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Population and community ecology
Interactions of a single species (population) or an association of different species (community) occupying a particular region, including their biotic and abiotic environments.
Animal behavior (8 items)
Biodiversity (18 items)
Biogeography (65 items)
Community ecology (3 items)
Ecosystems (221 items)
Habitats (22 items)
Population dynamics (10 items)
Symbiosis (1 items)

Radar ecology (1 items)
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Results 101 - 110 of 290 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the United States [New Window]
Manual on dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata), with links to photo thumbnails, checklists, distribution maps, and other Odonata information.
Duckdata: a bibliographic data base of North American waterfowl (Anatidae) and their wetland habitat [New Window]
Comprehensive bibliography on the ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl and their wetland habitats. Facilitates searching or downloading as *.zip files and use with ProCite utility.
Earthshots, satellite images of environmental change [New Window]
Satellite images of geographic areas of interest, cities, deserts, glaciers, geologic features, disaster areas, water bodies, and wildlife linked with articles, maps, and other images such as AVHRR, photographs, and special project images.
Earthworms of North Dakota [New Window]
Species maps, aggregate map, earthworm diagram, species photos, and bibliography of earthworm species found in North Dakota
Ecological studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Description of cooperative ecological research associated with the National Water-Quality Assessment program with links to current projects, download data, publications, and publications on biological sampling, habitat and laboratory protocols.
Ecosystems of South Florida [New Window]
An overview with brief descriptions and photographs of some of South Florida's unique ecosystems.
Effects of management practices on grassland birds [New Window]
Links to grassland bird species with detailed descriptions and bibliographic database in *.zip files to download in ProCite 5, Rich Text Format or ASCII formats.
PDF Effects of wastewater on forested wetlands [New Window]
Study of the effects of the practice of cycling municipal nutrient-enriched wastewater from holding ponds through forested wetlands. Studies were in the Cypiere Perdue Swamp, Louisiana, and the Drummond Bog, Wisconsin.
Erosion of a sea stack over 100 years [New Window]
Series of photographs showing the demise of Jump-off Joe, a sea stack at Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon from 1890 as a result of erosion.
Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians [New Window]
Constructed farm ponds represent significant breeding, rearing, and overwintering habitat for amphibians in the Driftless Area Ecoregion of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Links to fact sheet, brochure, annual reports, field manual, and final report.
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