heard has done it to discuss the healthcare


      system.  It is how this change makes an impact in


      our healthcare system.


                DR. JONES:  Elaine Jones, GlaxoSmithKline.


      I just wanted to make one additional comment to the


      previous comment.  The current marketplace has no


      samples in it, professional samples, or very few


      for albuterol CFC.  GlaxoSmithKline has committed


      to giving at least 2 million professional samples


      each year during the transition periods.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Meyer, and Dr.


      Sullivan, you have heard some of the discussion by


      the committee members.  Do you have any reactions,




      any comments?  This is a dilemma, this particular


      issue, and we knew this would be the thorniest


      issue to deal with.


                DR. MEYER:  I would just say that I very


      much appreciate the thoughts that we have heard


      expressed and I actually would also like to


      express, again, thanks to the people who are making


      public statements including the regulated industry.


                I think you understand our dilemma in


      proposing the rule and I think we will get to


      questions--or, not questions, but points,


      subsequent here whether there is anything else that


      you think we could ask for or other things that you


      would suggest that we do to help us get to a final




                So we very much appreciate the comments


      and look forward to any suggestion you might have


      as to ways to sort of help get through this


      dilemma.  This is a very important issue.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Why don't we use that as


      a segue, then, into Items, Issues, 2 and 3.


      Committee members, please suggest any additional




      data or information you believe would be important


      to consider in making a determination regarding the


      essential-use status of albuterol.  Also, please


      comment on any additional issues you believe would


      be important to consider in making a determination


      regarding the essential-use status of albuterol.


                Is there anything we can recommend to the


      FDA, to the agency, about any additional data or


      information that might help them proceed with this


      decision?  Dr. Moss?


                DR. MOSS:  I don't know if it is


      possible--it sounds like a lot of this economic


      stuff is based on a lot of assumptions, but it


      might be helpful to see how the economic impact


      would change if there is a third or fourth drug


      since, if that is not going to happen right away,


      that might happen down the road, and it might lower


      the burden of the economic impact which would


      address the issues that everyone has raised here.


                So I don't know how feasible that is, or


      how good the data is, but that might help give


      better information upon the effect of cost.  If the




      cost goes down, then there would be more access to


      patients and the negative effects of not having


      access to medications would be alleviated to some




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Swenson?


                DR. SWENSON:  If I could ask the agency


      members here, and, again, this may be beyond your


      powers and your charge, but, in going before the


      Montreal Protocol for these medical exemptions,


      have the issues, not so much of the availability of


      other products that are satisfactory and equal but,


      in fact, the issues of the cost implication to


      patients, been discussed?  Do they turn a deaf ear


      to these discussions?


                I get the sense that we are being pushed


      to come to full compliance here and we have such a


      unique situation in the United States that, in this


      case, has the case been made to attempt some, at


      least prolongation of this transition to allow for


      the peculiar and unique nature of our healthcare




                DR. MEYER:  I certainly don't want to




      characterize the Montreal Protocol, the response of


      either the body as a whole or individual parties to


      these kinds of considerations but, yes, the issue


      of the unique circumstances of the United States


      healthcare system and the impacts that are more


      significant in the United States, we don't have


      numbers to talk about here, but I can assure you


      that the differential we are talking about here is


      greater in the United States and the overall cost


      of these medications is greater in the United


      States than the other countries that have been


      referred to where the phase-out has occurred for




                Those issues have been presented and


      argued to the meeting of the Montreal Protocol.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Lutter?


                DR. LUTTER:  Let me offer another insight


      in response to that same question.  I was in


      Nairobi last October, November, where this most


      recent decision by the Montreal Protocol parties


      was taken.  At that time, the decision on the table


      was what would be the date by which each party




      would have to set a date-certain to delist.


                But also on the table was a proposal to


      set a date-certain.  We offered two explanations to


      other parties in the Montreal Protocol.  One is


      that we have an Administrative Procedures Act.  We


      have a very different form of government than a


      parliamentary system that exists in other


      countries.  That lays forth a different process for


      delisting that, necessarily, is more time consuming


      but also, of course, the economic one.


                I think the sympathies were mixed.  Some


      countries were much more attuned to the idea that


      the U.S. system is unusual if not unique and others


      view this is a problem that we would have to solve.


                So I am not sure I have clarified the


      understanding very much, but it was brought up, it


      was debated, and we had sort of a mixed reaction.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Committee members, I


      don't know if we are running out of steam or we


      just have nothing else to offer.  This is complex.


      Any other comments, recommendations, questions?


                DR. MARTINEZ:  May I ask a question?




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Sure.  I am begging for




                DR. MARTINEZ:  Members of Congress and


      state legislatures and so forth are considering the


      possibility of opening the U.S. market to


      importations of medicines from other countries with


      the idea that this could decrease costs of these


      medicines.  In which way such a process would, or


      will, affect--I am asking the agency--issues


      regarding this particular medicine.  This is from a


      person who lives 60 miles from the border and knows


      how much these medicines cost in Nogales, Arizona.


                MR. MITCHELL:  By the terms of our


      regulations, we are really focussing on products


      that are approved in the United States.  We cannot


      really consider prices or supplies of drugs in


      Canada, Mexico or any off-shore sources.  The


      answer is no, we are not really looking at those


      sorts of issues in this process.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Dr. Schatz?


                DR. SCHATZ:  I mean, again, the only other


      perspective or question--there are a lot of things




      we have heard about that theoretically could


      mitigate what we are all concerned about but that


      is nothing that can be written into a rule, I would


      guess.  We could all hope it happens.


                So I think we do need to focus on what


      sorts of things this rule could do to mitigate


      this.  That is where I said that the only thing I


      can think of is delaying it some.  Again, I don't


      like the idea that that doesn't reward companies


      that we should feel positive toward who have taken


      these steps towards something we all eventually




                But I can't think of any other way to


      write this rule in a way that makes a certainty


      less of a financial impact.  I would open that up


      to other people because everything else, while I


      hope it happens and it could happen, it is actually


      nothing that I can think of that the rule can do


      anything about.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  When we discussed the


      issue of patient safety with one of the previous


      criteria, it is related to that, that waiting, not




      shooting for December 31, 2005 when the


      announcement may not appear until March of 2005,


      there is an issue of concern about patient safety


      and enough inhalers being available.  So I think,


      yes; the two are tied together.


                Yes; Ms. Schell?


                MS. SCHELL:  I guess I need a point of


      clarification probably from the companies.  But if


      this is inevitable that this will be going to


      happen but the date is unclear and it may be


      delayed, why can't you start production eighteen


      months anytime and still be ready for whenever the


      date appears?


                DR. MEYER:  I was going to answer on their


      behalf, but I will let them answer.


                DR. GARUTTI:  Ron Garutti,


      Schering-Plough.  It is not in anybody's interest


      for the industry to produce a great deal of HFA


      product that is not going to essentially really be


      used until the kind of behavior change that we


      alluded to, provider- and patient-wise, has the


      impact of, this is here, this is now, this is




      happening and everyone is focused on it.


                It would not be to any of our interests


      for a product to be produced and run past its


      expiration and have to be destroyed.


                MR. MITCHELL:  Also, to reiterate a point


      that was made earlier, the companies would be


      expending large amounts of capital in order to get


      this capacity on line.  To ask them to spend that


      capital and then not generate any revenue with it


      seems, just as a personal point, to be somewhat




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Committee members, last


      change.  Final comments, questions, issues?  Dr.




                DR. REISS:  Just one other point to follow


      up on the questions about the economic analyses


      that we were talking about before.  It might also


      be helpful to do a more detailed economic analysis


      where we are talking about mean values, and one


      might be hidden within those mean values and what


      not, to be able to really sort of understand who is


      the real population at risk that might be affected,




      might shed and provide some additional light on the


      topic as a follow up.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.  Dr. Meyer, it


      looks like the committee has exhausted itself.


                DR. MEYER:  I am not sure whether there


      were any other observations.  We asked about data


      and so on, but I guess the other thing is you have


      perhaps, or hopefully, had a chance to read through


      the proposed rule.  You have certainly heard a lot


      of presentations and discussion today.  Is there


      anything else you think we are missing in this?  Is


      there some other element that we need to consider


      that we, perhaps, haven't considered?


                It is perfectly acceptable if you don't


      have any, but I just wanted to be clear on that,


      whether there is anything else we have missed.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I guess not.


                DR. MEYER:  If not, then I would like to


      certainly thank you all for your careful


      deliberations today and for your attendance, your


      thoughts.  This, obviously, has been quite an


      undertaking to get to this point and I think we




      will take very careful thought on our part moving


      forward.  We appreciate your adding to the


      considerations that we need to take as we do move




                I would state that, apart from this effort


      with the albuterol, the transition to non-CFC


      products is actually, I think, by and large, going


      to be easier and more natural with some of the


      other products.  We have already seen, as I have


      pointed out in one of my slides, a fair amount of


      transition occurs already.


                Albuterol is the only MDI for which


      generics are available.  To date, it appears that


      the HFA alternatives are priced quite comparably to


      the branded products that they replace.  I guess in


      the case of QVAR, it might even be somewhat lower


      than the branded products.


                So, where there is not generic


      competition, where there is sort of one-on-one


      replacement by the same companies and so on, a lot


      of these issues go away.  There will still be


      occasions where we will come back to this committee




      for products that are not being reformulated, as


      mentioned this morning, and I suspect epinephrine


      will be a particularly interesting discussion in


      the not-too-distant future.


                But, for the purposes of today, I thank


      you.  I thank Dr. Chinchilli for serving as our


      Acting Chair today and look forward to future


      discussions with the committee.  Thank you.


                MS. JAIN:  Before the meeting is adjourned


      and the committee members leave, if anyone would


      like to have their background information mailed to


      them, please just leave them at your seats with


      your name tag.  We are happy to do that for you.


                Thanks again to all of the open public


      hearing participants and the time that they took to


      do their detailed research, present and submit


      written and Powerpoint presentations.  Thank you.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you, everyone.  We


      are adjourned.


                (Whereupon, at 3:38 p.m., the meeting was




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