
thubnail Louisiana Coastal Restoration Projects 2008
(PDF 41.3MB) | 150DPI PDF 11.3MB
CWPPRA PPL 1-15 Projects
(2307x1423 pixels 1.04MB)
 2005 Coastal Louisiana Post Hurricane Aerial Photography
Selected Louisiana Coastal Restoration Projects 2005
(PDF 20.2MB, 62x40 inches)
2005 Cameron Parish Aerial Photography
2005 Aerial Photography of Post Hurricane Rita
2005 Aerial Photography of Post Hurricane Katrina
2004 DOQQs of Coastal Louisiana
2004 Southeast Louisiana Land Loss
2003 Land Loss Maps of Coastal Louisiana
2001 Louisiana Coastwide Aerial Photography
2001 Brown Marsh Reflight Infrared Photography
Color Infrared 1:24,000 Scale (at
2001 Rectified Aerial Photography of the Brown Marsh Study Area
Color Infrared
2000 Aerial Photography of the Brown Marsh Study Area
Natural Color and Color Infrared 1:24,000 Scale

1998 DOQQs of Coastal Louisiana in MrSid Format

1994 Land Loss Maps of Coastal Louisiana
Land Loss Animations of Coastal Louisiana
AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) Image of the US
Satellite Imagery of Louisiana

To purchase maps like those shown here, please contact the U.S. Geological Survey:
1-888-ASK-USGS or 1-888-275-8747