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August 28, 2002

Pacific Ranger District, Quinault Office, Quinault, Washington


Committee members in attendance were:

Group A: Carla Carlyle, Charles Munger

Group B: Terry Fernsler, Delann Haglund, Betty Miller, Anne Moisanen, S. Criss Osborn

Group C: Barbara Marshall, David Morrison, James Rutz, Max Stocks (vice-chair), Daniel Wood (chair)

Forest Service (FS) representatives in attendance: Dale Hom (DFO), Ward Hoffman (Acting Pacific District Ranger), Karl Denison, Bill Shelmerdine, Dan Cenderelli, and Rich McConnell

Committee members absent: Jim Carlson (unexcused), Group A; Diane Ellison (unexcused), Group A; and Jerald Lutz (unexcused), Group A.

Replacement member not in attendance: Brett Lorentson, Group B.

Chairman Wood called the meeting to order at 7 PM.

Chairman Wood informed the committee that a quorum is present but we need at least one more member from Group A to approve projects. He asked if we knew if additional members are coming. Karl Denison said that he had talked to Diane Ellison earlier today and that she has a conflict, it was unlikely she would be attending. Barbara Marshall volunteered to call Jim Carlson and Jerald Lutz from Group A–she was unsuccessful in reaching them.

Chairman Wood noted that Ed Backholm Jr. from Group A and Delilah Snow from Group C have resigned from the committee and replacement members Jerald Lutz, Group A; and James Rutz, Group C, are now voting members of the committee. This leaves the Replacement members for Group A and Group C vacant at the present time.

Review of minutes from February 25, 2002: Delann Haglund moved to approve the minutes; Max Stocks seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

Review of 2002 Projects: Bill Shelmerdine said Wright’s Canyon Road Restoration and Falls Creek Channel were on schedule and currently into contracting. The FS plans to award the contracts in September. David Morrison noted that the FS road crew was working in Falls Creek area today.

Nancy Ness, said the Quinualt Fishers crew has been working on the Japanese knotweed. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Clearwater crew has done the Scotch broom and tansy work on 101. A tribal youth crew worked 8 hours for free. She plans to release beetles in October near Donkey Creek. She feels good about the progress the crews made this summer. Charles Munger asked about purple loosestrife. Nancy said they have released $50,000 worth of insects on it; they are starting to work. She thinks they will do the job within 5 years. Nancy hopes that repeated cuttings will work on the Japanese knotweed.


2003 Project Discussion: There are a total of seven project proposals for the committee to review and evaluate. Chairman Dan Wood invited project sponsors who were present to briefly explain their proposal to the committee.

Nancy Ness said the Gateway Weed project is similar to last years project. The request has increased slightly for travel, cost of living increase and funding for an additional person to spend more time in the field.

Bill Shelmerdine presented the FS projects. He Introduced Bob Metzger (fish biologist) and Dan Cenderelli (geomorphologist) and said they will be available for questions. Bill oriented the committee as to the specific project locations on a wall map. He said all four culvert replacement projects were located on anadromous fish streams and were partial blockages to fish migration during certain times of the year. Newberry Creek has $50,000 of Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) matching funds through Columbia Pacific RC&D. It could be designed and to contracting for construction in 2003. Bob Metzger said if we don’t obtain funding we could loose the $50,000 of match. Dan Cenderelli said the other culvert replacement projects are for planning only in 2003 so we can leverage funding for construction in 2004.

Charles Munger asked if the FS had prioritized the projects. Bill replied the priority for the culvert projects are: Newberry, Tributary to Salmon, Stevens and O’Brien.

David Morrison asked the definition of Total Contribution, listed on the Project Spreadsheet. Karl Denison said it is match contribution. Chairman Wood instructed the Committee to change the wording on their sheets to–Other Contributions.

James Rutz said there’s a 3 feet outfall on Newberry and wouldn’t a bridge be better than a culvert? Bill Shelmerdine said we have drilled the site, and we think we will replace with an arch culvert. Charles Munger asked about the cost difference. Bill said bridges are long span and run $150,000–$200,000. Arches run $80,000–$120,000 and large pipes with weirs run up to $80,000. Dan Cenderilli said, once you get over 25 feet bank full width, it is usually more cost effective to construct a bridge.

David Munger asked about the match on the O’Brien project. It was noted that the $162,000 would be FS appropriated match to complete the construction phase of the project.

Bill Shelmerdine discussed the Deferred Road Maintenance project. He said we are basically taking care of drainage. Replacing cross drains, out sloping, etc. We will prioritize and target level 3 roads that are presenting the highest risk to aquatic habitat. We are asking for $96,000 but we could still be effective with a minimum of $50,000.

Chairman Wood asked the Committee a procedural question. If it’s ok with the Committee, lets go through the ranking process and authorize me as chair to contact and poll the members absent tonight. The other option is to reschedule. Hearing no objection we will go with the first option.

Bill Shelmerdine discussed the Pacific Student Resource Corps project. It consists of hiring four summer students, environmental education, maintaining trails, trailheads and recreation facilities. Criss Osborn had problem with the fuzzy math–number of laborer days should be 160 instead of 500. Ward Hoffman said this project is the least likely to funded if not funded tonight via Title II. Chairman Wood said he would recommend to his Commission to fund this project out of Title III instead of Title II.

James Rutz questioned the educational component (2 hours per week) of the Student Corps. Dave Morrison said he has talked to the kids and there is a lot of hands on training. They also work hard and earn a paycheck; this is important because employment opportunities for youth are poor in this area.

Chairman Wood reminded the Committee that after they approve the projects the County Commissioner’s elect a portion of funding for Title II and/or III. He also said there will be a hearing on September 16th on funding an emergency generator with last years Title III funds.

James Rutz moved and Delann Haglund seconded the motion to recommend to the Grays Harbor county commissioners to fund the Pacific Resource Corps for $10,000 with Title III funds. David Morrison asked if the FS could handle more students with additional funding. Chairman Wood said the FS could let the Commission know if it is possible. The motion passed.

David Morrison, ask if $50,000 toward the Newberry Creek project would make it a doable project. Dan Cenderelli said that would be enough to leverage Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) funding and the FS would continue to look for additional funding.

Criss Osborn asked if the impediment of Stevens Creek affected Newberry Creek. The answer was no.

Delann Haglund asked if we could have more site-specific road maintenance projects for next year. Bill Shelmerdine said that was possible. He also said the deferred maintenance is ready to go on the ground right now.

Max Stocks moved and Dave Morrison seconded to fund Newberry for $59,500 and fully fund Salmon and Stevens. Terry Fensler informed the Committee that he has a financial interest in Newberry with the RC&D match. David Morrison said this motion would delete the weed project. Delann Haglund added, there are no other funding sources for the project.

David Morrison asked which project affects the most people. Chairman Wood said, fixing habitat to avoid listing. Morrison said prevention might be the best.

Charles Munger asked if O’Brien Creek is outside the National Forest. Shelmerdine said the FS owns the Right-Of-Way on the Donkey Creek Road.

Carla Carlyle said she would like to see action rather than planning.

Max Stocks withdrew his motion.

Carla Carlyle moved and seconded by Terry Fensler to fund the Quinault Weed Project. Motion passed–unanimous, contingent upon polling of Group A.

Max Stocks moved and Carla Carlyle seconded to fully fund Newberry Creek, Salmon and Stevens Creek and leave the balance to the FS. Delann Haglund said she would like to see O’Brien funded. It was asked what would happen time wise if we waited until next year to fund. Shelmerdine said if funded this year, construction is two years out. If funded next year, construction is probably one year out but may push it out another year.

Dan Cenderelli pointed out that O’Brien has the least risk of failure. Stevens the most risk. O’Brien has more fish.

Chairman Wood polled the Committee. Motion failed.

Terry Fensler moved and James Rultz seconded to fully fund Newberry Creek. Motion failed.

Delann Haglund moved and Dave Morrison seconded to fully fund Stevens Creek Culvert Replacement ($18,000) Salmon Creek Trib. Culvert Replacement ($13,000) O’Brien Creel Culvert Replacement ($13,000) and the remaining balance to Newberry Creek (approx. $63,000). Motion passes, contingent upon polling of Group A.

In the event Group A doesn’t vote in favor of any of the approved Title II motions, the committee recommends carrying over the remaining funds to next year.

Terry Fensler said most of the projects were solely FS. He asked what would be done to encourage more partners next year. Karl Denison explained that everyone was under a very tight timeframe this year, doing two years worth of projects in one year. Projects aren’t due until April next year. There will be more time to advertise, develop relationships and do the outreach needed to develop the partnerships needed

Chairman Wood adjourned the meeting at 9:05 PM.

NOTE: Chairman Wood contacted Jim Carlson, Group A, August 29, the day following the RAC meeting. Mr. Carlson voted in the affirmative for the projects as the committee had outlined for recommendation. Mr. Carlson’s affirmative vote gave a quorum vote from Group A to approve the recommendation of projects.

The projects approved for recommendation to the Designate Federal Official (Dale Hom) are as follows:

Quinault Gateway Weed Project $22,691

Stevens Creek Culvert Replacement $18,000

Salmon Creek Culvert Replacement $13,000

O’Brien Creek Culvert Replacement $13,000

Newberry Creek Culvert Replacement $65,000


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