Friday, September 19, 2008


 Poison Centers Can Help

America's poison centers are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you.  The Poison Help hotline 1-800-222-1222 serves as a key medical information resource and helps reduce costly emergency room visits.  More

Keep Kids Safe

childA poison is something that makes you sick or hurts you if you eat, drink, touch or smell it.  Poisons can be SOLID. Solid poisons can be chunky or chewy like pills, batteries, plants, and berries.  More


Tips for Adults

Store medicines and household products locked up, where children cannot see or reach them.

 Store poisons in their original containers.    Use child-resistant packaging. But remember — nothing is child-proof!  More

Poison Proof Your Homehouse hold cleaning products poisons

The average home is full of potential poisons, such as drain openers, detergents, cosmetics, pills and many others.

Find out where the danger spots are in your home and take the necessary precautions.  More

American Association of Poison Control Centers | 515 King Street, Suite 510 | Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 894-1858 | FAX: (703) 683-2812